


Bug #44270

Updated by Nathan Cutler about 4 years ago

On a single-node cluster, the "cephadm bootstrap" command deploys 1 MGR and 1 MON. 

 On very recent versions of master, if one very quickly runs the following "ceph orch osd create" command after "cephadm bootstrap" finishes 

 echo '{"testing_dg_admin": {"host_pattern": "admin*", "data_devices": {"all": true}}}' | ceph orch osd create -i - 

 **the command will complete with status code 0, yet no OSDs get created!** 

 (Note: this was taken from a system where the host was called "". To reproduce, change "admin" to the short hostname of the host.) 

 **If If I insert a "sleep 60" between "cephadm bootstrap" and "ceph orch osd create", the OSDs get created according to the drive groups JSON provided.** provided. 

 Note: this behavior was introduced quite recently.
