


Feature #40911

Updated by Ernesto Puerta over 4 years ago

Ensure that existing endpoints comply with ("reference": 
 * Resource endpoints are plurals (@/hosts@, @/osds@, @/mons@, etc). 
 * Resources map 1:1 to logical/physical entities (there are no "glue", "proxy" or "God" Resources) 
 * Resource name don't include verbs (@/get-notifications@ but @/notifications@). 
 * Resources include proper Media Types (Vendor-Specific: `application/vnd.ceph.dashboard.osd.v1+json`). 
 ** If Content/Media-type versioning is used, when version is not supported server must return 415 (Unsupported Media Type). 
 * Resources support the default actions/HTTP verbs and return the expected HTTP codes "[ref]": : 
 ** @POST@ for adding a new @Resource@ to @ResourceCollection@. 
 *** 201 + @Location: <URI of the new resource>@ when OK. 
 *** 200/204 if no new resource was created. 
 *** 303 if the resource already existed (@Location: <URI of the matching resource>@). 
 *** 400 when Resource couldn't be created due to improper data. 
 ** @GET@ for retrieving data from a single @Resource@ and listing @Resources@. 
 *** 200 if OK. 
 *** 404 if not found. 
 ** @PUT@ for update an existing @Resource@ (partial updates allowed to avoid @PATCH@ method). For @Collections@, bulk update. 
 ** @PATCH@ should be allowed for UPSERT additions (creating a new @Resource@/updating an existing one by specifying the key/ID). 
 ** @DELETE@ for deleting a @Resource@ or all @Collection@ @Resources@. 
 *** 202 - Accepted but not immediately deleted (@Location: <URI of asynchonous task@). 
 *** 204 - No content if deleted. 
 ** @OPTIONS@ should return the valid HTTP verbs for that endpoint. 
 * Only @POST@ and @PATCH@ are not idempotent. 
 * Asynchronous operations on Resources must return 202 and @Location: @ to the URI where the eventual status of the operation can be retrieved from. 
 ** Asynchronous ops and associated Resources should support tombstones (the async op metadata remains queryable after the async op finished, according to a retention policy). 
 * Resources that can be moved/renamed must (additionally) have a canonical/stable name (unique and unchanging). 
 * Resources should provide a header @Link: <{help}>; rel="help"@ pointing to documentation. 
 * Default @charset@ is @UTF-8@ 
 * Handle "@Prefer@": Headers: 
 ** @Prefer: respond-async, wait=10@: to specify that response should be asynchronously processed 
 ** @Prefer: return=representation@ or @return=minimal@, to include representation or empty body on Resource creation. 
 ** @Prefer: handling=strict@ and @handling=lenient@ to indicate the server to work on best-effort (some errors might be allowed) or strict way.  
 * @Collections@ are JSON arrays. The field used for the canonical/durable identified should be labeled as @id@. 

 Adhering to an standard/specification (some of them can be used together): 
 * "JSON:API 1.0": 
 * "OpenAPI 3.0": 

 | Resource | POST | GET | PUT | DELETE | 
 | @/resource@ | ✔ | ✔ | ✔ | ✔ | 
