


Bug #22742

Updated by Nathan Cutler about 6 years ago

Created a public bucket; after resharding the acls do not seem to have been retained 

 $ s3 -us    create publicbucket cannedAcl=public-read-write 
 Request-Id: tx0000000000000000f48ff-005a5dd7d9-3732-default 
 Bucket successfully created. 
 $for i in {1..10}; do curl -X PUT http://localhost:8000/publicbucket/obj$i -d "@null" -s; done 
 $ s3 -us list publicbucket 
 Content-Type: application/xml 
 Request-Id: tx0000000000000000f490a-005a5dd810-3732-default 
 Content-Length: 2718 
                        Key                               Last Modified        Size 
 --------------------------------------------------    --------------------    ----- 
 obj1                                                  2018-01-16T09:46:29Z        0 
 obj10                                                 2018-01-16T09:46:29Z        0 
 obj2                                                  2018-01-16T09:46:29Z        0 
 obj3                                                  2018-01-16T09:46:29Z        0 
 obj4                                                  2018-01-16T09:46:29Z        0 
 obj5                                                  2018-01-16T09:46:29Z        0 
 obj6                                                  2018-01-16T09:46:29Z        0 
 obj7                                                  2018-01-16T09:46:29Z        0 
 obj8                                                  2018-01-16T09:46:29Z        0 
 obj9                                                  2018-01-16T09:46:29Z        0 

 $ s3 -us getacl publicbucket filename=publicbucket.acl 
 Content-Type: application/xml 
 Request-Id: tx0000000000000000f490c-005a5dd89d-3732-default 
 Content-Length: 820 
 $ cat publicbucket.acl 
 OwnerID testid M. Tester 
  Type                                        User Identifier                                             Permission 
 ------    ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------    ------------ 
 Group     All Users                                                                                     READ 
 Group     All Users                                                                                     WRITE 
 UserID    testid (M. Tester)                                                                            FULL_CONTROL 

 $ radosgw-admin bucket reshard --bucket=publicbucket --num-shards=10 
 2018-01-16 11:50:44.480673 7f70a509c9c0 -1 WARNING: the following dangerous and experimental features are enabled: * 
 2018-01-16 11:50:44.481002 7f70a509c9c0 -1 WARNING: the following dangerous and experimental features are enabled: * 
 2018-01-16 11:50:44.482355 7f70a509c9c0 -1 WARNING: the following dangerous and experimental features are enabled: * 
 *** NOTICE: operation will not remove old bucket index objects *** 
 ***           these will need to be removed manually               *** 
 old bucket instance id: 7bacfc31-0169-4b18-8c29-1e4c5b1e481b.14130.3 
 new bucket instance id: 7bacfc31-0169-4b18-8c29-1e4c5b1e481b.14161.1 
 total entries: 10 
 2018-01-16 11:50:44.892935 7f70a509c9c0    0 lockdep stop 

 $ s3 -us getacl publicbucket filename=publicbucket2.acl 
 Content-Type: application/xml 
 Request-Id: tx0000000000000000f490d-005a5dd90c-3732-default 
 Content-Length: 435 
 $ cat publicbucket2.acl 
 OwnerID testid M. Tester 
  Type                                        User Identifier                                             Permission 
 ------    ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------    ------------ 
 UserID    testid (M. Tester)                                                                            FULL_CONTROL 

 $ curl http://localhost:8000/publicbucket 
 <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?><Error><Code>AccessDenied</Code><BucketName>publicbucket</BucketName><RequestId>tx0000000000000000f490e-005a5dd949-3732-default</RequestId><HostId>3732-default-default</HostId></Error> 
