; generated by vstart.sh on Wed 02 Oct 2019 08:46:21 AM EDT [client.vstart.sh] num mon = 3 num osd = 1 num mds = 1 num mgr = 1 num rgw = 0 [global] fsid = ec0573e7-46e5-439d-87d3-7d225ef2a019 osd failsafe full ratio = .99 mon osd full ratio = .99 mon osd nearfull ratio = .99 mon osd backfillfull ratio = .99 erasure code dir = /build/ceph/lib plugin dir = /build/ceph/lib filestore fd cache size = 32 run dir = /build/ceph/out crash dir = /build/ceph/out enable experimental unrecoverable data corrupting features = * osd_crush_chooseleaf_type = 0 debug asok assert abort = true ms bind msgr2 = true ms bind msgr1 = true lockdep = true auth cluster required = cephx auth service required = cephx auth client required = cephx [client] keyring = /build/ceph/keyring log file = /build/ceph/out/$name.$pid.log admin socket = /tmp/ceph-asok.TJjaSH/$name.$pid.asok ; needed for s3tests rgw crypt s3 kms encryption keys = testkey-1=YmluCmJvb3N0CmJvb3N0LWJ1aWxkCmNlcGguY29uZgo= testkey-2=aWIKTWFrZWZpbGUKbWFuCm91dApzcmMKVGVzdGluZwo= rgw crypt require ssl = false ; uncomment the following to set LC days as the value in seconds; ; needed for passing lc time based s3-tests (can be verbose) ; rgw lc debug interval = 10 [mds] log file = /build/ceph/out/$name.log admin socket = /tmp/ceph-asok.TJjaSH/$name.asok chdir = "" pid file = /build/ceph/out/$name.pid heartbeat file = /build/ceph/out/$name.heartbeat mds data = /build/ceph/dev/mds.$id mds root ino uid = 4447 mds root ino gid = 4447 [mgr] mgr data = /build/ceph/dev/mgr.$id mgr module path = /home/jlayton/git/ceph/src/pybind/mgr log file = /build/ceph/out/$name.log admin socket = /tmp/ceph-asok.TJjaSH/$name.asok chdir = "" pid file = /build/ceph/out/$name.pid heartbeat file = /build/ceph/out/$name.heartbeat [osd] log file = /build/ceph/out/$name.log admin socket = /tmp/ceph-asok.TJjaSH/$name.asok chdir = "" pid file = /build/ceph/out/$name.pid heartbeat file = /build/ceph/out/$name.heartbeat osd_check_max_object_name_len_on_startup = false osd data = /build/ceph/dev/osd$id osd journal = /build/ceph/dev/osd$id/journal osd journal size = 100 osd class tmp = out osd class dir = /build/ceph/lib osd class load list = * osd class default list = * filestore wbthrottle xfs ios start flusher = 10 filestore wbthrottle xfs ios hard limit = 20 filestore wbthrottle xfs inodes hard limit = 30 filestore wbthrottle btrfs ios start flusher = 10 filestore wbthrottle btrfs ios hard limit = 20 filestore wbthrottle btrfs inodes hard limit = 30 bluestore fsck on mount = true bluestore block create = true bluestore block db path = /build/ceph/dev/osd$id/block.db.file bluestore block db size = 1073741824 bluestore block db create = true bluestore block wal path = /build/ceph/dev/osd$id/block.wal.file bluestore block wal size = 1048576000 bluestore block wal create = true ; kstore kstore fsck on mount = true osd objectstore = bluestore [mon] mgr initial modules = dashboard restful iostat log file = /build/ceph/out/$name.log admin socket = /tmp/ceph-asok.TJjaSH/$name.asok chdir = "" pid file = /build/ceph/out/$name.pid heartbeat file = /build/ceph/out/$name.heartbeat debug mon = 10 debug ms = 1 mon cluster log file = /build/ceph/out/cluster.mon.$id.log osd pool default erasure code profile = plugin=jerasure technique=reed_sol_van k=2 m=1 crush-failure-domain=osd [mon.a] host = tleilax mon data = /build/ceph/dev/mon.a [mon.b] host = tleilax mon data = /build/ceph/dev/mon.b [mon.c] host = tleilax mon data = /build/ceph/dev/mon.c [global] mon host = [v2:,v1:] [v2:,v1:] [v2:,v1:] [mgr.x] host = tleilax [osd.0] host = tleilax bluestore fsck on mount = false [mds.a] host = tleilax