[root@osd0 ceph]# podman ps CONTAINER ID IMAGE COMMAND CREATED STATUS PORTS NAMES 600ac8379e50 quay.io/ceph-ci/ceph:master /usr/bin/rbd-targ... 11 minutes ago Up 11 minutes ago ceph-b1ac6b1c-419e-4762-a56a-9c2bcbfe7253-iscsi.test.osd0.kvrpub 5605fc6513ac docker.io/prom/alertmanager:latest /bin/alertmanager... 49 minutes ago Up 49 minutes ago ceph-b1ac6b1c-419e-4762-a56a-9c2bcbfe7253-alertmanager.osd0 e99b4f608d14 docker.io/prom/prometheus:latest /bin/prometheus -... 49 minutes ago Up 49 minutes ago ceph-b1ac6b1c-419e-4762-a56a-9c2bcbfe7253-prometheus.osd0 62835b7b732b docker.io/prom/node-exporter:latest /bin/node_exporte... 50 minutes ago Up 50 minutes ago ceph-b1ac6b1c-419e-4762-a56a-9c2bcbfe7253-node-exporter.osd0 [root@osd0 ceph]# podman images REPOSITORY TAG IMAGE ID CREATED SIZE quay.io/ceph-ci/ceph master 4ebb2bab1499 5 hours ago 1.12 GB docker.io/prom/prometheus latest de242295e225 6 days ago 141 MB docker.io/prom/alertmanager latest 0881eb8f169f 5 months ago 53.5 MB docker.io/prom/node-exporter latest e5a616e4b9cf 11 months ago 24.3 MB [root@osd0 ceph]# podman exec -it 600ac8379e50 /bin/bash [root@osd0 /]# cd /var/log/rbd-target-api/ [root@osd0 rbd-target-api]# tail rbd-target-api.log 2020-05-14 04:51:59,293 DEBUG [common.py:139:_open_ioctx()] - (_open_ioctx) Opening connection to rbd pool 2020-05-14 04:51:59,295 DEBUG [common.py:146:_open_ioctx()] - (_open_ioctx) connection opened 2020-05-14 04:51:59,306 DEBUG [common.py:436:init_config()] - (init_config) using pre existing config object 2020-05-14 04:51:59,306 DEBUG [common.py:139:_open_ioctx()] - (_open_ioctx) Opening connection to rbd pool 2020-05-14 04:51:59,306 DEBUG [common.py:146:_open_ioctx()] - (_open_ioctx) connection opened 2020-05-14 04:51:59,307 DEBUG [common.py:118:_read_config_object()] - _read_config_object reading the config object 2020-05-14 04:51:59,309 DEBUG [common.py:168:_get_ceph_config()] - (_get_rbd_config) config object contains 'b'{\n "created": "2020/05/14 04:23:48",\n "discovery_auth": {\n "mutual_password": "",\n "mutual_password_encryption_enabled": false,\n "mutual_username": "",\n "password": "",\n "password_encryption_enabled": false,\n "username": ""\n },\n "disks": {},\n "epoch": 0,\n "gateways": {},\n "targets": {},\n "updated": "",\n "version": 11\n}'' 2020-05-14 04:51:59,314 CRITICAL [target.py:359:create_target()] - Unable to create the Target definition - Could not load module: iscsi_target_mod 2020-05-14 04:51:59,315 ERROR [rbd-target-api:303:target()] - Failure during gateway 'init' processing 2020-05-14 04:51:59,315 INFO [_internal.py:87:_log()] - ::ffff: - - [14/May/2020 04:51:59] "PUT /api/target/iqn.2001-07.com.ceph:1589431909134 HTTP/1.1" 500 - [root@osd0 rbd-target-api]# modprobe iscsi_target_mod modprobe: FATAL: Module iscsi_target_mod not found in directory /lib/modules/3.10.0-957.12.2.el7.x86_64 [root@osd0 rbd-target-api]# ls /lib/modules/3.10.0-957.12.2.el7.x86_64 ls: cannot access '/lib/modules/3.10.0-957.12.2.el7.x86_64': No such file or directory [root@osd0 rbd-target-api]# exit exit Error: exit status 2 [root@osd0 ceph]# ls /lib/modules/3.10.0-957.12.2.el7.x86_64 build kernel modules.alias.bin modules.builtin modules.dep modules.devname modules.modesetting modules.order modules.symbols source vdso extra modules.alias modules.block modules.builtin.bin modules.dep.bin modules.drm modules.networking modules.softdep modules.symbols.bin updates weak-updates [root@osd0 ceph]#