



Bug #62512


osd msgr-worker high cpu 300% due to throttle-osd_client_messages get_or_fail_fail (osd_client_message_cap=256)

Added by jianwei zhang 8 months ago. Updated 13 days ago.

Target version:
% Done:


Community (user)
2 - major
Affected Versions:
Pull request ID:
Crash signature (v1):
Crash signature (v2):



osd high cpu

# ceph daemon osd.0 perf dump throttle-osd_client_messages
    "throttle-osd_client_messages": {
        "val": 256,
        "max": 256,
        "get_started": 0,
        "get": 147211691,
        "get_sum": 147211691,
        "get_or_fail_fail": 539294322,
        "get_or_fail_success": 147211691,
        "take": 0,
        "take_sum": 0,
        "put": 147211435,
        "put_sum": 147211435,
        "wait": {
            "avgcount": 0,
            "sum": 0.000000000,
            "avgtime": 0.000000000

osd_client_message_cap change history :


 Revert "ceph_osd: remove client message cap limit" 

This reverts commit 45d5ac3.

Without a msg throttler, we can't change osd_client_message_cap cap.
The throttler is designed to work with 0 as a max, so change the
default to 0 to disable it by default instead.

This doesn't affect the default behavior, it only lets us use this
option again.


    src/ - new style of gconf() access

Signed-off-by: Josh Durgin <>
Signed-off-by: Neha Ojha <>


 common/options: Set osd_client_message_cap to 256.

This seems like a reasonable default value based on testing results here:

Eventually we may want to rethink how the throttles and even how flow control
works, but this at least gives us some basic limits now ( a little higher than
the old value of 100 that we used for many years).

Signed-off-by: Mark Nelson <>


top-osd-cpu.jpg (163 KB) top-osd-cpu.jpg top-osd-cpu jianwei zhang, 08/22/2023 07:27 AM
top-H-osd-cpu.jpg (187 KB) top-H-osd-cpu.jpg top-H-msgr-worker-cpu jianwei zhang, 08/22/2023 07:27 AM
osd-cpu变化曲线.jpg (118 KB) osd-cpu变化曲线.jpg osd-cpu-history-change jianwei zhang, 08/22/2023 07:44 AM
osd-cpu-history-change.jpg (118 KB) osd-cpu-history-change.jpg osd-cpu-history-change jianwei zhang, 08/22/2023 07:47 AM
Actions #1

Updated by jianwei zhang 8 months ago

Actions #2

Updated by jianwei zhang 8 months ago

Osd throttle-osd_client_messages has been producing a lot of get_or_fail_fail.
Top-p < > see that the total consumption of ceph-osd CPU is 168%.
Top-H-p < > found that 3 msgr-worker-0/1/2 consumed cpu.

Actions #4

Updated by jianwei zhang 8 months ago

Actions #5

Updated by jianwei zhang 8 months ago

As shown in the figure,
16:00 ~ 20:00 osd_client_message_cap=256, cpu high to 200%
after 20:00 osd_client_message_cap=1000000, cpu reduce to 20%

When I change osd_client_message_cap to 1000000 (which means no limit).
Osd's msgr-worker thread cpu consumption was immediately reduced from 200% to 20%.

I was thinking that this problem might also be caused by the depletion of the osd_client_message_size_cap (500m) throttle_bytes.

When an osd receives a large amount of connection and reads tcp data, after reaching the throttle limit, how can we avoid the high cpu consumption of msgr-worker?

Actions #6

Updated by jianwei zhang 8 months ago

Actions #7

Updated by jianwei zhang 8 months ago

CtPtr ProtocolV2::throttle_message() {
  ldout(cct, 20) << __func__ << dendl;

  if (connection->policy.throttler_messages) {
    ldout(cct, 10) << __func__ << " wants " << 1
                   << " message from policy throttler " 
                   << connection->policy.throttler_messages->get_current()
                   << "/" << connection->policy.throttler_messages->get_max()
                   << dendl;
    if (!connection->policy.throttler_messages->get_or_fail()) {
      ldout(cct, 1) << __func__ << " wants 1 message from policy throttle " 
                     << connection->policy.throttler_messages->get_current()
                     << "/" << connection->policy.throttler_messages->get_max()
                     << " failed, just wait." << dendl;
      // following thread pool deal with th full message queue isn't a
      // short time, so we can wait a ms.
      if (connection->register_time_events.empty()) {
      return nullptr;

  return CONTINUE(throttle_bytes);

CtPtr ProtocolV2::throttle_bytes() {
  ldout(cct, 20) << __func__ << dendl;

  const size_t cur_msg_size = get_current_msg_size();
  if (cur_msg_size) {
    if (connection->policy.throttler_bytes) {
      ldout(cct, 10) << __func__ << " wants " << cur_msg_size
                     << " bytes from policy throttler " 
                     << connection->policy.throttler_bytes->get_current() << "/" 
                     << connection->policy.throttler_bytes->get_max() << dendl;
      if (!connection->policy.throttler_bytes->get_or_fail(cur_msg_size)) {
        ldout(cct, 1) << __func__ << " wants " << cur_msg_size
                       << " bytes from policy throttler " 
                       << connection->policy.throttler_bytes->get_current()
                       << "/" << connection->policy.throttler_bytes->get_max()
                       << " failed, just wait." << dendl;
        // following thread pool deal with th full message queue isn't a
        // short time, so we can wait a ms.
        if (connection->register_time_events.empty()) {
                  1000, connection->wakeup_handler));
        return nullptr;

  return CONTINUE(throttle_dispatch_queue);

CtPtr ProtocolV2::throttle_dispatch_queue() {
  ldout(cct, 20) << __func__ << dendl;

  const size_t cur_msg_size = get_current_msg_size();
  if (cur_msg_size) {
    if (!connection->dispatch_queue->dispatch_throttler.get_or_fail(
            cur_msg_size)) {
      ldout(cct, 1)
          << __func__ << " wants " << cur_msg_size
          << " bytes from dispatch throttle " 
          << connection->dispatch_queue->dispatch_throttler.get_current() << "/" 
          << connection->dispatch_queue->dispatch_throttler.get_max()
          << " failed, just wait." << dendl;
      // following thread pool deal with th full message queue isn't a
      // short time, so we can wait a ms.
      if (connection->register_time_events.empty()) {
      return nullptr;

  throttle_stamp = ceph_clock_now();
  state = THROTTLE_DONE;

  return read_frame_segment();
uint64_t EventCenter::create_time_event(uint64_t microseconds, EventCallbackRef ctxt)
  uint64_t id = time_event_next_id++;

  ldout(cct, 30) << __func__ << " id=" << id << " trigger after " << microseconds << "us"<< dendl;
  EventCenter::TimeEvent event;
  clock_type::time_point expire = clock_type::now() + std::chrono::microseconds(microseconds); = id;
  event.time_cb = ctxt;
  std::multimap<clock_type::time_point, TimeEvent>::value_type s_val(expire, event);
  auto it = time_events.insert(std::move(s_val));
  event_map[id] = it;

  return id;
std::function<void ()> NetworkStack::add_thread(Worker* w)
  return [this, w]() {
      const unsigned EventMaxWaitUs = 30000000;
      ldout(cct, 10) << __func__ << " starting" << dendl;
      while (!w->done) {
        ldout(cct, 30) << __func__ << " calling event process" << dendl;

        ceph::timespan dur;
        int r = w->center.process_events(EventMaxWaitUs, &dur);
        if (r < 0) {
          ldout(cct, 20) << __func__ << " process events failed: " 
                         << cpp_strerror(errno) << dendl;
          // TODO do something?
        w->perf_logger->tinc(l_msgr_running_total_time, dur);

int EventCenter::process_events(unsigned timeout_microseconds,  ceph::timespan *working_dur)
  struct timeval tv;
  int numevents;
  bool trigger_time = false;
  auto now = clock_type::now();
  clock_type::time_point end_time = now + std::chrono::microseconds(timeout_microseconds);

  auto it = time_events.begin();
  if (it != time_events.end() && end_time >= it->first) {
    trigger_time = true;
    end_time = it->first;

    if (end_time > now) {
      timeout_microseconds = std::chrono::duration_cast<std::chrono::microseconds>(end_time - now).count();
    } else {
      timeout_microseconds = 0;

  bool blocking = pollers.empty() && !external_num_events.load();
  if (!blocking)
    timeout_microseconds = 0;
  tv.tv_sec = timeout_microseconds / 1000000;
  tv.tv_usec = timeout_microseconds % 1000000;

  ldout(cct, 30) << __func__ << " wait second " << tv.tv_sec << " usec " << tv.tv_usec << dendl;
  std::vector<FiredFileEvent> fired_events;
  numevents = driver->event_wait(fired_events, &tv);
  auto working_start = ceph::mono_clock::now();
  for (int event_id = 0; event_id < numevents; event_id++) {
    int rfired = 0;
    FileEvent *event;
    EventCallbackRef cb;
    event = _get_file_event(fired_events[event_id].fd);

    /* note the event->mask & mask & ... code: maybe an already processed
    * event removed an element that fired and we still didn't
    * processed, so we check if the event is still valid. */
    if (event->mask & fired_events[event_id].mask & EVENT_READABLE) {
      rfired = 1;
      cb = event->read_cb;

    if (event->mask & fired_events[event_id].mask & EVENT_WRITABLE) {
      if (!rfired || event->read_cb != event->write_cb) {
        cb = event->write_cb;

    ldout(cct, 30) << __func__ << " event_wq process is " << fired_events[event_id].fd
                   << " mask is " << fired_events[event_id].mask << dendl;

  if (trigger_time)
    numevents += process_time_events();

  if (external_num_events.load()) {
    std::deque<EventCallbackRef> cur_process;
    numevents += cur_process.size();
    while (!cur_process.empty()) {
      EventCallbackRef e = cur_process.front();
      ldout(cct, 30) << __func__ << " do " << e << dendl;

  if (!numevents && !blocking) {
    for (uint32_t i = 0; i < pollers.size(); i++)
      numevents += pollers[i]->poll();

  if (working_dur)
    *working_dur = ceph::mono_clock::now() - working_start;
  return numevents;
int EventCenter::process_time_events()
  int processed = 0;
  clock_type::time_point now = clock_type::now();
  using ceph::operator <<;
  ldout(cct, 30) << __func__ << " cur time is " << now << dendl;

  while (!time_events.empty()) {
    auto it = time_events.begin();
    if (now >= it->first) {
      TimeEvent &e = it->second;
      EventCallbackRef cb = e.time_cb;
      uint64_t id =;
      ldout(cct, 30) << __func__ << " process time event: id=" << id << dendl;
    } else {

  return processed;
Actions #8

Updated by jianwei zhang 8 months ago

reproduce :

# ceph versions
    "mon": {
        "ceph version 18.1.0-0 (c2214eb5df9fa034cc571d81a32a5414d60f0405) reef (rc)": 1
    "mgr": {
        "ceph version 18.1.0-0 (c2214eb5df9fa034cc571d81a32a5414d60f0405) reef (rc)": 1
    "osd": {
        "ceph version 18.1.0-0 (c2214eb5df9fa034cc571d81a32a5414d60f0405) reef (rc)": 1
    "overall": {
        "ceph version 18.1.0-0 (c2214eb5df9fa034cc571d81a32a5414d60f0405) reef (rc)": 3

# ceph -s
    id:     dcc749b4-c686-453b-8f25-6b965cdb360f
    health: HEALTH_OK

    mon: 1 daemons, quorum a (age 119s)
    mgr: x(active, since 106s)
    osd: 1 osds: 1 up (since 104s), 1 in (since 2w)

    pools:   2 pools, 129 pgs
    objects: 17.80M objects, 1.7 TiB
    usage:   2.0 TiB used, 7.4 TiB / 9.4 TiB avail
    pgs:     129 active+clean

# ceph osd tree
ID  CLASS  WEIGHT   TYPE NAME                             STATUS  REWEIGHT  PRI-AFF
-1         9.39259  root default                                                   
-3         9.39259      host node-01                           
 0    hdd  9.39259          osd.0                             up   1.00000  1.00000

# ceph osd crush rule dump
        "rule_id": 0,
        "rule_name": "replicated_rule",
        "type": 1,
        "steps": [
                "op": "take",
                "item": -1,
                "item_name": "default" 
                "op": "choose_firstn",
                "num": 0,
                "type": "osd" 
                "op": "emit" 

# ceph osd pool ls detail
pool 1 '.mgr' replicated size 1 min_size 1 crush_rule 0 object_hash rjenkins pg_num 1 pgp_num 1 autoscale_mode on last_change 8 flags hashpspool stripe_width 0 pg_num_max 32 pg_num_min 1 application mgr read_balance_score 1.00
pool 2 'test-pool' replicated size 1 min_size 1 crush_rule 0 object_hash rjenkins pg_num 128 pgp_num 128 autoscale_mode off last_change 20 flags hashpspool stripe_width 0 application rgw read_balance_score 1.00

# ceph daemon osd.0 config show | grep _message_
    "osd_client_message_cap": "256",
    "osd_client_message_size_cap": "524288000",

# ceph daemon osd.0 perf dump throttle-osd_client_messages
    "throttle-osd_client_messages": {
        "val": 0,
        "max": 256,
        "get_started": 0,
        "get": 45,
        "get_sum": 45,
        "get_or_fail_fail": 0,
        "get_or_fail_success": 45,
        "take": 0,
        "take_sum": 0,
        "put": 45,
        "put_sum": 45,
        "wait": {
            "avgcount": 0,
            "sum": 0.000000000,
            "avgtime": 0.000000000
# cat 
for i in {1..4000} ; do
    name1=$(echo $RANDOM)
    name2=$(echo $RANDOM)
    echo "test-bench-write-$name1-$name2" 
    nohup rados -c ./ceph.conf bench 7201 write --no-cleanup -t 1 -p test-pool  -b 102434 --show-time --run-name "test-bench-write-$name1-$name2" >> writelog 2>&1 &

# netstat -apn |grep 207791 |wc -l

# ps aux |grep 7201 | grep bench | wc -l
Every 2.0s: ceph daemon osd.0 perf dump throttle-osd_client_messages                                                                  SZJD-YFQ-PM-OS01-BCONEST-06: Tue Aug 22 09:03:21 2023

    "throttle-osd_client_messages": {
        "val": 256,
        "max": 256,
        "get_started": 0,
        "get": 165176,
        "get_sum": 165176,
        "get_or_fail_fail": 1083021238,
        "get_or_fail_success": 165176,
        "take": 0,
        "take_sum": 0,
        "put": 164920,
        "put_sum": 164920,
        "wait": {
            "avgcount": 0,
            "sum": 0.000000000,
            "avgtime": 0.000000000

Every 2.0s: ceph daemon osd.0 perf dump throttle-osd_client_messages                                                                  SZJD-YFQ-PM-OS01-BCONEST-06: Tue Aug 22 09:03:33 2023

    "throttle-osd_client_messages": {
        "val": 256,
        "max": 256,
        "get_started": 0,
        "get": 165797,
        "get_sum": 165797,
        "get_or_fail_fail": 1116869671,
        "get_or_fail_success": 165797,
        "take": 0,
        "take_sum": 0,
        "put": 165541,
        "put_sum": 165541,
        "wait": {
            "avgcount": 0,
            "sum": 0.000000000,
            "avgtime": 0.000000000

# top -d 1
top - 09:04:52 up 32 days,  2:52,  0 users,  load average: 15.92, 18.04, 14.95
Tasks:  12 total,   1 running,  11 sleeping,   0 stopped,   0 zombie
%Cpu(s): 17.8 us, 14.3 sy,  0.0 ni, 66.2 id,  1.5 wa,  0.0 hi,  0.2 si,  0.0 st
MiB Mem : 128653.1 total,   6153.0 free,  83353.8 used,  39146.2 buff/cache
MiB Swap:      0.0 total,      0.0 free,      0.0 used.  43776.2 avail Mem 

    PID USER      PR  NI    VIRT    RES    SHR S  %CPU  %MEM     TIME+ COMMAND                                                                                                            
 207791 root      20   0 1299468 645520  19008 S 302.0   0.5  24:44.35 ceph-osd                                                                                                           
 199716 root      20   0  668520 110400  14044 S   3.3   0.1   0:56.61 ceph-mon                                                                                                           
 200019 root      20   0 5632212 436192  18904 S   0.3   0.3   0:21.70 ceph-mgr       

# top -H -d 1 -p 207791
top - 09:03:51 up 32 days,  2:51,  0 users,  load average: 20.18, 19.05, 15.03
Threads:  64 total,   3 running,  61 sleeping,   0 stopped,   0 zombie
%Cpu(s): 18.6 us, 16.3 sy,  0.0 ni, 63.9 id,  0.9 wa,  0.0 hi,  0.3 si,  0.0 st
MiB Mem : 128653.1 total,   3911.6 free,  83255.9 used,  41485.5 buff/cache
MiB Swap:      0.0 total,      0.0 free,      0.0 used.  43874.3 avail Mem 

    PID USER      PR  NI    VIRT    RES    SHR S  %CPU  %MEM     TIME+ COMMAND                                                                                                            
 207806 root      20   0 1299468 645496  19008 R  99.9   0.5   7:00.66 msgr-worker-2                                                                                                      
 207804 root      20   0 1299468 645496  19008 R  99.0   0.5   7:00.55 msgr-worker-0                                                                                                      
 207805 root      20   0 1299468 645496  19008 R  99.0   0.5   7:00.41 msgr-worker-1                                                                                                      
 208289 root      20   0 1299468 645496  19008 S   1.0   0.5   0:04.05 tp_osd_tp                                                                                                          
 208292 root      20   0 1299468 645496  19008 S   1.0   0.5   0:03.55 tp_osd_tp                                                                                                          
 207791 root      20   0 1299468 645496  19008 S   0.0   0.5   0:01.02 ceph-osd                                                                                                           
 207793 root      20   0 1299468 645496  19008 S   0.0   0.5   0:00.00 log                                                                                                                
 207794 root      20   0 1299468 645496  19008 S   0.0   0.5   0:00.04 service                                                                                                            
 207795 root      20   0 1299468 645496  19008 S   0.0   0.5   0:00.32 admin_socket                                                                                                       
 207807 root      20   0 1299468 645496  19008 S   0.0   0.5   0:00.00 signal_handler                                                                                                     
 207808 root      20   0 1299468 645496  19008 S   0.0   0.5   0:00.00 io_context_pool                                                                                                    
 207809 root      20   0 1299468 645496  19008 S   0.0   0.5   0:00.00 io_context_pool                                                                                                    
 207819 root      20   0 1299468 645496  19008 S   0.0   0.5   0:00.77 OpHistorySvc                                                                                                       
 207820 root      20   0 1299468 645496  19008 S   0.0   0.5   0:00.01 ceph_timer                                                                                                         
 207827 root      20   0 1299468 645496  19008 S   0.0   0.5   0:00.00 ceph-osd                                                                                                           
 207836 root      20   0 1299468 645496  19008 S   0.0   0.5   0:00.00 ceph-osd                                                                                                           
 207844 root      20   0 1299468 645496  19008 S   0.0   0.5   0:00.00 ceph-osd                                                                                                           
 207853 root      20   0 1299468 645496  19008 S   0.0   0.5   0:00.00 ceph-osd                                                                                                           
 207863 root      20   0 1299468 645496  19008 S   0.0   0.5   0:00.00 ceph-osd                                                                                                           
 207864 root      20   0 1299468 645496  19008 S   0.0   0.5   0:00.00 ceph-osd                                                                                                           
 207865 root      20   0 1299468 645496  19008 S   0.0   0.5   0:00.13 safe_timer                                                                                                         
 207866 root      20   0 1299468 645496  19008 S   0.0   0.5   0:00.42 safe_timer                                                                                                         
 207867 root      20   0 1299468 645496  19008 S   0.0   0.5   0:00.00 safe_timer                                                                                                         
 207868 root      20   0 1299468 645496  19008 S   0.0   0.5   0:00.00 safe_timer                                                                                                         
 207869 root      20   0 1299468 645496  19008 S   0.0   0.5   0:00.00 fn_anonymous                                                                                                       
 207870 root      20   0 1299468 645496  19008 S   0.0   0.5   0:00.97 bstore_aio                                                                                                         
 207879 root      20   0 1299468 645496  19008 S   0.0   0.5   0:00.00 rocksdb:low                                                                                                        
 207880 root      20   0 1299468 645496  19008 S   0.0   0.5   0:00.00 rocksdb:low                                                                                                        
 207881 root      20   0 1299468 645496  19008 S   0.0   0.5   0:00.00 rocksdb:low                                                                                                        
 207882 root      20   0 1299468 645496  19008 S   0.0   0.5   0:00.00 rocksdb:high                                                                                                       
 208065 root      20   0 1299468 645496  19008 S   0.0   0.5   0:00.22 bstore_aio                                                                                                         
 208067 root      20   0 1299468 645496  19008 S   0.0   0.5   0:00.19 bstore_aio                                                                                                         
 208068 root      20   0 1299468 645496  19008 S   0.0   0.5   0:01.02 bstore_aio                                                                                                         
 208255 root      20   0 1299468 645496  19008 S   0.0   0.5   0:00.00 ceph-osd                                                                                                           
 208257 root      20   0 1299468 645496  19008 S   0.0   0.5   0:00.00 cfin                                                                                                               
 208258 root      20   0 1299468 645496  19008 S   0.0   0.5   0:08.01 bstore_kv_sync                                                                                                     
 208259 root      20   0 1299468 645496  19008 S   0.0   0.5   0:01.39 bstore_kv_final                                                                                                    
 208260 root      20   0 1299468 645496  19008 S   0.0   0.5   0:02.26 bstore_mempool                                                                                                     
 208267 root      20   0 1299468 645496  19008 S   0.0   0.5   0:00.14 ms_dispatch                                                                                                        
 208268 root      20   0 1299468 645496  19008 S   0.0   0.5   0:00.00 ms_local                                                                                                           
 208269 root      20   0 1299468 645496  19008 S   0.0   0.5   0:00.10 safe_timer                                                                                                         
 208270 root      20   0 1299468 645496  19008 S   0.0   0.5   0:00.04 safe_timer                                                                                                         
 208271 root      20   0 1299468 645496  19008 S   0.0   0.5   0:00.00 ms_dispatch                                                                                                        
 208272 root      20   0 1299468 645496  19008 S   0.0   0.5   0:00.00 ms_local                                                                                                           
 208273 root      20   0 1299468 645496  19008 S   0.0   0.5   0:00.00 ms_dispatch                                                                                                        
 208274 root      20   0 1299468 645496  19008 S   0.0   0.5   0:00.00 ms_local            
Actions #9

Updated by jianwei zhang 8 months ago

Samples: 916K of event 'cycles:u', 4000 Hz, Event count (approx.): 96318727172 lost: 0/0 drop: 0/0                                                                                         
  Children      Self  Shared Object         Symbol                                                                                                                                         
+   83.50%     7.21%  ceph-osd              [.] EventCenter::process_time_events
+   75.71%     0.02%  ceph-osd              [.] EventCenter::process_events
+   69.53%     0.31%  ceph-osd              [.] AsyncConnection::wakeup_from
+   69.09%     0.02%  ceph-osd              [.] std::_Function_handler<void (), NetworkStack::add_thread(Worker*)::{lambda()#1}>::_M_invoke
+   65.16%     6.31%  ceph-osd              [.] AsyncConnection::process
+   51.00%     0.95%  ceph-osd              [.] ProtocolV2::throttle_message
+   50.00%     0.42%  ceph-osd              [.] ProtocolV2::run_continuation
+   31.46%    13.14%  ceph-osd              [.] EventCenter::create_time_event
+   18.95%     5.42%  ceph-osd              [.] Throttle::get_or_fail
+   16.20%    12.84%  ceph-osd              [.] std::_Rb_tree<std::chrono::time_point<ceph::coarse_mono_clock, std::chrono::duration<unsigned long, std::ratio<1l, 1000000000l> > >, std::p
+   13.09%    12.46%    [.] __pthread_mutex_lock
+   11.84%     0.01%  ceph-osd              [.] pthread_mutex_lock@plt
+    6.65%     6.65%   [.] std::_Rb_tree_rebalance_for_erase
+    6.55%     1.12%          [.] clock_gettime@GLIBC_2.2.5
+    6.53%     0.10%  ceph-osd              [.] std::_Rb_tree_rebalance_for_erase@plt
+    5.83%     5.67%    [.] __pthread_mutex_unlock_usercnt
+    5.62%     5.62%  [vdso]                [.] __vdso_clock_gettime
+    4.65%     4.65%   [.] std::_Rb_tree_insert_and_rebalance
+    4.50%     0.05%  ceph-osd              [.] std::_Rb_tree_insert_and_rebalance@plt
+    4.45%     0.06%  ceph-osd              [.] pthread_mutex_unlock@plt
+    4.41%     4.41%  ceph-osd              [.] ceph::common::PerfCounters::inc
+    2.90%     2.90%  [.] tc_deletearray_aligned_nothrow
+    2.89%     0.10%  ceph-osd              [.] operator delete@plt
+    2.72%     1.98%  ceph-osd              [.] std::_Rb_tree<unsigned long, unsigned long, std::_Identity<unsigned long>, std::less<unsigned long>, std::allocator<unsigned long> >::erase
     2.57%     0.00%  ceph-osd              [.] rocksdb::DBImpl::WriteToWAL
     2.40%     0.00%  ceph-osd              [.] rocksdb::DBImpl::WriteImpl
+    1.72%     1.31%  ceph-osd              [.] ProtocolV2::read_event
+    1.71%     1.70%  ceph-osd              [.] ceph::common::PerfCounters::tinc
+    1.40%     0.12%  ceph-osd              [.] operator new@plt
+    1.34%     1.34%  [.] operator new[]
+    1.17%     0.09%  ceph-osd              [.] clock_gettime@plt
+    1.03%     0.10%  ceph-osd              [.] CtFun<ProtocolV2>::call
     0.87%     0.00%  ceph-osd              [.] rocksdb::WritableFileWriter::SyncInternal
     0.79%     0.49%  ceph-osd              [.] C_time_wakeup::do_request
     0.76%     0.36%  ceph-osd              [.] std::_Rb_tree<unsigned long, unsigned long, std::_Identity<unsigned long>, std::less<unsigned long>, std::allocator<unsigned long> >::_M_er
     0.66%     0.64%    [.] __lll_lock_wait
     0.56%     0.00%  ceph-osd              [.] rocksdb::(anonymous namespace)::LegacyWritableFileWrapper::Sync
     0.41%     0.00%  ceph-osd              [.] rocksdb::DBImpl::Write
+    0.36%     0.00%  ceph-osd              [.] RocksDBStore::submit_transaction_sync
     0.32%     0.00%  ceph-osd              [.] RocksDBStore::submit_common
     0.29%     0.29%  ceph-osd              [.] std::_Rb_tree<unsigned long, std::pair<unsigned long const, std::_Rb_tree_iterator<std::pair<std::chrono::time_point<ceph::coarse_mono_cloc
     0.21%     0.21%   [.] std::_Rb_tree_increment
     0.21%     0.00%  ceph-osd              [.] std::_Rb_tree_increment@plt
     0.17%     0.09%    [.] __lll_unlock_wake
     0.16%     0.16%    [.] __pthread_mutex_unlock
     0.11%     0.11%  [kernel]              [k] system_call
     0.09%     0.00%  [unknown]             [.] 0x0000000000000051
     0.08%     0.00%  ceph-osd              [.] PrimaryLogPG::do_op
     0.08%     0.00%  ceph-osd              [.] PrimaryLogPG::execute_ctx
     0.07%     0.00%  ceph-osd              [.] ReplicatedBackend::submit_transaction
     0.07%     0.00%  ceph-osd              [.] PrimaryLogPG::issue_repop
     0.06%     0.00%  [unknown]             [.] 0x0000000000000121
     0.06%     0.00%  ceph-osd              [.] BlueStore::queue_transactions
     0.06%     0.00%  [unknown]             [.] 0x0000000000000071

Samples: 1M of event 'cycles:u', 4000 Hz, Event count (approx.): 171944543804 lost: 0/0 drop: 0/0                                                                                          
  Children      Self  Shared Object             Symbol                                                                                                                                     
-   77.43%     7.32%  ceph-osd                  [.] EventCenter::process_time_events                                                                                                      ◆
   - 13.13% EventCenter::process_time_events                                                                                                                                              ▒
      - 16.27% AsyncConnection::wakeup_from                                                                                                                                               ▒
         - 16.36% AsyncConnection::process                                                                                                                                                ▒
            + 3.73% clock_gettime@GLIBC_2.2.5                                                                                                                                             ▒
            - 2.84% ProtocolV2::run_continuation                                                                                                                                          ▒
               - 14.31% ProtocolV2::throttle_message                                                                                                                                      ▒
                  - 19.39% EventCenter::create_time_event                                                                                                                                 ▒
                       10.53% std::_Rb_tree<std::chrono::time_point<ceph::coarse_mono_clock, std::chrono::duration<unsigned long, std::ratio<1l, 1000000000l> > >, std::pair<std::chrono::▒
                  - 12.51% Throttle::get_or_fail                                                                                                                                          ▒
                       3.85% pthread_mutex_lock@plt                                                                                                                                       ▒
                       2.91% ceph::common::PerfCounters::inc                                                                                                                              ▒
           4.24% pthread_mutex_lock@plt                                                                                                                                                   ▒
        6.04% std::_Rb_tree_rebalance_for_erase@plt                                                                                                                                       ▒
+   72.99%     0.02%  ceph-osd                  [.] EventCenter::process_events                                                                                                           ▒
+   68.35%     0.02%  ceph-osd                  [.] std::_Function_handler<void (), NetworkStack::add_thread(Worker*)::{lambda()#1}>::_M_invoke                                           ▒
+   66.86%     0.32%  ceph-osd                  [.] AsyncConnection::wakeup_from                                                                                                          ▒
+   62.80%     6.40%  ceph-osd                  [.] AsyncConnection::process                                                                                                              ▒
+   50.23%     1.00%  ceph-osd                  [.] ProtocolV2::throttle_message                                                                                                          ▒
+   48.29%     0.46%  ceph-osd                  [.] ProtocolV2::run_continuation                                                                                                          ▒
+   31.39%    12.97%  ceph-osd                  [.] EventCenter::create_time_event                                                                                                        ▒
+   18.51%     5.20%  ceph-osd                  [.] Throttle::get_or_fail                                                                                                                 ▒
+   16.22%    12.82%  ceph-osd                  [.] std::_Rb_tree<std::chrono::time_point<ceph::coarse_mono_clock, std::chrono::duration<unsigned long, std::ratio<1l, 1000000000l> > >, s▒
+   12.89%    12.28%        [.] __pthread_mutex_lock                                                                                                                  ▒
+   11.62%     0.01%  ceph-osd                  [.] pthread_mutex_lock@plt                                                                                                                ▒
+    6.73%     6.73%       [.] std::_Rb_tree_rebalance_for_erase                                                                                                     ▒
+    6.44%     1.17%              [.] clock_gettime@GLIBC_2.2.5                                                                                                             ▒
+    6.34%     0.09%  ceph-osd                  [.] std::_Rb_tree_rebalance_for_erase@plt                                                                                                 ▒
+    5.67%     5.50%        [.] __pthread_mutex_unlock_usercnt                                                                                                        ▒
+    5.53%     5.53%  [vdso]                    [.] __vdso_clock_gettime                                                                                                                  ▒
     5.47%     0.00%  ceph-osd                  [.] rocksdb::DBImpl::WriteToWAL                                                                                                           ▒
+    4.76%     4.76%       [.] std::_Rb_tree_insert_and_rebalance                                                                                                    ▒
+    4.61%     0.04%  ceph-osd                  [.] std::_Rb_tree_insert_and_rebalance@plt                                                                                                ▒
+    4.55%     4.55%  ceph-osd                  [.] ceph::common::PerfCounters::inc                                                                                                       ▒
+    4.29%     0.06%  ceph-osd                  [.] pthread_mutex_unlock@plt                                                                                                              ▒
     3.21%     0.00%  ceph-osd                  [.] rocksdb::DBImpl::WriteImpl                                                                                                            ▒
+    2.96%     2.96%      [.] tc_deletearray_aligned_nothrow                                                                                                        ▒
+    2.86%     0.11%  ceph-osd                  [.] operator delete@plt                                  
Actions #10

Updated by jianwei zhang 8 months ago

# ceph daemon osd.0 config set osd_client_message_cap 0
    "success": "osd_client_message_cap = '0' " 
Threads:  64 total,   0 running,  64 sleeping,   0 stopped,   0 zombie
%Cpu(s): 11.4 us, 14.1 sy,  0.0 ni, 71.1 id,  3.1 wa,  0.0 hi,  0.3 si,  0.0 st
MiB Mem : 128653.1 total,   3271.9 free,  83446.0 used,  41935.2 buff/cache
MiB Swap:      0.0 total,      0.0 free,      0.0 used.  43684.3 avail Mem 

    PID USER      PR  NI    VIRT    RES    SHR S  %CPU  %MEM     TIME+ COMMAND                                                                                                            
 207804 root      20   0 1595404 941988  19244 S   1.0   0.7  26:56.29 msgr-worker-0                                                                                                      
 207806 root      20   0 1595404 941988  19244 S   1.0   0.7  26:56.37 msgr-worker-2                                                                                                      
 208258 root      20   0 1595404 941988  19244 S   1.0   0.7   0:12.45 bstore_kv_sync                                                                                                     
 208293 root      20   0 1595404 941988  19244 S   1.0   0.7   0:06.02 tp_osd_tp                                                                                                          
 207791 root      20   0 1595404 941988  19244 S   0.0   0.7   0:01.02 ceph-osd                                                                                                           
 207793 root      20   0 1595404 941988  19244 S   0.0   0.7   0:00.03 log                                                                                                                
 207794 root      20   0 1595404 941988  19244 S   0.0   0.7   0:00.06 service                                                                                                            
 207795 root      20   0 1595404 941988  19244 S   0.0   0.7   0:00.34 admin_socket                                                                                                       
 207805 root      20   0 1595404 941988  19244 S   0.0   0.7  26:56.19 msgr-worker-1                                                                                                      
 207807 root      20   0 1595404 941988  19244 S   0.0   0.7   0:00.00 signal_handler                                                                                                     
 207808 root      20   0 1595404 941988  19244 S   0.0   0.7   0:00.00 io_context_pool                                                                                                    
 207809 root      20   0 1595404 941988  19244 S   0.0   0.7   0:00.00 io_context_pool                                                                                                    
 207819 root      20   0 1595404 941988  19244 S   0.0   0.7   0:01.22 OpHistorySvc                                                                                                       
 207820 root      20   0 1595404 941988  19244 S   0.0   0.7   0:00.02 ceph_timer                                                                                                         
 207827 root      20   0 1595404 941988  19244 S   0.0   0.7   0:00.00 ceph-osd                                                                                                           
 207836 root      20   0 1595404 941988  19244 S   0.0   0.7   0:00.00 ceph-osd                                                                                                           
 207844 root      20   0 1595404 941988  19244 S   0.0   0.7   0:00.00 ceph-osd                                                                                                           
 207853 root      20   0 1595404 941988  19244 S   0.0   0.7   0:00.00 ceph-osd                                                                                                           
 207863 root      20   0 1595404 941988  19244 S   0.0   0.7   0:00.00 ceph-osd                                                                                                           
 207864 root      20   0 1595404 941988  19244 S   0.0   0.7   0:00.00 ceph-osd                                                                                                           
 207865 root      20   0 1595404 941988  19244 S   0.0   0.7   0:00.19 safe_timer                                                                                                         
 207866 root      20   0 1595404 941988  19244 S   0.0   0.7   0:00.69 safe_timer                                                                                                         
 207867 root      20   0 1595404 941988  19244 S   0.0   0.7   0:00.00 safe_timer                                                                                                         
 207868 root      20   0 1595404 941988  19244 S   0.0   0.7   0:00.00 safe_timer                                                                                                         
 207869 root      20   0 1595404 941988  19244 S   0.0   0.7   0:00.00 fn_anonymous                                                                                                       
 207870 root      20   0 1595404 941988  19244 S   0.0   0.7   0:01.57 bstore_aio                                                                                                         
 207879 root      20   0 1595404 941988  19244 S   0.0   0.7   0:00.00 rocksdb:low                                                                                                        
 207880 root      20   0 1595404 941988  19244 S   0.0   0.7   0:00.00 rocksdb:low                                                                                                        
 207881 root      20   0 1595404 941988  19244 S   0.0   0.7   0:00.00 rocksdb:low                                                                                                        
 207882 root      20   0 1595404 941988  19244 S   0.0   0.7   0:00.00 rocksdb:high                                                                                                       
 208065 root      20   0 1595404 941988  19244 S   0.0   0.7   0:00.35 bstore_aio                                                                                                         
 208067 root      20   0 1595404 941988  19244 S   0.0   0.7   0:00.30 bstore_aio                                                                                                         
 208068 root      20   0 1595404 941988  19244 S   0.0   0.7   0:01.64 bstore_aio                                                                                                         
 208255 root      20   0 1595404 941988  19244 S   0.0   0.7   0:00.01 ceph-osd                                                                                                           
 208257 root      20   0 1595404 941988  19244 S   0.0   0.7   0:00.00 cfin                                                                                                               
 208259 root      20   0 1595404 941988  19244 S   0.0   0.7   0:02.09 bstore_kv_final                                                                                                    
 208260 root      20   0 1595404 941988  19244 S   0.0   0.7   0:03.58 bstore_mempool                                                                                                     
 208267 root      20   0 1595404 941988  19244 S   0.0   0.7   0:00.14 ms_dispatch                                                                                                        
 208268 root      20   0 1595404 941988  19244 S   0.0   0.7   0:00.00 ms_local                                                                                                           
 208269 root      20   0 1595404 941988  19244 S   0.0   0.7   0:00.15 safe_timer                                                                                                         
 208270 root      20   0 1595404 941988  19244 S   0.0   0.7   0:00.06 safe_timer                                                                                                         
 208271 root      20   0 1595404 941988  19244 S   0.0   0.7   0:00.00 ms_dispatch                                                                                                        
 208272 root      20   0 1595404 941988  19244 S   0.0   0.7   0:00.00 ms_local                                                                                                           
 208273 root      20   0 1595404 941988  19244 S   0.0   0.7   0:00.00 ms_dispatch                                                                                                        
 208274 root      20   0 1595404 941988  19244 S   0.0   0.7   0:00.00 ms_local                                                                                                           
 208275 root      20   0 1595404 941988  19244 S   0.0   0.7   0:00.00 ms_dispatch                                                                                                        
 208276 root      20   0 1595404 941988  19244 S   0.0   0.7   0:00.00 ms_local                                                                                                           
 208277 root      20   0 1595404 941988  19244 S   0.0   0.7   0:00.00 ms_dispatch                                                                                                        
 208278 root      20   0 1595404 941988  19244 S   0.0   0.7   0:00.00 ms_local                                                                                                           
 208279 root      20   0 1595404 941988  19244 S   0.0   0.7   0:00.00 ms_dispatch  
Actions #11

Updated by jianwei zhang 8 months ago

After loosening the restriction on osd_client_message_cap, msgr-worker cpu is reduced to 1%.
But the throttle-osd_client_bytes reached 400 M.

Every 2.0s: ceph daemon osd.0 perf dump throttle-osd_client_messages                                                                  SZJD-YFQ-PM-OS01-BCONEST-06: Tue Aug 22 09:26:22 2023

    "throttle-osd_client_messages": {
        "val": 259,
        "max": 0,
        "get_started": 0,
        "get": 935894,
        "get_sum": 935894,
        "get_or_fail_fail": 4699479874,
        "get_or_fail_success": 935894,
        "take": 0,
        "take_sum": 0,
        "put": 935636,
        "put_sum": 935636,
        "wait": {
            "avgcount": 0,
            "sum": 0.000000000,
            "avgtime": 0.000000000

[root@SZJD-YFQ-PM-OS01-BCONEST-06 qos-vstart-ceph-shequ]# ceph daemon osd.0 perf dump throttle-osd_client_bytes
    "throttle-osd_client_bytes": {
        "val": 410956347,
        "max": 524288000,
        "get_started": 0,
        "get": 53106,
        "get_sum": 5455545794,
        "get_or_fail_fail": 0,
        "get_or_fail_success": 53106,
        "take": 0,
        "take_sum": 0,
        "put": 1507472,
        "put_sum": 5044589447,
        "wait": {
            "avgcount": 0,
            "sum": 0.000000000,
            "avgtime": 0.000000000
Actions #12

Updated by jianwei zhang 8 months ago

Continue to increase client traffic

When the. osd_client_message_size_cap upper limit is reached, it will still cause the problem of high msgr worker cpu.

  1. ps aux | grep rados | grep 7201 | wc -l

top - 09:34:02 up 32 days, 3:22, 0 users, load average: 19.39, 21.14, 18.35
Threads: 64 total, 2 running, 62 sleeping, 0 stopped, 0 zombie
%Cpu(s): 7.8 us, 12.2 sy, 0.0 ni, 76.7 id, 3.1 wa, 0.0 hi, 0.3 si, 0.0 st
MiB Mem : 128653.1 total, 835.6 free, 97647.2 used, 30170.3 buff/cache
MiB Swap: 0.0 total, 0.0 free, 0.0 used. 29483.1 avail Mem

PID USER      PR  NI    VIRT    RES    SHR S  %CPU  %MEM     TIME+ COMMAND                                                                                                            
207804 root 20 0 1797132 1.1g 13856 R 34.7 0.9 28:09.42 msgr-worker-0
207805 root 20 0 1797132 1.1g 13856 S 33.7 0.9 28:08.33 msgr-worker-1
207806 root 20 0 1797132 1.1g 13856 R 33.7 0.9 28:12.87 msgr-worker-2
207791 root 20 0 1797132 1.1g 13856 S 0.0 0.9 0:01.02 ceph-osd
207793 root 20 0 1797132 1.1g 13856 S 0.0 0.9 0:00.08 log
207794 root 20 0 1797132 1.1g 13856 S 0.0 0.9 0:00.08 service
207795 root 20 0 1797132 1.1g 13856 S 0.0 0.9 0:00.46 admin_socket
207807 root 20 0 1797132 1.1g 13856 S 0.0 0.9 0:00.00 signal_handler
207808 root 20 0 1797132 1.1g 13856 S 0.0 0.9 0:00.00 io_context_pool
207809 root 20 0 1797132 1.1g 13856 S 0.0 0.9 0:00.00 io_context_pool
207819 root 20 0 1797132 1.1g 13856 S 0.0 0.9 0:01.48 OpHistorySvc
207820 root 20 0 1797132 1.1g 13856 S 0.0 0.9 0:00.02 ceph_timer
207827 root 20 0 1797132 1.1g 13856 S 0.0 0.9 0:00.00 ceph-osd
207836 root 20 0 1797132 1.1g 13856 S 0.0 0.9 0:00.00 ceph-osd
207844 root 20 0 1797132 1.1g 13856 S 0.0 0.9 0:00.00 ceph-osd
207853 root 20 0 1797132 1.1g 13856 S 0.0 0.9 0:00.00 ceph-osd
207863 root 20 0 1797132 1.1g 13856 S 0.0 0.9 0:00.00 ceph-osd
207864 root 20 0 1797132 1.1g 13856 S 0.0 0.9 0:00.01 ceph-osd
207865 root 20 0 1797132 1.1g 13856 S 0.0 0.9 0:00.23 safe_timer
207866 root 20 0 1797132 1.1g 13856 S 0.0 0.9 0:01.53 safe_timer
207867 root 20 0 1797132 1.1g 13856 S 0.0 0.9 0:00.00 safe_timer
207868 root 20 0 1797132 1.1g 13856 S 0.0 0.9 0:00.00 safe_timer
207869 root 20 0 1797132 1.1g 13856 S 0.0 0.9 0:00.00 fn_anonymous
207870 root 20 0 1797132 1.1g 13856 S 0.0 0.9 0:01.90 bstore_aio
Every 2.0s: ceph daemon osd.0 perf dump throttle-osd_client_bytes                                                                     SZJD-YFQ-PM-OS01-BCONEST-06: Tue Aug 22 09:33:35 2023

    "throttle-osd_client_bytes": {
        "val": 524277488,
        "max": 524288000,
        "get_started": 0,
        "get": 60394,
        "get_sum": 6204308242,
        "get_or_fail_fail": 158171033,
        "get_or_fail_success": 60394,
        "take": 0,
        "take_sum": 0,
        "put": 1892304,
        "put_sum": 5680030754,
        "wait": {
            "avgcount": 0,
            "sum": 0.000000000,
            "avgtime": 0.000000000

Every 2.0s: ceph daemon osd.0 perf dump throttle-osd_client_bytes                                                                     SZJD-YFQ-PM-OS01-BCONEST-06: Tue Aug 22 09:33:46 2023

    "throttle-osd_client_bytes": {
        "val": 524277486,
        "max": 524288000,
        "get_started": 0,
        "get": 60574,
        "get_sum": 6222801278,
        "get_or_fail_fail": 169469646,
        "get_or_fail_success": 60574,
        "take": 0,
        "take_sum": 0,
        "put": 1906583,
        "put_sum": 5698523792,
        "wait": {
            "avgcount": 0,
            "sum": 0.000000000,
            "avgtime": 0.000000000
perf top --call-graph lbr -e cycles:u -p <>
Samples: 34K of event 'cycles:u', 4000 Hz, Event count (approx.): 11419273250 lost: 0/0 drop: 0/0                                                                                          
  Children      Self  Shared Object         Symbol                                                                                                                                         
+   75.39%     7.96%  ceph-osd              [.] EventCenter::process_time_events
+   74.80%     6.55%  ceph-osd              [.] AsyncConnection::process
+   73.15%     0.32%  ceph-osd              [.] AsyncConnection::wakeup_from
+   69.68%     0.46%  ceph-osd              [.] ProtocolV2::run_continuation
+   67.01%     0.13%  ceph-osd              [.] EventCenter::process_events
+   62.15%     0.05%  ceph-osd              [.] std::_Function_handler<void (), NetworkStack::add_thread(Worker*)::{lambda()#1}>::_M_invoke
+   44.44%     1.00%  ceph-osd              [.] ProtocolV2::throttle_bytes
+   29.77%    11.62%  ceph-osd              [.] EventCenter::create_time_event
+   16.65%    12.89%  ceph-osd              [.] std::_Rb_tree<std::chrono::time_point<ceph::coarse_mono_clock, std::chrono::duration<unsigned long, std::ratio<1l, 1000000000l> > >, std::p
+   11.91%     4.29%  ceph-osd              [.] Throttle::get_or_fail
+   10.19%    10.00%    [.] __pthread_mutex_lock
+    9.59%     0.02%  ceph-osd              [.] pthread_mutex_lock@plt
+    7.39%     7.39%   [.] std::_Rb_tree_rebalance_for_erase
+    6.78%     0.08%  ceph-osd              [.] std::_Rb_tree_rebalance_for_erase@plt
+    6.46%     1.35%          [.] clock_gettime@GLIBC_2.2.5
+    5.67%     5.67%  [vdso]                [.] __vdso_clock_gettime
+    5.28%     5.28%   [.] std::_Rb_tree_insert_and_rebalance
+    4.97%     0.06%  ceph-osd              [.] std::_Rb_tree_insert_and_rebalance@plt
+    4.63%     4.59%    [.] __pthread_mutex_unlock_usercnt
+    3.57%     3.57%  [.] tc_deletearray_aligned_nothrow
+    3.34%     3.34%  ceph-osd              [.] ceph::common::PerfCounters::inc
+    3.33%     0.07%  ceph-osd              [.] pthread_mutex_unlock@plt
+    3.33%     0.15%  ceph-osd              [.] operator delete@plt
+    3.02%     2.34%  ceph-osd              [.] std::_Rb_tree<unsigned long, unsigned long, std::_Identity<unsigned long>, std::less<unsigned long>, std::allocator<unsigned long> >::erase
     1.83%     1.41%  ceph-osd              [.] ProtocolV2::read_event
+    1.76%     0.14%  ceph-osd              [.] operator new@plt
     1.76%     1.76%  [.] operator new[]
+    1.64%     1.63%  ceph-osd              [.] ceph::common::PerfCounters::tinc
     1.44%     1.44%  ceph-osd              [.] ProtocolV2::get_current_msg_size
+    1.37%     0.09%  ceph-osd              [.] clock_gettime@plt
+    1.14%     0.16%  ceph-osd              [.] CtFun<ProtocolV2>::call
     0.84%     0.54%  ceph-osd              [.] C_time_wakeup::do_request
     0.69%     0.33%  ceph-osd              [.] std::_Rb_tree<unsigned long, unsigned long, std::_Identity<unsigned long>, std::less<unsigned long>, std::allocator<unsigned long> >::_M_er
     0.53%     0.00%  [unknown]             [.] 0x00000000000001d1
     0.48%     0.00%  [unknown]             [.] 0x0000000000000051
     0.38%     0.06%  ceph-osd              [.] ProtocolV2::handle_message
     0.30%     0.30%  ceph-osd              [.] std::_Rb_tree<unsigned long, std::pair<unsigned long const, std::_Rb_tree_iterator<std::pair<std::chrono::time_point<ceph::coarse_mono_cloc
     0.24%     0.00%  ceph-osd              [.] PrimaryLogPG::do_op
     0.24%     0.24%   [.] std::_Rb_tree_increment
     0.24%     0.00%  ceph-osd              [.] PrimaryLogPG::issue_repop
     0.21%     0.20%    [.] __lll_lock_wait
     0.21%     0.00%  [unknown]             [.] 0000000000000000
     0.21%     0.21%    [.] __pthread_mutex_unlock
     0.19%     0.19%  [kernel]              [k] page_fault
     0.17%     0.07%  ceph-osd              [.] EpollDriver::event_wait
     0.15%     0.00%  [unknown]             [.] 0x0000000000000071
     0.14%     0.01%  ceph-osd              [.] AsyncConnection::read
     0.14%     0.02%  ceph-osd              [.] AsyncConnection::read_until
     0.13%     0.01%  ceph-osd              [.] CtRxNode<ProtocolV2>::call
     0.13%     0.07%  ceph-osd              [.] OpTracker::visit_ops_in_flight
Actions #13

Updated by jianwei zhang 8 months ago

  1. ceph daemon osd.0 config show | grep message
    "osd_client_message_cap": "0",
    "osd_client_message_size_cap": "524288000",
  1. ps aux | grep rados | grep 7201 | wc -l
  1. cat
    for i in {1..2000} ; do
    name1=$(echo $RANDOM)
    name2=$(echo $RANDOM)
    echo "test-bench-write-$name1-$name2"
    nohup rados c ./ceph.conf bench 7201 write --no-cleanup -t 1 -p test-pool -b 1048576 --show-time --run-name "test-bench-write$name1-$name2" >> writelog 2>&1 &
Actions #14

Updated by Neha Ojha 8 months ago

  • Project changed from Ceph to RADOS
  • Category deleted (msgr)
Actions #15

Updated by Radoslaw Zarzynski 8 months ago

Oops, perhaps (CHECK ME!) we aren't randomizing the retry times nor enlarging them with each failed attemp.
Anyway, this case if a perfect topic for Ceph Perf Weekly meetings. Let's bring it there.

Actions #17

Updated by jianwei zhang 8 months ago

2023-09-15 problem analysis:


1. cluster information:

osd_client_message_cap = 2048
osd_client_message_size_cap = 500_M

# ./bin/ceph -s 2>/dev/null 
    id:     f07ca5dd-b3ef-4360-a009-75223c04b928
    health: HEALTH_OK

    mon: 1 daemons, quorum a (age 17m)
    mgr: x(active, since 17m)
    osd: 1 osds: 1 up (since 17m), 1 in (since 45h)
         flags noout,nobackfill,norebalance,norecover,noscrub,nodeep-scrub

    pools:   1 pools, 128 pgs
    objects: 14.72M objects, 1.4 TiB
    usage:   1.6 TiB used, 7.7 TiB / 9.3 TiB avail
    pgs:     128 active+clean

# ./bin/ceph osd tree 2>/dev/null
-1         9.27039  root default                                     
-3         9.27039      host zjw-cmain-dev                           
 0    hdd  9.27039          osd.0               up   1.00000  1.00000

[root@zjw-cmain-dev build]# ./bin/ceph osd crush rule dump  2>/dev/null
        "rule_id": 0,
        "rule_name": "replicated_rule",
        "ruleset": 0,
        "type": 1,
        "min_size": 1,
        "max_size": 10,
        "steps": [
                "op": "take",
                "item": -1,
                "item_name": "default" 
                "op": "choose_firstn",
                "num": 0,
                "type": "osd" 
                "op": "emit" 

# ./bin/ceph osd pool ls detail  2>/dev/null
pool 1 'test-pool' replicated size 1 min_size 1 crush_rule 0 object_hash rjenkins pg_num 128 pgp_num 128 autoscale_mode off last_change 9 flags hashpspool stripe_width 0 application rgw

# ./bin/ceph df   2>/dev/null
hdd    9.3 TiB  7.7 TiB  1.6 TiB   1.6 TiB      17.27
TOTAL  9.3 TiB  7.7 TiB  1.6 TiB   1.6 TiB      17.27

--- POOLS ---
test-pool   1  128  1.4 TiB   14.72M  1.4 TiB  16.52    7.2 TiB

# ./bin/ceph osd dump 2>/dev/null
epoch 88
fsid f07ca5dd-b3ef-4360-a009-75223c04b928
created 2023-09-13T15:29:35.926253+0800
modified 2023-09-15T13:10:28.203204+0800
flags noout,nobackfill,norebalance,norecover,noscrub,nodeep-scrub,sortbitwise,recovery_deletes,purged_snapdirs,pglog_hardlimit
crush_version 16
full_ratio 0.95
backfillfull_ratio 0.9
nearfull_ratio 0.85
require_min_compat_client luminous
min_compat_client jewel
require_osd_release pacific
stretch_mode_enabled false
pool 1 'test-pool' replicated size 1 min_size 1 crush_rule 0 object_hash rjenkins pg_num 128 pgp_num 128 autoscale_mode off last_change 9 flags hashpspool stripe_width 0 application rgw
max_osd 1
osd.0 up   in  weight 1 up_from 85 up_thru 85 down_at 84 last_clean_interval [80,81) v2: v2: exists,up 3d3d685e-3768-4a3f-8890-7dc8874913c4

2. test information:
# cat 
> writelog

for i in {1..6000} ; do
        name1=$(echo $RANDOM)
        name2=$(echo $RANDOM)
        echo "test-bench-write-$name1-$name2" 
        nohup rados -c ./ceph.conf bench 7201 write --no-cleanup -t 1 -p test-pool  -b 102434 --show-time --run-name "test-bench-write-$name1-$name2" >> writelog 2>&1 &

3. running test-bench
# sh 
# ps aux |grep rados | grep bench | wc -l

<details><summary> EventCenter::process_events debug code modify </summary>

int EventCenter::process_events(unsigned timeout_microseconds,  ceph::timespan *working_dur)
  auto one_time = ceph::mono_clock::now();
  auto base_timeout_us = timeout_microseconds;
  bool time_event_is_reached = false;
  unsigned wait_time1 = 0;
  unsigned wait_time2 = 0;
  unsigned wait_time3 = 0;
  unsigned wait_time4 = 0;

  struct timeval tv;
  int numevents;
  bool trigger_time = false;
  auto now = clock_type::now();
  clock_type::time_point end_time = now + std::chrono::microseconds(timeout_microseconds);
  clock_type::time_point diff_end_time1 = clock_type::zero();
  clock_type::time_point diff_now2 = clock_type::zero();

  auto it = time_events.begin();
  if (it != time_events.end() && end_time >= it->first) {
    trigger_time = true;
    end_time = it->first;

    if (end_time > now) {
      timeout_microseconds = std::chrono::duration_cast<std::chrono::microseconds>(end_time - now).count();
      diff_end_time1 = end_time;
      diff_now2 = now;
      wait_time1 = timeout_microseconds;
    } else {
      time_event_is_reached = true;
      timeout_microseconds = 0;
      wait_time2 = timeout_microseconds;

  bool blocking = pollers.empty() && !external_num_events.load();
  if (!blocking) {
    timeout_microseconds = 0;
    wait_time3 = timeout_microseconds;
  } else {
    wait_time4 = timeout_microseconds;

  tv.tv_sec = timeout_microseconds / 1000000;
  tv.tv_usec = timeout_microseconds % 1000000;

  auto is_not_block = !blocking;
  auto time_events_sum = time_events.size();
  auto two_time = ceph::mono_clock::now();
  auto poollers_is_empty = pollers.empty();
  auto external_num_events_count = external_num_events.load();

  ldout(cct, 30) << __func__ << " wait second " << tv.tv_sec << " usec " << tv.tv_usec << dendl;
  std::vector<FiredFileEvent> fired_events;
  numevents = driver->event_wait(fired_events, &tv);

  auto epoll_numevents = numevents;
  auto three_time = ceph::mono_clock::now();

  auto working_start = ceph::mono_clock::now();
  for (int event_id = 0; event_id < numevents; event_id++) {
    int rfired = 0;
    FileEvent *event;
    EventCallbackRef cb;
    event = _get_file_event(fired_events[event_id].fd);

    /* note the event->mask & mask & ... code: maybe an already processed
    * event removed an element that fired and we still didn't
    * processed, so we check if the event is still valid. */
    if (event->mask & fired_events[event_id].mask & EVENT_READABLE) {
      rfired = 1;
      cb = event->read_cb;

    if (event->mask & fired_events[event_id].mask & EVENT_WRITABLE) {
      if (!rfired || event->read_cb != event->write_cb) {
        cb = event->write_cb;

    ldout(cct, 30) << __func__ << " event_wq process is " << fired_events[event_id].fd
                   << " mask is " << fired_events[event_id].mask << dendl;

  auto four_time = ceph::mono_clock::now();

  int time_running_numevents = 0;
  if (trigger_time) {
    time_running_numevents = process_time_events();
    numevents += time_running_numevents;

  auto five_time = ceph::mono_clock::now();

  int external_running_numevents = 0;
  if (external_num_events.load()) {
    std::deque<EventCallbackRef> cur_process;
    external_running_numevents = cur_process.size();
    numevents += external_running_numevents;
    while (!cur_process.empty()) {
      EventCallbackRef e = cur_process.front();
      ldout(cct, 30) << __func__ << " do " << e << dendl;
  auto six_time = ceph::mono_clock::now();

  int pollers_running_numevents = 0;
  if (!numevents && !blocking) {
    for (uint32_t i = 0; i < pollers.size(); i++)
      pollers_running_numevents += pollers[i]->poll();
      numevents += pollers_running_numevents;

  if (working_dur)
    *working_dur = ceph::mono_clock::now() - working_start;

  auto seven_time = ceph::mono_clock::now();

  auto all_latency = seven_time - one_time;
  auto latency1 = two_time - one_time;
  auto latency2 = three_time - two_time;
  auto latency3 = four_time - three_time;
  auto latency4 = five_time - four_time;
  auto latency5 = six_time - five_time;
  auto latency6 = seven_time - six_time;

  lderr(cct) << __func__ << " all_latency=" << all_latency
         << " yupan-phase=" << latency1
         << " epoll_wait-phase=" << latency2
         << " epoll_event_consume-phase=" << latency3
         << " time_event_consume-phase=" << latency4
         << " external_event_consume-phase=" << latency5
         << " poller_event_consume-phase=" << latency6
         << " base_timeout_us=" << base_timeout_us
         << " epoll_wait=" << tv.tv_sec << "." << (tv.tv_usec / 1000.0 / 1000.0) << "s" 
         << " diff_end_time1=" << diff_end_time1
         << " diff_now2=" << diff_now2
         << " wait_time1=" << wait_time1
         << " wait_time2=" << wait_time2
         << " wait_time3=" << wait_time3
         << " wait_time4=" << wait_time4
         << " poollers_is_empty=" << poollers_is_empty
         << " trigger_time=" << trigger_time
         << " time_event_is_reached=" << time_event_is_reached
         << " is_not_block=" << is_not_block
         << " epoll_numevents=" << epoll_numevents
         << " time_events_sum=" << time_events_sum
         << " time_running_numevents=" << time_running_numevents
         << " external_num_events_count=" << external_num_events_count
         << " external_running_numevents=" << external_running_numevents
         << " pollers_running_numevents=" << pollers_running_numevents
         << " numevents_running_sum=" << numevents
         << dendl;

  return numevents;


Actions #18

Updated by jianwei zhang 8 months ago

Log statistical analysis:
  • After msgr-worker-thread was awakened, 93.34% (1756073 / 1881227) processed 0 events.
  • There are a large number of invalid wake-ups in the EventCenter::process_events function.

# tail -n 2000000 out/osd.0.log | grep numevents_running_sum | wc -l
# tail -n 2000000 out/osd.0.log | grep -w numevents_running_sum=0 | wc -l
# tail -n 2000000 out/osd.0.log | grep -w numevents_running_sum=0 | grep -w wait_time1=0 | wc -l

1763556 / 1881227 = 93.74%
1756073 / 1881227 = 93.34%
Actions #19

Updated by jianwei zhang 8 months ago

code logic analysis:
  • clock accuracy issue
  • end_time > now : Nanosecond comparison, but converted to microseconds difference --> timeout_microseconds=0 --> epoll_wait not sleep

int EventCenter::process_events(unsigned timeout_microseconds,  ceph::timespan *working_dur)
  struct timeval tv;
  int numevents;
  bool trigger_time = false;
  auto now = clock_type::now();
  clock_type::time_point end_time = now + std::chrono::microseconds(timeout_microseconds);

  auto it = time_events.begin();
  if (it != time_events.end() && end_time >= it->first) {
    trigger_time = true;
    end_time = it->first;

    if (end_time > now) { // here is Nanosecond comparison, but converted to microseconds difference
      timeout_microseconds = std::chrono::duration_cast<std::chrono::microseconds>(end_time - now).count();
      diff_end_time1 = end_time;  //diff_end_time1=95376.460342s
      diff_now2 = now;            //diff_now2     =95376.460342s
      wait_time1 = timeout_microseconds; //wait_time1 = 0, not epoll_wait sleep
    ... ...
  ... ...

  tv.tv_sec = timeout_microseconds / 1000000;
  tv.tv_usec = timeout_microseconds % 1000000;
  numevents = driver->event_wait(fired_events, &tv);
  ... ...

int EpollDriver::event_wait(std::vector<FiredFileEvent> &fired_events, struct timeval *tvp)
  int retval, numevents = 0;

  retval = epoll_wait(epfd, events, nevent, tvp ? (tvp->tv_sec*1000 + tvp->tv_usec/1000) : -1);  //milliseconds
  if (retval > 0) {
    numevents = retval;

    for (int event_id = 0; event_id < numevents; event_id++) {
      int mask = 0;
      struct epoll_event *e = &events[event_id];

      if (e->events & EPOLLIN) mask |= EVENT_READABLE;
      if (e->events & EPOLLOUT) mask |= EVENT_WRITABLE;
      if (e->events & EPOLLERR) mask |= EVENT_READABLE|EVENT_WRITABLE;
      if (e->events & EPOLLHUP) mask |= EVENT_READABLE|EVENT_WRITABLE;
      fired_events[event_id].fd = e->data.fd;
      fired_events[event_id].mask = mask;
  return numevents;
NAME         top

       epoll_wait, epoll_pwait, epoll_pwait2 - wait for an I/O event on
       an epoll file descriptor

LIBRARY         top

       Standard C library (libc, -lc)

SYNOPSIS         top

       #include <sys/epoll.h>

       int epoll_wait(int epfd, struct epoll_event *events,
                      int maxevents, int timeout);  --> timeout is milliseconds

       The timeout argument specifies the number of milliseconds that
       epoll_wait() will block.  Time is measured against the
       CLOCK_MONOTONIC clock.

       A call to epoll_wait() will block until either:

       •  a file descriptor delivers an event;

       •  the call is interrupted by a signal handler; or

       •  the timeout expires.

       Note that the timeout interval will be rounded up to the system
       clock granularity, and kernel scheduling delays mean that the
       blocking interval may overrun by a small amount.  Specifying a
       timeout of -1 causes epoll_wait() to block indefinitely, while
       specifying a timeout equal to zero cause epoll_wait() to return
       immediately, even if no events are available.

class coarse_mono_clock {
  typedef timespan duration;
  typedef duration::rep rep;
  typedef duration::period period;
  typedef std::chrono::time_point<coarse_mono_clock> time_point;
  static constexpr const bool is_steady = true;

  static time_point now() noexcept {
    struct timespec ts;
    // Linux systems have _COARSE clocks.
    clock_gettime(CLOCK_MONOTONIC_COARSE, &ts);
    // BSD systems have _FAST clocks.
    clock_gettime(CLOCK_MONOTONIC_FAST, &ts);
    // And if we find neither, you may wish to consult your system's documentation.
#warning Falling back to CLOCK_MONOTONIC, may be slow.
    clock_gettime(CLOCK_MONOTONIC, &ts);
    return time_point(std::chrono::seconds(ts.tv_sec) + std::chrono::nanoseconds(ts.tv_nsec)); //nanoseconds 

  static bool is_zero(const time_point& t) {
    return (t == time_point::min());

  static time_point zero() {
    return time_point::min();

Actions #20

Updated by jianwei zhang 8 months ago


The core idea is that after the first time_event timeout expires in nanoseconds,
Force alignment to epoll_wait milliseconds, wait at least 1 millisecond

please review, thanks!

Actions #21

Updated by jianwei zhang 8 months ago

Avoid meaningless idling of msgr worker thread

Actions #22

Updated by jianwei zhang 8 months ago

  1. ms_time_events_min_wait_interval=1000us
    • osd cpu * osd cpu : 176 * osd msgr worker : 3 * 35% = 105% * 6000 个 rados bench
      top - 14:27:42 up 2 days, 1:57, 0 users, load average: 13.01, 5.62, 7.17
      Tasks: 6024 total, 1 running, 6023 sleeping, 0 stopped, 0 zombie
      %Cpu(s): 7.8 us, 5.0 sy, 0.0 ni, 70.7 id, 16.1 wa, 0.0 hi, 0.3 si, 0.0 st
      MiB Mem : 128649.0 total, 4129.7 free, 42223.5 used, 82295.9 buff/cache
      MiB Swap: 4096.0 total, 4008.2 free, 87.8 used. 85775.3 avail Mem

      1713908 root 20 0 2103616 1.2g 19412 S 176.0 1.0 2:24.01 ceph-osd

      1713933 root 20 0 2667840 1.7g 19428 S 35.0 1.4 0:41.61 msgr-worker-2
      1713931 root 20 0 2667840 1.7g 19428 S 34.0 1.4 0:41.89 msgr-worker-0
      1713932 root 20 0 2667840 1.7g 19428 S 34.0 1.4 0:41.16 msgr-worker-1
      1714538 root 20 0 2667840 1.7g 19428 D 11.0 1.4 0:12.89 tp_osd_tp
      1714537 root 20 0 2667840 1.7g 19428 D 10.0 1.4 0:12.71 tp_osd_tp
      1714540 root 20 0 2667840 1.7g 19428 D 10.0 1.4 0:12.46 tp_osd_tp
      1714541 root 20 0 2667840 1.7g 19428 D 10.0 1.4 0:12.62 tp_osd_tp
      1714539 root 20 0 2667840 1.7g 19428 D 8.0 1.4 0:12.87 tp_osd_tp
      1713910 root 20 0 2667840 1.7g 19428 S 7.0 1.4 0:08.89 log
      1714035 root 20 0 2667840 1.7g 19428 S 3.0 1.4 0:02.20 bstore_aio
      1714508 root 20 0 2667840 1.7g 19428 D 3.0 1.4 0:04.48 bstore_kv_sync
      1713943 root 20 0 2667840 1.7g 19428 S 1.0 1.4 0:00.53 OpHistorySvc
      1714509 root 20 0 2667840 1.7g 19428 S 1.0 1.4 0:01.54 bstore_kv_final
      1713908 root 20 0 2667840 1.7g 19428 S 0.0 1.4 0:08.39 ceph-osd

  • 0 events running ratio
    [root@zjw-cmain-dev build]# cat out/osd.0.log | grep numevents_running_sum | wc -l

[root@zjw-cmain-dev build]# cat out/osd.0.log | grep -w numevents_running_sum=0 | wc -l

58254 / 1201611 = 4.84%

Actions #23

Updated by jianwei zhang 8 months ago

before the pr:

    6000 rados bench
    osd cpu = 300%
    osd sing msgr worker = 95%~99%

after the pr:

    6000 rados bench
    osd cpu = 110~120%
    osd sing msgr worker = 30%~40%


    reduce 50% cpu

Actions #24

Updated by jianwei zhang 8 months ago

Have an idea,
Bind time_event to throttle,
When waking up the EventCenter::process_events msgr-worker thread,
Determine in advance whether there is an available throttle. If not, the time_event under the throttle will no longer be traversed.

CtPtr ProtocolV2::throttle_message() {
  ldout(cct, 20) << __func__ << dendl;

  if (connection->policy.throttler_messages) {
    ldout(cct, 10) << __func__ << " wants " << 1
                   << " message from policy throttler " 
                   << connection->policy.throttler_messages->get_current()
                   << "/" << connection->policy.throttler_messages->get_max()
                   << dendl;
    if (!connection->policy.throttler_messages->get_or_fail()) {
      ldout(cct, 10) << __func__ << " wants 1 message from policy throttle " 
                     << connection->policy.throttler_messages->get_current()
                     << "/" << connection->policy.throttler_messages->get_max()
                     << " failed, just wait." << dendl;
      // following thread pool deal with th full message queue isn't a
      // short time, so we can wait a ms.
      if (connection->register_time_events.empty()) {
        auto local_ms_throttle_retry_time_interval = connection->get_connection_throttle_retry_interval(cct);
      return nullptr;
Actions #25

Updated by Radoslaw Zarzynski 7 months ago

  • Pull request ID set to 53477
Actions #26

Updated by Radoslaw Zarzynski 7 months ago

Perfect thing to discuss during Perf Weekly meetings.

Actions #27

Updated by Ilya Dryomov 4 months ago

  • Target version deleted (v18.1.0)
Actions #28

Updated by Lee Sanders 13 days ago

Please see my latest update to the PR:

I can confirm the fix is good and a huge improvement in CPU utilisation on the threads (down to 25% per thread) and ceph-osd is reporting around 88% utilisation.


Also available in: Atom PDF