


Bug #23132 » Negative_value_handling.txt

Debashis Mondal, 02/26/2018 05:07 AM


Observation -1

[root@ceph-server ~]# vi /etc/ceph/ceph.conf <=== set "osd heartbeat interval" to -898

[root@ceph-server ~]# systemctl restart ceph-mon@ceph-server
[root@ceph-server ~]# ceph daemon /var/run/ceph/ceph-mon.*.asok config show > k
[root@ceph-server ~]# vim k
"osd_heartbeat_interval": "-898", <======= Negative value is accepted here which is not feasible
"osd_heartbeat_grace": "-324", <======= Negative value is accepted here which is not feasible

Remark : There should be an error handling for negative value

Observation -2
[root@ceph-server ~]# vi /etc/ceph/ceph.conf <=== set "osd heartbeat interval" to 1BG3
[root@ceph-server ~]# systemctl restart ceph-mon@ceph-server
[root@ceph-server ~]# ceph daemon /var/run/ceph/ceph-mon.*.asok config show > k
[root@ceph-server ~]# vim k
"osd_heartbeat_interval": "6", <======= The behavior is as per expectation
"osd_heartbeat_grace": "20",