


Bug #51178 » ceph-mds.sg1vosrv43.log

Jérôme Poulin, 06/14/2021 02:02 PM

2021-06-11 06:25:01.671 7fc4ea8e7700 -1 received signal: Hangup from killall -q -1 ceph-mon ceph-mgr ceph-mds ceph-osd ceph-fuse radosgw rbd-mirror (PID: 2793857) UID: 0
2021-06-11 06:25:01.691 7fc4ea8e7700 -1 received signal: Hangup from (PID: 2793858) UID: 0
2021-06-11 08:42:59.401 7fc4ea0e6700 0 mds.0.migrator nicely exporting to mds.1 [dir 0x1000001f554 /pg_xlog_archives/9.5/citammapgears/ [2,head] auth pv=15 v=13 cv=0/0 ap=1+2 state=1610874881|complete f(v0 m2021-06-11 08:42:59.324979 1=1+0) n(v0 rc2021-06-11 08:42:59.324979 b5810821 1=1+0) hs=1+2,ss=0+0 dirty=2 | child=1 dirty=1 authpin=1 0x55afdf13e300]
2021-06-11 08:43:05.065 7fc4ea0e6700 1 mds.sg1vosrv43 Updating MDS map to version 234 from mon.0
2021-06-11 08:43:23.061 7fc4ea0e6700 1 mds.sg1vosrv43 Updating MDS map to version 235 from mon.0
2021-06-11 08:45:15.277 7fc4ea0e6700 1 mds.sg1vosrv43 Updating MDS map to version 236 from mon.0
2021-06-11 08:45:32.853 7fc4ea0e6700 1 mds.sg1vosrv43 Updating MDS map to version 237 from mon.0
2021-06-11 09:13:49.446 7fc4ea0e6700 0 mds.0.migrator nicely exporting to mds.1 [dir 0x1000001be48 /survimobile/ [2,head] auth{1=1} v=841 cv=0/0 state=1610874881|complete f(v0 m2020-06-12 08:27:56.669695 1=0+1) n(v48 rc2021-06-10 14:38:07.604298 b9478454 39=38+1) hs=1+0,ss=0+0 dirty=1 | ptrwaiter=0 request=0 child=1 frozen=0 subtree=0 importing=0 replicated=1 dirty=1 waiter=0 authpin=0 tempexporting=0 0x55afdf8f8a00]
2021-06-11 09:13:55.258 7fc4ea0e6700 1 mds.sg1vosrv43 Updating MDS map to version 238 from mon.0
2021-06-11 09:16:05.399 7fc4ea0e6700 1 mds.sg1vosrv43 Updating MDS map to version 239 from mon.0
2021-06-11 10:11:09.521 7fc4ea0e6700 0 mds.0.migrator nicely exporting to mds.1 [dir 0x1000001f566.100* /pg_xlog_archives/9.6/scarto/ [2,head] auth pv=122176 v=122174 cv=122162/122162 ap=1+2 state=1610874881|complete f(v0 m2021-06-11 10:11:08.523432 1232=1232+0) n(v0 rc2021-06-11 10:11:08.523432 b5881284133 1232=1232+0) hs=1232+3,ss=0+0 dirty=3 | child=1 frozen=0 dirty=1 authpin=1 0x55afe84d8000]
2021-06-11 10:11:09.521 7fc4ea0e6700 0 mds.0.migrator nicely exporting to mds.1 [dir 0x1000001f566.110* /pg_xlog_archives/9.6/scarto/ [2,head] auth v=122170 cv=122162/122162 state=1610874881|complete f(v0 m2021-06-11 10:11:09.166650 1287=1287+0) n(v0 rc2021-06-11 10:11:09.166650 b6099585840 1287=1287+0) hs=1287+1,ss=0+0 dirty=1 | child=1 frozen=0 dirty=1 authpin=0 0x55afe84d8a00]
2021-06-11 10:11:15.053 7fc4ea0e6700 1 mds.sg1vosrv43 Updating MDS map to version 240 from mon.0
2021-06-11 10:11:15.145 7fc4e38d9700 0 mds.0.migrator nicely exporting to mds.1 [dir 0x1000001f566.011* /pg_xlog_archives/9.6/scarto/ [2,head] auth v=122195 cv=122162/122162 state=1610874881|complete f(v0 m2021-06-11 10:11:13.416439 1246=1246+0) n(v0 rc2021-06-11 10:11:13.416439 b5867733714 1246=1246+0) hs=1246+3,ss=0+0 dirty=5 | child=1 frozen=0 dirty=1 authpin=0 0x55afe58d3700]
2021-06-11 10:11:19.521 7fc4ea0e6700 0 mds.0.migrator nicely exporting to mds.1 [dir 0x1000001f566.000* /pg_xlog_archives/9.6/scarto/ [2,head] auth{1=1} pv=122225 v=122223 cv=122162/122162 ap=1+6 state=1610874881|complete f(v4 m2021-06-11 10:11:17.116501 1285=1285+0) n(v0 rc2021-06-11 10:11:17.187178 b6034782493 1285=1285+0) hs=1285+3,ss=0+0 dirty=9 | child=1 frozen=0 replicated=1 dirty=1 waiter=0 authpin=1 0x55afe58d2800]
2021-06-11 10:12:49.525 7fc4ea0e6700 0 mds.0.migrator nicely exporting to mds.1 [dir 0x1000001f566.101* /pg_xlog_archives/9.6/scarto/ [2,head] auth{1=1} pv=122465 v=122459 cv=122162/122162 ap=3+3 state=1610874881|complete f(v51 m2021-06-11 10:12:44.815513 1255=1255+0) n(v9 rc2021-06-11 10:12:44.815513 b5934714609 1255=1255+0) hs=1255+7,ss=0+0 dirty=21 | child=1 frozen=0 replicated=1 dirty=1 waiter=0 authpin=1 0x55afe84d8500]
2021-06-11 10:12:49.525 7fc4ea0e6700 0 mds.0.migrator nicely exporting to mds.1 [dir 0x1000001f566.111* /pg_xlog_archives/9.6/scarto/ [2,head] auth{1=1} pv=122417 v=122413 cv=122162/122162 ap=2+2 state=1610874881|complete f(v51 m2021-06-11 10:12:44.815513 1298=1298+0) n(v9 rc2021-06-11 10:12:44.815513 b6139107213 1298=1298+0) hs=1298+8,ss=0+0 dirty=15 | child=1 frozen=0 replicated=1 dirty=1 waiter=0 authpin=1 0x55afe84d8f00]
2021-06-11 10:13:13.573 7fc4ea0e6700 1 mds.sg1vosrv43 Updating MDS map to version 241 from mon.0
2021-06-11 10:13:29.525 7fc4ea0e6700 0 mds.0.migrator nicely exporting to mds.1 [dir 0x1000001f566.000* /pg_xlog_archives/9.6/scarto/ [2,head] auth{1=1} v=122736 cv=122162/122162 state=1610874881|complete f(v134 m2021-06-11 10:13:28.395021 1297=1297+0) n(v14 rc2021-06-11 10:13:28.395021 b6087363522 1297=1297+0) hs=1297+16,ss=0+0 dirty=34 | ptrwaiter=0 request=0 child=1 frozen=0 subtree=0 replicated=1 dirty=1 waiter=0 authpin=0 0x55afe58d2800]
2021-06-11 10:13:39.525 7fc4ea0e6700 0 mds.0.migrator nicely exporting to mds.1 [dir 0x1000001f566.001* /pg_xlog_archives/9.6/scarto/ [2,head] auth{1=1} v=122803 cv=122162/122162 state=1610874881|complete f(v152 m2021-06-11 10:13:39.373028 1199=1199+0) n(v15 rc2021-06-11 10:13:39.373028 b5635487062 1199=1199+0) hs=1199+27,ss=0+0 dirty=44 | child=1 frozen=0 replicated=1 dirty=1 authpin=0 0x55afe58d2d00]
2021-06-11 10:14:19.525 7fc4ea0e6700 0 mds.0.migrator nicely exporting to mds.1 [dir 0x1000001f566.001* /pg_xlog_archives/9.6/scarto/ [2,head] auth{1=1} v=123175 cv=122162/122162 state=1610874881|complete f(v280 m2021-06-11 10:14:17.103995 1207=1207+0) n(v19 rc2021-06-11 10:14:17.103995 b5675757649 1207=1207+0) hs=1207+39,ss=0+0 dirty=64 | ptrwaiter=0 request=0 dnwaiter=0 child=1 frozen=0 subtree=0 importing=0 replicated=1 dirty=1 waiter=0 authpin=0 tempexporting=0 0x55afe58d2d00]
2021-06-11 10:17:02.761 7fc4ea0e6700 1 mds.sg1vosrv43 Updating MDS map to version 242 from mon.0
2021-06-11 10:17:15.045 7fc4ea0e6700 1 mds.sg1vosrv43 Updating MDS map to version 243 from mon.0
2021-06-11 10:21:03.301 7fc4ea0e6700 1 mds.sg1vosrv43 Updating MDS map to version 244 from mon.0
2021-06-11 10:22:19.537 7fc4ea0e6700 0 mds.0.migrator nicely exporting to mds.1 [dir 0x1000001f566.000* /pg_xlog_archives/9.6/scarto/ [2,head] auth{1=1} v=125707 cv=122162/122162 state=1610874881|complete f(v1095 m2021-06-11 10:22:14.855192 1376=1376+0) n(v67 rc2021-06-11 10:22:14.855192 b6473492432 1376=1376+0) hs=1376+103,ss=0+0 dirty=200 | ptrwaiter=0 request=0 dnwaiter=0 child=1 frozen=0 subtree=0 importing=0 replicated=1 dirty=1 waiter=0 authpin=0 tempexporting=0 0x55afe58d2800]
2021-06-11 10:22:25.093 7fc4ea0e6700 1 mds.sg1vosrv43 Updating MDS map to version 245 from mon.0
2021-06-11 10:23:57.653 7fc4ea0e6700 1 mds.sg1vosrv43 Updating MDS map to version 246 from mon.0
2021-06-11 10:25:19.801 7fc4ea0e6700 1 mds.sg1vosrv43 Updating MDS map to version 247 from mon.0
2021-06-11 10:26:19.541 7fc4ea0e6700 0 mds.0.migrator nicely exporting to mds.1 [dir 0x1000001f566.111* /pg_xlog_archives/9.6/scarto/ [2,head] auth{1=1} v=126936 cv=122162/122162 state=1610874881|complete f(v1510 m2021-06-11 10:26:16.556365 1434=1434+0) n(v91 rc2021-06-11 10:26:16.556365 b6798679456 1434=1434+0) hs=1434+138,ss=0+0 dirty=281 | ptrwaiter=0 request=0 dnwaiter=0 child=1 frozen=0 subtree=0 importing=0 replicated=1 dirty=1 waiter=0 authpin=0 tempexporting=0 0x55afe84d8f00]
2021-06-11 10:26:24.653 7fc4ea0e6700 1 mds.sg1vosrv43 Updating MDS map to version 248 from mon.0
2021-06-11 10:26:42.981 7fc4ea0e6700 1 mds.sg1vosrv43 Updating MDS map to version 249 from mon.0
2021-06-11 10:29:19.613 7fc4ea0e6700 1 mds.sg1vosrv43 Updating MDS map to version 250 from mon.0
2021-06-11 10:29:37.965 7fc4ea0e6700 1 mds.sg1vosrv43 Updating MDS map to version 251 from mon.0
2021-06-11 10:30:12.785 7fc4ea0e6700 1 mds.sg1vosrv43 Updating MDS map to version 252 from mon.0
2021-06-11 10:31:49.549 7fc4ea0e6700 0 mds.0.migrator nicely exporting to mds.1 [dir 0x1000001f566.000* /pg_xlog_archives/9.6/scarto/ [2,head] auth{1=1} v=128808 cv=122162/122162 state=1610874881|complete f(v2128 m2021-06-11 10:31:45.917231 1456=1456+0) n(v124 rc2021-06-11 10:31:45.917231 b6849927552 1456=1456+0) hs=1456+187,ss=0+0 dirty=364 | ptrwaiter=0 request=0 dnwaiter=0 child=1 frozen=0 subtree=0 importing=0 replicated=1 dirty=1 waiter=0 authpin=0 tempexporting=0 0x55afe58d2800]
2021-06-11 10:31:49.549 7fc4ea0e6700 0 mds.0.migrator nicely exporting to mds.1 [dir 0x1000001f566.010* /pg_xlog_archives/9.6/scarto/ [2,head] auth{1=1} pv=128800 v=128798 cv=122162/122162 ap=1+1 state=1610874881|complete f(v2128 m2021-06-11 10:31:44.796003 1455=1455+0) n(v124 rc2021-06-11 10:31:44.796003 b6858103232 1455=1455+0) hs=1455+158,ss=0+0 dirty=365 | child=1 frozen=0 replicated=1 dirty=1 authpin=1 0x55afe58d3200]
2021-06-11 10:31:55.541 7fc4ea0e6700 1 mds.sg1vosrv43 Updating MDS map to version 253 from mon.0
2021-06-11 10:32:49.553 7fc4ea0e6700 0 mds.0.migrator nicely exporting to mds.1 [dir 0x1000001f566.000* /pg_xlog_archives/9.6/scarto/ [2,head] auth{1=1} v=129096 cv=122162/122162 state=1610874881|complete f(v2219 m2021-06-11 10:32:42.189976 1465=1465+0) n(v130 rc2021-06-11 10:32:42.189976 b6887917581 1465=1465+0) hs=1465+197,ss=0+0 dirty=383 | ptrwaiter=0 request=0 dnwaiter=0 child=1 frozen=0 subtree=0 importing=0 replicated=1 dirty=1 waiter=0 authpin=0 tempexporting=0 0x55afe58d2800]
2021-06-11 10:33:19.553 7fc4ea0e6700 0 mds.0.migrator nicely exporting to mds.1 [dir 0x1000001f566.010* /pg_xlog_archives/9.6/scarto/ [2,head] auth{1=1} pv=129320 v=129318 cv=122162/122162 ap=1+3 state=1610874881|complete f(v2271 m2021-06-11 10:33:18.565306 1466=1466+0) n(v133 rc2021-06-11 10:33:18.565306 b6913860363 1466=1466+0) hs=1466+176,ss=0+0 dirty=393 | ptrwaiter=0 request=0 dnwaiter=0 child=1 frozen=0 subtree=0 importing=0 replicated=1 dirty=1 waiter=0 authpin=1 tempexporting=0 0x55afe58d3200]
2021-06-11 10:34:14.561 7fc4e38d9700 1 mds.0.cache.ino(0x1000001cf86) store backtrace error -1 v 6
2021-06-11 10:34:14.561 7fc4e38d9700 -1 log_channel(cluster) log [ERR] : failed to store backtrace on ino 0x1000001cf86 object, pool 45, errno -1
2021-06-11 10:34:14.561 7fc4e38d9700 -1 mds.0.166 unhandled write error (1) Operation not permitted, force readonly...
2021-06-11 10:34:14.561 7fc4e38d9700 1 mds.0.cache force file system read-only
2021-06-11 10:34:14.561 7fc4e38d9700 0 log_channel(cluster) log [WRN] : force file system read-only
2021-06-11 10:34:14.593 7fc4e38d9700 1 mds.0.cache.ino(0x1000001cf89) store backtrace error -1 v 36
2021-06-11 10:34:14.593 7fc4e38d9700 -1 log_channel(cluster) log [ERR] : failed to store backtrace on ino 0x1000001cf89 object, pool 45, errno -1
2021-06-11 10:34:14.593 7fc4e38d9700 -1 mds.0.166 unhandled write error (1) Operation not permitted, force readonly...
2021-06-11 10:34:14.593 7fc4e38d9700 1 mds.0.cache.ino(0x1000001cf87) store backtrace error -1 v 16
2021-06-11 10:34:14.593 7fc4e38d9700 -1 log_channel(cluster) log [ERR] : failed to store backtrace on ino 0x1000001cf87 object, pool 45, errno -1
2021-06-11 10:34:14.593 7fc4e38d9700 -1 mds.0.166 unhandled write error (1) Operation not permitted, force readonly...
2021-06-11 10:34:14.593 7fc4e38d9700 1 mds.0.cache.ino(0x1000001cf92) store backtrace error -1 v 126
2021-06-11 10:34:14.593 7fc4e38d9700 -1 log_channel(cluster) log [ERR] : failed to store backtrace on ino 0x1000001cf92 object, pool 45, errno -1
2021-06-11 10:34:14.593 7fc4e38d9700 -1 mds.0.166 unhandled write error (1) Operation not permitted, force readonly...
2021-06-11 10:34:14.593 7fc4e38d9700 1 mds.0.cache.ino(0x1000001cf90) store backtrace error -1 v 106
2021-06-11 10:34:14.593 7fc4e38d9700 -1 log_channel(cluster) log [ERR] : failed to store backtrace on ino 0x1000001cf90 object, pool 45, errno -1
2021-06-11 10:34:14.593 7fc4e38d9700 -1 mds.0.166 unhandled write error (1) Operation not permitted, force readonly...
2021-06-11 10:34:14.593 7fc4e38d9700 1 mds.0.cache.ino(0x1000001cf8d) store backtrace error -1 v 76
2021-06-11 10:34:14.593 7fc4e38d9700 -1 log_channel(cluster) log [ERR] : failed to store backtrace on ino 0x1000001cf8d object, pool 45, errno -1
2021-06-11 10:34:14.593 7fc4e38d9700 -1 mds.0.166 unhandled write error (1) Operation not permitted, force readonly...
2021-06-11 10:34:14.593 7fc4e38d9700 1 mds.0.cache.ino(0x1000001cf88) store backtrace error -1 v 26
2021-06-11 10:34:14.593 7fc4e38d9700 -1 log_channel(cluster) log [ERR] : failed to store backtrace on ino 0x1000001cf88 object, pool 45, errno -1
2021-06-11 10:34:14.593 7fc4e38d9700 -1 mds.0.166 unhandled write error (1) Operation not permitted, force readonly...
2021-06-11 10:34:14.593 7fc4e38d9700 1 mds.0.cache.ino(0x1000001cf93) store backtrace error -1 v 136
2021-06-11 10:34:14.593 7fc4e38d9700 -1 log_channel(cluster) log [ERR] : failed to store backtrace on ino 0x1000001cf93 object, pool 45, errno -1
2021-06-11 10:34:14.593 7fc4e38d9700 -1 mds.0.166 unhandled write error (1) Operation not permitted, force readonly...
2021-06-11 10:34:14.593 7fc4e38d9700 1 mds.0.cache.ino(0x1000001cf8c) store backtrace error -1 v 66
2021-06-11 10:34:14.593 7fc4e38d9700 -1 log_channel(cluster) log [ERR] : failed to store backtrace on ino 0x1000001cf8c object, pool 45, errno -1
2021-06-11 10:34:14.593 7fc4e38d9700 -1 mds.0.166 unhandled write error (1) Operation not permitted, force readonly...
2021-06-11 10:34:14.593 7fc4e38d9700 1 mds.0.cache.ino(0x1000001cf8b) store backtrace error -1 v 56
2021-06-11 10:34:14.593 7fc4e38d9700 -1 log_channel(cluster) log [ERR] : failed to store backtrace on ino 0x1000001cf8b object, pool 45, errno -1
2021-06-11 10:34:14.593 7fc4e38d9700 -1 mds.0.166 unhandled write error (1) Operation not permitted, force readonly...
2021-06-11 10:34:14.593 7fc4e38d9700 1 mds.0.cache.ino(0x1000001cf8a) store backtrace error -1 v 46
2021-06-11 10:34:14.593 7fc4e38d9700 -1 log_channel(cluster) log [ERR] : failed to store backtrace on ino 0x1000001cf8a object, pool 45, errno -1
2021-06-11 10:34:14.593 7fc4e38d9700 -1 mds.0.166 unhandled write error (1) Operation not permitted, force readonly...
2021-06-11 10:34:14.593 7fc4e38d9700 1 mds.0.cache.ino(0x1000001cf97) store backtrace error -1 v 176
2021-06-11 10:34:14.593 7fc4e38d9700 -1 log_channel(cluster) log [ERR] : failed to store backtrace on ino 0x1000001cf97 object, pool 45, errno -1
2021-06-11 10:34:14.593 7fc4e38d9700 -1 mds.0.166 unhandled write error (1) Operation not permitted, force readonly...
2021-06-11 10:34:14.593 7fc4e38d9700 1 mds.0.cache.ino(0x1000001cf8f) store backtrace error -1 v 96
2021-06-11 10:34:14.593 7fc4e38d9700 -1 log_channel(cluster) log [ERR] : failed to store backtrace on ino 0x1000001cf8f object, pool 45, errno -1
2021-06-11 10:34:14.593 7fc4e38d9700 -1 mds.0.166 unhandled write error (1) Operation not permitted, force readonly...
2021-06-11 10:34:14.593 7fc4e38d9700 1 mds.0.cache.ino(0x1000001cf95) store backtrace error -1 v 156
2021-06-11 10:34:14.593 7fc4e38d9700 -1 log_channel(cluster) log [ERR] : failed to store backtrace on ino 0x1000001cf95 object, pool 45, errno -1
2021-06-11 10:34:14.593 7fc4e38d9700 -1 mds.0.166 unhandled write error (1) Operation not permitted, force readonly...
2021-06-11 10:34:14.593 7fc4e38d9700 1 mds.0.cache.ino(0x1000001cf9b) store backtrace error -1 v 216
2021-06-11 10:34:14.593 7fc4e38d9700 -1 log_channel(cluster) log [ERR] : failed to store backtrace on ino 0x1000001cf9b object, pool 45, errno -1
2021-06-11 10:34:14.593 7fc4e38d9700 -1 mds.0.166 unhandled write error (1) Operation not permitted, force readonly...
2021-06-11 10:34:14.593 7fc4e38d9700 1 mds.0.cache.ino(0x1000001cf96) store backtrace error -1 v 166
2021-06-11 10:34:14.593 7fc4e38d9700 -1 log_channel(cluster) log [ERR] : failed to store backtrace on ino 0x1000001cf96 object, pool 45, errno -1
2021-06-11 10:34:14.593 7fc4e38d9700 -1 mds.0.166 unhandled write error (1) Operation not permitted, force readonly...
2021-06-11 10:34:14.593 7fc4e38d9700 1 mds.0.cache.ino(0x1000001cf99) store backtrace error -1 v 196
2021-06-11 10:34:14.593 7fc4e38d9700 -1 log_channel(cluster) log [ERR] : failed to store backtrace on ino 0x1000001cf99 object, pool 45, errno -1
2021-06-11 10:34:14.593 7fc4e38d9700 -1 mds.0.166 unhandled write error (1) Operation not permitted, force readonly...
2021-06-11 10:34:14.593 7fc4e38d9700 1 mds.0.cache.ino(0x1000001cf9c) store backtrace error -1 v 226
2021-06-11 10:34:14.593 7fc4e38d9700 -1 log_channel(cluster) log [ERR] : failed to store backtrace on ino 0x1000001cf9c object, pool 45, errno -1
2021-06-11 10:34:14.593 7fc4e38d9700 -1 mds.0.166 unhandled write error (1) Operation not permitted, force readonly...
2021-06-11 10:34:14.593 7fc4e38d9700 1 mds.0.cache.ino(0x1000001cfa0) store backtrace error -1 v 270
2021-06-11 10:34:14.593 7fc4e38d9700 -1 log_channel(cluster) log [ERR] : failed to store backtrace on ino 0x1000001cfa0 object, pool 45, errno -1
2021-06-11 10:34:14.593 7fc4e38d9700 -1 mds.0.166 unhandled write error (1) Operation not permitted, force readonly...
2021-06-11 10:34:14.593 7fc4e38d9700 1 mds.0.cache.ino(0x1000001cfa2) store backtrace error -1 v 290
2021-06-11 10:34:14.593 7fc4e38d9700 -1 log_channel(cluster) log [ERR] : failed to store backtrace on ino 0x1000001cfa2 object, pool 45, errno -1
2021-06-11 10:34:14.593 7fc4e38d9700 -1 mds.0.166 unhandled write error (1) Operation not permitted, force readonly...
2021-06-11 10:34:14.593 7fc4e38d9700 1 mds.0.cache.ino(0x1000001cf9a) store backtrace error -1 v 206
2021-06-11 10:34:14.593 7fc4e38d9700 -1 log_channel(cluster) log [ERR] : failed to store backtrace on ino 0x1000001cf9a object, pool 45, errno -1
2021-06-11 10:34:14.593 7fc4e38d9700 -1 mds.0.166 unhandled write error (1) Operation not permitted, force readonly...
2021-06-11 10:34:14.593 7fc4e38d9700 1 mds.0.cache.ino(0x1000001cf91) store backtrace error -1 v 116
2021-06-11 10:34:14.593 7fc4e38d9700 -1 log_channel(cluster) log [ERR] : failed to store backtrace on ino 0x1000001cf91 object, pool 45, errno -1
2021-06-11 10:34:14.593 7fc4e38d9700 -1 mds.0.166 unhandled write error (1) Operation not permitted, force readonly...
2021-06-11 10:34:14.593 7fc4e38d9700 1 mds.0.cache.ino(0x1000001cf98) store backtrace error -1 v 186
2021-06-11 10:34:14.593 7fc4e38d9700 -1 log_channel(cluster) log [ERR] : failed to store backtrace on ino 0x1000001cf98 object, pool 45, errno -1
2021-06-11 10:34:14.593 7fc4e38d9700 -1 mds.0.166 unhandled write error (1) Operation not permitted, force readonly...
2021-06-11 10:34:14.593 7fc4e38d9700 1 mds.0.cache.ino(0x1000001cf8e) store backtrace error -1 v 88
2021-06-11 10:34:14.593 7fc4e38d9700 -1 log_channel(cluster) log [ERR] : failed to store backtrace on ino 0x1000001cf8e object, pool 45, errno -1
2021-06-11 10:34:14.593 7fc4e38d9700 -1 mds.0.166 unhandled write error (1) Operation not permitted, force readonly...
2021-06-11 10:34:14.593 7fc4e38d9700 1 mds.0.cache.ino(0x1000001cf94) store backtrace error -1 v 146
2021-06-11 10:34:14.593 7fc4e38d9700 -1 log_channel(cluster) log [ERR] : failed to store backtrace on ino 0x1000001cf94 object, pool 45, errno -1
2021-06-11 10:34:14.593 7fc4e38d9700 -1 mds.0.166 unhandled write error (1) Operation not permitted, force readonly...
2021-06-11 10:34:14.593 7fc4e38d9700 1 mds.0.cache.ino(0x1000001cf9e) store backtrace error -1 v 246
2021-06-11 10:34:14.593 7fc4e38d9700 -1 log_channel(cluster) log [ERR] : failed to store backtrace on ino 0x1000001cf9e object, pool 45, errno -1
2021-06-11 10:34:14.593 7fc4e38d9700 -1 mds.0.166 unhandled write error (1) Operation not permitted, force readonly...
2021-06-11 10:34:14.593 7fc4e38d9700 1 mds.0.cache.ino(0x1000001cfa7) store backtrace error -1 v 342
2021-06-11 10:34:14.593 7fc4e38d9700 -1 log_channel(cluster) log [ERR] : failed to store backtrace on ino 0x1000001cfa7 object, pool 45, errno -1
2021-06-11 10:34:14.593 7fc4e38d9700 -1 mds.0.166 unhandled write error (1) Operation not permitted, force readonly...
2021-06-11 10:34:14.593 7fc4e38d9700 1 mds.0.cache.ino(0x1000001cfa1) store backtrace error -1 v 280
2021-06-11 10:34:14.593 7fc4e38d9700 -1 log_channel(cluster) log [ERR] : failed to store backtrace on ino 0x1000001cfa1 object, pool 45, errno -1
2021-06-11 10:34:14.593 7fc4e38d9700 -1 mds.0.166 unhandled write error (1) Operation not permitted, force readonly...
2021-06-11 10:34:14.593 7fc4e38d9700 1 mds.0.cache.ino(0x1000001cfa3) store backtrace error -1 v 300
2021-06-11 10:34:14.593 7fc4e38d9700 -1 log_channel(cluster) log [ERR] : failed to store backtrace on ino 0x1000001cfa3 object, pool 45, errno -1
2021-06-11 10:34:14.593 7fc4e38d9700 -1 mds.0.166 unhandled write error (1) Operation not permitted, force readonly...
2021-06-11 10:34:14.593 7fc4e38d9700 1 mds.0.cache.ino(0x1000001cfa4) store backtrace error -1 v 318
2021-06-11 10:34:14.593 7fc4e38d9700 -1 log_channel(cluster) log [ERR] : failed to store backtrace on ino 0x1000001cfa4 object, pool 45, errno -1
2021-06-11 10:34:14.593 7fc4e38d9700 -1 mds.0.166 unhandled write error (1) Operation not permitted, force readonly...
2021-06-11 10:34:14.593 7fc4e38d9700 1 mds.0.cache.ino(0x1000001cf9f) store backtrace error -1 v 260
2021-06-11 10:34:14.593 7fc4e38d9700 -1 log_channel(cluster) log [ERR] : failed to store backtrace on ino 0x1000001cf9f object, pool 45, errno -1
2021-06-11 10:34:14.593 7fc4e38d9700 -1 mds.0.166 unhandled write error (1) Operation not permitted, force readonly...
2021-06-11 10:34:14.593 7fc4e38d9700 1 mds.0.cache.ino(0x1000001cfa6) store backtrace error -1 v 334
2021-06-11 10:34:14.593 7fc4e38d9700 -1 log_channel(cluster) log [ERR] : failed to store backtrace on ino 0x1000001cfa6 object, pool 45, errno -1
2021-06-11 10:34:14.593 7fc4e38d9700 -1 mds.0.166 unhandled write error (1) Operation not permitted, force readonly...
2021-06-11 10:34:14.593 7fc4e38d9700 1 mds.0.cache.ino(0x1000001cfa5) store backtrace error -1 v 326
2021-06-11 10:34:14.593 7fc4e38d9700 -1 log_channel(cluster) log [ERR] : failed to store backtrace on ino 0x1000001cfa5 object, pool 45, errno -1
2021-06-11 10:34:14.593 7fc4e38d9700 -1 mds.0.166 unhandled write error (1) Operation not permitted, force readonly...
2021-06-11 10:34:14.593 7fc4e38d9700 1 mds.0.cache.ino(0x1000001cf9d) store backtrace error -1 v 236
2021-06-11 10:34:14.593 7fc4e38d9700 -1 log_channel(cluster) log [ERR] : failed to store backtrace on ino 0x1000001cf9d object, pool 45, errno -1
2021-06-11 10:34:14.593 7fc4e38d9700 -1 mds.0.166 unhandled write error (1) Operation not permitted, force readonly...
2021-06-11 10:34:14.593 7fc4e38d9700 1 mds.0.cache.ino(0x1000001cfa9) store backtrace error -1 v 358
2021-06-11 10:34:14.593 7fc4e38d9700 -1 log_channel(cluster) log [ERR] : failed to store backtrace on ino 0x1000001cfa9 object, pool 45, errno -1
2021-06-11 10:34:14.593 7fc4e38d9700 -1 mds.0.166 unhandled write error (1) Operation not permitted, force readonly...
2021-06-11 10:34:14.593 7fc4e38d9700 1 mds.0.cache.ino(0x1000001cfa8) store backtrace error -1 v 350
2021-06-11 10:34:14.593 7fc4e38d9700 -1 log_channel(cluster) log [ERR] : failed to store backtrace on ino 0x1000001cfa8 object, pool 45, errno -1
2021-06-11 10:34:14.593 7fc4e38d9700 -1 mds.0.166 unhandled write error (1) Operation not permitted, force readonly...
2021-06-11 10:34:14.593 7fc4e38d9700 1 mds.0.cache.ino(0x1000001cfad) store backtrace error -1 v 406
2021-06-11 10:34:14.593 7fc4e38d9700 -1 log_channel(cluster) log [ERR] : failed to store backtrace on ino 0x1000001cfad object, pool 45, errno -1
2021-06-11 10:34:14.593 7fc4e38d9700 -1 mds.0.166 unhandled write error (1) Operation not permitted, force readonly...
2021-06-11 10:34:14.593 7fc4e38d9700 1 mds.0.cache.ino(0x1000001cfaa) store backtrace error -1 v 368
2021-06-11 10:34:14.593 7fc4e38d9700 -1 log_channel(cluster) log [ERR] : failed to store backtrace on ino 0x1000001cfaa object, pool 45, errno -1
2021-06-11 10:34:14.593 7fc4e38d9700 -1 mds.0.166 unhandled write error (1) Operation not permitted, force readonly...
2021-06-11 10:34:14.593 7fc4e38d9700 1 mds.0.cache.ino(0x1000001cfaf) store backtrace error -1 v 426
2021-06-11 10:34:14.593 7fc4e38d9700 -1 log_channel(cluster) log [ERR] : failed to store backtrace on ino 0x1000001cfaf object, pool 45, errno -1
2021-06-11 10:34:14.593 7fc4e38d9700 -1 mds.0.166 unhandled write error (1) Operation not permitted, force readonly...
2021-06-11 10:34:14.593 7fc4e38d9700 1 mds.0.cache.ino(0x1000001cfb1) store backtrace error -1 v 454
2021-06-11 10:34:14.593 7fc4e38d9700 -1 log_channel(cluster) log [ERR] : failed to store backtrace on ino 0x1000001cfb1 object, pool 45, errno -1
2021-06-11 10:34:14.593 7fc4e38d9700 -1 mds.0.166 unhandled write error (1) Operation not permitted, force readonly...
2021-06-11 10:34:14.593 7fc4e38d9700 1 mds.0.cache.ino(0x1000001cfac) store backtrace error -1 v 396
2021-06-11 10:34:14.593 7fc4e38d9700 -1 log_channel(cluster) log [ERR] : failed to store backtrace on ino 0x1000001cfac object, pool 45, errno -1
2021-06-11 10:34:14.593 7fc4e38d9700 -1 mds.0.166 unhandled write error (1) Operation not permitted, force readonly...
2021-06-11 10:34:14.593 7fc4e38d9700 1 mds.0.cache.ino(0x1000001cfab) store backtrace error -1 v 378
2021-06-11 10:34:14.593 7fc4e38d9700 -1 log_channel(cluster) log [ERR] : failed to store backtrace on ino 0x1000001cfab object, pool 45, errno -1
2021-06-11 10:34:14.593 7fc4e38d9700 -1 mds.0.166 unhandled write error (1) Operation not permitted, force readonly...
2021-06-11 10:34:14.593 7fc4e38d9700 1 mds.0.cache.ino(0x1000001cfb3) store backtrace error -1 v 474
2021-06-11 10:34:14.593 7fc4e38d9700 -1 log_channel(cluster) log [ERR] : failed to store backtrace on ino 0x1000001cfb3 object, pool 45, errno -1
2021-06-11 10:34:14.593 7fc4e38d9700 -1 mds.0.166 unhandled write error (1) Operation not permitted, force readonly...
2021-06-11 10:34:14.593 7fc4e38d9700 1 mds.0.cache.ino(0x1000001cfb4) store backtrace error -1 v 484
2021-06-11 10:34:14.593 7fc4e38d9700 -1 log_channel(cluster) log [ERR] : failed to store backtrace on ino 0x1000001cfb4 object, pool 45, errno -1
2021-06-11 10:34:14.593 7fc4e38d9700 -1 mds.0.166 unhandled write error (1) Operation not permitted, force readonly...
2021-06-11 10:34:14.593 7fc4e38d9700 1 mds.0.cache.ino(0x1000001cfb7) store backtrace error -1 v 524
2021-06-11 10:34:14.593 7fc4e38d9700 -1 log_channel(cluster) log [ERR] : failed to store backtrace on ino 0x1000001cfb7 object, pool 45, errno -1
2021-06-11 10:34:14.593 7fc4e38d9700 -1 mds.0.166 unhandled write error (1) Operation not permitted, force readonly...
2021-06-11 10:34:14.593 7fc4e38d9700 1 mds.0.cache.ino(0x1000001cfba) store backtrace error -1 v 564
2021-06-11 10:34:14.593 7fc4e38d9700 -1 log_channel(cluster) log [ERR] : failed to store backtrace on ino 0x1000001cfba object, pool 45, errno -1
2021-06-11 10:34:14.593 7fc4e38d9700 -1 mds.0.166 unhandled write error (1) Operation not permitted, force readonly...
2021-06-11 10:34:14.593 7fc4e38d9700 1 mds.0.cache.ino(0x1000001cfb5) store backtrace error -1 v 494
2021-06-11 10:34:14.593 7fc4e38d9700 -1 log_channel(cluster) log [ERR] : failed to store backtrace on ino 0x1000001cfb5 object, pool 45, errno -1
2021-06-11 10:34:14.593 7fc4e38d9700 -1 mds.0.166 unhandled write error (1) Operation not permitted, force readonly...
2021-06-11 10:34:14.593 7fc4e38d9700 1 mds.0.cache.ino(0x1000001cfbb) store backtrace error -1 v 574
2021-06-11 10:34:14.593 7fc4e38d9700 -1 log_channel(cluster) log [ERR] : failed to store backtrace on ino 0x1000001cfbb object, pool 45, errno -1
2021-06-11 10:34:14.593 7fc4e38d9700 -1 mds.0.166 unhandled write error (1) Operation not permitted, force readonly...
2021-06-11 10:34:14.593 7fc4e38d9700 1 mds.0.cache.ino(0x1000001cfb6) store backtrace error -1 v 514
2021-06-11 10:34:14.593 7fc4e38d9700 -1 log_channel(cluster) log [ERR] : failed to store backtrace on ino 0x1000001cfb6 object, pool 45, errno -1
2021-06-11 10:34:14.593 7fc4e38d9700 -1 mds.0.166 unhandled write error (1) Operation not permitted, force readonly...
2021-06-11 10:34:14.593 7fc4e38d9700 1 mds.0.cache.ino(0x1000001cfb9) store backtrace error -1 v 544
2021-06-11 10:34:14.593 7fc4e38d9700 -1 log_channel(cluster) log [ERR] : failed to store backtrace on ino 0x1000001cfb9 object, pool 45, errno -1
2021-06-11 10:34:14.593 7fc4e38d9700 -1 mds.0.166 unhandled write error (1) Operation not permitted, force readonly...
2021-06-11 10:34:14.593 7fc4e38d9700 1 mds.0.cache.ino(0x1000001cfb0) store backtrace error -1 v 436
2021-06-11 10:34:14.593 7fc4e38d9700 -1 log_channel(cluster) log [ERR] : failed to store backtrace on ino 0x1000001cfb0 object, pool 45, errno -1
2021-06-11 10:34:14.593 7fc4e38d9700 -1 mds.0.166 unhandled write error (1) Operation not permitted, force readonly...
2021-06-11 10:34:14.593 7fc4e38d9700 1 mds.0.cache.ino(0x1000001cfae) store backtrace error -1 v 416
2021-06-11 10:34:14.593 7fc4e38d9700 -1 log_channel(cluster) log [ERR] : failed to store backtrace on ino 0x1000001cfae object, pool 45, errno -1
2021-06-11 10:34:14.593 7fc4e38d9700 -1 mds.0.166 unhandled write error (1) Operation not permitted, force readonly...
2021-06-11 10:34:14.593 7fc4e38d9700 1 mds.0.cache.ino(0x1000001cfbc) store backtrace error -1 v 584
2021-06-11 10:34:14.593 7fc4e38d9700 -1 log_channel(cluster) log [ERR] : failed to store backtrace on ino 0x1000001cfbc object, pool 45, errno -1
2021-06-11 10:34:14.593 7fc4e38d9700 -1 mds.0.166 unhandled write error (1) Operation not permitted, force readonly...
2021-06-11 10:34:14.593 7fc4e38d9700 1 mds.0.cache.ino(0x1000001cfbd) store backtrace error -1 v 594
2021-06-11 10:34:14.593 7fc4e38d9700 -1 log_channel(cluster) log [ERR] : failed to store backtrace on ino 0x1000001cfbd object, pool 45, errno -1
2021-06-11 10:34:14.593 7fc4e38d9700 -1 mds.0.166 unhandled write error (1) Operation not permitted, force readonly...
2021-06-11 10:34:14.593 7fc4e38d9700 1 mds.0.cache.ino(0x1000001cfb8) store backtrace error -1 v 534
2021-06-11 10:34:14.593 7fc4e38d9700 -1 log_channel(cluster) log [ERR] : failed to store backtrace on ino 0x1000001cfb8 object, pool 45, errno -1
2021-06-11 10:34:14.593 7fc4e38d9700 -1 mds.0.166 unhandled write error (1) Operation not permitted, force readonly...
2021-06-11 10:34:14.593 7fc4e38d9700 1 mds.0.cache.ino(0x1000001cfc0) store backtrace error -1 v 634
2021-06-11 10:34:14.593 7fc4e38d9700 -1 log_channel(cluster) log [ERR] : failed to store backtrace on ino 0x1000001cfc0 object, pool 45, errno -1
2021-06-11 10:34:14.593 7fc4e38d9700 -1 mds.0.166 unhandled write error (1) Operation not permitted, force readonly...
2021-06-11 10:34:14.593 7fc4e38d9700 1 mds.0.cache.ino(0x1000001cfc2) store backtrace error -1 v 654
2021-06-11 10:34:14.593 7fc4e38d9700 -1 log_channel(cluster) log [ERR] : failed to store backtrace on ino 0x1000001cfc2 object, pool 45, errno -1
2021-06-11 10:34:14.593 7fc4e38d9700 -1 mds.0.166 unhandled write error (1) Operation not permitted, force readonly...
2021-06-11 10:34:14.593 7fc4e38d9700 1 mds.0.cache.ino(0x1000001cfc8) store backtrace error -1 v 740
2021-06-11 10:34:14.593 7fc4e38d9700 -1 log_channel(cluster) log [ERR] : failed to store backtrace on ino 0x1000001cfc8 object, pool 45, errno -1
2021-06-11 10:34:14.593 7fc4e38d9700 -1 mds.0.166 unhandled write error (1) Operation not permitted, force readonly...
2021-06-11 10:34:14.593 7fc4e38d9700 1 mds.0.cache.ino(0x1000001cfbf) store backtrace error -1 v 624
2021-06-11 10:34:14.593 7fc4e38d9700 -1 log_channel(cluster) log [ERR] : failed to store backtrace on ino 0x1000001cfbf object, pool 45, errno -1
2021-06-11 10:34:14.593 7fc4e38d9700 -1 mds.0.166 unhandled write error (1) Operation not permitted, force readonly...
2021-06-11 10:34:14.593 7fc4e38d9700 1 mds.0.cache.ino(0x1000001cfb2) store backtrace error -1 v 464
2021-06-11 10:34:14.593 7fc4e38d9700 -1 log_channel(cluster) log [ERR] : failed to store backtrace on ino 0x1000001cfb2 object, pool 45, errno -1
2021-06-11 10:34:14.593 7fc4e38d9700 -1 mds.0.166 unhandled write error (1) Operation not permitted, force readonly...
2021-06-11 10:34:14.593 7fc4e38d9700 1 mds.0.cache.ino(0x1000001cfbe) store backtrace error -1 v 614
2021-06-11 10:34:14.593 7fc4e38d9700 -1 log_channel(cluster) log [ERR] : failed to store backtrace on ino 0x1000001cfbe object, pool 45, errno -1
2021-06-11 10:34:14.593 7fc4e38d9700 -1 mds.0.166 unhandled write error (1) Operation not permitted, force readonly...
2021-06-11 10:34:14.593 7fc4e38d9700 1 mds.0.cache.ino(0x1000001cfc3) store backtrace error -1 v 680
2021-06-11 10:34:14.593 7fc4e38d9700 -1 log_channel(cluster) log [ERR] : failed to store backtrace on ino 0x1000001cfc3 object, pool 45, errno -1
2021-06-11 10:34:14.593 7fc4e38d9700 -1 mds.0.166 unhandled write error (1) Operation not permitted, force readonly...
2021-06-11 10:34:14.593 7fc4e38d9700 1 mds.0.cache.ino(0x1000001cfc4) store backtrace error -1 v 690
2021-06-11 10:34:14.593 7fc4e38d9700 -1 log_channel(cluster) log [ERR] : failed to store backtrace on ino 0x1000001cfc4 object, pool 45, errno -1
2021-06-11 10:34:14.593 7fc4e38d9700 -1 mds.0.166 unhandled write error (1) Operation not permitted, force readonly...
2021-06-11 10:34:14.593 7fc4e38d9700 1 mds.0.cache.ino(0x1000001cfc1) store backtrace error -1 v 644
2021-06-11 10:34:14.593 7fc4e38d9700 -1 log_channel(cluster) log [ERR] : failed to store backtrace on ino 0x1000001cfc1 object, pool 45, errno -1
2021-06-11 10:34:14.593 7fc4e38d9700 -1 mds.0.166 unhandled write error (1) Operation not permitted, force readonly...
2021-06-11 10:34:14.593 7fc4e38d9700 1 mds.0.cache.ino(0x1000001cfc6) store backtrace error -1 v 710
2021-06-11 10:34:14.593 7fc4e38d9700 -1 log_channel(cluster) log [ERR] : failed to store backtrace on ino 0x1000001cfc6 object, pool 45, errno -1
2021-06-11 10:34:14.593 7fc4e38d9700 -1 mds.0.166 unhandled write error (1) Operation not permitted, force readonly...
2021-06-11 10:34:14.593 7fc4e38d9700 1 mds.0.cache.ino(0x1000001cfcd) store backtrace error -1 v 800
2021-06-11 10:34:14.593 7fc4e38d9700 -1 log_channel(cluster) log [ERR] : failed to store backtrace on ino 0x1000001cfcd object, pool 45, errno -1
2021-06-11 10:34:14.593 7fc4e38d9700 -1 mds.0.166 unhandled write error (1) Operation not permitted, force readonly...
2021-06-11 10:34:14.593 7fc4e38d9700 1 mds.0.cache.ino(0x1000001cfcb) store backtrace error -1 v 770
2021-06-11 10:34:14.593 7fc4e38d9700 -1 log_channel(cluster) log [ERR] : failed to store backtrace on ino 0x1000001cfcb object, pool 45, errno -1
2021-06-11 10:34:14.593 7fc4e38d9700 -1 mds.0.166 unhandled write error (1) Operation not permitted, force readonly...
2021-06-11 10:34:14.593 7fc4e38d9700 1 mds.0.cache.ino(0x1000001cfcc) store backtrace error -1 v 790
2021-06-11 10:34:14.593 7fc4e38d9700 -1 log_channel(cluster) log [ERR] : failed to store backtrace on ino 0x1000001cfcc object, pool 45, errno -1
2021-06-11 10:34:14.593 7fc4e38d9700 -1 mds.0.166 unhandled write error (1) Operation not permitted, force readonly...
2021-06-11 10:34:14.593 7fc4e38d9700 1 mds.0.cache.ino(0x1000001cfc5) store backtrace error -1 v 700
2021-06-11 10:34:14.593 7fc4e38d9700 -1 log_channel(cluster) log [ERR] : failed to store backtrace on ino 0x1000001cfc5 object, pool 45, errno -1
2021-06-11 10:34:14.593 7fc4e38d9700 -1 mds.0.166 unhandled write error (1) Operation not permitted, force readonly...
2021-06-11 10:34:14.593 7fc4e38d9700 1 mds.0.cache.ino(0x1000001cfc7) store backtrace error -1 v 720
2021-06-11 10:34:14.593 7fc4e38d9700 -1 log_channel(cluster) log [ERR] : failed to store backtrace on ino 0x1000001cfc7 object, pool 45, errno -1
2021-06-11 10:34:14.593 7fc4e38d9700 -1 mds.0.166 unhandled write error (1) Operation not permitted, force readonly...
2021-06-11 10:34:14.593 7fc4e38d9700 1 mds.0.cache.ino(0x1000001cfd1) store backtrace error -1 v 848
2021-06-11 10:34:14.593 7fc4e38d9700 -1 log_channel(cluster) log [ERR] : failed to store backtrace on ino 0x1000001cfd1 object, pool 45, errno -1
2021-06-11 10:34:14.593 7fc4e38d9700 -1 mds.0.166 unhandled write error (1) Operation not permitted, force readonly...
2021-06-11 10:34:14.593 7fc4e38d9700 1 mds.0.cache.ino(0x1000001cfca) store backtrace error -1 v 760
2021-06-11 10:34:14.593 7fc4e38d9700 -1 log_channel(cluster) log [ERR] : failed to store backtrace on ino 0x1000001cfca object, pool 45, errno -1
2021-06-11 10:34:14.593 7fc4e38d9700 -1 mds.0.166 unhandled write error (1) Operation not permitted, force readonly...
2021-06-11 10:34:14.593 7fc4e38d9700 1 mds.0.cache.ino(0x1000001cfd3) store backtrace error -1 v 868
2021-06-11 10:34:14.593 7fc4e38d9700 -1 log_channel(cluster) log [ERR] : failed to store backtrace on ino 0x1000001cfd3 object, pool 45, errno -1
2021-06-11 10:34:14.593 7fc4e38d9700 -1 mds.0.166 unhandled write error (1) Operation not permitted, force readonly...
2021-06-11 10:34:14.593 7fc4e38d9700 1 mds.0.cache.ino(0x1000001cfda) store backtrace error -1 v 944
2021-06-11 10:34:14.593 7fc4e38d9700 -1 log_channel(cluster) log [ERR] : failed to store backtrace on ino 0x1000001cfda object, pool 45, errno -1
2021-06-11 10:34:14.593 7fc4e38d9700 -1 mds.0.166 unhandled write error (1) Operation not permitted, force readonly...
2021-06-11 10:34:14.593 7fc4e38d9700 1 mds.0.cache.ino(0x1000001cfd5) store backtrace error -1 v 888
2021-06-11 10:34:14.593 7fc4e38d9700 -1 log_channel(cluster) log [ERR] : failed to store backtrace on ino 0x1000001cfd5 object, pool 45, errno -1
2021-06-11 10:34:14.593 7fc4e38d9700 -1 mds.0.166 unhandled write error (1) Operation not permitted, force readonly...
2021-06-11 10:34:14.593 7fc4e38d9700 1 mds.0.cache.ino(0x1000001cfcf) store backtrace error -1 v 820
2021-06-11 10:34:14.593 7fc4e38d9700 -1 log_channel(cluster) log [ERR] : failed to store backtrace on ino 0x1000001cfcf object, pool 45, errno -1
2021-06-11 10:34:14.593 7fc4e38d9700 -1 mds.0.166 unhandled write error (1) Operation not permitted, force readonly...
2021-06-11 10:34:14.593 7fc4e38d9700 1 mds.0.cache.ino(0x1000001cfc9) store backtrace error -1 v 750
2021-06-11 10:34:14.593 7fc4e38d9700 -1 log_channel(cluster) log [ERR] : failed to store backtrace on ino 0x1000001cfc9 object, pool 45, errno -1
2021-06-11 10:34:14.593 7fc4e38d9700 -1 mds.0.166 unhandled write error (1) Operation not permitted, force readonly...
2021-06-11 10:34:14.593 7fc4e38d9700 1 mds.0.cache.ino(0x1000001cfce) store backtrace error -1 v 810
2021-06-11 10:34:14.593 7fc4e38d9700 -1 log_channel(cluster) log [ERR] : failed to store backtrace on ino 0x1000001cfce object, pool 45, errno -1
2021-06-11 10:34:14.593 7fc4e38d9700 -1 mds.0.166 unhandled write error (1) Operation not permitted, force readonly...
2021-06-11 10:34:14.593 7fc4e38d9700 1 mds.0.cache.ino(0x1000001cfd2) store backtrace error -1 v 858
2021-06-11 10:34:14.593 7fc4e38d9700 -1 log_channel(cluster) log [ERR] : failed to store backtrace on ino 0x1000001cfd2 object, pool 45, errno -1
2021-06-11 10:34:14.593 7fc4e38d9700 -1 mds.0.166 unhandled write error (1) Operation not permitted, force readonly...
2021-06-11 10:34:14.593 7fc4e38d9700 1 mds.0.cache.ino(0x1000001cfd4) store backtrace error -1 v 878
2021-06-11 10:34:14.593 7fc4e38d9700 -1 log_channel(cluster) log [ERR] : failed to store backtrace on ino 0x1000001cfd4 object, pool 45, errno -1
2021-06-11 10:34:14.593 7fc4e38d9700 -1 mds.0.166 unhandled write error (1) Operation not permitted, force readonly...
2021-06-11 10:34:14.593 7fc4e38d9700 1 mds.0.cache.ino(0x1000001cfdf) store backtrace error -1 v 994
2021-06-11 10:34:14.593 7fc4e38d9700 -1 log_channel(cluster) log [ERR] : failed to store backtrace on ino 0x1000001cfdf object, pool 45, errno -1
2021-06-11 10:34:14.593 7fc4e38d9700 -1 mds.0.166 unhandled write error (1) Operation not permitted, force readonly...
2021-06-11 10:34:14.593 7fc4e38d9700 1 mds.0.cache.ino(0x1000001cfdc) store backtrace error -1 v 960
2021-06-11 10:34:14.593 7fc4e38d9700 -1 log_channel(cluster) log [ERR] : failed to store backtrace on ino 0x1000001cfdc object, pool 45, errno -1
2021-06-11 10:34:14.593 7fc4e38d9700 -1 mds.0.166 unhandled write error (1) Operation not permitted, force readonly...
2021-06-11 10:34:14.593 7fc4e38d9700 1 mds.0.cache.ino(0x1000001cfd0) store backtrace error -1 v 830
2021-06-11 10:34:14.593 7fc4e38d9700 -1 log_channel(cluster) log [ERR] : failed to store backtrace on ino 0x1000001cfd0 object, pool 45, errno -1
2021-06-11 10:34:14.593 7fc4e38d9700 -1 mds.0.166 unhandled write error (1) Operation not permitted, force readonly...
2021-06-11 10:34:14.593 7fc4e38d9700 1 mds.0.cache.ino(0x1000001cfde) store backtrace error -1 v 986
2021-06-11 10:34:14.593 7fc4e38d9700 -1 log_channel(cluster) log [ERR] : failed to store backtrace on ino 0x1000001cfde object, pool 45, errno -1
2021-06-11 10:34:14.593 7fc4e38d9700 -1 mds.0.166 unhandled write error (1) Operation not permitted, force readonly...
2021-06-11 10:34:14.593 7fc4e38d9700 1 mds.0.cache.ino(0x1000001cfd6) store backtrace error -1 v 906
2021-06-11 10:34:14.593 7fc4e38d9700 -1 log_channel(cluster) log [ERR] : failed to store backtrace on ino 0x1000001cfd6 object, pool 45, errno -1
2021-06-11 10:34:14.593 7fc4e38d9700 -1 mds.0.166 unhandled write error (1) Operation not permitted, force readonly...
2021-06-11 10:34:14.593 7fc4e38d9700 1 mds.0.cache.ino(0x1000001cfe2) store backtrace error -1 v 1024
2021-06-11 10:34:14.593 7fc4e38d9700 -1 log_channel(cluster) log [ERR] : failed to store backtrace on ino 0x1000001cfe2 object, pool 45, errno -1
2021-06-11 10:34:14.593 7fc4e38d9700 -1 mds.0.166 unhandled write error (1) Operation not permitted, force readonly...
2021-06-11 10:34:14.593 7fc4e38d9700 1 mds.0.cache.ino(0x1000001cfdb) store backtrace error -1 v 952
2021-06-11 10:34:14.593 7fc4e38d9700 -1 log_channel(cluster) log [ERR] : failed to store backtrace on ino 0x1000001cfdb object, pool 45, errno -1
2021-06-11 10:34:14.593 7fc4e38d9700 -1 mds.0.166 unhandled write error (1) Operation not permitted, force readonly...
2021-06-11 10:34:14.593 7fc4e38d9700 1 mds.0.cache.ino(0x1000001cfe0) store backtrace error -1 v 1004
2021-06-11 10:34:14.593 7fc4e38d9700 -1 log_channel(cluster) log [ERR] : failed to store backtrace on ino 0x1000001cfe0 object, pool 45, errno -1
2021-06-11 10:34:14.593 7fc4e38d9700 -1 mds.0.166 unhandled write error (1) Operation not permitted, force readonly...
2021-06-11 10:34:14.593 7fc4e38d9700 1 mds.0.cache.ino(0x1000001cfdd) store backtrace error -1 v 978
2021-06-11 10:34:14.593 7fc4e38d9700 -1 log_channel(cluster) log [ERR] : failed to store backtrace on ino 0x1000001cfdd object, pool 45, errno -1
2021-06-11 10:34:14.593 7fc4e38d9700 -1 mds.0.166 unhandled write error (1) Operation not permitted, force readonly...
2021-06-11 10:34:14.593 7fc4e38d9700 1 mds.0.cache.ino(0x1000001cfd7) store backtrace error -1 v 916
2021-06-11 10:34:14.593 7fc4e38d9700 -1 log_channel(cluster) log [ERR] : failed to store backtrace on ino 0x1000001cfd7 object, pool 45, errno -1
2021-06-11 10:34:14.593 7fc4e38d9700 -1 mds.0.166 unhandled write error (1) Operation not permitted, force readonly...
2021-06-11 10:34:14.593 7fc4e38d9700 1 mds.0.cache.ino(0x1000001cfd9) store backtrace error -1 v 936
2021-06-11 10:34:14.593 7fc4e38d9700 -1 log_channel(cluster) log [ERR] : failed to store backtrace on ino 0x1000001cfd9 object, pool 45, errno -1
2021-06-11 10:34:14.593 7fc4e38d9700 -1 mds.0.166 unhandled write error (1) Operation not permitted, force readonly...
2021-06-11 10:34:14.593 7fc4e38d9700 1 mds.0.cache.ino(0x1000001cfd8) store backtrace error -1 v 926
2021-06-11 10:34:14.593 7fc4e38d9700 -1 log_channel(cluster) log [ERR] : failed to store backtrace on ino 0x1000001cfd8 object, pool 45, errno -1
2021-06-11 10:34:14.593 7fc4e38d9700 -1 mds.0.166 unhandled write error (1) Operation not permitted, force readonly...
2021-06-11 10:34:14.593 7fc4e38d9700 1 mds.0.cache.ino(0x1000001cfe1) store backtrace error -1 v 1014
2021-06-11 10:34:14.593 7fc4e38d9700 -1 log_channel(cluster) log [ERR] : failed to store backtrace on ino 0x1000001cfe1 object, pool 45, errno -1
2021-06-11 10:34:14.593 7fc4e38d9700 -1 mds.0.166 unhandled write error (1) Operation not permitted, force readonly...
2021-06-11 10:34:14.593 7fc4e38d9700 1 mds.0.cache.ino(0x1000001cfe3) store backtrace error -1 v 1044
2021-06-11 10:34:14.593 7fc4e38d9700 -1 log_channel(cluster) log [ERR] : failed to store backtrace on ino 0x1000001cfe3 object, pool 45, errno -1
2021-06-11 10:34:14.593 7fc4e38d9700 -1 mds.0.166 unhandled write error (1) Operation not permitted, force readonly...
2021-06-11 10:34:14.593 7fc4e38d9700 -1 mds.0.166 unhandled write error (1) Operation not permitted, force readonly...
2021-06-11 10:34:20.253 7fc4ea0e6700 1 mds.sg1vosrv43 Updating MDS map to version 254 from mon.0
2021-06-11 10:34:20.253 7fc4ea0e6700 1 mds.0.cache handle_mds_failure mds.1 : recovery peers are
2021-06-11 10:34:20.265 7fc4ea0e6700 1 mds.sg1vosrv43 Updating MDS map to version 255 from mon.0
2021-06-11 10:34:20.265 7fc4ea0e6700 1 mds.0.cache handle_mds_failure mds.1 : recovery peers are
2021-06-11 10:34:21.269 7fc4ea0e6700 1 mds.sg1vosrv43 Updating MDS map to version 256 from mon.0
2021-06-11 10:34:21.269 7fc4ea0e6700 1 mds.0.166 recovery set is 1
2021-06-11 10:34:22.281 7fc4ea0e6700 1 mds.sg1vosrv43 Updating MDS map to version 257 from mon.0
2021-06-11 10:34:23.297 7fc4ea0e6700 1 mds.sg1vosrv43 Updating MDS map to version 258 from mon.0
2021-06-11 10:34:23.297 7fc4ea0e6700 1 mds.0.166 rejoin_joint_start
2021-06-11 10:34:24.305 7fc4ea0e6700 1 mds.sg1vosrv43 Updating MDS map to version 259 from mon.0
2021-06-11 10:34:24.305 7fc4ea0e6700 1 mds.0.166 cluster recovered.
2021-06-11 10:36:20.213 7fc4ea0e6700 1 mds.sg1vosrv43 Updating MDS map to version 260 from mon.0
2021-06-11 11:31:48.055 7fc4ea8e7700 -1 received signal: Terminated from /sbin/init (PID: 1) UID: 0
2021-06-11 11:31:48.055 7fc4ea8e7700 -1 mds.sg1vosrv43 *** got signal Terminated ***
2021-06-11 11:31:48.055 7fc4ea8e7700 1 mds.sg1vosrv43 suicide! Wanted state up:active
2021-06-11 11:31:48.143 7fc4ed0ec700 1 mds.beacon.sg1vosrv43 discarding unexpected beacon reply down:dne seq 473620 dne
2021-06-11 11:31:48.975 7fc4ea8e7700 1 mds.0.166 shutdown: shutting down rank 0
2021-06-11 11:31:48.975 7fc4ea0e6700 0 ms_deliver_dispatch: unhandled message 0x55afe61a2300 osd_map(118966..118966 src has 118317..118966) v4 from mon.0 v2:
2021-06-11 11:31:48.975 7fc4ea0e6700 0 ms_deliver_dispatch: unhandled message 0x55afe1154d00 mdsmap(e 261) v1 from mon.0 v2:
2021-06-11 11:31:48.975 7fc4ea0e6700 0 ms_deliver_dispatch: unhandled message 0x55afde7b9d40 mdsmap(e 262) v1 from mon.0 v2:
2021-06-11 11:31:49.283 7f98d4e4c440 0 set uid:gid to 64045:64045 (ceph:ceph)
2021-06-11 11:31:49.283 7f98d4e4c440 0 ceph version 14.2.21 (5ef401921d7a88aea18ec7558f7f9374ebd8f5a6) nautilus (stable), process ceph-mds, pid 2905373
2021-06-11 11:31:49.287 7f98d4e4c440 0 pidfile_write: ignore empty --pid-file
2021-06-11 11:31:49.315 7f98c396e700 1 mds.sg1vosrv43 Updating MDS map to version 262 from mon.0
2021-06-11 11:31:51.095 7f98c396e700 1 mds.sg1vosrv43 Updating MDS map to version 263 from mon.0
2021-06-11 11:31:52.103 7f98c396e700 1 mds.sg1vosrv43 Updating MDS map to version 264 from mon.0
2021-06-11 11:31:53.119 7f98c396e700 1 mds.sg1vosrv43 Updating MDS map to version 265 from mon.0
2021-06-11 11:31:54.143 7f98c396e700 1 mds.sg1vosrv43 Updating MDS map to version 266 from mon.0
2021-06-11 11:31:54.143 7f98c396e700 1 mds.sg1vosrv43 Monitors have assigned me to become a standby.
2021-06-11 11:38:48.535 7f98c396e700 1 mds.sg1vosrv43 Updating MDS map to version 273 from mon.0
2021-06-11 11:38:48.535 7f98c396e700 1 mds.1.273 handle_mds_map i am now mds.1.273
2021-06-11 11:38:48.535 7f98c396e700 1 mds.1.273 handle_mds_map state change up:boot --> up:replay
2021-06-11 11:38:48.535 7f98c396e700 1 mds.1.273 replay_start
2021-06-11 11:38:48.535 7f98c396e700 1 mds.1.273 waiting for osdmap 118967 (which blacklists prior instance)
2021-06-11 11:38:48.543 7f98bc960700 0 mds.1.cache creating system inode with ino:0x101
2021-06-11 11:38:48.543 7f98bc960700 0 mds.1.cache creating system inode with ino:0x1
2021-06-11 11:38:49.355 7f98bb95e700 1 mds.1.273 Finished replaying journal
2021-06-11 11:38:49.355 7f98bb95e700 1 mds.1.273 making mds journal writeable
2021-06-11 11:38:49.559 7f98c396e700 1 mds.sg1vosrv43 Updating MDS map to version 274 from mon.0
2021-06-11 11:38:49.559 7f98c396e700 1 mds.1.273 handle_mds_map i am now mds.1.273
2021-06-11 11:38:49.559 7f98c396e700 1 mds.1.273 handle_mds_map state change up:replay --> up:resolve
2021-06-11 11:38:49.559 7f98c396e700 1 mds.1.273 resolve_start
2021-06-11 11:38:49.559 7f98c396e700 1 mds.1.273 reopen_log
2021-06-11 11:38:49.559 7f98c396e700 1 mds.1.273 recovery set is 0
2021-06-11 11:38:49.559 7f98c396e700 1 mds.1.273 recovery set is 0
2021-06-11 11:38:49.563 7f98c396e700 1 mds.sg1vosrv43 parse_caps: cannot decode auth caps buffer of length 0
2021-06-11 11:38:49.567 7f98c396e700 1 mds.1.273 resolve_done
2021-06-11 11:38:50.567 7f98c396e700 1 mds.sg1vosrv43 Updating MDS map to version 275 from mon.0
2021-06-11 11:38:50.567 7f98c396e700 1 mds.1.273 handle_mds_map i am now mds.1.273
2021-06-11 11:38:50.567 7f98c396e700 1 mds.1.273 handle_mds_map state change up:resolve --> up:reconnect
2021-06-11 11:38:50.567 7f98c396e700 1 mds.1.273 reconnect_start
2021-06-11 11:38:50.567 7f98c396e700 1 mds.1.server reconnect_clients -- 6 sessions
2021-06-11 11:38:50.571 7f98c396e700 0 log_channel(cluster) log [DBG] : reconnect by client.51630237 v1: after 0.004
2021-06-11 11:38:50.571 7f98c396e700 0 log_channel(cluster) log [DBG] : reconnect by client.34323905 v1: after 0.004
2021-06-11 11:38:50.571 7f98c396e700 0 log_channel(cluster) log [DBG] : reconnect by client.51409080 v1: after 0.004
2021-06-11 11:39:22.195 7f98c396e700 1 mds.sg1vosrv43 Updating MDS map to version 276 from mon.0
2021-06-11 11:39:39.311 7f98c196a700 1 mds.1.server reconnect gives up on client.51877501
2021-06-11 11:39:39.311 7f98c196a700 0 log_channel(cluster) log [WRN] : evicting unresponsive client (51877501), after waiting 48.744 seconds during MDS startup
2021-06-11 11:39:39.311 7f98c196a700 1 mds.1.273 Evicting (and blacklisting) client session 51877501 (
2021-06-11 11:39:39.311 7f98c196a700 0 log_channel(cluster) log [INF] : Evicting (and blacklisting) client session 51877501 (
2021-06-11 11:39:39.311 7f98c196a700 1 mds.1.server reconnect gives up on client.54086898
2021-06-11 11:39:39.311 7f98c196a700 0 log_channel(cluster) log [WRN] : evicting unresponsive client (54086898), after waiting 48.744 seconds during MDS startup
2021-06-11 11:39:39.311 7f98c196a700 1 mds.1.273 Evicting (and blacklisting) client session 54086898 (
2021-06-11 11:39:39.311 7f98c196a700 0 log_channel(cluster) log [INF] : Evicting (and blacklisting) client session 54086898 (
2021-06-11 11:39:39.311 7f98c196a700 1 mds.1.server reconnect gives up on client.54092403
2021-06-11 11:39:39.311 7f98c196a700 0 log_channel(cluster) log [WRN] : evicting unresponsive client sg1vosrv24: (54092403), after waiting 48.744 seconds during MDS startup
2021-06-11 11:39:39.311 7f98c196a700 1 mds.1.273 Evicting (and blacklisting) client session 54092403 (
2021-06-11 11:39:39.311 7f98c196a700 0 log_channel(cluster) log [INF] : Evicting (and blacklisting) client session 54092403 (
2021-06-11 11:39:39.311 7f98c196a700 1 mds.1.server reconnect will complete once clients are evicted
2021-06-11 11:39:40.211 7f98bd161700 1 mds.1.273 reconnect_done
2021-06-11 11:39:41.203 7f98c396e700 1 mds.sg1vosrv43 Updating MDS map to version 277 from mon.0
2021-06-11 11:39:41.203 7f98c396e700 1 mds.1.273 handle_mds_map i am now mds.1.273
2021-06-11 11:39:41.203 7f98c396e700 1 mds.1.273 handle_mds_map state change up:reconnect --> up:rejoin
2021-06-11 11:39:41.203 7f98c396e700 1 mds.1.273 rejoin_start
2021-06-11 11:39:41.203 7f98c396e700 1 mds.1.273 rejoin_joint_start
2021-06-11 11:39:41.215 7f98c396e700 1 mds.1.273 rejoin_done
2021-06-11 11:39:42.219 7f98c396e700 1 mds.sg1vosrv43 Updating MDS map to version 278 from mon.0
2021-06-11 11:39:42.219 7f98c396e700 1 mds.1.273 handle_mds_map i am now mds.1.273
2021-06-11 11:39:42.219 7f98c396e700 1 mds.1.273 handle_mds_map state change up:rejoin --> up:active
2021-06-11 11:39:42.219 7f98c396e700 1 mds.1.273 recovery_done -- successful recovery!
2021-06-11 11:39:42.223 7f98c396e700 1 mds.1.273 active_start
2021-06-11 11:39:42.223 7f98c396e700 1 mds.1.273 cluster recovered.
2021-06-11 11:39:42.227 7f98c396e700 1 mds.sg1vosrv43 Updating MDS map to version 279 from mon.0
2021-06-11 11:39:42.227 7f98c396e700 1 mds.1.273 handle_mds_map i am now mds.1.273
2021-06-11 11:39:42.227 7f98c396e700 1 mds.1.273 handle_mds_map state change up:active --> up:stopping
2021-06-11 11:39:44.311 7f98c196a700 0 mds.1.migrator nicely exporting to mds.0 [dir 0x1000001f566.010* /pg_xlog_archives/9.6/scarto/ [2,head] auth{0=4} v=129822 cv=0/0 dir_auth=1 state=1610612737|complete f(v2450 m2021-06-11 10:34:06.711439 1481=1481+0) n(v140 rc2021-06-11 10:34:06.711439 b6992467779 1481=1481+0) hs=1481+194,ss=0+0 dirty=427 | child=1 subtree=1 subtreetemp=0 replicated=1 dirty=1 0x5577b1222000]
2021-06-11 11:39:44.311 7f98c196a700 0 mds.1.migrator nicely exporting to mds.0 [dir 0x1000001f566.101* /pg_xlog_archives/9.6/scarto/ [2,head] auth{0=4} v=129848 cv=0/0 dir_auth=1 state=1610612737|complete f(v2450 m2021-06-11 10:34:07.746900 1449=1449+0) n(v140 rc2021-06-11 10:34:07.746900 b6868368857 1449=1449+0) hs=1449+227,ss=0+0 dirty=435 | child=1 subtree=1 subtreetemp=0 replicated=1 dirty=1 0x5577b1222a00]
2021-06-11 11:39:49.303 7f98c396e700 1 mds.sg1vosrv43 Updating MDS map to version 280 from mon.0
2021-06-11 11:39:50.311 7f98c396e700 1 mds.sg1vosrv43 Updating MDS map to version 281 from mon.0
2021-06-11 11:39:50.311 7f98c396e700 0 mds.1.migrator nicely exporting to mds.0 [dir 0x1000001f566.011* /pg_xlog_archives/9.6/scarto/ [2,head] auth{0=4} v=129838 cv=0/0 dir_auth=1 state=1610612737|complete f(v2450 m2021-06-11 10:34:13.048394 1462=1462+0) n(v140 rc2021-06-11 10:34:13.048394 b6915808960 1462=1462+0) hs=1462+220,ss=0+0 dirty=438 | child=1 subtree=1 subtreetemp=0 replicated=1 dirty=1 0x5577b1223e00]
2021-06-11 11:39:50.311 7f98c396e700 0 mds.1.migrator nicely exporting to mds.0 [dir 0x1000001f566.111* /pg_xlog_archives/9.6/scarto/ [2,head] auth{0=4} v=129819 cv=0/0 dir_auth=1 state=1610612737|complete f(v2450 m2021-06-11 10:34:07.082749 1524=1524+0) n(v140 rc2021-06-11 10:34:07.082749 b7233059600 1524=1524+0) hs=1524+217,ss=0+0 dirty=450 | child=1 subtree=1 subtreetemp=0 replicated=1 dirty=1 0x5577b13c3400]
2021-06-11 11:39:54.311 7f98c196a700 0 mds.1.migrator nicely exporting to mds.0 [dir 0x1000001f566.010* /pg_xlog_archives/9.6/scarto/ [2,head] auth{0=4} v=129822 cv=0/0 dir_auth=1 state=1610612737|complete f(v2450 m2021-06-11 10:34:06.711439 1481=1481+0) n(v140 rc2021-06-11 10:34:06.711439 b6992467779 1481=1481+0) hs=1481+194,ss=0+0 dirty=427 | request=0 child=1 subtree=1 subtreetemp=0 replicated=1 dirty=1 authpin=0 0x5577b1222000]
2021-06-11 11:39:54.311 7f98c196a700 0 mds.1.migrator nicely exporting to mds.0 [dir 0x1000001f566.101* /pg_xlog_archives/9.6/scarto/ [2,head] auth{0=4} v=129848 cv=0/0 dir_auth=1 state=1610612737|complete f(v2450 m2021-06-11 10:34:07.746900 1449=1449+0) n(v140 rc2021-06-11 10:34:07.746900 b6868368857 1449=1449+0) hs=1449+227,ss=0+0 dirty=435 | request=0 child=1 subtree=1 subtreetemp=0 replicated=1 dirty=1 authpin=0 0x5577b1222a00]
2021-06-11 11:39:54.311 7f98c396e700 0 mds.1.migrator nicely exporting to mds.0 [dir 0x1000001f566.011* /pg_xlog_archives/9.6/scarto/ [2,head] auth{0=4} v=129838 cv=0/0 dir_auth=1 state=1610612737|complete f(v2450 m2021-06-11 10:34:13.048394 1462=1462+0) n(v140 rc2021-06-11 10:34:13.048394 b6915808960 1462=1462+0) hs=1462+220,ss=0+0 dirty=438 | request=0 child=1 subtree=1 subtreetemp=0 replicated=1 dirty=1 authpin=0 0x5577b1223e00]
2021-06-11 11:39:54.311 7f98c396e700 0 mds.1.migrator nicely exporting to mds.0 [dir 0x1000001f566.111* /pg_xlog_archives/9.6/scarto/ [2,head] auth{0=4} v=129819 cv=0/0 dir_auth=1 state=1610612737|complete f(v2450 m2021-06-11 10:34:07.082749 1524=1524+0) n(v140 rc2021-06-11 10:34:07.082749 b7233059600 1524=1524+0) hs=1524+217,ss=0+0 dirty=450 | request=0 child=1 subtree=1 subtreetemp=0 replicated=1 dirty=1 authpin=0 0x5577b13c3400]
2021-06-11 11:39:59.311 7f98c196a700 0 mds.1.migrator nicely exporting to mds.0 [dir 0x1000001f566.010* /pg_xlog_archives/9.6/scarto/ [2,head] auth{0=4} v=129822 cv=0/0 dir_auth=1 state=1610612737|complete f(v2450 m2021-06-11 10:34:06.711439 1481=1481+0) n(v140 rc2021-06-11 10:34:06.711439 b6992467779 1481=1481+0) hs=1481+194,ss=0+0 dirty=427 | request=0 child=1 subtree=1 subtreetemp=0 replicated=1 dirty=1 authpin=0 0x5577b1222000]
2021-06-11 11:39:59.311 7f98c196a700 0 mds.1.migrator nicely exporting to mds.0 [dir 0x1000001f566.101* /pg_xlog_archives/9.6/scarto/ [2,head] auth{0=4} v=129848 cv=0/0 dir_auth=1 state=1610612737|complete f(v2450 m2021-06-11 10:34:07.746900 1449=1449+0) n(v140 rc2021-06-11 10:34:07.746900 b6868368857 1449=1449+0) hs=1449+227,ss=0+0 dirty=435 | request=0 child=1 subtree=1 subtreetemp=0 replicated=1 dirty=1 authpin=0 0x5577b1222a00]
2021-06-11 11:39:59.311 7f98c396e700 0 mds.1.migrator nicely exporting to mds.0 [dir 0x1000001f566.011* /pg_xlog_archives/9.6/scarto/ [2,head] auth{0=4} v=129838 cv=0/0 dir_auth=1 state=1610612737|complete f(v2450 m2021-06-11 10:34:13.048394 1462=1462+0) n(v140 rc2021-06-11 10:34:13.048394 b6915808960 1462=1462+0) hs=1462+220,ss=0+0 dirty=438 | request=0 child=1 subtree=1 subtreetemp=0 replicated=1 dirty=1 authpin=0 0x5577b1223e00]
2021-06-11 11:39:59.311 7f98c396e700 0 mds.1.migrator nicely exporting to mds.0 [dir 0x1000001f566.111* /pg_xlog_archives/9.6/scarto/ [2,head] auth{0=4} v=129819 cv=0/0 dir_auth=1 state=1610612737|complete f(v2450 m2021-06-11 10:34:07.082749 1524=1524+0) n(v140 rc2021-06-11 10:34:07.082749 b7233059600 1524=1524+0) hs=1524+217,ss=0+0 dirty=450 | request=0 child=1 subtree=1 subtreetemp=0 replicated=1 dirty=1 authpin=0 0x5577b13c3400]
2021-06-11 11:40:04.311 7f98c196a700 0 mds.1.migrator nicely exporting to mds.0 [dir 0x1000001f566.010* /pg_xlog_archives/9.6/scarto/ [2,head] auth{0=4} v=129822 cv=0/0 dir_auth=1 state=1610612737|complete f(v2450 m2021-06-11 10:34:06.711439 1481=1481+0) n(v140 rc2021-06-11 10:34:06.711439 b6992467779 1481=1481+0) hs=1481+194,ss=0+0 dirty=427 | request=0 child=1 subtree=1 subtreetemp=0 replicated=1 dirty=1 authpin=0 0x5577b1222000]
2021-06-11 11:40:04.311 7f98c196a700 0 mds.1.migrator nicely exporting to mds.0 [dir 0x1000001f566.101* /pg_xlog_archives/9.6/scarto/ [2,head] auth{0=4} v=129848 cv=0/0 dir_auth=1 state=1610612737|complete f(v2450 m2021-06-11 10:34:07.746900 1449=1449+0) n(v140 rc2021-06-11 10:34:07.746900 b6868368857 1449=1449+0) hs=1449+227,ss=0+0 dirty=435 | request=0 child=1 subtree=1 subtreetemp=0 replicated=1 dirty=1 authpin=0 0x5577b1222a00]
2021-06-11 11:40:04.311 7f98c396e700 0 mds.1.migrator nicely exporting to mds.0 [dir 0x1000001f566.011* /pg_xlog_archives/9.6/scarto/ [2,head] auth{0=4} v=129838 cv=0/0 dir_auth=1 state=1610612737|complete f(v2450 m2021-06-11 10:34:13.048394 1462=1462+0) n(v140 rc2021-06-11 10:34:13.048394 b6915808960 1462=1462+0) hs=1462+220,ss=0+0 dirty=438 | request=0 child=1 subtree=1 subtreetemp=0 replicated=1 dirty=1 authpin=0 0x5577b1223e00]
2021-06-11 11:40:04.311 7f98c396e700 0 mds.1.migrator nicely exporting to mds.0 [dir 0x1000001f566.111* /pg_xlog_archives/9.6/scarto/ [2,head] auth{0=4} v=129819 cv=0/0 dir_auth=1 state=1610612737|complete f(v2450 m2021-06-11 10:34:07.082749 1524=1524+0) n(v140 rc2021-06-11 10:34:07.082749 b7233059600 1524=1524+0) hs=1524+217,ss=0+0 dirty=450 | request=0 child=1 subtree=1 subtreetemp=0 replicated=1 dirty=1 authpin=0 0x5577b13c3400]
2021-06-11 11:40:09.311 7f98c196a700 0 mds.1.migrator nicely exporting to mds.0 [dir 0x1000001f566.010* /pg_xlog_archives/9.6/scarto/ [2,head] auth{0=4} v=129822 cv=0/0 dir_auth=1 state=1610612737|complete f(v2450 m2021-06-11 10:34:06.711439 1481=1481+0) n(v140 rc2021-06-11 10:34:06.711439 b6992467779 1481=1481+0) hs=1481+194,ss=0+0 dirty=427 | request=0 child=1 subtree=1 subtreetemp=0 replicated=1 dirty=1 authpin=0 0x5577b1222000]
2021-06-11 11:40:09.311 7f98c196a700 0 mds.1.migrator nicely exporting to mds.0 [dir 0x1000001f566.101* /pg_xlog_archives/9.6/scarto/ [2,head] auth{0=4} v=129848 cv=0/0 dir_auth=1 state=1610612737|complete f(v2450 m2021-06-11 10:34:07.746900 1449=1449+0) n(v140 rc2021-06-11 10:34:07.746900 b6868368857 1449=1449+0) hs=1449+227,ss=0+0 dirty=435 | request=0 child=1 subtree=1 subtreetemp=0 replicated=1 dirty=1 authpin=0 0x5577b1222a00]
2021-06-11 11:40:09.311 7f98c396e700 0 mds.1.migrator nicely exporting to mds.0 [dir 0x1000001f566.011* /pg_xlog_archives/9.6/scarto/ [2,head] auth{0=4} v=129838 cv=0/0 dir_auth=1 state=1610612737|complete f(v2450 m2021-06-11 10:34:13.048394 1462=1462+0) n(v140 rc2021-06-11 10:34:13.048394 b6915808960 1462=1462+0) hs=1462+220,ss=0+0 dirty=438 | request=0 child=1 subtree=1 subtreetemp=0 replicated=1 dirty=1 authpin=0 0x5577b1223e00]
2021-06-11 11:40:09.311 7f98c396e700 0 mds.1.migrator nicely exporting to mds.0 [dir 0x1000001f566.111* /pg_xlog_archives/9.6/scarto/ [2,head] auth{0=4} v=129819 cv=0/0 dir_auth=1 state=1610612737|complete f(v2450 m2021-06-11 10:34:07.082749 1524=1524+0) n(v140 rc2021-06-11 10:34:07.082749 b7233059600 1524=1524+0) hs=1524+217,ss=0+0 dirty=450 | request=0 child=1 subtree=1 subtreetemp=0 replicated=1 dirty=1 authpin=0 0x5577b13c3400]
2021-06-11 11:40:14.311 7f98c196a700 0 mds.1.migrator nicely exporting to mds.0 [dir 0x1000001f566.010* /pg_xlog_archives/9.6/scarto/ [2,head] auth{0=4} v=129822 cv=0/0 dir_auth=1 state=1610612737|complete f(v2450 m2021-06-11 10:34:06.711439 1481=1481+0) n(v140 rc2021-06-11 10:34:06.711439 b6992467779 1481=1481+0) hs=1481+194,ss=0+0 dirty=427 | request=0 child=1 subtree=1 subtreetemp=0 replicated=1 dirty=1 authpin=0 0x5577b1222000]
2021-06-11 11:40:14.311 7f98c196a700 0 mds.1.migrator nicely exporting to mds.0 [dir 0x1000001f566.101* /pg_xlog_archives/9.6/scarto/ [2,head] auth{0=4} v=129848 cv=0/0 dir_auth=1 state=1610612737|complete f(v2450 m2021-06-11 10:34:07.746900 1449=1449+0) n(v140 rc2021-06-11 10:34:07.746900 b6868368857 1449=1449+0) hs=1449+227,ss=0+0 dirty=435 | request=0 child=1 subtree=1 subtreetemp=0 replicated=1 dirty=1 authpin=0 0x5577b1222a00]
2021-06-11 11:40:14.311 7f98c396e700 0 mds.1.migrator nicely exporting to mds.0 [dir 0x1000001f566.011* /pg_xlog_archives/9.6/scarto/ [2,head] auth{0=4} v=129838 cv=0/0 dir_auth=1 state=1610612737|complete f(v2450 m2021-06-11 10:34:13.048394 1462=1462+0) n(v140 rc2021-06-11 10:34:13.048394 b6915808960 1462=1462+0) hs=1462+220,ss=0+0 dirty=438 | request=0 child=1 subtree=1 subtreetemp=0 replicated=1 dirty=1 authpin=0 0x5577b1223e00]
2021-06-11 11:40:14.311 7f98c396e700 0 mds.1.migrator nicely exporting to mds.0 [dir 0x1000001f566.111* /pg_xlog_archives/9.6/scarto/ [2,head] auth{0=4} v=129819 cv=0/0 dir_auth=1 state=1610612737|complete f(v2450 m2021-06-11 10:34:07.082749 1524=1524+0) n(v140 rc2021-06-11 10:34:07.082749 b7233059600 1524=1524+0) hs=1524+217,ss=0+0 dirty=450 | request=0 child=1 subtree=1 subtreetemp=0 replicated=1 dirty=1 authpin=0 0x5577b13c3400]
2021-06-11 11:40:19.311 7f98c196a700 0 mds.1.migrator nicely exporting to mds.0 [dir 0x1000001f566.010* /pg_xlog_archives/9.6/scarto/ [2,head] auth{0=4} v=129822 cv=0/0 dir_auth=1 state=1610612737|complete f(v2450 m2021-06-11 10:34:06.711439 1481=1481+0) n(v140 rc2021-06-11 10:34:06.711439 b6992467779 1481=1481+0) hs=1481+194,ss=0+0 dirty=427 | request=0 child=1 subtree=1 subtreetemp=0 replicated=1 dirty=1 authpin=0 0x5577b1222000]
2021-06-11 11:40:19.311 7f98c196a700 0 mds.1.migrator nicely exporting to mds.0 [dir 0x1000001f566.101* /pg_xlog_archives/9.6/scarto/ [2,head] auth{0=4} v=129848 cv=0/0 dir_auth=1 state=1610612737|complete f(v2450 m2021-06-11 10:34:07.746900 1449=1449+0) n(v140 rc2021-06-11 10:34:07.746900 b6868368857 1449=1449+0) hs=1449+227,ss=0+0 dirty=435 | request=0 child=1 subtree=1 subtreetemp=0 replicated=1 dirty=1 authpin=0 0x5577b1222a00]
2021-06-11 11:40:19.311 7f98c396e700 0 mds.1.migrator nicely exporting to mds.0 [dir 0x1000001f566.011* /pg_xlog_archives/9.6/scarto/ [2,head] auth{0=4} v=129838 cv=0/0 dir_auth=1 state=1610612737|complete f(v2450 m2021-06-11 10:34:13.048394 1462=1462+0) n(v140 rc2021-06-11 10:34:13.048394 b6915808960 1462=1462+0) hs=1462+220,ss=0+0 dirty=438 | request=0 child=1 subtree=1 subtreetemp=0 replicated=1 dirty=1 authpin=0 0x5577b1223e00]
2021-06-11 11:40:19.311 7f98c396e700 0 mds.1.migrator nicely exporting to mds.0 [dir 0x1000001f566.111* /pg_xlog_archives/9.6/scarto/ [2,head] auth{0=4} v=129819 cv=0/0 dir_auth=1 state=1610612737|complete f(v2450 m2021-06-11 10:34:07.082749 1524=1524+0) n(v140 rc2021-06-11 10:34:07.082749 b7233059600 1524=1524+0) hs=1524+217,ss=0+0 dirty=450 | request=0 child=1 subtree=1 subtreetemp=0 replicated=1 dirty=1 authpin=0 0x5577b13c3400]
2021-06-11 11:40:24.311 7f98c196a700 0 mds.1.migrator nicely exporting to mds.0 [dir 0x1000001f566.010* /pg_xlog_archives/9.6/scarto/ [2,head] auth{0=4} v=129822 cv=0/0 dir_auth=1 state=1610612737|complete f(v2450 m2021-06-11 10:34:06.711439 1481=1481+0) n(v140 rc2021-06-11 10:34:06.711439 b6992467779 1481=1481+0) hs=1481+194,ss=0+0 dirty=427 | request=0 child=1 subtree=1 subtreetemp=0 replicated=1 dirty=1 authpin=0 0x5577b1222000]
2021-06-11 11:40:24.311 7f98c196a700 0 mds.1.migrator nicely exporting to mds.0 [dir 0x1000001f566.101* /pg_xlog_archives/9.6/scarto/ [2,head] auth{0=4} v=129848 cv=0/0 dir_auth=1 state=1610612737|complete f(v2450 m2021-06-11 10:34:07.746900 1449=1449+0) n(v140 rc2021-06-11 10:34:07.746900 b6868368857 1449=1449+0) hs=1449+227,ss=0+0 dirty=435 | request=0 child=1 subtree=1 subtreetemp=0 replicated=1 dirty=1 authpin=0 0x5577b1222a00]
2021-06-11 11:40:24.311 7f98c396e700 0 mds.1.migrator nicely exporting to mds.0 [dir 0x1000001f566.011* /pg_xlog_archives/9.6/scarto/ [2,head] auth{0=4} v=129838 cv=0/0 dir_auth=1 state=1610612737|complete f(v2450 m2021-06-11 10:34:13.048394 1462=1462+0) n(v140 rc2021-06-11 10:34:13.048394 b6915808960 1462=1462+0) hs=1462+220,ss=0+0 dirty=438 | request=0 child=1 subtree=1 subtreetemp=0 replicated=1 dirty=1 authpin=0 0x5577b1223e00]
2021-06-11 11:40:24.311 7f98c396e700 0 mds.1.migrator nicely exporting to mds.0 [dir 0x1000001f566.111* /pg_xlog_archives/9.6/scarto/ [2,head] auth{0=4} v=129819 cv=0/0 dir_auth=1 state=1610612737|complete f(v2450 m2021-06-11 10:34:07.082749 1524=1524+0) n(v140 rc2021-06-11 10:34:07.082749 b7233059600 1524=1524+0) hs=1524+217,ss=0+0 dirty=450 | request=0 child=1 subtree=1 subtreetemp=0 replicated=1 dirty=1 authpin=0 0x5577b13c3400]
2021-06-11 11:40:29.311 7f98c196a700 0 mds.1.migrator nicely exporting to mds.0 [dir 0x1000001f566.010* /pg_xlog_archives/9.6/scarto/ [2,head] auth{0=4} v=129822 cv=0/0 dir_auth=1 state=1610612737|complete f(v2450 m2021-06-11 10:34:06.711439 1481=1481+0) n(v140 rc2021-06-11 10:34:06.711439 b6992467779 1481=1481+0) hs=1481+194,ss=0+0 dirty=427 | request=0 child=1 subtree=1 subtreetemp=0 replicated=1 dirty=1 authpin=0 0x5577b1222000]
2021-06-11 11:40:29.311 7f98c196a700 0 mds.1.migrator nicely exporting to mds.0 [dir 0x1000001f566.101* /pg_xlog_archives/9.6/scarto/ [2,head] auth{0=4} v=129848 cv=0/0 dir_auth=1 state=1610612737|complete f(v2450 m2021-06-11 10:34:07.746900 1449=1449+0) n(v140 rc2021-06-11 10:34:07.746900 b6868368857 1449=1449+0) hs=1449+227,ss=0+0 dirty=435 | request=0 child=1 subtree=1 subtreetemp=0 replicated=1 dirty=1 authpin=0 0x5577b1222a00]
2021-06-11 11:40:29.311 7f98c396e700 0 mds.1.migrator nicely exporting to mds.0 [dir 0x1000001f566.011* /pg_xlog_archives/9.6/scarto/ [2,head] auth{0=4} v=129838 cv=0/0 dir_auth=1 state=1610612737|complete f(v2450 m2021-06-11 10:34:13.048394 1462=1462+0) n(v140 rc2021-06-11 10:34:13.048394 b6915808960 1462=1462+0) hs=1462+220,ss=0+0 dirty=438 | request=0 child=1 subtree=1 subtreetemp=0 replicated=1 dirty=1 authpin=0 0x5577b1223e00]
2021-06-11 11:40:29.311 7f98c396e700 0 mds.1.migrator nicely exporting to mds.0 [dir 0x1000001f566.111* /pg_xlog_archives/9.6/scarto/ [2,head] auth{0=4} v=129819 cv=0/0 dir_auth=1 state=1610612737|complete f(v2450 m2021-06-11 10:34:07.082749 1524=1524+0) n(v140 rc2021-06-11 10:34:07.082749 b7233059600 1524=1524+0) hs=1524+217,ss=0+0 dirty=450 | request=0 child=1 subtree=1 subtreetemp=0 replicated=1 dirty=1 authpin=0 0x5577b13c3400]
2021-06-11 11:40:34.311 7f98c196a700 0 mds.1.migrator nicely exporting to mds.0 [dir 0x1000001f566.010* /pg_xlog_archives/9.6/scarto/ [2,head] auth{0=4} v=129822 cv=0/0 dir_auth=1 state=1610612737|complete f(v2450 m2021-06-11 10:34:06.711439 1481=1481+0) n(v140 rc2021-06-11 10:34:06.711439 b6992467779 1481=1481+0) hs=1481+194,ss=0+0 dirty=427 | request=0 child=1 subtree=1 subtreetemp=0 replicated=1 dirty=1 authpin=0 0x5577b1222000]
2021-06-11 11:40:34.311 7f98c196a700 0 mds.1.migrator nicely exporting to mds.0 [dir 0x1000001f566.101* /pg_xlog_archives/9.6/scarto/ [2,head] auth{0=4} v=129848 cv=0/0 dir_auth=1 state=1610612737|complete f(v2450 m2021-06-11 10:34:07.746900 1449=1449+0) n(v140 rc2021-06-11 10:34:07.746900 b6868368857 1449=1449+0) hs=1449+227,ss=0+0 dirty=435 | request=0 child=1 subtree=1 subtreetemp=0 replicated=1 dirty=1 authpin=0 0x5577b1222a00]
2021-06-11 11:40:34.311 7f98c396e700 0 mds.1.migrator nicely exporting to mds.0 [dir 0x1000001f566.011* /pg_xlog_archives/9.6/scarto/ [2,head] auth{0=4} v=129838 cv=0/0 dir_auth=1 state=1610612737|complete f(v2450 m2021-06-11 10:34:13.048394 1462=1462+0) n(v140 rc2021-06-11 10:34:13.048394 b6915808960 1462=1462+0) hs=1462+220,ss=0+0 dirty=438 | request=0 child=1 subtree=1 subtreetemp=0 replicated=1 dirty=1 authpin=0 0x5577b1223e00]
2021-06-11 11:40:34.311 7f98c396e700 0 mds.1.migrator nicely exporting to mds.0 [dir 0x1000001f566.111* /pg_xlog_archives/9.6/scarto/ [2,head] auth{0=4} v=129819 cv=0/0 dir_auth=1 state=1610612737|complete f(v2450 m2021-06-11 10:34:07.082749 1524=1524+0) n(v140 rc2021-06-11 10:34:07.082749 b7233059600 1524=1524+0) hs=1524+217,ss=0+0 dirty=450 | request=0 child=1 subtree=1 subtreetemp=0 replicated=1 dirty=1 authpin=0 0x5577b13c3400]
2021-06-11 11:40:39.311 7f98c196a700 0 mds.1.migrator nicely exporting to mds.0 [dir 0x1000001f566.010* /pg_xlog_archives/9.6/scarto/ [2,head] auth{0=4} v=129822 cv=0/0 dir_auth=1 state=1610612737|complete f(v2450 m2021-06-11 10:34:06.711439 1481=1481+0) n(v140 rc2021-06-11 10:34:06.711439 b6992467779 1481=1481+0) hs=1481+194,ss=0+0 dirty=427 | request=0 child=1 subtree=1 subtreetemp=0 replicated=1 dirty=1 authpin=0 0x5577b1222000]
2021-06-11 11:40:39.311 7f98c196a700 0 mds.1.migrator nicely exporting to mds.0 [dir 0x1000001f566.101* /pg_xlog_archives/9.6/scarto/ [2,head] auth{0=4} v=129848 cv=0/0 dir_auth=1 state=1610612737|complete f(v2450 m2021-06-11 10:34:07.746900 1449=1449+0) n(v140 rc2021-06-11 10:34:07.746900 b6868368857 1449=1449+0) hs=1449+227,ss=0+0 dirty=435 | request=0 child=1 subtree=1 subtreetemp=0 replicated=1 dirty=1 authpin=0 0x5577b1222a00]
2021-06-11 11:40:39.311 7f98c396e700 0 mds.1.migrator nicely exporting to mds.0 [dir 0x1000001f566.011* /pg_xlog_archives/9.6/scarto/ [2,head] auth{0=4} v=129838 cv=0/0 dir_auth=1 state=1610612737|complete f(v2450 m2021-06-11 10:34:13.048394 1462=1462+0) n(v140 rc2021-06-11 10:34:13.048394 b6915808960 1462=1462+0) hs=1462+220,ss=0+0 dirty=438 | request=0 child=1 subtree=1 subtreetemp=0 replicated=1 dirty=1 authpin=0 0x5577b1223e00]
2021-06-11 11:40:39.311 7f98c396e700 0 mds.1.migrator nicely exporting to mds.0 [dir 0x1000001f566.111* /pg_xlog_archives/9.6/scarto/ [2,head] auth{0=4} v=129819 cv=0/0 dir_auth=1 state=1610612737|complete f(v2450 m2021-06-11 10:34:07.082749 1524=1524+0) n(v140 rc2021-06-11 10:34:07.082749 b7233059600 1524=1524+0) hs=1524+217,ss=0+0 dirty=450 | request=0 child=1 subtree=1 subtreetemp=0 replicated=1 dirty=1 authpin=0 0x5577b13c3400]
2021-06-11 11:40:44.311 7f98c196a700 0 mds.1.migrator nicely exporting to mds.0 [dir 0x1000001f566.010* /pg_xlog_archives/9.6/scarto/ [2,head] auth{0=4} v=129822 cv=0/0 dir_auth=1 state=1610612737|complete f(v2450 m2021-06-11 10:34:06.711439 1481=1481+0) n(v140 rc2021-06-11 10:34:06.711439 b6992467779 1481=1481+0) hs=1481+194,ss=0+0 dirty=427 | request=0 child=1 subtree=1 subtreetemp=0 replicated=1 dirty=1 authpin=0 0x5577b1222000]
2021-06-11 11:40:44.311 7f98c196a700 0 mds.1.migrator nicely exporting to mds.0 [dir 0x1000001f566.101* /pg_xlog_archives/9.6/scarto/ [2,head] auth{0=4} v=129848 cv=0/0 dir_auth=1 state=1610612737|complete f(v2450 m2021-06-11 10:34:07.746900 1449=1449+0) n(v140 rc2021-06-11 10:34:07.746900 b6868368857 1449=1449+0) hs=1449+227,ss=0+0 dirty=435 | request=0 child=1 subtree=1 subtreetemp=0 replicated=1 dirty=1 authpin=0 0x5577b1222a00]
2021-06-11 11:40:44.311 7f98c396e700 0 mds.1.migrator nicely exporting to mds.0 [dir 0x1000001f566.011* /pg_xlog_archives/9.6/scarto/ [2,head] auth{0=4} v=129838 cv=0/0 dir_auth=1 state=1610612737|complete f(v2450 m2021-06-11 10:34:13.048394 1462=1462+0) n(v140 rc2021-06-11 10:34:13.048394 b6915808960 1462=1462+0) hs=1462+220,ss=0+0 dirty=438 | request=0 child=1 subtree=1 subtreetemp=0 replicated=1 dirty=1 authpin=0 0x5577b1223e00]
2021-06-11 11:40:44.311 7f98c396e700 0 mds.1.migrator nicely exporting to mds.0 [dir 0x1000001f566.111* /pg_xlog_archives/9.6/scarto/ [2,head] auth{0=4} v=129819 cv=0/0 dir_auth=1 state=1610612737|complete f(v2450 m2021-06-11 10:34:07.082749 1524=1524+0) n(v140 rc2021-06-11 10:34:07.082749 b7233059600 1524=1524+0) hs=1524+217,ss=0+0 dirty=450 | request=0 child=1 subtree=1 subtreetemp=0 replicated=1 dirty=1 authpin=0 0x5577b13c3400]
2021-06-11 11:40:45.595 7f98c4970700 1 mds.sg1vosrv43 asok_command: session ls (starting...)
2021-06-11 11:40:45.595 7f98c4970700 1 mds.sg1vosrv43 asok_command: session ls (complete)
2021-06-11 11:40:49.311 7f98c196a700 0 mds.1.migrator nicely exporting to mds.0 [dir 0x1000001f566.010* /pg_xlog_archives/9.6/scarto/ [2,head] auth{0=4} v=129822 cv=0/0 dir_auth=1 state=1610612737|complete f(v2450 m2021-06-11 10:34:06.711439 1481=1481+0) n(v140 rc2021-06-11 10:34:06.711439 b6992467779 1481=1481+0) hs=1481+194,ss=0+0 dirty=427 | request=0 child=1 subtree=1 subtreetemp=0 replicated=1 dirty=1 authpin=0 0x5577b1222000]
2021-06-11 11:40:49.311 7f98c196a700 0 mds.1.migrator nicely exporting to mds.0 [dir 0x1000001f566.101* /pg_xlog_archives/9.6/scarto/ [2,head] auth{0=4} v=129848 cv=0/0 dir_auth=1 state=1610612737|complete f(v2450 m2021-06-11 10:34:07.746900 1449=1449+0) n(v140 rc2021-06-11 10:34:07.746900 b6868368857 1449=1449+0) hs=1449+227,ss=0+0 dirty=435 | request=0 child=1 subtree=1 subtreetemp=0 replicated=1 dirty=1 authpin=0 0x5577b1222a00]
2021-06-11 11:40:49.311 7f98c396e700 0 mds.1.migrator nicely exporting to mds.0 [dir 0x1000001f566.011* /pg_xlog_archives/9.6/scarto/ [2,head] auth{0=4} v=129838 cv=0/0 dir_auth=1 state=1610612737|complete f(v2450 m2021-06-11 10:34:13.048394 1462=1462+0) n(v140 rc2021-06-11 10:34:13.048394 b6915808960 1462=1462+0) hs=1462+220,ss=0+0 dirty=438 | request=0 child=1 subtree=1 subtreetemp=0 replicated=1 dirty=1 authpin=0 0x5577b1223e00]
2021-06-11 11:40:49.311 7f98c396e700 0 mds.1.migrator nicely exporting to mds.0 [dir 0x1000001f566.111* /pg_xlog_archives/9.6/scarto/ [2,head] auth{0=4} v=129819 cv=0/0 dir_auth=1 state=1610612737|complete f(v2450 m2021-06-11 10:34:07.082749 1524=1524+0) n(v140 rc2021-06-11 10:34:07.082749 b7233059600 1524=1524+0) hs=1524+217,ss=0+0 dirty=450 | request=0 child=1 subtree=1 subtreetemp=0 replicated=1 dirty=1 authpin=0 0x5577b13c3400]
2021-06-11 11:40:54.311 7f98c196a700 0 mds.1.migrator nicely exporting to mds.0 [dir 0x1000001f566.010* /pg_xlog_archives/9.6/scarto/ [2,head] auth{0=4} v=129822 cv=0/0 dir_auth=1 state=1610612737|complete f(v2450 m2021-06-11 10:34:06.711439 1481=1481+0) n(v140 rc2021-06-11 10:34:06.711439 b6992467779 1481=1481+0) hs=1481+194,ss=0+0 dirty=427 | request=0 child=1 subtree=1 subtreetemp=0 replicated=1 dirty=1 authpin=0 0x5577b1222000]
2021-06-11 11:40:54.311 7f98c196a700 0 mds.1.migrator nicely exporting to mds.0 [dir 0x1000001f566.101* /pg_xlog_archives/9.6/scarto/ [2,head] auth{0=4} v=129848 cv=0/0 dir_auth=1 state=1610612737|complete f(v2450 m2021-06-11 10:34:07.746900 1449=1449+0) n(v140 rc2021-06-11 10:34:07.746900 b6868368857 1449=1449+0) hs=1449+227,ss=0+0 dirty=435 | request=0 child=1 subtree=1 subtreetemp=0 replicated=1 dirty=1 authpin=0 0x5577b1222a00]
2021-06-11 11:40:54.311 7f98c396e700 0 mds.1.migrator nicely exporting to mds.0 [dir 0x1000001f566.011* /pg_xlog_archives/9.6/scarto/ [2,head] auth{0=4} v=129838 cv=0/0 dir_auth=1 state=1610612737|complete f(v2450 m2021-06-11 10:34:13.048394 1462=1462+0) n(v140 rc2021-06-11 10:34:13.048394 b6915808960 1462=1462+0) hs=1462+220,ss=0+0 dirty=438 | request=0 child=1 subtree=1 subtreetemp=0 replicated=1 dirty=1 authpin=0 0x5577b1223e00]
2021-06-11 11:40:54.311 7f98c396e700 0 mds.1.migrator nicely exporting to mds.0 [dir 0x1000001f566.111* /pg_xlog_archives/9.6/scarto/ [2,head] auth{0=4} v=129819 cv=0/0 dir_auth=1 state=1610612737|complete f(v2450 m2021-06-11 10:34:07.082749 1524=1524+0) n(v140 rc2021-06-11 10:34:07.082749 b7233059600 1524=1524+0) hs=1524+217,ss=0+0 dirty=450 | request=0 child=1 subtree=1 subtreetemp=0 replicated=1 dirty=1 authpin=0 0x5577b13c3400]
2021-06-11 11:40:59.311 7f98c196a700 0 mds.1.migrator nicely exporting to mds.0 [dir 0x1000001f566.010* /pg_xlog_archives/9.6/scarto/ [2,head] auth{0=4} v=129822 cv=0/0 dir_auth=1 state=1610612737|complete f(v2450 m2021-06-11 10:34:06.711439 1481=1481+0) n(v140 rc2021-06-11 10:34:06.711439 b6992467779 1481=1481+0) hs=1481+194,ss=0+0 dirty=427 | request=0 child=1 subtree=1 subtreetemp=0 replicated=1 dirty=1 authpin=0 0x5577b1222000]
2021-06-11 11:40:59.311 7f98c196a700 0 mds.1.migrator nicely exporting to mds.0 [dir 0x1000001f566.101* /pg_xlog_archives/9.6/scarto/ [2,head] auth{0=4} v=129848 cv=0/0 dir_auth=1 state=1610612737|complete f(v2450 m2021-06-11 10:34:07.746900 1449=1449+0) n(v140 rc2021-06-11 10:34:07.746900 b6868368857 1449=1449+0) hs=1449+227,ss=0+0 dirty=435 | request=0 child=1 subtree=1 subtreetemp=0 replicated=1 dirty=1 authpin=0 0x5577b1222a00]
2021-06-11 11:40:59.311 7f98c396e700 0 mds.1.migrator nicely exporting to mds.0 [dir 0x1000001f566.011* /pg_xlog_archives/9.6/scarto/ [2,head] auth{0=4} v=129838 cv=0/0 dir_auth=1 state=1610612737|complete f(v2450 m2021-06-11 10:34:13.048394 1462=1462+0) n(v140 rc2021-06-11 10:34:13.048394 b6915808960 1462=1462+0) hs=1462+220,ss=0+0 dirty=438 | request=0 child=1 subtree=1 subtreetemp=0 replicated=1 dirty=1 authpin=0 0x5577b1223e00]
2021-06-11 11:40:59.311 7f98c396e700 0 mds.1.migrator nicely exporting to mds.0 [dir 0x1000001f566.111* /pg_xlog_archives/9.6/scarto/ [2,head] auth{0=4} v=129819 cv=0/0 dir_auth=1 state=1610612737|complete f(v2450 m2021-06-11 10:34:07.082749 1524=1524+0) n(v140 rc2021-06-11 10:34:07.082749 b7233059600 1524=1524+0) hs=1524+217,ss=0+0 dirty=450 | request=0 child=1 subtree=1 subtreetemp=0 replicated=1 dirty=1 authpin=0 0x5577b13c3400]
2021-06-11 11:41:04.311 7f98c196a700 0 mds.1.migrator nicely exporting to mds.0 [dir 0x1000001f566.010* /pg_xlog_archives/9.6/scarto/ [2,head] auth{0=4} v=129822 cv=0/0 dir_auth=1 state=1610612737|complete f(v2450 m2021-06-11 10:34:06.711439 1481=1481+0) n(v140 rc2021-06-11 10:34:06.711439 b6992467779 1481=1481+0) hs=1481+194,ss=0+0 dirty=427 | request=0 child=1 subtree=1 subtreetemp=0 replicated=1 dirty=1 authpin=0 0x5577b1222000]
2021-06-11 11:41:04.311 7f98c196a700 0 mds.1.migrator nicely exporting to mds.0 [dir 0x1000001f566.101* /pg_xlog_archives/9.6/scarto/ [2,head] auth{0=4} v=129848 cv=0/0 dir_auth=1 state=1610612737|complete f(v2450 m2021-06-11 10:34:07.746900 1449=1449+0) n(v140 rc2021-06-11 10:34:07.746900 b6868368857 1449=1449+0) hs=1449+227,ss=0+0 dirty=435 | request=0 child=1 subtree=1 subtreetemp=0 replicated=1 dirty=1 authpin=0 0x5577b1222a00]
2021-06-11 11:41:04.311 7f98c396e700 0 mds.1.migrator nicely exporting to mds.0 [dir 0x1000001f566.011* /pg_xlog_archives/9.6/scarto/ [2,head] auth{0=4} v=129838 cv=0/0 dir_auth=1 state=1610612737|complete f(v2450 m2021-06-11 10:34:13.048394 1462=1462+0) n(v140 rc2021-06-11 10:34:13.048394 b6915808960 1462=1462+0) hs=1462+220,ss=0+0 dirty=438 | request=0 child=1 subtree=1 subtreetemp=0 replicated=1 dirty=1 authpin=0 0x5577b1223e00]
2021-06-11 11:41:04.311 7f98c396e700 0 mds.1.migrator nicely exporting to mds.0 [dir 0x1000001f566.111* /pg_xlog_archives/9.6/scarto/ [2,head] auth{0=4} v=129819 cv=0/0 dir_auth=1 state=1610612737|complete f(v2450 m2021-06-11 10:34:07.082749 1524=1524+0) n(v140 rc2021-06-11 10:34:07.082749 b7233059600 1524=1524+0) hs=1524+217,ss=0+0 dirty=450 | request=0 child=1 subtree=1 subtreetemp=0 replicated=1 dirty=1 authpin=0 0x5577b13c3400]
2021-06-11 11:41:09.311 7f98c196a700 0 mds.1.migrator nicely exporting to mds.0 [dir 0x1000001f566.010* /pg_xlog_archives/9.6/scarto/ [2,head] auth{0=4} v=129822 cv=0/0 dir_auth=1 state=1610612737|complete f(v2450 m2021-06-11 10:34:06.711439 1481=1481+0) n(v140 rc2021-06-11 10:34:06.711439 b6992467779 1481=1481+0) hs=1481+194,ss=0+0 dirty=427 | request=0 child=1 subtree=1 subtreetemp=0 replicated=1 dirty=1 authpin=0 0x5577b1222000]
2021-06-11 11:41:09.311 7f98c196a700 0 mds.1.migrator nicely exporting to mds.0 [dir 0x1000001f566.101* /pg_xlog_archives/9.6/scarto/ [2,head] auth{0=4} v=129848 cv=0/0 dir_auth=1 state=1610612737|complete f(v2450 m2021-06-11 10:34:07.746900 1449=1449+0) n(v140 rc2021-06-11 10:34:07.746900 b6868368857 1449=1449+0) hs=1449+227,ss=0+0 dirty=435 | request=0 child=1 subtree=1 subtreetemp=0 replicated=1 dirty=1 authpin=0 0x5577b1222a00]
2021-06-11 11:41:09.311 7f98c396e700 0 mds.1.migrator nicely exporting to mds.0 [dir 0x1000001f566.011* /pg_xlog_archives/9.6/scarto/ [2,head] auth{0=4} v=129838 cv=0/0 dir_auth=1 state=1610612737|complete f(v2450 m2021-06-11 10:34:13.048394 1462=1462+0) n(v140 rc2021-06-11 10:34:13.048394 b6915808960 1462=1462+0) hs=1462+220,ss=0+0 dirty=438 | request=0 child=1 subtree=1 subtreetemp=0 replicated=1 dirty=1 authpin=0 0x5577b1223e00]
2021-06-11 11:41:09.315 7f98c396e700 0 mds.1.migrator nicely exporting to mds.0 [dir 0x1000001f566.111* /pg_xlog_archives/9.6/scarto/ [2,head] auth{0=4} v=129819 cv=0/0 dir_auth=1 state=1610612737|complete f(v2450 m2021-06-11 10:34:07.082749 1524=1524+0) n(v140 rc2021-06-11 10:34:07.082749 b7233059600 1524=1524+0) hs=1524+217,ss=0+0 dirty=450 | request=0 child=1 subtree=1 subtreetemp=0 replicated=1 dirty=1 authpin=0 0x5577b13c3400]
2021-06-11 11:41:14.311 7f98c196a700 0 mds.1.migrator nicely exporting to mds.0 [dir 0x1000001f566.010* /pg_xlog_archives/9.6/scarto/ [2,head] auth{0=4} v=129822 cv=0/0 dir_auth=1 state=1610612737|complete f(v2450 m2021-06-11 10:34:06.711439 1481=1481+0) n(v140 rc2021-06-11 10:34:06.711439 b6992467779 1481=1481+0) hs=1481+194,ss=0+0 dirty=427 | request=0 child=1 subtree=1 subtreetemp=0 replicated=1 dirty=1 authpin=0 0x5577b1222000]
2021-06-11 11:41:14.311 7f98c196a700 0 mds.1.migrator nicely exporting to mds.0 [dir 0x1000001f566.101* /pg_xlog_archives/9.6/scarto/ [2,head] auth{0=4} v=129848 cv=0/0 dir_auth=1 state=1610612737|complete f(v2450 m2021-06-11 10:34:07.746900 1449=1449+0) n(v140 rc2021-06-11 10:34:07.746900 b6868368857 1449=1449+0) hs=1449+227,ss=0+0 dirty=435 | request=0 child=1 subtree=1 subtreetemp=0 replicated=1 dirty=1 authpin=0 0x5577b1222a00]
2021-06-11 11:41:14.315 7f98c396e700 0 mds.1.migrator nicely exporting to mds.0 [dir 0x1000001f566.011* /pg_xlog_archives/9.6/scarto/ [2,head] auth{0=4} v=129838 cv=0/0 dir_auth=1 state=1610612737|complete f(v2450 m2021-06-11 10:34:13.048394 1462=1462+0) n(v140 rc2021-06-11 10:34:13.048394 b6915808960 1462=1462+0) hs=1462+220,ss=0+0 dirty=438 | request=0 child=1 subtree=1 subtreetemp=0 replicated=1 dirty=1 authpin=0 0x5577b1223e00]
2021-06-11 11:41:14.315 7f98c396e700 0 mds.1.migrator nicely exporting to mds.0 [dir 0x1000001f566.111* /pg_xlog_archives/9.6/scarto/ [2,head] auth{0=4} v=129819 cv=0/0 dir_auth=1 state=1610612737|complete f(v2450 m2021-06-11 10:34:07.082749 1524=1524+0) n(v140 rc2021-06-11 10:34:07.082749 b7233059600 1524=1524+0) hs=1524+217,ss=0+0 dirty=450 | request=0 child=1 subtree=1 subtreetemp=0 replicated=1 dirty=1 authpin=0 0x5577b13c3400]
2021-06-11 11:41:19.311 7f98c196a700 0 mds.1.migrator nicely exporting to mds.0 [dir 0x1000001f566.010* /pg_xlog_archives/9.6/scarto/ [2,head] auth{0=4} v=129822 cv=0/0 dir_auth=1 state=1610612737|complete f(v2450 m2021-06-11 10:34:06.711439 1481=1481+0) n(v140 rc2021-06-11 10:34:06.711439 b6992467779 1481=1481+0) hs=1481+194,ss=0+0 dirty=427 | request=0 child=1 subtree=1 subtreetemp=0 replicated=1 dirty=1 authpin=0 0x5577b1222000]
2021-06-11 11:41:19.311 7f98c196a700 0 mds.1.migrator nicely exporting to mds.0 [dir 0x1000001f566.101* /pg_xlog_archives/9.6/scarto/ [2,head] auth{0=4} v=129848 cv=0/0 dir_auth=1 state=1610612737|complete f(v2450 m2021-06-11 10:34:07.746900 1449=1449+0) n(v140 rc2021-06-11 10:34:07.746900 b6868368857 1449=1449+0) hs=1449+227,ss=0+0 dirty=435 | request=0 child=1 subtree=1 subtreetemp=0 replicated=1 dirty=1 authpin=0 0x5577b1222a00]
2021-06-11 11:41:19.311 7f98c396e700 0 mds.1.migrator nicely exporting to mds.0 [dir 0x1000001f566.011* /pg_xlog_archives/9.6/scarto/ [2,head] auth{0=4} v=129838 cv=0/0 dir_auth=1 state=1610612737|complete f(v2450 m2021-06-11 10:34:13.048394 1462=1462+0) n(v140 rc2021-06-11 10:34:13.048394 b6915808960 1462=1462+0) hs=1462+220,ss=0+0 dirty=438 | request=0 child=1 subtree=1 subtreetemp=0 replicated=1 dirty=1 authpin=0 0x5577b1223e00]
2021-06-11 11:41:19.311 7f98c396e700 0 mds.1.migrator nicely exporting to mds.0 [dir 0x1000001f566.111* /pg_xlog_archives/9.6/scarto/ [2,head] auth{0=4} v=129819 cv=0/0 dir_auth=1 state=1610612737|complete f(v2450 m2021-06-11 10:34:07.082749 1524=1524+0) n(v140 rc2021-06-11 10:34:07.082749 b7233059600 1524=1524+0) hs=1524+217,ss=0+0 dirty=450 | request=0 child=1 subtree=1 subtreetemp=0 replicated=1 dirty=1 authpin=0 0x5577b13c3400]
2021-06-11 11:41:24.311 7f98c196a700 0 mds.1.migrator nicely exporting to mds.0 [dir 0x1000001f566.010* /pg_xlog_archives/9.6/scarto/ [2,head] auth{0=4} v=129822 cv=0/0 dir_auth=1 state=1610612737|complete f(v2450 m2021-06-11 10:34:06.711439 1481=1481+0) n(v140 rc2021-06-11 10:34:06.711439 b6992467779 1481=1481+0) hs=1481+194,ss=0+0 dirty=427 | request=0 child=1 subtree=1 subtreetemp=0 replicated=1 dirty=1 authpin=0 0x5577b1222000]
2021-06-11 11:41:24.311 7f98c196a700 0 mds.1.migrator nicely exporting to mds.0 [dir 0x1000001f566.101* /pg_xlog_archives/9.6/scarto/ [2,head] auth{0=4} v=129848 cv=0/0 dir_auth=1 state=1610612737|complete f(v2450 m2021-06-11 10:34:07.746900 1449=1449+0) n(v140 rc2021-06-11 10:34:07.746900 b6868368857 1449=1449+0) hs=1449+227,ss=0+0 dirty=435 | request=0 child=1 subtree=1 subtreetemp=0 replicated=1 dirty=1 authpin=0 0x5577b1222a00]
2021-06-11 11:41:24.315 7f98c396e700 0 mds.1.migrator nicely exporting to mds.0 [dir 0x1000001f566.011* /pg_xlog_archives/9.6/scarto/ [2,head] auth{0=4} v=129838 cv=0/0 dir_auth=1 state=1610612737|complete f(v2450 m2021-06-11 10:34:13.048394 1462=1462+0) n(v140 rc2021-06-11 10:34:13.048394 b6915808960 1462=1462+0) hs=1462+220,ss=0+0 dirty=438 | request=0 child=1 subtree=1 subtreetemp=0 replicated=1 dirty=1 authpin=0 0x5577b1223e00]
2021-06-11 11:41:24.315 7f98c396e700 0 mds.1.migrator nicely exporting to mds.0 [dir 0x1000001f566.111* /pg_xlog_archives/9.6/scarto/ [2,head] auth{0=4} v=129819 cv=0/0 dir_auth=1 state=1610612737|complete f(v2450 m2021-06-11 10:34:07.082749 1524=1524+0) n(v140 rc2021-06-11 10:34:07.082749 b7233059600 1524=1524+0) hs=1524+217,ss=0+0 dirty=450 | request=0 child=1 subtree=1 subtreetemp=0 replicated=1 dirty=1 authpin=0 0x5577b13c3400]
2021-06-11 11:41:28.719 7f98c4970700 1 mds.sg1vosrv43 asok_command: session ls (starting...)
2021-06-11 11:41:28.719 7f98c4970700 1 mds.sg1vosrv43 asok_command: session ls (complete)
2021-06-11 11:41:29.311 7f98c196a700 0 mds.1.migrator nicely exporting to mds.0 [dir 0x1000001f566.010* /pg_xlog_archives/9.6/scarto/ [2,head] auth{0=4} v=129822 cv=0/0 dir_auth=1 state=1610612737|complete f(v2450 m2021-06-11 10:34:06.711439 1481=1481+0) n(v140 rc2021-06-11 10:34:06.711439 b6992467779 1481=1481+0) hs=1481+194,ss=0+0 dirty=427 | request=0 child=1 subtree=1 subtreetemp=0 replicated=1 dirty=1 authpin=0 0x5577b1222000]
2021-06-11 11:41:29.311 7f98c196a700 0 mds.1.migrator nicely exporting to mds.0 [dir 0x1000001f566.101* /pg_xlog_archives/9.6/scarto/ [2,head] auth{0=4} v=129848 cv=0/0 dir_auth=1 state=1610612737|complete f(v2450 m2021-06-11 10:34:07.746900 1449=1449+0) n(v140 rc2021-06-11 10:34:07.746900 b6868368857 1449=1449+0) hs=1449+227,ss=0+0 dirty=435 | request=0 child=1 subtree=1 subtreetemp=0 replicated=1 dirty=1 authpin=0 0x5577b1222a00]
2021-06-11 11:41:29.315 7f98c396e700 0 mds.1.migrator nicely exporting to mds.0 [dir 0x1000001f566.011* /pg_xlog_archives/9.6/scarto/ [2,head] auth{0=4} v=129838 cv=0/0 dir_auth=1 state=1610612737|complete f(v2450 m2021-06-11 10:34:13.048394 1462=1462+0) n(v140 rc2021-06-11 10:34:13.048394 b6915808960 1462=1462+0) hs=1462+220,ss=0+0 dirty=438 | request=0 child=1 subtree=1 subtreetemp=0 replicated=1 dirty=1 authpin=0 0x5577b1223e00]
2021-06-11 11:41:29.315 7f98c396e700 0 mds.1.migrator nicely exporting to mds.0 [dir 0x1000001f566.111* /pg_xlog_archives/9.6/scarto/ [2,head] auth{0=4} v=129819 cv=0/0 dir_auth=1 state=1610612737|complete f(v2450 m2021-06-11 10:34:07.082749 1524=1524+0) n(v140 rc2021-06-11 10:34:07.082749 b7233059600 1524=1524+0) hs=1524+217,ss=0+0 dirty=450 | request=0 child=1 subtree=1 subtreetemp=0 replicated=1 dirty=1 authpin=0 0x5577b13c3400]
2021-06-11 11:41:32.803 7f98c4970700 1 mds.sg1vosrv43 asok_command: session ls (starting...)
2021-06-11 11:41:32.803 7f98c4970700 1 mds.sg1vosrv43 asok_command: session ls (complete)
2021-06-11 11:41:34.311 7f98c196a700 0 mds.1.migrator nicely exporting to mds.0 [dir 0x1000001f566.010* /pg_xlog_archives/9.6/scarto/ [2,head] auth{0=4} v=129822 cv=0/0 dir_auth=1 state=1610612737|complete f(v2450 m2021-06-11 10:34:06.711439 1481=1481+0) n(v140 rc2021-06-11 10:34:06.711439 b6992467779 1481=1481+0) hs=1481+194,ss=0+0 dirty=427 | request=0 child=1 subtree=1 subtreetemp=0 replicated=1 dirty=1 authpin=0 0x5577b1222000]
2021-06-11 11:41:34.311 7f98c196a700 0 mds.1.migrator nicely exporting to mds.0 [dir 0x1000001f566.101* /pg_xlog_archives/9.6/scarto/ [2,head] auth{0=4} v=129848 cv=0/0 dir_auth=1 state=1610612737|complete f(v2450 m2021-06-11 10:34:07.746900 1449=1449+0) n(v140 rc2021-06-11 10:34:07.746900 b6868368857 1449=1449+0) hs=1449+227,ss=0+0 dirty=435 | request=0 child=1 subtree=1 subtreetemp=0 replicated=1 dirty=1 authpin=0 0x5577b1222a00]
2021-06-11 11:41:34.315 7f98c396e700 0 mds.1.migrator nicely exporting to mds.0 [dir 0x1000001f566.011* /pg_xlog_archives/9.6/scarto/ [2,head] auth{0=4} v=129838 cv=0/0 dir_auth=1 state=1610612737|complete f(v2450 m2021-06-11 10:34:13.048394 1462=1462+0) n(v140 rc2021-06-11 10:34:13.048394 b6915808960 1462=1462+0) hs=1462+220,ss=0+0 dirty=438 | request=0 child=1 subtree=1 subtreetemp=0 replicated=1 dirty=1 authpin=0 0x5577b1223e00]
2021-06-11 11:41:34.315 7f98c396e700 0 mds.1.migrator nicely exporting to mds.0 [dir 0x1000001f566.111* /pg_xlog_archives/9.6/scarto/ [2,head] auth{0=4} v=129819 cv=0/0 dir_auth=1 state=1610612737|complete f(v2450 m2021-06-11 10:34:07.082749 1524=1524+0) n(v140 rc2021-06-11 10:34:07.082749 b7233059600 1524=1524+0) hs=1524+217,ss=0+0 dirty=450 | request=0 child=1 subtree=1 subtreetemp=0 replicated=1 dirty=1 authpin=0 0x5577b13c3400]
2021-06-11 11:41:38.347 7f98c4970700 1 mds.sg1vosrv43 asok_command: session ls (starting...)
2021-06-11 11:41:38.347 7f98c4970700 1 mds.sg1vosrv43 asok_command: session ls (complete)
2021-06-11 11:41:39.311 7f98c196a700 0 mds.1.migrator nicely exporting to mds.0 [dir 0x1000001f566.010* /pg_xlog_archives/9.6/scarto/ [2,head] auth{0=4} v=129822 cv=0/0 dir_auth=1 state=1610612737|complete f(v2450 m2021-06-11 10:34:06.711439 1481=1481+0) n(v140 rc2021-06-11 10:34:06.711439 b6992467779 1481=1481+0) hs=1481+194,ss=0+0 dirty=427 | request=0 child=1 subtree=1 subtreetemp=0 replicated=1 dirty=1 authpin=0 0x5577b1222000]
2021-06-11 11:41:39.311 7f98c196a700 0 mds.1.migrator nicely exporting to mds.0 [dir 0x1000001f566.101* /pg_xlog_archives/9.6/scarto/ [2,head] auth{0=4} v=129848 cv=0/0 dir_auth=1 state=1610612737|complete f(v2450 m2021-06-11 10:34:07.746900 1449=1449+0) n(v140 rc2021-06-11 10:34:07.746900 b6868368857 1449=1449+0) hs=1449+227,ss=0+0 dirty=435 | request=0 child=1 subtree=1 subtreetemp=0 replicated=1 dirty=1 authpin=0 0x5577b1222a00]
2021-06-11 11:41:39.311 7f98c396e700 0 mds.1.migrator nicely exporting to mds.0 [dir 0x1000001f566.011* /pg_xlog_archives/9.6/scarto/ [2,head] auth{0=4} v=129838 cv=0/0 dir_auth=1 state=1610612737|complete f(v2450 m2021-06-11 10:34:13.048394 1462=1462+0) n(v140 rc2021-06-11 10:34:13.048394 b6915808960 1462=1462+0) hs=1462+220,ss=0+0 dirty=438 | request=0 child=1 subtree=1 subtreetemp=0 replicated=1 dirty=1 authpin=0 0x5577b1223e00]
2021-06-11 11:41:39.311 7f98c396e700 0 mds.1.migrator nicely exporting to mds.0 [dir 0x1000001f566.111* /pg_xlog_archives/9.6/scarto/ [2,head] auth{0=4} v=129819 cv=0/0 dir_auth=1 state=1610612737|complete f(v2450 m2021-06-11 10:34:07.082749 1524=1524+0) n(v140 rc2021-06-11 10:34:07.082749 b7233059600 1524=1524+0) hs=1524+217,ss=0+0 dirty=450 | request=0 child=1 subtree=1 subtreetemp=0 replicated=1 dirty=1 authpin=0 0x5577b13c3400]
2021-06-11 11:41:44.307 7f98c196a700 0 mds.1.migrator nicely exporting to mds.0 [dir 0x1000001f566.010* /pg_xlog_archives/9.6/scarto/ [2,head] auth{0=4} v=129822 cv=0/0 dir_auth=1 state=1610612737|complete f(v2450 m2021-06-11 10:34:06.711439 1481=1481+0) n(v140 rc2021-06-11 10:34:06.711439 b6992467779 1481=1481+0) hs=1481+194,ss=0+0 dirty=427 | request=0 child=1 subtree=1 subtreetemp=0 replicated=1 dirty=1 authpin=0 0x5577b1222000]
2021-06-11 11:41:44.307 7f98c196a700 0 mds.1.migrator nicely exporting to mds.0 [dir 0x1000001f566.101* /pg_xlog_archives/9.6/scarto/ [2,head] auth{0=4} v=129848 cv=0/0 dir_auth=1 state=1610612737|complete f(v2450 m2021-06-11 10:34:07.746900 1449=1449+0) n(v140 rc2021-06-11 10:34:07.746900 b6868368857 1449=1449+0) hs=1449+227,ss=0+0 dirty=435 | request=0 child=1 subtree=1 subtreetemp=0 replicated=1 dirty=1 authpin=0 0x5577b1222a00]
2021-06-11 11:41:44.311 7f98c396e700 0 mds.1.migrator nicely exporting to mds.0 [dir 0x1000001f566.011* /pg_xlog_archives/9.6/scarto/ [2,head] auth{0=4} v=129838 cv=0/0 dir_auth=1 state=1610612737|complete f(v2450 m2021-06-11 10:34:13.048394 1462=1462+0) n(v140 rc2021-06-11 10:34:13.048394 b6915808960 1462=1462+0) hs=1462+220,ss=0+0 dirty=438 | request=0 child=1 subtree=1 subtreetemp=0 replicated=1 dirty=1 authpin=0 0x5577b1223e00]
2021-06-11 11:41:44.311 7f98c396e700 0 mds.1.migrator nicely exporting to mds.0 [dir 0x1000001f566.111* /pg_xlog_archives/9.6/scarto/ [2,head] auth{0=4} v=129819 cv=0/0 dir_auth=1 state=1610612737|complete f(v2450 m2021-06-11 10:34:07.082749 1524=1524+0) n(v140 rc2021-06-11 10:34:07.082749 b7233059600 1524=1524+0) hs=1524+217,ss=0+0 dirty=450 | request=0 child=1 subtree=1 subtreetemp=0 replicated=1 dirty=1 authpin=0 0x5577b13c3400]
2021-06-11 11:41:49.311 7f98c196a700 0 mds.1.migrator nicely exporting to mds.0 [dir 0x1000001f566.010* /pg_xlog_archives/9.6/scarto/ [2,head] auth{0=4} v=129822 cv=0/0 dir_auth=1 state=1610612737|complete f(v2450 m2021-06-11 10:34:06.711439 1481=1481+0) n(v140 rc2021-06-11 10:34:06.711439 b6992467779 1481=1481+0) hs=1481+194,ss=0+0 dirty=427 | request=0 child=1 subtree=1 subtreetemp=0 replicated=1 dirty=1 authpin=0 0x5577b1222000]
2021-06-11 11:41:49.311 7f98c196a700 0 mds.1.migrator nicely exporting to mds.0 [dir 0x1000001f566.101* /pg_xlog_archives/9.6/scarto/ [2,head] auth{0=4} v=129848 cv=0/0 dir_auth=1 state=1610612737|complete f(v2450 m2021-06-11 10:34:07.746900 1449=1449+0) n(v140 rc2021-06-11 10:34:07.746900 b6868368857 1449=1449+0) hs=1449+227,ss=0+0 dirty=435 | request=0 child=1 subtree=1 subtreetemp=0 replicated=1 dirty=1 authpin=0 0x5577b1222a00]
2021-06-11 11:41:49.311 7f98c396e700 0 mds.1.migrator nicely exporting to mds.0 [dir 0x1000001f566.011* /pg_xlog_archives/9.6/scarto/ [2,head] auth{0=4} v=129838 cv=0/0 dir_auth=1 state=1610612737|complete f(v2450 m2021-06-11 10:34:13.048394 1462=1462+0) n(v140 rc2021-06-11 10:34:13.048394 b6915808960 1462=1462+0) hs=1462+220,ss=0+0 dirty=438 | request=0 child=1 subtree=1 subtreetemp=0 replicated=1 dirty=1 authpin=0 0x5577b1223e00]
2021-06-11 11:41:49.311 7f98c396e700 0 mds.1.migrator nicely exporting to mds.0 [dir 0x1000001f566.111* /pg_xlog_archives/9.6/scarto/ [2,head] auth{0=4} v=129819 cv=0/0 dir_auth=1 state=1610612737|complete f(v2450 m2021-06-11 10:34:07.082749 1524=1524+0) n(v140 rc2021-06-11 10:34:07.082749 b7233059600 1524=1524+0) hs=1524+217,ss=0+0 dirty=450 | request=0 child=1 subtree=1 subtreetemp=0 replicated=1 dirty=1 authpin=0 0x5577b13c3400]
2021-06-11 11:41:54.311 7f98c196a700 0 mds.1.migrator nicely exporting to mds.0 [dir 0x1000001f566.010* /pg_xlog_archives/9.6/scarto/ [2,head] auth{0=4} v=129822 cv=0/0 dir_auth=1 state=1610612737|complete f(v2450 m2021-06-11 10:34:06.711439 1481=1481+0) n(v140 rc2021-06-11 10:34:06.711439 b6992467779 1481=1481+0) hs=1481+194,ss=0+0 dirty=427 | request=0 child=1 subtree=1 subtreetemp=0 replicated=1 dirty=1 authpin=0 0x5577b1222000]
2021-06-11 11:41:54.311 7f98c196a700 0 mds.1.migrator nicely exporting to mds.0 [dir 0x1000001f566.101* /pg_xlog_archives/9.6/scarto/ [2,head] auth{0=4} v=129848 cv=0/0 dir_auth=1 state=1610612737|complete f(v2450 m2021-06-11 10:34:07.746900 1449=1449+0) n(v140 rc2021-06-11 10:34:07.746900 b6868368857 1449=1449+0) hs=1449+227,ss=0+0 dirty=435 | request=0 child=1 subtree=1 subtreetemp=0 replicated=1 dirty=1 authpin=0 0x5577b1222a00]
2021-06-11 11:41:54.311 7f98c396e700 0 mds.1.migrator nicely exporting to mds.0 [dir 0x1000001f566.011* /pg_xlog_archives/9.6/scarto/ [2,head] auth{0=4} v=129838 cv=0/0 dir_auth=1 state=1610612737|complete f(v2450 m2021-06-11 10:34:13.048394 1462=1462+0) n(v140 rc2021-06-11 10:34:13.048394 b6915808960 1462=1462+0) hs=1462+220,ss=0+0 dirty=438 | request=0 child=1 subtree=1 subtreetemp=0 replicated=1 dirty=1 authpin=0 0x5577b1223e00]
2021-06-11 11:41:54.311 7f98c396e700 0 mds.1.migrator nicely exporting to mds.0 [dir 0x1000001f566.111* /pg_xlog_archives/9.6/scarto/ [2,head] auth{0=4} v=129819 cv=0/0 dir_auth=1 state=1610612737|complete f(v2450 m2021-06-11 10:34:07.082749 1524=1524+0) n(v140 rc2021-06-11 10:34:07.082749 b7233059600 1524=1524+0) hs=1524+217,ss=0+0 dirty=450 | request=0 child=1 subtree=1 subtreetemp=0 replicated=1 dirty=1 authpin=0 0x5577b13c3400]
2021-06-11 11:41:59.311 7f98c196a700 0 mds.1.migrator nicely exporting to mds.0 [dir 0x1000001f566.010* /pg_xlog_archives/9.6/scarto/ [2,head] auth{0=4} v=129822 cv=0/0 dir_auth=1 state=1610612737|complete f(v2450 m2021-06-11 10:34:06.711439 1481=1481+0) n(v140 rc2021-06-11 10:34:06.711439 b6992467779 1481=1481+0) hs=1481+194,ss=0+0 dirty=427 | request=0 child=1 subtree=1 subtreetemp=0 replicated=1 dirty=1 authpin=0 0x5577b1222000]
2021-06-11 11:41:59.311 7f98c196a700 0 mds.1.migrator nicely exporting to mds.0 [dir 0x1000001f566.101* /pg_xlog_archives/9.6/scarto/ [2,head] auth{0=4} v=129848 cv=0/0 dir_auth=1 state=1610612737|complete f(v2450 m2021-06-11 10:34:07.746900 1449=1449+0) n(v140 rc2021-06-11 10:34:07.746900 b6868368857 1449=1449+0) hs=1449+227,ss=0+0 dirty=435 | request=0 child=1 subtree=1 subtreetemp=0 replicated=1 dirty=1 authpin=0 0x5577b1222a00]
2021-06-11 11:41:59.311 7f98c396e700 0 mds.1.migrator nicely exporting to mds.0 [dir 0x1000001f566.011* /pg_xlog_archives/9.6/scarto/ [2,head] auth{0=4} v=129838 cv=0/0 dir_auth=1 state=1610612737|complete f(v2450 m2021-06-11 10:34:13.048394 1462=1462+0) n(v140 rc2021-06-11 10:34:13.048394 b6915808960 1462=1462+0) hs=1462+220,ss=0+0 dirty=438 | request=0 child=1 subtree=1 subtreetemp=0 replicated=1 dirty=1 authpin=0 0x5577b1223e00]
2021-06-11 11:41:59.311 7f98c396e700 0 mds.1.migrator nicely exporting to mds.0 [dir 0x1000001f566.111* /pg_xlog_archives/9.6/scarto/ [2,head] auth{0=4} v=129819 cv=0/0 dir_auth=1 state=1610612737|complete f(v2450 m2021-06-11 10:34:07.082749 1524=1524+0) n(v140 rc2021-06-11 10:34:07.082749 b7233059600 1524=1524+0) hs=1524+217,ss=0+0 dirty=450 | request=0 child=1 subtree=1 subtreetemp=0 replicated=1 dirty=1 authpin=0 0x5577b13c3400]
2021-06-11 11:42:04.311 7f98c196a700 0 mds.1.migrator nicely exporting to mds.0 [dir 0x1000001f566.010* /pg_xlog_archives/9.6/scarto/ [2,head] auth{0=4} v=129822 cv=0/0 dir_auth=1 state=1610612737|complete f(v2450 m2021-06-11 10:34:06.711439 1481=1481+0) n(v140 rc2021-06-11 10:34:06.711439 b6992467779 1481=1481+0) hs=1481+194,ss=0+0 dirty=427 | request=0 child=1 subtree=1 subtreetemp=0 replicated=1 dirty=1 authpin=0 0x5577b1222000]
2021-06-11 11:42:04.311 7f98c196a700 0 mds.1.migrator nicely exporting to mds.0 [dir 0x1000001f566.101* /pg_xlog_archives/9.6/scarto/ [2,head] auth{0=4} v=129848 cv=0/0 dir_auth=1 state=1610612737|complete f(v2450 m2021-06-11 10:34:07.746900 1449=1449+0) n(v140 rc2021-06-11 10:34:07.746900 b6868368857 1449=1449+0) hs=1449+227,ss=0+0 dirty=435 | request=0 child=1 subtree=1 subtreetemp=0 replicated=1 dirty=1 authpin=0 0x5577b1222a00]
2021-06-11 11:42:04.311 7f98c396e700 0 mds.1.migrator nicely exporting to mds.0 [dir 0x1000001f566.011* /pg_xlog_archives/9.6/scarto/ [2,head] auth{0=4} v=129838 cv=0/0 dir_auth=1 state=1610612737|complete f(v2450 m2021-06-11 10:34:13.048394 1462=1462+0) n(v140 rc2021-06-11 10:34:13.048394 b6915808960 1462=1462+0) hs=1462+220,ss=0+0 dirty=438 | request=0 child=1 subtree=1 subtreetemp=0 replicated=1 dirty=1 authpin=0 0x5577b1223e00]
2021-06-11 11:42:04.311 7f98c396e700 0 mds.1.migrator nicely exporting to mds.0 [dir 0x1000001f566.111* /pg_xlog_archives/9.6/scarto/ [2,head] auth{0=4} v=129819 cv=0/0 dir_auth=1 state=1610612737|complete f(v2450 m2021-06-11 10:34:07.082749 1524=1524+0) n(v140 rc2021-06-11 10:34:07.082749 b7233059600 1524=1524+0) hs=1524+217,ss=0+0 dirty=450 | request=0 child=1 subtree=1 subtreetemp=0 replicated=1 dirty=1 authpin=0 0x5577b13c3400]
2021-06-11 11:42:09.311 7f98c196a700 0 mds.1.migrator nicely exporting to mds.0 [dir 0x1000001f566.010* /pg_xlog_archives/9.6/scarto/ [2,head] auth{0=4} v=129822 cv=0/0 dir_auth=1 state=1610612737|complete f(v2450 m2021-06-11 10:34:06.711439 1481=1481+0) n(v140 rc2021-06-11 10:34:06.711439 b6992467779 1481=1481+0) hs=1481+194,ss=0+0 dirty=427 | request=0 child=1 subtree=1 subtreetemp=0 replicated=1 dirty=1 authpin=0 0x5577b1222000]
2021-06-11 11:42:09.311 7f98c196a700 0 mds.1.migrator nicely exporting to mds.0 [dir 0x1000001f566.101* /pg_xlog_archives/9.6/scarto/ [2,head] auth{0=4} v=129848 cv=0/0 dir_auth=1 state=1610612737|complete f(v2450 m2021-06-11 10:34:07.746900 1449=1449+0) n(v140 rc2021-06-11 10:34:07.746900 b6868368857 1449=1449+0) hs=1449+227,ss=0+0 dirty=435 | request=0 child=1 subtree=1 subtreetemp=0 replicated=1 dirty=1 authpin=0 0x5577b1222a00]
2021-06-11 11:42:09.311 7f98c396e700 0 mds.1.migrator nicely exporting to mds.0 [dir 0x1000001f566.011* /pg_xlog_archives/9.6/scarto/ [2,head] auth{0=4} v=129838 cv=0/0 dir_auth=1 state=1610612737|complete f(v2450 m2021-06-11 10:34:13.048394 1462=1462+0) n(v140 rc2021-06-11 10:34:13.048394 b6915808960 1462=1462+0) hs=1462+220,ss=0+0 dirty=438 | request=0 child=1 subtree=1 subtreetemp=0 replicated=1 dirty=1 authpin=0 0x5577b1223e00]
2021-06-11 11:42:09.311 7f98c396e700 0 mds.1.migrator nicely exporting to mds.0 [dir 0x1000001f566.111* /pg_xlog_archives/9.6/scarto/ [2,head] auth{0=4} v=129819 cv=0/0 dir_auth=1 state=1610612737|complete f(v2450 m2021-06-11 10:34:07.082749 1524=1524+0) n(v140 rc2021-06-11 10:34:07.082749 b7233059600 1524=1524+0) hs=1524+217,ss=0+0 dirty=450 | request=0 child=1 subtree=1 subtreetemp=0 replicated=1 dirty=1 authpin=0 0x5577b13c3400]
2021-06-11 11:42:14.311 7f98c196a700 0 mds.1.migrator nicely exporting to mds.0 [dir 0x1000001f566.010* /pg_xlog_archives/9.6/scarto/ [2,head] auth{0=4} v=129822 cv=0/0 dir_auth=1 state=1610612737|complete f(v2450 m2021-06-11 10:34:06.711439 1481=1481+0) n(v140 rc2021-06-11 10:34:06.711439 b6992467779 1481=1481+0) hs=1481+194,ss=0+0 dirty=427 | request=0 child=1 subtree=1 subtreetemp=0 replicated=1 dirty=1 authpin=0 0x5577b1222000]
2021-06-11 11:42:14.311 7f98c196a700 0 mds.1.migrator nicely exporting to mds.0 [dir 0x1000001f566.101* /pg_xlog_archives/9.6/scarto/ [2,head] auth{0=4} v=129848 cv=0/0 dir_auth=1 state=1610612737|complete f(v2450 m2021-06-11 10:34:07.746900 1449=1449+0) n(v140 rc2021-06-11 10:34:07.746900 b6868368857 1449=1449+0) hs=1449+227,ss=0+0 dirty=435 | request=0 child=1 subtree=1 subtreetemp=0 replicated=1 dirty=1 authpin=0 0x5577b1222a00]
2021-06-11 11:42:14.311 7f98c396e700 0 mds.1.migrator nicely exporting to mds.0 [dir 0x1000001f566.011* /pg_xlog_archives/9.6/scarto/ [2,head] auth{0=4} v=129838 cv=0/0 dir_auth=1 state=1610612737|complete f(v2450 m2021-06-11 10:34:13.048394 1462=1462+0) n(v140 rc2021-06-11 10:34:13.048394 b6915808960 1462=1462+0) hs=1462+220,ss=0+0 dirty=438 | request=0 child=1 subtree=1 subtreetemp=0 replicated=1 dirty=1 authpin=0 0x5577b1223e00]
2021-06-11 11:42:14.311 7f98c396e700 0 mds.1.migrator nicely exporting to mds.0 [dir 0x1000001f566.111* /pg_xlog_archives/9.6/scarto/ [2,head] auth{0=4} v=129819 cv=0/0 dir_auth=1 state=1610612737|complete f(v2450 m2021-06-11 10:34:07.082749 1524=1524+0) n(v140 rc2021-06-11 10:34:07.082749 b7233059600 1524=1524+0) hs=1524+217,ss=0+0 dirty=450 | request=0 child=1 subtree=1 subtreetemp=0 replicated=1 dirty=1 authpin=0 0x5577b13c3400]
2021-06-11 11:42:19.311 7f98c196a700 0 mds.1.migrator nicely exporting to mds.0 [dir 0x1000001f566.010* /pg_xlog_archives/9.6/scarto/ [2,head] auth{0=4} v=129822 cv=0/0 dir_auth=1 state=1610612737|complete f(v2450 m2021-06-11 10:34:06.711439 1481=1481+0) n(v140 rc2021-06-11 10:34:06.711439 b6992467779 1481=1481+0) hs=1481+194,ss=0+0 dirty=427 | request=0 child=1 subtree=1 subtreetemp=0 replicated=1 dirty=1 authpin=0 0x5577b1222000]
2021-06-11 11:42:19.311 7f98c196a700 0 mds.1.migrator nicely exporting to mds.0 [dir 0x1000001f566.101* /pg_xlog_archives/9.6/scarto/ [2,head] auth{0=4} v=129848 cv=0/0 dir_auth=1 state=1610612737|complete f(v2450 m2021-06-11 10:34:07.746900 1449=1449+0) n(v140 rc2021-06-11 10:34:07.746900 b6868368857 1449=1449+0) hs=1449+227,ss=0+0 dirty=435 | request=0 child=1 subtree=1 subtreetemp=0 replicated=1 dirty=1 authpin=0 0x5577b1222a00]
2021-06-11 11:42:19.311 7f98c396e700 0 mds.1.migrator nicely exporting to mds.0 [dir 0x1000001f566.011* /pg_xlog_archives/9.6/scarto/ [2,head] auth{0=4} v=129838 cv=0/0 dir_auth=1 state=1610612737|complete f(v2450 m2021-06-11 10:34:13.048394 1462=1462+0) n(v140 rc2021-06-11 10:34:13.048394 b6915808960 1462=1462+0) hs=1462+220,ss=0+0 dirty=438 | request=0 child=1 subtree=1 subtreetemp=0 replicated=1 dirty=1 authpin=0 0x5577b1223e00]
2021-06-11 11:42:19.311 7f98c396e700 0 mds.1.migrator nicely exporting to mds.0 [dir 0x1000001f566.111* /pg_xlog_archives/9.6/scarto/ [2,head] auth{0=4} v=129819 cv=0/0 dir_auth=1 state=1610612737|complete f(v2450 m2021-06-11 10:34:07.082749 1524=1524+0) n(v140 rc2021-06-11 10:34:07.082749 b7233059600 1524=1524+0) hs=1524+217,ss=0+0 dirty=450 | request=0 child=1 subtree=1 subtreetemp=0 replicated=1 dirty=1 authpin=0 0x5577b13c3400]
2021-06-11 11:42:24.311 7f98c196a700 0 mds.1.migrator nicely exporting to mds.0 [dir 0x1000001f566.010* /pg_xlog_archives/9.6/scarto/ [2,head] auth{0=4} v=129822 cv=0/0 dir_auth=1 state=1610612737|complete f(v2450 m2021-06-11 10:34:06.711439 1481=1481+0) n(v140 rc2021-06-11 10:34:06.711439 b6992467779 1481=1481+0) hs=1481+194,ss=0+0 dirty=427 | request=0 child=1 subtree=1 subtreetemp=0 replicated=1 dirty=1 authpin=0 0x5577b1222000]
2021-06-11 11:42:24.311 7f98c196a700 0 mds.1.migrator nicely exporting to mds.0 [dir 0x1000001f566.101* /pg_xlog_archives/9.6/scarto/ [2,head] auth{0=4} v=129848 cv=0/0 dir_auth=1 state=1610612737|complete f(v2450 m2021-06-11 10:34:07.746900 1449=1449+0) n(v140 rc2021-06-11 10:34:07.746900 b6868368857 1449=1449+0) hs=1449+227,ss=0+0 dirty=435 | request=0 child=1 subtree=1 subtreetemp=0 replicated=1 dirty=1 authpin=0 0x5577b1222a00]
2021-06-11 11:42:24.311 7f98c396e700 0 mds.1.migrator nicely exporting to mds.0 [dir 0x1000001f566.011* /pg_xlog_archives/9.6/scarto/ [2,head] auth{0=4} v=129838 cv=0/0 dir_auth=1 state=1610612737|complete f(v2450 m2021-06-11 10:34:13.048394 1462=1462+0) n(v140 rc2021-06-11 10:34:13.048394 b6915808960 1462=1462+0) hs=1462+220,ss=0+0 dirty=438 | request=0 child=1 subtree=1 subtreetemp=0 replicated=1 dirty=1 authpin=0 0x5577b1223e00]
2021-06-11 11:42:24.311 7f98c396e700 0 mds.1.migrator nicely exporting to mds.0 [dir 0x1000001f566.111* /pg_xlog_archives/9.6/scarto/ [2,head] auth{0=4} v=129819 cv=0/0 dir_auth=1 state=1610612737|complete f(v2450 m2021-06-11 10:34:07.082749 1524=1524+0) n(v140 rc2021-06-11 10:34:07.082749 b7233059600 1524=1524+0) hs=1524+217,ss=0+0 dirty=450 | request=0 child=1 subtree=1 subtreetemp=0 replicated=1 dirty=1 authpin=0 0x5577b13c3400]
2021-06-11 11:42:29.315 7f98c196a700 0 mds.1.migrator nicely exporting to mds.0 [dir 0x1000001f566.010* /pg_xlog_archives/9.6/scarto/ [2,head] auth{0=4} v=129822 cv=0/0 dir_auth=1 state=1610612737|complete f(v2450 m2021-06-11 10:34:06.711439 1481=1481+0) n(v140 rc2021-06-11 10:34:06.711439 b6992467779 1481=1481+0) hs=1481+194,ss=0+0 dirty=427 | request=0 child=1 subtree=1 subtreetemp=0 replicated=1 dirty=1 authpin=0 0x5577b1222000]
2021-06-11 11:42:29.315 7f98c196a700 0 mds.1.migrator nicely exporting to mds.0 [dir 0x1000001f566.101* /pg_xlog_archives/9.6/scarto/ [2,head] auth{0=4} v=129848 cv=0/0 dir_auth=1 state=1610612737|complete f(v2450 m2021-06-11 10:34:07.746900 1449=1449+0) n(v140 rc2021-06-11 10:34:07.746900 b6868368857 1449=1449+0) hs=1449+227,ss=0+0 dirty=435 | request=0 child=1 subtree=1 subtreetemp=0 replicated=1 dirty=1 authpin=0 0x5577b1222a00]
2021-06-11 11:42:29.315 7f98c396e700 0 mds.1.migrator nicely exporting to mds.0 [dir 0x1000001f566.011* /pg_xlog_archives/9.6/scarto/ [2,head] auth{0=4} v=129838 cv=0/0 dir_auth=1 state=1610612737|complete f(v2450 m2021-06-11 10:34:13.048394 1462=1462+0) n(v140 rc2021-06-11 10:34:13.048394 b6915808960 1462=1462+0) hs=1462+220,ss=0+0 dirty=438 | request=0 child=1 subtree=1 subtreetemp=0 replicated=1 dirty=1 authpin=0 0x5577b1223e00]
2021-06-11 11:42:29.315 7f98c396e700 0 mds.1.migrator nicely exporting to mds.0 [dir 0x1000001f566.111* /pg_xlog_archives/9.6/scarto/ [2,head] auth{0=4} v=129819 cv=0/0 dir_auth=1 state=1610612737|complete f(v2450 m2021-06-11 10:34:07.082749 1524=1524+0) n(v140 rc2021-06-11 10:34:07.082749 b7233059600 1524=1524+0) hs=1524+217,ss=0+0 dirty=450 | request=0 child=1 subtree=1 subtreetemp=0 replicated=1 dirty=1 authpin=0 0x5577b13c3400]
2021-06-11 11:42:34.311 7f98c196a700 0 mds.1.migrator nicely exporting to mds.0 [dir 0x1000001f566.010* /pg_xlog_archives/9.6/scarto/ [2,head] auth{0=4} v=129822 cv=0/0 dir_auth=1 state=1610612737|complete f(v2450 m2021-06-11 10:34:06.711439 1481=1481+0) n(v140 rc2021-06-11 10:34:06.711439 b6992467779 1481=1481+0) hs=1481+194,ss=0+0 dirty=427 | request=0 child=1 subtree=1 subtreetemp=0 replicated=1 dirty=1 authpin=0 0x5577b1222000]
2021-06-11 11:42:34.311 7f98c196a700 0 mds.1.migrator nicely exporting to mds.0 [dir 0x1000001f566.101* /pg_xlog_archives/9.6/scarto/ [2,head] auth{0=4} v=129848 cv=0/0 dir_auth=1 state=1610612737|complete f(v2450 m2021-06-11 10:34:07.746900 1449=1449+0) n(v140 rc2021-06-11 10:34:07.746900 b6868368857 1449=1449+0) hs=1449+227,ss=0+0 dirty=435 | request=0 child=1 subtree=1 subtreetemp=0 replicated=1 dirty=1 authpin=0 0x5577b1222a00]
2021-06-11 11:42:34.311 7f98c396e700 0 mds.1.migrator nicely exporting to mds.0 [dir 0x1000001f566.011* /pg_xlog_archives/9.6/scarto/ [2,head] auth{0=4} v=129838 cv=0/0 dir_auth=1 state=1610612737|complete f(v2450 m2021-06-11 10:34:13.048394 1462=1462+0) n(v140 rc2021-06-11 10:34:13.048394 b6915808960 1462=1462+0) hs=1462+220,ss=0+0 dirty=438 | request=0 child=1 subtree=1 subtreetemp=0 replicated=1 dirty=1 authpin=0 0x5577b1223e00]
2021-06-11 11:42:34.311 7f98c396e700 0 mds.1.migrator nicely exporting to mds.0 [dir 0x1000001f566.111* /pg_xlog_archives/9.6/scarto/ [2,head] auth{0=4} v=129819 cv=0/0 dir_auth=1 state=1610612737|complete f(v2450 m2021-06-11 10:34:07.082749 1524=1524+0) n(v140 rc2021-06-11 10:34:07.082749 b7233059600 1524=1524+0) hs=1524+217,ss=0+0 dirty=450 | request=0 child=1 subtree=1 subtreetemp=0 replicated=1 dirty=1 authpin=0 0x5577b13c3400]
2021-06-11 11:42:39.311 7f98c196a700 0 mds.1.migrator nicely exporting to mds.0 [dir 0x1000001f566.010* /pg_xlog_archives/9.6/scarto/ [2,head] auth{0=4} v=129822 cv=0/0 dir_auth=1 state=1610612737|complete f(v2450 m2021-06-11 10:34:06.711439 1481=1481+0) n(v140 rc2021-06-11 10:34:06.711439 b6992467779 1481=1481+0) hs=1481+194,ss=0+0 dirty=427 | request=0 child=1 subtree=1 subtreetemp=0 replicated=1 dirty=1 authpin=0 0x5577b1222000]
2021-06-11 11:42:39.311 7f98c196a700 0 mds.1.migrator nicely exporting to mds.0 [dir 0x1000001f566.101* /pg_xlog_archives/9.6/scarto/ [2,head] auth{0=4} v=129848 cv=0/0 dir_auth=1 state=1610612737|complete f(v2450 m2021-06-11 10:34:07.746900 1449=1449+0) n(v140 rc2021-06-11 10:34:07.746900 b6868368857 1449=1449+0) hs=1449+227,ss=0+0 dirty=435 | request=0 child=1 subtree=1 subtreetemp=0 replicated=1 dirty=1 authpin=0 0x5577b1222a00]
2021-06-11 11:42:39.311 7f98c396e700 0 mds.1.migrator nicely exporting to mds.0 [dir 0x1000001f566.011* /pg_xlog_archives/9.6/scarto/ [2,head] auth{0=4} v=129838 cv=0/0 dir_auth=1 state=1610612737|complete f(v2450 m2021-06-11 10:34:13.048394 1462=1462+0) n(v140 rc2021-06-11 10:34:13.048394 b6915808960 1462=1462+0) hs=1462+220,ss=0+0 dirty=438 | request=0 child=1 subtree=1 subtreetemp=0 replicated=1 dirty=1 authpin=0 0x5577b1223e00]
2021-06-11 11:42:39.311 7f98c396e700 0 mds.1.migrator nicely exporting to mds.0 [dir 0x1000001f566.111* /pg_xlog_archives/9.6/scarto/ [2,head] auth{0=4} v=129819 cv=0/0 dir_auth=1 state=1610612737|complete f(v2450 m2021-06-11 10:34:07.082749 1524=1524+0) n(v140 rc2021-06-11 10:34:07.082749 b7233059600 1524=1524+0) hs=1524+217,ss=0+0 dirty=450 | request=0 child=1 subtree=1 subtreetemp=0 replicated=1 dirty=1 authpin=0 0x5577b13c3400]
2021-06-11 11:42:44.311 7f98c196a700 0 mds.1.migrator nicely exporting to mds.0 [dir 0x1000001f566.010* /pg_xlog_archives/9.6/scarto/ [2,head] auth{0=4} v=129822 cv=0/0 dir_auth=1 state=1610612737|complete f(v2450 m2021-06-11 10:34:06.711439 1481=1481+0) n(v140 rc2021-06-11 10:34:06.711439 b6992467779 1481=1481+0) hs=1481+194,ss=0+0 dirty=427 | request=0 child=1 subtree=1 subtreetemp=0 replicated=1 dirty=1 authpin=0 0x5577b1222000]
2021-06-11 11:42:44.311 7f98c196a700 0 mds.1.migrator nicely exporting to mds.0 [dir 0x1000001f566.101* /pg_xlog_archives/9.6/scarto/ [2,head] auth{0=4} v=129848 cv=0/0 dir_auth=1 state=1610612737|complete f(v2450 m2021-06-11 10:34:07.746900 1449=1449+0) n(v140 rc2021-06-11 10:34:07.746900 b6868368857 1449=1449+0) hs=1449+227,ss=0+0 dirty=435 | request=0 child=1 subtree=1 subtreetemp=0 replicated=1 dirty=1 authpin=0 0x5577b1222a00]
2021-06-11 11:42:44.311 7f98c396e700 0 mds.1.migrator nicely exporting to mds.0 [dir 0x1000001f566.011* /pg_xlog_archives/9.6/scarto/ [2,head] auth{0=4} v=129838 cv=0/0 dir_auth=1 state=1610612737|complete f(v2450 m2021-06-11 10:34:13.048394 1462=1462+0) n(v140 rc2021-06-11 10:34:13.048394 b6915808960 1462=1462+0) hs=1462+220,ss=0+0 dirty=438 | request=0 child=1 subtree=1 subtreetemp=0 replicated=1 dirty=1 authpin=0 0x5577b1223e00]
2021-06-11 11:42:44.311 7f98c396e700 0 mds.1.migrator nicely exporting to mds.0 [dir 0x1000001f566.111* /pg_xlog_archives/9.6/scarto/ [2,head] auth{0=4} v=129819 cv=0/0 dir_auth=1 state=1610612737|complete f(v2450 m2021-06-11 10:34:07.082749 1524=1524+0) n(v140 rc2021-06-11 10:34:07.082749 b7233059600 1524=1524+0) hs=1524+217,ss=0+0 dirty=450 | request=0 child=1 subtree=1 subtreetemp=0 replicated=1 dirty=1 authpin=0 0x5577b13c3400]
2021-06-11 11:42:49.315 7f98c196a700 0 mds.1.migrator nicely exporting to mds.0 [dir 0x1000001f566.010* /pg_xlog_archives/9.6/scarto/ [2,head] auth{0=4} v=129822 cv=0/0 dir_auth=1 state=1610612737|complete f(v2450 m2021-06-11 10:34:06.711439 1481=1481+0) n(v140 rc2021-06-11 10:34:06.711439 b6992467779 1481=1481+0) hs=1481+194,ss=0+0 dirty=427 | request=0 child=1 subtree=1 subtreetemp=0 replicated=1 dirty=1 authpin=0 0x5577b1222000]
2021-06-11 11:42:49.315 7f98c196a700 0 mds.1.migrator nicely exporting to mds.0 [dir 0x1000001f566.101* /pg_xlog_archives/9.6/scarto/ [2,head] auth{0=4} v=129848 cv=0/0 dir_auth=1 state=1610612737|complete f(v2450 m2021-06-11 10:34:07.746900 1449=1449+0) n(v140 rc2021-06-11 10:34:07.746900 b6868368857 1449=1449+0) hs=1449+227,ss=0+0 dirty=435 | request=0 child=1 subtree=1 subtreetemp=0 replicated=1 dirty=1 authpin=0 0x5577b1222a00]
2021-06-11 11:42:49.315 7f98c396e700 0 mds.1.migrator nicely exporting to mds.0 [dir 0x1000001f566.011* /pg_xlog_archives/9.6/scarto/ [2,head] auth{0=4} v=129838 cv=0/0 dir_auth=1 state=1610612737|complete f(v2450 m2021-06-11 10:34:13.048394 1462=1462+0) n(v140 rc2021-06-11 10:34:13.048394 b6915808960 1462=1462+0) hs=1462+220,ss=0+0 dirty=438 | request=0 child=1 subtree=1 subtreetemp=0 replicated=1 dirty=1 authpin=0 0x5577b1223e00]
2021-06-11 11:42:49.315 7f98c396e700 0 mds.1.migrator nicely exporting to mds.0 [dir 0x1000001f566.111* /pg_xlog_archives/9.6/scarto/ [2,head] auth{0=4} v=129819 cv=0/0 dir_auth=1 state=1610612737|complete f(v2450 m2021-06-11 10:34:07.082749 1524=1524+0) n(v140 rc2021-06-11 10:34:07.082749 b7233059600 1524=1524+0) hs=1524+217,ss=0+0 dirty=450 | request=0 child=1 subtree=1 subtreetemp=0 replicated=1 dirty=1 authpin=0 0x5577b13c3400]
2021-06-11 11:42:54.311 7f98c196a700 0 mds.1.migrator nicely exporting to mds.0 [dir 0x1000001f566.010* /pg_xlog_archives/9.6/scarto/ [2,head] auth{0=4} v=129822 cv=0/0 dir_auth=1 state=1610612737|complete f(v2450 m2021-06-11 10:34:06.711439 1481=1481+0) n(v140 rc2021-06-11 10:34:06.711439 b6992467779 1481=1481+0) hs=1481+194,ss=0+0 dirty=427 | request=0 child=1 subtree=1 subtreetemp=0 replicated=1 dirty=1 authpin=0 0x5577b1222000]
2021-06-11 11:42:54.311 7f98c196a700 0 mds.1.migrator nicely exporting to mds.0 [dir 0x1000001f566.101* /pg_xlog_archives/9.6/scarto/ [2,head] auth{0=4} v=129848 cv=0/0 dir_auth=1 state=1610612737|complete f(v2450 m2021-06-11 10:34:07.746900 1449=1449+0) n(v140 rc2021-06-11 10:34:07.746900 b6868368857 1449=1449+0) hs=1449+227,ss=0+0 dirty=435 | request=0 child=1 subtree=1 subtreetemp=0 replicated=1 dirty=1 authpin=0 0x5577b1222a00]
2021-06-11 11:42:54.311 7f98c396e700 0 mds.1.migrator nicely exporting to mds.0 [dir 0x1000001f566.011* /pg_xlog_archives/9.6/scarto/ [2,head] auth{0=4} v=129838 cv=0/0 dir_auth=1 state=1610612737|complete f(v2450 m2021-06-11 10:34:13.048394 1462=1462+0) n(v140 rc2021-06-11 10:34:13.048394 b6915808960 1462=1462+0) hs=1462+220,ss=0+0 dirty=438 | request=0 child=1 subtree=1 subtreetemp=0 replicated=1 dirty=1 authpin=0 0x5577b1223e00]
2021-06-11 11:42:54.311 7f98c396e700 0 mds.1.migrator nicely exporting to mds.0 [dir 0x1000001f566.111* /pg_xlog_archives/9.6/scarto/ [2,head] auth{0=4} v=129819 cv=0/0 dir_auth=1 state=1610612737|complete f(v2450 m2021-06-11 10:34:07.082749 1524=1524+0) n(v140 rc2021-06-11 10:34:07.082749 b7233059600 1524=1524+0) hs=1524+217,ss=0+0 dirty=450 | request=0 child=1 subtree=1 subtreetemp=0 replicated=1 dirty=1 authpin=0 0x5577b13c3400]
2021-06-11 11:42:55.111 7f98c4970700 1 mds.sg1vosrv43 asok_command: dump_ops_in_flight (starting...)
2021-06-11 11:42:55.111 7f98c4970700 1 mds.sg1vosrv43 asok_command: dump_ops_in_flight (complete)
2021-06-11 11:42:59.311 7f98c196a700 0 mds.1.migrator nicely exporting to mds.0 [dir 0x1000001f566.010* /pg_xlog_archives/9.6/scarto/ [2,head] auth{0=4} v=129822 cv=0/0 dir_auth=1 state=1610612737|complete f(v2450 m2021-06-11 10:34:06.711439 1481=1481+0) n(v140 rc2021-06-11 10:34:06.711439 b6992467779 1481=1481+0) hs=1481+194,ss=0+0 dirty=427 | request=0 child=1 subtree=1 subtreetemp=0 replicated=1 dirty=1 authpin=0 0x5577b1222000]
2021-06-11 11:42:59.311 7f98c196a700 0 mds.1.migrator nicely exporting to mds.0 [dir 0x1000001f566.101* /pg_xlog_archives/9.6/scarto/ [2,head] auth{0=4} v=129848 cv=0/0 dir_auth=1 state=1610612737|complete f(v2450 m2021-06-11 10:34:07.746900 1449=1449+0) n(v140 rc2021-06-11 10:34:07.746900 b6868368857 1449=1449+0) hs=1449+227,ss=0+0 dirty=435 | request=0 child=1 subtree=1 subtreetemp=0 replicated=1 dirty=1 authpin=0 0x5577b1222a00]
2021-06-11 11:42:59.311 7f98c396e700 0 mds.1.migrator nicely exporting to mds.0 [dir 0x1000001f566.011* /pg_xlog_archives/9.6/scarto/ [2,head] auth{0=4} v=129838 cv=0/0 dir_auth=1 state=1610612737|complete f(v2450 m2021-06-11 10:34:13.048394 1462=1462+0) n(v140 rc2021-06-11 10:34:13.048394 b6915808960 1462=1462+0) hs=1462+220,ss=0+0 dirty=438 | request=0 child=1 subtree=1 subtreetemp=0 replicated=1 dirty=1 authpin=0 0x5577b1223e00]
2021-06-11 11:42:59.311 7f98c396e700 0 mds.1.migrator nicely exporting to mds.0 [dir 0x1000001f566.111* /pg_xlog_archives/9.6/scarto/ [2,head] auth{0=4} v=129819 cv=0/0 dir_auth=1 state=1610612737|complete f(v2450 m2021-06-11 10:34:07.082749 1524=1524+0) n(v140 rc2021-06-11 10:34:07.082749 b7233059600 1524=1524+0) hs=1524+217,ss=0+0 dirty=450 | request=0 child=1 subtree=1 subtreetemp=0 replicated=1 dirty=1 authpin=0 0x5577b13c3400]
2021-06-11 11:43:03.459 7f98c4970700 1 mds.sg1vosrv43 asok_command: ops (starting...)
2021-06-11 11:43:03.459 7f98c4970700 1 mds.sg1vosrv43 asok_command: ops (complete)
2021-06-11 11:43:04.311 7f98c196a700 0 mds.1.migrator nicely exporting to mds.0 [dir 0x1000001f566.010* /pg_xlog_archives/9.6/scarto/ [2,head] auth{0=4} v=129822 cv=0/0 dir_auth=1 state=1610612737|complete f(v2450 m2021-06-11 10:34:06.711439 1481=1481+0) n(v140 rc2021-06-11 10:34:06.711439 b6992467779 1481=1481+0) hs=1481+194,ss=0+0 dirty=427 | request=0 child=1 subtree=1 subtreetemp=0 replicated=1 dirty=1 authpin=0 0x5577b1222000]
2021-06-11 11:43:04.311 7f98c196a700 0 mds.1.migrator nicely exporting to mds.0 [dir 0x1000001f566.101* /pg_xlog_archives/9.6/scarto/ [2,head] auth{0=4} v=129848 cv=0/0 dir_auth=1 state=1610612737|complete f(v2450 m2021-06-11 10:34:07.746900 1449=1449+0) n(v140 rc2021-06-11 10:34:07.746900 b6868368857 1449=1449+0) hs=1449+227,ss=0+0 dirty=435 | request=0 child=1 subtree=1 subtreetemp=0 replicated=1 dirty=1 authpin=0 0x5577b1222a00]
2021-06-11 11:43:04.311 7f98c396e700 0 mds.1.migrator nicely exporting to mds.0 [dir 0x1000001f566.011* /pg_xlog_archives/9.6/scarto/ [2,head] auth{0=4} v=129838 cv=0/0 dir_auth=1 state=1610612737|complete f(v2450 m2021-06-11 10:34:13.048394 1462=1462+0) n(v140 rc2021-06-11 10:34:13.048394 b6915808960 1462=1462+0) hs=1462+220,ss=0+0 dirty=438 | request=0 child=1 subtree=1 subtreetemp=0 replicated=1 dirty=1 authpin=0 0x5577b1223e00]
2021-06-11 11:43:04.311 7f98c396e700 0 mds.1.migrator nicely exporting to mds.0 [dir 0x1000001f566.111* /pg_xlog_archives/9.6/scarto/ [2,head] auth{0=4} v=129819 cv=0/0 dir_auth=1 state=1610612737|complete f(v2450 m2021-06-11 10:34:07.082749 1524=1524+0) n(v140 rc2021-06-11 10:34:07.082749 b7233059600 1524=1524+0) hs=1524+217,ss=0+0 dirty=450 | request=0 child=1 subtree=1 subtreetemp=0 replicated=1 dirty=1 authpin=0 0x5577b13c3400]
2021-06-11 11:43:07.711 7f98c4970700 1 mds.sg1vosrv43 asok_command: openfiles ls (starting...)
2021-06-11 11:43:07.711 7f98c4970700 1 mds.sg1vosrv43 asok_command: openfiles ls (complete)
2021-06-11 11:43:09.315 7f98c196a700 0 mds.1.migrator nicely exporting to mds.0 [dir 0x1000001f566.010* /pg_xlog_archives/9.6/scarto/ [2,head] auth{0=4} v=129822 cv=0/0 dir_auth=1 state=1610612737|complete f(v2450 m2021-06-11 10:34:06.711439 1481=1481+0) n(v140 rc2021-06-11 10:34:06.711439 b6992467779 1481=1481+0) hs=1481+194,ss=0+0 dirty=427 | request=0 child=1 subtree=1 subtreetemp=0 replicated=1 dirty=1 authpin=0 0x5577b1222000]
2021-06-11 11:43:09.315 7f98c196a700 0 mds.1.migrator nicely exporting to mds.0 [dir 0x1000001f566.101* /pg_xlog_archives/9.6/scarto/ [2,head] auth{0=4} v=129848 cv=0/0 dir_auth=1 state=1610612737|complete f(v2450 m2021-06-11 10:34:07.746900 1449=1449+0) n(v140 rc2021-06-11 10:34:07.746900 b6868368857 1449=1449+0) hs=1449+227,ss=0+0 dirty=435 | request=0 child=1 subtree=1 subtreetemp=0 replicated=1 dirty=1 authpin=0 0x5577b1222a00]
2021-06-11 11:43:09.315 7f98c396e700 0 mds.1.migrator nicely exporting to mds.0 [dir 0x1000001f566.011* /pg_xlog_archives/9.6/scarto/ [2,head] auth{0=4} v=129838 cv=0/0 dir_auth=1 state=1610612737|complete f(v2450 m2021-06-11 10:34:13.048394 1462=1462+0) n(v140 rc2021-06-11 10:34:13.048394 b6915808960 1462=1462+0) hs=1462+220,ss=0+0 dirty=438 | request=0 child=1 subtree=1 subtreetemp=0 replicated=1 dirty=1 authpin=0 0x5577b1223e00]
2021-06-11 11:43:09.315 7f98c396e700 0 mds.1.migrator nicely exporting to mds.0 [dir 0x1000001f566.111* /pg_xlog_archives/9.6/scarto/ [2,head] auth{0=4} v=129819 cv=0/0 dir_auth=1 state=1610612737|complete f(v2450 m2021-06-11 10:34:07.082749 1524=1524+0) n(v140 rc2021-06-11 10:34:07.082749 b7233059600 1524=1524+0) hs=1524+217,ss=0+0 dirty=450 | request=0 child=1 subtree=1 subtreetemp=0 replicated=1 dirty=1 authpin=0 0x5577b13c3400]
2021-06-11 11:43:14.311 7f98c196a700 0 mds.1.migrator nicely exporting to mds.0 [dir 0x1000001f566.010* /pg_xlog_archives/9.6/scarto/ [2,head] auth{0=4} v=129822 cv=0/0 dir_auth=1 state=1610612737|complete f(v2450 m2021-06-11 10:34:06.711439 1481=1481+0) n(v140 rc2021-06-11 10:34:06.711439 b6992467779 1481=1481+0) hs=1481+194,ss=0+0 dirty=427 | request=0 child=1 subtree=1 subtreetemp=0 replicated=1 dirty=1 authpin=0 0x5577b1222000]
2021-06-11 11:43:14.311 7f98c196a700 0 mds.1.migrator nicely exporting to mds.0 [dir 0x1000001f566.101* /pg_xlog_archives/9.6/scarto/ [2,head] auth{0=4} v=129848 cv=0/0 dir_auth=1 state=1610612737|complete f(v2450 m2021-06-11 10:34:07.746900 1449=1449+0) n(v140 rc2021-06-11 10:34:07.746900 b6868368857 1449=1449+0) hs=1449+227,ss=0+0 dirty=435 | request=0 child=1 subtree=1 subtreetemp=0 replicated=1 dirty=1 authpin=0 0x5577b1222a00]
2021-06-11 11:43:14.311 7f98c396e700 0 mds.1.migrator nicely exporting to mds.0 [dir 0x1000001f566.011* /pg_xlog_archives/9.6/scarto/ [2,head] auth{0=4} v=129838 cv=0/0 dir_auth=1 state=1610612737|complete f(v2450 m2021-06-11 10:34:13.048394 1462=1462+0) n(v140 rc2021-06-11 10:34:13.048394 b6915808960 1462=1462+0) hs=1462+220,ss=0+0 dirty=438 | request=0 child=1 subtree=1 subtreetemp=0 replicated=1 dirty=1 authpin=0 0x5577b1223e00]
2021-06-11 11:43:14.311 7f98c396e700 0 mds.1.migrator nicely exporting to mds.0 [dir 0x1000001f566.111* /pg_xlog_archives/9.6/scarto/ [2,head] auth{0=4} v=129819 cv=0/0 dir_auth=1 state=1610612737|complete f(v2450 m2021-06-11 10:34:07.082749 1524=1524+0) n(v140 rc2021-06-11 10:34:07.082749 b7233059600 1524=1524+0) hs=1524+217,ss=0+0 dirty=450 | request=0 child=1 subtree=1 subtreetemp=0 replicated=1 dirty=1 authpin=0 0x5577b13c3400]
2021-06-11 11:43:19.311 7f98c196a700 0 mds.1.migrator nicely exporting to mds.0 [dir 0x1000001f566.010* /pg_xlog_archives/9.6/scarto/ [2,head] auth{0=4} v=129822 cv=0/0 dir_auth=1 state=1610612737|complete f(v2450 m2021-06-11 10:34:06.711439 1481=1481+0) n(v140 rc2021-06-11 10:34:06.711439 b6992467779 1481=1481+0) hs=1481+194,ss=0+0 dirty=427 | request=0 child=1 subtree=1 subtreetemp=0 replicated=1 dirty=1 authpin=0 0x5577b1222000]
2021-06-11 11:43:19.311 7f98c196a700 0 mds.1.migrator nicely exporting to mds.0 [dir 0x1000001f566.101* /pg_xlog_archives/9.6/scarto/ [2,head] auth{0=4} v=129848 cv=0/0 dir_auth=1 state=1610612737|complete f(v2450 m2021-06-11 10:34:07.746900 1449=1449+0) n(v140 rc2021-06-11 10:34:07.746900 b6868368857 1449=1449+0) hs=1449+227,ss=0+0 dirty=435 | request=0 child=1 subtree=1 subtreetemp=0 replicated=1 dirty=1 authpin=0 0x5577b1222a00]
2021-06-11 11:43:19.311 7f98c396e700 0 mds.1.migrator nicely exporting to mds.0 [dir 0x1000001f566.011* /pg_xlog_archives/9.6/scarto/ [2,head] auth{0=4} v=129838 cv=0/0 dir_auth=1 state=1610612737|complete f(v2450 m2021-06-11 10:34:13.048394 1462=1462+0) n(v140 rc2021-06-11 10:34:13.048394 b6915808960 1462=1462+0) hs=1462+220,ss=0+0 dirty=438 | request=0 child=1 subtree=1 subtreetemp=0 replicated=1 dirty=1 authpin=0 0x5577b1223e00]
2021-06-11 11:43:19.311 7f98c396e700 0 mds.1.migrator nicely exporting to mds.0 [dir 0x1000001f566.111* /pg_xlog_archives/9.6/scarto/ [2,head] auth{0=4} v=129819 cv=0/0 dir_auth=1 state=1610612737|complete f(v2450 m2021-06-11 10:34:07.082749 1524=1524+0) n(v140 rc2021-06-11 10:34:07.082749 b7233059600 1524=1524+0) hs=1524+217,ss=0+0 dirty=450 | request=0 child=1 subtree=1 subtreetemp=0 replicated=1 dirty=1 authpin=0 0x5577b13c3400]
2021-06-11 11:43:24.311 7f98c196a700 0 mds.1.migrator nicely exporting to mds.0 [dir 0x1000001f566.010* /pg_xlog_archives/9.6/scarto/ [2,head] auth{0=4} v=129822 cv=0/0 dir_auth=1 state=1610612737|complete f(v2450 m2021-06-11 10:34:06.711439 1481=1481+0) n(v140 rc2021-06-11 10:34:06.711439 b6992467779 1481=1481+0) hs=1481+194,ss=0+0 dirty=427 | request=0 child=1 subtree=1 subtreetemp=0 replicated=1 dirty=1 authpin=0 0x5577b1222000]
2021-06-11 11:43:24.311 7f98c196a700 0 mds.1.migrator nicely exporting to mds.0 [dir 0x1000001f566.101* /pg_xlog_archives/9.6/scarto/ [2,head] auth{0=4} v=129848 cv=0/0 dir_auth=1 state=1610612737|complete f(v2450 m2021-06-11 10:34:07.746900 1449=1449+0) n(v140 rc2021-06-11 10:34:07.746900 b6868368857 1449=1449+0) hs=1449+227,ss=0+0 dirty=435 | request=0 child=1 subtree=1 subtreetemp=0 replicated=1 dirty=1 authpin=0 0x5577b1222a00]
2021-06-11 11:43:24.311 7f98c396e700 0 mds.1.migrator nicely exporting to mds.0 [dir 0x1000001f566.011* /pg_xlog_archives/9.6/scarto/ [2,head] auth{0=4} v=129838 cv=0/0 dir_auth=1 state=1610612737|complete f(v2450 m2021-06-11 10:34:13.048394 1462=1462+0) n(v140 rc2021-06-11 10:34:13.048394 b6915808960 1462=1462+0) hs=1462+220,ss=0+0 dirty=438 | request=0 child=1 subtree=1 subtreetemp=0 replicated=1 dirty=1 authpin=0 0x5577b1223e00]
2021-06-11 11:43:24.311 7f98c396e700 0 mds.1.migrator nicely exporting to mds.0 [dir 0x1000001f566.111* /pg_xlog_archives/9.6/scarto/ [2,head] auth{0=4} v=129819 cv=0/0 dir_auth=1 state=1610612737|complete f(v2450 m2021-06-11 10:34:07.082749 1524=1524+0) n(v140 rc2021-06-11 10:34:07.082749 b7233059600 1524=1524+0) hs=1524+217,ss=0+0 dirty=450 | request=0 child=1 subtree=1 subtreetemp=0 replicated=1 dirty=1 authpin=0 0x5577b13c3400]
2021-06-11 11:43:29.315 7f98c196a700 0 mds.1.migrator nicely exporting to mds.0 [dir 0x1000001f566.010* /pg_xlog_archives/9.6/scarto/ [2,head] auth{0=4} v=129822 cv=0/0 dir_auth=1 state=1610612737|complete f(v2450 m2021-06-11 10:34:06.711439 1481=1481+0) n(v140 rc2021-06-11 10:34:06.711439 b6992467779 1481=1481+0) hs=1481+194,ss=0+0 dirty=427 | request=0 child=1 subtree=1 subtreetemp=0 replicated=1 dirty=1 authpin=0 0x5577b1222000]
2021-06-11 11:43:29.315 7f98c196a700 0 mds.1.migrator nicely exporting to mds.0 [dir 0x1000001f566.101* /pg_xlog_archives/9.6/scarto/ [2,head] auth{0=4} v=129848 cv=0/0 dir_auth=1 state=1610612737|complete f(v2450 m2021-06-11 10:34:07.746900 1449=1449+0) n(v140 rc2021-06-11 10:34:07.746900 b6868368857 1449=1449+0) hs=1449+227,ss=0+0 dirty=435 | request=0 child=1 subtree=1 subtreetemp=0 replicated=1 dirty=1 authpin=0 0x5577b1222a00]
2021-06-11 11:43:29.315 7f98c396e700 0 mds.1.migrator nicely exporting to mds.0 [dir 0x1000001f566.011* /pg_xlog_archives/9.6/scarto/ [2,head] auth{0=4} v=129838 cv=0/0 dir_auth=1 state=1610612737|complete f(v2450 m2021-06-11 10:34:13.048394 1462=1462+0) n(v140 rc2021-06-11 10:34:13.048394 b6915808960 1462=1462+0) hs=1462+220,ss=0+0 dirty=438 | request=0 child=1 subtree=1 subtreetemp=0 replicated=1 dirty=1 authpin=0 0x5577b1223e00]
2021-06-11 11:43:29.315 7f98c396e700 0 mds.1.migrator nicely exporting to mds.0 [dir 0x1000001f566.111* /pg_xlog_archives/9.6/scarto/ [2,head] auth{0=4} v=129819 cv=0/0 dir_auth=1 state=1610612737|complete f(v2450 m2021-06-11 10:34:07.082749 1524=1524+0) n(v140 rc2021-06-11 10:34:07.082749 b7233059600 1524=1524+0) hs=1524+217,ss=0+0 dirty=450 | request=0 child=1 subtree=1 subtreetemp=0 replicated=1 dirty=1 authpin=0 0x5577b13c3400]
2021-06-11 11:43:34.311 7f98c196a700 0 mds.1.migrator nicely exporting to mds.0 [dir 0x1000001f566.010* /pg_xlog_archives/9.6/scarto/ [2,head] auth{0=4} v=129822 cv=0/0 dir_auth=1 state=1610612737|complete f(v2450 m2021-06-11 10:34:06.711439 1481=1481+0) n(v140 rc2021-06-11 10:34:06.711439 b6992467779 1481=1481+0) hs=1481+194,ss=0+0 dirty=427 | request=0 child=1 subtree=1 subtreetemp=0 replicated=1 dirty=1 authpin=0 0x5577b1222000]
2021-06-11 11:43:34.311 7f98c196a700 0 mds.1.migrator nicely exporting to mds.0 [dir 0x1000001f566.101* /pg_xlog_archives/9.6/scarto/ [2,head] auth{0=4} v=129848 cv=0/0 dir_auth=1 state=1610612737|complete f(v2450 m2021-06-11 10:34:07.746900 1449=1449+0) n(v140 rc2021-06-11 10:34:07.746900 b6868368857 1449=1449+0) hs=1449+227,ss=0+0 dirty=435 | request=0 child=1 subtree=1 subtreetemp=0 replicated=1 dirty=1 authpin=0 0x5577b1222a00]
2021-06-11 11:43:34.311 7f98c396e700 0 mds.1.migrator nicely exporting to mds.0 [dir 0x1000001f566.011* /pg_xlog_archives/9.6/scarto/ [2,head] auth{0=4} v=129838 cv=0/0 dir_auth=1 state=1610612737|complete f(v2450 m2021-06-11 10:34:13.048394 1462=1462+0) n(v140 rc2021-06-11 10:34:13.048394 b6915808960 1462=1462+0) hs=1462+220,ss=0+0 dirty=438 | request=0 child=1 subtree=1 subtreetemp=0 replicated=1 dirty=1 authpin=0 0x5577b1223e00]
2021-06-11 11:43:34.311 7f98c396e700 0 mds.1.migrator nicely exporting to mds.0 [dir 0x1000001f566.111* /pg_xlog_archives/9.6/scarto/ [2,head] auth{0=4} v=129819 cv=0/0 dir_auth=1 state=1610612737|complete f(v2450 m2021-06-11 10:34:07.082749 1524=1524+0) n(v140 rc2021-06-11 10:34:07.082749 b7233059600 1524=1524+0) hs=1524+217,ss=0+0 dirty=450 | request=0 child=1 subtree=1 subtreetemp=0 replicated=1 dirty=1 authpin=0 0x5577b13c3400]
2021-06-11 11:43:39.311 7f98c196a700 0 mds.1.migrator nicely exporting to mds.0 [dir 0x1000001f566.010* /pg_xlog_archives/9.6/scarto/ [2,head] auth{0=4} v=129822 cv=0/0 dir_auth=1 state=1610612737|complete f(v2450 m2021-06-11 10:34:06.711439 1481=1481+0) n(v140 rc2021-06-11 10:34:06.711439 b6992467779 1481=1481+0) hs=1481+194,ss=0+0 dirty=427 | request=0 child=1 subtree=1 subtreetemp=0 replicated=1 dirty=1 authpin=0 0x5577b1222000]
2021-06-11 11:43:39.311 7f98c196a700 0 mds.1.migrator nicely exporting to mds.0 [dir 0x1000001f566.101* /pg_xlog_archives/9.6/scarto/ [2,head] auth{0=4} v=129848 cv=0/0 dir_auth=1 state=1610612737|complete f(v2450 m2021-06-11 10:34:07.746900 1449=1449+0) n(v140 rc2021-06-11 10:34:07.746900 b6868368857 1449=1449+0) hs=1449+227,ss=0+0 dirty=435 | request=0 child=1 subtree=1 subtreetemp=0 replicated=1 dirty=1 authpin=0 0x5577b1222a00]
2021-06-11 11:43:39.311 7f98c396e700 0 mds.1.migrator nicely exporting to mds.0 [dir 0x1000001f566.011* /pg_xlog_archives/9.6/scarto/ [2,head] auth{0=4} v=129838 cv=0/0 dir_auth=1 state=1610612737|complete f(v2450 m2021-06-11 10:34:13.048394 1462=1462+0) n(v140 rc2021-06-11 10:34:13.048394 b6915808960 1462=1462+0) hs=1462+220,ss=0+0 dirty=438 | request=0 child=1 subtree=1 subtreetemp=0 replicated=1 dirty=1 authpin=0 0x5577b1223e00]
2021-06-11 11:43:39.311 7f98c396e700 0 mds.1.migrator nicely exporting to mds.0 [dir 0x1000001f566.111* /pg_xlog_archives/9.6/scarto/ [2,head] auth{0=4} v=129819 cv=0/0 dir_auth=1 state=1610612737|complete f(v2450 m2021-06-11 10:34:07.082749 1524=1524+0) n(v140 rc2021-06-11 10:34:07.082749 b7233059600 1524=1524+0) hs=1524+217,ss=0+0 dirty=450 | request=0 child=1 subtree=1 subtreetemp=0 replicated=1 dirty=1 authpin=0 0x5577b13c3400]
2021-06-11 11:43:44.311 7f98c196a700 0 mds.1.migrator nicely exporting to mds.0 [dir 0x1000001f566.010* /pg_xlog_archives/9.6/scarto/ [2,head] auth{0=4} v=129822 cv=0/0 dir_auth=1 state=1610612737|complete f(v2450 m2021-06-11 10:34:06.711439 1481=1481+0) n(v140 rc2021-06-11 10:34:06.711439 b6992467779 1481=1481+0) hs=1481+194,ss=0+0 dirty=427 | request=0 child=1 subtree=1 subtreetemp=0 replicated=1 dirty=1 authpin=0 0x5577b1222000]
2021-06-11 11:43:44.311 7f98c196a700 0 mds.1.migrator nicely exporting to mds.0 [dir 0x1000001f566.101* /pg_xlog_archives/9.6/scarto/ [2,head] auth{0=4} v=129848 cv=0/0 dir_auth=1 state=1610612737|complete f(v2450 m2021-06-11 10:34:07.746900 1449=1449+0) n(v140 rc2021-06-11 10:34:07.746900 b6868368857 1449=1449+0) hs=1449+227,ss=0+0 dirty=435 | request=0 child=1 subtree=1 subtreetemp=0 replicated=1 dirty=1 authpin=0 0x5577b1222a00]
2021-06-11 11:43:44.311 7f98c396e700 0 mds.1.migrator nicely exporting to mds.0 [dir 0x1000001f566.011* /pg_xlog_archives/9.6/scarto/ [2,head] auth{0=4} v=129838 cv=0/0 dir_auth=1 state=1610612737|complete f(v2450 m2021-06-11 10:34:13.048394 1462=1462+0) n(v140 rc2021-06-11 10:34:13.048394 b6915808960 1462=1462+0) hs=1462+220,ss=0+0 dirty=438 | request=0 child=1 subtree=1 subtreetemp=0 replicated=1 dirty=1 authpin=0 0x5577b1223e00]
2021-06-11 11:43:44.311 7f98c396e700 0 mds.1.migrator nicely exporting to mds.0 [dir 0x1000001f566.111* /pg_xlog_archives/9.6/scarto/ [2,head] auth{0=4} v=129819 cv=0/0 dir_auth=1 state=1610612737|complete f(v2450 m2021-06-11 10:34:07.082749 1524=1524+0) n(v140 rc2021-06-11 10:34:07.082749 b7233059600 1524=1524+0) hs=1524+217,ss=0+0 dirty=450 | request=0 child=1 subtree=1 subtreetemp=0 replicated=1 dirty=1 authpin=0 0x5577b13c3400]
2021-06-11 11:43:49.311 7f98c196a700 0 mds.1.migrator nicely exporting to mds.0 [dir 0x1000001f566.010* /pg_xlog_archives/9.6/scarto/ [2,head] auth{0=4} v=129822 cv=0/0 dir_auth=1 state=1610612737|complete f(v2450 m2021-06-11 10:34:06.711439 1481=1481+0) n(v140 rc2021-06-11 10:34:06.711439 b6992467779 1481=1481+0) hs=1481+194,ss=0+0 dirty=427 | request=0 child=1 subtree=1 subtreetemp=0 replicated=1 dirty=1 authpin=0 0x5577b1222000]
2021-06-11 11:43:49.311 7f98c196a700 0 mds.1.migrator nicely exporting to mds.0 [dir 0x1000001f566.101* /pg_xlog_archives/9.6/scarto/ [2,head] auth{0=4} v=129848 cv=0/0 dir_auth=1 state=1610612737|complete f(v2450 m2021-06-11 10:34:07.746900 1449=1449+0) n(v140 rc2021-06-11 10:34:07.746900 b6868368857 1449=1449+0) hs=1449+227,ss=0+0 dirty=435 | request=0 child=1 subtree=1 subtreetemp=0 replicated=1 dirty=1 authpin=0 0x5577b1222a00]
2021-06-11 11:43:49.311 7f98c396e700 0 mds.1.migrator nicely exporting to mds.0 [dir 0x1000001f566.011* /pg_xlog_archives/9.6/scarto/ [2,head] auth{0=4} v=129838 cv=0/0 dir_auth=1 state=1610612737|complete f(v2450 m2021-06-11 10:34:13.048394 1462=1462+0) n(v140 rc2021-06-11 10:34:13.048394 b6915808960 1462=1462+0) hs=1462+220,ss=0+0 dirty=438 | request=0 child=1 subtree=1 subtreetemp=0 replicated=1 dirty=1 authpin=0 0x5577b1223e00]
2021-06-11 11:43:49.311 7f98c396e700 0 mds.1.migrator nicely exporting to mds.0 [dir 0x1000001f566.111* /pg_xlog_archives/9.6/scarto/ [2,head] auth{0=4} v=129819 cv=0/0 dir_auth=1 state=1610612737|complete f(v2450 m2021-06-11 10:34:07.082749 1524=1524+0) n(v140 rc2021-06-11 10:34:07.082749 b7233059600 1524=1524+0) hs=1524+217,ss=0+0 dirty=450 | request=0 child=1 subtree=1 subtreetemp=0 replicated=1 dirty=1 authpin=0 0x5577b13c3400]
2021-06-11 11:43:54.311 7f98c196a700 0 mds.1.migrator nicely exporting to mds.0 [dir 0x1000001f566.010* /pg_xlog_archives/9.6/scarto/ [2,head] auth{0=4} v=129822 cv=0/0 dir_auth=1 state=1610612737|complete f(v2450 m2021-06-11 10:34:06.711439 1481=1481+0) n(v140 rc2021-06-11 10:34:06.711439 b6992467779 1481=1481+0) hs=1481+194,ss=0+0 dirty=427 | request=0 child=1 subtree=1 subtreetemp=0 replicated=1 dirty=1 authpin=0 0x5577b1222000]
2021-06-11 11:43:54.311 7f98c196a700 0 mds.1.migrator nicely exporting to mds.0 [dir 0x1000001f566.101* /pg_xlog_archives/9.6/scarto/ [2,head] auth{0=4} v=129848 cv=0/0 dir_auth=1 state=1610612737|complete f(v2450 m2021-06-11 10:34:07.746900 1449=1449+0) n(v140 rc2021-06-11 10:34:07.746900 b6868368857 1449=1449+0) hs=1449+227,ss=0+0 dirty=435 | request=0 child=1 subtree=1 subtreetemp=0 replicated=1 dirty=1 authpin=0 0x5577b1222a00]
2021-06-11 11:43:54.311 7f98c396e700 0 mds.1.migrator nicely exporting to mds.0 [dir 0x1000001f566.011* /pg_xlog_archives/9.6/scarto/ [2,head] auth{0=4} v=129838 cv=0/0 dir_auth=1 state=1610612737|complete f(v2450 m2021-06-11 10:34:13.048394 1462=1462+0) n(v140 rc2021-06-11 10:34:13.048394 b6915808960 1462=1462+0) hs=1462+220,ss=0+0 dirty=438 | request=0 child=1 subtree=1 subtreetemp=0 replicated=1 dirty=1 authpin=0 0x5577b1223e00]
2021-06-11 11:43:54.311 7f98c396e700 0 mds.1.migrator nicely exporting to mds.0 [dir 0x1000001f566.111* /pg_xlog_archives/9.6/scarto/ [2,head] auth{0=4} v=129819 cv=0/0 dir_auth=1 state=1610612737|complete f(v2450 m2021-06-11 10:34:07.082749 1524=1524+0) n(v140 rc2021-06-11 10:34:07.082749 b7233059600 1524=1524+0) hs=1524+217,ss=0+0 dirty=450 | request=0 child=1 subtree=1 subtreetemp=0 replicated=1 dirty=1 authpin=0 0x5577b13c3400]
2021-06-11 11:43:59.311 7f98c196a700 0 mds.1.migrator nicely exporting to mds.0 [dir 0x1000001f566.010* /pg_xlog_archives/9.6/scarto/ [2,head] auth{0=4} v=129822 cv=0/0 dir_auth=1 state=1610612737|complete f(v2450 m2021-06-11 10:34:06.711439 1481=1481+0) n(v140 rc2021-06-11 10:34:06.711439 b6992467779 1481=1481+0) hs=1481+194,ss=0+0 dirty=427 | request=0 child=1 subtree=1 subtreetemp=0 replicated=1 dirty=1 authpin=0 0x5577b1222000]
2021-06-11 11:43:59.311 7f98c196a700 0 mds.1.migrator nicely exporting to mds.0 [dir 0x1000001f566.101* /pg_xlog_archives/9.6/scarto/ [2,head] auth{0=4} v=129848 cv=0/0 dir_auth=1 state=1610612737|complete f(v2450 m2021-06-11 10:34:07.746900 1449=1449+0) n(v140 rc2021-06-11 10:34:07.746900 b6868368857 1449=1449+0) hs=1449+227,ss=0+0 dirty=435 | request=0 child=1 subtree=1 subtreetemp=0 replicated=1 dirty=1 authpin=0 0x5577b1222a00]
2021-06-11 11:43:59.311 7f98c396e700 0 mds.1.migrator nicely exporting to mds.0 [dir 0x1000001f566.011* /pg_xlog_archives/9.6/scarto/ [2,head] auth{0=4} v=129838 cv=0/0 dir_auth=1 state=1610612737|complete f(v2450 m2021-06-11 10:34:13.048394 1462=1462+0) n(v140 rc2021-06-11 10:34:13.048394 b6915808960 1462=1462+0) hs=1462+220,ss=0+0 dirty=438 | request=0 child=1 subtree=1 subtreetemp=0 replicated=1 dirty=1 authpin=0 0x5577b1223e00]
2021-06-11 11:43:59.315 7f98c396e700 0 mds.1.migrator nicely exporting to mds.0 [dir 0x1000001f566.111* /pg_xlog_archives/9.6/scarto/ [2,head] auth{0=4} v=129819 cv=0/0 dir_auth=1 state=1610612737|complete f(v2450 m2021-06-11 10:34:07.082749 1524=1524+0) n(v140 rc2021-06-11 10:34:07.082749 b7233059600 1524=1524+0) hs=1524+217,ss=0+0 dirty=450 | request=0 child=1 subtree=1 subtreetemp=0 replicated=1 dirty=1 authpin=0 0x5577b13c3400]
2021-06-11 11:44:04.311 7f98c196a700 0 mds.1.migrator nicely exporting to mds.0 [dir 0x1000001f566.010* /pg_xlog_archives/9.6/scarto/ [2,head] auth{0=4} v=129822 cv=0/0 dir_auth=1 state=1610612737|complete f(v2450 m2021-06-11 10:34:06.711439 1481=1481+0) n(v140 rc2021-06-11 10:34:06.711439 b6992467779 1481=1481+0) hs=1481+194,ss=0+0 dirty=427 | request=0 child=1 subtree=1 subtreetemp=0 replicated=1 dirty=1 authpin=0 0x5577b1222000]
2021-06-11 11:44:04.311 7f98c196a700 0 mds.1.migrator nicely exporting to mds.0 [dir 0x1000001f566.101* /pg_xlog_archives/9.6/scarto/ [2,head] auth{0=4} v=129848 cv=0/0 dir_auth=1 state=1610612737|complete f(v2450 m2021-06-11 10:34:07.746900 1449=1449+0) n(v140 rc2021-06-11 10:34:07.746900 b6868368857 1449=1449+0) hs=1449+227,ss=0+0 dirty=435 | request=0 child=1 subtree=1 subtreetemp=0 replicated=1 dirty=1 authpin=0 0x5577b1222a00]
2021-06-11 11:44:04.315 7f98c396e700 0 mds.1.migrator nicely exporting to mds.0 [dir 0x1000001f566.011* /pg_xlog_archives/9.6/scarto/ [2,head] auth{0=4} v=129838 cv=0/0 dir_auth=1 state=1610612737|complete f(v2450 m2021-06-11 10:34:13.048394 1462=1462+0) n(v140 rc2021-06-11 10:34:13.048394 b6915808960 1462=1462+0) hs=1462+220,ss=0+0 dirty=438 | request=0 child=1 subtree=1 subtreetemp=0 replicated=1 dirty=1 authpin=0 0x5577b1223e00]
2021-06-11 11:44:04.315 7f98c396e700 0 mds.1.migrator nicely exporting to mds.0 [dir 0x1000001f566.111* /pg_xlog_archives/9.6/scarto/ [2,head] auth{0=4} v=129819 cv=0/0 dir_auth=1 state=1610612737|complete f(v2450 m2021-06-11 10:34:07.082749 1524=1524+0) n(v140 rc2021-06-11 10:34:07.082749 b7233059600 1524=1524+0) hs=1524+217,ss=0+0 dirty=450 | request=0 child=1 subtree=1 subtreetemp=0 replicated=1 dirty=1 authpin=0 0x5577b13c3400]
2021-06-11 11:44:09.311 7f98c196a700 0 mds.1.migrator nicely exporting to mds.0 [dir 0x1000001f566.010* /pg_xlog_archives/9.6/scarto/ [2,head] auth{0=4} v=129822 cv=0/0 dir_auth=1 state=1610612737|complete f(v2450 m2021-06-11 10:34:06.711439 1481=1481+0) n(v140 rc2021-06-11 10:34:06.711439 b6992467779 1481=1481+0) hs=1481+194,ss=0+0 dirty=427 | request=0 child=1 subtree=1 subtreetemp=0 replicated=1 dirty=1 authpin=0 0x5577b1222000]
2021-06-11 11:44:09.311 7f98c196a700 0 mds.1.migrator nicely exporting to mds.0 [dir 0x1000001f566.101* /pg_xlog_archives/9.6/scarto/ [2,head] auth{0=4} v=129848 cv=0/0 dir_auth=1 state=1610612737|complete f(v2450 m2021-06-11 10:34:07.746900 1449=1449+0) n(v140 rc2021-06-11 10:34:07.746900 b6868368857 1449=1449+0) hs=1449+227,ss=0+0 dirty=435 | request=0 child=1 subtree=1 subtreetemp=0 replicated=1 dirty=1 authpin=0 0x5577b1222a00]
2021-06-11 11:44:09.315 7f98c396e700 0 mds.1.migrator nicely exporting to mds.0 [dir 0x1000001f566.011* /pg_xlog_archives/9.6/scarto/ [2,head] auth{0=4} v=129838 cv=0/0 dir_auth=1 state=1610612737|complete f(v2450 m2021-06-11 10:34:13.048394 1462=1462+0) n(v140 rc2021-06-11 10:34:13.048394 b6915808960 1462=1462+0) hs=1462+220,ss=0+0 dirty=438 | request=0 child=1 subtree=1 subtreetemp=0 replicated=1 dirty=1 authpin=0 0x5577b1223e00]
2021-06-11 11:44:09.315 7f98c396e700 0 mds.1.migrator nicely exporting to mds.0 [dir 0x1000001f566.111* /pg_xlog_archives/9.6/scarto/ [2,head] auth{0=4} v=129819 cv=0/0 dir_auth=1 state=1610612737|complete f(v2450 m2021-06-11 10:34:07.082749 1524=1524+0) n(v140 rc2021-06-11 10:34:07.082749 b7233059600 1524=1524+0) hs=1524+217,ss=0+0 dirty=450 | request=0 child=1 subtree=1 subtreetemp=0 replicated=1 dirty=1 authpin=0 0x5577b13c3400]
2021-06-11 11:44:14.311 7f98c196a700 0 mds.1.migrator nicely exporting to mds.0 [dir 0x1000001f566.010* /pg_xlog_archives/9.6/scarto/ [2,head] auth{0=4} v=129822 cv=0/0 dir_auth=1 state=1610612737|complete f(v2450 m2021-06-11 10:34:06.711439 1481=1481+0) n(v140 rc2021-06-11 10:34:06.711439 b6992467779 1481=1481+0) hs=1481+194,ss=0+0 dirty=427 | request=0 child=1 subtree=1 subtreetemp=0 replicated=1 dirty=1 authpin=0 0x5577b1222000]
2021-06-11 11:44:14.311 7f98c196a700 0 mds.1.migrator nicely exporting to mds.0 [dir 0x1000001f566.101* /pg_xlog_archives/9.6/scarto/ [2,head] auth{0=4} v=129848 cv=0/0 dir_auth=1 state=1610612737|complete f(v2450 m2021-06-11 10:34:07.746900 1449=1449+0) n(v140 rc2021-06-11 10:34:07.746900 b6868368857 1449=1449+0) hs=1449+227,ss=0+0 dirty=435 | request=0 child=1 subtree=1 subtreetemp=0 replicated=1 dirty=1 authpin=0 0x5577b1222a00]
2021-06-11 11:44:14.315 7f98c396e700 0 mds.1.migrator nicely exporting to mds.0 [dir 0x1000001f566.011* /pg_xlog_archives/9.6/scarto/ [2,head] auth{0=4} v=129838 cv=0/0 dir_auth=1 state=1610612737|complete f(v2450 m2021-06-11 10:34:13.048394 1462=1462+0) n(v140 rc2021-06-11 10:34:13.048394 b6915808960 1462=1462+0) hs=1462+220,ss=0+0 dirty=438 | request=0 child=1 subtree=1 subtreetemp=0 replicated=1 dirty=1 authpin=0 0x5577b1223e00]
2021-06-11 11:44:14.315 7f98c396e700 0 mds.1.migrator nicely exporting to mds.0 [dir 0x1000001f566.111* /pg_xlog_archives/9.6/scarto/ [2,head] auth{0=4} v=129819 cv=0/0 dir_auth=1 state=1610612737|complete f(v2450 m2021-06-11 10:34:07.082749 1524=1524+0) n(v140 rc2021-06-11 10:34:07.082749 b7233059600 1524=1524+0) hs=1524+217,ss=0+0 dirty=450 | request=0 child=1 subtree=1 subtreetemp=0 replicated=1 dirty=1 authpin=0 0x5577b13c3400]
2021-06-11 11:44:19.311 7f98c196a700 0 mds.1.migrator nicely exporting to mds.0 [dir 0x1000001f566.010* /pg_xlog_archives/9.6/scarto/ [2,head] auth{0=4} v=129822 cv=0/0 dir_auth=1 state=1610612737|complete f(v2450 m2021-06-11 10:34:06.711439 1481=1481+0) n(v140 rc2021-06-11 10:34:06.711439 b6992467779 1481=1481+0) hs=1481+194,ss=0+0 dirty=427 | request=0 child=1 subtree=1 subtreetemp=0 replicated=1 dirty=1 authpin=0 0x5577b1222000]
2021-06-11 11:44:19.311 7f98c196a700 0 mds.1.migrator nicely exporting to mds.0 [dir 0x1000001f566.101* /pg_xlog_archives/9.6/scarto/ [2,head] auth{0=4} v=129848 cv=0/0 dir_auth=1 state=1610612737|complete f(v2450 m2021-06-11 10:34:07.746900 1449=1449+0) n(v140 rc2021-06-11 10:34:07.746900 b6868368857 1449=1449+0) hs=1449+227,ss=0+0 dirty=435 | request=0 child=1 subtree=1 subtreetemp=0 replicated=1 dirty=1 authpin=0 0x5577b1222a00]
2021-06-11 11:44:19.315 7f98c396e700 0 mds.1.migrator nicely exporting to mds.0 [dir 0x1000001f566.011* /pg_xlog_archives/9.6/scarto/ [2,head] auth{0=4} v=129838 cv=0/0 dir_auth=1 state=1610612737|complete f(v2450 m2021-06-11 10:34:13.048394 1462=1462+0) n(v140 rc2021-06-11 10:34:13.048394 b6915808960 1462=1462+0) hs=1462+220,ss=0+0 dirty=438 | request=0 child=1 subtree=1 subtreetemp=0 replicated=1 dirty=1 authpin=0 0x5577b1223e00]
2021-06-11 11:44:19.315 7f98c396e700 0 mds.1.migrator nicely exporting to mds.0 [dir 0x1000001f566.111* /pg_xlog_archives/9.6/scarto/ [2,head] auth{0=4} v=129819 cv=0/0 dir_auth=1 state=1610612737|complete f(v2450 m2021-06-11 10:34:07.082749 1524=1524+0) n(v140 rc2021-06-11 10:34:07.082749 b7233059600 1524=1524+0) hs=1524+217,ss=0+0 dirty=450 | request=0 child=1 subtree=1 subtreetemp=0 replicated=1 dirty=1 authpin=0 0x5577b13c3400]
2021-06-11 11:44:24.311 7f98c196a700 0 mds.1.migrator nicely exporting to mds.0 [dir 0x1000001f566.010* /pg_xlog_archives/9.6/scarto/ [2,head] auth{0=4} v=129822 cv=0/0 dir_auth=1 state=1610612737|complete f(v2450 m2021-06-11 10:34:06.711439 1481=1481+0) n(v140 rc2021-06-11 10:34:06.711439 b6992467779 1481=1481+0) hs=1481+194,ss=0+0 dirty=427 | request=0 child=1 subtree=1 subtreetemp=0 replicated=1 dirty=1 authpin=0 0x5577b1222000]
2021-06-11 11:44:24.311 7f98c196a700 0 mds.1.migrator nicely exporting to mds.0 [dir 0x1000001f566.101* /pg_xlog_archives/9.6/scarto/ [2,head] auth{0=4} v=129848 cv=0/0 dir_auth=1 state=1610612737|complete f(v2450 m2021-06-11 10:34:07.746900 1449=1449+0) n(v140 rc2021-06-11 10:34:07.746900 b6868368857 1449=1449+0) hs=1449+227,ss=0+0 dirty=435 | request=0 child=1 subtree=1 subtreetemp=0 replicated=1 dirty=1 authpin=0 0x5577b1222a00]
2021-06-11 11:44:24.315 7f98c396e700 0 mds.1.migrator nicely exporting to mds.0 [dir 0x1000001f566.011* /pg_xlog_archives/9.6/scarto/ [2,head] auth{0=4} v=129838 cv=0/0 dir_auth=1 state=1610612737|complete f(v2450 m2021-06-11 10:34:13.048394 1462=1462+0) n(v140 rc2021-06-11 10:34:13.048394 b6915808960 1462=1462+0) hs=1462+220,ss=0+0 dirty=438 | request=0 child=1 subtree=1 subtreetemp=0 replicated=1 dirty=1 authpin=0 0x5577b1223e00]
2021-06-11 11:44:24.315 7f98c396e700 0 mds.1.migrator nicely exporting to mds.0 [dir 0x1000001f566.111* /pg_xlog_archives/9.6/scarto/ [2,head] auth{0=4} v=129819 cv=0/0 dir_auth=1 state=1610612737|complete f(v2450 m2021-06-11 10:34:07.082749 1524=1524+0) n(v140 rc2021-06-11 10:34:07.082749 b7233059600 1524=1524+0) hs=1524+217,ss=0+0 dirty=450 | request=0 child=1 subtree=1 subtreetemp=0 replicated=1 dirty=1 authpin=0 0x5577b13c3400]
2021-06-11 11:44:29.311 7f98c196a700 0 mds.1.migrator nicely exporting to mds.0 [dir 0x1000001f566.010* /pg_xlog_archives/9.6/scarto/ [2,head] auth{0=4} v=129822 cv=0/0 dir_auth=1 state=1610612737|complete f(v2450 m2021-06-11 10:34:06.711439 1481=1481+0) n(v140 rc2021-06-11 10:34:06.711439 b6992467779 1481=1481+0) hs=1481+194,ss=0+0 dirty=427 | request=0 child=1 subtree=1 subtreetemp=0 replicated=1 dirty=1 authpin=0 0x5577b1222000]
2021-06-11 11:44:29.311 7f98c196a700 0 mds.1.migrator nicely exporting to mds.0 [dir 0x1000001f566.101* /pg_xlog_archives/9.6/scarto/ [2,head] auth{0=4} v=129848 cv=0/0 dir_auth=1 state=1610612737|complete f(v2450 m2021-06-11 10:34:07.746900 1449=1449+0) n(v140 rc2021-06-11 10:34:07.746900 b6868368857 1449=1449+0) hs=1449+227,ss=0+0 dirty=435 | request=0 child=1 subtree=1 subtreetemp=0 replicated=1 dirty=1 authpin=0 0x5577b1222a00]
2021-06-11 11:44:29.315 7f98c396e700 0 mds.1.migrator nicely exporting to mds.0 [dir 0x1000001f566.011* /pg_xlog_archives/9.6/scarto/ [2,head] auth{0=4} v=129838 cv=0/0 dir_auth=1 state=1610612737|complete f(v2450 m2021-06-11 10:34:13.048394 1462=1462+0) n(v140 rc2021-06-11 10:34:13.048394 b6915808960 1462=1462+0) hs=1462+220,ss=0+0 dirty=438 | request=0 child=1 subtree=1 subtreetemp=0 replicated=1 dirty=1 authpin=0 0x5577b1223e00]
2021-06-11 11:44:29.315 7f98c396e700 0 mds.1.migrator nicely exporting to mds.0 [dir 0x1000001f566.111* /pg_xlog_archives/9.6/scarto/ [2,head] auth{0=4} v=129819 cv=0/0 dir_auth=1 state=1610612737|complete f(v2450 m2021-06-11 10:34:07.082749 1524=1524+0) n(v140 rc2021-06-11 10:34:07.082749 b7233059600 1524=1524+0) hs=1524+217,ss=0+0 dirty=450 | request=0 child=1 subtree=1 subtreetemp=0 replicated=1 dirty=1 authpin=0 0x5577b13c3400]
2021-06-11 11:44:34.311 7f98c196a700 0 mds.1.migrator nicely exporting to mds.0 [dir 0x1000001f566.010* /pg_xlog_archives/9.6/scarto/ [2,head] auth{0=4} v=129822 cv=0/0 dir_auth=1 state=1610612737|complete f(v2450 m2021-06-11 10:34:06.711439 1481=1481+0) n(v140 rc2021-06-11 10:34:06.711439 b6992467779 1481=1481+0) hs=1481+194,ss=0+0 dirty=427 | request=0 child=1 subtree=1 subtreetemp=0 replicated=1 dirty=1 authpin=0 0x5577b1222000]
2021-06-11 11:44:34.311 7f98c196a700 0 mds.1.migrator nicely exporting to mds.0 [dir 0x1000001f566.101* /pg_xlog_archives/9.6/scarto/ [2,head] auth{0=4} v=129848 cv=0/0 dir_auth=1 state=1610612737|complete f(v2450 m2021-06-11 10:34:07.746900 1449=1449+0) n(v140 rc2021-06-11 10:34:07.746900 b6868368857 1449=1449+0) hs=1449+227,ss=0+0 dirty=435 | request=0 child=1 subtree=1 subtreetemp=0 replicated=1 dirty=1 authpin=0 0x5577b1222a00]
2021-06-11 11:44:34.315 7f98c396e700 0 mds.1.migrator nicely exporting to mds.0 [dir 0x1000001f566.011* /pg_xlog_archives/9.6/scarto/ [2,head] auth{0=4} v=129838 cv=0/0 dir_auth=1 state=1610612737|complete f(v2450 m2021-06-11 10:34:13.048394 1462=1462+0) n(v140 rc2021-06-11 10:34:13.048394 b6915808960 1462=1462+0) hs=1462+220,ss=0+0 dirty=438 | request=0 child=1 subtree=1 subtreetemp=0 replicated=1 dirty=1 authpin=0 0x5577b1223e00]
2021-06-11 11:44:34.315 7f98c396e700 0 mds.1.migrator nicely exporting to mds.0 [dir 0x1000001f566.111* /pg_xlog_archives/9.6/scarto/ [2,head] auth{0=4} v=129819 cv=0/0 dir_auth=1 state=1610612737|complete f(v2450 m2021-06-11 10:34:07.082749 1524=1524+0) n(v140 rc2021-06-11 10:34:07.082749 b7233059600 1524=1524+0) hs=1524+217,ss=0+0 dirty=450 | request=0 child=1 subtree=1 subtreetemp=0 replicated=1 dirty=1 authpin=0 0x5577b13c3400]
2021-06-11 11:44:39.315 7f98c196a700 0 mds.1.migrator nicely exporting to mds.0 [dir 0x1000001f566.010* /pg_xlog_archives/9.6/scarto/ [2,head] auth{0=4} v=129822 cv=0/0 dir_auth=1 state=1610612737|complete f(v2450 m2021-06-11 10:34:06.711439 1481=1481+0) n(v140 rc2021-06-11 10:34:06.711439 b6992467779 1481=1481+0) hs=1481+194,ss=0+0 dirty=427 | request=0 child=1 subtree=1 subtreetemp=0 replicated=1 dirty=1 authpin=0 0x5577b1222000]
2021-06-11 11:44:39.315 7f98c196a700 0 mds.1.migrator nicely exporting to mds.0 [dir 0x1000001f566.101* /pg_xlog_archives/9.6/scarto/ [2,head] auth{0=4} v=129848 cv=0/0 dir_auth=1 state=1610612737|complete f(v2450 m2021-06-11 10:34:07.746900 1449=1449+0) n(v140 rc2021-06-11 10:34:07.746900 b6868368857 1449=1449+0) hs=1449+227,ss=0+0 dirty=435 | request=0 child=1 subtree=1 subtreetemp=0 replicated=1 dirty=1 authpin=0 0x5577b1222a00]
2021-06-11 11:44:39.315 7f98c396e700 0 mds.1.migrator nicely exporting to mds.0 [dir 0x1000001f566.011* /pg_xlog_archives/9.6/scarto/ [2,head] auth{0=4} v=129838 cv=0/0 dir_auth=1 state=1610612737|complete f(v2450 m2021-06-11 10:34:13.048394 1462=1462+0) n(v140 rc2021-06-11 10:34:13.048394 b6915808960 1462=1462+0) hs=1462+220,ss=0+0 dirty=438 | request=0 child=1 subtree=1 subtreetemp=0 replicated=1 dirty=1 authpin=0 0x5577b1223e00]
2021-06-11 11:44:39.315 7f98c396e700 0 mds.1.migrator nicely exporting to mds.0 [dir 0x1000001f566.111* /pg_xlog_archives/9.6/scarto/ [2,head] auth{0=4} v=129819 cv=0/0 dir_auth=1 state=1610612737|complete f(v2450 m2021-06-11 10:34:07.082749 1524=1524+0) n(v140 rc2021-06-11 10:34:07.082749 b7233059600 1524=1524+0) hs=1524+217,ss=0+0 dirty=450 | request=0 child=1 subtree=1 subtreetemp=0 replicated=1 dirty=1 authpin=0 0x5577b13c3400]
2021-06-11 11:44:44.315 7f98c196a700 0 mds.1.migrator nicely exporting to mds.0 [dir 0x1000001f566.010* /pg_xlog_archives/9.6/scarto/ [2,head] auth{0=4} v=129822 cv=0/0 dir_auth=1 state=1610612737|complete f(v2450 m2021-06-11 10:34:06.711439 1481=1481+0) n(v140 rc2021-06-11 10:34:06.711439 b6992467779 1481=1481+0) hs=1481+194,ss=0+0 dirty=427 | request=0 child=1 subtree=1 subtreetemp=0 replicated=1 dirty=1 authpin=0 0x5577b1222000]
2021-06-11 11:44:44.315 7f98c196a700 0 mds.1.migrator nicely exporting to mds.0 [dir 0x1000001f566.101* /pg_xlog_archives/9.6/scarto/ [2,head] auth{0=4} v=129848 cv=0/0 dir_auth=1 state=1610612737|complete f(v2450 m2021-06-11 10:34:07.746900 1449=1449+0) n(v140 rc2021-06-11 10:34:07.746900 b6868368857 1449=1449+0) hs=1449+227,ss=0+0 dirty=435 | request=0 child=1 subtree=1 subtreetemp=0 replicated=1 dirty=1 authpin=0 0x5577b1222a00]
2021-06-11 11:44:44.315 7f98c396e700 0 mds.1.migrator nicely exporting to mds.0 [dir 0x1000001f566.011* /pg_xlog_archives/9.6/scarto/ [2,head] auth{0=4} v=129838 cv=0/0 dir_auth=1 state=1610612737|complete f(v2450 m2021-06-11 10:34:13.048394 1462=1462+0) n(v140 rc2021-06-11 10:34:13.048394 b6915808960 1462=1462+0) hs=1462+220,ss=0+0 dirty=438 | request=0 child=1 subtree=1 subtreetemp=0 replicated=1 dirty=1 authpin=0 0x5577b1223e00]
2021-06-11 11:44:44.315 7f98c396e700 0 mds.1.migrator nicely exporting to mds.0 [dir 0x1000001f566.111* /pg_xlog_archives/9.6/scarto/ [2,head] auth{0=4} v=129819 cv=0/0 dir_auth=1 state=1610612737|complete f(v2450 m2021-06-11 10:34:07.082749 1524=1524+0) n(v140 rc2021-06-11 10:34:07.082749 b7233059600 1524=1524+0) hs=1524+217,ss=0+0 dirty=450 | request=0 child=1 subtree=1 subtreetemp=0 replicated=1 dirty=1 authpin=0 0x5577b13c3400]
2021-06-11 11:44:49.315 7f98c196a700 0 mds.1.migrator nicely exporting to mds.0 [dir 0x1000001f566.010* /pg_xlog_archives/9.6/scarto/ [2,head] auth{0=4} v=129822 cv=0/0 dir_auth=1 state=1610612737|complete f(v2450 m2021-06-11 10:34:06.711439 1481=1481+0) n(v140 rc2021-06-11 10:34:06.711439 b6992467779 1481=1481+0) hs=1481+194,ss=0+0 dirty=427 | request=0 child=1 subtree=1 subtreetemp=0 replicated=1 dirty=1 authpin=0 0x5577b1222000]
2021-06-11 11:44:49.315 7f98c196a700 0 mds.1.migrator nicely exporting to mds.0 [dir 0x1000001f566.101* /pg_xlog_archives/9.6/scarto/ [2,head] auth{0=4} v=129848 cv=0/0 dir_auth=1 state=1610612737|complete f(v2450 m2021-06-11 10:34:07.746900 1449=1449+0) n(v140 rc2021-06-11 10:34:07.746900 b6868368857 1449=1449+0) hs=1449+227,ss=0+0 dirty=435 | request=0 child=1 subtree=1 subtreetemp=0 replicated=1 dirty=1 authpin=0 0x5577b1222a00]
2021-06-11 11:44:49.315 7f98c396e700 0 mds.1.migrator nicely exporting to mds.0 [dir 0x1000001f566.011* /pg_xlog_archives/9.6/scarto/ [2,head] auth{0=4} v=129838 cv=0/0 dir_auth=1 state=1610612737|complete f(v2450 m2021-06-11 10:34:13.048394 1462=1462+0) n(v140 rc2021-06-11 10:34:13.048394 b6915808960 1462=1462+0) hs=1462+220,ss=0+0 dirty=438 | request=0 child=1 subtree=1 subtreetemp=0 replicated=1 dirty=1 authpin=0 0x5577b1223e00]
2021-06-11 11:44:49.315 7f98c396e700 0 mds.1.migrator nicely exporting to mds.0 [dir 0x1000001f566.111* /pg_xlog_archives/9.6/scarto/ [2,head] auth{0=4} v=129819 cv=0/0 dir_auth=1 state=1610612737|complete f(v2450 m2021-06-11 10:34:07.082749 1524=1524+0) n(v140 rc2021-06-11 10:34:07.082749 b7233059600 1524=1524+0) hs=1524+217,ss=0+0 dirty=450 | request=0 child=1 subtree=1 subtreetemp=0 replicated=1 dirty=1 authpin=0 0x5577b13c3400]
2021-06-11 11:44:54.315 7f98c196a700 0 mds.1.migrator nicely exporting to mds.0 [dir 0x1000001f566.010* /pg_xlog_archives/9.6/scarto/ [2,head] auth{0=4} v=129822 cv=0/0 dir_auth=1 state=1610612737|complete f(v2450 m2021-06-11 10:34:06.711439 1481=1481+0) n(v140 rc2021-06-11 10:34:06.711439 b6992467779 1481=1481+0) hs=1481+194,ss=0+0 dirty=427 | request=0 child=1 subtree=1 subtreetemp=0 replicated=1 dirty=1 authpin=0 0x5577b1222000]
2021-06-11 11:44:54.315 7f98c196a700 0 mds.1.migrator nicely exporting to mds.0 [dir 0x1000001f566.101* /pg_xlog_archives/9.6/scarto/ [2,head] auth{0=4} v=129848 cv=0/0 dir_auth=1 state=1610612737|complete f(v2450 m2021-06-11 10:34:07.746900 1449=1449+0) n(v140 rc2021-06-11 10:34:07.746900 b6868368857 1449=1449+0) hs=1449+227,ss=0+0 dirty=435 | request=0 child=1 subtree=1 subtreetemp=0 replicated=1 dirty=1 authpin=0 0x5577b1222a00]
2021-06-11 11:44:54.315 7f98c396e700 0 mds.1.migrator nicely exporting to mds.0 [dir 0x1000001f566.011* /pg_xlog_archives/9.6/scarto/ [2,head] auth{0=4} v=129838 cv=0/0 dir_auth=1 state=1610612737|complete f(v2450 m2021-06-11 10:34:13.048394 1462=1462+0) n(v140 rc2021-06-11 10:34:13.048394 b6915808960 1462=1462+0) hs=1462+220,ss=0+0 dirty=438 | request=0 child=1 subtree=1 subtreetemp=0 replicated=1 dirty=1 authpin=0 0x5577b1223e00]
2021-06-11 11:44:54.315 7f98c396e700 0 mds.1.migrator nicely exporting to mds.0 [dir 0x1000001f566.111* /pg_xlog_archives/9.6/scarto/ [2,head] auth{0=4} v=129819 cv=0/0 dir_auth=1 state=1610612737|complete f(v2450 m2021-06-11 10:34:07.082749 1524=1524+0) n(v140 rc2021-06-11 10:34:07.082749 b7233059600 1524=1524+0) hs=1524+217,ss=0+0 dirty=450 | request=0 child=1 subtree=1 subtreetemp=0 replicated=1 dirty=1 authpin=0 0x5577b13c3400]
2021-06-11 11:44:59.315 7f98c196a700 0 mds.1.migrator nicely exporting to mds.0 [dir 0x1000001f566.010* /pg_xlog_archives/9.6/scarto/ [2,head] auth{0=4} v=129822 cv=0/0 dir_auth=1 state=1610612737|complete f(v2450 m2021-06-11 10:34:06.711439 1481=1481+0) n(v140 rc2021-06-11 10:34:06.711439 b6992467779 1481=1481+0) hs=1481+194,ss=0+0 dirty=427 | request=0 child=1 subtree=1 subtreetemp=0 replicated=1 dirty=1 authpin=0 0x5577b1222000]
2021-06-11 11:44:59.315 7f98c196a700 0 mds.1.migrator nicely exporting to mds.0 [dir 0x1000001f566.101* /pg_xlog_archives/9.6/scarto/ [2,head] auth{0=4} v=129848 cv=0/0 dir_auth=1 state=1610612737|complete f(v2450 m2021-06-11 10:34:07.746900 1449=1449+0) n(v140 rc2021-06-11 10:34:07.746900 b6868368857 1449=1449+0) hs=1449+227,ss=0+0 dirty=435 | request=0 child=1 subtree=1 subtreetemp=0 replicated=1 dirty=1 authpin=0 0x5577b1222a00]
2021-06-11 11:44:59.315 7f98c396e700 0 mds.1.migrator nicely exporting to mds.0 [dir 0x1000001f566.011* /pg_xlog_archives/9.6/scarto/ [2,head] auth{0=4} v=129838 cv=0/0 dir_auth=1 state=1610612737|complete f(v2450 m2021-06-11 10:34:13.048394 1462=1462+0) n(v140 rc2021-06-11 10:34:13.048394 b6915808960 1462=1462+0) hs=1462+220,ss=0+0 dirty=438 | request=0 child=1 subtree=1 subtreetemp=0 replicated=1 dirty=1 authpin=0 0x5577b1223e00]
2021-06-11 11:44:59.315 7f98c396e700 0 mds.1.migrator nicely exporting to mds.0 [dir 0x1000001f566.111* /pg_xlog_archives/9.6/scarto/ [2,head] auth{0=4} v=129819 cv=0/0 dir_auth=1 state=1610612737|complete f(v2450 m2021-06-11 10:34:07.082749 1524=1524+0) n(v140 rc2021-06-11 10:34:07.082749 b7233059600 1524=1524+0) hs=1524+217,ss=0+0 dirty=450 | request=0 child=1 subtree=1 subtreetemp=0 replicated=1 dirty=1 authpin=0 0x5577b13c3400]
2021-06-11 11:45:04.315 7f98c196a700 0 mds.1.migrator nicely exporting to mds.0 [dir 0x1000001f566.010* /pg_xlog_archives/9.6/scarto/ [2,head] auth{0=4} v=129822 cv=0/0 dir_auth=1 state=1610612737|complete f(v2450 m2021-06-11 10:34:06.711439 1481=1481+0) n(v140 rc2021-06-11 10:34:06.711439 b6992467779 1481=1481+0) hs=1481+194,ss=0+0 dirty=427 | request=0 child=1 subtree=1 subtreetemp=0 replicated=1 dirty=1 authpin=0 0x5577b1222000]
2021-06-11 11:45:04.315 7f98c196a700 0 mds.1.migrator nicely exporting to mds.0 [dir 0x1000001f566.101* /pg_xlog_archives/9.6/scarto/ [2,head] auth{0=4} v=129848 cv=0/0 dir_auth=1 state=1610612737|complete f(v2450 m2021-06-11 10:34:07.746900 1449=1449+0) n(v140 rc2021-06-11 10:34:07.746900 b6868368857 1449=1449+0) hs=1449+227,ss=0+0 dirty=435 | request=0 child=1 subtree=1 subtreetemp=0 replicated=1 dirty=1 authpin=0 0x5577b1222a00]
2021-06-11 11:45:04.315 7f98c396e700 0 mds.1.migrator nicely exporting to mds.0 [dir 0x1000001f566.011* /pg_xlog_archives/9.6/scarto/ [2,head] auth{0=4} v=129838 cv=0/0 dir_auth=1 state=1610612737|complete f(v2450 m2021-06-11 10:34:13.048394 1462=1462+0) n(v140 rc2021-06-11 10:34:13.048394 b6915808960 1462=1462+0) hs=1462+220,ss=0+0 dirty=438 | request=0 child=1 subtree=1 subtreetemp=0 replicated=1 dirty=1 authpin=0 0x5577b1223e00]
2021-06-11 11:45:04.315 7f98c396e700 0 mds.1.migrator nicely exporting to mds.0 [dir 0x1000001f566.111* /pg_xlog_archives/9.6/scarto/ [2,head] auth{0=4} v=129819 cv=0/0 dir_auth=1 state=1610612737|complete f(v2450 m2021-06-11 10:34:07.082749 1524=1524+0) n(v140 rc2021-06-11 10:34:07.082749 b7233059600 1524=1524+0) hs=1524+217,ss=0+0 dirty=450 | request=0 child=1 subtree=1 subtreetemp=0 replicated=1 dirty=1 authpin=0 0x5577b13c3400]
2021-06-11 11:45:09.315 7f98c196a700 0 mds.1.migrator nicely exporting to mds.0 [dir 0x1000001f566.010* /pg_xlog_archives/9.6/scarto/ [2,head] auth{0=4} v=129822 cv=0/0 dir_auth=1 state=1610612737|complete f(v2450 m2021-06-11 10:34:06.711439 1481=1481+0) n(v140 rc2021-06-11 10:34:06.711439 b6992467779 1481=1481+0) hs=1481+194,ss=0+0 dirty=427 | request=0 child=1 subtree=1 subtreetemp=0 replicated=1 dirty=1 authpin=0 0x5577b1222000]
2021-06-11 11:45:09.315 7f98c196a700 0 mds.1.migrator nicely exporting to mds.0 [dir 0x1000001f566.101* /pg_xlog_archives/9.6/scarto/ [2,head] auth{0=4} v=129848 cv=0/0 dir_auth=1 state=1610612737|complete f(v2450 m2021-06-11 10:34:07.746900 1449=1449+0) n(v140 rc2021-06-11 10:34:07.746900 b6868368857 1449=1449+0) hs=1449+227,ss=0+0 dirty=435 | request=0 child=1 subtree=1 subtreetemp=0 replicated=1 dirty=1 authpin=0 0x5577b1222a00]
2021-06-11 11:45:09.315 7f98c396e700 0 mds.1.migrator nicely exporting to mds.0 [dir 0x1000001f566.011* /pg_xlog_archives/9.6/scarto/ [2,head] auth{0=4} v=129838 cv=0/0 dir_auth=1 state=1610612737|complete f(v2450 m2021-06-11 10:34:13.048394 1462=1462+0) n(v140 rc2021-06-11 10:34:13.048394 b6915808960 1462=1462+0) hs=1462+220,ss=0+0 dirty=438 | request=0 child=1 subtree=1 subtreetemp=0 replicated=1 dirty=1 authpin=0 0x5577b1223e00]
2021-06-11 11:45:09.315 7f98c396e700 0 mds.1.migrator nicely exporting to mds.0 [dir 0x1000001f566.111* /pg_xlog_archives/9.6/scarto/ [2,head] auth{0=4} v=129819 cv=0/0 dir_auth=1 state=1610612737|complete f(v2450 m2021-06-11 10:34:07.082749 1524=1524+0) n(v140 rc2021-06-11 10:34:07.082749 b7233059600 1524=1524+0) hs=1524+217,ss=0+0 dirty=450 | request=0 child=1 subtree=1 subtreetemp=0 replicated=1 dirty=1 authpin=0 0x5577b13c3400]
2021-06-11 11:45:14.315 7f98c196a700 0 mds.1.migrator nicely exporting to mds.0 [dir 0x1000001f566.010* /pg_xlog_archives/9.6/scarto/ [2,head] auth{0=4} v=129822 cv=0/0 dir_auth=1 state=1610612737|complete f(v2450 m2021-06-11 10:34:06.711439 1481=1481+0) n(v140 rc2021-06-11 10:34:06.711439 b6992467779 1481=1481+0) hs=1481+194,ss=0+0 dirty=427 | request=0 child=1 subtree=1 subtreetemp=0 replicated=1 dirty=1 authpin=0 0x5577b1222000]
2021-06-11 11:45:14.315 7f98c196a700 0 mds.1.migrator nicely exporting to mds.0 [dir 0x1000001f566.101* /pg_xlog_archives/9.6/scarto/ [2,head] auth{0=4} v=129848 cv=0/0 dir_auth=1 state=1610612737|complete f(v2450 m2021-06-11 10:34:07.746900 1449=1449+0) n(v140 rc2021-06-11 10:34:07.746900 b6868368857 1449=1449+0) hs=1449+227,ss=0+0 dirty=435 | request=0 child=1 subtree=1 subtreetemp=0 replicated=1 dirty=1 authpin=0 0x5577b1222a00]
2021-06-11 11:45:14.315 7f98c396e700 0 mds.1.migrator nicely exporting to mds.0 [dir 0x1000001f566.011* /pg_xlog_archives/9.6/scarto/ [2,head] auth{0=4} v=129838 cv=0/0 dir_auth=1 state=1610612737|complete f(v2450 m2021-06-11 10:34:13.048394 1462=1462+0) n(v140 rc2021-06-11 10:34:13.048394 b6915808960 1462=1462+0) hs=1462+220,ss=0+0 dirty=438 | request=0 child=1 subtree=1 subtreetemp=0 replicated=1 dirty=1 authpin=0 0x5577b1223e00]
2021-06-11 11:45:14.315 7f98c396e700 0 mds.1.migrator nicely exporting to mds.0 [dir 0x1000001f566.111* /pg_xlog_archives/9.6/scarto/ [2,head] auth{0=4} v=129819 cv=0/0 dir_auth=1 state=1610612737|complete f(v2450 m2021-06-11 10:34:07.082749 1524=1524+0) n(v140 rc2021-06-11 10:34:07.082749 b7233059600 1524=1524+0) hs=1524+217,ss=0+0 dirty=450 | request=0 child=1 subtree=1 subtreetemp=0 replicated=1 dirty=1 authpin=0 0x5577b13c3400]
2021-06-11 11:45:19.315 7f98c196a700 0 mds.1.migrator nicely exporting to mds.0 [dir 0x1000001f566.010* /pg_xlog_archives/9.6/scarto/ [2,head] auth{0=4} v=129822 cv=0/0 dir_auth=1 state=1610612737|complete f(v2450 m2021-06-11 10:34:06.711439 1481=1481+0) n(v140 rc2021-06-11 10:34:06.711439 b6992467779 1481=1481+0) hs=1481+194,ss=0+0 dirty=427 | request=0 child=1 subtree=1 subtreetemp=0 replicated=1 dirty=1 authpin=0 0x5577b1222000]
2021-06-11 11:45:19.315 7f98c196a700 0 mds.1.migrator nicely exporting to mds.0 [dir 0x1000001f566.101* /pg_xlog_archives/9.6/scarto/ [2,head] auth{0=4} v=129848 cv=0/0 dir_auth=1 state=1610612737|complete f(v2450 m2021-06-11 10:34:07.746900 1449=1449+0) n(v140 rc2021-06-11 10:34:07.746900 b6868368857 1449=1449+0) hs=1449+227,ss=0+0 dirty=435 | request=0 child=1 subtree=1 subtreetemp=0 replicated=1 dirty=1 authpin=0 0x5577b1222a00]
2021-06-11 11:45:19.315 7f98c396e700 0 mds.1.migrator nicely exporting to mds.0 [dir 0x1000001f566.011* /pg_xlog_archives/9.6/scarto/ [2,head] auth{0=4} v=129838 cv=0/0 dir_auth=1 state=1610612737|complete f(v2450 m2021-06-11 10:34:13.048394 1462=1462+0) n(v140 rc2021-06-11 10:34:13.048394 b6915808960 1462=1462+0) hs=1462+220,ss=0+0 dirty=438 | request=0 child=1 subtree=1 subtreetemp=0 replicated=1 dirty=1 authpin=0 0x5577b1223e00]
2021-06-11 11:45:19.315 7f98c396e700 0 mds.1.migrator nicely exporting to mds.0 [dir 0x1000001f566.111* /pg_xlog_archives/9.6/scarto/ [2,head] auth{0=4} v=129819 cv=0/0 dir_auth=1 state=1610612737|complete f(v2450 m2021-06-11 10:34:07.082749 1524=1524+0) n(v140 rc2021-06-11 10:34:07.082749 b7233059600 1524=1524+0) hs=1524+217,ss=0+0 dirty=450 | request=0 child=1 subtree=1 subtreetemp=0 replicated=1 dirty=1 authpin=0 0x5577b13c3400]
2021-06-11 11:45:24.315 7f98c196a700 0 mds.1.migrator nicely exporting to mds.0 [dir 0x1000001f566.010* /pg_xlog_archives/9.6/scarto/ [2,head] auth{0=4} v=129822 cv=0/0 dir_auth=1 state=1610612737|complete f(v2450 m2021-06-11 10:34:06.711439 1481=1481+0) n(v140 rc2021-06-11 10:34:06.711439 b6992467779 1481=1481+0) hs=1481+194,ss=0+0 dirty=427 | request=0 child=1 subtree=1 subtreetemp=0 replicated=1 dirty=1 authpin=0 0x5577b1222000]
2021-06-11 11:45:24.315 7f98c196a700 0 mds.1.migrator nicely exporting to mds.0 [dir 0x1000001f566.101* /pg_xlog_archives/9.6/scarto/ [2,head] auth{0=4} v=129848 cv=0/0 dir_auth=1 state=1610612737|complete f(v2450 m2021-06-11 10:34:07.746900 1449=1449+0) n(v140 rc2021-06-11 10:34:07.746900 b6868368857 1449=1449+0) hs=1449+227,ss=0+0 dirty=435 | request=0 child=1 subtree=1 subtreetemp=0 replicated=1 dirty=1 authpin=0 0x5577b1222a00]
2021-06-11 11:45:24.315 7f98c396e700 0 mds.1.migrator nicely exporting to mds.0 [dir 0x1000001f566.011* /pg_xlog_archives/9.6/scarto/ [2,head] auth{0=4} v=129838 cv=0/0 dir_auth=1 state=1610612737|complete f(v2450 m2021-06-11 10:34:13.048394 1462=1462+0) n(v140 rc2021-06-11 10:34:13.048394 b6915808960 1462=1462+0) hs=1462+220,ss=0+0 dirty=438 | request=0 child=1 subtree=1 subtreetemp=0 replicated=1 dirty=1 authpin=0 0x5577b1223e00]
2021-06-11 11:45:24.315 7f98c396e700 0 mds.1.migrator nicely exporting to mds.0 [dir 0x1000001f566.111* /pg_xlog_archives/9.6/scarto/ [2,head] auth{0=4} v=129819 cv=0/0 dir_auth=1 state=1610612737|complete f(v2450 m2021-06-11 10:34:07.082749 1524=1524+0) n(v140 rc2021-06-11 10:34:07.082749 b7233059600 1524=1524+0) hs=1524+217,ss=0+0 dirty=450 | request=0 child=1 subtree=1 subtreetemp=0 replicated=1 dirty=1 authpin=0 0x5577b13c3400]
2021-06-11 11:45:29.315 7f98c196a700 0 mds.1.migrator nicely exporting to mds.0 [dir 0x1000001f566.010* /pg_xlog_archives/9.6/scarto/ [2,head] auth{0=4} v=129822 cv=0/0 dir_auth=1 state=1610612737|complete f(v2450 m2021-06-11 10:34:06.711439 1481=1481+0) n(v140 rc2021-06-11 10:34:06.711439 b6992467779 1481=1481+0) hs=1481+194,ss=0+0 dirty=427 | request=0 child=1 subtree=1 subtreetemp=0 replicated=1 dirty=1 authpin=0 0x5577b1222000]
2021-06-11 11:45:29.315 7f98c196a700 0 mds.1.migrator nicely exporting to mds.0 [dir 0x1000001f566.101* /pg_xlog_archives/9.6/scarto/ [2,head] auth{0=4} v=129848 cv=0/0 dir_auth=1 state=1610612737|complete f(v2450 m2021-06-11 10:34:07.746900 1449=1449+0) n(v140 rc2021-06-11 10:34:07.746900 b6868368857 1449=1449+0) hs=1449+227,ss=0+0 dirty=435 | request=0 child=1 subtree=1 subtreetemp=0 replicated=1 dirty=1 authpin=0 0x5577b1222a00]
2021-06-11 11:45:29.315 7f98c396e700 0 mds.1.migrator nicely exporting to mds.0 [dir 0x1000001f566.011* /pg_xlog_archives/9.6/scarto/ [2,head] auth{0=4} v=129838 cv=0/0 dir_auth=1 state=1610612737|complete f(v2450 m2021-06-11 10:34:13.048394 1462=1462+0) n(v140 rc2021-06-11 10:34:13.048394 b6915808960 1462=1462+0) hs=1462+220,ss=0+0 dirty=438 | request=0 child=1 subtree=1 subtreetemp=0 replicated=1 dirty=1 authpin=0 0x5577b1223e00]
2021-06-11 11:45:29.315 7f98c396e700 0 mds.1.migrator nicely exporting to mds.0 [dir 0x1000001f566.111* /pg_xlog_archives/9.6/scarto/ [2,head] auth{0=4} v=129819 cv=0/0 dir_auth=1 state=1610612737|complete f(v2450 m2021-06-11 10:34:07.082749 1524=1524+0) n(v140 rc2021-06-11 10:34:07.082749 b7233059600 1524=1524+0) hs=1524+217,ss=0+0 dirty=450 | request=0 child=1 subtree=1 subtreetemp=0 replicated=1 dirty=1 authpin=0 0x5577b13c3400]
2021-06-11 11:45:34.315 7f98c196a700 0 mds.1.migrator nicely exporting to mds.0 [dir 0x1000001f566.010* /pg_xlog_archives/9.6/scarto/ [2,head] auth{0=4} v=129822 cv=0/0 dir_auth=1 state=1610612737|complete f(v2450 m2021-06-11 10:34:06.711439 1481=1481+0) n(v140 rc2021-06-11 10:34:06.711439 b6992467779 1481=1481+0) hs=1481+194,ss=0+0 dirty=427 | request=0 child=1 subtree=1 subtreetemp=0 replicated=1 dirty=1 authpin=0 0x5577b1222000]
2021-06-11 11:45:34.315 7f98c196a700 0 mds.1.migrator nicely exporting to mds.0 [dir 0x1000001f566.101* /pg_xlog_archives/9.6/scarto/ [2,head] auth{0=4} v=129848 cv=0/0 dir_auth=1 state=1610612737|complete f(v2450 m2021-06-11 10:34:07.746900 1449=1449+0) n(v140 rc2021-06-11 10:34:07.746900 b6868368857 1449=1449+0) hs=1449+227,ss=0+0 dirty=435 | request=0 child=1 subtree=1 subtreetemp=0 replicated=1 dirty=1 authpin=0 0x5577b1222a00]
2021-06-11 11:45:34.315 7f98c396e700 0 mds.1.migrator nicely exporting to mds.0 [dir 0x1000001f566.011* /pg_xlog_archives/9.6/scarto/ [2,head] auth{0=4} v=129838 cv=0/0 dir_auth=1 state=1610612737|complete f(v2450 m2021-06-11 10:34:13.048394 1462=1462+0) n(v140 rc2021-06-11 10:34:13.048394 b6915808960 1462=1462+0) hs=1462+220,ss=0+0 dirty=438 | request=0 child=1 subtree=1 subtreetemp=0 replicated=1 dirty=1 authpin=0 0x5577b1223e00]
2021-06-11 11:45:34.315 7f98c396e700 0 mds.1.migrator nicely exporting to mds.0 [dir 0x1000001f566.111* /pg_xlog_archives/9.6/scarto/ [2,head] auth{0=4} v=129819 cv=0/0 dir_auth=1 state=1610612737|complete f(v2450 m2021-06-11 10:34:07.082749 1524=1524+0) n(v140 rc2021-06-11 10:34:07.082749 b7233059600 1524=1524+0) hs=1524+217,ss=0+0 dirty=450 | request=0 child=1 subtree=1 subtreetemp=0 replicated=1 dirty=1 authpin=0 0x5577b13c3400]
2021-06-11 11:45:39.315 7f98c196a700 0 mds.1.migrator nicely exporting to mds.0 [dir 0x1000001f566.010* /pg_xlog_archives/9.6/scarto/ [2,head] auth{0=4} v=129822 cv=0/0 dir_auth=1 state=1610612737|complete f(v2450 m2021-06-11 10:34:06.711439 1481=1481+0) n(v140 rc2021-06-11 10:34:06.711439 b6992467779 1481=1481+0) hs=1481+194,ss=0+0 dirty=427 | request=0 child=1 subtree=1 subtreetemp=0 replicated=1 dirty=1 authpin=0 0x5577b1222000]
2021-06-11 11:45:39.315 7f98c196a700 0 mds.1.migrator nicely exporting to mds.0 [dir 0x1000001f566.101* /pg_xlog_archives/9.6/scarto/ [2,head] auth{0=4} v=129848 cv=0/0 dir_auth=1 state=1610612737|complete f(v2450 m2021-06-11 10:34:07.746900 1449=1449+0) n(v140 rc2021-06-11 10:34:07.746900 b6868368857 1449=1449+0) hs=1449+227,ss=0+0 dirty=435 | request=0 child=1 subtree=1 subtreetemp=0 replicated=1 dirty=1 authpin=0 0x5577b1222a00]
2021-06-11 11:45:39.315 7f98c396e700 0 mds.1.migrator nicely exporting to mds.0 [dir 0x1000001f566.011* /pg_xlog_archives/9.6/scarto/ [2,head] auth{0=4} v=129838 cv=0/0 dir_auth=1 state=1610612737|complete f(v2450 m2021-06-11 10:34:13.048394 1462=1462+0) n(v140 rc2021-06-11 10:34:13.048394 b6915808960 1462=1462+0) hs=1462+220,ss=0+0 dirty=438 | request=0 child=1 subtree=1 subtreetemp=0 replicated=1 dirty=1 authpin=0 0x5577b1223e00]
2021-06-11 11:45:39.315 7f98c396e700 0 mds.1.migrator nicely exporting to mds.0 [dir 0x1000001f566.111* /pg_xlog_archives/9.6/scarto/ [2,head] auth{0=4} v=129819 cv=0/0 dir_auth=1 state=1610612737|complete f(v2450 m2021-06-11 10:34:07.082749 1524=1524+0) n(v140 rc2021-06-11 10:34:07.082749 b7233059600 1524=1524+0) hs=1524+217,ss=0+0 dirty=450 | request=0 child=1 subtree=1 subtreetemp=0 replicated=1 dirty=1 authpin=0 0x5577b13c3400]
2021-06-11 11:45:44.315 7f98c196a700 0 mds.1.migrator nicely exporting to mds.0 [dir 0x1000001f566.010* /pg_xlog_archives/9.6/scarto/ [2,head] auth{0=4} v=129822 cv=0/0 dir_auth=1 state=1610612737|complete f(v2450 m2021-06-11 10:34:06.711439 1481=1481+0) n(v140 rc2021-06-11 10:34:06.711439 b6992467779 1481=1481+0) hs=1481+194,ss=0+0 dirty=427 | request=0 child=1 subtree=1 subtreetemp=0 replicated=1 dirty=1 authpin=0 0x5577b1222000]
2021-06-11 11:45:44.315 7f98c196a700 0 mds.1.migrator nicely exporting to mds.0 [dir 0x1000001f566.101* /pg_xlog_archives/9.6/scarto/ [2,head] auth{0=4} v=129848 cv=0/0 dir_auth=1 state=1610612737|complete f(v2450 m2021-06-11 10:34:07.746900 1449=1449+0) n(v140 rc2021-06-11 10:34:07.746900 b6868368857 1449=1449+0) hs=1449+227,ss=0+0 dirty=435 | request=0 child=1 subtree=1 subtreetemp=0 replicated=1 dirty=1 authpin=0 0x5577b1222a00]
2021-06-11 11:45:44.315 7f98c396e700 0 mds.1.migrator nicely exporting to mds.0 [dir 0x1000001f566.011* /pg_xlog_archives/9.6/scarto/ [2,head] auth{0=4} v=129838 cv=0/0 dir_auth=1 state=1610612737|complete f(v2450 m2021-06-11 10:34:13.048394 1462=1462+0) n(v140 rc2021-06-11 10:34:13.048394 b6915808960 1462=1462+0) hs=1462+220,ss=0+0 dirty=438 | request=0 child=1 subtree=1 subtreetemp=0 replicated=1 dirty=1 authpin=0 0x5577b1223e00]
2021-06-11 11:45:44.315 7f98c396e700 0 mds.1.migrator nicely exporting to mds.0 [dir 0x1000001f566.111* /pg_xlog_archives/9.6/scarto/ [2,head] auth{0=4} v=129819 cv=0/0 dir_auth=1 state=1610612737|complete f(v2450 m2021-06-11 10:34:07.082749 1524=1524+0) n(v140 rc2021-06-11 10:34:07.082749 b7233059600 1524=1524+0) hs=1524+217,ss=0+0 dirty=450 | request=0 child=1 subtree=1 subtreetemp=0 replicated=1 dirty=1 authpin=0 0x5577b13c3400]
2021-06-11 11:45:49.315 7f98c196a700 0 mds.1.migrator nicely exporting to mds.0 [dir 0x1000001f566.010* /pg_xlog_archives/9.6/scarto/ [2,head] auth{0=4} v=129822 cv=0/0 dir_auth=1 state=1610612737|complete f(v2450 m2021-06-11 10:34:06.711439 1481=1481+0) n(v140 rc2021-06-11 10:34:06.711439 b6992467779 1481=1481+0) hs=1481+194,ss=0+0 dirty=427 | request=0 child=1 subtree=1 subtreetemp=0 replicated=1 dirty=1 authpin=0 0x5577b1222000]
2021-06-11 11:45:49.315 7f98c196a700 0 mds.1.migrator nicely exporting to mds.0 [dir 0x1000001f566.101* /pg_xlog_archives/9.6/scarto/ [2,head] auth{0=4} v=129848 cv=0/0 dir_auth=1 state=1610612737|complete f(v2450 m2021-06-11 10:34:07.746900 1449=1449+0) n(v140 rc2021-06-11 10:34:07.746900 b6868368857 1449=1449+0) hs=1449+227,ss=0+0 dirty=435 | request=0 child=1 subtree=1 subtreetemp=0 replicated=1 dirty=1 authpin=0 0x5577b1222a00]
2021-06-11 11:45:49.315 7f98c396e700 0 mds.1.migrator nicely exporting to mds.0 [dir 0x1000001f566.011* /pg_xlog_archives/9.6/scarto/ [2,head] auth{0=4} v=129838 cv=0/0 dir_auth=1 state=1610612737|complete f(v2450 m2021-06-11 10:34:13.048394 1462=1462+0) n(v140 rc2021-06-11 10:34:13.048394 b6915808960 1462=1462+0) hs=1462+220,ss=0+0 dirty=438 | request=0 child=1 subtree=1 subtreetemp=0 replicated=1 dirty=1 authpin=0 0x5577b1223e00]
2021-06-11 11:45:49.315 7f98c396e700 0 mds.1.migrator nicely exporting to mds.0 [dir 0x1000001f566.111* /pg_xlog_archives/9.6/scarto/ [2,head] auth{0=4} v=129819 cv=0/0 dir_auth=1 state=1610612737|complete f(v2450 m2021-06-11 10:34:07.082749 1524=1524+0) n(v140 rc2021-06-11 10:34:07.082749 b7233059600 1524=1524+0) hs=1524+217,ss=0+0 dirty=450 | request=0 child=1 subtree=1 subtreetemp=0 replicated=1 dirty=1 authpin=0 0x5577b13c3400]
2021-06-11 11:45:54.315 7f98c196a700 0 mds.1.migrator nicely exporting to mds.0 [dir 0x1000001f566.010* /pg_xlog_archives/9.6/scarto/ [2,head] auth{0=4} v=129822 cv=0/0 dir_auth=1 state=1610612737|complete f(v2450 m2021-06-11 10:34:06.711439 1481=1481+0) n(v140 rc2021-06-11 10:34:06.711439 b6992467779 1481=1481+0) hs=1481+194,ss=0+0 dirty=427 | request=0 child=1 subtree=1 subtreetemp=0 replicated=1 dirty=1 authpin=0 0x5577b1222000]
2021-06-11 11:45:54.315 7f98c196a700 0 mds.1.migrator nicely exporting to mds.0 [dir 0x1000001f566.101* /pg_xlog_archives/9.6/scarto/ [2,head] auth{0=4} v=129848 cv=0/0 dir_auth=1 state=1610612737|complete f(v2450 m2021-06-11 10:34:07.746900 1449=1449+0) n(v140 rc2021-06-11 10:34:07.746900 b6868368857 1449=1449+0) hs=1449+227,ss=0+0 dirty=435 | request=0 child=1 subtree=1 subtreetemp=0 replicated=1 dirty=1 authpin=0 0x5577b1222a00]
2021-06-11 11:45:54.315 7f98c396e700 0 mds.1.migrator nicely exporting to mds.0 [dir 0x1000001f566.011* /pg_xlog_archives/9.6/scarto/ [2,head] auth{0=4} v=129838 cv=0/0 dir_auth=1 state=1610612737|complete f(v2450 m2021-06-11 10:34:13.048394 1462=1462+0) n(v140 rc2021-06-11 10:34:13.048394 b6915808960 1462=1462+0) hs=1462+220,ss=0+0 dirty=438 | request=0 child=1 subtree=1 subtreetemp=0 replicated=1 dirty=1 authpin=0 0x5577b1223e00]
2021-06-11 11:45:54.315 7f98c396e700 0 mds.1.migrator nicely exporting to mds.0 [dir 0x1000001f566.111* /pg_xlog_archives/9.6/scarto/ [2,head] auth{0=4} v=129819 cv=0/0 dir_auth=1 state=1610612737|complete f(v2450 m2021-06-11 10:34:07.082749 1524=1524+0) n(v140 rc2021-06-11 10:34:07.082749 b7233059600 1524=1524+0) hs=1524+217,ss=0+0 dirty=450 | request=0 child=1 subtree=1 subtreetemp=0 replicated=1 dirty=1 authpin=0 0x5577b13c3400]
2021-06-11 11:45:59.315 7f98c196a700 0 mds.1.migrator nicely exporting to mds.0 [dir 0x1000001f566.010* /pg_xlog_archives/9.6/scarto/ [2,head] auth{0=4} v=129822 cv=0/0 dir_auth=1 state=1610612737|complete f(v2450 m2021-06-11 10:34:06.711439 1481=1481+0) n(v140 rc2021-06-11 10:34:06.711439 b6992467779 1481=1481+0) hs=1481+194,ss=0+0 dirty=427 | request=0 child=1 subtree=1 subtreetemp=0 replicated=1 dirty=1 authpin=0 0x5577b1222000]
2021-06-11 11:45:59.315 7f98c196a700 0 mds.1.migrator nicely exporting to mds.0 [dir 0x1000001f566.101* /pg_xlog_archives/9.6/scarto/ [2,head] auth{0=4} v=129848 cv=0/0 dir_auth=1 state=1610612737|complete f(v2450 m2021-06-11 10:34:07.746900 1449=1449+0) n(v140 rc2021-06-11 10:34:07.746900 b6868368857 1449=1449+0) hs=1449+227,ss=0+0 dirty=435 | request=0 child=1 subtree=1 subtreetemp=0 replicated=1 dirty=1 authpin=0 0x5577b1222a00]
2021-06-11 11:45:59.315 7f98c396e700 0 mds.1.migrator nicely exporting to mds.0 [dir 0x1000001f566.011* /pg_xlog_archives/9.6/scarto/ [2,head] auth{0=4} v=129838 cv=0/0 dir_auth=1 state=1610612737|complete f(v2450 m2021-06-11 10:34:13.048394 1462=1462+0) n(v140 rc2021-06-11 10:34:13.048394 b6915808960 1462=1462+0) hs=1462+220,ss=0+0 dirty=438 | request=0 child=1 subtree=1 subtreetemp=0 replicated=1 dirty=1 authpin=0 0x5577b1223e00]
2021-06-11 11:45:59.315 7f98c396e700 0 mds.1.migrator nicely exporting to mds.0 [dir 0x1000001f566.111* /pg_xlog_archives/9.6/scarto/ [2,head] auth{0=4} v=129819 cv=0/0 dir_auth=1 state=1610612737|complete f(v2450 m2021-06-11 10:34:07.082749 1524=1524+0) n(v140 rc2021-06-11 10:34:07.082749 b7233059600 1524=1524+0) hs=1524+217,ss=0+0 dirty=450 | request=0 child=1 subtree=1 subtreetemp=0 replicated=1 dirty=1 authpin=0 0x5577b13c3400]
2021-06-11 11:46:04.315 7f98c196a700 0 mds.1.migrator nicely exporting to mds.0 [dir 0x1000001f566.010* /pg_xlog_archives/9.6/scarto/ [2,head] auth{0=4} v=129822 cv=0/0 dir_auth=1 state=1610612737|complete f(v2450 m2021-06-11 10:34:06.711439 1481=1481+0) n(v140 rc2021-06-11 10:34:06.711439 b6992467779 1481=1481+0) hs=1481+194,ss=0+0 dirty=427 | request=0 child=1 subtree=1 subtreetemp=0 replicated=1 dirty=1 authpin=0 0x5577b1222000]
2021-06-11 11:46:04.315 7f98c196a700 0 mds.1.migrator nicely exporting to mds.0 [dir 0x1000001f566.101* /pg_xlog_archives/9.6/scarto/ [2,head] auth{0=4} v=129848 cv=0/0 dir_auth=1 state=1610612737|complete f(v2450 m2021-06-11 10:34:07.746900 1449=1449+0) n(v140 rc2021-06-11 10:34:07.746900 b6868368857 1449=1449+0) hs=1449+227,ss=0+0 dirty=435 | request=0 child=1 subtree=1 subtreetemp=0 replicated=1 dirty=1 authpin=0 0x5577b1222a00]
2021-06-11 11:46:04.315 7f98c396e700 0 mds.1.migrator nicely exporting to mds.0 [dir 0x1000001f566.011* /pg_xlog_archives/9.6/scarto/ [2,head] auth{0=4} v=129838 cv=0/0 dir_auth=1 state=1610612737|complete f(v2450 m2021-06-11 10:34:13.048394 1462=1462+0) n(v140 rc2021-06-11 10:34:13.048394 b6915808960 1462=1462+0) hs=1462+220,ss=0+0 dirty=438 | request=0 child=1 subtree=1 subtreetemp=0 replicated=1 dirty=1 authpin=0 0x5577b1223e00]
2021-06-11 11:46:04.315 7f98c396e700 0 mds.1.migrator nicely exporting to mds.0 [dir 0x1000001f566.111* /pg_xlog_archives/9.6/scarto/ [2,head] auth{0=4} v=129819 cv=0/0 dir_auth=1 state=1610612737|complete f(v2450 m2021-06-11 10:34:07.082749 1524=1524+0) n(v140 rc2021-06-11 10:34:07.082749 b7233059600 1524=1524+0) hs=1524+217,ss=0+0 dirty=450 | request=0 child=1 subtree=1 subtreetemp=0 replicated=1 dirty=1 authpin=0 0x5577b13c3400]
2021-06-11 11:46:09.315 7f98c196a700 0 mds.1.migrator nicely exporting to mds.0 [dir 0x1000001f566.010* /pg_xlog_archives/9.6/scarto/ [2,head] auth{0=4} v=129822 cv=0/0 dir_auth=1 state=1610612737|complete f(v2450 m2021-06-11 10:34:06.711439 1481=1481+0) n(v140 rc2021-06-11 10:34:06.711439 b6992467779 1481=1481+0) hs=1481+194,ss=0+0 dirty=427 | request=0 child=1 subtree=1 subtreetemp=0 replicated=1 dirty=1 authpin=0 0x5577b1222000]
2021-06-11 11:46:09.315 7f98c196a700 0 mds.1.migrator nicely exporting to mds.0 [dir 0x1000001f566.101* /pg_xlog_archives/9.6/scarto/ [2,head] auth{0=4} v=129848 cv=0/0 dir_auth=1 state=1610612737|complete f(v2450 m2021-06-11 10:34:07.746900 1449=1449+0) n(v140 rc2021-06-11 10:34:07.746900 b6868368857 1449=1449+0) hs=1449+227,ss=0+0 dirty=435 | request=0 child=1 subtree=1 subtreetemp=0 replicated=1 dirty=1 authpin=0 0x5577b1222a00]
2021-06-11 11:46:09.315 7f98c396e700 0 mds.1.migrator nicely exporting to mds.0 [dir 0x1000001f566.011* /pg_xlog_archives/9.6/scarto/ [2,head] auth{0=4} v=129838 cv=0/0 dir_auth=1 state=1610612737|complete f(v2450 m2021-06-11 10:34:13.048394 1462=1462+0) n(v140 rc2021-06-11 10:34:13.048394 b6915808960 1462=1462+0) hs=1462+220,ss=0+0 dirty=438 | request=0 child=1 subtree=1 subtreetemp=0 replicated=1 dirty=1 authpin=0 0x5577b1223e00]
2021-06-11 11:46:09.315 7f98c396e700 0 mds.1.migrator nicely exporting to mds.0 [dir 0x1000001f566.111* /pg_xlog_archives/9.6/scarto/ [2,head] auth{0=4} v=129819 cv=0/0 dir_auth=1 state=1610612737|complete f(v2450 m2021-06-11 10:34:07.082749 1524=1524+0) n(v140 rc2021-06-11 10:34:07.082749 b7233059600 1524=1524+0) hs=1524+217,ss=0+0 dirty=450 | request=0 child=1 subtree=1 subtreetemp=0 replicated=1 dirty=1 authpin=0 0x5577b13c3400]
2021-06-11 11:46:14.315 7f98c196a700 0 mds.1.migrator nicely exporting to mds.0 [dir 0x1000001f566.010* /pg_xlog_archives/9.6/scarto/ [2,head] auth{0=4} v=129822 cv=0/0 dir_auth=1 state=1610612737|complete f(v2450 m2021-06-11 10:34:06.711439 1481=1481+0) n(v140 rc2021-06-11 10:34:06.711439 b6992467779 1481=1481+0) hs=1481+194,ss=0+0 dirty=427 | request=0 child=1 subtree=1 subtreetemp=0 replicated=1 dirty=1 authpin=0 0x5577b1222000]
2021-06-11 11:46:14.315 7f98c196a700 0 mds.1.migrator nicely exporting to mds.0 [dir 0x1000001f566.101* /pg_xlog_archives/9.6/scarto/ [2,head] auth{0=4} v=129848 cv=0/0 dir_auth=1 state=1610612737|complete f(v2450 m2021-06-11 10:34:07.746900 1449=1449+0) n(v140 rc2021-06-11 10:34:07.746900 b6868368857 1449=1449+0) hs=1449+227,ss=0+0 dirty=435 | request=0 child=1 subtree=1 subtreetemp=0 replicated=1 dirty=1 authpin=0 0x5577b1222a00]
2021-06-11 11:46:14.315 7f98c396e700 0 mds.1.migrator nicely exporting to mds.0 [dir 0x1000001f566.011* /pg_xlog_archives/9.6/scarto/ [2,head] auth{0=4} v=129838 cv=0/0 dir_auth=1 state=1610612737|complete f(v2450 m2021-06-11 10:34:13.048394 1462=1462+0) n(v140 rc2021-06-11 10:34:13.048394 b6915808960 1462=1462+0) hs=1462+220,ss=0+0 dirty=438 | request=0 child=1 subtree=1 subtreetemp=0 replicated=1 dirty=1 authpin=0 0x5577b1223e00]
2021-06-11 11:46:14.315 7f98c396e700 0 mds.1.migrator nicely exporting to mds.0 [dir 0x1000001f566.111* /pg_xlog_archives/9.6/scarto/ [2,head] auth{0=4} v=129819 cv=0/0 dir_auth=1 state=1610612737|complete f(v2450 m2021-06-11 10:34:07.082749 1524=1524+0) n(v140 rc2021-06-11 10:34:07.082749 b7233059600 1524=1524+0) hs=1524+217,ss=0+0 dirty=450 | request=0 child=1 subtree=1 subtreetemp=0 replicated=1 dirty=1 authpin=0 0x5577b13c3400]
2021-06-11 11:46:19.315 7f98c196a700 0 mds.1.migrator nicely exporting to mds.0 [dir 0x1000001f566.010* /pg_xlog_archives/9.6/scarto/ [2,head] auth{0=4} v=129822 cv=0/0 dir_auth=1 state=1610612737|complete f(v2450 m2021-06-11 10:34:06.711439 1481=1481+0) n(v140 rc2021-06-11 10:34:06.711439 b6992467779 1481=1481+0) hs=1481+194,ss=0+0 dirty=427 | request=0 child=1 subtree=1 subtreetemp=0 replicated=1 dirty=1 authpin=0 0x5577b1222000]
2021-06-11 11:46:19.315 7f98c196a700 0 mds.1.migrator nicely exporting to mds.0 [dir 0x1000001f566.101* /pg_xlog_archives/9.6/scarto/ [2,head] auth{0=4} v=129848 cv=0/0 dir_auth=1 state=1610612737|complete f(v2450 m2021-06-11 10:34:07.746900 1449=1449+0) n(v140 rc2021-06-11 10:34:07.746900 b6868368857 1449=1449+0) hs=1449+227,ss=0+0 dirty=435 | request=0 child=1 subtree=1 subtreetemp=0 replicated=1 dirty=1 authpin=0 0x5577b1222a00]
2021-06-11 11:46:19.315 7f98c396e700 0 mds.1.migrator nicely exporting to mds.0 [dir 0x1000001f566.011* /pg_xlog_archives/9.6/scarto/ [2,head] auth{0=4} v=129838 cv=0/0 dir_auth=1 state=1610612737|complete f(v2450 m2021-06-11 10:34:13.048394 1462=1462+0) n(v140 rc2021-06-11 10:34:13.048394 b6915808960 1462=1462+0) hs=1462+220,ss=0+0 dirty=438 | request=0 child=1 subtree=1 subtreetemp=0 replicated=1 dirty=1 authpin=0 0x5577b1223e00]
2021-06-11 11:46:19.315 7f98c396e700 0 mds.1.migrator nicely exporting to mds.0 [dir 0x1000001f566.111* /pg_xlog_archives/9.6/scarto/ [2,head] auth{0=4} v=129819 cv=0/0 dir_auth=1 state=1610612737|complete f(v2450 m2021-06-11 10:34:07.082749 1524=1524+0) n(v140 rc2021-06-11 10:34:07.082749 b7233059600 1524=1524+0) hs=1524+217,ss=0+0 dirty=450 | request=0 child=1 subtree=1 subtreetemp=0 replicated=1 dirty=1 authpin=0 0x5577b13c3400]
2021-06-11 11:46:24.315 7f98c196a700 0 mds.1.migrator nicely exporting to mds.0 [dir 0x1000001f566.010* /pg_xlog_archives/9.6/scarto/ [2,head] auth{0=4} v=129822 cv=0/0 dir_auth=1 state=1610612737|complete f(v2450 m2021-06-11 10:34:06.711439 1481=1481+0) n(v140 rc2021-06-11 10:34:06.711439 b6992467779 1481=1481+0) hs=1481+194,ss=0+0 dirty=427 | request=0 child=1 subtree=1 subtreetemp=0 replicated=1 dirty=1 authpin=0 0x5577b1222000]
2021-06-11 11:46:24.315 7f98c196a700 0 mds.1.migrator nicely exporting to mds.0 [dir 0x1000001f566.101* /pg_xlog_archives/9.6/scarto/ [2,head] auth{0=4} v=129848 cv=0/0 dir_auth=1 state=1610612737|complete f(v2450 m2021-06-11 10:34:07.746900 1449=1449+0) n(v140 rc2021-06-11 10:34:07.746900 b6868368857 1449=1449+0) hs=1449+227,ss=0+0 dirty=435 | request=0 child=1 subtree=1 subtreetemp=0 replicated=1 dirty=1 authpin=0 0x5577b1222a00]
2021-06-11 11:46:24.315 7f98c396e700 0 mds.1.migrator nicely exporting to mds.0 [dir 0x1000001f566.011* /pg_xlog_archives/9.6/scarto/ [2,head] auth{0=4} v=129838 cv=0/0 dir_auth=1 state=1610612737|complete f(v2450 m2021-06-11 10:34:13.048394 1462=1462+0) n(v140 rc2021-06-11 10:34:13.048394 b6915808960 1462=1462+0) hs=1462+220,ss=0+0 dirty=438 | request=0 child=1 subtree=1 subtreetemp=0 replicated=1 dirty=1 authpin=0 0x5577b1223e00]
2021-06-11 11:46:24.315 7f98c396e700 0 mds.1.migrator nicely exporting to mds.0 [dir 0x1000001f566.111* /pg_xlog_archives/9.6/scarto/ [2,head] auth{0=4} v=129819 cv=0/0 dir_auth=1 state=1610612737|complete f(v2450 m2021-06-11 10:34:07.082749 1524=1524+0) n(v140 rc2021-06-11 10:34:07.082749 b7233059600 1524=1524+0) hs=1524+217,ss=0+0 dirty=450 | request=0 child=1 subtree=1 subtreetemp=0 replicated=1 dirty=1 authpin=0 0x5577b13c3400]
2021-06-11 11:46:29.315 7f98c196a700 0 mds.1.migrator nicely exporting to mds.0 [dir 0x1000001f566.010* /pg_xlog_archives/9.6/scarto/ [2,head] auth{0=4} v=129822 cv=0/0 dir_auth=1 state=1610612737|complete f(v2450 m2021-06-11 10:34:06.711439 1481=1481+0) n(v140 rc2021-06-11 10:34:06.711439 b6992467779 1481=1481+0) hs=1481+194,ss=0+0 dirty=427 | request=0 child=1 subtree=1 subtreetemp=0 replicated=1 dirty=1 authpin=0 0x5577b1222000]
2021-06-11 11:46:29.315 7f98c196a700 0 mds.1.migrator nicely exporting to mds.0 [dir 0x1000001f566.101* /pg_xlog_archives/9.6/scarto/ [2,head] auth{0=4} v=129848 cv=0/0 dir_auth=1 state=1610612737|complete f(v2450 m2021-06-11 10:34:07.746900 1449=1449+0) n(v140 rc2021-06-11 10:34:07.746900 b6868368857 1449=1449+0) hs=1449+227,ss=0+0 dirty=435 | request=0 child=1 subtree=1 subtreetemp=0 replicated=1 dirty=1 authpin=0 0x5577b1222a00]
2021-06-11 11:46:29.315 7f98c396e700 0 mds.1.migrator nicely exporting to mds.0 [dir 0x1000001f566.011* /pg_xlog_archives/9.6/scarto/ [2,head] auth{0=4} v=129838 cv=0/0 dir_auth=1 state=1610612737|complete f(v2450 m2021-06-11 10:34:13.048394 1462=1462+0) n(v140 rc2021-06-11 10:34:13.048394 b6915808960 1462=1462+0) hs=1462+220,ss=0+0 dirty=438 | request=0 child=1 subtree=1 subtreetemp=0 replicated=1 dirty=1 authpin=0 0x5577b1223e00]
2021-06-11 11:46:29.315 7f98c396e700 0 mds.1.migrator nicely exporting to mds.0 [dir 0x1000001f566.111* /pg_xlog_archives/9.6/scarto/ [2,head] auth{0=4} v=129819 cv=0/0 dir_auth=1 state=1610612737|complete f(v2450 m2021-06-11 10:34:07.082749 1524=1524+0) n(v140 rc2021-06-11 10:34:07.082749 b7233059600 1524=1524+0) hs=1524+217,ss=0+0 dirty=450 | request=0 child=1 subtree=1 subtreetemp=0 replicated=1 dirty=1 authpin=0 0x5577b13c3400]
2021-06-11 11:46:34.315 7f98c196a700 0 mds.1.migrator nicely exporting to mds.0 [dir 0x1000001f566.010* /pg_xlog_archives/9.6/scarto/ [2,head] auth{0=4} v=129822 cv=0/0 dir_auth=1 state=1610612737|complete f(v2450 m2021-06-11 10:34:06.711439 1481=1481+0) n(v140 rc2021-06-11 10:34:06.711439 b6992467779 1481=1481+0) hs=1481+194,ss=0+0 dirty=427 | request=0 child=1 subtree=1 subtreetemp=0 replicated=1 dirty=1 authpin=0 0x5577b1222000]
2021-06-11 11:46:34.315 7f98c196a700 0 mds.1.migrator nicely exporting to mds.0 [dir 0x1000001f566.101* /pg_xlog_archives/9.6/scarto/ [2,head] auth{0=4} v=129848 cv=0/0 dir_auth=1 state=1610612737|complete f(v2450 m2021-06-11 10:34:07.746900 1449=1449+0) n(v140 rc2021-06-11 10:34:07.746900 b6868368857 1449=1449+0) hs=1449+227,ss=0+0 dirty=435 | request=0 child=1 subtree=1 subtreetemp=0 replicated=1 dirty=1 authpin=0 0x5577b1222a00]
2021-06-11 11:46:34.315 7f98c396e700 0 mds.1.migrator nicely exporting to mds.0 [dir 0x1000001f566.011* /pg_xlog_archives/9.6/scarto/ [2,head] auth{0=4} v=129838 cv=0/0 dir_auth=1 state=1610612737|complete f(v2450 m2021-06-11 10:34:13.048394 1462=1462+0) n(v140 rc2021-06-11 10:34:13.048394 b6915808960 1462=1462+0) hs=1462+220,ss=0+0 dirty=438 | request=0 child=1 subtree=1 subtreetemp=0 replicated=1 dirty=1 authpin=0 0x5577b1223e00]
2021-06-11 11:46:34.315 7f98c396e700 0 mds.1.migrator nicely exporting to mds.0 [dir 0x1000001f566.111* /pg_xlog_archives/9.6/scarto/ [2,head] auth{0=4} v=129819 cv=0/0 dir_auth=1 state=1610612737|complete f(v2450 m2021-06-11 10:34:07.082749 1524=1524+0) n(v140 rc2021-06-11 10:34:07.082749 b7233059600 1524=1524+0) hs=1524+217,ss=0+0 dirty=450 | request=0 child=1 subtree=1 subtreetemp=0 replicated=1 dirty=1 authpin=0 0x5577b13c3400]
2021-06-11 11:46:39.315 7f98c196a700 0 mds.1.migrator nicely exporting to mds.0 [dir 0x1000001f566.010* /pg_xlog_archives/9.6/scarto/ [2,head] auth{0=4} v=129822 cv=0/0 dir_auth=1 state=1610612737|complete f(v2450 m2021-06-11 10:34:06.711439 1481=1481+0) n(v140 rc2021-06-11 10:34:06.711439 b6992467779 1481=1481+0) hs=1481+194,ss=0+0 dirty=427 | request=0 child=1 subtree=1 subtreetemp=0 replicated=1 dirty=1 authpin=0 0x5577b1222000]
2021-06-11 11:46:39.315 7f98c196a700 0 mds.1.migrator nicely exporting to mds.0 [dir 0x1000001f566.101* /pg_xlog_archives/9.6/scarto/ [2,head] auth{0=4} v=129848 cv=0/0 dir_auth=1 state=1610612737|complete f(v2450 m2021-06-11 10:34:07.746900 1449=1449+0) n(v140 rc2021-06-11 10:34:07.746900 b6868368857 1449=1449+0) hs=1449+227,ss=0+0 dirty=435 | request=0 child=1 subtree=1 subtreetemp=0 replicated=1 dirty=1 authpin=0 0x5577b1222a00]
2021-06-11 11:46:39.315 7f98c396e700 0 mds.1.migrator nicely exporting to mds.0 [dir 0x1000001f566.011* /pg_xlog_archives/9.6/scarto/ [2,head] auth{0=4} v=129838 cv=0/0 dir_auth=1 state=1610612737|complete f(v2450 m2021-06-11 10:34:13.048394 1462=1462+0) n(v140 rc2021-06-11 10:34:13.048394 b6915808960 1462=1462+0) hs=1462+220,ss=0+0 dirty=438 | request=0 child=1 subtree=1 subtreetemp=0 replicated=1 dirty=1 authpin=0 0x5577b1223e00]
2021-06-11 11:46:39.315 7f98c396e700 0 mds.1.migrator nicely exporting to mds.0 [dir 0x1000001f566.111* /pg_xlog_archives/9.6/scarto/ [2,head] auth{0=4} v=129819 cv=0/0 dir_auth=1 state=1610612737|complete f(v2450 m2021-06-11 10:34:07.082749 1524=1524+0) n(v140 rc2021-06-11 10:34:07.082749 b7233059600 1524=1524+0) hs=1524+217,ss=0+0 dirty=450 | request=0 child=1 subtree=1 subtreetemp=0 replicated=1 dirty=1 authpin=0 0x5577b13c3400]
2021-06-11 11:46:44.315 7f98c196a700 0 mds.1.migrator nicely exporting to mds.0 [dir 0x1000001f566.010* /pg_xlog_archives/9.6/scarto/ [2,head] auth{0=4} v=129822 cv=0/0 dir_auth=1 state=1610612737|complete f(v2450 m2021-06-11 10:34:06.711439 1481=1481+0) n(v140 rc2021-06-11 10:34:06.711439 b6992467779 1481=1481+0) hs=1481+194,ss=0+0 dirty=427 | request=0 child=1 subtree=1 subtreetemp=0 replicated=1 dirty=1 authpin=0 0x5577b1222000]
2021-06-11 11:46:44.315 7f98c196a700 0 mds.1.migrator nicely exporting to mds.0 [dir 0x1000001f566.101* /pg_xlog_archives/9.6/scarto/ [2,head] auth{0=4} v=129848 cv=0/0 dir_auth=1 state=1610612737|complete f(v2450 m2021-06-11 10:34:07.746900 1449=1449+0) n(v140 rc2021-06-11 10:34:07.746900 b6868368857 1449=1449+0) hs=1449+227,ss=0+0 dirty=435 | request=0 child=1 subtree=1 subtreetemp=0 replicated=1 dirty=1 authpin=0 0x5577b1222a00]
2021-06-11 11:46:44.315 7f98c396e700 0 mds.1.migrator nicely exporting to mds.0 [dir 0x1000001f566.011* /pg_xlog_archives/9.6/scarto/ [2,head] auth{0=4} v=129838 cv=0/0 dir_auth=1 state=1610612737|complete f(v2450 m2021-06-11 10:34:13.048394 1462=1462+0) n(v140 rc2021-06-11 10:34:13.048394 b6915808960 1462=1462+0) hs=1462+220,ss=0+0 dirty=438 | request=0 child=1 subtree=1 subtreetemp=0 replicated=1 dirty=1 authpin=0 0x5577b1223e00]
2021-06-11 11:46:44.319 7f98c396e700 0 mds.1.migrator nicely exporting to mds.0 [dir 0x1000001f566.111* /pg_xlog_archives/9.6/scarto/ [2,head] auth{0=4} v=129819 cv=0/0 dir_auth=1 state=1610612737|complete f(v2450 m2021-06-11 10:34:07.082749 1524=1524+0) n(v140 rc2021-06-11 10:34:07.082749 b7233059600 1524=1524+0) hs=1524+217,ss=0+0 dirty=450 | request=0 child=1 subtree=1 subtreetemp=0 replicated=1 dirty=1 authpin=0 0x5577b13c3400]
2021-06-11 11:46:49.315 7f98c196a700 0 mds.1.migrator nicely exporting to mds.0 [dir 0x1000001f566.010* /pg_xlog_archives/9.6/scarto/ [2,head] auth{0=4} v=129822 cv=0/0 dir_auth=1 state=1610612737|complete f(v2450 m2021-06-11 10:34:06.711439 1481=1481+0) n(v140 rc2021-06-11 10:34:06.711439 b6992467779 1481=1481+0) hs=1481+194,ss=0+0 dirty=427 | request=0 child=1 subtree=1 subtreetemp=0 replicated=1 dirty=1 authpin=0 0x5577b1222000]
2021-06-11 11:46:49.315 7f98c196a700 0 mds.1.migrator nicely exporting to mds.0 [dir 0x1000001f566.101* /pg_xlog_archives/9.6/scarto/ [2,head] auth{0=4} v=129848 cv=0/0 dir_auth=1 state=1610612737|complete f(v2450 m2021-06-11 10:34:07.746900 1449=1449+0) n(v140 rc2021-06-11 10:34:07.746900 b6868368857 1449=1449+0) hs=1449+227,ss=0+0 dirty=435 | request=0 child=1 subtree=1 subtreetemp=0 replicated=1 dirty=1 authpin=0 0x5577b1222a00]
2021-06-11 11:46:49.315 7f98c396e700 0 mds.1.migrator nicely exporting to mds.0 [dir 0x1000001f566.011* /pg_xlog_archives/9.6/scarto/ [2,head] auth{0=4} v=129838 cv=0/0 dir_auth=1 state=1610612737|complete f(v2450 m2021-06-11 10:34:13.048394 1462=1462+0) n(v140 rc2021-06-11 10:34:13.048394 b6915808960 1462=1462+0) hs=1462+220,ss=0+0 dirty=438 | request=0 child=1 subtree=1 subtreetemp=0 replicated=1 dirty=1 authpin=0 0x5577b1223e00]
2021-06-11 11:46:49.319 7f98c396e700 0 mds.1.migrator nicely exporting to mds.0 [dir 0x1000001f566.111* /pg_xlog_archives/9.6/scarto/ [2,head] auth{0=4} v=129819 cv=0/0 dir_auth=1 state=1610612737|complete f(v2450 m2021-06-11 10:34:07.082749 1524=1524+0) n(v140 rc2021-06-11 10:34:07.082749 b7233059600 1524=1524+0) hs=1524+217,ss=0+0 dirty=450 | request=0 child=1 subtree=1 subtreetemp=0 replicated=1 dirty=1 authpin=0 0x5577b13c3400]
2021-06-11 11:46:54.316 7f98c196a700 0 mds.1.migrator nicely exporting to mds.0 [dir 0x1000001f566.010* /pg_xlog_archives/9.6/scarto/ [2,head] auth{0=4} v=129822 cv=0/0 dir_auth=1 state=1610612737|complete f(v2450 m2021-06-11 10:34:06.711439 1481=1481+0) n(v140 rc2021-06-11 10:34:06.711439 b6992467779 1481=1481+0) hs=1481+194,ss=0+0 dirty=427 | request=0 child=1 subtree=1 subtreetemp=0 replicated=1 dirty=1 authpin=0 0x5577b1222000]
2021-06-11 11:46:54.316 7f98c196a700 0 mds.1.migrator nicely exporting to mds.0 [dir 0x1000001f566.101* /pg_xlog_archives/9.6/scarto/ [2,head] auth{0=4} v=129848 cv=0/0 dir_auth=1 state=1610612737|complete f(v2450 m2021-06-11 10:34:07.746900 1449=1449+0) n(v140 rc2021-06-11 10:34:07.746900 b6868368857 1449=1449+0) hs=1449+227,ss=0+0 dirty=435 | request=0 child=1 subtree=1 subtreetemp=0 replicated=1 dirty=1 authpin=0 0x5577b1222a00]
2021-06-11 11:46:54.320 7f98c396e700 0 mds.1.migrator nicely exporting to mds.0 [dir 0x1000001f566.011* /pg_xlog_archives/9.6/scarto/ [2,head] auth{0=4} v=129838 cv=0/0 dir_auth=1 state=1610612737|complete f(v2450 m2021-06-11 10:34:13.048394 1462=1462+0) n(v140 rc2021-06-11 10:34:13.048394 b6915808960 1462=1462+0) hs=1462+220,ss=0+0 dirty=438 | request=0 child=1 subtree=1 subtreetemp=0 replicated=1 dirty=1 authpin=0 0x5577b1223e00]
2021-06-11 11:46:54.320 7f98c396e700 0 mds.1.migrator nicely exporting to mds.0 [dir 0x1000001f566.111* /pg_xlog_archives/9.6/scarto/ [2,head] auth{0=4} v=129819 cv=0/0 dir_auth=1 state=1610612737|complete f(v2450 m2021-06-11 10:34:07.082749 1524=1524+0) n(v140 rc2021-06-11 10:34:07.082749 b7233059600 1524=1524+0) hs=1524+217,ss=0+0 dirty=450 | request=0 child=1 subtree=1 subtreetemp=0 replicated=1 dirty=1 authpin=0 0x5577b13c3400]
2021-06-11 11:46:59.316 7f98c196a700 0 mds.1.migrator nicely exporting to mds.0 [dir 0x1000001f566.010* /pg_xlog_archives/9.6/scarto/ [2,head] auth{0=4} v=129822 cv=0/0 dir_auth=1 state=1610612737|complete f(v2450 m2021-06-11 10:34:06.711439 1481=1481+0) n(v140 rc2021-06-11 10:34:06.711439 b6992467779 1481=1481+0) hs=1481+194,ss=0+0 dirty=427 | request=0 child=1 subtree=1 subtreetemp=0 replicated=1 dirty=1 authpin=0 0x5577b1222000]
2021-06-11 11:46:59.316 7f98c196a700 0 mds.1.migrator nicely exporting to mds.0 [dir 0x1000001f566.101* /pg_xlog_archives/9.6/scarto/ [2,head] auth{0=4} v=129848 cv=0/0 dir_auth=1 state=1610612737|complete f(v2450 m2021-06-11 10:34:07.746900 1449=1449+0) n(v140 rc2021-06-11 10:34:07.746900 b6868368857 1449=1449+0) hs=1449+227,ss=0+0 dirty=435 | request=0 child=1 subtree=1 subtreetemp=0 replicated=1 dirty=1 authpin=0 0x5577b1222a00]
2021-06-11 11:46:59.320 7f98c396e700 0 mds.1.migrator nicely exporting to mds.0 [dir 0x1000001f566.011* /pg_xlog_archives/9.6/scarto/ [2,head] auth{0=4} v=129838 cv=0/0 dir_auth=1 state=1610612737|complete f(v2450 m2021-06-11 10:34:13.048394 1462=1462+0) n(v140 rc2021-06-11 10:34:13.048394 b6915808960 1462=1462+0) hs=1462+220,ss=0+0 dirty=438 | request=0 child=1 subtree=1 subtreetemp=0 replicated=1 dirty=1 authpin=0 0x5577b1223e00]
2021-06-11 11:46:59.320 7f98c396e700 0 mds.1.migrator nicely exporting to mds.0 [dir 0x1000001f566.111* /pg_xlog_archives/9.6/scarto/ [2,head] auth{0=4} v=129819 cv=0/0 dir_auth=1 state=1610612737|complete f(v2450 m2021-06-11 10:34:07.082749 1524=1524+0) n(v140 rc2021-06-11 10:34:07.082749 b7233059600 1524=1524+0) hs=1524+217,ss=0+0 dirty=450 | request=0 child=1 subtree=1 subtreetemp=0 replicated=1 dirty=1 authpin=0 0x5577b13c3400]
2021-06-11 11:47:04.316 7f98c196a700 0 mds.1.migrator nicely exporting to mds.0 [dir 0x1000001f566.010* /pg_xlog_archives/9.6/scarto/ [2,head] auth{0=4} v=129822 cv=0/0 dir_auth=1 state=1610612737|complete f(v2450 m2021-06-11 10:34:06.711439 1481=1481+0) n(v140 rc2021-06-11 10:34:06.711439 b6992467779 1481=1481+0) hs=1481+194,ss=0+0 dirty=427 | request=0 child=1 subtree=1 subtreetemp=0 replicated=1 dirty=1 authpin=0 0x5577b1222000]
2021-06-11 11:47:04.316 7f98c196a700 0 mds.1.migrator nicely exporting to mds.0 [dir 0x1000001f566.101* /pg_xlog_archives/9.6/scarto/ [2,head] auth{0=4} v=129848 cv=0/0 dir_auth=1 state=1610612737|complete f(v2450 m2021-06-11 10:34:07.746900 1449=1449+0) n(v140 rc2021-06-11 10:34:07.746900 b6868368857 1449=1449+0) hs=1449+227,ss=0+0 dirty=435 | request=0 child=1 subtree=1 subtreetemp=0 replicated=1 dirty=1 authpin=0 0x5577b1222a00]
2021-06-11 11:47:04.320 7f98c396e700 0 mds.1.migrator nicely exporting to mds.0 [dir 0x1000001f566.011* /pg_xlog_archives/9.6/scarto/ [2,head] auth{0=4} v=129838 cv=0/0 dir_auth=1 state=1610612737|complete f(v2450 m2021-06-11 10:34:13.048394 1462=1462+0) n(v140 rc2021-06-11 10:34:13.048394 b6915808960 1462=1462+0) hs=1462+220,ss=0+0 dirty=438 | request=0 child=1 subtree=1 subtreetemp=0 replicated=1 dirty=1 authpin=0 0x5577b1223e00]
2021-06-11 11:47:04.320 7f98c396e700 0 mds.1.migrator nicely exporting to mds.0 [dir 0x1000001f566.111* /pg_xlog_archives/9.6/scarto/ [2,head] auth{0=4} v=129819 cv=0/0 dir_auth=1 state=1610612737|complete f(v2450 m2021-06-11 10:34:07.082749 1524=1524+0) n(v140 rc2021-06-11 10:34:07.082749 b7233059600 1524=1524+0) hs=1524+217,ss=0+0 dirty=450 | request=0 child=1 subtree=1 subtreetemp=0 replicated=1 dirty=1 authpin=0 0x5577b13c3400]
2021-06-11 11:47:09.316 7f98c196a700 0 mds.1.migrator nicely exporting to mds.0 [dir 0x1000001f566.010* /pg_xlog_archives/9.6/scarto/ [2,head] auth{0=4} v=129822 cv=0/0 dir_auth=1 state=1610612737|complete f(v2450 m2021-06-11 10:34:06.711439 1481=1481+0) n(v140 rc2021-06-11 10:34:06.711439 b6992467779 1481=1481+0) hs=1481+194,ss=0+0 dirty=427 | request=0 child=1 subtree=1 subtreetemp=0 replicated=1 dirty=1 authpin=0 0x5577b1222000]
2021-06-11 11:47:09.316 7f98c196a700 0 mds.1.migrator nicely exporting to mds.0 [dir 0x1000001f566.101* /pg_xlog_archives/9.6/scarto/ [2,head] auth{0=4} v=129848 cv=0/0 dir_auth=1 state=1610612737|complete f(v2450 m2021-06-11 10:34:07.746900 1449=1449+0) n(v140 rc2021-06-11 10:34:07.746900 b6868368857 1449=1449+0) hs=1449+227,ss=0+0 dirty=435 | request=0 child=1 subtree=1 subtreetemp=0 replicated=1 dirty=1 authpin=0 0x5577b1222a00]
2021-06-11 11:47:09.320 7f98c396e700 0 mds.1.migrator nicely exporting to mds.0 [dir 0x1000001f566.011* /pg_xlog_archives/9.6/scarto/ [2,head] auth{0=4} v=129838 cv=0/0 dir_auth=1 state=1610612737|complete f(v2450 m2021-06-11 10:34:13.048394 1462=1462+0) n(v140 rc2021-06-11 10:34:13.048394 b6915808960 1462=1462+0) hs=1462+220,ss=0+0 dirty=438 | request=0 child=1 subtree=1 subtreetemp=0 replicated=1 dirty=1 authpin=0 0x5577b1223e00]
2021-06-11 11:47:09.320 7f98c396e700 0 mds.1.migrator nicely exporting to mds.0 [dir 0x1000001f566.111* /pg_xlog_archives/9.6/scarto/ [2,head] auth{0=4} v=129819 cv=0/0 dir_auth=1 state=1610612737|complete f(v2450 m2021-06-11 10:34:07.082749 1524=1524+0) n(v140 rc2021-06-11 10:34:07.082749 b7233059600 1524=1524+0) hs=1524+217,ss=0+0 dirty=450 | request=0 child=1 subtree=1 subtreetemp=0 replicated=1 dirty=1 authpin=0 0x5577b13c3400]
2021-06-11 11:47:14.316 7f98c196a700 0 mds.1.migrator nicely exporting to mds.0 [dir 0x1000001f566.010* /pg_xlog_archives/9.6/scarto/ [2,head] auth{0=4} v=129822 cv=0/0 dir_auth=1 state=1610612737|complete f(v2450 m2021-06-11 10:34:06.711439 1481=1481+0) n(v140 rc2021-06-11 10:34:06.711439 b6992467779 1481=1481+0) hs=1481+194,ss=0+0 dirty=427 | request=0 child=1 subtree=1 subtreetemp=0 replicated=1 dirty=1 authpin=0 0x5577b1222000]
2021-06-11 11:47:14.316 7f98c196a700 0 mds.1.migrator nicely exporting to mds.0 [dir 0x1000001f566.101* /pg_xlog_archives/9.6/scarto/ [2,head] auth{0=4} v=129848 cv=0/0 dir_auth=1 state=1610612737|complete f(v2450 m2021-06-11 10:34:07.746900 1449=1449+0) n(v140 rc2021-06-11 10:34:07.746900 b6868368857 1449=1449+0) hs=1449+227,ss=0+0 dirty=435 | request=0 child=1 subtree=1 subtreetemp=0 replicated=1 dirty=1 authpin=0 0x5577b1222a00]
2021-06-11 11:47:14.320 7f98c396e700 0 mds.1.migrator nicely exporting to mds.0 [dir 0x1000001f566.011* /pg_xlog_archives/9.6/scarto/ [2,head] auth{0=4} v=129838 cv=0/0 dir_auth=1 state=1610612737|complete f(v2450 m2021-06-11 10:34:13.048394 1462=1462+0) n(v140 rc2021-06-11 10:34:13.048394 b6915808960 1462=1462+0) hs=1462+220,ss=0+0 dirty=438 | request=0 child=1 subtree=1 subtreetemp=0 replicated=1 dirty=1 authpin=0 0x5577b1223e00]
2021-06-11 11:47:14.320 7f98c396e700 0 mds.1.migrator nicely exporting to mds.0 [dir 0x1000001f566.111* /pg_xlog_archives/9.6/scarto/ [2,head] auth{0=4} v=129819 cv=0/0 dir_auth=1 state=1610612737|complete f(v2450 m2021-06-11 10:34:07.082749 1524=1524+0) n(v140 rc2021-06-11 10:34:07.082749 b7233059600 1524=1524+0) hs=1524+217,ss=0+0 dirty=450 | request=0 child=1 subtree=1 subtreetemp=0 replicated=1 dirty=1 authpin=0 0x5577b13c3400]
2021-06-11 11:47:19.320 7f98c196a700 0 mds.1.migrator nicely exporting to mds.0 [dir 0x1000001f566.010* /pg_xlog_archives/9.6/scarto/ [2,head] auth{0=4} v=129822 cv=0/0 dir_auth=1 state=1610612737|complete f(v2450 m2021-06-11 10:34:06.711439 1481=1481+0) n(v140 rc2021-06-11 10:34:06.711439 b6992467779 1481=1481+0) hs=1481+194,ss=0+0 dirty=427 | request=0 child=1 subtree=1 subtreetemp=0 replicated=1 dirty=1 authpin=0 0x5577b1222000]
2021-06-11 11:47:19.320 7f98c196a700 0 mds.1.migrator nicely exporting to mds.0 [dir 0x1000001f566.101* /pg_xlog_archives/9.6/scarto/ [2,head] auth{0=4} v=129848 cv=0/0 dir_auth=1 state=1610612737|complete f(v2450 m2021-06-11 10:34:07.746900 1449=1449+0) n(v140 rc2021-06-11 10:34:07.746900 b6868368857 1449=1449+0) hs=1449+227,ss=0+0 dirty=435 | request=0 child=1 subtree=1 subtreetemp=0 replicated=1 dirty=1 authpin=0 0x5577b1222a00]
2021-06-11 11:47:19.320 7f98c396e700 0 mds.1.migrator nicely exporting to mds.0 [dir 0x1000001f566.011* /pg_xlog_archives/9.6/scarto/ [2,head] auth{0=4} v=129838 cv=0/0 dir_auth=1 state=1610612737|complete f(v2450 m2021-06-11 10:34:13.048394 1462=1462+0) n(v140 rc2021-06-11 10:34:13.048394 b6915808960 1462=1462+0) hs=1462+220,ss=0+0 dirty=438 | request=0 child=1 subtree=1 subtreetemp=0 replicated=1 dirty=1 authpin=0 0x5577b1223e00]
2021-06-11 11:47:19.320 7f98c396e700 0 mds.1.migrator nicely exporting to mds.0 [dir 0x1000001f566.111* /pg_xlog_archives/9.6/scarto/ [2,head] auth{0=4} v=129819 cv=0/0 dir_auth=1 state=1610612737|complete f(v2450 m2021-06-11 10:34:07.082749 1524=1524+0) n(v140 rc2021-06-11 10:34:07.082749 b7233059600 1524=1524+0) hs=1524+217,ss=0+0 dirty=450 | request=0 child=1 subtree=1 subtreetemp=0 replicated=1 dirty=1 authpin=0 0x5577b13c3400]
2021-06-11 11:47:24.316 7f98c196a700 0 mds.1.migrator nicely exporting to mds.0 [dir 0x1000001f566.010* /pg_xlog_archives/9.6/scarto/ [2,head] auth{0=4} v=129822 cv=0/0 dir_auth=1 state=1610612737|complete f(v2450 m2021-06-11 10:34:06.711439 1481=1481+0) n(v140 rc2021-06-11 10:34:06.711439 b6992467779 1481=1481+0) hs=1481+194,ss=0+0 dirty=427 | request=0 child=1 subtree=1 subtreetemp=0 replicated=1 dirty=1 authpin=0 0x5577b1222000]
2021-06-11 11:47:24.320 7f98c196a700 0 mds.1.migrator nicely exporting to mds.0 [dir 0x1000001f566.101* /pg_xlog_archives/9.6/scarto/ [2,head] auth{0=4} v=129848 cv=0/0 dir_auth=1 state=1610612737|complete f(v2450 m2021-06-11 10:34:07.746900 1449=1449+0) n(v140 rc2021-06-11 10:34:07.746900 b6868368857 1449=1449+0) hs=1449+227,ss=0+0 dirty=435 | request=0 child=1 subtree=1 subtreetemp=0 replicated=1 dirty=1 authpin=0 0x5577b1222a00]
2021-06-11 11:47:24.320 7f98c396e700 0 mds.1.migrator nicely exporting to mds.0 [dir 0x1000001f566.011* /pg_xlog_archives/9.6/scarto/ [2,head] auth{0=4} v=129838 cv=0/0 dir_auth=1 state=1610612737|complete f(v2450 m2021-06-11 10:34:13.048394 1462=1462+0) n(v140 rc2021-06-11 10:34:13.048394 b6915808960 1462=1462+0) hs=1462+220,ss=0+0 dirty=438 | request=0 child=1 subtree=1 subtreetemp=0 replicated=1 dirty=1 authpin=0 0x5577b1223e00]
2021-06-11 11:47:24.320 7f98c396e700 0 mds.1.migrator nicely exporting to mds.0 [dir 0x1000001f566.111* /pg_xlog_archives/9.6/scarto/ [2,head] auth{0=4} v=129819 cv=0/0 dir_auth=1 state=1610612737|complete f(v2450 m2021-06-11 10:34:07.082749 1524=1524+0) n(v140 rc2021-06-11 10:34:07.082749 b7233059600 1524=1524+0) hs=1524+217,ss=0+0 dirty=450 | request=0 child=1 subtree=1 subtreetemp=0 replicated=1 dirty=1 authpin=0 0x5577b13c3400]
2021-06-11 11:47:29.320 7f98c196a700 0 mds.1.migrator nicely exporting to mds.0 [dir 0x1000001f566.010* /pg_xlog_archives/9.6/scarto/ [2,head] auth{0=4} v=129822 cv=0/0 dir_auth=1 state=1610612737|complete f(v2450 m2021-06-11 10:34:06.711439 1481=1481+0) n(v140 rc2021-06-11 10:34:06.711439 b6992467779 1481=1481+0) hs=1481+194,ss=0+0 dirty=427 | request=0 child=1 subtree=1 subtreetemp=0 replicated=1 dirty=1 authpin=0 0x5577b1222000]
2021-06-11 11:47:29.320 7f98c196a700 0 mds.1.migrator nicely exporting to mds.0 [dir 0x1000001f566.101* /pg_xlog_archives/9.6/scarto/ [2,head] auth{0=4} v=129848 cv=0/0 dir_auth=1 state=1610612737|complete f(v2450 m2021-06-11 10:34:07.746900 1449=1449+0) n(v140 rc2021-06-11 10:34:07.746900 b6868368857 1449=1449+0) hs=1449+227,ss=0+0 dirty=435 | request=0 child=1 subtree=1 subtreetemp=0 replicated=1 dirty=1 authpin=0 0x5577b1222a00]
2021-06-11 11:47:29.320 7f98c396e700 0 mds.1.migrator nicely exporting to mds.0 [dir 0x1000001f566.011* /pg_xlog_archives/9.6/scarto/ [2,head] auth{0=4} v=129838 cv=0/0 dir_auth=1 state=1610612737|complete f(v2450 m2021-06-11 10:34:13.048394 1462=1462+0) n(v140 rc2021-06-11 10:34:13.048394 b6915808960 1462=1462+0) hs=1462+220,ss=0+0 dirty=438 | request=0 child=1 subtree=1 subtreetemp=0 replicated=1 dirty=1 authpin=0 0x5577b1223e00]
2021-06-11 11:47:29.320 7f98c396e700 0 mds.1.migrator nicely exporting to mds.0 [dir 0x1000001f566.111* /pg_xlog_archives/9.6/scarto/ [2,head] auth{0=4} v=129819 cv=0/0 dir_auth=1 state=1610612737|complete f(v2450 m2021-06-11 10:34:07.082749 1524=1524+0) n(v140 rc2021-06-11 10:34:07.082749 b7233059600 1524=1524+0) hs=1524+217,ss=0+0 dirty=450 | request=0 child=1 subtree=1 subtreetemp=0 replicated=1 dirty=1 authpin=0 0x5577b13c3400]
2021-06-11 11:47:34.320 7f98c196a700 0 mds.1.migrator nicely exporting to mds.0 [dir 0x1000001f566.010* /pg_xlog_archives/9.6/scarto/ [2,head] auth{0=4} v=129822 cv=0/0 dir_auth=1 state=1610612737|complete f(v2450 m2021-06-11 10:34:06.711439 1481=1481+0) n(v140 rc2021-06-11 10:34:06.711439 b6992467779 1481=1481+0) hs=1481+194,ss=0+0 dirty=427 | request=0 child=1 subtree=1 subtreetemp=0 replicated=1 dirty=1 authpin=0 0x5577b1222000]
2021-06-11 11:47:34.320 7f98c196a700 0 mds.1.migrator nicely exporting to mds.0 [dir 0x1000001f566.101* /pg_xlog_archives/9.6/scarto/ [2,head] auth{0=4} v=129848 cv=0/0 dir_auth=1 state=1610612737|complete f(v2450 m2021-06-11 10:34:07.746900 1449=1449+0) n(v140 rc2021-06-11 10:34:07.746900 b6868368857 1449=1449+0) hs=1449+227,ss=0+0 dirty=435 | request=0 child=1 subtree=1 subtreetemp=0 replicated=1 dirty=1 authpin=0 0x5577b1222a00]
2021-06-11 11:47:34.320 7f98c396e700 0 mds.1.migrator nicely exporting to mds.0 [dir 0x1000001f566.011* /pg_xlog_archives/9.6/scarto/ [2,head] auth{0=4} v=129838 cv=0/0 dir_auth=1 state=1610612737|complete f(v2450 m2021-06-11 10:34:13.048394 1462=1462+0) n(v140 rc2021-06-11 10:34:13.048394 b6915808960 1462=1462+0) hs=1462+220,ss=0+0 dirty=438 | request=0 child=1 subtree=1 subtreetemp=0 replicated=1 dirty=1 authpin=0 0x5577b1223e00]
2021-06-11 11:47:34.320 7f98c396e700 0 mds.1.migrator nicely exporting to mds.0 [dir 0x1000001f566.111* /pg_xlog_archives/9.6/scarto/ [2,head] auth{0=4} v=129819 cv=0/0 dir_auth=1 state=1610612737|complete f(v2450 m2021-06-11 10:34:07.082749 1524=1524+0) n(v140 rc2021-06-11 10:34:07.082749 b7233059600 1524=1524+0) hs=1524+217,ss=0+0 dirty=450 | request=0 child=1 subtree=1 subtreetemp=0 replicated=1 dirty=1 authpin=0 0x5577b13c3400]
2021-06-11 11:47:39.320 7f98c196a700 0 mds.1.migrator nicely exporting to mds.0 [dir 0x1000001f566.010* /pg_xlog_archives/9.6/scarto/ [2,head] auth{0=4} v=129822 cv=0/0 dir_auth=1 state=1610612737|complete f(v2450 m2021-06-11 10:34:06.711439 1481=1481+0) n(v140 rc2021-06-11 10:34:06.711439 b6992467779 1481=1481+0) hs=1481+194,ss=0+0 dirty=427 | request=0 child=1 subtree=1 subtreetemp=0 replicated=1 dirty=1 authpin=0 0x5577b1222000]
2021-06-11 11:47:39.320 7f98c196a700 0 mds.1.migrator nicely exporting to mds.0 [dir 0x1000001f566.101* /pg_xlog_archives/9.6/scarto/ [2,head] auth{0=4} v=129848 cv=0/0 dir_auth=1 state=1610612737|complete f(v2450 m2021-06-11 10:34:07.746900 1449=1449+0) n(v140 rc2021-06-11 10:34:07.746900 b6868368857 1449=1449+0) hs=1449+227,ss=0+0 dirty=435 | request=0 child=1 subtree=1 subtreetemp=0 replicated=1 dirty=1 authpin=0 0x5577b1222a00]
2021-06-11 11:47:39.320 7f98c396e700 0 mds.1.migrator nicely exporting to mds.0 [dir 0x1000001f566.011* /pg_xlog_archives/9.6/scarto/ [2,head] auth{0=4} v=129838 cv=0/0 dir_auth=1 state=1610612737|complete f(v2450 m2021-06-11 10:34:13.048394 1462=1462+0) n(v140 rc2021-06-11 10:34:13.048394 b6915808960 1462=1462+0) hs=1462+220,ss=0+0 dirty=438 | request=0 child=1 subtree=1 subtreetemp=0 replicated=1 dirty=1 authpin=0 0x5577b1223e00]
2021-06-11 11:47:39.320 7f98c396e700 0 mds.1.migrator nicely exporting to mds.0 [dir 0x1000001f566.111* /pg_xlog_archives/9.6/scarto/ [2,head] auth{0=4} v=129819 cv=0/0 dir_auth=1 state=1610612737|complete f(v2450 m2021-06-11 10:34:07.082749 1524=1524+0) n(v140 rc2021-06-11 10:34:07.082749 b7233059600 1524=1524+0) hs=1524+217,ss=0+0 dirty=450 | request=0 child=1 subtree=1 subtreetemp=0 replicated=1 dirty=1 authpin=0 0x5577b13c3400]
2021-06-11 11:47:44.320 7f98c196a700 0 mds.1.migrator nicely exporting to mds.0 [dir 0x1000001f566.010* /pg_xlog_archives/9.6/scarto/ [2,head] auth{0=4} v=129822 cv=0/0 dir_auth=1 state=1610612737|complete f(v2450 m2021-06-11 10:34:06.711439 1481=1481+0) n(v140 rc2021-06-11 10:34:06.711439 b6992467779 1481=1481+0) hs=1481+194,ss=0+0 dirty=427 | request=0 child=1 subtree=1 subtreetemp=0 replicated=1 dirty=1 authpin=0 0x5577b1222000]
2021-06-11 11:47:44.320 7f98c196a700 0 mds.1.migrator nicely exporting to mds.0 [dir 0x1000001f566.101* /pg_xlog_archives/9.6/scarto/ [2,head] auth{0=4} v=129848 cv=0/0 dir_auth=1 state=1610612737|complete f(v2450 m2021-06-11 10:34:07.746900 1449=1449+0) n(v140 rc2021-06-11 10:34:07.746900 b6868368857 1449=1449+0) hs=1449+227,ss=0+0 dirty=435 | request=0 child=1 subtree=1 subtreetemp=0 replicated=1 dirty=1 authpin=0 0x5577b1222a00]
2021-06-11 11:47:44.320 7f98c396e700 0 mds.1.migrator nicely exporting to mds.0 [dir 0x1000001f566.011* /pg_xlog_archives/9.6/scarto/ [2,head] auth{0=4} v=129838 cv=0/0 dir_auth=1 state=1610612737|complete f(v2450 m2021-06-11 10:34:13.048394 1462=1462+0) n(v140 rc2021-06-11 10:34:13.048394 b6915808960 1462=1462+0) hs=1462+220,ss=0+0 dirty=438 | request=0 child=1 subtree=1 subtreetemp=0 replicated=1 dirty=1 authpin=0 0x5577b1223e00]
2021-06-11 11:47:44.320 7f98c396e700 0 mds.1.migrator nicely exporting to mds.0 [dir 0x1000001f566.111* /pg_xlog_archives/9.6/scarto/ [2,head] auth{0=4} v=129819 cv=0/0 dir_auth=1 state=1610612737|complete f(v2450 m2021-06-11 10:34:07.082749 1524=1524+0) n(v140 rc2021-06-11 10:34:07.082749 b7233059600 1524=1524+0) hs=1524+217,ss=0+0 dirty=450 | request=0 child=1 subtree=1 subtreetemp=0 replicated=1 dirty=1 authpin=0 0x5577b13c3400]
2021-06-11 11:47:49.320 7f98c196a700 0 mds.1.migrator nicely exporting to mds.0 [dir 0x1000001f566.010* /pg_xlog_archives/9.6/scarto/ [2,head] auth{0=4} v=129822 cv=0/0 dir_auth=1 state=1610612737|complete f(v2450 m2021-06-11 10:34:06.711439 1481=1481+0) n(v140 rc2021-06-11 10:34:06.711439 b6992467779 1481=1481+0) hs=1481+194,ss=0+0 dirty=427 | request=0 child=1 subtree=1 subtreetemp=0 replicated=1 dirty=1 authpin=0 0x5577b1222000]
2021-06-11 11:47:49.320 7f98c196a700 0 mds.1.migrator nicely exporting to mds.0 [dir 0x1000001f566.101* /pg_xlog_archives/9.6/scarto/ [2,head] auth{0=4} v=129848 cv=0/0 dir_auth=1 state=1610612737|complete f(v2450 m2021-06-11 10:34:07.746900 1449=1449+0) n(v140 rc2021-06-11 10:34:07.746900 b6868368857 1449=1449+0) hs=1449+227,ss=0+0 dirty=435 | request=0 child=1 subtree=1 subtreetemp=0 replicated=1 dirty=1 authpin=0 0x5577b1222a00]
2021-06-11 11:47:49.320 7f98c396e700 0 mds.1.migrator nicely exporting to mds.0 [dir 0x1000001f566.011* /pg_xlog_archives/9.6/scarto/ [2,head] auth{0=4} v=129838 cv=0/0 dir_auth=1 state=1610612737|complete f(v2450 m2021-06-11 10:34:13.048394 1462=1462+0) n(v140 rc2021-06-11 10:34:13.048394 b6915808960 1462=1462+0) hs=1462+220,ss=0+0 dirty=438 | request=0 child=1 subtree=1 subtreetemp=0 replicated=1 dirty=1 authpin=0 0x5577b1223e00]
2021-06-11 11:47:49.320 7f98c396e700 0 mds.1.migrator nicely exporting to mds.0 [dir 0x1000001f566.111* /pg_xlog_archives/9.6/scarto/ [2,head] auth{0=4} v=129819 cv=0/0 dir_auth=1 state=1610612737|complete f(v2450 m2021-06-11 10:34:07.082749 1524=1524+0) n(v140 rc2021-06-11 10:34:07.082749 b7233059600 1524=1524+0) hs=1524+217,ss=0+0 dirty=450 | request=0 child=1 subtree=1 subtreetemp=0 replicated=1 dirty=1 authpin=0 0x5577b13c3400]
2021-06-11 11:47:54.320 7f98c196a700 0 mds.1.migrator nicely exporting to mds.0 [dir 0x1000001f566.010* /pg_xlog_archives/9.6/scarto/ [2,head] auth{0=4} v=129822 cv=0/0 dir_auth=1 state=1610612737|complete f(v2450 m2021-06-11 10:34:06.711439 1481=1481+0) n(v140 rc2021-06-11 10:34:06.711439 b6992467779 1481=1481+0) hs=1481+194,ss=0+0 dirty=427 | request=0 child=1 subtree=1 subtreetemp=0 replicated=1 dirty=1 authpin=0 0x5577b1222000]
2021-06-11 11:47:54.320 7f98c196a700 0 mds.1.migrator nicely exporting to mds.0 [dir 0x1000001f566.101* /pg_xlog_archives/9.6/scarto/ [2,head] auth{0=4} v=129848 cv=0/0 dir_auth=1 state=1610612737|complete f(v2450 m2021-06-11 10:34:07.746900 1449=1449+0) n(v140 rc2021-06-11 10:34:07.746900 b6868368857 1449=1449+0) hs=1449+227,ss=0+0 dirty=435 | request=0 child=1 subtree=1 subtreetemp=0 replicated=1 dirty=1 authpin=0 0x5577b1222a00]
2021-06-11 11:47:54.320 7f98c396e700 0 mds.1.migrator nicely exporting to mds.0 [dir 0x1000001f566.011* /pg_xlog_archives/9.6/scarto/ [2,head] auth{0=4} v=129838 cv=0/0 dir_auth=1 state=1610612737|complete f(v2450 m2021-06-11 10:34:13.048394 1462=1462+0) n(v140 rc2021-06-11 10:34:13.048394 b6915808960 1462=1462+0) hs=1462+220,ss=0+0 dirty=438 | request=0 child=1 subtree=1 subtreetemp=0 replicated=1 dirty=1 authpin=0 0x5577b1223e00]
2021-06-11 11:47:54.320 7f98c396e700 0 mds.1.migrator nicely exporting to mds.0 [dir 0x1000001f566.111* /pg_xlog_archives/9.6/scarto/ [2,head] auth{0=4} v=129819 cv=0/0 dir_auth=1 state=1610612737|complete f(v2450 m2021-06-11 10:34:07.082749 1524=1524+0) n(v140 rc2021-06-11 10:34:07.082749 b7233059600 1524=1524+0) hs=1524+217,ss=0+0 dirty=450 | request=0 child=1 subtree=1 subtreetemp=0 replicated=1 dirty=1 authpin=0 0x5577b13c3400]
2021-06-11 11:47:59.320 7f98c196a700 0 mds.1.migrator nicely exporting to mds.0 [dir 0x1000001f566.010* /pg_xlog_archives/9.6/scarto/ [2,head] auth{0=4} v=129822 cv=0/0 dir_auth=1 state=1610612737|complete f(v2450 m2021-06-11 10:34:06.711439 1481=1481+0) n(v140 rc2021-06-11 10:34:06.711439 b6992467779 1481=1481+0) hs=1481+194,ss=0+0 dirty=427 | request=0 child=1 subtree=1 subtreetemp=0 replicated=1 dirty=1 authpin=0 0x5577b1222000]
2021-06-11 11:47:59.320 7f98c196a700 0 mds.1.migrator nicely exporting to mds.0 [dir 0x1000001f566.101* /pg_xlog_archives/9.6/scarto/ [2,head] auth{0=4} v=129848 cv=0/0 dir_auth=1 state=1610612737|complete f(v2450 m2021-06-11 10:34:07.746900 1449=1449+0) n(v140 rc2021-06-11 10:34:07.746900 b6868368857 1449=1449+0) hs=1449+227,ss=0+0 dirty=435 | request=0 child=1 subtree=1 subtreetemp=0 replicated=1 dirty=1 authpin=0 0x5577b1222a00]
2021-06-11 11:47:59.320 7f98c396e700 0 mds.1.migrator nicely exporting to mds.0 [dir 0x1000001f566.011* /pg_xlog_archives/9.6/scarto/ [2,head] auth{0=4} v=129838 cv=0/0 dir_auth=1 state=1610612737|complete f(v2450 m2021-06-11 10:34:13.048394 1462=1462+0) n(v140 rc2021-06-11 10:34:13.048394 b6915808960 1462=1462+0) hs=1462+220,ss=0+0 dirty=438 | request=0 child=1 subtree=1 subtreetemp=0 replicated=1 dirty=1 authpin=0 0x5577b1223e00]
2021-06-11 11:47:59.320 7f98c396e700 0 mds.1.migrator nicely exporting to mds.0 [dir 0x1000001f566.111* /pg_xlog_archives/9.6/scarto/ [2,head] auth{0=4} v=129819 cv=0/0 dir_auth=1 state=1610612737|complete f(v2450 m2021-06-11 10:34:07.082749 1524=1524+0) n(v140 rc2021-06-11 10:34:07.082749 b7233059600 1524=1524+0) hs=1524+217,ss=0+0 dirty=450 | request=0 child=1 subtree=1 subtreetemp=0 replicated=1 dirty=1 authpin=0 0x5577b13c3400]
2021-06-11 11:48:04.320 7f98c196a700 0 mds.1.migrator nicely exporting to mds.0 [dir 0x1000001f566.010* /pg_xlog_archives/9.6/scarto/ [2,head] auth{0=4} v=129822 cv=0/0 dir_auth=1 state=1610612737|complete f(v2450 m2021-06-11 10:34:06.711439 1481=1481+0) n(v140 rc2021-06-11 10:34:06.711439 b6992467779 1481=1481+0) hs=1481+194,ss=0+0 dirty=427 | request=0 child=1 subtree=1 subtreetemp=0 replicated=1 dirty=1 authpin=0 0x5577b1222000]
2021-06-11 11:48:04.320 7f98c196a700 0 mds.1.migrator nicely exporting to mds.0 [dir 0x1000001f566.101* /pg_xlog_archives/9.6/scarto/ [2,head] auth{0=4} v=129848 cv=0/0 dir_auth=1 state=1610612737|complete f(v2450 m2021-06-11 10:34:07.746900 1449=1449+0) n(v140 rc2021-06-11 10:34:07.746900 b6868368857 1449=1449+0) hs=1449+227,ss=0+0 dirty=435 | request=0 child=1 subtree=1 subtreetemp=0 replicated=1 dirty=1 authpin=0 0x5577b1222a00]
2021-06-11 11:48:04.320 7f98c396e700 0 mds.1.migrator nicely exporting to mds.0 [dir 0x1000001f566.011* /pg_xlog_archives/9.6/scarto/ [2,head] auth{0=4} v=129838 cv=0/0 dir_auth=1 state=1610612737|complete f(v2450 m2021-06-11 10:34:13.048394 1462=1462+0) n(v140 rc2021-06-11 10:34:13.048394 b6915808960 1462=1462+0) hs=1462+220,ss=0+0 dirty=438 | request=0 child=1 subtree=1 subtreetemp=0 replicated=1 dirty=1 authpin=0 0x5577b1223e00]
2021-06-11 11:48:04.320 7f98c396e700 0 mds.1.migrator nicely exporting to mds.0 [dir 0x1000001f566.111* /pg_xlog_archives/9.6/scarto/ [2,head] auth{0=4} v=129819 cv=0/0 dir_auth=1 state=1610612737|complete f(v2450 m2021-06-11 10:34:07.082749 1524=1524+0) n(v140 rc2021-06-11 10:34:07.082749 b7233059600 1524=1524+0) hs=1524+217,ss=0+0 dirty=450 | request=0 child=1 subtree=1 subtreetemp=0 replicated=1 dirty=1 authpin=0 0x5577b13c3400]
2021-06-11 11:48:09.320 7f98c196a700 0 mds.1.migrator nicely exporting to mds.0 [dir 0x1000001f566.010* /pg_xlog_archives/9.6/scarto/ [2,head] auth{0=4} v=129822 cv=0/0 dir_auth=1 state=1610612737|complete f(v2450 m2021-06-11 10:34:06.711439 1481=1481+0) n(v140 rc2021-06-11 10:34:06.711439 b6992467779 1481=1481+0) hs=1481+194,ss=0+0 dirty=427 | request=0 child=1 subtree=1 subtreetemp=0 replicated=1 dirty=1 authpin=0 0x5577b1222000]
2021-06-11 11:48:09.320 7f98c196a700 0 mds.1.migrator nicely exporting to mds.0 [dir 0x1000001f566.101* /pg_xlog_archives/9.6/scarto/ [2,head] auth{0=4} v=129848 cv=0/0 dir_auth=1 state=1610612737|complete f(v2450 m2021-06-11 10:34:07.746900 1449=1449+0) n(v140 rc2021-06-11 10:34:07.746900 b6868368857 1449=1449+0) hs=1449+227,ss=0+0 dirty=435 | request=0 child=1 subtree=1 subtreetemp=0 replicated=1 dirty=1 authpin=0 0x5577b1222a00]
2021-06-11 11:48:09.320 7f98c396e700 0 mds.1.migrator nicely exporting to mds.0 [dir 0x1000001f566.011* /pg_xlog_archives/9.6/scarto/ [2,head] auth{0=4} v=129838 cv=0/0 dir_auth=1 state=1610612737|complete f(v2450 m2021-06-11 10:34:13.048394 1462=1462+0) n(v140 rc2021-06-11 10:34:13.048394 b6915808960 1462=1462+0) hs=1462+220,ss=0+0 dirty=438 | request=0 child=1 subtree=1 subtreetemp=0 replicated=1 dirty=1 authpin=0 0x5577b1223e00]
2021-06-11 11:48:09.320 7f98c396e700 0 mds.1.migrator nicely exporting to mds.0 [dir 0x1000001f566.111* /pg_xlog_archives/9.6/scarto/ [2,head] auth{0=4} v=129819 cv=0/0 dir_auth=1 state=1610612737|complete f(v2450 m2021-06-11 10:34:07.082749 1524=1524+0) n(v140 rc2021-06-11 10:34:07.082749 b7233059600 1524=1524+0) hs=1524+217,ss=0+0 dirty=450 | request=0 child=1 subtree=1 subtreetemp=0 replicated=1 dirty=1 authpin=0 0x5577b13c3400]
2021-06-11 11:48:14.320 7f98c196a700 0 mds.1.migrator nicely exporting to mds.0 [dir 0x1000001f566.010* /pg_xlog_archives/9.6/scarto/ [2,head] auth{0=4} v=129822 cv=0/0 dir_auth=1 state=1610612737|complete f(v2450 m2021-06-11 10:34:06.711439 1481=1481+0) n(v140 rc2021-06-11 10:34:06.711439 b6992467779 1481=1481+0) hs=1481+194,ss=0+0 dirty=427 | request=0 child=1 subtree=1 subtreetemp=0 replicated=1 dirty=1 authpin=0 0x5577b1222000]
2021-06-11 11:48:14.320 7f98c196a700 0 mds.1.migrator nicely exporting to mds.0 [dir 0x1000001f566.101* /pg_xlog_archives/9.6/scarto/ [2,head] auth{0=4} v=129848 cv=0/0 dir_auth=1 state=1610612737|complete f(v2450 m2021-06-11 10:34:07.746900 1449=1449+0) n(v140 rc2021-06-11 10:34:07.746900 b6868368857 1449=1449+0) hs=1449+227,ss=0+0 dirty=435 | request=0 child=1 subtree=1 subtreetemp=0 replicated=1 dirty=1 authpin=0 0x5577b1222a00]
2021-06-11 11:48:14.320 7f98c396e700 0 mds.1.migrator nicely exporting to mds.0 [dir 0x1000001f566.011* /pg_xlog_archives/9.6/scarto/ [2,head] auth{0=4} v=129838 cv=0/0 dir_auth=1 state=1610612737|complete f(v2450 m2021-06-11 10:34:13.048394 1462=1462+0) n(v140 rc2021-06-11 10:34:13.048394 b6915808960 1462=1462+0) hs=1462+220,ss=0+0 dirty=438 | request=0 child=1 subtree=1 subtreetemp=0 replicated=1 dirty=1 authpin=0 0x5577b1223e00]
2021-06-11 11:48:14.320 7f98c396e700 0 mds.1.migrator nicely exporting to mds.0 [dir 0x1000001f566.111* /pg_xlog_archives/9.6/scarto/ [2,head] auth{0=4} v=129819 cv=0/0 dir_auth=1 state=1610612737|complete f(v2450 m2021-06-11 10:34:07.082749 1524=1524+0) n(v140 rc2021-06-11 10:34:07.082749 b7233059600 1524=1524+0) hs=1524+217,ss=0+0 dirty=450 | request=0 child=1 subtree=1 subtreetemp=0 replicated=1 dirty=1 authpin=0 0x5577b13c3400]
2021-06-11 11:48:19.320 7f98c196a700 0 mds.1.migrator nicely exporting to mds.0 [dir 0x1000001f566.010* /pg_xlog_archives/9.6/scarto/ [2,head] auth{0=4} v=129822 cv=0/0 dir_auth=1 state=1610612737|complete f(v2450 m2021-06-11 10:34:06.711439 1481=1481+0) n(v140 rc2021-06-11 10:34:06.711439 b6992467779 1481=1481+0) hs=1481+194,ss=0+0 dirty=427 | request=0 child=1 subtree=1 subtreetemp=0 replicated=1 dirty=1 authpin=0 0x5577b1222000]
2021-06-11 11:48:19.320 7f98c196a700 0 mds.1.migrator nicely exporting to mds.0 [dir 0x1000001f566.101* /pg_xlog_archives/9.6/scarto/ [2,head] auth{0=4} v=129848 cv=0/0 dir_auth=1 state=1610612737|complete f(v2450 m2021-06-11 10:34:07.746900 1449=1449+0) n(v140 rc2021-06-11 10:34:07.746900 b6868368857 1449=1449+0) hs=1449+227,ss=0+0 dirty=435 | request=0 child=1 subtree=1 subtreetemp=0 replicated=1 dirty=1 authpin=0 0x5577b1222a00]
2021-06-11 11:48:19.320 7f98c396e700 0 mds.1.migrator nicely exporting to mds.0 [dir 0x1000001f566.011* /pg_xlog_archives/9.6/scarto/ [2,head] auth{0=4} v=129838 cv=0/0 dir_auth=1 state=1610612737|complete f(v2450 m2021-06-11 10:34:13.048394 1462=1462+0) n(v140 rc2021-06-11 10:34:13.048394 b6915808960 1462=1462+0) hs=1462+220,ss=0+0 dirty=438 | request=0 child=1 subtree=1 subtreetemp=0 replicated=1 dirty=1 authpin=0 0x5577b1223e00]
2021-06-11 11:48:19.320 7f98c396e700 0 mds.1.migrator nicely exporting to mds.0 [dir 0x1000001f566.111* /pg_xlog_archives/9.6/scarto/ [2,head] auth{0=4} v=129819 cv=0/0 dir_auth=1 state=1610612737|complete f(v2450 m2021-06-11 10:34:07.082749 1524=1524+0) n(v140 rc2021-06-11 10:34:07.082749 b7233059600 1524=1524+0) hs=1524+217,ss=0+0 dirty=450 | request=0 child=1 subtree=1 subtreetemp=0 replicated=1 dirty=1 authpin=0 0x5577b13c3400]
2021-06-11 11:48:24.320 7f98c196a700 0 mds.1.migrator nicely exporting to mds.0 [dir 0x1000001f566.010* /pg_xlog_archives/9.6/scarto/ [2,head] auth{0=4} v=129822 cv=0/0 dir_auth=1 state=1610612737|complete f(v2450 m2021-06-11 10:34:06.711439 1481=1481+0) n(v140 rc2021-06-11 10:34:06.711439 b6992467779 1481=1481+0) hs=1481+194,ss=0+0 dirty=427 | request=0 child=1 subtree=1 subtreetemp=0 replicated=1 dirty=1 authpin=0 0x5577b1222000]
2021-06-11 11:48:24.320 7f98c196a700 0 mds.1.migrator nicely exporting to mds.0 [dir 0x1000001f566.101* /pg_xlog_archives/9.6/scarto/ [2,head] auth{0=4} v=129848 cv=0/0 dir_auth=1 state=1610612737|complete f(v2450 m2021-06-11 10:34:07.746900 1449=1449+0) n(v140 rc2021-06-11 10:34:07.746900 b6868368857 1449=1449+0) hs=1449+227,ss=0+0 dirty=435 | request=0 child=1 subtree=1 subtreetemp=0 replicated=1 dirty=1 authpin=0 0x5577b1222a00]
2021-06-11 11:48:24.320 7f98c396e700 0 mds.1.migrator nicely exporting to mds.0 [dir 0x1000001f566.011* /pg_xlog_archives/9.6/scarto/ [2,head] auth{0=4} v=129838 cv=0/0 dir_auth=1 state=1610612737|complete f(v2450 m2021-06-11 10:34:13.048394 1462=1462+0) n(v140 rc2021-06-11 10:34:13.048394 b6915808960 1462=1462+0) hs=1462+220,ss=0+0 dirty=438 | request=0 child=1 subtree=1 subtreetemp=0 replicated=1 dirty=1 authpin=0 0x5577b1223e00]
2021-06-11 11:48:24.320 7f98c396e700 0 mds.1.migrator nicely exporting to mds.0 [dir 0x1000001f566.111* /pg_xlog_archives/9.6/scarto/ [2,head] auth{0=4} v=129819 cv=0/0 dir_auth=1 state=1610612737|complete f(v2450 m2021-06-11 10:34:07.082749 1524=1524+0) n(v140 rc2021-06-11 10:34:07.082749 b7233059600 1524=1524+0) hs=1524+217,ss=0+0 dirty=450 | request=0 child=1 subtree=1 subtreetemp=0 replicated=1 dirty=1 authpin=0 0x5577b13c3400]
2021-06-11 11:48:29.320 7f98c196a700 0 mds.1.migrator nicely exporting to mds.0 [dir 0x1000001f566.010* /pg_xlog_archives/9.6/scarto/ [2,head] auth{0=4} v=129822 cv=0/0 dir_auth=1 state=1610612737|complete f(v2450 m2021-06-11 10:34:06.711439 1481=1481+0) n(v140 rc2021-06-11 10:34:06.711439 b6992467779 1481=1481+0) hs=1481+194,ss=0+0 dirty=427 | request=0 child=1 subtree=1 subtreetemp=0 replicated=1 dirty=1 authpin=0 0x5577b1222000]
2021-06-11 11:48:29.320 7f98c196a700 0 mds.1.migrator nicely exporting to mds.0 [dir 0x1000001f566.101* /pg_xlog_archives/9.6/scarto/ [2,head] auth{0=4} v=129848 cv=0/0 dir_auth=1 state=1610612737|complete f(v2450 m2021-06-11 10:34:07.746900 1449=1449+0) n(v140 rc2021-06-11 10:34:07.746900 b6868368857 1449=1449+0) hs=1449+227,ss=0+0 dirty=435 | request=0 child=1 subtree=1 subtreetemp=0 replicated=1 dirty=1 authpin=0 0x5577b1222a00]
2021-06-11 11:48:29.320 7f98c396e700 0 mds.1.migrator nicely exporting to mds.0 [dir 0x1000001f566.011* /pg_xlog_archives/9.6/scarto/ [2,head] auth{0=4} v=129838 cv=0/0 dir_auth=1 state=1610612737|complete f(v2450 m2021-06-11 10:34:13.048394 1462=1462+0) n(v140 rc2021-06-11 10:34:13.048394 b6915808960 1462=1462+0) hs=1462+220,ss=0+0 dirty=438 | request=0 child=1 subtree=1 subtreetemp=0 replicated=1 dirty=1 authpin=0 0x5577b1223e00]
2021-06-11 11:48:29.320 7f98c396e700 0 mds.1.migrator nicely exporting to mds.0 [dir 0x1000001f566.111* /pg_xlog_archives/9.6/scarto/ [2,head] auth{0=4} v=129819 cv=0/0 dir_auth=1 state=1610612737|complete f(v2450 m2021-06-11 10:34:07.082749 1524=1524+0) n(v140 rc2021-06-11 10:34:07.082749 b7233059600 1524=1524+0) hs=1524+217,ss=0+0 dirty=450 | request=0 child=1 subtree=1 subtreetemp=0 replicated=1 dirty=1 authpin=0 0x5577b13c3400]
2021-06-11 11:48:34.320 7f98c196a700 0 mds.1.migrator nicely exporting to mds.0 [dir 0x1000001f566.010* /pg_xlog_archives/9.6/scarto/ [2,head] auth{0=4} v=129822 cv=0/0 dir_auth=1 state=1610612737|complete f(v2450 m2021-06-11 10:34:06.711439 1481=1481+0) n(v140 rc2021-06-11 10:34:06.711439 b6992467779 1481=1481+0) hs=1481+194,ss=0+0 dirty=427 | request=0 child=1 subtree=1 subtreetemp=0 replicated=1 dirty=1 authpin=0 0x5577b1222000]
2021-06-11 11:48:34.320 7f98c196a700 0 mds.1.migrator nicely exporting to mds.0 [dir 0x1000001f566.101* /pg_xlog_archives/9.6/scarto/ [2,head] auth{0=4} v=129848 cv=0/0 dir_auth=1 state=1610612737|complete f(v2450 m2021-06-11 10:34:07.746900 1449=1449+0) n(v140 rc2021-06-11 10:34:07.746900 b6868368857 1449=1449+0) hs=1449+227,ss=0+0 dirty=435 | request=0 child=1 subtree=1 subtreetemp=0 replicated=1 dirty=1 authpin=0 0x5577b1222a00]
2021-06-11 11:48:34.320 7f98c396e700 0 mds.1.migrator nicely exporting to mds.0 [dir 0x1000001f566.011* /pg_xlog_archives/9.6/scarto/ [2,head] auth{0=4} v=129838 cv=0/0 dir_auth=1 state=1610612737|complete f(v2450 m2021-06-11 10:34:13.048394 1462=1462+0) n(v140 rc2021-06-11 10:34:13.048394 b6915808960 1462=1462+0) hs=1462+220,ss=0+0 dirty=438 | request=0 child=1 subtree=1 subtreetemp=0 replicated=1 dirty=1 authpin=0 0x5577b1223e00]
2021-06-11 11:48:34.320 7f98c396e700 0 mds.1.migrator nicely exporting to mds.0 [dir 0x1000001f566.111* /pg_xlog_archives/9.6/scarto/ [2,head] auth{0=4} v=129819 cv=0/0 dir_auth=1 state=1610612737|complete f(v2450 m2021-06-11 10:34:07.082749 1524=1524+0) n(v140 rc2021-06-11 10:34:07.082749 b7233059600 1524=1524+0) hs=1524+217,ss=0+0 dirty=450 | request=0 child=1 subtree=1 subtreetemp=0 replicated=1 dirty=1 authpin=0 0x5577b13c3400]
2021-06-11 11:48:35.892 7f98c416f700 -1 received signal: Terminated from /sbin/init (PID: 1) UID: 0
2021-06-11 11:48:35.892 7f98c416f700 -1 mds.sg1vosrv43 *** got signal Terminated ***
2021-06-11 11:48:35.892 7f98c416f700 1 mds.sg1vosrv43 suicide! Wanted state up:stopping
2021-06-11 11:48:37.240 7f98c416f700 1 mds.1.273 shutdown: shutting down rank 1
2021-06-11 11:48:49.864 7f124ca87440 0 set uid:gid to 64045:64045 (ceph:ceph)
2021-06-11 11:48:49.864 7f124ca87440 0 ceph version 14.2.21 (5ef401921d7a88aea18ec7558f7f9374ebd8f5a6) nautilus (stable), process ceph-mds, pid 2912167
2021-06-11 11:48:49.864 7f124ca87440 0 pidfile_write: ignore empty --pid-file
2021-06-11 11:48:49.892 7f123b5a9700 1 mds.sg1vosrv43 Updating MDS map to version 286 from mon.0
2021-06-11 11:48:51.868 7f123b5a9700 1 mds.sg1vosrv43 Updating MDS map to version 287 from mon.0
2021-06-11 11:48:54.512 7f123b5a9700 1 mds.sg1vosrv43 Updating MDS map to version 288 from mon.0
2021-06-11 11:48:54.516 7f123b5a9700 1 mds.sg1vosrv43 Monitors have assigned me to become a standby.
2021-06-11 11:48:54.524 7f123b5a9700 1 mds.sg1vosrv43 Updating MDS map to version 289 from mon.0
2021-06-11 11:48:54.528 7f123b5a9700 1 mds.0.289 handle_mds_map i am now mds.0.289
2021-06-11 11:48:54.528 7f123b5a9700 1 mds.0.289 handle_mds_map state change up:boot --> up:replay
2021-06-11 11:48:54.528 7f123b5a9700 1 mds.0.289 replay_start
2021-06-11 11:48:54.528 7f123b5a9700 1 mds.0.289 waiting for osdmap 118971 (which blacklists prior instance)
2021-06-11 11:48:54.536 7f123459b700 0 mds.0.cache creating system inode with ino:0x100
2021-06-11 11:48:54.536 7f123459b700 0 mds.0.cache creating system inode with ino:0x1
2021-06-11 11:48:57.032 7f1233599700 1 mds.0.289 Finished replaying journal
2021-06-11 11:48:57.032 7f1233599700 1 mds.0.289 making mds journal writeable
2021-06-11 11:48:57.644 7f123b5a9700 1 mds.sg1vosrv43 Updating MDS map to version 290 from mon.0
2021-06-11 11:48:57.644 7f123b5a9700 1 mds.0.289 handle_mds_map i am now mds.0.289
2021-06-11 11:48:57.644 7f123b5a9700 1 mds.0.289 handle_mds_map state change up:replay --> up:resolve
2021-06-11 11:48:57.644 7f123b5a9700 1 mds.0.289 resolve_start
2021-06-11 11:48:57.644 7f123b5a9700 1 mds.0.289 reopen_log
2021-06-11 11:48:57.644 7f123b5a9700 1 mds.0.289 recovery set is 1
2021-06-11 11:48:58.668 7f123b5a9700 1 mds.sg1vosrv43 Updating MDS map to version 292 from mon.0
2021-06-11 11:48:58.668 7f123b5a9700 1 mds.0.cache handle_mds_failure mds.1 : recovery peers are 1
2021-06-11 11:48:59.676 7f123b5a9700 1 mds.sg1vosrv43 Updating MDS map to version 293 from mon.0
2021-06-11 11:48:59.676 7f123b5a9700 1 mds.0.289 recovery set is 1
2021-06-11 11:48:59.712 7f123b5a9700 1 mds.0.289 resolve_done
2021-06-11 11:49:00.700 7f123b5a9700 1 mds.sg1vosrv43 Updating MDS map to version 294 from mon.0
2021-06-11 11:49:00.700 7f123b5a9700 1 mds.0.289 handle_mds_map i am now mds.0.289
2021-06-11 11:49:00.700 7f123b5a9700 1 mds.0.289 handle_mds_map state change up:resolve --> up:reconnect
2021-06-11 11:49:00.700 7f123b5a9700 1 mds.0.289 reconnect_start
2021-06-11 11:49:00.700 7f123b5a9700 1 mds.0.server reconnect_clients -- 3 sessions
2021-06-11 11:49:00.708 7f123b5a9700 0 log_channel(cluster) log [DBG] : reconnect by client.51409080 v1: after 0.00800001
2021-06-11 11:49:00.708 7f123b5a9700 0 log_channel(cluster) log [DBG] : reconnect by client.34323905 v1: after 0.00800001
2021-06-11 11:49:00.708 7f123b5a9700 0 log_channel(cluster) log [DBG] : reconnect by client.51630237 v1: after 0.00800001
2021-06-11 11:49:00.708 7f123b5a9700 1 mds.0.289 reconnect_done
2021-06-11 11:49:01.708 7f123b5a9700 1 mds.sg1vosrv43 Updating MDS map to version 295 from mon.0
2021-06-11 11:49:01.708 7f123b5a9700 1 mds.0.289 handle_mds_map i am now mds.0.289
2021-06-11 11:49:01.708 7f123b5a9700 1 mds.0.289 handle_mds_map state change up:reconnect --> up:rejoin
2021-06-11 11:49:01.708 7f123b5a9700 1 mds.0.289 rejoin_start
2021-06-11 11:49:01.708 7f123b5a9700 1 mds.0.289 rejoin_joint_start
2021-06-11 11:49:01.748 7f123b5a9700 1 mds.0.289 rejoin_done
2021-06-11 11:49:02.732 7f123b5a9700 1 mds.sg1vosrv43 Updating MDS map to version 296 from mon.0
2021-06-11 11:49:02.732 7f123b5a9700 1 mds.0.289 handle_mds_map i am now mds.0.289
2021-06-11 11:49:02.732 7f123b5a9700 1 mds.0.289 handle_mds_map state change up:rejoin --> up:active
2021-06-11 11:49:02.732 7f123b5a9700 1 mds.0.289 recovery_done -- successful recovery!
2021-06-11 11:49:02.748 7f123b5a9700 1 mds.0.289 active_start
2021-06-11 11:49:02.752 7f123b5a9700 1 mds.0.289 cluster recovered.
2021-06-11 11:49:02.752 7f123b5a9700 1 mds.sg1vosrv43 Updating MDS map to version 297 from mon.0
2021-06-11 11:49:04.928 7f1234d9c700 1 mds.0.cache.ino(0x1000001cf87) store backtrace error -1 v 16
2021-06-11 11:49:04.928 7f1234d9c700 -1 log_channel(cluster) log [ERR] : failed to store backtrace on ino 0x1000001cf87 object, pool 45, errno -1
2021-06-11 11:49:04.928 7f1234d9c700 -1 mds.0.289 unhandled write error (1) Operation not permitted, force readonly...
2021-06-11 11:49:04.928 7f1234d9c700 1 mds.0.cache force file system read-only
2021-06-11 11:49:04.928 7f1234d9c700 0 log_channel(cluster) log [WRN] : force file system read-only
2021-06-11 11:49:04.956 7f1234d9c700 1 mds.0.cache.ino(0x1000001cf92) store backtrace error -1 v 126
2021-06-11 11:49:04.956 7f1234d9c700 -1 log_channel(cluster) log [ERR] : failed to store backtrace on ino 0x1000001cf92 object, pool 45, errno -1
2021-06-11 11:49:04.956 7f1234d9c700 -1 mds.0.289 unhandled write error (1) Operation not permitted, force readonly...
2021-06-11 11:49:04.956 7f1234d9c700 1 mds.0.cache.ino(0x1000001cf88) store backtrace error -1 v 26
2021-06-11 11:49:04.956 7f1234d9c700 -1 log_channel(cluster) log [ERR] : failed to store backtrace on ino 0x1000001cf88 object, pool 45, errno -1
2021-06-11 11:49:04.956 7f1234d9c700 -1 mds.0.289 unhandled write error (1) Operation not permitted, force readonly...
2021-06-11 11:49:04.956 7f1234d9c700 1 mds.0.cache.ino(0x1000001cf86) store backtrace error -1 v 6
2021-06-11 11:49:04.956 7f1234d9c700 -1 log_channel(cluster) log [ERR] : failed to store backtrace on ino 0x1000001cf86 object, pool 45, errno -1
2021-06-11 11:49:04.956 7f1234d9c700 -1 mds.0.289 unhandled write error (1) Operation not permitted, force readonly...
2021-06-11 11:49:04.956 7f1234d9c700 1 mds.0.cache.ino(0x1000001cf8c) store backtrace error -1 v 66
2021-06-11 11:49:04.956 7f1234d9c700 -1 log_channel(cluster) log [ERR] : failed to store backtrace on ino 0x1000001cf8c object, pool 45, errno -1
2021-06-11 11:49:04.956 7f1234d9c700 -1 mds.0.289 unhandled write error (1) Operation not permitted, force readonly...
2021-06-11 11:49:04.956 7f1234d9c700 1 mds.0.cache.ino(0x1000001cf9e) store backtrace error -1 v 246
2021-06-11 11:49:04.956 7f1234d9c700 -1 log_channel(cluster) log [ERR] : failed to store backtrace on ino 0x1000001cf9e object, pool 45, errno -1
2021-06-11 11:49:04.956 7f1234d9c700 -1 mds.0.289 unhandled write error (1) Operation not permitted, force readonly...
2021-06-11 11:49:04.956 7f1234d9c700 1 mds.0.cache.ino(0x1000001cf93) store backtrace error -1 v 136
2021-06-11 11:49:04.956 7f1234d9c700 -1 log_channel(cluster) log [ERR] : failed to store backtrace on ino 0x1000001cf93 object, pool 45, errno -1
2021-06-11 11:49:04.956 7f1234d9c700 -1 mds.0.289 unhandled write error (1) Operation not permitted, force readonly...
2021-06-11 11:49:04.956 7f1234d9c700 1 mds.0.cache.ino(0x1000001cf98) store backtrace error -1 v 186
2021-06-11 11:49:04.956 7f1234d9c700 -1 log_channel(cluster) log [ERR] : failed to store backtrace on ino 0x1000001cf98 object, pool 45, errno -1
2021-06-11 11:49:04.956 7f1234d9c700 -1 mds.0.289 unhandled write error (1) Operation not permitted, force readonly...
2021-06-11 11:49:04.956 7f1234d9c700 1 mds.0.cache.ino(0x1000001cf95) store backtrace error -1 v 156
2021-06-11 11:49:04.956 7f1234d9c700 -1 log_channel(cluster) log [ERR] : failed to store backtrace on ino 0x1000001cf95 object, pool 45, errno -1
2021-06-11 11:49:04.956 7f1234d9c700 -1 mds.0.289 unhandled write error (1) Operation not permitted, force readonly...
2021-06-11 11:49:04.956 7f1234d9c700 1 mds.0.cache.ino(0x1000001cf8b) store backtrace error -1 v 56
2021-06-11 11:49:04.956 7f1234d9c700 -1 log_channel(cluster) log [ERR] : failed to store backtrace on ino 0x1000001cf8b object, pool 45, errno -1
2021-06-11 11:49:04.956 7f1234d9c700 -1 mds.0.289 unhandled write error (1) Operation not permitted, force readonly...
2021-06-11 11:49:04.956 7f1234d9c700 1 mds.0.cache.ino(0x1000001cf9f) store backtrace error -1 v 260
2021-06-11 11:49:04.956 7f1234d9c700 -1 log_channel(cluster) log [ERR] : failed to store backtrace on ino 0x1000001cf9f object, pool 45, errno -1
2021-06-11 11:49:04.956 7f1234d9c700 -1 mds.0.289 unhandled write error (1) Operation not permitted, force readonly...
2021-06-11 11:49:04.956 7f1234d9c700 1 mds.0.cache.ino(0x1000001cf8d) store backtrace error -1 v 76
2021-06-11 11:49:04.956 7f1234d9c700 -1 log_channel(cluster) log [ERR] : failed to store backtrace on ino 0x1000001cf8d object, pool 45, errno -1
2021-06-11 11:49:04.956 7f1234d9c700 -1 mds.0.289 unhandled write error (1) Operation not permitted, force readonly...
2021-06-11 11:49:04.956 7f1234d9c700 1 mds.0.cache.ino(0x1000001cf96) store backtrace error -1 v 166
2021-06-11 11:49:04.956 7f1234d9c700 -1 log_channel(cluster) log [ERR] : failed to store backtrace on ino 0x1000001cf96 object, pool 45, errno -1
2021-06-11 11:49:04.956 7f1234d9c700 -1 mds.0.289 unhandled write error (1) Operation not permitted, force readonly...
2021-06-11 11:49:04.956 7f1234d9c700 1 mds.0.cache.ino(0x1000001cf99) store backtrace error -1 v 196
2021-06-11 11:49:04.956 7f1234d9c700 -1 log_channel(cluster) log [ERR] : failed to store backtrace on ino 0x1000001cf99 object, pool 45, errno -1
2021-06-11 11:49:04.956 7f1234d9c700 -1 mds.0.289 unhandled write error (1) Operation not permitted, force readonly...
2021-06-11 11:49:04.956 7f1234d9c700 1 mds.0.cache.ino(0x1000001cfab) store backtrace error -1 v 378
2021-06-11 11:49:04.956 7f1234d9c700 -1 log_channel(cluster) log [ERR] : failed to store backtrace on ino 0x1000001cfab object, pool 45, errno -1
2021-06-11 11:49:04.956 7f1234d9c700 -1 mds.0.289 unhandled write error (1) Operation not permitted, force readonly...
2021-06-11 11:49:04.956 7f1234d9c700 1 mds.0.cache.ino(0x1000001cfa7) store backtrace error -1 v 342
2021-06-11 11:49:04.956 7f1234d9c700 -1 log_channel(cluster) log [ERR] : failed to store backtrace on ino 0x1000001cfa7 object, pool 45, errno -1
2021-06-11 11:49:04.956 7f1234d9c700 -1 mds.0.289 unhandled write error (1) Operation not permitted, force readonly...
2021-06-11 11:49:04.956 7f1234d9c700 1 mds.0.cache.ino(0x1000001cfa1) store backtrace error -1 v 280
2021-06-11 11:49:04.956 7f1234d9c700 -1 log_channel(cluster) log [ERR] : failed to store backtrace on ino 0x1000001cfa1 object, pool 45, errno -1
2021-06-11 11:49:04.956 7f1234d9c700 -1 mds.0.289 unhandled write error (1) Operation not permitted, force readonly...
2021-06-11 11:49:04.956 7f1234d9c700 1 mds.0.cache.ino(0x1000001cfa5) store backtrace error -1 v 326
2021-06-11 11:49:04.956 7f1234d9c700 -1 log_channel(cluster) log [ERR] : failed to store backtrace on ino 0x1000001cfa5 object, pool 45, errno -1
2021-06-11 11:49:04.956 7f1234d9c700 -1 mds.0.289 unhandled write error (1) Operation not permitted, force readonly...
2021-06-11 11:49:04.956 7f1234d9c700 1 mds.0.cache.ino(0x1000001cfa0) store backtrace error -1 v 270
2021-06-11 11:49:04.956 7f1234d9c700 -1 log_channel(cluster) log [ERR] : failed to store backtrace on ino 0x1000001cfa0 object, pool 45, errno -1
2021-06-11 11:49:04.956 7f1234d9c700 -1 mds.0.289 unhandled write error (1) Operation not permitted, force readonly...
2021-06-11 11:49:04.956 7f1234d9c700 1 mds.0.cache.ino(0x1000001cfa8) store backtrace error -1 v 350
2021-06-11 11:49:04.956 7f1234d9c700 -1 log_channel(cluster) log [ERR] : failed to store backtrace on ino 0x1000001cfa8 object, pool 45, errno -1
2021-06-11 11:49:04.956 7f1234d9c700 -1 mds.0.289 unhandled write error (1) Operation not permitted, force readonly...
2021-06-11 11:49:04.956 7f1234d9c700 1 mds.0.cache.ino(0x1000001cfae) store backtrace error -1 v 416
2021-06-11 11:49:04.956 7f1234d9c700 -1 log_channel(cluster) log [ERR] : failed to store backtrace on ino 0x1000001cfae object, pool 45, errno -1
2021-06-11 11:49:04.956 7f1234d9c700 -1 mds.0.289 unhandled write error (1) Operation not permitted, force readonly...
2021-06-11 11:49:04.956 7f1234d9c700 1 mds.0.cache.ino(0x1000001cfbe) store backtrace error -1 v 614
2021-06-11 11:49:04.956 7f1234d9c700 -1 log_channel(cluster) log [ERR] : failed to store backtrace on ino 0x1000001cfbe object, pool 45, errno -1
2021-06-11 11:49:04.956 7f1234d9c700 -1 mds.0.289 unhandled write error (1) Operation not permitted, force readonly...
2021-06-11 11:49:04.956 7f1234d9c700 1 mds.0.cache.ino(0x1000001cfb1) store backtrace error -1 v 454
2021-06-11 11:49:04.956 7f1234d9c700 -1 log_channel(cluster) log [ERR] : failed to store backtrace on ino 0x1000001cfb1 object, pool 45, errno -1
2021-06-11 11:49:04.956 7f1234d9c700 -1 mds.0.289 unhandled write error (1) Operation not permitted, force readonly...
2021-06-11 11:49:04.956 7f1234d9c700 1 mds.0.cache.ino(0x1000001cfb7) store backtrace error -1 v 524
2021-06-11 11:49:04.956 7f1234d9c700 -1 log_channel(cluster) log [ERR] : failed to store backtrace on ino 0x1000001cfb7 object, pool 45, errno -1
2021-06-11 11:49:04.956 7f1234d9c700 -1 mds.0.289 unhandled write error (1) Operation not permitted, force readonly...
2021-06-11 11:49:04.956 7f1234d9c700 1 mds.0.cache.ino(0x1000001cfb4) store backtrace error -1 v 484
2021-06-11 11:49:04.956 7f1234d9c700 -1 log_channel(cluster) log [ERR] : failed to store backtrace on ino 0x1000001cfb4 object, pool 45, errno -1
2021-06-11 11:49:04.956 7f1234d9c700 -1 mds.0.289 unhandled write error (1) Operation not permitted, force readonly...
2021-06-11 11:49:04.956 7f1234d9c700 1 mds.0.cache.ino(0x1000001cfbc) store backtrace error -1 v 584
2021-06-11 11:49:04.956 7f1234d9c700 -1 log_channel(cluster) log [ERR] : failed to store backtrace on ino 0x1000001cfbc object, pool 45, errno -1
2021-06-11 11:49:04.956 7f1234d9c700 -1 mds.0.289 unhandled write error (1) Operation not permitted, force readonly...
2021-06-11 11:49:04.956 7f1234d9c700 1 mds.0.cache.ino(0x1000001cfb2) store backtrace error -1 v 464
2021-06-11 11:49:04.956 7f1234d9c700 -1 log_channel(cluster) log [ERR] : failed to store backtrace on ino 0x1000001cfb2 object, pool 45, errno -1
2021-06-11 11:49:04.956 7f1234d9c700 -1 mds.0.289 unhandled write error (1) Operation not permitted, force readonly...
2021-06-11 11:49:04.956 7f1234d9c700 1 mds.0.cache.ino(0x1000001cfcd) store backtrace error -1 v 800
2021-06-11 11:49:04.956 7f1234d9c700 -1 log_channel(cluster) log [ERR] : failed to store backtrace on ino 0x1000001cfcd object, pool 45, errno -1
2021-06-11 11:49:04.956 7f1234d9c700 -1 mds.0.289 unhandled write error (1) Operation not permitted, force readonly...
2021-06-11 11:49:04.956 7f1234d9c700 1 mds.0.cache.ino(0x1000001cfcf) store backtrace error -1 v 820
2021-06-11 11:49:04.956 7f1234d9c700 -1 log_channel(cluster) log [ERR] : failed to store backtrace on ino 0x1000001cfcf object, pool 45, errno -1
2021-06-11 11:49:04.956 7f1234d9c700 -1 mds.0.289 unhandled write error (1) Operation not permitted, force readonly...
2021-06-11 11:49:04.956 7f1234d9c700 1 mds.0.cache.ino(0x1000001cfc3) store backtrace error -1 v 680
2021-06-11 11:49:04.956 7f1234d9c700 -1 log_channel(cluster) log [ERR] : failed to store backtrace on ino 0x1000001cfc3 object, pool 45, errno -1
2021-06-11 11:49:04.956 7f1234d9c700 -1 mds.0.289 unhandled write error (1) Operation not permitted, force readonly...
2021-06-11 11:49:04.956 7f1234d9c700 1 mds.0.cache.ino(0x1000001cfbf) store backtrace error -1 v 624
2021-06-11 11:49:04.956 7f1234d9c700 -1 log_channel(cluster) log [ERR] : failed to store backtrace on ino 0x1000001cfbf object, pool 45, errno -1
2021-06-11 11:49:04.956 7f1234d9c700 -1 mds.0.289 unhandled write error (1) Operation not permitted, force readonly...
2021-06-11 11:49:04.956 7f1234d9c700 1 mds.0.cache.ino(0x1000001cfad) store backtrace error -1 v 406
2021-06-11 11:49:04.956 7f1234d9c700 -1 log_channel(cluster) log [ERR] : failed to store backtrace on ino 0x1000001cfad object, pool 45, errno -1
2021-06-11 11:49:04.956 7f1234d9c700 -1 mds.0.289 unhandled write error (1) Operation not permitted, force readonly...
2021-06-11 11:49:04.956 7f1234d9c700 1 mds.0.cache.ino(0x1000001cfaa) store backtrace error -1 v 368
2021-06-11 11:49:04.956 7f1234d9c700 -1 log_channel(cluster) log [ERR] : failed to store backtrace on ino 0x1000001cfaa object, pool 45, errno -1
2021-06-11 11:49:04.956 7f1234d9c700 -1 mds.0.289 unhandled write error (1) Operation not permitted, force readonly...
2021-06-11 11:49:04.956 7f1234d9c700 1 mds.0.cache.ino(0x1000001cfde) store backtrace error -1 v 986
2021-06-11 11:49:04.956 7f1234d9c700 -1 log_channel(cluster) log [ERR] : failed to store backtrace on ino 0x1000001cfde object, pool 45, errno -1
2021-06-11 11:49:04.956 7f1234d9c700 -1 mds.0.289 unhandled write error (1) Operation not permitted, force readonly...
2021-06-11 11:49:04.956 7f1234d9c700 1 mds.0.cache.ino(0x1000001cfd1) store backtrace error -1 v 848
2021-06-11 11:49:04.956 7f1234d9c700 -1 log_channel(cluster) log [ERR] : failed to store backtrace on ino 0x1000001cfd1 object, pool 45, errno -1
2021-06-11 11:49:04.956 7f1234d9c700 -1 mds.0.289 unhandled write error (1) Operation not permitted, force readonly...
2021-06-11 11:49:04.956 7f1234d9c700 1 mds.0.cache.ino(0x1000001cfd3) store backtrace error -1 v 868
2021-06-11 11:49:04.956 7f1234d9c700 -1 log_channel(cluster) log [ERR] : failed to store backtrace on ino 0x1000001cfd3 object, pool 45, errno -1
2021-06-11 11:49:04.956 7f1234d9c700 -1 mds.0.289 unhandled write error (1) Operation not permitted, force readonly...
2021-06-11 11:49:04.956 7f1234d9c700 1 mds.0.cache.ino(0x1000001cfd0) store backtrace error -1 v 830
2021-06-11 11:49:04.956 7f1234d9c700 -1 log_channel(cluster) log [ERR] : failed to store backtrace on ino 0x1000001cfd0 object, pool 45, errno -1
2021-06-11 11:49:04.956 7f1234d9c700 -1 mds.0.289 unhandled write error (1) Operation not permitted, force readonly...
2021-06-11 11:49:04.956 7f1234d9c700 1 mds.0.cache.ino(0x1000001cfc5) store backtrace error -1 v 700
2021-06-11 11:49:04.956 7f1234d9c700 -1 log_channel(cluster) log [ERR] : failed to store backtrace on ino 0x1000001cfc5 object, pool 45, errno -1
2021-06-11 11:49:04.956 7f1234d9c700 -1 mds.0.289 unhandled write error (1) Operation not permitted, force readonly...
2021-06-11 11:49:04.956 7f1234d9c700 1 mds.0.cache.ino(0x1000001cfc6) store backtrace error -1 v 710
2021-06-11 11:49:04.956 7f1234d9c700 -1 log_channel(cluster) log [ERR] : failed to store backtrace on ino 0x1000001cfc6 object, pool 45, errno -1
2021-06-11 11:49:04.956 7f1234d9c700 -1 mds.0.289 unhandled write error (1) Operation not permitted, force readonly...
2021-06-11 11:49:04.956 7f1234d9c700 1 mds.0.cache.ino(0x1000001cfd4) store backtrace error -1 v 878
2021-06-11 11:49:04.956 7f1234d9c700 -1 log_channel(cluster) log [ERR] : failed to store backtrace on ino 0x1000001cfd4 object, pool 45, errno -1
2021-06-11 11:49:04.956 7f1234d9c700 -1 mds.0.289 unhandled write error (1) Operation not permitted, force readonly...
2021-06-11 11:49:04.956 7f1234d9c700 1 mds.0.cache.ino(0x1000001cfc9) store backtrace error -1 v 750
2021-06-11 11:49:04.956 7f1234d9c700 -1 log_channel(cluster) log [ERR] : failed to store backtrace on ino 0x1000001cfc9 object, pool 45, errno -1
2021-06-11 11:49:04.956 7f1234d9c700 -1 mds.0.289 unhandled write error (1) Operation not permitted, force readonly...
2021-06-11 11:49:04.956 7f1234d9c700 1 mds.0.cache.ino(0x1000001cfdb) store backtrace error -1 v 952
2021-06-11 11:49:04.956 7f1234d9c700 -1 log_channel(cluster) log [ERR] : failed to store backtrace on ino 0x1000001cfdb object, pool 45, errno -1
2021-06-11 11:49:04.956 7f1234d9c700 -1 mds.0.289 unhandled write error (1) Operation not permitted, force readonly...
2021-06-11 11:49:04.956 7f1234d9c700 1 mds.0.cache.ino(0x1000001cfdf) store backtrace error -1 v 994
2021-06-11 11:49:04.956 7f1234d9c700 -1 log_channel(cluster) log [ERR] : failed to store backtrace on ino 0x1000001cfdf object, pool 45, errno -1
2021-06-11 11:49:04.956 7f1234d9c700 -1 mds.0.289 unhandled write error (1) Operation not permitted, force readonly...
2021-06-11 11:49:04.956 7f1234d9c700 1 mds.0.cache.ino(0x1000001cfd2) store backtrace error -1 v 858
2021-06-11 11:49:04.956 7f1234d9c700 -1 log_channel(cluster) log [ERR] : failed to store backtrace on ino 0x1000001cfd2 object, pool 45, errno -1
2021-06-11 11:49:04.956 7f1234d9c700 -1 mds.0.289 unhandled write error (1) Operation not permitted, force readonly...
2021-06-11 11:49:04.956 7f1234d9c700 1 mds.0.cache.ino(0x1000001cfd8) store backtrace error -1 v 926
2021-06-11 11:49:04.956 7f1234d9c700 -1 log_channel(cluster) log [ERR] : failed to store backtrace on ino 0x1000001cfd8 object, pool 45, errno -1
2021-06-11 11:49:04.956 7f1234d9c700 -1 mds.0.289 unhandled write error (1) Operation not permitted, force readonly...
2021-06-11 11:49:04.956 7f1234d9c700 1 mds.0.cache.ino(0x1000001cfd6) store backtrace error -1 v 906
2021-06-11 11:49:04.956 7f1234d9c700 -1 log_channel(cluster) log [ERR] : failed to store backtrace on ino 0x1000001cfd6 object, pool 45, errno -1
2021-06-11 11:49:04.956 7f1234d9c700 -1 mds.0.289 unhandled write error (1) Operation not permitted, force readonly...
2021-06-11 11:49:04.956 7f1234d9c700 1 mds.0.cache.ino(0x1000001cfd9) store backtrace error -1 v 936
2021-06-11 11:49:04.956 7f1234d9c700 -1 log_channel(cluster) log [ERR] : failed to store backtrace on ino 0x1000001cfd9 object, pool 45, errno -1
2021-06-11 11:49:04.956 7f1234d9c700 -1 mds.0.289 unhandled write error (1) Operation not permitted, force readonly...
2021-06-11 11:49:04.956 7f1234d9c700 1 mds.0.cache.ino(0x1000001cfe3) store backtrace error -1 v 1044
2021-06-11 11:49:04.956 7f1234d9c700 -1 log_channel(cluster) log [ERR] : failed to store backtrace on ino 0x1000001cfe3 object, pool 45, errno -1
2021-06-11 11:49:04.956 7f1234d9c700 -1 mds.0.289 unhandled write error (1) Operation not permitted, force readonly...
2021-06-11 11:49:04.956 7f1234d9c700 1 mds.0.cache.ino(0x1000001cfe0) store backtrace error -1 v 1004
2021-06-11 11:49:04.956 7f1234d9c700 -1 log_channel(cluster) log [ERR] : failed to store backtrace on ino 0x1000001cfe0 object, pool 45, errno -1
2021-06-11 11:49:04.956 7f1234d9c700 -1 mds.0.289 unhandled write error (1) Operation not permitted, force readonly...
2021-06-11 11:49:04.956 7f1234d9c700 1 mds.0.cache.ino(0x1000001cfe2) store backtrace error -1 v 1024
2021-06-11 11:49:04.956 7f1234d9c700 -1 log_channel(cluster) log [ERR] : failed to store backtrace on ino 0x1000001cfe2 object, pool 45, errno -1
2021-06-11 11:49:04.956 7f1234d9c700 -1 mds.0.289 unhandled write error (1) Operation not permitted, force readonly...
2021-06-11 11:49:04.956 7f1234d9c700 1 mds.0.cache.ino(0x1000001cfcc) store backtrace error -1 v 790
2021-06-11 11:49:04.956 7f1234d9c700 -1 log_channel(cluster) log [ERR] : failed to store backtrace on ino 0x1000001cfcc object, pool 45, errno -1
2021-06-11 11:49:04.956 7f1234d9c700 -1 mds.0.289 unhandled write error (1) Operation not permitted, force readonly...
2021-06-11 11:49:04.956 7f1234d9c700 1 mds.0.cache.ino(0x1000001cfdc) store backtrace error -1 v 960
2021-06-11 11:49:04.956 7f1234d9c700 -1 log_channel(cluster) log [ERR] : failed to store backtrace on ino 0x1000001cfdc object, pool 45, errno -1
2021-06-11 11:49:04.956 7f1234d9c700 -1 mds.0.289 unhandled write error (1) Operation not permitted, force readonly...
2021-06-11 11:49:04.956 7f1234d9c700 1 mds.0.cache.ino(0x1000001cf90) store backtrace error -1 v 106
2021-06-11 11:49:04.956 7f1234d9c700 -1 log_channel(cluster) log [ERR] : failed to store backtrace on ino 0x1000001cf90 object, pool 45, errno -1
2021-06-11 11:49:04.956 7f1234d9c700 -1 mds.0.289 unhandled write error (1) Operation not permitted, force readonly...
2021-06-11 11:49:04.956 7f1234d9c700 1 mds.0.cache.ino(0x1000001cf9c) store backtrace error -1 v 226
2021-06-11 11:49:04.956 7f1234d9c700 -1 log_channel(cluster) log [ERR] : failed to store backtrace on ino 0x1000001cf9c object, pool 45, errno -1
2021-06-11 11:49:04.956 7f1234d9c700 -1 mds.0.289 unhandled write error (1) Operation not permitted, force readonly...
2021-06-11 11:49:04.956 7f1234d9c700 1 mds.0.cache.ino(0x1000001cfa6) store backtrace error -1 v 334
2021-06-11 11:49:04.956 7f1234d9c700 -1 log_channel(cluster) log [ERR] : failed to store backtrace on ino 0x1000001cfa6 object, pool 45, errno -1
2021-06-11 11:49:04.956 7f1234d9c700 -1 mds.0.289 unhandled write error (1) Operation not permitted, force readonly...
2021-06-11 11:49:04.956 7f1234d9c700 1 mds.0.cache.ino(0x1000001cfa9) store backtrace error -1 v 358
2021-06-11 11:49:04.956 7f1234d9c700 -1 log_channel(cluster) log [ERR] : failed to store backtrace on ino 0x1000001cfa9 object, pool 45, errno -1
2021-06-11 11:49:04.956 7f1234d9c700 -1 mds.0.289 unhandled write error (1) Operation not permitted, force readonly...
2021-06-11 11:49:04.956 7f1234d9c700 1 mds.0.cache.ino(0x1000001cfb5) store backtrace error -1 v 494
2021-06-11 11:49:04.956 7f1234d9c700 -1 log_channel(cluster) log [ERR] : failed to store backtrace on ino 0x1000001cfb5 object, pool 45, errno -1
2021-06-11 11:49:04.956 7f1234d9c700 -1 mds.0.289 unhandled write error (1) Operation not permitted, force readonly...
2021-06-11 11:49:04.956 7f1234d9c700 1 mds.0.cache.ino(0x1000001cfba) store backtrace error -1 v 564
2021-06-11 11:49:04.956 7f1234d9c700 -1 log_channel(cluster) log [ERR] : failed to store backtrace on ino 0x1000001cfba object, pool 45, errno -1
2021-06-11 11:49:04.956 7f1234d9c700 -1 mds.0.289 unhandled write error (1) Operation not permitted, force readonly...
2021-06-11 11:49:04.956 7f1234d9c700 1 mds.0.cache.ino(0x1000001cfbd) store backtrace error -1 v 594
2021-06-11 11:49:04.956 7f1234d9c700 -1 log_channel(cluster) log [ERR] : failed to store backtrace on ino 0x1000001cfbd object, pool 45, errno -1
2021-06-11 11:49:04.956 7f1234d9c700 -1 mds.0.289 unhandled write error (1) Operation not permitted, force readonly...
2021-06-11 11:49:04.956 7f1234d9c700 1 mds.0.cache.ino(0x1000001cfda) store backtrace error -1 v 944
2021-06-11 11:49:04.956 7f1234d9c700 -1 log_channel(cluster) log [ERR] : failed to store backtrace on ino 0x1000001cfda object, pool 45, errno -1
2021-06-11 11:49:04.956 7f1234d9c700 -1 mds.0.289 unhandled write error (1) Operation not permitted, force readonly...
2021-06-11 11:49:04.956 7f1234d9c700 1 mds.0.cache.ino(0x1000001cfdd) store backtrace error -1 v 978
2021-06-11 11:49:04.956 7f1234d9c700 -1 log_channel(cluster) log [ERR] : failed to store backtrace on ino 0x1000001cfdd object, pool 45, errno -1
2021-06-11 11:49:04.956 7f1234d9c700 -1 mds.0.289 unhandled write error (1) Operation not permitted, force readonly...
2021-06-11 11:49:04.956 7f1234d9c700 1 mds.0.cache.ino(0x1000001cf9a) store backtrace error -1 v 206
2021-06-11 11:49:04.956 7f1234d9c700 -1 log_channel(cluster) log [ERR] : failed to store backtrace on ino 0x1000001cf9a object, pool 45, errno -1
2021-06-11 11:49:04.956 7f1234d9c700 -1 mds.0.289 unhandled write error (1) Operation not permitted, force readonly...
2021-06-11 11:49:04.956 7f1234d9c700 1 mds.0.cache.ino(0x1000001cf8f) store backtrace error -1 v 96
2021-06-11 11:49:04.956 7f1234d9c700 -1 log_channel(cluster) log [ERR] : failed to store backtrace on ino 0x1000001cf8f object, pool 45, errno -1
2021-06-11 11:49:04.956 7f1234d9c700 -1 mds.0.289 unhandled write error (1) Operation not permitted, force readonly...
2021-06-11 11:49:04.956 7f1234d9c700 1 mds.0.cache.ino(0x1000001cfa2) store backtrace error -1 v 290
2021-06-11 11:49:04.956 7f1234d9c700 -1 log_channel(cluster) log [ERR] : failed to store backtrace on ino 0x1000001cfa2 object, pool 45, errno -1
2021-06-11 11:49:04.956 7f1234d9c700 -1 mds.0.289 unhandled write error (1) Operation not permitted, force readonly...
2021-06-11 11:49:04.956 7f1234d9c700 1 mds.0.cache.ino(0x1000001cfc4) store backtrace error -1 v 690
2021-06-11 11:49:04.956 7f1234d9c700 -1 log_channel(cluster) log [ERR] : failed to store backtrace on ino 0x1000001cfc4 object, pool 45, errno -1
2021-06-11 11:49:04.956 7f1234d9c700 -1 mds.0.289 unhandled write error (1) Operation not permitted, force readonly...
2021-06-11 11:49:04.956 7f1234d9c700 1 mds.0.cache.ino(0x1000001cfd7) store backtrace error -1 v 916
2021-06-11 11:49:04.956 7f1234d9c700 -1 log_channel(cluster) log [ERR] : failed to store backtrace on ino 0x1000001cfd7 object, pool 45, errno -1
2021-06-11 11:49:04.956 7f1234d9c700 -1 mds.0.289 unhandled write error (1) Operation not permitted, force readonly...
2021-06-11 11:49:04.956 7f1234d9c700 1 mds.0.cache.ino(0x1000001cfc8) store backtrace error -1 v 740
2021-06-11 11:49:04.956 7f1234d9c700 -1 log_channel(cluster) log [ERR] : failed to store backtrace on ino 0x1000001cfc8 object, pool 45, errno -1
2021-06-11 11:49:04.956 7f1234d9c700 -1 mds.0.289 unhandled write error (1) Operation not permitted, force readonly...
2021-06-11 11:49:04.956 7f1234d9c700 1 mds.0.cache.ino(0x1000001cf9d) store backtrace error -1 v 236
2021-06-11 11:49:04.956 7f1234d9c700 -1 log_channel(cluster) log [ERR] : failed to store backtrace on ino 0x1000001cf9d object, pool 45, errno -1
2021-06-11 11:49:04.956 7f1234d9c700 -1 mds.0.289 unhandled write error (1) Operation not permitted, force readonly...
2021-06-11 11:49:04.956 7f1234d9c700 1 mds.0.cache.ino(0x1000001cf8e) store backtrace error -1 v 88
2021-06-11 11:49:04.956 7f1234d9c700 -1 log_channel(cluster) log [ERR] : failed to store backtrace on ino 0x1000001cf8e object, pool 45, errno -1
2021-06-11 11:49:04.956 7f1234d9c700 -1 mds.0.289 unhandled write error (1) Operation not permitted, force readonly...
2021-06-11 11:49:04.956 7f1234d9c700 1 mds.0.cache.ino(0x1000001cfb8) store backtrace error -1 v 534
2021-06-11 11:49:04.956 7f1234d9c700 -1 log_channel(cluster) log [ERR] : failed to store backtrace on ino 0x1000001cfb8 object, pool 45, errno -1
2021-06-11 11:49:04.956 7f1234d9c700 -1 mds.0.289 unhandled write error (1) Operation not permitted, force readonly...
2021-06-11 11:49:04.956 7f1234d9c700 1 mds.0.cache.ino(0x1000001cfe1) store backtrace error -1 v 1014
2021-06-11 11:49:04.956 7f1234d9c700 -1 log_channel(cluster) log [ERR] : failed to store backtrace on ino 0x1000001cfe1 object, pool 45, errno -1
2021-06-11 11:49:04.956 7f1234d9c700 -1 mds.0.289 unhandled write error (1) Operation not permitted, force readonly...
2021-06-11 11:49:04.956 7f1234d9c700 1 mds.0.cache.ino(0x1000001cfb3) store backtrace error -1 v 474
2021-06-11 11:49:04.956 7f1234d9c700 -1 log_channel(cluster) log [ERR] : failed to store backtrace on ino 0x1000001cfb3 object, pool 45, errno -1
2021-06-11 11:49:04.956 7f1234d9c700 -1 mds.0.289 unhandled write error (1) Operation not permitted, force readonly...
2021-06-11 11:49:04.956 7f1234d9c700 1 mds.0.cache.ino(0x1000001cf94) store backtrace error -1 v 146
2021-06-11 11:49:04.956 7f1234d9c700 -1 log_channel(cluster) log [ERR] : failed to store backtrace on ino 0x1000001cf94 object, pool 45, errno -1
2021-06-11 11:49:04.956 7f1234d9c700 -1 mds.0.289 unhandled write error (1) Operation not permitted, force readonly...
2021-06-11 11:49:04.956 7f1234d9c700 1 mds.0.cache.ino(0x1000001cfac) store backtrace error -1 v 396
2021-06-11 11:49:04.956 7f1234d9c700 -1 log_channel(cluster) log [ERR] : failed to store backtrace on ino 0x1000001cfac object, pool 45, errno -1
2021-06-11 11:49:04.956 7f1234d9c700 -1 mds.0.289 unhandled write error (1) Operation not permitted, force readonly...
2021-06-11 11:49:04.956 7f1234d9c700 1 mds.0.cache.ino(0x1000001cfd5) store backtrace error -1 v 888
2021-06-11 11:49:04.956 7f1234d9c700 -1 log_channel(cluster) log [ERR] : failed to store backtrace on ino 0x1000001cfd5 object, pool 45, errno -1
2021-06-11 11:49:04.956 7f1234d9c700 -1 mds.0.289 unhandled write error (1) Operation not permitted, force readonly...
2021-06-11 11:49:04.956 7f1234d9c700 1 mds.0.cache.ino(0x1000001cfb9) store backtrace error -1 v 544
2021-06-11 11:49:04.956 7f1234d9c700 -1 log_channel(cluster) log [ERR] : failed to store backtrace on ino 0x1000001cfb9 object, pool 45, errno -1
2021-06-11 11:49:04.956 7f1234d9c700 -1 mds.0.289 unhandled write error (1) Operation not permitted, force readonly...
2021-06-11 11:49:04.956 7f1234d9c700 1 mds.0.cache.ino(0x1000001cfc7) store backtrace error -1 v 720
2021-06-11 11:49:04.956 7f1234d9c700 -1 log_channel(cluster) log [ERR] : failed to store backtrace on ino 0x1000001cfc7 object, pool 45, errno -1
2021-06-11 11:49:04.956 7f1234d9c700 -1 mds.0.289 unhandled write error (1) Operation not permitted, force readonly...
2021-06-11 11:49:04.956 7f1234d9c700 1 mds.0.cache.ino(0x1000001cfa4) store backtrace error -1 v 318
2021-06-11 11:49:04.956 7f1234d9c700 -1 log_channel(cluster) log [ERR] : failed to store backtrace on ino 0x1000001cfa4 object, pool 45, errno -1
2021-06-11 11:49:04.956 7f1234d9c700 -1 mds.0.289 unhandled write error (1) Operation not permitted, force readonly...
2021-06-11 11:49:04.956 7f1234d9c700 1 mds.0.cache.ino(0x1000001cfaf) store backtrace error -1 v 426
2021-06-11 11:49:04.956 7f1234d9c700 -1 log_channel(cluster) log [ERR] : failed to store backtrace on ino 0x1000001cfaf object, pool 45, errno -1
2021-06-11 11:49:04.956 7f1234d9c700 -1 mds.0.289 unhandled write error (1) Operation not permitted, force readonly...
2021-06-11 11:49:04.956 7f1234d9c700 1 mds.0.cache.ino(0x1000001cfca) store backtrace error -1 v 760
2021-06-11 11:49:04.956 7f1234d9c700 -1 log_channel(cluster) log [ERR] : failed to store backtrace on ino 0x1000001cfca object, pool 45, errno -1
2021-06-11 11:49:04.956 7f1234d9c700 -1 mds.0.289 unhandled write error (1) Operation not permitted, force readonly...
2021-06-11 11:49:04.956 7f1234d9c700 1 mds.0.cache.ino(0x1000001cf89) store backtrace error -1 v 36
2021-06-11 11:49:04.956 7f1234d9c700 -1 log_channel(cluster) log [ERR] : failed to store backtrace on ino 0x1000001cf89 object, pool 45, errno -1
2021-06-11 11:49:04.956 7f1234d9c700 -1 mds.0.289 unhandled write error (1) Operation not permitted, force readonly...
2021-06-11 11:49:04.956 7f1234d9c700 1 mds.0.cache.ino(0x1000001cf8a) store backtrace error -1 v 46
2021-06-11 11:49:04.956 7f1234d9c700 -1 log_channel(cluster) log [ERR] : failed to store backtrace on ino 0x1000001cf8a object, pool 45, errno -1
2021-06-11 11:49:04.956 7f1234d9c700 -1 mds.0.289 unhandled write error (1) Operation not permitted, force readonly...
2021-06-11 11:49:04.956 7f1234d9c700 1 mds.0.cache.ino(0x1000001cf91) store backtrace error -1 v 116
2021-06-11 11:49:04.956 7f1234d9c700 -1 log_channel(cluster) log [ERR] : failed to store backtrace on ino 0x1000001cf91 object, pool 45, errno -1
2021-06-11 11:49:04.956 7f1234d9c700 -1 mds.0.289 unhandled write error (1) Operation not permitted, force readonly...
2021-06-11 11:49:04.956 7f1234d9c700 1 mds.0.cache.ino(0x1000001cf97) store backtrace error -1 v 176
2021-06-11 11:49:04.956 7f1234d9c700 -1 log_channel(cluster) log [ERR] : failed to store backtrace on ino 0x1000001cf97 object, pool 45, errno -1
2021-06-11 11:49:04.956 7f1234d9c700 -1 mds.0.289 unhandled write error (1) Operation not permitted, force readonly...
2021-06-11 11:49:04.956 7f1234d9c700 1 mds.0.cache.ino(0x1000001cf9b) store backtrace error -1 v 216
2021-06-11 11:49:04.956 7f1234d9c700 -1 log_channel(cluster) log [ERR] : failed to store backtrace on ino 0x1000001cf9b object, pool 45, errno -1
2021-06-11 11:49:04.956 7f1234d9c700 -1 mds.0.289 unhandled write error (1) Operation not permitted, force readonly...
2021-06-11 11:49:04.956 7f1234d9c700 1 mds.0.cache.ino(0x1000001cfa3) store backtrace error -1 v 300
2021-06-11 11:49:04.956 7f1234d9c700 -1 log_channel(cluster) log [ERR] : failed to store backtrace on ino 0x1000001cfa3 object, pool 45, errno -1
2021-06-11 11:49:04.956 7f1234d9c700 -1 mds.0.289 unhandled write error (1) Operation not permitted, force readonly...
2021-06-11 11:49:04.956 7f1234d9c700 1 mds.0.cache.ino(0x1000001cfb0) store backtrace error -1 v 436
2021-06-11 11:49:04.956 7f1234d9c700 -1 log_channel(cluster) log [ERR] : failed to store backtrace on ino 0x1000001cfb0 object, pool 45, errno -1
2021-06-11 11:49:04.956 7f1234d9c700 -1 mds.0.289 unhandled write error (1) Operation not permitted, force readonly...
2021-06-11 11:49:04.956 7f1234d9c700 1 mds.0.cache.ino(0x1000001cfb6) store backtrace error -1 v 514
2021-06-11 11:49:04.956 7f1234d9c700 -1 log_channel(cluster) log [ERR] : failed to store backtrace on ino 0x1000001cfb6 object, pool 45, errno -1
2021-06-11 11:49:04.956 7f1234d9c700 -1 mds.0.289 unhandled write error (1) Operation not permitted, force readonly...
2021-06-11 11:49:04.956 7f1234d9c700 1 mds.0.cache.ino(0x1000001cfbb) store backtrace error -1 v 574
2021-06-11 11:49:04.956 7f1234d9c700 -1 log_channel(cluster) log [ERR] : failed to store backtrace on ino 0x1000001cfbb object, pool 45, errno -1
2021-06-11 11:49:04.956 7f1234d9c700 -1 mds.0.289 unhandled write error (1) Operation not permitted, force readonly...
2021-06-11 11:49:04.956 7f1234d9c700 1 mds.0.cache.ino(0x1000001cfc0) store backtrace error -1 v 634
2021-06-11 11:49:04.956 7f1234d9c700 -1 log_channel(cluster) log [ERR] : failed to store backtrace on ino 0x1000001cfc0 object, pool 45, errno -1
2021-06-11 11:49:04.956 7f1234d9c700 -1 mds.0.289 unhandled write error (1) Operation not permitted, force readonly...
2021-06-11 11:49:04.956 7f1234d9c700 1 mds.0.cache.ino(0x1000001cfc1) store backtrace error -1 v 644
2021-06-11 11:49:04.956 7f1234d9c700 -1 log_channel(cluster) log [ERR] : failed to store backtrace on ino 0x1000001cfc1 object, pool 45, errno -1
2021-06-11 11:49:04.956 7f1234d9c700 -1 mds.0.289 unhandled write error (1) Operation not permitted, force readonly...
2021-06-11 11:49:04.956 7f1234d9c700 1 mds.0.cache.ino(0x1000001cfc2) store backtrace error -1 v 654
2021-06-11 11:49:04.956 7f1234d9c700 -1 log_channel(cluster) log [ERR] : failed to store backtrace on ino 0x1000001cfc2 object, pool 45, errno -1
2021-06-11 11:49:04.956 7f1234d9c700 -1 mds.0.289 unhandled write error (1) Operation not permitted, force readonly...
2021-06-11 11:49:04.956 7f1234d9c700 1 mds.0.cache.ino(0x1000001cfcb) store backtrace error -1 v 770
2021-06-11 11:49:04.956 7f1234d9c700 -1 log_channel(cluster) log [ERR] : failed to store backtrace on ino 0x1000001cfcb object, pool 45, errno -1
2021-06-11 11:49:04.956 7f1234d9c700 -1 mds.0.289 unhandled write error (1) Operation not permitted, force readonly...
2021-06-11 11:49:04.956 7f1234d9c700 1 mds.0.cache.ino(0x1000001cfce) store backtrace error -1 v 810
2021-06-11 11:49:04.956 7f1234d9c700 -1 log_channel(cluster) log [ERR] : failed to store backtrace on ino 0x1000001cfce object, pool 45, errno -1
2021-06-11 11:49:04.956 7f1234d9c700 -1 mds.0.289 unhandled write error (1) Operation not permitted, force readonly...
2021-06-11 11:49:05.024 7f123659f700 -1 mds.0.289 unhandled write error (1) Operation not permitted, force readonly...
2021-06-11 11:49:09.184 7f123b5a9700 1 mds.sg1vosrv43 Updating MDS map to version 298 from mon.0
2021-06-11 11:49:14.240 7f123b5a9700 1 mds.sg1vosrv43 Updating MDS map to version 299 from mon.0
2021-06-11 12:17:42.005 7f123bdaa700 -1 received signal: Terminated from /sbin/init (PID: 1) UID: 0
2021-06-11 12:17:42.005 7f123bdaa700 -1 mds.sg1vosrv43 *** got signal Terminated ***
2021-06-11 12:17:42.005 7f123bdaa700 1 mds.sg1vosrv43 suicide! Wanted state up:active
2021-06-11 12:17:42.065 7f123d5ad700 1 mds.beacon.sg1vosrv43 discarding unexpected beacon reply down:dne seq 437 dne
2021-06-11 12:17:45.845 7f123bdaa700 1 mds.0.289 shutdown: shutting down rank 0
2021-06-11 12:17:45.845 7f123b5a9700 0 ms_deliver_dispatch: unhandled message 0x55ed177ed700 osd_map(118972..118972 src has 118317..118972) v4 from mon.0 v2:
2021-06-11 12:17:45.845 7f123b5a9700 0 ms_deliver_dispatch: unhandled message 0x55ed195598c0 mdsmap(e 300) v1 from mon.0 v2:
2021-06-11 12:17:54.253 7f1293a2a440 0 set uid:gid to 64045:64045 (ceph:ceph)
2021-06-11 12:17:54.257 7f1293a2a440 0 ceph version 14.2.21 (5ef401921d7a88aea18ec7558f7f9374ebd8f5a6) nautilus (stable), process ceph-mds, pid 2922907
2021-06-11 12:17:54.257 7f1293a2a440 0 pidfile_write: ignore empty --pid-file
2021-06-11 12:17:54.265 7f128254c700 1 mds.sg1vosrv43 Updating MDS map to version 301 from mon.0
2021-06-11 12:17:59.225 7f128254c700 1 mds.sg1vosrv43 Updating MDS map to version 302 from mon.0
2021-06-11 12:17:59.225 7f128254c700 1 mds.sg1vosrv43 Monitors have assigned me to become a standby.
2021-06-11 12:17:59.237 7f128254c700 1 mds.sg1vosrv43 Updating MDS map to version 303 from mon.0
2021-06-11 12:17:59.237 7f128254c700 1 mds.0.303 handle_mds_map i am now mds.0.303
2021-06-11 12:17:59.237 7f128254c700 1 mds.0.303 handle_mds_map state change up:boot --> up:replay
2021-06-11 12:17:59.237 7f128254c700 1 mds.0.303 replay_start
2021-06-11 12:17:59.237 7f128254c700 1 mds.0.303 waiting for osdmap 118972 (which blacklists prior instance)
2021-06-11 12:17:59.249 7f127b53e700 0 mds.0.cache creating system inode with ino:0x100
2021-06-11 12:17:59.249 7f127b53e700 0 mds.0.cache creating system inode with ino:0x1
2021-06-11 12:18:00.909 7f127a53c700 -1 log_channel(cluster) log [ERR] : journal replay alloc [0x10000021c4b~0x1f5], only [] is in free [0x10000022334~0xfffffddccc]
2021-06-11 12:18:00.945 7f127a53c700 -1 log_channel(cluster) log [ERR] : journal replay alloc [0x10000021e40~0x1f5], only [] is in free [0x10000022334~0xfffffddccc]
2021-06-11 12:18:00.977 7f127a53c700 -1 log_channel(cluster) log [ERR] : journal replay alloc [0x10000022035~0x1f5], only [] is in free [0x10000022334~0xfffffddccc]
2021-06-11 12:18:01.013 7f127a53c700 -1 log_channel(cluster) log [ERR] : journal replay alloc [0x1000002222a~0x1f5], only [0x10000022334~0xeb] is in free [0x10000022334~0xfffffddccc]
2021-06-11 12:18:01.233 7f127a53c700 1 mds.0.303 Finished replaying journal
2021-06-11 12:18:01.233 7f127a53c700 1 mds.0.303 making mds journal writeable
2021-06-11 12:18:01.257 7f128254c700 1 mds.sg1vosrv43 Updating MDS map to version 304 from mon.0
2021-06-11 12:18:01.257 7f128254c700 1 mds.0.303 handle_mds_map i am now mds.0.303
2021-06-11 12:18:01.257 7f128254c700 1 mds.0.303 handle_mds_map state change up:replay --> up:resolve
2021-06-11 12:18:01.257 7f128254c700 1 mds.0.303 resolve_start
2021-06-11 12:18:01.257 7f128254c700 1 mds.0.303 reopen_log
2021-06-11 12:18:01.257 7f128254c700 1 mds.0.303 recovery set is 1
2021-06-11 12:18:01.257 7f128254c700 1 mds.0.303 recovery set is 1
2021-06-11 12:18:02.373 7f128254c700 1 mds.sg1vosrv43 Updating MDS map to version 305 from mon.0
2021-06-11 12:18:25.317 7f128254c700 1 mds.sg1vosrv43 Updating MDS map to version 306 from mon.0
2021-06-11 12:18:25.317 7f128254c700 1 mds.0.cache handle_mds_failure mds.1 : recovery peers are 1
2021-06-11 12:18:25.321 7f128254c700 1 mds.sg1vosrv43 Updating MDS map to version 307 from mon.0
2021-06-11 12:18:25.321 7f128254c700 1 mds.0.cache handle_mds_failure mds.1 : recovery peers are 1
2021-06-11 12:18:26.325 7f128254c700 1 mds.sg1vosrv43 Updating MDS map to version 308 from mon.0
2021-06-11 12:18:26.325 7f128254c700 1 mds.0.cache handle_mds_failure mds.1 : recovery peers are 1
2021-06-11 12:19:37.849 7f128254c700 1 mds.sg1vosrv43 Updating MDS map to version 310 from mon.0
2021-06-11 12:19:37.861 7f128254c700 1 mds.sg1vosrv43 Updating MDS map to version 311 from mon.0
2021-06-11 12:19:37.861 7f128254c700 1 mds.0.cache handle_mds_failure mds.1 : recovery peers are 1
2021-06-11 12:19:38.877 7f128254c700 1 mds.sg1vosrv43 Updating MDS map to version 312 from mon.0
2021-06-11 12:19:38.877 7f128254c700 1 mds.0.cache handle_mds_failure mds.1 : recovery peers are 1
2021-06-11 12:20:39.997 7f128254c700 1 mds.sg1vosrv43 Updating MDS map to version 314 from mon.0
2021-06-11 12:20:40.009 7f128254c700 1 mds.sg1vosrv43 Updating MDS map to version 315 from mon.0
2021-06-11 12:20:40.009 7f128254c700 1 mds.0.cache handle_mds_failure mds.1 : recovery peers are 1
2021-06-11 12:20:45.061 7f128254c700 1 mds.sg1vosrv43 Updating MDS map to version 316 from mon.0
2021-06-11 12:20:45.061 7f128254c700 1 mds.0.cache handle_mds_failure mds.1 : recovery peers are 1
2021-06-11 12:20:45.069 7f128254c700 1 mds.sg1vosrv43 Updating MDS map to version 317 from mon.0
2021-06-11 12:20:45.069 7f128254c700 1 mds.0.cache handle_mds_failure mds.1 : recovery peers are 1
2021-06-11 12:20:50.133 7f128254c700 1 mds.sg1vosrv43 Updating MDS map to version 318 from mon.0
2021-06-11 12:20:50.133 7f128254c700 1 mds.0.cache handle_mds_failure mds.1 : recovery peers are 1
2021-06-11 12:20:50.141 7f128254c700 1 mds.sg1vosrv43 Updating MDS map to version 319 from mon.0
2021-06-11 12:20:50.141 7f128254c700 1 mds.0.cache handle_mds_failure mds.1 : recovery peers are 1
2021-06-11 12:21:07.433 7f128254c700 1 mds.sg1vosrv43 Updating MDS map to version 320 from mon.0
2021-06-11 12:21:19.197 7f1282d4d700 -1 received signal: Terminated from /sbin/init (PID: 1) UID: 0
2021-06-11 12:21:19.197 7f1282d4d700 -1 mds.sg1vosrv43 *** got signal Terminated ***
2021-06-11 12:21:19.197 7f1282d4d700 1 mds.sg1vosrv43 suicide! Wanted state up:resolve
2021-06-11 12:21:19.833 7f1284550700 1 mds.beacon.sg1vosrv43 discarding unexpected beacon reply down:dne seq 53 dne
2021-06-11 12:21:21.245 7f1282d4d700 1 mds.0.303 shutdown: shutting down rank 0
2021-06-11 12:21:21.245 7f128254c700 0 ms_deliver_dispatch: unhandled message 0x560ce2284f00 osd_map(118978..118978 src has 118317..118978) v4 from mon.0 v2:
2021-06-11 12:21:21.245 7f128254c700 0 ms_deliver_dispatch: unhandled message 0x560ce6ee6240 mdsmap(e 321) v1 from mon.0 v2:
2021-06-11 12:22:58.201 7f4d20478440 0 set uid:gid to 64045:64045 (ceph:ceph)
2021-06-11 12:22:58.201 7f4d20478440 0 ceph version 14.2.21 (5ef401921d7a88aea18ec7558f7f9374ebd8f5a6) nautilus (stable), process ceph-mds, pid 2924564
2021-06-11 12:22:58.205 7f4d20478440 0 pidfile_write: ignore empty --pid-file
2021-06-11 12:22:58.237 7f4d0ef9a700 1 mds.sg1vosrv43 Updating MDS map to version 321 from mon.0
2021-06-11 12:23:02.469 7f4d0ef9a700 1 mds.sg1vosrv43 Updating MDS map to version 322 from mon.0
2021-06-11 12:23:02.469 7f4d0ef9a700 1 mds.1.322 handle_mds_map i am now mds.1.322
2021-06-11 12:23:02.469 7f4d0ef9a700 1 mds.1.322 handle_mds_map state change up:boot --> up:replay
2021-06-11 12:23:02.469 7f4d0ef9a700 1 mds.1.322 replay_start
2021-06-11 12:23:02.469 7f4d0ef9a700 1 mds.1.322 waiting for osdmap 118979 (which blacklists prior instance)
2021-06-11 12:23:02.485 7f4d07f8c700 0 mds.1.cache creating system inode with ino:0x101
2021-06-11 12:23:02.485 7f4d07f8c700 0 mds.1.cache creating system inode with ino:0x1
2021-06-11 12:23:02.489 7f4d06f8a700 1 mds.1.journal EResetJournal
2021-06-11 12:23:02.489 7f4d06f8a700 1 mds.1.sessionmap wipe start
2021-06-11 12:23:02.489 7f4d06f8a700 1 mds.1.sessionmap wipe result
2021-06-11 12:23:02.489 7f4d06f8a700 1 mds.1.sessionmap wipe done
2021-06-11 12:23:02.489 7f4d06f8a700 1 mds.1.322 Finished replaying journal
2021-06-11 12:23:02.489 7f4d06f8a700 1 mds.1.322 making mds journal writeable
2021-06-11 12:23:03.473 7f4d0ef9a700 1 mds.sg1vosrv43 Updating MDS map to version 323 from mon.0
2021-06-11 12:23:03.473 7f4d0ef9a700 1 mds.1.322 handle_mds_map i am now mds.1.322
2021-06-11 12:23:03.473 7f4d0ef9a700 1 mds.1.322 handle_mds_map state change up:replay --> up:resolve
2021-06-11 12:23:03.473 7f4d0ef9a700 1 mds.1.322 resolve_start
2021-06-11 12:23:03.473 7f4d0ef9a700 1 mds.1.322 reopen_log
2021-06-11 12:23:03.473 7f4d0ef9a700 1 mds.1.322 recovery set is 0
2021-06-11 12:24:27.385 7f4d0f79b700 -1 received signal: Terminated from /sbin/init (PID: 1) UID: 0
2021-06-11 12:24:27.385 7f4d0f79b700 -1 mds.sg1vosrv43 *** got signal Terminated ***
2021-06-11 12:24:27.385 7f4d0f79b700 1 mds.sg1vosrv43 suicide! Wanted state up:resolve
2021-06-11 12:24:27.621 7f4d1179f700 1 mds.beacon.sg1vosrv43 discarding unexpected beacon reply down:dne seq 25 dne
2021-06-11 12:24:30.261 7f4d0f79b700 1 mds.1.322 shutdown: shutting down rank 1
2021-06-11 12:24:30.261 7f4d0ef9a700 0 ms_deliver_dispatch: unhandled message 0x55a30948b180 osd_map(118980..118980 src has 118317..118980) v4 from mon.0 v2:
2021-06-11 12:24:30.261 7f4d0ef9a700 0 ms_deliver_dispatch: unhandled message 0x55a3094053c0 mdsmap(e 327) v1 from mon.0 v2:
2021-06-11 12:25:06.845 7fb0608a6440 0 set uid:gid to 64045:64045 (ceph:ceph)
2021-06-11 12:25:06.845 7fb0608a6440 0 ceph version 14.2.21 (5ef401921d7a88aea18ec7558f7f9374ebd8f5a6) nautilus (stable), process ceph-mds, pid 2925646
2021-06-11 12:25:06.849 7fb0608a6440 0 pidfile_write: ignore empty --pid-file
2021-06-11 12:25:06.877 7fb04f3c8700 1 mds.sg1vosrv43 Updating MDS map to version 328 from mon.0
2021-06-11 12:25:11.465 7fb04f3c8700 1 mds.sg1vosrv43 Updating MDS map to version 329 from mon.0
2021-06-11 12:25:11.465 7fb04f3c8700 1 mds.sg1vosrv43 Monitors have assigned me to become a standby.
2021-06-11 12:25:11.473 7fb04f3c8700 1 mds.sg1vosrv43 Updating MDS map to version 330 from mon.0
2021-06-11 12:25:11.473 7fb04f3c8700 1 mds.0.330 handle_mds_map i am now mds.0.330
2021-06-11 12:25:11.473 7fb04f3c8700 1 mds.0.330 handle_mds_map state change up:boot --> up:replay
2021-06-11 12:25:11.473 7fb04f3c8700 1 mds.0.330 replay_start
2021-06-11 12:25:11.485 7fb0483ba700 0 mds.0.cache creating system inode with ino:0x100
2021-06-11 12:25:11.485 7fb0483ba700 0 mds.0.cache creating system inode with ino:0x1
2021-06-11 12:25:11.485 7fb0473b8700 1 mds.0.journal EResetJournal
2021-06-11 12:25:11.485 7fb0473b8700 1 mds.0.sessionmap wipe start
2021-06-11 12:25:11.485 7fb0473b8700 1 mds.0.sessionmap wipe result
2021-06-11 12:25:11.485 7fb0473b8700 1 mds.0.sessionmap wipe done
2021-06-11 12:25:11.485 7fb0473b8700 1 mds.0.330 Finished replaying journal
2021-06-11 12:25:11.485 7fb0473b8700 1 mds.0.330 making mds journal writeable
2021-06-11 12:25:12.477 7fb04f3c8700 1 mds.sg1vosrv43 Updating MDS map to version 331 from mon.0
2021-06-11 12:25:12.477 7fb04f3c8700 1 mds.0.330 handle_mds_map i am now mds.0.330
2021-06-11 12:25:12.477 7fb04f3c8700 1 mds.0.330 handle_mds_map state change up:replay --> up:reconnect
2021-06-11 12:25:12.477 7fb04f3c8700 1 mds.0.330 reconnect_start
2021-06-11 12:25:12.477 7fb04f3c8700 1 mds.0.330 reopen_log
2021-06-11 12:25:12.477 7fb04f3c8700 1 mds.0.330 reconnect_done
2021-06-11 12:25:12.481 7fb04f3c8700 0 mds.0.server ignoring msg from not-open sessionclient_reconnect(1 caps 1 realms ) v3
2021-06-11 12:25:12.481 7fb04f3c8700 0 mds.0.server ignoring msg from not-open sessionclient_reconnect(3 caps 1 realms ) v3
2021-06-11 12:25:12.481 7fb0513cc700 0 --1- [v2:,v1:] >> v1: conn(0x560aa3c70d80 0x560aa3c92800 :6833 s=OPENED pgs=25989 cs=1 l=0).fault server, going to standby
2021-06-11 12:25:12.485 7fb04f3c8700 0 mds.0.server ignoring msg from not-open sessionclient_reconnect(2 caps 1 realms ) v3
2021-06-11 12:25:12.485 7fb0523ce700 0 --1- [v2:,v1:] >> v1: conn(0x560aa3c71200 0x560aa3c93000 :6833 s=OPENED pgs=366703 cs=1 l=0).fault server, going to standby
2021-06-11 12:25:13.493 7fb04f3c8700 1 mds.sg1vosrv43 Updating MDS map to version 332 from mon.0
2021-06-11 12:25:13.493 7fb04f3c8700 1 mds.0.330 handle_mds_map i am now mds.0.330
2021-06-11 12:25:13.493 7fb04f3c8700 1 mds.0.330 handle_mds_map state change up:reconnect --> up:rejoin
2021-06-11 12:25:13.493 7fb04f3c8700 1 mds.0.330 rejoin_start
2021-06-11 12:25:13.493 7fb04f3c8700 1 mds.0.330 rejoin_joint_start
2021-06-11 12:25:13.497 7fb04a3be700 1 mds.0.330 rejoin_done
2021-06-11 12:25:14.501 7fb04f3c8700 1 mds.sg1vosrv43 Updating MDS map to version 333 from mon.0
2021-06-11 12:25:14.501 7fb04f3c8700 1 mds.0.330 handle_mds_map i am now mds.0.330
2021-06-11 12:25:14.501 7fb04f3c8700 1 mds.0.330 handle_mds_map state change up:rejoin --> up:active
2021-06-11 12:25:14.501 7fb04f3c8700 1 mds.0.330 recovery_done -- successful recovery!
2021-06-11 12:25:14.501 7fb04f3c8700 1 mds.0.330 active_start
2021-06-11 12:25:14.501 7fb04f3c8700 1 mds.0.330 cluster recovered.
2021-06-11 12:25:14.505 7fb051bcd700 0 --1- [v2:,v1:] >> v1: conn(0x560aa3c73a80 0x560aa3c95000 :6833 s=ACCEPTING_WAIT_CONNECT_MSG_AUTH pgs=0 cs=0 l=0).handle_connect_message_2 accept peer reset, then tried to connect to us, replacing
2021-06-11 12:25:14.505 7fb0523ce700 0 --1- [v2:,v1:] >> v1: conn(0x560aa3c73600 0x560aa3c94800 :6833 s=ACCEPTING_WAIT_CONNECT_MSG_AUTH pgs=0 cs=0 l=0).handle_connect_message_2 accept peer reset, then tried to connect to us, replacing
2021-06-11 12:25:14.509 7fb0513cc700 0 --1- [v2:,v1:] >> v1: conn(0x560aa3c73a80 0x560aa3c95000 :6833 s=ACCEPTING_WAIT_CONNECT_MSG_AUTH pgs=0 cs=0 l=0).handle_connect_message_2 accept peer reset, then tried to connect to us, replacing