


Bug #42187

Updated by Patrick Seidensal over 4 years ago

Tests in master currently fail for the dashboard test due to an adaptation of response structure of ceph. 

 Another Second PR affected: 

 run-tox-mgr-dashboard fails with 

 <pre><code class="python"> 
 In [10]: one = {'auth': {'mutual_user': '', 'password': '', 'user': '', 'mutual_password': ''}, 'target_controls': {}, 'target_iqn': '', 'acl_enab 
     ...: led': True, 'groups': [{'group_id': 'mygroup', 'disks': [{'pool': 'rbd', 'image': 'lun2'}], 'members': ['', '']} 
     ...: ], 'portals': [{'host': 'node2', 'ip': ''}, {'host': 'node2', 'ip': ''}, {'host': 'node3', 'ip': ''}], 'info': {'num_sessions': 0}, 'clients' 
     ...: : [{'auth': {'mutual_user': 'myiscsiusername2', 'password': 'myiscsipassword1', 'user': 'myiscsiusername1', 'mutual_password': 'myiscsipassword2'}, 'info': {'alias': '', 'state': { 
     ...: }, 'ip_address': []}, 'client_iqn': '', 'luns': [{'pool': 'rbd', 'image': 'lun1'}]}, {'auth': {'mutual_user': 'myiscsiusername4', 'password': 'myis 
     ...: csipassword3', 'user': 'myiscsiusername3', 'mutual_password': 'myiscsipassword4'}, 'info': {'alias': '', 'state': {}, 'ip_address': []}, 'client_iqn': ' 
     ...: lient2', 'luns': []}, {'auth': {'mutual_user': None, 'password': None, 'mutual_password': None, 'user': None}, 'info': {'alias': '', 'state': {}, 'ip_address': []}, 'client_iqn': ' 
     ...:', 'luns': []}], 'disks': [{'image': 'lun1', 'backstore': 'user:rbd', 'pool': 'rbd', 'controls': {'max_data_area_mb': 128}}, {'image': 'lun2', 'ba 
     ...: ckstore': 'user:rbd', 'pool': 'rbd', 'controls': {'max_data_area_mb': 128}}]} 

 In [11]: two = {u'auth': {u'mutual_user': u'', u'password': u'', u'user': u'', u'mutual_password': u''}, u'target_controls': {}, u'target_iqn': u' 
     ...: ', u'acl_enabled': True, u'groups': [{u'group_id': u'mygroup', u'disks': [{u'pool': u'rbd', u'image': u'lun2'}], u'members': [u'', u'iqn.1994-05.c 
     ...: om.redhat:rh7-client3']}], u'portals': [{u'host': u'node2', u'ip': u''}, {u'host': u'node2', u'ip': u''}, {u'host': u'node3', u'ip': u''}], u 
     ...: 'clients': [{u'auth': {u'mutual_user': u'myiscsiusername2', u'password': u'myiscsipassword1', u'user': u'myiscsiusername1', u'mutual_password': u'myiscsipassword2'}, u'client_iqn': 
     ...:    u'', u'luns': [{u'pool': u'rbd', u'image': u'lun1'}]}, {u'auth': {u'mutual_user': u'myiscsiusername4', u'password': u'myiscsipassword3', u'user':  
     ...: u'myiscsiusername3', u'mutual_password': u'myiscsipassword4'}, u'client_iqn': u'', u'luns': []}, {u'auth': {u'mutual_user': None, u'password': Non 
     ...: e, u'user': None, u'mutual_password': None}, u'client_iqn': u'', u'luns': []}], u'disks': [{u'image': u'lun1', u'backstore': u'user:rbd', u'pool': 
     ...:    u'rbd', u'controls': {u'max_data_area_mb': 128}}, {u'image': u'lun2', u'backstore': u'user:rbd', u'pool': u'rbd', u'controls': {u'max_data_area_mb': 128}}]} 

 In [12]: one.keys() 
 Out[12]: dict_keys(['auth', 'target_controls', 'target_iqn', 'acl_enabled', 'groups', 'portals', 'info', 'clients', 'disks']) 

 In [13]: two.keys() 
 Out[13]: dict_keys(['auth', 'target_controls', 'target_iqn', 'acl_enabled', 'groups', 'portals', 'clients', 'disks']) 

 In [14]:  

 mgr-dashboard-frontend-unittests fails with 

   ● CephfsTabsComponent › handling of id change › should not subscribe to an new interval for the same selection 

     Timeout - Async callback was not invoked within the 5000ms timeout specified by jest.setTimeout.Error: Timeout - Async callback was not invoked within the 5000ms timeout specified by jest.setTimeout. 

       at mapper (node_modules/jest-jasmine2/build/queueRunner.js:25:45) 
