


Bug #38057 » ceph.conf

Michael Jones, 01/30/2019 06:22 PM

fsid = 07cb5105-68ea-4f1c-bace-a2be0baae5fa
cluster = ceph
ms bind ipv6 = true
public network = fda8:0941:2491:1699::/64
cluster network = fdd7:d94b:3c2e:b69f::/64
# For version 0.55 and beyond, you must explicitly enable
# or disable authentication with "auth" entries in [global].
auth client required = cephx
auth service required = cephx
auth cluster required = cephx

mon initial members = hoenir fenrir mimir
mon host = hoenir fenrir mimir
mon addr = fda8:0941:2491:1699:75ec:3651:86c3:2e88 fda8:0941:2491:1699:0b45:a2e6:1383:2b98 fda8:0941:2491:1699:60fa:e622:8345:2162

host = hoenir
addr = fda8:0941:2491:1699:75ec:3651:86c3:2e88

host = fenrir
addr = fda8:0941:2491:1699:0b45:a2e6:1383:2b98

host = mimir
addr = fda8:0941:2491:1699:60fa:e622:8345:2162

osd pool default size = 1
osd pool default min size = 1
osd crush chooseleaf type = 0

