


Bug #39395 » verbose.txt

Radosław Piliszek, 04/20/2019 05:33 PM

# ceph --verbose fs authorize cephfs client.cephfs / rw
parsed_args: Namespace(admin_socket=None, cephconf=None, client_id=None, client_name=None, cluster=None, cluster_timeout=None, completion=False, help=False, input_file=None, output_file=None, output_format=None, setgroup=None, setuser=None, status=False, verbose=True, version=False, watch=False, watch_channel='cluster', watch_debug=False, watch_error=False, watch_info=False, watch_sec=False, watch_warn=False), childargs: ['fs', 'authorize', 'cephfs', 'client.cephfs', '/', 'rw']
cmd000: pg stat
cmd001: pg getmap
cmd002: pg dump {all|summary|sum|delta|pools|osds|pgs|pgs_brief [all|summary|sum|delta|pools|osds|pgs|pgs_brief...]}
cmd003: pg dump_json {all|summary|sum|pools|osds|pgs [all|summary|sum|pools|osds|pgs...]}
cmd004: pg dump_pools_json
cmd005: pg ls-by-pool <poolstr> {<states> [<states>...]}
cmd006: pg ls-by-primary <osdname (id|> {<int>} {<states> [<states>...]}
cmd007: pg ls-by-osd <osdname (id|> {<int>} {<states> [<states>...]}
cmd008: pg ls {<int>} {<states> [<states>...]}
cmd009: pg dump_stuck {inactive|unclean|stale|undersized|degraded [inactive|unclean|stale|undersized|degraded...]} {<int>}
cmd010: pg debug unfound_objects_exist|degraded_pgs_exist
cmd011: pg scrub <pgid>
cmd012: pg deep-scrub <pgid>
cmd013: pg repair <pgid>
cmd014: pg force-recovery <pgid> [<pgid>...]
cmd015: pg force-backfill <pgid> [<pgid>...]
cmd016: pg cancel-force-recovery <pgid> [<pgid>...]
cmd017: pg cancel-force-backfill <pgid> [<pgid>...]
cmd018: osd perf
cmd019: osd df {plain|tree}
cmd020: osd blocked-by
cmd021: osd pool stats {<name>}
cmd022: osd reweight-by-utilization {<int>} {<float>} {<int>} {--no-increasing}
cmd023: osd test-reweight-by-utilization {<int>} {<float>} {<int>} {--no-increasing}
cmd024: osd reweight-by-pg {<int>} {<float>} {<int>} {<poolname> [<poolname>...]}
cmd025: osd test-reweight-by-pg {<int>} {<float>} {<int>} {<poolname> [<poolname>...]}
cmd026: osd safe-to-destroy <ids> [<ids>...]
cmd027: osd ok-to-stop <ids> [<ids>...]
cmd028: osd scrub <who>
cmd029: osd deep-scrub <who>
cmd030: osd repair <who>
cmd031: service dump
cmd032: service status
cmd033: config set <key> <value>
cmd034: balancer status
cmd035: balancer mode none|crush-compat|upmap
cmd036: balancer on
cmd037: balancer off
cmd038: balancer eval {<option>}
cmd039: balancer eval-verbose {<option>}
cmd040: balancer optimize <plan> {<pools> [<pools>...]}
cmd041: balancer show <plan>
cmd042: balancer rm <plan>
cmd043: balancer reset
cmd044: balancer dump <plan>
cmd045: balancer ls
cmd046: balancer execute <plan>
cmd047: restful create-key <key_name>
cmd048: restful delete-key <key_name>
cmd049: restful list-keys
cmd050: restful create-self-signed-cert
cmd051: restful restart
cmd052: fs status {<fs>}
cmd053: osd status {<bucket>}
cmd054: pg force_create_pg <pgid>
cmd055: pg set_full_ratio <float[0.0-1.0]>
cmd056: pg set_nearfull_ratio <float[0.0-1.0]>
cmd057: pg map <pgid>
cmd058: osd last-stat-seq <osdname (id|>
cmd059: auth export {<entity>}
cmd060: auth get <entity>
cmd061: auth get-key <entity>
cmd062: auth print-key <entity>
cmd063: auth print_key <entity>
cmd064: auth list
cmd065: auth ls
cmd066: auth import
cmd067: auth add <entity> {<caps> [<caps>...]}
cmd068: auth get-or-create-key <entity> {<caps> [<caps>...]}
cmd069: auth get-or-create <entity> {<caps> [<caps>...]}
cmd070: fs authorize <filesystem> <entity> <caps> [<caps>...]
cmd071: auth caps <entity> <caps> [<caps>...]
cmd072: auth del <entity>
cmd073: auth rm <entity>
cmd074: compact
cmd075: scrub
cmd076: fsid
cmd077: log <logtext> [<logtext>...]
cmd078: log last {<int[1-]>} {debug|info|sec|warn|error} {*|cluster|audit}
cmd079: injectargs <injected_args> [<injected_args>...]
cmd080: config set <key> <value>
cmd081: status
cmd082: health {detail}
cmd083: time-sync-status
cmd084: df {detail}
cmd085: report {<tags> [<tags>...]}
cmd086: features
cmd087: quorum_status
cmd088: mon_status
cmd089: sync force {--yes-i-really-mean-it} {--i-know-what-i-am-doing}
cmd090: heap dump|start_profiler|stop_profiler|release|stats
cmd091: quorum enter|exit
cmd092: tell <name (> <args> [<args>...]
cmd093: version
cmd094: node ls {all|osd|mon|mds}
cmd095: mon compact
cmd096: mon scrub
cmd097: mon sync force {--yes-i-really-mean-it} {--i-know-what-i-am-doing}
cmd098: mon metadata {<id>}
cmd099: mon count-metadata <property>
cmd100: mon versions
cmd101: versions
cmd102: mds stat
cmd103: mds dump {<int[0-]>}
cmd104: fs dump {<int[0-]>}
cmd105: mds getmap {<int[0-]>}
cmd106: mds metadata {<who>}
cmd107: mds count-metadata <property>
cmd108: mds versions
cmd109: mds tell <who> <args> [<args>...]
cmd110: mds compat show
cmd111: mds stop <who>
cmd112: mds deactivate <who>
cmd113: mds set_max_mds <int[0-]>
cmd114: mds set max_mds|max_file_size|allow_new_snaps|inline_data|allow_multimds|allow_dirfrags <val> {<confirm>}
cmd115: mds set_state <int[0-]> <int[0-20]>
cmd116: mds fail <who>
cmd117: mds repaired <rank>
cmd118: mds rm <int[0-]>
cmd119: mds rmfailed <who> {<confirm>}
cmd120: mds cluster_down
cmd121: mds cluster_up
cmd122: mds compat rm_compat <int[0-]>
cmd123: mds compat rm_incompat <int[0-]>
cmd124: mds add_data_pool <pool>
cmd125: mds remove_data_pool <pool>
cmd126: mds rm_data_pool <pool>
cmd127: mds newfs <int[0-]> <int[0-]> {--yes-i-really-mean-it}
cmd128: fs new <fs_name> <metadata> <data> {--force} {--allow-dangerous-metadata-overlay}
cmd129: fs rm <fs_name> {--yes-i-really-mean-it}
cmd130: fs reset <fs_name> {--yes-i-really-mean-it}
cmd131: fs ls
cmd132: fs get <fs_name>
cmd133: fs set <fs_name> max_mds|max_file_size|allow_new_snaps|inline_data|cluster_down|allow_multimds|allow_dirfrags|balancer|standby_count_wanted|session_timeout|session_autoclose <val> {<confirm>}
cmd134: fs flag set enable_multiple <val> {--yes-i-really-mean-it}
cmd135: fs add_data_pool <fs_name> <pool>
cmd136: fs rm_data_pool <fs_name> <pool>
cmd137: fs set_default <fs_name>
cmd138: fs set-default <fs_name>
cmd139: mon dump {<int[0-]>}
cmd140: mon stat
cmd141: mon getmap {<int[0-]>}
cmd142: mon add <name> <IPaddr[:port]>
cmd143: mon remove <name>
cmd144: mon rm <name>
cmd145: mon feature ls {--with-value}
cmd146: mon feature set <feature_name> {--yes-i-really-mean-it}
cmd147: osd stat
cmd148: osd dump {<int[0-]>}
cmd149: osd tree {<int[0-]>} {up|down|in|out|destroyed [up|down|in|out|destroyed...]}
cmd150: osd ls {<int[0-]>}
cmd151: osd getmap {<int[0-]>}
cmd152: osd getcrushmap {<int[0-]>}
cmd153: osd getmaxosd
cmd154: osd ls-tree {<int[0-]>} {<name>}
cmd155: osd find <osdname (id|>
cmd156: osd metadata {<osdname (id|>}
cmd157: osd count-metadata <property>
cmd158: osd versions
cmd159: osd map <poolname> <objectname> {<nspace>}
cmd160: osd lspools {<int>}
cmd161: osd crush rule list
cmd162: osd crush rule ls
cmd163: osd crush rule ls-by-class <class>
cmd164: osd crush rule dump {<name>}
cmd165: osd crush dump
cmd166: osd setcrushmap {<int>}
cmd167: osd crush set {<int>}
cmd168: osd crush add-bucket <name> <type>
cmd169: osd crush rename-bucket <srcname> <dstname>
cmd170: osd crush set <osdname (id|> <float[0.0-]> <args> [<args>...]
cmd171: osd crush add <osdname (id|> <float[0.0-]> <args> [<args>...]
cmd172: osd crush set-all-straw-buckets-to-straw2
cmd173: osd crush set-device-class <class> <ids> [<ids>...]
cmd174: osd crush rm-device-class <ids> [<ids>...]
cmd175: osd crush class rename <srcname> <dstname>
cmd176: osd crush create-or-move <osdname (id|> <float[0.0-]> <args> [<args>...]
cmd177: osd crush move <name> <args> [<args>...]
cmd178: osd crush swap-bucket <source> <dest> {--yes-i-really-mean-it}
cmd179: osd crush link <name> <args> [<args>...]
cmd180: osd crush rm <name> {<ancestor>}
cmd181: osd crush remove <name> {<ancestor>}
cmd182: osd crush unlink <name> {<ancestor>}
cmd183: osd crush reweight-all
cmd184: osd crush reweight <name> <float[0.0-]>
cmd185: osd crush reweight-subtree <name> <float[0.0-]>
cmd186: osd crush tunables legacy|argonaut|bobtail|firefly|hammer|jewel|optimal|default
cmd187: osd crush set-tunable straw_calc_version <int>
cmd188: osd crush get-tunable straw_calc_version
cmd189: osd crush show-tunables
cmd190: osd crush rule create-simple <name> <root> <type> {firstn|indep}
cmd191: osd crush rule create-replicated <name> <root> <type> {<class>}
cmd192: osd crush rule create-erasure <name> {<profile>}
cmd193: osd crush rule rm <name>
cmd194: osd crush rule rename <srcname> <dstname>
cmd195: osd crush tree {--show-shadow}
cmd196: osd crush ls <node>
cmd197: osd crush class ls
cmd198: osd crush class ls-osd <class>
cmd199: osd crush weight-set ls
cmd200: osd crush weight-set dump
cmd201: osd crush weight-set create-compat
cmd202: osd crush weight-set create <poolname> flat|positional
cmd203: osd crush weight-set rm <poolname>
cmd204: osd crush weight-set rm-compat
cmd205: osd crush weight-set reweight <poolname> <item> <float[0.0-]> [<float[0.0-]>...]
cmd206: osd crush weight-set reweight-compat <item> <float[0.0-]> [<float[0.0-]>...]
cmd207: osd setmaxosd <int[0-]>
cmd208: osd set-full-ratio <float[0.0-1.0]>
cmd209: osd set-backfillfull-ratio <float[0.0-1.0]>
cmd210: osd set-nearfull-ratio <float[0.0-1.0]>
cmd211: osd set-require-min-compat-client <version> {--yes-i-really-mean-it}
cmd212: osd pause
cmd213: osd unpause
cmd214: osd erasure-code-profile set <name> {<profile> [<profile>...]}
cmd215: osd erasure-code-profile get <name>
cmd216: osd erasure-code-profile rm <name>
cmd217: osd erasure-code-profile ls
cmd218: osd set full|pause|noup|nodown|noout|noin|nobackfill|norebalance|norecover|noscrub|nodeep-scrub|notieragent|sortbitwise|recovery_deletes|require_jewel_osds|require_kraken_osds||pglog_hardlimit {--yes-i-really-mean-it}
cmd219: osd unset full|pause|noup|nodown|noout|noin|nobackfill|norebalance|norecover|noscrub|nodeep-scrub|notieragent
cmd220: osd require-osd-release luminous {--yes-i-really-mean-it}
cmd222: osd down <ids> [<ids>...]
cmd223: osd out <ids> [<ids>...]
cmd224: osd in <ids> [<ids>...]
cmd225: osd rm <ids> [<ids>...]
cmd226: osd add-noup <ids> [<ids>...]
cmd227: osd add-nodown <ids> [<ids>...]
cmd228: osd add-noin <ids> [<ids>...]
cmd229: osd add-noout <ids> [<ids>...]
cmd230: osd rm-noup <ids> [<ids>...]
cmd231: osd rm-nodown <ids> [<ids>...]
cmd232: osd rm-noin <ids> [<ids>...]
cmd233: osd rm-noout <ids> [<ids>...]
cmd234: osd reweight <osdname (id|> <float[0.0-1.0]>
cmd235: osd reweightn <weights>
cmd236: osd force-create-pg <pgid>
cmd237: osd pg-temp <pgid> {<osdname (id|> [<osdname (id|>...]}
cmd238: osd pg-upmap <pgid> <osdname (id|> [<osdname (id|>...]
cmd239: osd rm-pg-upmap <pgid>
cmd240: osd pg-upmap-items <pgid> <osdname (id|> [<osdname (id|>...]
cmd241: osd rm-pg-upmap-items <pgid>
cmd242: osd primary-temp <pgid> <osdname (id|>
cmd243: osd primary-affinity <osdname (id|> <float[0.0-1.0]>
cmd244: osd destroy <osdname (id|> {--yes-i-really-mean-it}
cmd245: osd purge <osdname (id|> {--yes-i-really-mean-it}
cmd246: osd lost <osdname (id|> {--yes-i-really-mean-it}
cmd247: osd create {<uuid>} {<osdname (id|>}
cmd248: osd new {<uuid>} {<osdname (id|>}
cmd249: osd blacklist add|rm <EntityAddr> {<float[0.0-]>}
cmd250: osd blacklist ls
cmd251: osd blacklist clear
cmd252: osd pool mksnap <poolname> <snap>
cmd253: osd pool rmsnap <poolname> <snap>
cmd254: osd pool ls {detail}
cmd255: osd pool create <poolname> <int[0-]> {<int[0-]>} {replicated|erasure} {<erasure_code_profile>} {<rule>} {<int>}
cmd256: osd pool delete <poolname> {<poolname>} {<sure>}
cmd257: osd pool rm <poolname> {<poolname>} {<sure>}
cmd258: osd pool rename <poolname> <poolname>
cmd259: osd pool get <poolname> size|min_size|crash_replay_interval|pg_num|pgp_num|crush_rule|hashpspool|nodelete|nopgchange|nosizechange|write_fadvise_dontneed|noscrub|nodeep-scrub|hit_set_type|hit_set_period|hit_set_count|hit_set_fpp|use_gmt_hitset|auid|target_max_objects|target_max_bytes|cache_target_dirty_ratio|cache_target_dirty_high_ratio|cache_target_full_ratio|cache_min_flush_age|cache_min_evict_age|erasure_code_profile|min_read_recency_for_promote|all|min_write_recency_for_promote|fast_read|hit_set_grade_decay_rate|hit_set_search_last_n|scrub_min_interval|scrub_max_interval|deep_scrub_interval|recovery_priority|recovery_op_priority|scrub_priority|compression_mode|compression_algorithm|compression_required_ratio|compression_max_blob_size|compression_min_blob_size|csum_type|csum_min_block|csum_max_block|allow_ec_overwrites
cmd260: osd pool set <poolname> size|min_size|crash_replay_interval|pg_num|pgp_num|crush_rule|hashpspool|nodelete|nopgchange|nosizechange|write_fadvise_dontneed|noscrub|nodeep-scrub|hit_set_type|hit_set_period|hit_set_count|hit_set_fpp|use_gmt_hitset|target_max_bytes|target_max_objects|cache_target_dirty_ratio|cache_target_dirty_high_ratio|cache_target_full_ratio|cache_min_flush_age|cache_min_evict_age|auid|min_read_recency_for_promote|min_write_recency_for_promote|fast_read|hit_set_grade_decay_rate|hit_set_search_last_n|scrub_min_interval|scrub_max_interval|deep_scrub_interval|recovery_priority|recovery_op_priority|scrub_priority|compression_mode|compression_algorithm|compression_required_ratio|compression_max_blob_size|compression_min_blob_size|csum_type|csum_min_block|csum_max_block|allow_ec_overwrites <val> {--yes-i-really-mean-it}
cmd261: osd pool set-quota <poolname> max_objects|max_bytes <val>
cmd262: osd pool get-quota <poolname>
cmd263: osd pool application enable <poolname> <app> {--yes-i-really-mean-it}
cmd264: osd pool application disable <poolname> <app> {--yes-i-really-mean-it}
cmd265: osd pool application set <poolname> <app> <key> <value>
cmd266: osd pool application rm <poolname> <app> <key>
cmd267: osd pool application get {<poolname>} {<app>} {<key>}
cmd268: osd utilization
cmd269: osd tier add <poolname> <poolname> {--force-nonempty}
cmd270: osd tier remove <poolname> <poolname>
cmd271: osd tier rm <poolname> <poolname>
cmd272: osd tier cache-mode <poolname> none|writeback|forward|readonly|readforward|proxy|readproxy {--yes-i-really-mean-it}
cmd273: osd tier set-overlay <poolname> <poolname>
cmd274: osd tier remove-overlay <poolname>
cmd275: osd tier rm-overlay <poolname>
cmd276: osd tier add-cache <poolname> <poolname> <int[0-]>
cmd277: config-key get <key>
cmd278: config-key set <key> {<val>}
cmd279: config-key put <key> {<val>}
cmd280: config-key del <key>
cmd281: config-key rm <key>
cmd282: config-key exists <key>
cmd283: config-key list
cmd284: config-key ls
cmd285: config-key dump
cmd286: mgr dump {<int[0-]>}
cmd287: mgr fail <who>
cmd288: mgr module ls
cmd289: mgr services
cmd290: mgr module enable <module> {--force}
cmd291: mgr module disable <module>
cmd292: mgr metadata {<id>}
cmd293: mgr count-metadata <property>
cmd294: mgr versions
validate_command: fs authorize cephfs client.cephfs / rw
better match: 1 > 0: cmd138:fs set-default <fs_name>
equal match: 1 > 1: cmd136:fs rm_data_pool <fs_name> <pool>
equal match: 1 > 1: cmd137:fs set_default <fs_name>
equal match: 1 > 1: cmd134:fs flag set enable_multiple <val> {--yes-i-really-mean-it}
equal match: 1 > 1: cmd135:fs add_data_pool <fs_name> <pool>
equal match: 1 > 1: cmd132:fs get <fs_name>
equal match: 1 > 1: cmd133:fs set <fs_name> max_mds|max_file_size|allow_new_snaps|inline_data|cluster_down|allow_multimds|allow_dirfrags|balancer|standby_count_wanted|session_timeout|session_autoclose <val> {<confirm>}
equal match: 1 > 1: cmd130:fs reset <fs_name> {--yes-i-really-mean-it}
equal match: 1 > 1: cmd131:fs ls
equal match: 1 > 1: cmd129:fs rm <fs_name> {--yes-i-really-mean-it}
equal match: 1 > 1: cmd128:fs new <fs_name> <metadata> <data> {--force} {--allow-dangerous-metadata-overlay}
better match: 4 > 1: cmd070:fs authorize <filesystem> <entity> <caps> [<caps>...]
[{u'cmd070': {u'avail': u'cli,rest',
u'flags': 0,
u'help': u'add auth for <entity> to access file system <filesystem> based on following directory and permissions pairs',
u'module': u'auth',
u'perm': u'rwx',
u'sig': [argdesc(<class 'ceph_argparse.CephPrefix'>, name=prefix, req=True, n=1, prefix=fs),
argdesc(<class 'ceph_argparse.CephPrefix'>, name=prefix, req=True, n=1, prefix=authorize),
argdesc(<class 'ceph_argparse.CephString'>, name=filesystem, req=True, n=1),
argdesc(<class 'ceph_argparse.CephString'>, name=entity, req=True, n=1),
argdesc(<class 'ceph_argparse.CephString'>, name=caps, req=True, n=N)]}}]
Submitting command: {'prefix': u'fs authorize', u'entity': u'client.cephfs', u'caps': [u'/', u'rw'], u'filesystem': u'cephfs'}
Error EINVAL: unknown cap type '/'