


Bug #44273

Updated by Nathan Cutler about 4 years ago

I typically test the most simple deployment imaginable: single node, 1 MGR, 1 MON, and 4 OSDs. The deployment is done by running two commands: 

 First command: 

 cephadm bootstrap ... 

 Second command: 

 echo '{"testing_dg_admin": {"host_pattern": "admin*", "data_devices": {"all": true}}}' | ceph orch osd create -i - 

 On very recent masters, this always seems to result in the cluster always comes coming up in HEALTH_WARN with: 

 # ceph health detail 
 HEALTH_WARN 1 stray daemons(s) not managed by cephadm 
 [WRN] CEPHADM_STRAY_DAEMON: 1 stray daemons(s) not managed by cephadm 
     stray daemon osd.3 on host admin not managed by cephadm 

 Eventually, this warning goes away, but it takes a long time - like 15 minutes or more. 

 Not sure if this is relevant, but the test is running on openSUSE Leap 15.2. 
