



Bug #48445


ceph-volume lvm zap fails to properly dismantle volume groups

Added by Stephen Longofono over 3 years ago.

Target version:
% Done:


Community (user)
3 - minor
Affected Versions:
Pull request ID:
Crash signature (v1):
Crash signature (v2):


After successfully deploying with cephadm, and then successfully purging the cluster with cephadm, I tried to use zap on the OSD drives to reuse them again for another deployment.

Zap was able to identify the drives and successfully run dd, but removal of the vg failed:

$> ceph-volume lvm zap --force --osd-id 0

--> Zapping: /dev/sdb
--> Zapping lvm member /dev/sdb. lv_path is /dev/ceph-6763dfae-8212-40dc-8ef8-9e2b492caf9b/osd-data-aa18cf0f-31dc-497b-819f-177fe4aeab86
Running command: /bin/dd if=/dev/zero of=/dev/ceph-6763dfae-8212-40dc-8ef8-9e2b492caf9b/osd-data-aa18cf0f-31dc-497b-819f-177fe4aeab86 bs=1M count=10 conv=fsync
 stderr: 10+0 records in
10+0 records out
 stderr: 10485760 bytes (10 MB, 10 MiB) copied, 0.0149273 s, 702 MB/s
--> Only 1 LV left in VG, will proceed to destroy volume group ceph-6763dfae-8212-40dc-8ef8-9e2b492caf9b
Running command: /sbin/vgremove -v -f ceph-6763dfae-8212-40dc-8ef8-9e2b492caf9b
 stderr: VG name on command line not found in list of VGs: ceph-6763dfae-8212-40dc-8ef8-9e2b492caf9b
  Volume group "ceph-6763dfae-8212-40dc-8ef8-9e2b492caf9b" not found
  Cannot process volume group ceph-6763dfae-8212-40dc-8ef8-9e2b492caf9b
--> Unable to remove vg ceph-6763dfae-8212-40dc-8ef8-9e2b492caf9b
-->  RuntimeError: command returned non-zero exit status: 5

This behavior was the same for all OSD hosts. On the same host that returned the error message above, lsblk returns:

$> lsblk
NAME                                                                                                 MAJ:MIN RM  SIZE RO TYPE MOUNTPOINT
sda                                                                                                    8:0    0   10G  0 disk
└─sda1                                                                                                 8:1    0   10G  0 part /
sdb                                                                                                    8:16   0   20G  0 disk
└─ceph--6763dfae--8212--40dc--8ef8--9e2b492caf9b-osd--data--aa18cf0f--31dc--497b--819f--177fe4aeab86 253:0    0   20G  0 lvm
sdc                                                                                                    8:32   0   20G  0 disk
└─ceph--43baa65a--90a7--43a0--b29a--a7837c7b97d0-osd--data--2f46c30d--4bca--42ea--9fc9--eab44aa092b6 253:1    0   20G  0 lvm
sdd                                                                                                    8:48   0   20G  0 disk
└─ceph--7a7e3a17--3783--41be--b744--cf04d8dc40c7-osd--data--7867f469--5c77--44a8--b4d2--cc45f79dbcb8 253:2    0   20G  0 lvm
sde                                                                                                    8:64   0   20G  0 disk
└─ceph--2963fdd0--e2c0--413f--a7df--62c97c17cbac-osd--data--269c29db--bd1d--4881--b3ff--6e62b05623e1 253:3    0   20G  0 lvm
sdf                                                                                                    8:80   0   20G  0 disk
└─ceph--ff5f06c8--bc7d--4728--b674--7575156ce344-osd--data--963656a8--cb35--4768--9535--4ad622719aa1 253:4    0   20G  0 lvm
sdg                                                                                                    8:96   0   20G  0 disk
└─ceph--eb7bff0b--76af--4120--b606--cb63dd061763-osd--data--10f1222a--ac0f--471d--afba--84ce8999b23e 253:5    0   20G  0 lvm
sr0                                                                                                   11:0    1  951M  0 rom

The volume is still there, but lvm does not seem to be able to see anything:

$> lvm pvs
$> lvm lvs
$> lvm vgs

This would be a minor annoyance if it is just some artifact overlooked while purging, but it prevents the drive from being used again by the orchestrator. Deploying the exact same cluster congfiguration to the same machines, the orchestrator reports that there are stray daemons and locked/unavailable disks:

$> ceph orch device ls
Mon0     /dev/sda  hdd   10.0G             Virtual disk  VMware  1           False  locked
OSD0     /dev/sda  hdd   10.0G             Virtual disk  VMware  1           False  locked
OSD0     /dev/sdb  hdd   20.0G             Virtual disk  VMware  1           False  locked, Insufficient space (<5GB) on vgs, LVM detected
OSD0     /dev/sdc  hdd   20.0G             Virtual disk  VMware  1           False  locked, Insufficient space (<5GB) on vgs, LVM detected
OSD0     /dev/sdd  hdd   20.0G             Virtual disk  VMware  1           False  locked, Insufficient space (<5GB) on vgs, LVM detected
OSD0     /dev/sde  hdd   20.0G             Virtual disk  VMware  1           False  locked, Insufficient space (<5GB) on vgs, LVM detected
OSD0     /dev/sdf  hdd   20.0G             Virtual disk  VMware  1           False  locked, Insufficient space (<5GB) on vgs, LVM detected
OSD0     /dev/sdg  hdd   20.0G             Virtual disk  VMware  1           False  locked, Insufficient space (<5GB) on vgs, LVM detected
OSD1     /dev/sda  hdd   10.0G             Virtual disk  VMware  1           False  locked
OSD1     /dev/sdb  hdd   20.0G             Virtual disk  VMware  1           False  locked
OSD1     /dev/sdc  hdd   20.0G             Virtual disk  VMware  1           False  locked
OSD1     /dev/sdd  hdd   20.0G             Virtual disk  VMware  1           False  locked
OSD1     /dev/sde  hdd   20.0G             Virtual disk  VMware  1           False  locked
OSD1     /dev/sdf  hdd   20.0G             Virtual disk  VMware  1           False  locked
OSD1     /dev/sdg  hdd   20.0G             Virtual disk  VMware  1           False  locked
OSD2     /dev/sda  hdd   10.0G             Virtual disk  VMware  1           False  locked
OSD2     /dev/sdb  hdd   20.0G             Virtual disk  VMware  1           False  Insufficient space (<5GB) on vgs, LVM detected, locked
OSD2     /dev/sdc  hdd   20.0G             Virtual disk  VMware  1           False  Insufficient space (<5GB) on vgs, LVM detected, locked
OSD2     /dev/sdd  hdd   20.0G             Virtual disk  VMware  1           False  Insufficient space (<5GB) on vgs, LVM detected, locked
OSD2     /dev/sde  hdd   20.0G             Virtual disk  VMware  1           False  Insufficient space (<5GB) on vgs, LVM detected, locked
OSD2     /dev/sdf  hdd   20.0G             Virtual disk  VMware  1           False  Insufficient space (<5GB) on vgs, LVM detected, locked
OSD2     /dev/sdg  hdd   20.0G             Virtual disk  VMware  1           False  Insufficient space (<5GB) on vgs, LVM detected, locked
MDS0     /dev/sda  hdd   10.0G             Virtual disk  VMware  1           False  locked
MDS1     /dev/sda  hdd   10.0G             Virtual disk  VMware  1           False  locked
MDS2     /dev/sda  hdd   10.0G             Virtual disk  VMware  1           False  locked
Mon1     /dev/sda  hdd   10.0G             Virtual disk  VMware  1           False  locked
Mon2     /dev/sda  hdd   10.0G             Virtual disk  VMware  1           False  locked
Client0  /dev/sda  hdd   10.0G             Virtual disk  VMware  1           False  locked
Client1  /dev/sda  hdd   10.0G             Virtual disk  VMware  1           False  locked

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