


Bug #1206 » mds.scale-192-168-98-109.log

Brian Chrisman, 07/28/2011 02:51 PM

2011-07-28 21:29:36.677193 7f15cb008720 ceph version 0.29.1-893-gf3de1a5.commit: f3de1a506d6c2debb399a1ae71f8f50714a31c8a. process: cmds. pid: 13636
2011-07-28 21:29:36.680087 7f15c7989710 mds-1.0 ms_handle_connect on
2011-07-28 21:29:56.602540 7f15c7989710 mds0.2 ms_handle_connect on
2011-07-28 21:29:56.607401 7f15c7989710 mds0.2 ms_handle_connect on
2011-07-28 21:29:56.620399 7f15c7989710 mds0.2 ms_handle_connect on
2011-07-28 21:29:56.726409 7f15c7989710 mds0.2 ms_handle_connect on
2011-07-28 21:29:56.727205 7f15c7989710 mds0.2 ms_handle_connect on
2011-07-28 21:29:56.730111 7f15c7989710 mds0.cache creating system inode with ino:100
2011-07-28 21:29:56.730443 7f15c7989710 mds0.cache creating system inode with ino:1
2011-07-28 21:29:56.733663 7f15c7989710 mds0.2 ms_handle_connect on
2011-07-28 21:29:56.744766 7f15c7989710 mds0.2 ms_handle_connect on
2011-07-28 21:29:56.745543 7f15c7989710 mds0.2 ms_handle_connect on
2011-07-28 21:31:26.142446 7f15c4874710 -- >> pipe(0x7f1598000da0 sd=17 pgs=0 cs=0 l=0).accept peer addr is really (socket is
2011-07-28 21:35:00.806708 7f15c6886710 mds0.2 beacon_send up:active seq 85 (currently up:active)
2011-07-28 21:35:00.807093 7f15c7989710 mds0.2 handle_mds_beacon up:active seq 85 rtt 0.000324
2011-07-28 21:35:01.603734 7f15c7989710 mds0.server get_session have 0x7f15a4000a40 client4210 state open
2011-07-28 21:35:01.603768 7f15c7989710 mds0.server handle_client_session client_session(request_renewcaps seq 11) from client4210
2011-07-28 21:35:01.686031 7f15c6886710 mds0.cache trim max=100000 cur=18
2011-07-28 21:35:01.686054 7f15c6886710 mds0.cache trim_client_leases
2011-07-28 21:35:01.686602 7f15c6886710 mds0.cache check_memory_usage total 1094760, rss 3772, heap 88308, malloc 81 mmap 0, baseline 86212, buffers 0, max 1048576, 1 / 20 inodes have caps, 1 caps, 0.05 caps per inode
2011-07-28 21:35:01.686630 7f15c6886710 mds0.log trim 2 / 30 segments, 30 / -1 events, 0 (0) expiring, 0 (0) expired
2011-07-28 21:35:01.686690 7f15c6886710 mds0.bal get_load mdsload<[0,0 0]/[0,0 0], req 0, hr 0, qlen 0, cpu 0>
2011-07-28 21:35:01.686711 7f15c6886710 scatter_tick
2011-07-28 21:35:01.686724 7f15c6886710 mds0.server find_idle_sessions. laggy until 0.000000
2011-07-28 21:35:01.686737 7f15c6886710 mds0.server laggiest active session is client4210
2011-07-28 21:35:01.686748 7f15c6886710 mds0.server laggiest active session is client4210 and sufficiently new (2011-07-28 21:35:01.603777)
2011-07-28 21:35:01.686757 7f15c6886710 mds0.bal tick last_sample now 2011-07-28 21:35:01.686754
2011-07-28 21:35:01.686793 7f15c6886710 mds0.bal get_load mdsload<[0,0 0]/[0,0 0], req 0, hr 0, qlen 0, cpu 0>
2011-07-28 21:35:01.686827 7f15c6886710 mds0.bal mds0 epoch 30 load mdsload<[0,0 0]/[0,0 0], req 0, hr 0, qlen 0, cpu 0>
2011-07-28 21:35:01.686838 7f15c6886710 mds0.snap check_osd_map - version unchanged
2011-07-28 21:35:04.806833 7f15c6886710 mds0.2 beacon_send up:active seq 86 (currently up:active)
2011-07-28 21:35:04.807211 7f15c7989710 mds0.2 handle_mds_beacon up:active seq 86 rtt 0.000328
2011-07-28 21:35:06.686103 7f15c6886710 mds0.cache trim max=100000 cur=18
2011-07-28 21:35:06.686133 7f15c6886710 mds0.cache trim_client_leases
2011-07-28 21:35:06.686667 7f15c6886710 mds0.cache check_memory_usage total 1094760, rss 3772, heap 88308, malloc 81 mmap 0, baseline 86212, buffers 0, max 1048576, 1 / 20 inodes have caps, 1 caps, 0.05 caps per inode
2011-07-28 21:35:06.686683 7f15c6886710 mds0.log trim 2 / 30 segments, 30 / -1 events, 0 (0) expiring, 0 (0) expired
2011-07-28 21:35:06.686738 7f15c6886710 mds0.bal get_load mdsload<[0,0 0]/[0,0 0], req 0, hr 0, qlen 0, cpu 0>
2011-07-28 21:35:06.686759 7f15c6886710 scatter_tick
2011-07-28 21:35:06.686797 7f15c6886710 mds0.server find_idle_sessions. laggy until 0.000000
2011-07-28 21:35:06.686811 7f15c6886710 mds0.server laggiest active session is client4210
2011-07-28 21:35:06.686822 7f15c6886710 mds0.server laggiest active session is client4210 and sufficiently new (2011-07-28 21:35:01.603777)
2011-07-28 21:35:06.686830 7f15c6886710 mds0.bal tick last_sample now 2011-07-28 21:35:06.686827
2011-07-28 21:35:06.686837 7f15c6886710 mds0.snap check_osd_map - version unchanged
2011-07-28 21:35:08.806972 7f15c6886710 mds0.2 beacon_send up:active seq 87 (currently up:active)
2011-07-28 21:35:08.807325 7f15c7989710 mds0.2 handle_mds_beacon up:active seq 87 rtt 0.000300
2011-07-28 21:35:11.686175 7f15c6886710 mds0.cache trim max=100000 cur=18
2011-07-28 21:35:11.686201 7f15c6886710 mds0.cache trim_client_leases
2011-07-28 21:35:11.686674 7f15c6886710 mds0.cache check_memory_usage total 1094760, rss 3812, heap 88308, malloc 81 mmap 0, baseline 86212, buffers 0, max 1048576, 1 / 20 inodes have caps, 1 caps, 0.05 caps per inode
2011-07-28 21:35:11.686703 7f15c6886710 mds0.log trim 2 / 30 segments, 30 / -1 events, 0 (0) expiring, 0 (0) expired
2011-07-28 21:35:11.686758 7f15c6886710 mds0.bal get_load mdsload<[0,0 0]/[0,0 0], req 0, hr 0, qlen 0, cpu 0>
2011-07-28 21:35:11.686778 7f15c6886710 scatter_tick
2011-07-28 21:35:11.686789 7f15c6886710 mds0.server find_idle_sessions. laggy until 0.000000
2011-07-28 21:35:11.686802 7f15c6886710 mds0.server laggiest active session is client4210
2011-07-28 21:35:11.686813 7f15c6886710 mds0.server laggiest active session is client4210 and sufficiently new (2011-07-28 21:35:01.603777)
2011-07-28 21:35:11.686822 7f15c6886710 mds0.bal tick last_sample now 2011-07-28 21:35:11.686819
2011-07-28 21:35:11.686857 7f15c6886710 mds0.bal get_load mdsload<[0,0 0]/[0,0 0], req 0, hr 0, qlen 0, cpu 0>
2011-07-28 21:35:11.686892 7f15c6886710 mds0.bal mds0 epoch 31 load mdsload<[0,0 0]/[0,0 0], req 0, hr 0, qlen 0, cpu 0>
2011-07-28 21:35:11.686904 7f15c6886710 mds0.snap check_osd_map - version unchanged
2011-07-28 21:35:12.807112 7f15c6886710 mds0.2 beacon_send up:active seq 88 (currently up:active)
2011-07-28 21:35:12.807516 7f15c7989710 mds0.2 handle_mds_beacon up:active seq 88 rtt 0.000356
2011-07-28 21:35:16.686243 7f15c6886710 mds0.cache trim max=100000 cur=18
2011-07-28 21:35:16.686280 7f15c6886710 mds0.cache trim_client_leases
2011-07-28 21:35:16.686771 7f15c6886710 mds0.cache check_memory_usage total 1094760, rss 3812, heap 88308, malloc 81 mmap 0, baseline 86212, buffers 0, max 1048576, 1 / 20 inodes have caps, 1 caps, 0.05 caps per inode
2011-07-28 21:35:16.686791 7f15c6886710 mds0.log trim 2 / 30 segments, 30 / -1 events, 0 (0) expiring, 0 (0) expired
2011-07-28 21:35:16.686853 7f15c6886710 mds0.bal get_load mdsload<[0,0 0]/[0,0 0], req 0, hr 0, qlen 0, cpu 0>
2011-07-28 21:35:16.686880 7f15c6886710 scatter_tick
2011-07-28 21:35:16.686915 7f15c6886710 mds0.server find_idle_sessions. laggy until 0.000000
2011-07-28 21:35:16.686930 7f15c6886710 mds0.server laggiest active session is client4210
2011-07-28 21:35:16.686941 7f15c6886710 mds0.server laggiest active session is client4210 and sufficiently new (2011-07-28 21:35:01.603777)
2011-07-28 21:35:16.686950 7f15c6886710 mds0.bal tick last_sample now 2011-07-28 21:35:16.686947
2011-07-28 21:35:16.686958 7f15c6886710 mds0.snap check_osd_map - version unchanged
2011-07-28 21:35:16.807244 7f15c6886710 mds0.2 beacon_send up:active seq 89 (currently up:active)
2011-07-28 21:35:16.807587 7f15c7989710 mds0.2 handle_mds_beacon up:active seq 89 rtt 0.000296
2011-07-28 21:35:19.625368 7f15c7989710 mds0.server handle_client_request client_request(client4210:3 lookup #1/foo42)
2011-07-28 21:35:19.625405 7f15c7989710 mds0.server get_session have 0x7f15a4000a40 client4210 state open
2011-07-28 21:35:19.625447 7f15c7989710 mds0.server oldest_client_tid=3
2011-07-28 21:35:19.625470 7f15c7989710 mds0.cache request_start request(client4210:3 cr=0x7f15a40011a0)
2011-07-28 21:35:19.625481 7f15c7989710 mds0.server dispatch_client_request client_request(client4210:3 lookup #1/foo42)
2011-07-28 21:35:19.625491 7f15c7989710 mds0.server rdlock_path_pin_ref request(client4210:3 cr=0x7f15a40011a0) #1/foo42
2011-07-28 21:35:19.625499 7f15c7989710 mds0.cache traverse: opening base ino 1 snap head
2011-07-28 21:35:19.625507 7f15c7989710 mds0.cache traverse: path seg depth 0 'foo42' snapid head
2011-07-28 21:35:19.625517 7f15c7989710 mds0.cache.dir(1) lookup (head, 'foo42')
2011-07-28 21:35:19.625527 7f15c7989710 mds0.cache.dir(1) miss -> (foo5,head)
2011-07-28 21:35:19.625568 7f15c7989710 mds0.cache traverse: miss on dentry foo42 in [dir 1 / [2,head] auth v=39 cv=0/0 dir_auth=0 state=1610612738|complete f(v1 m2011-07-28 21:26:19.116099 7=6+1) n(v1 rc2011-07-28 21:26:19.116099 7=6+1) hs=7+0,ss=0+0 dirty=6 | child subtree dirty 0x7f1588001540]
2011-07-28 21:35:19.625605 7f15c7989710 mds0.cache.dir(1) add_null_dentry [dentry #1/foo42 [2,head] auth NULL (dversion lock) pv=0 v=39 inode=0 0x7f158800c5b0]
2011-07-28 21:35:19.625617 7f15c7989710 mds0.cache added null [dentry #1/foo42 [2,head] auth NULL (dversion lock) pv=0 v=39 inode=0 0x7f158800c5b0]
2011-07-28 21:35:19.625651 7f15c7989710 mds0.server reply_request -2 (No such file or directory) client_request(client4210:3 lookup #1/foo42)
2011-07-28 21:35:19.625659 7f15c7989710 mds0.server apply_allocated_inos 0 / [] / 0
2011-07-28 21:35:19.625683 7f15c7989710 mds0.server lat 0.00178
2011-07-28 21:35:19.625694 7f15c7989710 mds0.server set_trace_dist snapid head
2011-07-28 21:35:19.625707 7f15c7989710 mds0.server set_trace_dist snaprealm snaprealm(1 seq 1 lc 0 cr 0 cps 1 snaps={} 0x7f15bc0179a0) len=48
2011-07-28 21:35:19.625720 7f15c7989710 mds0.cache.ino(1) pfile 0 pauth 0 plink 0 pxattr 0 plocal 0 ctime 2011-07-28 21:26:19.116099 valid=1
2011-07-28 21:35:19.625741 7f15c7989710 mds0.cache.ino(1) encode_inodestat issueing pAsLsXsFs seq 3
2011-07-28 21:35:19.625765 7f15c7989710 mds0.cache.ino(1) encode_inodestat caps pAsLsXsFs seq 3 mseq 0 xattrv 0 len 0
2011-07-28 21:35:19.625811 7f15c7989710 mds0.server set_trace_dist added diri [inode 1 [...2,head] / auth v21 snaprealm=0x7f15bc0179a0 f(v1 m2011-07-28 21:26:19.116099 7=6+1) n(v1 rc2011-07-28 21:26:19.116099 7=6+1)/n(v0 1=0+1) (inest lock) (iversion lock) caps={4210=pAsLsXsFs/-@3} | dirfrag caps dirty 0x7f15bc0074b0]
2011-07-28 21:35:19.625829 7f15c7989710 mds0.server set_trace_dist added dir [dir 1 / [2,head] auth v=39 cv=0/0 dir_auth=0 state=1610612738|complete f(v1 m2011-07-28 21:26:19.116099 7=6+1) n(v1 rc2011-07-28 21:26:19.116099 7=6+1) hs=7+1,ss=0+0 dirty=6 | child subtree dirty 0x7f1588001540]
2011-07-28 21:35:19.625845 7f15c7989710 issue_client_lease no/null lease on [dentry #1/foo42 [2,head] auth NULL (dversion lock) pv=0 v=39 inode=0 0x7f158800c5b0]
2011-07-28 21:35:19.625855 7f15c7989710 mds0.server set_trace_dist added dn head [dentry #1/foo42 [2,head] auth NULL (dversion lock) pv=0 v=39 inode=0 0x7f158800c5b0]
2011-07-28 21:35:19.625882 7f15c7989710 mds0.cache request_finish request(client4210:3 cr=0x7f15a40011a0)
2011-07-28 21:35:19.625892 7f15c7989710 mds0.cache request_cleanup request(client4210:3 cr=0x7f15a40011a0)
2011-07-28 21:35:19.763046 7f15c7989710 mds0.server handle_client_request client_request(client4210:4 mknod #1/foo42)
2011-07-28 21:35:19.763080 7f15c7989710 mds0.server get_session have 0x7f15a4000a40 client4210 state open
2011-07-28 21:35:19.763087 7f15c7989710 mds0.server oldest_client_tid=4
2011-07-28 21:35:19.763101 7f15c7989710 mds0.cache request_start request(client4210:4 cr=0x7f15a40011a0)
2011-07-28 21:35:19.763155 7f15c7989710 process_cap_update client4210 pAsLsXs on [inode 1 [...2,head] / auth v21 snaprealm=0x7f15bc0179a0 f(v1 m2011-07-28 21:26:19.116099 7=6+1) n(v1 rc2011-07-28 21:26:19.116099 7=6+1)/n(v0 1=0+1) (inest lock) (iversion lock) caps={4210=pAsLsXsFs/-@3} | dirfrag caps dirty 0x7f15bc0074b0]
2011-07-28 21:35:19.763204 7f15c7989710 wanted - -> -
2011-07-28 21:35:19.763229 7f15c7989710 eval 2496 [inode 1 [...2,head] / auth v21 snaprealm=0x7f15bc0179a0 f(v1 m2011-07-28 21:26:19.116099 7=6+1) n(v1 rc2011-07-28 21:26:19.116099 7=6+1)/n(v0 1=0+1) (inest lock) (iversion lock) caps={4210=pAsLsXs/-@3} | dirfrag caps dirty 0x7f15bc0074b0]
2011-07-28 21:35:19.763238 7f15c7989710 eval doesn't want loner
2011-07-28 21:35:19.763259 7f15c7989710 file_eval wanted= loner_wanted= other_wanted= filelock=(ifile sync) on [inode 1 [...2,head] / auth v21 snaprealm=0x7f15bc0179a0 f(v1 m2011-07-28 21:26:19.116099 7=6+1) n(v1 rc2011-07-28 21:26:19.116099 7=6+1)/n(v0 1=0+1) (inest lock) (iversion lock) caps={4210=pAsLsXs/-@3} | dirfrag caps dirty 0x7f15bc0074b0]
2011-07-28 21:35:19.763295 7f15c7989710 simple_eval (iauth sync) on [inode 1 [...2,head] / auth v21 snaprealm=0x7f15bc0179a0 f(v1 m2011-07-28 21:26:19.116099 7=6+1) n(v1 rc2011-07-28 21:26:19.116099 7=6+1)/n(v0 1=0+1) (inest lock) (iversion lock) caps={4210=pAsLsXs/-@3} | dirfrag caps dirty 0x7f15bc0074b0]
2011-07-28 21:35:19.763326 7f15c7989710 simple_eval (ilink sync) on [inode 1 [...2,head] / auth v21 snaprealm=0x7f15bc0179a0 f(v1 m2011-07-28 21:26:19.116099 7=6+1) n(v1 rc2011-07-28 21:26:19.116099 7=6+1)/n(v0 1=0+1) (inest lock) (iversion lock) caps={4210=pAsLsXs/-@3} | dirfrag caps dirty 0x7f15bc0074b0]
2011-07-28 21:35:19.763346 7f15c7989710 simple_eval (ixattr sync) on [inode 1 [...2,head] / auth v21 snaprealm=0x7f15bc0179a0 f(v1 m2011-07-28 21:26:19.116099 7=6+1) n(v1 rc2011-07-28 21:26:19.116099 7=6+1)/n(v0 1=0+1) (inest lock) (iversion lock) caps={4210=pAsLsXs/-@3} | dirfrag caps dirty 0x7f15bc0074b0]
2011-07-28 21:35:19.763353 7f15c7989710 eval done
2011-07-28 21:35:19.763365 7f15c7989710 mds0.server dispatch_client_request client_request(client4210:4 mknod #1/foo42)
2011-07-28 21:35:19.763387 7f15c7989710 mds0.server rdlock_path_xlock_dentry request(client4210:4 cr=0x7f15a40011a0) #1/foo42
2011-07-28 21:35:19.763399 7f15c7989710 mds0.server traverse_to_auth_dir dirpath #1 dname foo42
2011-07-28 21:35:19.763408 7f15c7989710 mds0.cache traverse: opening base ino 1 snap head
2011-07-28 21:35:19.763416 7f15c7989710 mds0.cache path_traverse finish on snapid head
2011-07-28 21:35:19.763436 7f15c7989710 mds0.server traverse_to_auth_dir [dir 1 / [2,head] auth v=39 cv=0/0 dir_auth=0 state=1610612738|complete f(v1 m2011-07-28 21:26:19.116099 7=6+1) n(v1 rc2011-07-28 21:26:19.116099 7=6+1) hs=7+1,ss=0+0 dirty=6 | child subtree dirty 0x7f1588001540]
2011-07-28 21:35:19.763451 7f15c7989710 mds0.server rdlock_path_xlock_dentry dir [dir 1 / [2,head] auth v=39 cv=0/0 dir_auth=0 state=1610612738|complete f(v1 m2011-07-28 21:26:19.116099 7=6+1) n(v1 rc2011-07-28 21:26:19.116099 7=6+1) hs=7+1,ss=0+0 dirty=6 | child subtree dirty 0x7f1588001540]
2011-07-28 21:35:19.763466 7f15c7989710 mds0.server prepare_null_dentry foo42 in [dir 1 / [2,head] auth v=39 cv=0/0 dir_auth=0 state=1610612738|complete f(v1 m2011-07-28 21:26:19.116099 7=6+1) n(v1 rc2011-07-28 21:26:19.116099 7=6+1) hs=7+1,ss=0+0 dirty=6 | child subtree dirty 0x7f1588001540]
2011-07-28 21:35:19.763480 7f15c7989710 mds0.cache.dir(1) lookup (head, 'foo42')
2011-07-28 21:35:19.763489 7f15c7989710 mds0.cache.dir(1) hit -> (foo42,head)
2011-07-28 21:35:19.763502 7f15c7989710 acquire_locks request(client4210:4 cr=0x7f15a40011a0)
2011-07-28 21:35:19.763515 7f15c7989710 must xlock (dn sync) [dentry #1/foo42 [2,head] auth NULL (dversion lock) pv=0 v=39 inode=0 0x7f158800c5b0]
2011-07-28 21:35:19.763527 7f15c7989710 must wrlock (dversion lock) [dentry #1/foo42 [2,head] auth NULL (dversion lock) pv=0 v=39 inode=0 0x7f158800c5b0]
2011-07-28 21:35:19.763552 7f15c7989710 must wrlock (ifile sync) [inode 1 [...2,head] / auth v21 snaprealm=0x7f15bc0179a0 f(v1 m2011-07-28 21:26:19.116099 7=6+1) n(v1 rc2011-07-28 21:26:19.116099 7=6+1)/n(v0 1=0+1) (inest lock) (iversion lock) caps={4210=pAsLsXs/-@3} | dirfrag caps dirty 0x7f15bc0074b0]
2011-07-28 21:35:19.763586 7f15c7989710 must wrlock (inest lock) [inode 1 [...2,head] / auth v21 snaprealm=0x7f15bc0179a0 f(v1 m2011-07-28 21:26:19.116099 7=6+1) n(v1 rc2011-07-28 21:26:19.116099 7=6+1)/n(v0 1=0+1) (inest lock) (iversion lock) caps={4210=pAsLsXs/-@3} | dirfrag caps dirty 0x7f15bc0074b0]
2011-07-28 21:35:19.763599 7f15c7989710 must rdlock (dn sync) [dentry #1/foo42 [2,head] auth NULL (dversion lock) pv=0 v=39 inode=0 0x7f158800c5b0]
2011-07-28 21:35:19.763620 7f15c7989710 must rdlock (iauth sync) [inode 1 [...2,head] / auth v21 snaprealm=0x7f15bc0179a0 f(v1 m2011-07-28 21:26:19.116099 7=6+1) n(v1 rc2011-07-28 21:26:19.116099 7=6+1)/n(v0 1=0+1) (inest lock) (iversion lock) caps={4210=pAsLsXs/-@3} | dirfrag caps dirty 0x7f15bc0074b0]
2011-07-28 21:35:19.763640 7f15c7989710 must rdlock (isnap sync) [inode 1 [...2,head] / auth v21 snaprealm=0x7f15bc0179a0 f(v1 m2011-07-28 21:26:19.116099 7=6+1) n(v1 rc2011-07-28 21:26:19.116099 7=6+1)/n(v0 1=0+1) (inest lock) (iversion lock) caps={4210=pAsLsXs/-@3} | dirfrag caps dirty 0x7f15bc0074b0]
2011-07-28 21:35:19.763668 7f15c7989710 must rdlock (ipolicy sync) [inode 1 [...2,head] / auth v21 snaprealm=0x7f15bc0179a0 f(v1 m2011-07-28 21:26:19.116099 7=6+1) n(v1 rc2011-07-28 21:26:19.116099 7=6+1)/n(v0 1=0+1) (inest lock) (iversion lock) caps={4210=pAsLsXs/-@3} | dirfrag caps dirty 0x7f15bc0074b0]
2011-07-28 21:35:19.763680 7f15c7989710 must authpin [dentry #1/foo42 [2,head] auth NULL (dversion lock) pv=0 v=39 inode=0 0x7f158800c5b0]
2011-07-28 21:35:19.763690 7f15c7989710 must authpin [dentry #1/foo42 [2,head] auth NULL (dversion lock) pv=0 v=39 inode=0 0x7f158800c5b0]
2011-07-28 21:35:19.763709 7f15c7989710 must authpin [inode 1 [...2,head] / auth v21 snaprealm=0x7f15bc0179a0 f(v1 m2011-07-28 21:26:19.116099 7=6+1) n(v1 rc2011-07-28 21:26:19.116099 7=6+1)/n(v0 1=0+1) (inest lock) (iversion lock) caps={4210=pAsLsXs/-@3} | dirfrag caps dirty 0x7f15bc0074b0]
2011-07-28 21:35:19.763735 7f15c7989710 must authpin [inode 1 [...2,head] / auth v21 snaprealm=0x7f15bc0179a0 f(v1 m2011-07-28 21:26:19.116099 7=6+1) n(v1 rc2011-07-28 21:26:19.116099 7=6+1)/n(v0 1=0+1) (inest lock) (iversion lock) caps={4210=pAsLsXs/-@3} | dirfrag caps dirty 0x7f15bc0074b0]
2011-07-28 21:35:19.763755 7f15c7989710 must authpin [inode 1 [...2,head] / auth v21 snaprealm=0x7f15bc0179a0 f(v1 m2011-07-28 21:26:19.116099 7=6+1) n(v1 rc2011-07-28 21:26:19.116099 7=6+1)/n(v0 1=0+1) (inest lock) (iversion lock) caps={4210=pAsLsXs/-@3} | dirfrag caps dirty 0x7f15bc0074b0]
2011-07-28 21:35:19.763774 7f15c7989710 must authpin [inode 1 [...2,head] / auth v21 snaprealm=0x7f15bc0179a0 f(v1 m2011-07-28 21:26:19.116099 7=6+1) n(v1 rc2011-07-28 21:26:19.116099 7=6+1)/n(v0 1=0+1) (inest lock) (iversion lock) caps={4210=pAsLsXs/-@3} | dirfrag caps dirty 0x7f15bc0074b0]
2011-07-28 21:35:19.763799 7f15c7989710 must authpin [inode 1 [...2,head] / auth v21 snaprealm=0x7f15bc0179a0 f(v1 m2011-07-28 21:26:19.116099 7=6+1) n(v1 rc2011-07-28 21:26:19.116099 7=6+1)/n(v0 1=0+1) (inest lock) (iversion lock) caps={4210=pAsLsXs/-@3} | dirfrag caps dirty 0x7f15bc0074b0]
2011-07-28 21:35:19.763810 7f15c7989710 auth_pinning [dentry #1/foo42 [2,head] auth NULL (dversion lock) pv=0 v=39 inode=0 0x7f158800c5b0]
2011-07-28 21:35:19.763823 7f15c7989710 mds0.cache.den(1 foo42) auth_pin by 0x7f15bc017ee0 on [dentry #1/foo42 [2,head] auth NULL (dversion lock) pv=0 v=39 ap=1+0 inode=0 | authpin 0x7f158800c5b0] now 1+0
2011-07-28 21:35:19.763841 7f15c7989710 mds0.cache.dir(1) adjust_nested_auth_pins 1/1 on [dir 1 / [2,head] auth v=39 cv=0/0 dir_auth=0 ap=0+1+1 state=1610612738|complete f(v1 m2011-07-28 21:26:19.116099 7=6+1) n(v1 rc2011-07-28 21:26:19.116099 7=6+1) hs=7+1,ss=0+0 dirty=6 | child subtree dirty 0x7f1588001540] by 0x7f15bc017ee0 count now 0 + 1
2011-07-28 21:35:19.763864 7f15c7989710 already auth_pinned [dentry #1/foo42 [2,head] auth NULL (dversion lock) pv=0 v=39 ap=1+0 inode=0 | authpin 0x7f158800c5b0]
2011-07-28 21:35:19.763885 7f15c7989710 auth_pinning [inode 1 [...2,head] / auth v21 snaprealm=0x7f15bc0179a0 f(v1 m2011-07-28 21:26:19.116099 7=6+1) n(v1 rc2011-07-28 21:26:19.116099 7=6+1)/n(v0 1=0+1) (inest lock) (iversion lock) caps={4210=pAsLsXs/-@3} | dirfrag caps dirty 0x7f15bc0074b0]
2011-07-28 21:35:19.763907 7f15c7989710 mds0.cache.ino(1) auth_pin by 0x7f15bc017ee0 on [inode 1 [...2,head] / auth v21 ap=1+0 snaprealm=0x7f15bc0179a0 f(v1 m2011-07-28 21:26:19.116099 7=6+1) n(v1 rc2011-07-28 21:26:19.116099 7=6+1)/n(v0 1=0+1) (inest lock) (iversion lock) caps={4210=pAsLsXs/-@3} | dirfrag caps dirty authpin 0x7f15bc0074b0] now 1+0
2011-07-28 21:35:19.763926 7f15c7989710 already auth_pinned [inode 1 [...2,head] / auth v21 ap=1+0 snaprealm=0x7f15bc0179a0 f(v1 m2011-07-28 21:26:19.116099 7=6+1) n(v1 rc2011-07-28 21:26:19.116099 7=6+1)/n(v0 1=0+1) (inest lock) (iversion lock) caps={4210=pAsLsXs/-@3} | dirfrag caps dirty authpin 0x7f15bc0074b0]
2011-07-28 21:35:19.763953 7f15c7989710 already auth_pinned [inode 1 [...2,head] / auth v21 ap=1+0 snaprealm=0x7f15bc0179a0 f(v1 m2011-07-28 21:26:19.116099 7=6+1) n(v1 rc2011-07-28 21:26:19.116099 7=6+1)/n(v0 1=0+1) (inest lock) (iversion lock) caps={4210=pAsLsXs/-@3} | dirfrag caps dirty authpin 0x7f15bc0074b0]
2011-07-28 21:35:19.763973 7f15c7989710 already auth_pinned [inode 1 [...2,head] / auth v21 ap=1+0 snaprealm=0x7f15bc0179a0 f(v1 m2011-07-28 21:26:19.116099 7=6+1) n(v1 rc2011-07-28 21:26:19.116099 7=6+1)/n(v0 1=0+1) (inest lock) (iversion lock) caps={4210=pAsLsXs/-@3} | dirfrag caps dirty authpin 0x7f15bc0074b0]
2011-07-28 21:35:19.763992 7f15c7989710 already auth_pinned [inode 1 [...2,head] / auth v21 ap=1+0 snaprealm=0x7f15bc0179a0 f(v1 m2011-07-28 21:26:19.116099 7=6+1) n(v1 rc2011-07-28 21:26:19.116099 7=6+1)/n(v0 1=0+1) (inest lock) (iversion lock) caps={4210=pAsLsXs/-@3} | dirfrag caps dirty authpin 0x7f15bc0074b0]
2011-07-28 21:35:19.764010 7f15c7989710 local_wrlock_start on (dversion lock) on [dentry #1/foo42 [2,head] auth NULL (dversion lock) pv=0 v=39 ap=1+0 inode=0 | authpin 0x7f158800c5b0]
2011-07-28 21:35:19.764024 7f15c7989710 got wrlock on (dversion lock w=1 last_client=4210) [dentry #1/foo42 [2,head] auth NULL (dversion lock w=1 last_client=4210) pv=0 v=39 ap=1+0 inode=0 | lock authpin 0x7f158800c5b0]
2011-07-28 21:35:19.764037 7f15c7989710 xlock_start on (dn sync) on [dentry #1/foo42 [2,head] auth NULL (dversion lock w=1 last_client=4210) pv=0 v=39 ap=1+0 inode=0 | lock authpin 0x7f158800c5b0]
2011-07-28 21:35:19.764048 7f15c7989710 simple_lock on (dn sync) on [dentry #1/foo42 [2,head] auth NULL (dversion lock w=1 last_client=4210) pv=0 v=39 ap=1+0 inode=0 | lock authpin 0x7f158800c5b0]
2011-07-28 21:35:19.764063 7f15c7989710 simple_xlock on (dn lock) on [dentry #1/foo42 [2,head] auth NULL (dn lock) (dversion lock w=1 last_client=4210) pv=0 v=39 ap=1+0 inode=0 | lock authpin 0x7f158800c5b0]
2011-07-28 21:35:19.764082 7f15c7989710 mds0.cache.den(1 foo42) auth_pin by 0x7f158800c700 on [dentry #1/foo42 [2,head] auth NULL (dn lock) (dversion lock w=1 last_client=4210) pv=0 v=39 ap=2+0 inode=0 | lock authpin 0x7f158800c5b0] now 2+0
2011-07-28 21:35:19.764099 7f15c7989710 mds0.cache.dir(1) adjust_nested_auth_pins 1/1 on [dir 1 / [2,head] auth v=39 cv=0/0 dir_auth=0 ap=0+2+2 state=1610612738|complete f(v1 m2011-07-28 21:26:19.116099 7=6+1) n(v1 rc2011-07-28 21:26:19.116099 7=6+1) hs=7+1,ss=0+0 dirty=6 | child subtree dirty 0x7f1588001540] by 0x7f158800c700 count now 0 + 2
2011-07-28 21:35:19.764115 7f15c7989710 got xlock on (dn xlock x=1 by 0x7f15bc017ee0) [dentry #1/foo42 [2,head] auth NULL (dn xlock x=1 by 0x7f15bc017ee0) (dversion lock w=1 last_client=4210) pv=0 v=39 ap=2+0 inode=0 | lock authpin 0x7f158800c5b0]
2011-07-28 21:35:19.764138 7f15c7989710 rdlock_start on (isnap sync) on [inode 1 [...2,head] / auth v21 ap=1+0 snaprealm=0x7f15bc0179a0 f(v1 m2011-07-28 21:26:19.116099 7=6+1) n(v1 rc2011-07-28 21:26:19.116099 7=6+1)/n(v0 1=0+1) (inest lock) (iversion lock) caps={4210=pAsLsXs/-@3} | dirfrag caps dirty authpin 0x7f15bc0074b0]
2011-07-28 21:35:19.764179 7f15c7989710 got rdlock on (isnap sync r=1) [inode 1 [...2,head] / auth v21 ap=1+0 snaprealm=0x7f15bc0179a0 f(v1 m2011-07-28 21:26:19.116099 7=6+1) n(v1 rc2011-07-28 21:26:19.116099 7=6+1)/n(v0 1=0+1) (isnap sync r=1) (inest lock) (iversion lock) caps={4210=pAsLsXs/-@3} | lock dirfrag caps dirty authpin 0x7f15bc0074b0]
2011-07-28 21:35:19.764201 7f15c7989710 wrlock_start (ifile sync) on [inode 1 [...2,head] / auth v21 ap=1+0 snaprealm=0x7f15bc0179a0 f(v1 m2011-07-28 21:26:19.116099 7=6+1) n(v1 rc2011-07-28 21:26:19.116099 7=6+1)/n(v0 1=0+1) (isnap sync r=1) (inest lock) (iversion lock) caps={4210=pAsLsXs/-@3} | lock dirfrag caps dirty authpin 0x7f15bc0074b0]
2011-07-28 21:35:19.764233 7f15c7989710 scatter_mix (ifile sync) on [inode 1 [...2,head] / auth v21 ap=1+0 snaprealm=0x7f15bc0179a0 f(v1 m2011-07-28 21:26:19.116099 7=6+1) n(v1 rc2011-07-28 21:26:19.116099 7=6+1)/n(v0 1=0+1) (isnap sync r=1) (inest lock) (iversion lock) caps={4210=pAsLsXs/-@3} | lock dirfrag caps dirty authpin 0x7f15bc0074b0]
2011-07-28 21:35:19.764260 7f15c7989710 mds0.cache.ino(1) start_scatter (ifile sync->mix) on [inode 1 [...2,head] / auth v21 ap=1+0 snaprealm=0x7f15bc0179a0 f(v1 m2011-07-28 21:26:19.116099 7=6+1) n(v1 rc2011-07-28 21:26:19.116099 7=6+1)/n(v0 1=0+1) (isnap sync r=1) (inest lock) (ifile sync->mix) (iversion lock) caps={4210=pAsLsXs/-@3} | lock dirfrag caps dirty authpin 0x7f15bc0074b0]
2011-07-28 21:35:19.764294 7f15c7989710 mds0.cache.ino(1) * [dir 1 / [2,head] auth v=39 cv=0/0 dir_auth=0 ap=0+2+2 state=1610612738|complete f(v1 m2011-07-28 21:26:19.116099 7=6+1) n(v1 rc2011-07-28 21:26:19.116099 7=6+1) hs=7+1,ss=0+0 dirty=6 | child subtree dirty 0x7f1588001540]
2011-07-28 21:35:19.764311 7f15c7989710 mds0.cache.ino(1) finish_scatter_update * accounted (ifile sync->mix) scatter stat unchanged at v1
2011-07-28 21:35:19.764343 7f15c7989710 issue_caps allowed=pAsLsXsFrwl, xlocker allowed=pAsLsXsFrwl on [inode 1 [...2,head] / auth v21 ap=1+0 snaprealm=0x7f15bc0179a0 f(v1 m2011-07-28 21:26:19.116099 7=6+1) n(v1 rc2011-07-28 21:26:19.116099 7=6+1)/n(v0 1=0+1) (isnap sync r=1) (inest lock) (ifile mix) (iversion lock) caps={4210=pAsLsXs/-@3} | lock dirfrag caps dirty authpin 0x7f15bc0074b0]
2011-07-28 21:35:19.764357 7f15c7989710 client4210 pending pAsLsXs allowed pAsLsXsFrwl wanted -
2011-07-28 21:35:19.764382 7f15c7989710 got wrlock on (ifile mix w=1) [inode 1 [...2,head] / auth v21 ap=1+0 snaprealm=0x7f15bc0179a0 f(v1 m2011-07-28 21:26:19.116099 7=6+1) n(v1 rc2011-07-28 21:26:19.116099 7=6+1)/n(v0 1=0+1) (isnap sync r=1) (inest lock) (ifile mix w=1) (iversion lock) caps={4210=pAsLsXs/-@3} | lock dirfrag caps dirty authpin 0x7f15bc0074b0]
2011-07-28 21:35:19.764410 7f15c7989710 rdlock_start on (iauth sync) on [inode 1 [...2,head] / auth v21 ap=1+0 snaprealm=0x7f15bc0179a0 f(v1 m2011-07-28 21:26:19.116099 7=6+1) n(v1 rc2011-07-28 21:26:19.116099 7=6+1)/n(v0 1=0+1) (isnap sync r=1) (inest lock) (ifile mix w=1) (iversion lock) caps={4210=pAsLsXs/-@3} | lock dirfrag caps dirty authpin 0x7f15bc0074b0]
2011-07-28 21:35:19.764433 7f15c7989710 got rdlock on (iauth sync r=1) [inode 1 [...2,head] / auth v21 ap=1+0 snaprealm=0x7f15bc0179a0 f(v1 m2011-07-28 21:26:19.116099 7=6+1) n(v1 rc2011-07-28 21:26:19.116099 7=6+1)/n(v0 1=0+1) (iauth sync r=1) (isnap sync r=1) (inest lock) (ifile mix w=1) (iversion lock) caps={4210=pAsLsXs/-@3} | lock dirfrag caps dirty authpin 0x7f15bc0074b0]
2011-07-28 21:35:19.764455 7f15c7989710 wrlock_start (inest lock) on [inode 1 [...2,head] / auth v21 ap=1+0 snaprealm=0x7f15bc0179a0 f(v1 m2011-07-28 21:26:19.116099 7=6+1) n(v1 rc2011-07-28 21:26:19.116099 7=6+1)/n(v0 1=0+1) (iauth sync r=1) (isnap sync r=1) (inest lock) (ifile mix w=1) (iversion lock) caps={4210=pAsLsXs/-@3} | lock dirfrag caps dirty authpin 0x7f15bc0074b0]
2011-07-28 21:35:19.764493 7f15c7989710 got wrlock on (inest lock w=1) [inode 1 [...2,head] / auth v21 ap=1+0 snaprealm=0x7f15bc0179a0 f(v1 m2011-07-28 21:26:19.116099 7=6+1) n(v1 rc2011-07-28 21:26:19.116099 7=6+1)/n(v0 1=0+1) (iauth sync r=1) (isnap sync r=1) (inest lock w=1) (ifile mix w=1) (iversion lock) caps={4210=pAsLsXs/-@3} | lock dirfrag caps dirty authpin 0x7f15bc0074b0]
2011-07-28 21:35:19.764516 7f15c7989710 rdlock_start on (ipolicy sync) on [inode 1 [...2,head] / auth v21 ap=1+0 snaprealm=0x7f15bc0179a0 f(v1 m2011-07-28 21:26:19.116099 7=6+1) n(v1 rc2011-07-28 21:26:19.116099 7=6+1)/n(v0 1=0+1) (iauth sync r=1) (isnap sync r=1) (inest lock w=1) (ifile mix w=1) (iversion lock) caps={4210=pAsLsXs/-@3} | lock dirfrag caps dirty authpin 0x7f15bc0074b0]
2011-07-28 21:35:19.764539 7f15c7989710 got rdlock on (ipolicy sync r=1) [inode 1 [...2,head] / auth v21 ap=1+0 snaprealm=0x7f15bc0179a0 f(v1 m2011-07-28 21:26:19.116099 7=6+1) n(v1 rc2011-07-28 21:26:19.116099 7=6+1)/n(v0 1=0+1) (iauth sync r=1) (isnap sync r=1) (inest lock w=1) (ipolicy sync r=1) (ifile mix w=1) (iversion lock) caps={4210=pAsLsXs/-@3} | lock dirfrag caps dirty authpin 0x7f15bc0074b0]
2011-07-28 21:35:19.764573 7f15c7989710 mds0.inotable: project_alloc_id 0 to [10000000006~1fffffffff9]/[10000000006~1fffffffff9]
2011-07-28 21:35:19.764586 7f15c7989710 mds0.server prepare_new_inode alloc 10000000006
2011-07-28 21:35:19.764599 7f15c7989710 mds0.inotable: project_alloc_ids [10000000007~3e8] to [100000003ef~1fffffffc10]/[10000000006~1fffffffff9]
2011-07-28 21:35:19.764607 7f15c7989710 mds0.server prepare_new_inode prealloc [10000000007~3e8]
2011-07-28 21:35:19.764614 7f15c7989710 mds0.server dir mode 040755 new mode 0100644
2011-07-28 21:35:19.764626 7f15c7989710 mds0.server prepare_new_inode [inode 10000000006 [2,head] #10000000006 auth v1 s=0 n() (iversion lock) 0x7f15bc0113d0]
2011-07-28 21:35:19.764644 7f15c7989710 mds0.cache.dir(1) pre_dirty 40
2011-07-28 21:35:19.764659 7f15c7989710 mds0.cache.den(1 foo42) pre_dirty [dentry #1/foo42 [2,head] auth NULL (dn xlock x=1 by 0x7f15bc017ee0) (dversion lock w=1 last_client=4210) pv=40 v=39 ap=2+0 inode=0 | lock authpin 0x7f158800c5b0]
2011-07-28 21:35:19.764669 7f15c7989710 mds0.server setting a client_range too, since this is a regular file
2011-07-28 21:35:19.764694 7f15c7989710 issue_new_caps for mode 3 on [inode 10000000006 [2,head] {#10000000006 /foo42} auth v40 s=0 n(v0 1=1+0)/n() (iversion lock) cr={4210=0-4194304@1} 0x7f15bc0113d0]
2011-07-28 21:35:19.764708 7f15c7989710 mds0.cache.ino(10000000006) add_client_cap first cap, joining realm snaprealm(1 seq 1 lc 0 cr 0 cps 1 snaps={} 0x7f15bc0179a0)
2011-07-28 21:35:19.764731 7f15c7989710 eval 2496 [inode 10000000006 [2,head] {#10000000006 /foo42} auth v40 s=0 n(v0 1=1+0)/n() (iversion lock) cr={4210=0-4194304@1} caps={4210=-/pAsxXsxFsxcrwb@0} | caps 0x7f15bc0113d0]
2011-07-28 21:35:19.764751 7f15c7989710 eval set loner to client4210
2011-07-28 21:35:19.764775 7f15c7989710 file_eval wanted=sxcrwb loner_wanted=sxcrwb other_wanted= filelock=(ifile sync) on [inode 10000000006 [2,head] {#10000000006 /foo42} auth v40 s=0 n(v0 1=1+0)/n() (iversion lock) cr={4210=0-4194304@1} caps={4210=-/pAsxXsxFsxcrwb@0},l=4210 | caps 0x7f15bc0113d0]
2011-07-28 21:35:19.764795 7f15c7989710 file_eval stable, bump to loner (ifile sync) on [inode 10000000006 [2,head] {#10000000006 /foo42} auth v40 s=0 n(v0 1=1+0)/n() (iversion lock) cr={4210=0-4194304@1} caps={4210=-/pAsxXsxFsxcrwb@0},l=4210 | caps 0x7f15bc0113d0]
2011-07-28 21:35:19.764815 7f15c7989710 file_excl (ifile sync) on [inode 10000000006 [2,head] {#10000000006 /foo42} auth v40 s=0 n(v0 1=1+0)/n() (iversion lock) cr={4210=0-4194304@1} caps={4210=-/pAsxXsxFsxcrwb@0},l=4210 | caps 0x7f15bc0113d0]
2011-07-28 21:35:19.764835 7f15c7989710 simple_eval (iauth sync) on [inode 10000000006 [2,head] {#10000000006 /foo42} auth v40 s=0 n(v0 1=1+0)/n() (ifile excl) (iversion lock) cr={4210=0-4194304@1} caps={4210=-/pAsxXsxFsxcrwb@0},l=4210 | caps 0x7f15bc0113d0]
2011-07-28 21:35:19.764867 7f15c7989710 simple_eval stable, going to excl (iauth sync) on [inode 10000000006 [2,head] {#10000000006 /foo42} auth v40 s=0 n(v0 1=1+0)/n() (ifile excl) (iversion lock) cr={4210=0-4194304@1} caps={4210=-/pAsxXsxFsxcrwb@0},l=4210 | caps 0x7f15bc0113d0]
2011-07-28 21:35:19.764886 7f15c7989710 simple_excl on (iauth sync) on [inode 10000000006 [2,head] {#10000000006 /foo42} auth v40 s=0 n(v0 1=1+0)/n() (ifile excl) (iversion lock) cr={4210=0-4194304@1} caps={4210=-/pAsxXsxFsxcrwb@0},l=4210 | caps 0x7f15bc0113d0]
2011-07-28 21:35:19.764907 7f15c7989710 simple_eval (ilink sync) on [inode 10000000006 [2,head] {#10000000006 /foo42} auth v40 s=0 n(v0 1=1+0)/n() (iauth excl) (ifile excl) (iversion lock) cr={4210=0-4194304@1} caps={4210=-/pAsxXsxFsxcrwb@0},l=4210 | caps 0x7f15bc0113d0]
2011-07-28 21:35:19.764932 7f15c7989710 simple_eval (ixattr sync) on [inode 10000000006 [2,head] {#10000000006 /foo42} auth v40 s=0 n(v0 1=1+0)/n() (iauth excl) (ifile excl) (iversion lock) cr={4210=0-4194304@1} caps={4210=-/pAsxXsxFsxcrwb@0},l=4210 | caps 0x7f15bc0113d0]
2011-07-28 21:35:19.764952 7f15c7989710 simple_eval stable, going to excl (ixattr sync) on [inode 10000000006 [2,head] {#10000000006 /foo42} auth v40 s=0 n(v0 1=1+0)/n() (iauth excl) (ifile excl) (iversion lock) cr={4210=0-4194304@1} caps={4210=-/pAsxXsxFsxcrwb@0},l=4210 | caps 0x7f15bc0113d0]
2011-07-28 21:35:19.764971 7f15c7989710 simple_excl on (ixattr sync) on [inode 10000000006 [2,head] {#10000000006 /foo42} auth v40 s=0 n(v0 1=1+0)/n() (iauth excl) (ifile excl) (iversion lock) cr={4210=0-4194304@1} caps={4210=-/pAsxXsxFsxcrwb@0},l=4210 | caps 0x7f15bc0113d0]
2011-07-28 21:35:19.764991 7f15c7989710 scatter_eval (inest sync) on [inode 10000000006 [2,head] {#10000000006 /foo42} auth v40 s=0 n(v0 1=1+0)/n() (iauth excl) (ifile excl) (ixattr excl) (iversion lock) cr={4210=0-4194304@1} caps={4210=-/pAsxXsxFsxcrwb@0},l=4210 | caps 0x7f15bc0113d0]
2011-07-28 21:35:19.765017 7f15c7989710 simple_lock on (inest sync) on [inode 10000000006 [2,head] {#10000000006 /foo42} auth v40 s=0 n(v0 1=1+0)/n() (iauth excl) (ifile excl) (ixattr excl) (iversion lock) cr={4210=0-4194304@1} caps={4210=-/pAsxXsxFsxcrwb@0},l=4210 | caps 0x7f15bc0113d0]
2011-07-28 21:35:19.765037 7f15c7989710 simple_eval (iflock sync) on [inode 10000000006 [2,head] {#10000000006 /foo42} auth v40 s=0 n(v0 1=1+0)/n() (iauth excl) (ifile excl) (ixattr excl) (iversion lock) cr={4210=0-4194304@1} caps={4210=-/pAsxXsxFsxcrwb@0},l=4210 | caps 0x7f15bc0113d0]
2011-07-28 21:35:19.765057 7f15c7989710 simple_eval (ipolicy sync) on [inode 10000000006 [2,head] {#10000000006 /foo42} auth v40 s=0 n(v0 1=1+0)/n() (iauth excl) (ifile excl) (ixattr excl) (iversion lock) cr={4210=0-4194304@1} caps={4210=-/pAsxXsxFsxcrwb@0},l=4210 | caps 0x7f15bc0113d0]
2011-07-28 21:35:19.765093 7f15c7989710 issue_caps loner client4210 allowed=pAsxLsXsxFsxcrwbl, xlocker allowed=pAsxLsXsxFsxcrwbl, others allowed=pLs on [inode 10000000006 [2,head] {#10000000006 /foo42} auth v40 s=0 n(v0 1=1+0)/n() (iauth excl) (ifile excl) (ixattr excl) (iversion lock) cr={4210=0-4194304@1} caps={4210=-/pAsxXsxFsxcrwb@0},l=4210 | caps 0x7f15bc0113d0]
2011-07-28 21:35:19.765109 7f15c7989710 client4210 pending - allowed pAsxLsXsxFsxcrwbl wanted pAsxXsxFsxcrwb
2011-07-28 21:35:19.765116 7f15c7989710 suppressed and !revoke, skipping client4210
2011-07-28 21:35:19.765122 7f15c7989710 eval done
2011-07-28 21:35:19.765129 7f15c7989710 mds0.server mknod mode 33188 rdev 0
2011-07-28 21:35:19.765143 7f15c7989710 mds0.server journal_allocated_inos sessionmapv 15 inotablev 10
2011-07-28 21:35:19.765167 7f15c7989710 mds0.cache predirty_journal_parents do_parent_mtime linkunlink=1 primary_dn follows head [inode 10000000006 [2,head] {#10000000006 /foo42} auth v40 s=0 n(v0 1=1+0)/n() (iauth excl) (ifile excl) (ixattr excl) (iversion lock) cr={4210=0-4194304@1} caps={4210=AsxXsxFxwb/-@1},l=4210 | caps 0x7f15bc0113d0]
2011-07-28 21:35:19.765199 7f15c7989710 mds0.cache.dir(1) auth_pin by 0x7f15bc017ee0 on [dir 1 / [2,head] auth v=39 cv=0/0 dir_auth=0 ap=1+2+2 state=1610612738|complete f(v1 m2011-07-28 21:26:19.116099 7=6+1) n(v1 rc2011-07-28 21:26:19.116099 7=6+1) hs=7+1,ss=0+0 dirty=6 | child subtree dirty authpin 0x7f1588001540] count now 1 + 2
2011-07-28 21:35:19.765210 7f15c7989710 mds0.cache.dir(1) project_fnode 0x7f15bc019a80
2011-07-28 21:35:19.765217 7f15c7989710 mds0.cache.dir(1) pre_dirty 41
2011-07-28 21:35:19.765232 7f15c7989710 mds0.cache predirty_journal_parents updating mtime on [dir 1 / [2,head] auth pv=41 v=39 cv=0/0 dir_auth=0 ap=1+2+2 state=1610612738|complete f(v1 m2011-07-28 21:26:19.116099 7=6+1) n(v1 rc2011-07-28 21:26:19.116099 7=6+1) hs=7+1,ss=0+0 dirty=6 | child subtree dirty authpin 0x7f1588001540]
2011-07-28 21:35:19.765254 7f15c7989710 mds0.cache predirty_journal_parents updating size on [dir 1 / [2,head] auth pv=41 v=39 cv=0/0 dir_auth=0 ap=1+2+2 state=1610612738|complete f(v1 m2011-07-28 21:26:19.116099 7=6+1) n(v1 rc2011-07-28 21:26:19.116099 7=6+1) hs=7+1,ss=0+0 dirty=6 | child subtree dirty authpin 0x7f1588001540]
2011-07-28 21:35:19.765294 7f15c7989710 mds0.cache projected_rstat_inode_to_frag first 2 linkunlink 1 [inode 10000000006 [2,head] {#10000000006 /foo42} auth v40 s=0 n(v0 1=1+0)/n() (iauth excl) (ifile excl) (ixattr excl) (iversion lock) cr={4210=0-4194304@1} caps={4210=AsxXsxFxwb/-@1},l=4210 | caps 0x7f15bc0113d0]
2011-07-28 21:35:19.765303 7f15c7989710 mds0.cache frag head is [2,head]
2011-07-28 21:35:19.765310 7f15c7989710 mds0.cache inode update is [2,head]
2011-07-28 21:35:19.765322 7f15c7989710 mds0.cache floor of 2 from parent dn [dentry #1/foo42 [2,head] auth NULL (dn xlock x=1 by 0x7f15bc017ee0) (dversion lock w=1 last_client=4210) pv=40 v=39 ap=2+0 inode=0 | lock authpin 0x7f158800c5b0]
2011-07-28 21:35:19.765339 7f15c7989710 mds0.cache _project_rstat_inode_to_frag [2,head]
2011-07-28 21:35:19.765348 7f15c7989710 mds0.cache inode rstat n(v0 1=1+0)
2011-07-28 21:35:19.765354 7f15c7989710 mds0.cache inode accounted_rstat n()
2011-07-28 21:35:19.765361 7f15c7989710 mds0.cache delta n(v0 1=1+0)
2011-07-28 21:35:19.765373 7f15c7989710 mds0.cache projecting to head [2,head] n(v1 rc2011-07-28 21:35:19.764556 7=6+1)
2011-07-28 21:35:19.765382 7f15c7989710 mds0.cache project to [2,head] n(v1 rc2011-07-28 21:35:19.764556 7=6+1)
2011-07-28 21:35:19.765400 7f15c7989710 mds0.cache result [2,head] n(v1 rc2011-07-28 21:35:19.764556 8=7+1) [dir 1 / [2,head] auth pv=41 v=39 cv=0/0 dir_auth=0 ap=1+2+2 state=1610612738|complete f(v1 m2011-07-28 21:26:19.116099 7=6+1) n(v1 rc2011-07-28 21:26:19.116099 7=6+1) hs=7+1,ss=0+0 dirty=6 | child subtree dirty authpin 0x7f1588001540]
2011-07-28 21:35:19.765428 7f15c7989710 local_wrlock_grab on (iversion lock) on [inode 1 [...2,head] / auth v21 ap=1+0 snaprealm=0x7f15bc0179a0 f(v1 m2011-07-28 21:26:19.116099 7=6+1) n(v1 rc2011-07-28 21:26:19.116099 7=6+1)/n(v0 1=0+1) (iauth sync r=1) (isnap sync r=1) (inest lock w=1) (ipolicy sync r=1) (ifile mix w=1) (iversion lock) caps={4210=pAsLsXs/-@3} | lock dirfrag caps dirty authpin 0x7f15bc0074b0]
2011-07-28 21:35:19.765448 7f15c7989710 mds0.cache.ino(1) project_inode 0x7f15bc019bb0
2011-07-28 21:35:19.765459 7f15c7989710 mds0.cache predirty_journal_parents add_delta f(v1 m2011-07-28 21:35:19.764556 8=7+1)
2011-07-28 21:35:19.765468 7f15c7989710 mds0.cache predirty_journal_parents - f(v1 m2011-07-28 21:26:19.116099 7=6+1)
2011-07-28 21:35:19.765492 7f15c7989710 mds0.cache predirty_journal_parents gives f(v1 m2011-07-28 21:35:19.764556 8=7+1) on [inode 1 [...2,head] / auth v21 pv22 ap=1+0 snaprealm=0x7f15bc0179a0 f(v1 m2011-07-28 21:26:19.116099 7=6+1) n(v1 rc2011-07-28 21:26:19.116099 7=6+1)/n(v0 1=0+1) (iauth sync r=1) (isnap sync r=1) (inest lock w=1) (ipolicy sync r=1) (ifile mix w=1) (iversion lock w=1 last_client=4210) caps={4210=pAsLsXs/-@3} | lock dirfrag caps dirty authpin 0x7f15bc0074b0]
2011-07-28 21:35:19.765523 7f15c7989710 mds0.journal EMetaBlob::add_dir_context final:
2011-07-28 21:35:19.765549 7f15c7989710 mds0.cache.ino(1) encode_snap_blob snaprealm(1 seq 1 lc 0 cr 0 cps 1 snaps={} 0x7f15bc0179a0)
2011-07-28 21:35:19.765576 7f15c7989710 mds0.server journal_and_reply tracei 0x7f15bc0113d0 tracedn 0x7f158800c5b0
2011-07-28 21:35:19.765588 7f15c7989710 mds0.server early_reply - allocated ino, not allowed
2011-07-28 21:35:19.765618 7f15c7989710 mds0.log submit_entry 4222262~1241 : EUpdate mknod [metablob 1, 1 dirs alloc_ino=10000000006 prealloc_ino=[10000000007~3e8] v10]
2011-07-28 21:35:19.802357 7f15c7989710 mds0.cache.dir(1) link_primary_inode [dentry #1/foo42 [2,head] auth NULL (dn xlock x=1 by 0x7f15bc017ee0) (dversion lock w=1 last_client=4210) pv=40 v=39 ap=2+0 inode=0 | request lock authpin 0x7f158800c5b0] [inode 10000000006 [2,head] {#10000000006 /foo42} auth v40 s=0 n(v0 1=1+0) (iauth excl) (ifile excl) (ixattr excl) (iversion lock) cr={4210=0-4194304@1} caps={4210=AsxXsxFxwb/-@1},l=4210 | request caps 0x7f15bc0113d0]
2011-07-28 21:35:19.802421 7f15c7989710 mds0.cache.ino(10000000006) mark_dirty [inode 10000000006 [2,head] /foo42 auth v39 s=0 n(v0 1=1+0) (iauth excl) (ifile excl) (ixattr excl) (iversion lock) cr={4210=0-4194304@1} caps={4210=AsxXsxFxwb/-@1},l=4210 | request caps 0x7f15bc0113d0]
2011-07-28 21:35:19.802436 7f15c7989710 mds0.cache.den(1 foo42) mark_dirty [dentry #1/foo42 [2,head] auth (dn xlock x=1 by 0x7f15bc017ee0) (dversion lock w=1 last_client=4210) pv=40 v=39 ap=2+0 inode=0x7f15bc0113d0 | request lock inodepin authpin 0x7f158800c5b0]
2011-07-28 21:35:19.802457 7f15c7989710 mds0.cache.dir(1) mark_dirty (already dirty) [dir 1 / [2,head] auth pv=41 v=40 cv=0/0 dir_auth=0 ap=1+2+2 state=1610612738|complete f(v1 m2011-07-28 21:26:19.116099 7=6+1) n(v1 rc2011-07-28 21:26:19.116099 7=6+1) hs=8+0,ss=0+0 dirty=7 | child subtree dirty authpin 0x7f1588001540] version 40
2011-07-28 21:35:19.802472 7f15c7989710 mds0.cache.ino(1) pop_and_dirty_projected_inode 0x7f15bc019bb0 v22
2011-07-28 21:35:19.802498 7f15c7989710 mds0.cache.ino(1) mark_dirty [inode 1 [...2,head] / auth v21 pv22 ap=1+0 snaprealm=0x7f15bc0179a0 f(v1 m2011-07-28 21:26:19.116099 7=6+1) n(v1 rc2011-07-28 21:26:19.116099 7=6+1)/n(v0 1=0+1) (iauth sync r=1) (isnap sync r=1) (inest lock w=1) (ipolicy sync r=1) (ifile mix w=1) (iversion lock w=1 last_client=4210) caps={4210=pAsLsXs/-@3} | lock dirfrag caps dirty authpin 0x7f15bc0074b0]
2011-07-28 21:35:19.802508 7f15c7989710 mds0.cache.dir(1) pop_and_dirty_projected_fnode 0x7f15bc019a80 v41
2011-07-28 21:35:19.802526 7f15c7989710 mds0.cache.dir(1) mark_dirty (already dirty) [dir 1 / [2,head] auth pv=41 v=41 cv=0/0 dir_auth=0 ap=1+2+2 state=1610612738|complete f(v1 m2011-07-28 21:35:19.764556 8=7+1) n(v1 rc2011-07-28 21:35:19.764556 8=7+1)/n(v1 rc2011-07-28 21:26:19.116099 7=6+1) hs=8+0,ss=0+0 dirty=7 | child subtree dirty authpin 0x7f1588001540] version 41
2011-07-28 21:35:19.802549 7f15c7989710 mds0.cache send_dentry_link [dentry #1/foo42 [2,head] auth (dn xlock x=1 by 0x7f15bc017ee0) (dversion lock w=1 last_client=4210) v=40 ap=2+0 inode=0x7f15bc0113d0 | request lock inodepin dirty authpin 0x7f158800c5b0]
2011-07-28 21:35:19.802579 7f15c7989710 mds0.server reply_request 0 (Success) client_request(client4210:4 mknod #1/foo42)
2011-07-28 21:35:19.802589 7f15c7989710 mds0.server apply_allocated_inos 10000000006 / [10000000007~3e8] / 0
2011-07-28 21:35:19.802598 7f15c7989710 mds0.inotable: apply_alloc_id 10000000006 to [100000003ef~1fffffffc10]/[10000000006~1fffffffff9]
2011-07-28 21:35:19.802609 7f15c7989710 mds0.inotable: apply_alloc_ids [10000000007~3e8] to [100000003ef~1fffffffc10]/[10000000007~1fffffffff8]
2011-07-28 21:35:19.802629 7f15c7989710 mds0.server lat 0.039626
2011-07-28 21:35:19.802648 7f15c7989710 xlock_finish on (dn xlock x=1 by 0x7f15bc017ee0) [dentry #1/foo42 [2,head] auth (dn xlock x=1 by 0x7f15bc017ee0) (dversion lock w=1 last_client=4210) v=40 ap=2+0 inode=0x7f15bc0113d0 | request lock inodepin dirty authpin 0x7f158800c5b0]
2011-07-28 21:35:19.802684 7f15c7989710 mds0.cache.den(1 foo42) auth_unpin by 0x7f158800c700 on [dentry #1/foo42 [2,head] auth (dn xlock) (dversion lock w=1 last_client=4210) v=40 ap=1+0 inode=0x7f15bc0113d0 | request lock inodepin dirty authpin 0x7f158800c5b0] now 1+0
2011-07-28 21:35:19.802705 7f15c7989710 mds0.cache.dir(1) adjust_nested_auth_pins -1/-1 on [dir 1 / [2,head] auth v=41 cv=0/0 dir_auth=0 ap=1+1+1 state=1610612738|complete f(v1 m2011-07-28 21:35:19.764556 8=7+1) n(v1 rc2011-07-28 21:35:19.764556 8=7+1)/n(v1 rc2011-07-28 21:26:19.116099 7=6+1) hs=8+0,ss=0+0 dirty=7 | child subtree dirty authpin 0x7f1588001540] by 0x7f158800c700 count now 1 + 1
2011-07-28 21:35:19.802718 7f15c7989710 simple_eval (dn lock) on [dentry #1/foo42 [2,head] auth (dn lock) (dversion lock w=1 last_client=4210) v=40 ap=1+0 inode=0x7f15bc0113d0 | request lock inodepin dirty authpin 0x7f158800c5b0]
2011-07-28 21:35:19.802738 7f15c7989710 simple_eval stable, syncing (dn lock) on [dentry #1/foo42 [2,head] auth (dn lock) (dversion lock w=1 last_client=4210) v=40 ap=1+0 inode=0x7f15bc0113d0 | request lock inodepin dirty authpin 0x7f158800c5b0]
2011-07-28 21:35:19.802750 7f15c7989710 simple_sync on (dn lock) on [dentry #1/foo42 [2,head] auth (dn lock) (dversion lock w=1 last_client=4210) v=40 ap=1+0 inode=0x7f15bc0113d0 | request lock inodepin dirty authpin 0x7f158800c5b0]
2011-07-28 21:35:19.802763 7f15c7989710 local_wrlock_finish on (dversion lock w=1 last_client=4210) on [dentry #1/foo42 [2,head] auth (dversion lock w=1 last_client=4210) v=40 ap=1+0 inode=0x7f15bc0113d0 | request lock inodepin dirty authpin 0x7f158800c5b0]
2011-07-28 21:35:19.802791 7f15c7989710 local_wrlock_finish on (iversion lock w=1 last_client=4210) on [inode 1 [...2,head] / auth v22 ap=1+0 snaprealm=0x7f15bc0179a0 f(v1 m2011-07-28 21:35:19.764556 8=7+1) n(v1 rc2011-07-28 21:26:19.116099 7=6+1)/n(v0 1=0+1) (iauth sync r=1) (isnap sync r=1) (inest lock w=1) (ipolicy sync r=1) (ifile mix w=1) (iversion lock w=1 last_client=4210) caps={4210=pAsLsXs/-@3} | lock dirfrag caps dirty authpin 0x7f15bc0074b0]
2011-07-28 21:35:19.802823 7f15c7989710 wrlock_finish on (ifile mix w=1) on [inode 1 [...2,head] / auth v22 ap=1+0 snaprealm=0x7f15bc0179a0 f(v1 m2011-07-28 21:35:19.764556 8=7+1) n(v1 rc2011-07-28 21:26:19.116099 7=6+1)/n(v0 1=0+1) (iauth sync r=1) (isnap sync r=1) (inest lock w=1) (ipolicy sync r=1) (ifile mix w=1) (iversion lock) caps={4210=pAsLsXs/-@3} | lock dirfrag caps dirty authpin 0x7f15bc0074b0]
2011-07-28 21:35:19.802848 7f15c7989710 file_eval wanted= loner_wanted= other_wanted= filelock=(ifile mix) on [inode 1 [...2,head] / auth v22 ap=1+0 snaprealm=0x7f15bc0179a0 f(v1 m2011-07-28 21:35:19.764556 8=7+1) n(v1 rc2011-07-28 21:26:19.116099 7=6+1)/n(v0 1=0+1) (iauth sync r=1) (isnap sync r=1) (inest lock w=1) (ipolicy sync r=1) (ifile mix) (iversion lock) caps={4210=pAsLsXs/-@3} | lock dirfrag caps dirty authpin 0x7f15bc0074b0]
2011-07-28 21:35:19.802878 7f15c7989710 wrlock_finish on (inest lock w=1) on [inode 1 [...2,head] / auth v22 ap=1+0 snaprealm=0x7f15bc0179a0 f(v1 m2011-07-28 21:35:19.764556 8=7+1) n(v1 rc2011-07-28 21:26:19.116099 7=6+1)/n(v0 1=0+1) (iauth sync r=1) (isnap sync r=1) (inest lock w=1) (ipolicy sync r=1) (ifile mix) (iversion lock) caps={4210=pAsLsXs/-@3} | lock dirfrag caps dirty authpin 0x7f15bc0074b0]
2011-07-28 21:35:19.802901 7f15c7989710 scatter_eval (inest lock) on [inode 1 [...2,head] / auth v22 ap=1+0 snaprealm=0x7f15bc0179a0 f(v1 m2011-07-28 21:35:19.764556 8=7+1) n(v1 rc2011-07-28 21:26:19.116099 7=6+1)/n(v0 1=0+1) (iauth sync r=1) (isnap sync r=1) (inest lock) (ipolicy sync r=1) (ifile mix) (iversion lock) caps={4210=pAsLsXs/-@3} | lock dirfrag caps dirty authpin 0x7f15bc0074b0]
2011-07-28 21:35:19.802910 7f15c7989710 mds0.server set_trace_dist snapid head
2011-07-28 21:35:19.802936 7f15c7989710 mds0.server set_trace_dist snaprealm snaprealm(1 seq 1 lc 0 cr 0 cps 1 snaps={} 0x7f15bc0179a0) len=48
2011-07-28 21:35:19.802948 7f15c7989710 mds0.cache.ino(1) pfile 0 pauth 0 plink 0 pxattr 0 plocal 0 ctime 2011-07-28 21:35:19.764556 valid=1
2011-07-28 21:35:19.802960 7f15c7989710 mds0.cache.ino(1) encode_inodestat issueing pAsLsXs seq 4
2011-07-28 21:35:19.802971 7f15c7989710 mds0.cache.ino(1) encode_inodestat caps pAsLsXs seq 4 mseq 0 xattrv 0 len 0
2011-07-28 21:35:19.803001 7f15c7989710 mds0.server set_trace_dist added diri [inode 1 [...2,head] / auth v22 ap=1+0 snaprealm=0x7f15bc0179a0 f(v1 m2011-07-28 21:35:19.764556 8=7+1) n(v1 rc2011-07-28 21:26:19.116099 7=6+1)/n(v0 1=0+1) (iauth sync r=1) (isnap sync r=1) (inest lock) (ipolicy sync r=1) (ifile mix) (iversion lock) caps={4210=pAsLsXs/-@4} | lock dirfrag caps dirty authpin 0x7f15bc0074b0]
2011-07-28 21:35:19.803021 7f15c7989710 mds0.server set_trace_dist added dir [dir 1 / [2,head] auth v=41 cv=0/0 dir_auth=0 ap=1+1+1 state=1610612738|complete f(v1 m2011-07-28 21:35:19.764556 8=7+1) n(v1 rc2011-07-28 21:35:19.764556 8=7+1)/n(v1 rc2011-07-28 21:26:19.116099 7=6+1) hs=8+0,ss=0+0 dirty=7 | child subtree dirty authpin 0x7f1588001540]
2011-07-28 21:35:19.803036 7f15c7989710 mds0.cache.den(1 foo42) add_client_lease client4210 on (dn sync)
2011-07-28 21:35:19.803052 7f15c7989710 issue_client_lease seq 2 dur 30000ms on [dentry #1/foo42 [2,head] auth (dn sync l=1) (dversion lock) v=40 ap=1+0 inode=0x7f15bc0113d0 | request inodepin dirty authpin clientlease 0x7f158800c5b0]
2011-07-28 21:35:19.803064 7f15c7989710 mds0.server set_trace_dist added dn head [dentry #1/foo42 [2,head] auth (dn sync l=1) (dversion lock) v=40 ap=1+0 inode=0x7f15bc0113d0 | request inodepin dirty authpin clientlease 0x7f158800c5b0]
2011-07-28 21:35:19.803075 7f15c7989710 mds0.cache.ino(10000000006) pfile 1 pauth 1 plink 1 pxattr 1 plocal 0 ctime 2011-07-28 21:35:19.764556 valid=1
2011-07-28 21:35:19.803089 7f15c7989710 mds0.cache.ino(10000000006) encode_inodestat issueing pAsxLsXsxFsxcrwb seq 2
2011-07-28 21:35:19.803109 7f15c7989710 mds0.cache.ino(10000000006) encode_inodestat caps pAsxLsXsxFsxcrwb seq 2 mseq 0 xattrv 0 len 0
2011-07-28 21:35:19.803130 7f15c7989710 mds0.server set_trace_dist added in [inode 10000000006 [2,head] /foo42 auth v40 s=0 n(v0 1=1+0) (iauth excl) (ifile excl) (ixattr excl) (iversion lock) cr={4210=0-4194304@1} caps={4210=pAsxLsXsxFsxcrwb/-@2},l=4210 | request caps dirty 0x7f15bc0113d0]
2011-07-28 21:35:19.803150 7f15c7989710 mds0.cache request_finish request(client4210:4 cr=0x7f15a40011a0)
2011-07-28 21:35:19.803159 7f15c7989710 mds0.cache request_cleanup request(client4210:4 cr=0x7f15a40011a0)
2011-07-28 21:35:19.803185 7f15c7989710 rdlock_finish on (iauth sync) on [inode 1 [...2,head] / auth v22 ap=1+0 snaprealm=0x7f15bc0179a0 f(v1 m2011-07-28 21:35:19.764556 8=7+1) n(v1 rc2011-07-28 21:26:19.116099 7=6+1)/n(v0 1=0+1) (isnap sync r=1) (inest lock) (ipolicy sync r=1) (ifile mix) (iversion lock) caps={4210=pAsLsXs/-@4} | lock dirfrag caps dirty authpin 0x7f15bc0074b0]
2011-07-28 21:35:19.803217 7f15c7989710 simple_eval (iauth sync) on [inode 1 [...2,head] / auth v22 ap=1+0 snaprealm=0x7f15bc0179a0 f(v1 m2011-07-28 21:35:19.764556 8=7+1) n(v1 rc2011-07-28 21:26:19.116099 7=6+1)/n(v0 1=0+1) (isnap sync r=1) (inest lock) (ipolicy sync r=1) (ifile mix) (iversion lock) caps={4210=pAsLsXs/-@4} | lock dirfrag caps dirty authpin 0x7f15bc0074b0]
2011-07-28 21:35:19.803240 7f15c7989710 rdlock_finish on (isnap sync) on [inode 1 [...2,head] / auth v22 ap=1+0 snaprealm=0x7f15bc0179a0 f(v1 m2011-07-28 21:35:19.764556 8=7+1) n(v1 rc2011-07-28 21:26:19.116099 7=6+1)/n(v0 1=0+1) (inest lock) (ipolicy sync r=1) (ifile mix) (iversion lock) caps={4210=pAsLsXs/-@4} | lock dirfrag caps dirty authpin 0x7f15bc0074b0]
2011-07-28 21:35:19.803261 7f15c7989710 simple_eval (isnap sync) on [inode 1 [...2,head] / auth v22 ap=1+0 snaprealm=0x7f15bc0179a0 f(v1 m2011-07-28 21:35:19.764556 8=7+1) n(v1 rc2011-07-28 21:26:19.116099 7=6+1)/n(v0 1=0+1) (inest lock) (ipolicy sync r=1) (ifile mix) (iversion lock) caps={4210=pAsLsXs/-@4} | lock dirfrag caps dirty authpin 0x7f15bc0074b0]
2011-07-28 21:35:19.803318 7f15c7989710 rdlock_finish on (ipolicy sync) on [inode 1 [...2,head] / auth v22 ap=1+0 snaprealm=0x7f15bc0179a0 f(v1 m2011-07-28 21:35:19.764556 8=7+1) n(v1 rc2011-07-28 21:26:19.116099 7=6+1)/n(v0 1=0+1) (inest lock) (ifile mix) (iversion lock) caps={4210=pAsLsXs/-@4} | dirfrag caps dirty authpin 0x7f15bc0074b0]
2011-07-28 21:35:19.803340 7f15c7989710 simple_eval (ipolicy sync) on [inode 1 [...2,head] / auth v22 ap=1+0 snaprealm=0x7f15bc0179a0 f(v1 m2011-07-28 21:35:19.764556 8=7+1) n(v1 rc2011-07-28 21:26:19.116099 7=6+1)/n(v0 1=0+1) (inest lock) (ifile mix) (iversion lock) caps={4210=pAsLsXs/-@4} | dirfrag caps dirty authpin 0x7f15bc0074b0]
2011-07-28 21:35:19.803362 7f15c7989710 mds0.cache.dir(1) auth_unpin by 0x7f15bc017ee0 on [dir 1 / [2,head] auth v=41 cv=0/0 dir_auth=0 ap=0+1+1 state=1610612738|complete f(v1 m2011-07-28 21:35:19.764556 8=7+1) n(v1 rc2011-07-28 21:35:19.764556 8=7+1)/n(v1 rc2011-07-28 21:26:19.116099 7=6+1) hs=8+0,ss=0+0 dirty=7 | child subtree dirty 0x7f1588001540] count now 0 + 1
2011-07-28 21:35:19.803383 7f15c7989710 mds0.cache.den(1 foo42) auth_unpin by 0x7f15bc017ee0 on [dentry #1/foo42 [2,head] auth (dn sync l=1) (dversion lock) v=40 inode=0x7f15bc0113d0 | request inodepin dirty clientlease 0x7f158800c5b0] now 0+0
2011-07-28 21:35:19.803402 7f15c7989710 mds0.cache.dir(1) adjust_nested_auth_pins -1/-1 on [dir 1 / [2,head] auth v=41 cv=0/0 dir_auth=0 state=1610612738|complete f(v1 m2011-07-28 21:35:19.764556 8=7+1) n(v1 rc2011-07-28 21:35:19.764556 8=7+1)/n(v1 rc2011-07-28 21:26:19.116099 7=6+1) hs=8+0,ss=0+0 dirty=7 | child subtree dirty 0x7f1588001540] by 0x7f15bc017ee0 count now 0 + 0
2011-07-28 21:35:19.803423 7f15c7989710 mds0.cache.ino(1) auth_unpin by 0x7f15bc017ee0 on [inode 1 [...2,head] / auth v22 snaprealm=0x7f15bc0179a0 f(v1 m2011-07-28 21:35:19.764556 8=7+1) n(v1 rc2011-07-28 21:26:19.116099 7=6+1)/n(v0 1=0+1) (inest lock) (ifile mix) (iversion lock) caps={4210=pAsLsXs/-@4} | dirfrag caps dirty 0x7f15bc0074b0] now 0+0
2011-07-28 21:35:19.945334 7f15c7989710 mds0.server handle_client_request client_request(client4210:5 getattr pAsLsXsFs #1)
2011-07-28 21:35:19.945376 7f15c7989710 mds0.server get_session have 0x7f15a4000a40 client4210 state open
2011-07-28 21:35:19.945384 7f15c7989710 mds0.server oldest_client_tid=5
2011-07-28 21:35:19.945398 7f15c7989710 mds0.cache request_start request(client4210:5 cr=0x7f15a40011a0)
2011-07-28 21:35:19.945410 7f15c7989710 mds0.server dispatch_client_request client_request(client4210:5 getattr pAsLsXsFs #1)
2011-07-28 21:35:19.945421 7f15c7989710 mds0.server rdlock_path_pin_ref request(client4210:5 cr=0x7f15a40011a0) #1
2011-07-28 21:35:19.945429 7f15c7989710 mds0.cache traverse: opening base ino 1 snap head
2011-07-28 21:35:19.945438 7f15c7989710 mds0.cache path_traverse finish on snapid head
2011-07-28 21:35:19.945492 7f15c7989710 mds0.server ref is [inode 1 [...2,head] / auth v22 snaprealm=0x7f15bc0179a0 f(v1 m2011-07-28 21:35:19.764556 8=7+1) n(v1 rc2011-07-28 21:26:19.116099 7=6+1)/n(v0 1=0+1) (inest lock) (ifile mix) (iversion lock) caps={4210=pAsLsXs/-@4} | dirfrag caps dirty 0x7f15bc0074b0]
2011-07-28 21:35:19.945506 7f15c7989710 acquire_locks request(client4210:5 cr=0x7f15a40011a0)
2011-07-28 21:35:19.945527 7f15c7989710 must rdlock (iauth sync) [inode 1 [...2,head] / auth v22 snaprealm=0x7f15bc0179a0 f(v1 m2011-07-28 21:35:19.764556 8=7+1) n(v1 rc2011-07-28 21:26:19.116099 7=6+1)/n(v0 1=0+1) (inest lock) (ifile mix) (iversion lock) caps={4210=pAsLsXs/-@4} | request dirfrag caps dirty 0x7f15bc0074b0]
2011-07-28 21:35:19.945550 7f15c7989710 must rdlock (ilink sync) [inode 1 [...2,head] / auth v22 snaprealm=0x7f15bc0179a0 f(v1 m2011-07-28 21:35:19.764556 8=7+1) n(v1 rc2011-07-28 21:26:19.116099 7=6+1)/n(v0 1=0+1) (inest lock) (ifile mix) (iversion lock) caps={4210=pAsLsXs/-@4} | request dirfrag caps dirty 0x7f15bc0074b0]
2011-07-28 21:35:19.945591 7f15c7989710 must rdlock (ifile mix) [inode 1 [...2,head] / auth v22 snaprealm=0x7f15bc0179a0 f(v1 m2011-07-28 21:35:19.764556 8=7+1) n(v1 rc2011-07-28 21:26:19.116099 7=6+1)/n(v0 1=0+1) (inest lock) (ifile mix) (iversion lock) caps={4210=pAsLsXs/-@4} | request dirfrag caps dirty 0x7f15bc0074b0]
2011-07-28 21:35:19.945612 7f15c7989710 must rdlock (ixattr sync) [inode 1 [...2,head] / auth v22 snaprealm=0x7f15bc0179a0 f(v1 m2011-07-28 21:35:19.764556 8=7+1) n(v1 rc2011-07-28 21:26:19.116099 7=6+1)/n(v0 1=0+1) (inest lock) (ifile mix) (iversion lock) caps={4210=pAsLsXs/-@4} | request dirfrag caps dirty 0x7f15bc0074b0]
2011-07-28 21:35:19.945632 7f15c7989710 must rdlock (isnap sync) [inode 1 [...2,head] / auth v22 snaprealm=0x7f15bc0179a0 f(v1 m2011-07-28 21:35:19.764556 8=7+1) n(v1 rc2011-07-28 21:26:19.116099 7=6+1)/n(v0 1=0+1) (inest lock) (ifile mix) (iversion lock) caps={4210=pAsLsXs/-@4} | request dirfrag caps dirty 0x7f15bc0074b0]
2011-07-28 21:35:19.945658 7f15c7989710 must authpin [inode 1 [...2,head] / auth v22 snaprealm=0x7f15bc0179a0 f(v1 m2011-07-28 21:35:19.764556 8=7+1) n(v1 rc2011-07-28 21:26:19.116099 7=6+1)/n(v0 1=0+1) (inest lock) (ifile mix) (iversion lock) caps={4210=pAsLsXs/-@4} | request dirfrag caps dirty 0x7f15bc0074b0]
2011-07-28 21:35:19.945678 7f15c7989710 must authpin [inode 1 [...2,head] / auth v22 snaprealm=0x7f15bc0179a0 f(v1 m2011-07-28 21:35:19.764556 8=7+1) n(v1 rc2011-07-28 21:26:19.116099 7=6+1)/n(v0 1=0+1) (inest lock) (ifile mix) (iversion lock) caps={4210=pAsLsXs/-@4} | request dirfrag caps dirty 0x7f15bc0074b0]
2011-07-28 21:35:19.945698 7f15c7989710 must authpin [inode 1 [...2,head] / auth v22 snaprealm=0x7f15bc0179a0 f(v1 m2011-07-28 21:35:19.764556 8=7+1) n(v1 rc2011-07-28 21:26:19.116099 7=6+1)/n(v0 1=0+1) (inest lock) (ifile mix) (iversion lock) caps={4210=pAsLsXs/-@4} | request dirfrag caps dirty 0x7f15bc0074b0]
2011-07-28 21:35:19.945723 7f15c7989710 must authpin [inode 1 [...2,head] / auth v22 snaprealm=0x7f15bc0179a0 f(v1 m2011-07-28 21:35:19.764556 8=7+1) n(v1 rc2011-07-28 21:26:19.116099 7=6+1)/n(v0 1=0+1) (inest lock) (ifile mix) (iversion lock) caps={4210=pAsLsXs/-@4} | request dirfrag caps dirty 0x7f15bc0074b0]
2011-07-28 21:35:19.945742 7f15c7989710 must authpin [inode 1 [...2,head] / auth v22 snaprealm=0x7f15bc0179a0 f(v1 m2011-07-28 21:35:19.764556 8=7+1) n(v1 rc2011-07-28 21:26:19.116099 7=6+1)/n(v0 1=0+1) (inest lock) (ifile mix) (iversion lock) caps={4210=pAsLsXs/-@4} | request dirfrag caps dirty 0x7f15bc0074b0]
2011-07-28 21:35:19.945762 7f15c7989710 auth_pinning [inode 1 [...2,head] / auth v22 snaprealm=0x7f15bc0179a0 f(v1 m2011-07-28 21:35:19.764556 8=7+1) n(v1 rc2011-07-28 21:26:19.116099 7=6+1)/n(v0 1=0+1) (inest lock) (ifile mix) (iversion lock) caps={4210=pAsLsXs/-@4} | request dirfrag caps dirty 0x7f15bc0074b0]
2011-07-28 21:35:19.945784 7f15c7989710 mds0.cache.ino(1) auth_pin by 0x7f15bc017ee0 on [inode 1 [...2,head] / auth v22 ap=1+0 snaprealm=0x7f15bc0179a0 f(v1 m2011-07-28 21:35:19.764556 8=7+1) n(v1 rc2011-07-28 21:26:19.116099 7=6+1)/n(v0 1=0+1) (inest lock) (ifile mix) (iversion lock) caps={4210=pAsLsXs/-@4} | request dirfrag caps dirty authpin 0x7f15bc0074b0] now 1+0
2011-07-28 21:35:19.945811 7f15c7989710 already auth_pinned [inode 1 [...2,head] / auth v22 ap=1+0 snaprealm=0x7f15bc0179a0 f(v1 m2011-07-28 21:35:19.764556 8=7+1) n(v1 rc2011-07-28 21:26:19.116099 7=6+1)/n(v0 1=0+1) (inest lock) (ifile mix) (iversion lock) caps={4210=pAsLsXs/-@4} | request dirfrag caps dirty authpin 0x7f15bc0074b0]
2011-07-28 21:35:19.945831 7f15c7989710 already auth_pinned [inode 1 [...2,head] / auth v22 ap=1+0 snaprealm=0x7f15bc0179a0 f(v1 m2011-07-28 21:35:19.764556 8=7+1) n(v1 rc2011-07-28 21:26:19.116099 7=6+1)/n(v0 1=0+1) (inest lock) (ifile mix) (iversion lock) caps={4210=pAsLsXs/-@4} | request dirfrag caps dirty authpin 0x7f15bc0074b0]
2011-07-28 21:35:19.945862 7f15c7989710 already auth_pinned [inode 1 [...2,head] / auth v22 ap=1+0 snaprealm=0x7f15bc0179a0 f(v1 m2011-07-28 21:35:19.764556 8=7+1) n(v1 rc2011-07-28 21:26:19.116099 7=6+1)/n(v0 1=0+1) (inest lock) (ifile mix) (iversion lock) caps={4210=pAsLsXs/-@4} | request dirfrag caps dirty authpin 0x7f15bc0074b0]
2011-07-28 21:35:19.945882 7f15c7989710 already auth_pinned [inode 1 [...2,head] / auth v22 ap=1+0 snaprealm=0x7f15bc0179a0 f(v1 m2011-07-28 21:35:19.764556 8=7+1) n(v1 rc2011-07-28 21:26:19.116099 7=6+1)/n(v0 1=0+1) (inest lock) (ifile mix) (iversion lock) caps={4210=pAsLsXs/-@4} | request dirfrag caps dirty authpin 0x7f15bc0074b0]
2011-07-28 21:35:19.945905 7f15c7989710 rdlock_start on (isnap sync) on [inode 1 [...2,head] / auth v22 ap=1+0 snaprealm=0x7f15bc0179a0 f(v1 m2011-07-28 21:35:19.764556 8=7+1) n(v1 rc2011-07-28 21:26:19.116099 7=6+1)/n(v0 1=0+1) (inest lock) (ifile mix) (iversion lock) caps={4210=pAsLsXs/-@4} | request dirfrag caps dirty authpin 0x7f15bc0074b0]
2011-07-28 21:35:19.945934 7f15c7989710 got rdlock on (isnap sync r=1) [inode 1 [...2,head] / auth v22 ap=1+0 snaprealm=0x7f15bc0179a0 f(v1 m2011-07-28 21:35:19.764556 8=7+1) n(v1 rc2011-07-28 21:26:19.116099 7=6+1)/n(v0 1=0+1) (isnap sync r=1) (inest lock) (ifile mix) (iversion lock) caps={4210=pAsLsXs/-@4} | request lock dirfrag caps dirty authpin 0x7f15bc0074b0]
2011-07-28 21:35:19.945956 7f15c7989710 rdlock_start on (ifile mix) on [inode 1 [...2,head] / auth v22 ap=1+0 snaprealm=0x7f15bc0179a0 f(v1 m2011-07-28 21:35:19.764556 8=7+1) n(v1 rc2011-07-28 21:26:19.116099 7=6+1)/n(v0 1=0+1) (isnap sync r=1) (inest lock) (ifile mix) (iversion lock) caps={4210=pAsLsXs/-@4} | request lock dirfrag caps dirty authpin 0x7f15bc0074b0]
2011-07-28 21:35:19.945978 7f15c7989710 simple_sync on (ifile mix) on [inode 1 [...2,head] / auth v22 ap=1+0 snaprealm=0x7f15bc0179a0 f(v1 m2011-07-28 21:35:19.764556 8=7+1) n(v1 rc2011-07-28 21:26:19.116099 7=6+1)/n(v0 1=0+1) (isnap sync r=1) (inest lock) (ifile mix) (iversion lock) caps={4210=pAsLsXs/-@4} | request lock dirfrag caps dirty authpin 0x7f15bc0074b0]
2011-07-28 21:35:19.946018 7f15c7989710 issue_caps allowed=pAsLsXsFscr, xlocker allowed=pAsLsXsFscr on [inode 1 [...2,head] / auth v22 ap=1+0 snaprealm=0x7f15bc0179a0 f(v1 m2011-07-28 21:35:19.764556 8=7+1) n(v1 rc2011-07-28 21:26:19.116099 7=6+1)/n(v0 1=0+1) (isnap sync r=1) (inest lock) (iversion lock) caps={4210=pAsLsXs/-@4} | request lock dirfrag caps dirty authpin 0x7f15bc0074b0]
2011-07-28 21:35:19.946032 7f15c7989710 client4210 pending pAsLsXs allowed pAsLsXsFscr wanted -
2011-07-28 21:35:19.946056 7f15c7989710 got rdlock on (ifile sync r=1) [inode 1 [...2,head] / auth v22 ap=1+0 snaprealm=0x7f15bc0179a0 f(v1 m2011-07-28 21:35:19.764556 8=7+1) n(v1 rc2011-07-28 21:26:19.116099 7=6+1)/n(v0 1=0+1) (isnap sync r=1) (inest lock) (ifile sync r=1) (iversion lock) caps={4210=pAsLsXs/-@4} | request lock dirfrag caps dirty authpin 0x7f15bc0074b0]
2011-07-28 21:35:19.946084 7f15c7989710 rdlock_start on (iauth sync) on [inode 1 [...2,head] / auth v22 ap=1+0 snaprealm=0x7f15bc0179a0 f(v1 m2011-07-28 21:35:19.764556 8=7+1) n(v1 rc2011-07-28 21:26:19.116099 7=6+1)/n(v0 1=0+1) (isnap sync r=1) (inest lock) (ifile sync r=1) (iversion lock) caps={4210=pAsLsXs/-@4} | request lock dirfrag caps dirty authpin 0x7f15bc0074b0]
2011-07-28 21:35:19.946107 7f15c7989710 got rdlock on (iauth sync r=1) [inode 1 [...2,head] / auth v22 ap=1+0 snaprealm=0x7f15bc0179a0 f(v1 m2011-07-28 21:35:19.764556 8=7+1) n(v1 rc2011-07-28 21:26:19.116099 7=6+1)/n(v0 1=0+1) (iauth sync r=1) (isnap sync r=1) (inest lock) (ifile sync r=1) (iversion lock) caps={4210=pAsLsXs/-@4} | request lock dirfrag caps dirty authpin 0x7f15bc0074b0]
2011-07-28 21:35:19.946129 7f15c7989710 rdlock_start on (ilink sync) on [inode 1 [...2,head] / auth v22 ap=1+0 snaprealm=0x7f15bc0179a0 f(v1 m2011-07-28 21:35:19.764556 8=7+1) n(v1 rc2011-07-28 21:26:19.116099 7=6+1)/n(v0 1=0+1) (iauth sync r=1) (isnap sync r=1) (inest lock) (ifile sync r=1) (iversion lock) caps={4210=pAsLsXs/-@4} | request lock dirfrag caps dirty authpin 0x7f15bc0074b0]
2011-07-28 21:35:19.946165 7f15c7989710 got rdlock on (ilink sync r=1) [inode 1 [...2,head] / auth v22 ap=1+0 snaprealm=0x7f15bc0179a0 f(v1 m2011-07-28 21:35:19.764556 8=7+1) n(v1 rc2011-07-28 21:26:19.116099 7=6+1)/n(v0 1=0+1) (iauth sync r=1) (ilink sync r=1) (isnap sync r=1) (inest lock) (ifile sync r=1) (iversion lock) caps={4210=pAsLsXs/-@4} | request lock dirfrag caps dirty authpin 0x7f15bc0074b0]
2011-07-28 21:35:19.946188 7f15c7989710 rdlock_start on (ixattr sync) on [inode 1 [...2,head] / auth v22 ap=1+0 snaprealm=0x7f15bc0179a0 f(v1 m2011-07-28 21:35:19.764556 8=7+1) n(v1 rc2011-07-28 21:26:19.116099 7=6+1)/n(v0 1=0+1) (iauth sync r=1) (ilink sync r=1) (isnap sync r=1) (inest lock) (ifile sync r=1) (iversion lock) caps={4210=pAsLsXs/-@4} | request lock dirfrag caps dirty authpin 0x7f15bc0074b0]
2011-07-28 21:35:19.946218 7f15c7989710 got rdlock on (ixattr sync r=1) [inode 1 [...2,head] / auth v22 ap=1+0 snaprealm=0x7f15bc0179a0 f(v1 m2011-07-28 21:35:19.764556 8=7+1) n(v1 rc2011-07-28 21:26:19.116099 7=6+1)/n(v0 1=0+1) (iauth sync r=1) (ilink sync r=1) (isnap sync r=1) (inest lock) (ifile sync r=1) (ixattr sync r=1) (iversion lock) caps={4210=pAsLsXs/-@4} | request lock dirfrag caps dirty authpin 0x7f15bc0074b0]
2011-07-28 21:35:19.946245 7f15c7989710 mds0.server reply to stat on client_request(client4210:5 getattr pAsLsXsFs #1)
2011-07-28 21:35:19.946279 7f15c7989710 mds0.server reply_request 0 (Success) client_request(client4210:5 getattr pAsLsXsFs #1)
2011-07-28 21:35:19.946289 7f15c7989710 mds0.server apply_allocated_inos 0 / [] / 0
2011-07-28 21:35:19.946311 7f15c7989710 mds0.server lat 0.01041
2011-07-28 21:35:19.946323 7f15c7989710 mds0.server set_trace_dist snapid head
2011-07-28 21:35:19.946335 7f15c7989710 mds0.server set_trace_dist snaprealm snaprealm(1 seq 1 lc 0 cr 0 cps 1 snaps={} 0x7f15bc0179a0) len=48
2011-07-28 21:35:19.946357 7f15c7989710 mds0.cache.ino(1) pfile 0 pauth 0 plink 0 pxattr 0 plocal 0 ctime 2011-07-28 21:35:19.764556 valid=1
2011-07-28 21:35:19.946371 7f15c7989710 mds0.cache.ino(1) encode_inodestat issueing pAsLsXsFs seq 5
2011-07-28 21:35:19.946383 7f15c7989710 mds0.cache.ino(1) encode_inodestat caps pAsLsXsFs seq 5 mseq 0 xattrv 0 len 0
2011-07-28 21:35:19.946419 7f15c7989710 mds0.server set_trace_dist added in [inode 1 [...2,head] / auth v22 ap=1+0 snaprealm=0x7f15bc0179a0 f(v1 m2011-07-28 21:35:19.764556 8=7+1) n(v1 rc2011-07-28 21:26:19.116099 7=6+1)/n(v0 1=0+1) (iauth sync r=1) (ilink sync r=1) (isnap sync r=1) (inest lock) (ifile sync r=1) (ixattr sync r=1) (iversion lock) caps={4210=pAsLsXsFs/-@5} | request lock dirfrag caps dirty authpin 0x7f15bc0074b0]
2011-07-28 21:35:19.946440 7f15c7989710 mds0.cache request_finish request(client4210:5 cr=0x7f15a40011a0)
2011-07-28 21:35:19.946448 7f15c7989710 mds0.cache request_cleanup request(client4210:5 cr=0x7f15a40011a0)
2011-07-28 21:35:19.946483 7f15c7989710 rdlock_finish on (iauth sync) on [inode 1 [...2,head] / auth v22 ap=1+0 snaprealm=0x7f15bc0179a0 f(v1 m2011-07-28 21:35:19.764556 8=7+1) n(v1 rc2011-07-28 21:26:19.116099 7=6+1)/n(v0 1=0+1) (ilink sync r=1) (isnap sync r=1) (inest lock) (ifile sync r=1) (ixattr sync r=1) (iversion lock) caps={4210=pAsLsXsFs/-@5} | request lock dirfrag caps dirty authpin 0x7f15bc0074b0]
2011-07-28 21:35:19.946508 7f15c7989710 simple_eval (iauth sync) on [inode 1 [...2,head] / auth v22 ap=1+0 snaprealm=0x7f15bc0179a0 f(v1 m2011-07-28 21:35:19.764556 8=7+1) n(v1 rc2011-07-28 21:26:19.116099 7=6+1)/n(v0 1=0+1) (ilink sync r=1) (isnap sync r=1) (inest lock) (ifile sync r=1) (ixattr sync r=1) (iversion lock) caps={4210=pAsLsXsFs/-@5} | request lock dirfrag caps dirty authpin 0x7f15bc0074b0]
2011-07-28 21:35:19.946534 7f15c7989710 rdlock_finish on (ilink sync) on [inode 1 [...2,head] / auth v22 ap=1+0 snaprealm=0x7f15bc0179a0 f(v1 m2011-07-28 21:35:19.764556 8=7+1) n(v1 rc2011-07-28 21:26:19.116099 7=6+1)/n(v0 1=0+1) (isnap sync r=1) (inest lock) (ifile sync r=1) (ixattr sync r=1) (iversion lock) caps={4210=pAsLsXsFs/-@5} | request lock dirfrag caps dirty authpin 0x7f15bc0074b0]
2011-07-28 21:35:19.946571 7f15c7989710 simple_eval (ilink sync) on [inode 1 [...2,head] / auth v22 ap=1+0 snaprealm=0x7f15bc0179a0 f(v1 m2011-07-28 21:35:19.764556 8=7+1) n(v1 rc2011-07-28 21:26:19.116099 7=6+1)/n(v0 1=0+1) (isnap sync r=1) (inest lock) (ifile sync r=1) (ixattr sync r=1) (iversion lock) caps={4210=pAsLsXsFs/-@5} | request lock dirfrag caps dirty authpin 0x7f15bc0074b0]
2011-07-28 21:35:19.946595 7f15c7989710 rdlock_finish on (ifile sync) on [inode 1 [...2,head] / auth v22 ap=1+0 snaprealm=0x7f15bc0179a0 f(v1 m2011-07-28 21:35:19.764556 8=7+1) n(v1 rc2011-07-28 21:26:19.116099 7=6+1)/n(v0 1=0+1) (isnap sync r=1) (inest lock) (ixattr sync r=1) (iversion lock) caps={4210=pAsLsXsFs/-@5} | request lock dirfrag caps dirty authpin 0x7f15bc0074b0]
2011-07-28 21:35:19.946625 7f15c7989710 file_eval wanted= loner_wanted= other_wanted= filelock=(ifile sync) on [inode 1 [...2,head] / auth v22 ap=1+0 snaprealm=0x7f15bc0179a0 f(v1 m2011-07-28 21:35:19.764556 8=7+1) n(v1 rc2011-07-28 21:26:19.116099 7=6+1)/n(v0 1=0+1) (isnap sync r=1) (inest lock) (ixattr sync r=1) (iversion lock) caps={4210=pAsLsXsFs/-@5} | request lock dirfrag caps dirty authpin 0x7f15bc0074b0]
2011-07-28 21:35:19.946649 7f15c7989710 rdlock_finish on (ixattr sync) on [inode 1 [...2,head] / auth v22 ap=1+0 snaprealm=0x7f15bc0179a0 f(v1 m2011-07-28 21:35:19.764556 8=7+1) n(v1 rc2011-07-28 21:26:19.116099 7=6+1)/n(v0 1=0+1) (isnap sync r=1) (inest lock) (iversion lock) caps={4210=pAsLsXsFs/-@5} | request lock dirfrag caps dirty authpin 0x7f15bc0074b0]
2011-07-28 21:35:19.946670 7f15c7989710 simple_eval (ixattr sync) on [inode 1 [...2,head] / auth v22 ap=1+0 snaprealm=0x7f15bc0179a0 f(v1 m2011-07-28 21:35:19.764556 8=7+1) n(v1 rc2011-07-28 21:26:19.116099 7=6+1)/n(v0 1=0+1) (isnap sync r=1) (inest lock) (iversion lock) caps={4210=pAsLsXsFs/-@5} | request lock dirfrag caps dirty authpin 0x7f15bc0074b0]
2011-07-28 21:35:19.946698 7f15c7989710 rdlock_finish on (isnap sync) on [inode 1 [...2,head] / auth v22 ap=1+0 snaprealm=0x7f15bc0179a0 f(v1 m2011-07-28 21:35:19.764556 8=7+1) n(v1 rc2011-07-28 21:26:19.116099 7=6+1)/n(v0 1=0+1) (inest lock) (iversion lock) caps={4210=pAsLsXsFs/-@5} | request dirfrag caps dirty authpin 0x7f15bc0074b0]
2011-07-28 21:35:19.946719 7f15c7989710 simple_eval (isnap sync) on [inode 1 [...2,head] / auth v22 ap=1+0 snaprealm=0x7f15bc0179a0 f(v1 m2011-07-28 21:35:19.764556 8=7+1) n(v1 rc2011-07-28 21:26:19.116099 7=6+1)/n(v0 1=0+1) (inest lock) (iversion lock) caps={4210=pAsLsXsFs/-@5} | request dirfrag caps dirty authpin 0x7f15bc0074b0]
2011-07-28 21:35:19.946741 7f15c7989710 mds0.cache.ino(1) auth_unpin by 0x7f15bc017ee0 on [inode 1 [...2,head] / auth v22 snaprealm=0x7f15bc0179a0 f(v1 m2011-07-28 21:35:19.764556 8=7+1) n(v1 rc2011-07-28 21:26:19.116099 7=6+1)/n(v0 1=0+1) (inest lock) (iversion lock) caps={4210=pAsLsXsFs/-@5} | request dirfrag caps dirty 0x7f15bc0074b0] now 0+0
2011-07-28 21:35:20.807377 7f15c6886710 mds0.2 beacon_send up:active seq 90 (currently up:active)
2011-07-28 21:35:20.807738 7f15c7989710 mds0.2 handle_mds_beacon up:active seq 90 rtt 0.000310
2011-07-28 21:35:21.616842 7f15c7989710 mds0.server get_session have 0x7f15a4000a40 client4210 state open
2011-07-28 21:35:21.616866 7f15c7989710 mds0.server handle_client_session client_session(request_renewcaps seq 12) from client4210
2011-07-28 21:35:21.686304 7f15c6886710 mds0.cache trim max=100000 cur=19
2011-07-28 21:35:21.686331 7f15c6886710 mds0.cache trim_client_leases
2011-07-28 21:35:21.703037 7f15c6886710 mds0.cache trim_client_leases pool 1 trimmed 0 leases, 1 left
2011-07-28 21:35:21.703570 7f15c6886710 mds0.cache check_memory_usage total 1094760, rss 3812, heap 88308, malloc 81 mmap 0, baseline 86212, buffers 0, max 1048576, 2 / 21 inodes have caps, 2 caps, 0.0952381 caps per inode
2011-07-28 21:35:21.703608 7f15c6886710 mds0.log trim 2 / 30 segments, 31 / -1 events, 0 (0) expiring, 0 (0) expired
2011-07-28 21:35:21.703668 7f15c6886710 mds0.bal get_load mdsload<[0,0.764288 1.52858]/[0,0.764288 1.52858], req 0, hr 0, qlen 0, cpu 0>
2011-07-28 21:35:21.703688 7f15c6886710 scatter_tick
2011-07-28 21:35:21.703699 7f15c6886710 mds0.server find_idle_sessions. laggy until 0.000000
2011-07-28 21:35:21.703712 7f15c6886710 mds0.server laggiest active session is client4210
2011-07-28 21:35:21.703723 7f15c6886710 mds0.server laggiest active session is client4210 and sufficiently new (2011-07-28 21:35:21.616874)
2011-07-28 21:35:21.703731 7f15c6886710 mds0.bal tick last_sample now 2011-07-28 21:35:21.703728
2011-07-28 21:35:21.703769 7f15c6886710 mds0.bal get_load mdsload<[0,0.764288 1.52858]/[0,0.764288 1.52858], req 0, hr 0, qlen 0, cpu 0>
2011-07-28 21:35:21.703805 7f15c6886710 mds0.bal mds0 epoch 32 load mdsload<[0,0.764288 1.52858]/[0,0.764288 1.52858], req 0, hr 0, qlen 0, cpu 0>
2011-07-28 21:35:21.703817 7f15c6886710 mds0.snap check_osd_map - version unchanged
2011-07-28 21:35:24.807521 7f15c6886710 mds0.2 beacon_send up:active seq 91 (currently up:active)
2011-07-28 21:35:24.809892 7f15c7989710 mds0.2 handle_mds_beacon up:active seq 91 rtt 0.002334
2011-07-28 21:35:24.862238 7f15c7989710 mds0.server handle_client_request client_request(client4210:6 lookup #1/foo43)
2011-07-28 21:35:24.862281 7f15c7989710 mds0.server get_session have 0x7f15a4000a40 client4210 state open
2011-07-28 21:35:24.862289 7f15c7989710 mds0.server oldest_client_tid=6
2011-07-28 21:35:24.862302 7f15c7989710 mds0.cache request_start request(client4210:6 cr=0x7f15a40011a0)
2011-07-28 21:35:24.862311 7f15c7989710 mds0.server dispatch_client_request client_request(client4210:6 lookup #1/foo43)
2011-07-28 21:35:24.862321 7f15c7989710 mds0.server rdlock_path_pin_ref request(client4210:6 cr=0x7f15a40011a0) #1/foo43
2011-07-28 21:35:24.862349 7f15c7989710 mds0.cache traverse: opening base ino 1 snap head
2011-07-28 21:35:24.862358 7f15c7989710 mds0.cache traverse: path seg depth 0 'foo43' snapid head
2011-07-28 21:35:24.862367 7f15c7989710 mds0.cache.dir(1) lookup (head, 'foo43')
2011-07-28 21:35:24.862377 7f15c7989710 mds0.cache.dir(1) miss -> (foo5,head)
2011-07-28 21:35:24.862402 7f15c7989710 mds0.cache traverse: miss on dentry foo43 in [dir 1 / [2,head] auth v=41 cv=0/0 dir_auth=0 state=1610612738|complete f(v1 m2011-07-28 21:35:19.764556 8=7+1) n(v1 rc2011-07-28 21:35:19.764556 8=7+1)/n(v1 rc2011-07-28 21:26:19.116099 7=6+1) hs=8+0,ss=0+0 dirty=7 | child subtree dirty 0x7f1588001540]
2011-07-28 21:35:24.862423 7f15c7989710 mds0.cache.dir(1) add_null_dentry [dentry #1/foo43 [2,head] auth NULL (dversion lock) pv=0 v=41 inode=0 0x7f158800c788]
2011-07-28 21:35:24.862434 7f15c7989710 mds0.cache added null [dentry #1/foo43 [2,head] auth NULL (dversion lock) pv=0 v=41 inode=0 0x7f158800c788]
2011-07-28 21:35:24.862465 7f15c7989710 mds0.server reply_request -2 (No such file or directory) client_request(client4210:6 lookup #1/foo43)
2011-07-28 21:35:24.862473 7f15c7989710 mds0.server apply_allocated_inos 0 / [] / 0
2011-07-28 21:35:24.862497 7f15c7989710 mds0.server lat 0.0003
2011-07-28 21:35:24.862508 7f15c7989710 mds0.server set_trace_dist snapid head
2011-07-28 21:35:24.862520 7f15c7989710 mds0.server set_trace_dist snaprealm snaprealm(1 seq 1 lc 0 cr 0 cps 1 snaps={} 0x7f15bc0179a0) len=48
2011-07-28 21:35:24.862531 7f15c7989710 mds0.cache.ino(1) pfile 0 pauth 0 plink 0 pxattr 0 plocal 0 ctime 2011-07-28 21:35:19.764556 valid=1
2011-07-28 21:35:24.862548 7f15c7989710 mds0.cache.ino(1) encode_inodestat issueing pAsLsXsFs seq 6
2011-07-28 21:35:24.862560 7f15c7989710 mds0.cache.ino(1) encode_inodestat caps pAsLsXsFs seq 6 mseq 0 xattrv 0 len 0
2011-07-28 21:35:24.862596 7f15c7989710 mds0.server set_trace_dist added diri [inode 1 [...2,head] / auth v22 snaprealm=0x7f15bc0179a0 f(v1 m2011-07-28 21:35:19.764556 8=7+1) n(v1 rc2011-07-28 21:26:19.116099 7=6+1)/n(v0 1=0+1) (inest lock) (iversion lock) caps={4210=pAsLsXsFs/-@6} | dirfrag caps dirty 0x7f15bc0074b0]
2011-07-28 21:35:24.862638 7f15c7989710 mds0.server set_trace_dist added dir [dir 1 / [2,head] auth v=41 cv=0/0 dir_auth=0 state=1610612738|complete f(v1 m2011-07-28 21:35:19.764556 8=7+1) n(v1 rc2011-07-28 21:35:19.764556 8=7+1)/n(v1 rc2011-07-28 21:26:19.116099 7=6+1) hs=8+1,ss=0+0 dirty=7 | child subtree dirty 0x7f1588001540]
2011-07-28 21:35:24.862652 7f15c7989710 issue_client_lease no/null lease on [dentry #1/foo43 [2,head] auth NULL (dversion lock) pv=0 v=41 inode=0 0x7f158800c788]
2011-07-28 21:35:24.862662 7f15c7989710 mds0.server set_trace_dist added dn head [dentry #1/foo43 [2,head] auth NULL (dversion lock) pv=0 v=41 inode=0 0x7f158800c788]
2011-07-28 21:35:24.862681 7f15c7989710 mds0.cache request_finish request(client4210:6 cr=0x7f15a40011a0)
2011-07-28 21:35:24.862689 7f15c7989710 mds0.cache request_cleanup request(client4210:6 cr=0x7f15a40011a0)
2011-07-28 21:35:25.000132 7f15c7989710 mds0.server handle_client_request client_request(client4210:7 mknod #1/foo43)
2011-07-28 21:35:25.000170 7f15c7989710 mds0.server get_session have 0x7f15a4000a40 client4210 state open
2011-07-28 21:35:25.000177 7f15c7989710 mds0.server oldest_client_tid=7
2011-07-28 21:35:25.000191 7f15c7989710 mds0.cache request_start request(client4210:7 cr=0x7f15a40011a0)
2011-07-28 21:35:25.000234 7f15c7989710 process_cap_update client4210 pAsLsXs on [inode 1 [...2,head] / auth v22 snaprealm=0x7f15bc0179a0 f(v1 m2011-07-28 21:35:19.764556 8=7+1) n(v1 rc2011-07-28 21:26:19.116099 7=6+1)/n(v0 1=0+1) (inest lock) (iversion lock) caps={4210=pAsLsXsFs/-@6} | dirfrag caps dirty 0x7f15bc0074b0]
2011-07-28 21:35:25.000244 7f15c7989710 wanted - -> -
2011-07-28 21:35:25.000264 7f15c7989710 eval 2496 [inode 1 [...2,head] / auth v22 snaprealm=0x7f15bc0179a0 f(v1 m2011-07-28 21:35:19.764556 8=7+1) n(v1 rc2011-07-28 21:26:19.116099 7=6+1)/n(v0 1=0+1) (inest lock) (iversion lock) caps={4210=pAsLsXs/-@6} | dirfrag caps dirty 0x7f15bc0074b0]
2011-07-28 21:35:25.000298 7f15c7989710 eval doesn't want loner
2011-07-28 21:35:25.000320 7f15c7989710 file_eval wanted= loner_wanted= other_wanted= filelock=(ifile sync) on [inode 1 [...2,head] / auth v22 snaprealm=0x7f15bc0179a0 f(v1 m2011-07-28 21:35:19.764556 8=7+1) n(v1 rc2011-07-28 21:26:19.116099 7=6+1)/n(v0 1=0+1) (inest lock) (iversion lock) caps={4210=pAsLsXs/-@6} | dirfrag caps dirty 0x7f15bc0074b0]
2011-07-28 21:35:25.000342 7f15c7989710 simple_eval (iauth sync) on [inode 1 [...2,head] / auth v22 snaprealm=0x7f15bc0179a0 f(v1 m2011-07-28 21:35:19.764556 8=7+1) n(v1 rc2011-07-28 21:26:19.116099 7=6+1)/n(v0 1=0+1) (inest lock) (iversion lock) caps={4210=pAsLsXs/-@6} | dirfrag caps dirty 0x7f15bc0074b0]
2011-07-28 21:35:25.000362 7f15c7989710 simple_eval (ilink sync) on [inode 1 [...2,head] / auth v22 snaprealm=0x7f15bc0179a0 f(v1 m2011-07-28 21:35:19.764556 8=7+1) n(v1 rc2011-07-28 21:26:19.116099 7=6+1)/n(v0 1=0+1) (inest lock) (iversion lock) caps={4210=pAsLsXs/-@6} | dirfrag caps dirty 0x7f15bc0074b0]
2011-07-28 21:35:25.000388 7f15c7989710 simple_eval (ixattr sync) on [inode 1 [...2,head] / auth v22 snaprealm=0x7f15bc0179a0 f(v1 m2011-07-28 21:35:19.764556 8=7+1) n(v1 rc2011-07-28 21:26:19.116099 7=6+1)/n(v0 1=0+1) (inest lock) (iversion lock) caps={4210=pAsLsXs/-@6} | dirfrag caps dirty 0x7f15bc0074b0]
2011-07-28 21:35:25.000395 7f15c7989710 eval done
2011-07-28 21:35:25.000408 7f15c7989710 mds0.server dispatch_client_request client_request(client4210:7 mknod #1/foo43)
2011-07-28 21:35:25.000419 7f15c7989710 mds0.server rdlock_path_xlock_dentry request(client4210:7 cr=0x7f15a40011a0) #1/foo43
2011-07-28 21:35:25.000427 7f15c7989710 mds0.server traverse_to_auth_dir dirpath #1 dname foo43
2011-07-28 21:35:25.000436 7f15c7989710 mds0.cache traverse: opening base ino 1 snap head
2011-07-28 21:35:25.000461 7f15c7989710 mds0.cache path_traverse finish on snapid head
2011-07-28 21:35:25.000485 7f15c7989710 mds0.server traverse_to_auth_dir [dir 1 / [2,head] auth v=41 cv=0/0 dir_auth=0 state=1610612738|complete f(v1 m2011-07-28 21:35:19.764556 8=7+1) n(v1 rc2011-07-28 21:35:19.764556 8=7+1)/n(v1 rc2011-07-28 21:26:19.116099 7=6+1) hs=8+1,ss=0+0 dirty=7 | child subtree dirty 0x7f1588001540]
2011-07-28 21:35:25.000503 7f15c7989710 mds0.server rdlock_path_xlock_dentry dir [dir 1 / [2,head] auth v=41 cv=0/0 dir_auth=0 state=1610612738|complete f(v1 m2011-07-28 21:35:19.764556 8=7+1) n(v1 rc2011-07-28 21:35:19.764556 8=7+1)/n(v1 rc2011-07-28 21:26:19.116099 7=6+1) hs=8+1,ss=0+0 dirty=7 | child subtree dirty 0x7f1588001540]
2011-07-28 21:35:25.000520 7f15c7989710 mds0.server prepare_null_dentry foo43 in [dir 1 / [2,head] auth v=41 cv=0/0 dir_auth=0 state=1610612738|complete f(v1 m2011-07-28 21:35:19.764556 8=7+1) n(v1 rc2011-07-28 21:35:19.764556 8=7+1)/n(v1 rc2011-07-28 21:26:19.116099 7=6+1) hs=8+1,ss=0+0 dirty=7 | child subtree dirty 0x7f1588001540]
2011-07-28 21:35:25.000534 7f15c7989710 mds0.cache.dir(1) lookup (head, 'foo43')
2011-07-28 21:35:25.000543 7f15c7989710 mds0.cache.dir(1) hit -> (foo43,head)
2011-07-28 21:35:25.000556 7f15c7989710 acquire_locks request(client4210:7 cr=0x7f15a40011a0)
2011-07-28 21:35:25.000571 7f15c7989710 must xlock (dn sync) [dentry #1/foo43 [2,head] auth NULL (dversion lock) pv=0 v=41 inode=0 0x7f158800c788]
2011-07-28 21:35:25.000584 7f15c7989710 must wrlock (dversion lock) [dentry #1/foo43 [2,head] auth NULL (dversion lock) pv=0 v=41 inode=0 0x7f158800c788]
2011-07-28 21:35:25.000608 7f15c7989710 must wrlock (ifile sync) [inode 1 [...2,head] / auth v22 snaprealm=0x7f15bc0179a0 f(v1 m2011-07-28 21:35:19.764556 8=7+1) n(v1 rc2011-07-28 21:26:19.116099 7=6+1)/n(v0 1=0+1) (inest lock) (iversion lock) caps={4210=pAsLsXs/-@6} | dirfrag caps dirty 0x7f15bc0074b0]
2011-07-28 21:35:25.000635 7f15c7989710 must wrlock (inest lock) [inode 1 [...2,head] / auth v22 snaprealm=0x7f15bc0179a0 f(v1 m2011-07-28 21:35:19.764556 8=7+1) n(v1 rc2011-07-28 21:26:19.116099 7=6+1)/n(v0 1=0+1) (inest lock) (iversion lock) caps={4210=pAsLsXs/-@6} | dirfrag caps dirty 0x7f15bc0074b0]
2011-07-28 21:35:25.000647 7f15c7989710 must rdlock (dn sync) [dentry #1/foo43 [2,head] auth NULL (dversion lock) pv=0 v=41 inode=0 0x7f158800c788]
2011-07-28 21:35:25.000668 7f15c7989710 must rdlock (iauth sync) [inode 1 [...2,head] / auth v22 snaprealm=0x7f15bc0179a0 f(v1 m2011-07-28 21:35:19.764556 8=7+1) n(v1 rc2011-07-28 21:26:19.116099 7=6+1)/n(v0 1=0+1) (inest lock) (iversion lock) caps={4210=pAsLsXs/-@6} | dirfrag caps dirty 0x7f15bc0074b0]
2011-07-28 21:35:25.000688 7f15c7989710 must rdlock (isnap sync) [inode 1 [...2,head] / auth v22 snaprealm=0x7f15bc0179a0 f(v1 m2011-07-28 21:35:19.764556 8=7+1) n(v1 rc2011-07-28 21:26:19.116099 7=6+1)/n(v0 1=0+1) (inest lock) (iversion lock) caps={4210=pAsLsXs/-@6} | dirfrag caps dirty 0x7f15bc0074b0]
2011-07-28 21:35:25.000716 7f15c7989710 must rdlock (ipolicy sync) [inode 1 [...2,head] / auth v22 snaprealm=0x7f15bc0179a0 f(v1 m2011-07-28 21:35:19.764556 8=7+1) n(v1 rc2011-07-28 21:26:19.116099 7=6+1)/n(v0 1=0+1) (inest lock) (iversion lock) caps={4210=pAsLsXs/-@6} | dirfrag caps dirty 0x7f15bc0074b0]
2011-07-28 21:35:25.000727 7f15c7989710 must authpin [dentry #1/foo43 [2,head] auth NULL (dversion lock) pv=0 v=41 inode=0 0x7f158800c788]
2011-07-28 21:35:25.000738 7f15c7989710 must authpin [dentry #1/foo43 [2,head] auth NULL (dversion lock) pv=0 v=41 inode=0 0x7f158800c788]
2011-07-28 21:35:25.000758 7f15c7989710 must authpin [inode 1 [...2,head] / auth v22 snaprealm=0x7f15bc0179a0 f(v1 m2011-07-28 21:35:19.764556 8=7+1) n(v1 rc2011-07-28 21:26:19.116099 7=6+1)/n(v0 1=0+1) (inest lock) (iversion lock) caps={4210=pAsLsXs/-@6} | dirfrag caps dirty 0x7f15bc0074b0]
2011-07-28 21:35:25.000777 7f15c7989710 must authpin [inode 1 [...2,head] / auth v22 snaprealm=0x7f15bc0179a0 f(v1 m2011-07-28 21:35:19.764556 8=7+1) n(v1 rc2011-07-28 21:26:19.116099 7=6+1)/n(v0 1=0+1) (inest lock) (iversion lock) caps={4210=pAsLsXs/-@6} | dirfrag caps dirty 0x7f15bc0074b0]
2011-07-28 21:35:25.000807 7f15c7989710 must authpin [inode 1 [...2,head] / auth v22 snaprealm=0x7f15bc0179a0 f(v1 m2011-07-28 21:35:19.764556 8=7+1) n(v1 rc2011-07-28 21:26:19.116099 7=6+1)/n(v0 1=0+1) (inest lock) (iversion lock) caps={4210=pAsLsXs/-@6} | dirfrag caps dirty 0x7f15bc0074b0]
2011-07-28 21:35:25.000827 7f15c7989710 must authpin [inode 1 [...2,head] / auth v22 snaprealm=0x7f15bc0179a0 f(v1 m2011-07-28 21:35:19.764556 8=7+1) n(v1 rc2011-07-28 21:26:19.116099 7=6+1)/n(v0 1=0+1) (inest lock) (iversion lock) caps={4210=pAsLsXs/-@6} | dirfrag caps dirty 0x7f15bc0074b0]
2011-07-28 21:35:25.000846 7f15c7989710 must authpin [inode 1 [...2,head] / auth v22 snaprealm=0x7f15bc0179a0 f(v1 m2011-07-28 21:35:19.764556 8=7+1) n(v1 rc2011-07-28 21:26:19.116099 7=6+1)/n(v0 1=0+1) (inest lock) (iversion lock) caps={4210=pAsLsXs/-@6} | dirfrag caps dirty 0x7f15bc0074b0]
2011-07-28 21:35:25.000862 7f15c7989710 auth_pinning [dentry #1/foo43 [2,head] auth NULL (dversion lock) pv=0 v=41 inode=0 0x7f158800c788]
2011-07-28 21:35:25.000875 7f15c7989710 mds0.cache.den(1 foo43) auth_pin by 0x7f15bc017ee0 on [dentry #1/foo43 [2,head] auth NULL (dversion lock) pv=0 v=41 ap=1+0 inode=0 | authpin 0x7f158800c788] now 1+0
2011-07-28 21:35:25.000896 7f15c7989710 mds0.cache.dir(1) adjust_nested_auth_pins 1/1 on [dir 1 / [2,head] auth v=41 cv=0/0 dir_auth=0 ap=0+1+1 state=1610612738|complete f(v1 m2011-07-28 21:35:19.764556 8=7+1) n(v1 rc2011-07-28 21:35:19.764556 8=7+1)/n(v1 rc2011-07-28 21:26:19.116099 7=6+1) hs=8+1,ss=0+0 dirty=7 | child subtree dirty 0x7f1588001540] by 0x7f15bc017ee0 count now 0 + 1
2011-07-28 21:35:25.000907 7f15c7989710 already auth_pinned [dentry #1/foo43 [2,head] auth NULL (dversion lock) pv=0 v=41 ap=1+0 inode=0 | authpin 0x7f158800c788]
2011-07-28 21:35:25.000934 7f15c7989710 auth_pinning [inode 1 [...2,head] / auth v22 snaprealm=0x7f15bc0179a0 f(v1 m2011-07-28 21:35:19.764556 8=7+1) n(v1 rc2011-07-28 21:26:19.116099 7=6+1)/n(v0 1=0+1) (inest lock) (iversion lock) caps={4210=pAsLsXs/-@6} | dirfrag caps dirty 0x7f15bc0074b0]
2011-07-28 21:35:25.000956 7f15c7989710 mds0.cache.ino(1) auth_pin by 0x7f15bc017ee0 on [inode 1 [...2,head] / auth v22 ap=1+0 snaprealm=0x7f15bc0179a0 f(v1 m2011-07-28 21:35:19.764556 8=7+1) n(v1 rc2011-07-28 21:26:19.116099 7=6+1)/n(v0 1=0+1) (inest lock) (iversion lock) caps={4210=pAsLsXs/-@6} | dirfrag caps dirty authpin 0x7f15bc0074b0] now 1+0
2011-07-28 21:35:25.000976 7f15c7989710 already auth_pinned [inode 1 [...2,head] / auth v22 ap=1+0 snaprealm=0x7f15bc0179a0 f(v1 m2011-07-28 21:35:19.764556 8=7+1) n(v1 rc2011-07-28 21:26:19.116099 7=6+1)/n(v0 1=0+1) (inest lock) (iversion lock) caps={4210=pAsLsXs/-@6} | dirfrag caps dirty authpin 0x7f15bc0074b0]
2011-07-28 21:35:25.001001 7f15c7989710 already auth_pinned [inode 1 [...2,head] / auth v22 ap=1+0 snaprealm=0x7f15bc0179a0 f(v1 m2011-07-28 21:35:19.764556 8=7+1) n(v1 rc2011-07-28 21:26:19.116099 7=6+1)/n(v0 1=0+1) (inest lock) (iversion lock) caps={4210=pAsLsXs/-@6} | dirfrag caps dirty authpin 0x7f15bc0074b0]
2011-07-28 21:35:25.001021 7f15c7989710 already auth_pinned [inode 1 [...2,head] / auth v22 ap=1+0 snaprealm=0x7f15bc0179a0 f(v1 m2011-07-28 21:35:19.764556 8=7+1) n(v1 rc2011-07-28 21:26:19.116099 7=6+1)/n(v0 1=0+1) (inest lock) (iversion lock) caps={4210=pAsLsXs/-@6} | dirfrag caps dirty authpin 0x7f15bc0074b0]
2011-07-28 21:35:25.001040 7f15c7989710 already auth_pinned [inode 1 [...2,head] / auth v22 ap=1+0 snaprealm=0x7f15bc0179a0 f(v1 m2011-07-28 21:35:19.764556 8=7+1) n(v1 rc2011-07-28 21:26:19.116099 7=6+1)/n(v0 1=0+1) (inest lock) (iversion lock) caps={4210=pAsLsXs/-@6} | dirfrag caps dirty authpin 0x7f15bc0074b0]
2011-07-28 21:35:25.001064 7f15c7989710 local_wrlock_start on (dversion lock) on [dentry #1/foo43 [2,head] auth NULL (dversion lock) pv=0 v=41 ap=1+0 inode=0 | authpin 0x7f158800c788]
2011-07-28 21:35:25.001077 7f15c7989710 got wrlock on (dversion lock w=1 last_client=4210) [dentry #1/foo43 [2,head] auth NULL (dversion lock w=1 last_client=4210) pv=0 v=41 ap=1+0 inode=0 | lock authpin 0x7f158800c788]
2011-07-28 21:35:25.001090 7f15c7989710 xlock_start on (dn sync) on [dentry #1/foo43 [2,head] auth NULL (dversion lock w=1 last_client=4210) pv=0 v=41 ap=1+0 inode=0 | lock authpin 0x7f158800c788]
2011-07-28 21:35:25.001101 7f15c7989710 simple_lock on (dn sync) on [dentry #1/foo43 [2,head] auth NULL (dversion lock w=1 last_client=4210) pv=0 v=41 ap=1+0 inode=0 | lock authpin 0x7f158800c788]
2011-07-28 21:35:25.001115 7f15c7989710 simple_xlock on (dn lock) on [dentry #1/foo43 [2,head] auth NULL (dn lock) (dversion lock w=1 last_client=4210) pv=0 v=41 ap=1+0 inode=0 | lock authpin 0x7f158800c788]
2011-07-28 21:35:25.001133 7f15c7989710 mds0.cache.den(1 foo43) auth_pin by 0x7f158800c8d8 on [dentry #1/foo43 [2,head] auth NULL (dn lock) (dversion lock w=1 last_client=4210) pv=0 v=41 ap=2+0 inode=0 | lock authpin 0x7f158800c788] now 2+0
2011-07-28 21:35:25.001153 7f15c7989710 mds0.cache.dir(1) adjust_nested_auth_pins 1/1 on [dir 1 / [2,head] auth v=41 cv=0/0 dir_auth=0 ap=0+2+2 state=1610612738|complete f(v1 m2011-07-28 21:35:19.764556 8=7+1) n(v1 rc2011-07-28 21:35:19.764556 8=7+1)/n(v1 rc2011-07-28 21:26:19.116099 7=6+1) hs=8+1,ss=0+0 dirty=7 | child subtree dirty 0x7f1588001540] by 0x7f158800c8d8 count now 0 + 2
2011-07-28 21:35:25.001169 7f15c7989710 got xlock on (dn xlock x=1 by 0x7f15bc017ee0) [dentry #1/foo43 [2,head] auth NULL (dn xlock x=1 by 0x7f15bc017ee0) (dversion lock w=1 last_client=4210) pv=0 v=41 ap=2+0 inode=0 | lock authpin 0x7f158800c788]
2011-07-28 21:35:25.001193 7f15c7989710 rdlock_start on (isnap sync) on [inode 1 [...2,head] / auth v22 ap=1+0 snaprealm=0x7f15bc0179a0 f(v1 m2011-07-28 21:35:19.764556 8=7+1) n(v1 rc2011-07-28 21:26:19.116099 7=6+1)/n(v0 1=0+1) (inest lock) (iversion lock) caps={4210=pAsLsXs/-@6} | dirfrag caps dirty authpin 0x7f15bc0074b0]
2011-07-28 21:35:25.001223 7f15c7989710 got rdlock on (isnap sync r=1) [inode 1 [...2,head] / auth v22 ap=1+0 snaprealm=0x7f15bc0179a0 f(v1 m2011-07-28 21:35:19.764556 8=7+1) n(v1 rc2011-07-28 21:26:19.116099 7=6+1)/n(v0 1=0+1) (isnap sync r=1) (inest lock) (iversion lock) caps={4210=pAsLsXs/-@6} | lock dirfrag caps dirty authpin 0x7f15bc0074b0]
2011-07-28 21:35:25.001244 7f15c7989710 wrlock_start (ifile sync) on [inode 1 [...2,head] / auth v22 ap=1+0 snaprealm=0x7f15bc0179a0 f(v1 m2011-07-28 21:35:19.764556 8=7+1) n(v1 rc2011-07-28 21:26:19.116099 7=6+1)/n(v0 1=0+1) (isnap sync r=1) (inest lock) (iversion lock) caps={4210=pAsLsXs/-@6} | lock dirfrag caps dirty authpin 0x7f15bc0074b0]
2011-07-28 21:35:25.001275 7f15c7989710 scatter_mix (ifile sync) on [inode 1 [...2,head] / auth v22 ap=1+0 snaprealm=0x7f15bc0179a0 f(v1 m2011-07-28 21:35:19.764556 8=7+1) n(v1 rc2011-07-28 21:26:19.116099 7=6+1)/n(v0 1=0+1) (isnap sync r=1) (inest lock) (iversion lock) caps={4210=pAsLsXs/-@6} | lock dirfrag caps dirty authpin 0x7f15bc0074b0]
2011-07-28 21:35:25.001308 7f15c7989710 mds0.cache.ino(1) start_scatter (ifile sync->mix) on [inode 1 [...2,head] / auth v22 ap=1+0 snaprealm=0x7f15bc0179a0 f(v1 m2011-07-28 21:35:19.764556 8=7+1) n(v1 rc2011-07-28 21:26:19.116099 7=6+1)/n(v0 1=0+1) (isnap sync r=1) (inest lock) (ifile sync->mix) (iversion lock) caps={4210=pAsLsXs/-@6} | lock dirfrag caps dirty authpin 0x7f15bc0074b0]
2011-07-28 21:35:25.001327 7f15c7989710 mds0.cache.ino(1) * [dir 1 / [2,head] auth v=41 cv=0/0 dir_auth=0 ap=0+2+2 state=1610612738|complete f(v1 m2011-07-28 21:35:19.764556 8=7+1) n(v1 rc2011-07-28 21:35:19.764556 8=7+1)/n(v1 rc2011-07-28 21:26:19.116099 7=6+1) hs=8+1,ss=0+0 dirty=7 | child subtree dirty 0x7f1588001540]
2011-07-28 21:35:25.001350 7f15c7989710 mds0.cache.ino(1) finish_scatter_update * accounted (ifile sync->mix) scatter stat unchanged at v1
2011-07-28 21:35:25.001386 7f15c7989710 issue_caps allowed=pAsLsXsFrwl, xlocker allowed=pAsLsXsFrwl on [inode 1 [...2,head] / auth v22 ap=1+0 snaprealm=0x7f15bc0179a0 f(v1 m2011-07-28 21:35:19.764556 8=7+1) n(v1 rc2011-07-28 21:26:19.116099 7=6+1)/n(v0 1=0+1) (isnap sync r=1) (inest lock) (ifile mix) (iversion lock) caps={4210=pAsLsXs/-@6} | lock dirfrag caps dirty authpin 0x7f15bc0074b0]
2011-07-28 21:35:25.001402 7f15c7989710 client4210 pending pAsLsXs allowed pAsLsXsFrwl wanted -
2011-07-28 21:35:25.001427 7f15c7989710 got wrlock on (ifile mix w=1) [inode 1 [...2,head] / auth v22 ap=1+0 snaprealm=0x7f15bc0179a0 f(v1 m2011-07-28 21:35:19.764556 8=7+1) n(v1 rc2011-07-28 21:26:19.116099 7=6+1)/n(v0 1=0+1) (isnap sync r=1) (inest lock) (ifile mix w=1) (iversion lock) caps={4210=pAsLsXs/-@6} | lock dirfrag caps dirty authpin 0x7f15bc0074b0]
2011-07-28 21:35:25.001456 7f15c7989710 rdlock_start on (iauth sync) on [inode 1 [...2,head] / auth v22 ap=1+0 snaprealm=0x7f15bc0179a0 f(v1 m2011-07-28 21:35:19.764556 8=7+1) n(v1 rc2011-07-28 21:26:19.116099 7=6+1)/n(v0 1=0+1) (isnap sync r=1) (inest lock) (ifile mix w=1) (iversion lock) caps={4210=pAsLsXs/-@6} | lock dirfrag caps dirty authpin 0x7f15bc0074b0]
2011-07-28 21:35:25.001480 7f15c7989710 got rdlock on (iauth sync r=1) [inode 1 [...2,head] / auth v22 ap=1+0 snaprealm=0x7f15bc0179a0 f(v1 m2011-07-28 21:35:19.764556 8=7+1) n(v1 rc2011-07-28 21:26:19.116099 7=6+1)/n(v0 1=0+1) (iauth sync r=1) (isnap sync r=1) (inest lock) (ifile mix w=1) (iversion lock) caps={4210=pAsLsXs/-@6} | lock dirfrag caps dirty authpin 0x7f15bc0074b0]
2011-07-28 21:35:25.001502 7f15c7989710 wrlock_start (inest lock) on [inode 1 [...2,head] / auth v22 ap=1+0 snaprealm=0x7f15bc0179a0 f(v1 m2011-07-28 21:35:19.764556 8=7+1) n(v1 rc2011-07-28 21:26:19.116099 7=6+1)/n(v0 1=0+1) (iauth sync r=1) (isnap sync r=1) (inest lock) (ifile mix w=1) (iversion lock) caps={4210=pAsLsXs/-@6} | lock dirfrag caps dirty authpin 0x7f15bc0074b0]
2011-07-28 21:35:25.001534 7f15c7989710 got wrlock on (inest lock w=1) [inode 1 [...2,head] / auth v22 ap=1+0 snaprealm=0x7f15bc0179a0 f(v1 m2011-07-28 21:35:19.764556 8=7+1) n(v1 rc2011-07-28 21:26:19.116099 7=6+1)/n(v0 1=0+1) (iauth sync r=1) (isnap sync r=1) (inest lock w=1) (ifile mix w=1) (iversion lock) caps={4210=pAsLsXs/-@6} | lock dirfrag caps dirty authpin 0x7f15bc0074b0]
2011-07-28 21:35:25.001556 7f15c7989710 rdlock_start on (ipolicy sync) on [inode 1 [...2,head] / auth v22 ap=1+0 snaprealm=0x7f15bc0179a0 f(v1 m2011-07-28 21:35:19.764556 8=7+1) n(v1 rc2011-07-28 21:26:19.116099 7=6+1)/n(v0 1=0+1) (iauth sync r=1) (isnap sync r=1) (inest lock w=1) (ifile mix w=1) (iversion lock) caps={4210=pAsLsXs/-@6} | lock dirfrag caps dirty authpin 0x7f15bc0074b0]
2011-07-28 21:35:25.001579 7f15c7989710 got rdlock on (ipolicy sync r=1) [inode 1 [...2,head] / auth v22 ap=1+0 snaprealm=0x7f15bc0179a0 f(v1 m2011-07-28 21:35:19.764556 8=7+1) n(v1 rc2011-07-28 21:26:19.116099 7=6+1)/n(v0 1=0+1) (iauth sync r=1) (isnap sync r=1) (inest lock w=1) (ipolicy sync r=1) (ifile mix w=1) (iversion lock) caps={4210=pAsLsXs/-@6} | lock dirfrag caps dirty authpin 0x7f15bc0074b0]
2011-07-28 21:35:25.001606 7f15c7989710 mds0.server prepare_new_inode used_prealloc 10000000007 ([10000000008~3e7], 999 left)
2011-07-28 21:35:25.001619 7f15c7989710 mds0.inotable: project_alloc_ids [100000003ef~1] to [100000003f0~1fffffffc0f]/[100000003ef~1fffffffc10]
2011-07-28 21:35:25.001627 7f15c7989710 mds0.server prepare_new_inode prealloc [100000003ef~1]
2011-07-28 21:35:25.001634 7f15c7989710 mds0.server dir mode 040755 new mode 0100644
2011-07-28 21:35:25.001646 7f15c7989710 mds0.server prepare_new_inode [inode 10000000007 [2,head] #10000000007 auth v1 s=0 n() (iversion lock) 0x7f15bc011c30]
2011-07-28 21:35:25.001654 7f15c7989710 mds0.cache.dir(1) pre_dirty 42
2011-07-28 21:35:25.001668 7f15c7989710 mds0.cache.den(1 foo43) pre_dirty [dentry #1/foo43 [2,head] auth NULL (dn xlock x=1 by 0x7f15bc017ee0) (dversion lock w=1 last_client=4210) pv=42 v=41 ap=2+0 inode=0 | lock authpin 0x7f158800c788]
2011-07-28 21:35:25.001689 7f15c7989710 mds0.server setting a client_range too, since this is a regular file
2011-07-28 21:35:25.001707 7f15c7989710 issue_new_caps for mode 3 on [inode 10000000007 [2,head] {#10000000007 /foo43} auth v42 s=0 n(v0 1=1+0)/n() (iversion lock) cr={4210=0-4194304@1} 0x7f15bc011c30]
2011-07-28 21:35:25.001719 7f15c7989710 mds0.cache.ino(10000000007) add_client_cap first cap, joining realm snaprealm(1 seq 1 lc 0 cr 0 cps 1 snaps={} 0x7f15bc0179a0)
2011-07-28 21:35:25.001741 7f15c7989710 eval 2496 [inode 10000000007 [2,head] {#10000000007 /foo43} auth v42 s=0 n(v0 1=1+0)/n() (iversion lock) cr={4210=0-4194304@1} caps={4210=-/pAsxXsxFsxcrwb@0} | caps 0x7f15bc011c30]
2011-07-28 21:35:25.001751 7f15c7989710 eval set loner to client4210
2011-07-28 21:35:25.001780 7f15c7989710 file_eval wanted=sxcrwb loner_wanted=sxcrwb other_wanted= filelock=(ifile sync) on [inode 10000000007 [2,head] {#10000000007 /foo43} auth v42 s=0 n(v0 1=1+0)/n() (iversion lock) cr={4210=0-4194304@1} caps={4210=-/pAsxXsxFsxcrwb@0},l=4210 | caps 0x7f15bc011c30]
2011-07-28 21:35:25.001800 7f15c7989710 file_eval stable, bump to loner (ifile sync) on [inode 10000000007 [2,head] {#10000000007 /foo43} auth v42 s=0 n(v0 1=1+0)/n() (iversion lock) cr={4210=0-4194304@1} caps={4210=-/pAsxXsxFsxcrwb@0},l=4210 | caps 0x7f15bc011c30]
2011-07-28 21:35:25.001819 7f15c7989710 file_excl (ifile sync) on [inode 10000000007 [2,head] {#10000000007 /foo43} auth v42 s=0 n(v0 1=1+0)/n() (iversion lock) cr={4210=0-4194304@1} caps={4210=-/pAsxXsxFsxcrwb@0},l=4210 | caps 0x7f15bc011c30]
2011-07-28 21:35:25.001839 7f15c7989710 simple_eval (iauth sync) on [inode 10000000007 [2,head] {#10000000007 /foo43} auth v42 s=0 n(v0 1=1+0)/n() (ifile excl) (iversion lock) cr={4210=0-4194304@1} caps={4210=-/pAsxXsxFsxcrwb@0},l=4210 | caps 0x7f15bc011c30]
2011-07-28 21:35:25.001865 7f15c7989710 simple_eval stable, going to excl (iauth sync) on [inode 10000000007 [2,head] {#10000000007 /foo43} auth v42 s=0 n(v0 1=1+0)/n() (ifile excl) (iversion lock) cr={4210=0-4194304@1} caps={4210=-/pAsxXsxFsxcrwb@0},l=4210 | caps 0x7f15bc011c30]
2011-07-28 21:35:25.001885 7f15c7989710 simple_excl on (iauth sync) on [inode 10000000007 [2,head] {#10000000007 /foo43} auth v42 s=0 n(v0 1=1+0)/n() (ifile excl) (iversion lock) cr={4210=0-4194304@1} caps={4210=-/pAsxXsxFsxcrwb@0},l=4210 | caps 0x7f15bc011c30]
2011-07-28 21:35:25.001905 7f15c7989710 simple_eval (ilink sync) on [inode 10000000007 [2,head] {#10000000007 /foo43} auth v42 s=0 n(v0 1=1+0)/n() (iauth excl) (ifile excl) (iversion lock) cr={4210=0-4194304@1} caps={4210=-/pAsxXsxFsxcrwb@0},l=4210 | caps 0x7f15bc011c30]
2011-07-28 21:35:25.001924 7f15c7989710 simple_eval (ixattr sync) on [inode 10000000007 [2,head] {#10000000007 /foo43} auth v42 s=0 n(v0 1=1+0)/n() (iauth excl) (ifile excl) (iversion lock) cr={4210=0-4194304@1} caps={4210=-/pAsxXsxFsxcrwb@0},l=4210 | caps 0x7f15bc011c30]
2011-07-28 21:35:25.001950 7f15c7989710 simple_eval stable, going to excl (ixattr sync) on [inode 10000000007 [2,head] {#10000000007 /foo43} auth v42 s=0 n(v0 1=1+0)/n() (iauth excl) (ifile excl) (iversion lock) cr={4210=0-4194304@1} caps={4210=-/pAsxXsxFsxcrwb@0},l=4210 | caps 0x7f15bc011c30]
2011-07-28 21:35:25.001969 7f15c7989710 simple_excl on (ixattr sync) on [inode 10000000007 [2,head] {#10000000007 /foo43} auth v42 s=0 n(v0 1=1+0)/n() (iauth excl) (ifile excl) (iversion lock) cr={4210=0-4194304@1} caps={4210=-/pAsxXsxFsxcrwb@0},l=4210 | caps 0x7f15bc011c30]
2011-07-28 21:35:25.001990 7f15c7989710 scatter_eval (inest sync) on [inode 10000000007 [2,head] {#10000000007 /foo43} auth v42 s=0 n(v0 1=1+0)/n() (iauth excl) (ifile excl) (ixattr excl) (iversion lock) cr={4210=0-4194304@1} caps={4210=-/pAsxXsxFsxcrwb@0},l=4210 | caps 0x7f15bc011c30]
2011-07-28 21:35:25.002022 7f15c7989710 simple_lock on (inest sync) on [inode 10000000007 [2,head] {#10000000007 /foo43} auth v42 s=0 n(v0 1=1+0)/n() (iauth excl) (ifile excl) (ixattr excl) (iversion lock) cr={4210=0-4194304@1} caps={4210=-/pAsxXsxFsxcrwb@0},l=4210 | caps 0x7f15bc011c30]
2011-07-28 21:35:25.002042 7f15c7989710 simple_eval (iflock sync) on [inode 10000000007 [2,head] {#10000000007 /foo43} auth v42 s=0 n(v0 1=1+0)/n() (iauth excl) (ifile excl) (ixattr excl) (iversion lock) cr={4210=0-4194304@1} caps={4210=-/pAsxXsxFsxcrwb@0},l=4210 | caps 0x7f15bc011c30]
2011-07-28 21:35:25.002062 7f15c7989710 simple_eval (ipolicy sync) on [inode 10000000007 [2,head] {#10000000007 /foo43} auth v42 s=0 n(v0 1=1+0)/n() (iauth excl) (ifile excl) (ixattr excl) (iversion lock) cr={4210=0-4194304@1} caps={4210=-/pAsxXsxFsxcrwb@0},l=4210 | caps 0x7f15bc011c30]
2011-07-28 21:35:25.002093 7f15c7989710 issue_caps loner client4210 allowed=pAsxLsXsxFsxcrwbl, xlocker allowed=pAsxLsXsxFsxcrwbl, others allowed=pLs on [inode 10000000007 [2,head] {#10000000007 /foo43} auth v42 s=0 n(v0 1=1+0)/n() (iauth excl) (ifile excl) (ixattr excl) (iversion lock) cr={4210=0-4194304@1} caps={4210=-/pAsxXsxFsxcrwb@0},l=4210 | caps 0x7f15bc011c30]
2011-07-28 21:35:25.002115 7f15c7989710 client4210 pending - allowed pAsxLsXsxFsxcrwbl wanted pAsxXsxFsxcrwb
2011-07-28 21:35:25.002123 7f15c7989710 suppressed and !revoke, skipping client4210
2011-07-28 21:35:25.002129 7f15c7989710 eval done
2011-07-28 21:35:25.002136 7f15c7989710 mds0.server mknod mode 33188 rdev 0
2011-07-28 21:35:25.002147 7f15c7989710 mds0.server journal_allocated_inos sessionmapv 17 inotablev 11
2011-07-28 21:35:25.002170 7f15c7989710 mds0.cache predirty_journal_parents do_parent_mtime linkunlink=1 primary_dn follows head [inode 10000000007 [2,head] {#10000000007 /foo43} auth v42 s=0 n(v0 1=1+0)/n() (iauth excl) (ifile excl) (ixattr excl) (iversion lock) cr={4210=0-4194304@1} caps={4210=AsxXsxFxwb/-@1},l=4210 | caps 0x7f15bc011c30]
2011-07-28 21:35:25.002198 7f15c7989710 mds0.cache.dir(1) auth_pin by 0x7f15bc017ee0 on [dir 1 / [2,head] auth v=41 cv=0/0 dir_auth=0 ap=1+2+2 state=1610612738|complete f(v1 m2011-07-28 21:35:19.764556 8=7+1) n(v1 rc2011-07-28 21:35:19.764556 8=7+1)/n(v1 rc2011-07-28 21:26:19.116099 7=6+1) hs=8+1,ss=0+0 dirty=7 | child subtree dirty authpin 0x7f1588001540] count now 1 + 2
2011-07-28 21:35:25.002207 7f15c7989710 mds0.cache.dir(1) project_fnode 0x7f15bc020720
2011-07-28 21:35:25.002214 7f15c7989710 mds0.cache.dir(1) pre_dirty 43
2011-07-28 21:35:25.002232 7f15c7989710 mds0.cache predirty_journal_parents updating mtime on [dir 1 / [2,head] auth pv=43 v=41 cv=0/0 dir_auth=0 ap=1+2+2 state=1610612738|complete f(v1 m2011-07-28 21:35:19.764556 8=7+1) n(v1 rc2011-07-28 21:35:19.764556 8=7+1)/n(v1 rc2011-07-28 21:26:19.116099 7=6+1) hs=8+1,ss=0+0 dirty=7 | child subtree dirty authpin 0x7f1588001540]
2011-07-28 21:35:25.002255 7f15c7989710 mds0.cache predirty_journal_parents updating size on [dir 1 / [2,head] auth pv=43 v=41 cv=0/0 dir_auth=0 ap=1+2+2 state=1610612738|complete f(v1 m2011-07-28 21:35:19.764556 8=7+1) n(v1 rc2011-07-28 21:35:19.764556 8=7+1)/n(v1 rc2011-07-28 21:26:19.116099 7=6+1) hs=8+1,ss=0+0 dirty=7 | child subtree dirty authpin 0x7f1588001540]
2011-07-28 21:35:25.002290 7f15c7989710 mds0.cache projected_rstat_inode_to_frag first 2 linkunlink 1 [inode 10000000007 [2,head] {#10000000007 /foo43} auth v42 s=0 n(v0 1=1+0)/n() (iauth excl) (ifile excl) (ixattr excl) (iversion lock) cr={4210=0-4194304@1} caps={4210=AsxXsxFxwb/-@1},l=4210 | caps 0x7f15bc011c30]
2011-07-28 21:35:25.002299 7f15c7989710 mds0.cache frag head is [2,head]
2011-07-28 21:35:25.002306 7f15c7989710 mds0.cache inode update is [2,head]
2011-07-28 21:35:25.002319 7f15c7989710 mds0.cache floor of 2 from parent dn [dentry #1/foo43 [2,head] auth NULL (dn xlock x=1 by 0x7f15bc017ee0) (dversion lock w=1 last_client=4210) pv=42 v=41 ap=2+0 inode=0 | lock authpin 0x7f158800c788]
2011-07-28 21:35:25.002339 7f15c7989710 mds0.cache _project_rstat_inode_to_frag [2,head]
2011-07-28 21:35:25.002347 7f15c7989710 mds0.cache inode rstat n(v0 1=1+0)
2011-07-28 21:35:25.002354 7f15c7989710 mds0.cache inode accounted_rstat n()
2011-07-28 21:35:25.002361 7f15c7989710 mds0.cache delta n(v0 1=1+0)
2011-07-28 21:35:25.002370 7f15c7989710 mds0.cache projecting to head [2,head] n(v1 rc2011-07-28 21:35:25.001595 8=7+1)
2011-07-28 21:35:25.002380 7f15c7989710 mds0.cache project to [2,head] n(v1 rc2011-07-28 21:35:25.001595 8=7+1)
2011-07-28 21:35:25.002399 7f15c7989710 mds0.cache result [2,head] n(v1 rc2011-07-28 21:35:25.001595 9=8+1) [dir 1 / [2,head] auth pv=43 v=41 cv=0/0 dir_auth=0 ap=1+2+2 state=1610612738|complete f(v1 m2011-07-28 21:35:19.764556 8=7+1) n(v1 rc2011-07-28 21:35:19.764556 8=7+1)/n(v1 rc2011-07-28 21:26:19.116099 7=6+1) hs=8+1,ss=0+0 dirty=7 | child subtree dirty authpin 0x7f1588001540]
2011-07-28 21:35:25.002433 7f15c7989710 local_wrlock_grab on (iversion lock) on [inode 1 [...2,head] / auth v22 ap=1+0 snaprealm=0x7f15bc0179a0 f(v1 m2011-07-28 21:35:19.764556 8=7+1) n(v1 rc2011-07-28 21:26:19.116099 7=6+1)/n(v0 1=0+1) (iauth sync r=1) (isnap sync r=1) (inest lock w=1) (ipolicy sync r=1) (ifile mix w=1) (iversion lock) caps={4210=pAsLsXs/-@6} | lock dirfrag caps dirty authpin 0x7f15bc0074b0]
2011-07-28 21:35:25.002447 7f15c7989710 mds0.cache.ino(1) project_inode 0x7f15bc0207f0
2011-07-28 21:35:25.002457 7f15c7989710 mds0.cache predirty_journal_parents add_delta f(v1 m2011-07-28 21:35:25.001595 9=8+1)
2011-07-28 21:35:25.002466 7f15c7989710 mds0.cache predirty_journal_parents - f(v1 m2011-07-28 21:35:19.764556 8=7+1)
2011-07-28 21:35:25.002490 7f15c7989710 mds0.cache predirty_journal_parents gives f(v1 m2011-07-28 21:35:25.001595 9=8+1) on [inode 1 [...2,head] / auth v22 pv23 ap=1+0 snaprealm=0x7f15bc0179a0 f(v1 m2011-07-28 21:35:19.764556 8=7+1) n(v1 rc2011-07-28 21:26:19.116099 7=6+1)/n(v0 1=0+1) (iauth sync r=1) (isnap sync r=1) (inest lock w=1) (ipolicy sync r=1) (ifile mix w=1) (iversion lock w=1 last_client=4210) caps={4210=pAsLsXs/-@6} | lock dirfrag caps dirty authpin 0x7f15bc0074b0]
2011-07-28 21:35:25.002504 7f15c7989710 mds0.journal EMetaBlob::add_dir_context final:
2011-07-28 21:35:25.002526 7f15c7989710 mds0.cache.ino(1) encode_snap_blob snaprealm(1 seq 1 lc 0 cr 0 cps 1 snaps={} 0x7f15bc0179a0)
2011-07-28 21:35:25.002549 7f15c7989710 mds0.server journal_and_reply tracei 0x7f15bc011c30 tracedn 0x7f158800c788
2011-07-28 21:35:25.002568 7f15c7989710 set_xlocks_done on (dn xlock x=1 by 0x7f15bc017ee0) [dentry #1/foo43 [2,head] auth NULL (dn xlock x=1 by 0x7f15bc017ee0) (dversion lock w=1 last_client=4210) pv=42 v=41 ap=2+0 inode=0 | request lock authpin 0x7f158800c788]
2011-07-28 21:35:25.002585 7f15c7989710 mds0.server early_reply 0 (Success) client_request(client4210:7 mknod #1/foo43)
2011-07-28 21:35:25.002594 7f15c7989710 mds0.server set_trace_dist snapid head
2011-07-28 21:35:25.002611 7f15c7989710 mds0.server set_trace_dist snaprealm snaprealm(1 seq 1 lc 0 cr 0 cps 1 snaps={} 0x7f15bc0179a0) len=48
2011-07-28 21:35:25.002623 7f15c7989710 mds0.cache.ino(1) pfile 0 pauth 0 plink 0 pxattr 0 plocal 1 ctime 2011-07-28 21:35:25.001595 valid=1
2011-07-28 21:35:25.002638 7f15c7989710 mds0.cache.ino(1) encode_inodestat issueing pAsLsXs seq 7
2011-07-28 21:35:25.002650 7f15c7989710 mds0.cache.ino(1) encode_inodestat caps pAsLsXs seq 7 mseq 0 xattrv 0 len 0
2011-07-28 21:35:25.002681 7f15c7989710 mds0.server set_trace_dist added diri [inode 1 [...2,head] / auth v22 pv23 ap=1+0 snaprealm=0x7f15bc0179a0 f(v1 m2011-07-28 21:35:19.764556 8=7+1) n(v1 rc2011-07-28 21:26:19.116099 7=6+1)/n(v0 1=0+1) (iauth sync r=1) (isnap sync r=1) (inest lock w=1) (ipolicy sync r=1) (ifile mix w=1) (iversion lock w=1 last_client=4210) caps={4210=pAsLsXs/-@7} | lock dirfrag caps dirty authpin 0x7f15bc0074b0]
2011-07-28 21:35:25.002702 7f15c7989710 mds0.server set_trace_dist added dir [dir 1 / [2,head] auth pv=43 v=41 cv=0/0 dir_auth=0 ap=1+2+2 state=1610612738|complete f(v1 m2011-07-28 21:35:19.764556 8=7+1) n(v1 rc2011-07-28 21:35:19.764556 8=7+1)/n(v1 rc2011-07-28 21:26:19.116099 7=6+1) hs=8+1,ss=0+0 dirty=7 | child subtree dirty authpin 0x7f1588001540]
2011-07-28 21:35:25.002734 7f15c7989710 mds0.cache.den(1 foo43) add_client_lease client4210 on (dn xlockdone x=1)
2011-07-28 21:35:25.002753 7f15c7989710 issue_client_lease seq 3 dur 30000ms on [dentry #1/foo43 [2,head] auth NULL (dn xlockdone l=1 x=1) (dversion lock w=1 last_client=4210) pv=42 v=41 ap=2+0 inode=0 | request lock authpin clientlease 0x7f158800c788]
2011-07-28 21:35:25.002767 7f15c7989710 mds0.server set_trace_dist added dn head [dentry #1/foo43 [2,head] auth NULL (dn xlockdone l=1 x=1) (dversion lock w=1 last_client=4210) pv=42 v=41 ap=2+0 inode=0 | request lock authpin clientlease 0x7f158800c788]
2011-07-28 21:35:25.002778 7f15c7989710 mds0.cache.ino(10000000007) pfile 1 pauth 1 plink 1 pxattr 1 plocal 0 ctime 2011-07-28 21:35:25.001595 valid=1
2011-07-28 21:35:25.002800 7f15c7989710 mds0.cache.ino(10000000007) encode_inodestat issueing pAsxLsXsxFsxcrwb seq 2
2011-07-28 21:35:25.002815 7f15c7989710 mds0.cache.ino(10000000007) encode_inodestat caps pAsxLsXsxFsxcrwb seq 2 mseq 0 xattrv 0 len 0
2011-07-28 21:35:25.002839 7f15c7989710 mds0.server set_trace_dist added in [inode 10000000007 [2,head] {#10000000007 /foo43} auth v42 s=0 n(v0 1=1+0) (iauth excl) (ifile excl) (ixattr excl) (iversion lock) cr={4210=0-4194304@1} caps={4210=pAsxLsXsxFsxcrwb/-@2},l=4210 | request caps 0x7f15bc011c30]
2011-07-28 21:35:25.003082 7f15c7989710 mds0.server lat 0.002984
2011-07-28 21:35:25.003122 7f15c7989710 mds0.log submit_entry 4223507~1241 : EUpdate mknod [metablob 1, 1 dirs prealloc_ino=[100000003ef~1] used_prealloc_ino=10000000007 v11]
2011-07-28 21:35:25.003172 7f15c7989710 rdlock_finish on (iauth sync) on [inode 1 [...2,head] / auth v22 pv23 ap=1+0 snaprealm=0x7f15bc0179a0 f(v1 m2011-07-28 21:35:19.764556 8=7+1) n(v1 rc2011-07-28 21:26:19.116099 7=6+1)/n(v0 1=0+1) (isnap sync r=1) (inest lock w=1) (ipolicy sync r=1) (ifile mix w=1) (iversion lock w=1 last_client=4210) caps={4210=pAsLsXs/-@7} | lock dirfrag caps dirty authpin 0x7f15bc0074b0]
2011-07-28 21:35:25.003211 7f15c7989710 simple_eval (iauth sync) on [inode 1 [...2,head] / auth v22 pv23 ap=1+0 snaprealm=0x7f15bc0179a0 f(v1 m2011-07-28 21:35:19.764556 8=7+1) n(v1 rc2011-07-28 21:26:19.116099 7=6+1)/n(v0 1=0+1) (isnap sync r=1) (inest lock w=1) (ipolicy sync r=1) (ifile mix w=1) (iversion lock w=1 last_client=4210) caps={4210=pAsLsXs/-@7} | lock dirfrag caps dirty authpin 0x7f15bc0074b0]
2011-07-28 21:35:25.003236 7f15c7989710 rdlock_finish on (isnap sync) on [inode 1 [...2,head] / auth v22 pv23 ap=1+0 snaprealm=0x7f15bc0179a0 f(v1 m2011-07-28 21:35:19.764556 8=7+1) n(v1 rc2011-07-28 21:26:19.116099 7=6+1)/n(v0 1=0+1) (inest lock w=1) (ipolicy sync r=1) (ifile mix w=1) (iversion lock w=1 last_client=4210) caps={4210=pAsLsXs/-@7} | lock dirfrag caps dirty authpin 0x7f15bc0074b0]
2011-07-28 21:35:25.003264 7f15c7989710 simple_eval (isnap sync) on [inode 1 [...2,head] / auth v22 pv23 ap=1+0 snaprealm=0x7f15bc0179a0 f(v1 m2011-07-28 21:35:19.764556 8=7+1) n(v1 rc2011-07-28 21:26:19.116099 7=6+1)/n(v0 1=0+1) (inest lock w=1) (ipolicy sync r=1) (ifile mix w=1) (iversion lock w=1 last_client=4210) caps={4210=pAsLsXs/-@7} | lock dirfrag caps dirty authpin 0x7f15bc0074b0]
2011-07-28 21:35:25.003304 7f15c7989710 rdlock_finish on (ipolicy sync) on [inode 1 [...2,head] / auth v22 pv23 ap=1+0 snaprealm=0x7f15bc0179a0 f(v1 m2011-07-28 21:35:19.764556 8=7+1) n(v1 rc2011-07-28 21:26:19.116099 7=6+1)/n(v0 1=0+1) (inest lock w=1) (ifile mix w=1) (iversion lock w=1 last_client=4210) caps={4210=pAsLsXs/-@7} | lock dirfrag caps dirty authpin 0x7f15bc0074b0]
2011-07-28 21:35:25.003325 7f15c7989710 simple_eval (ipolicy sync) on [inode 1 [...2,head] / auth v22 pv23 ap=1+0 snaprealm=0x7f15bc0179a0 f(v1 m2011-07-28 21:35:19.764556 8=7+1) n(v1 rc2011-07-28 21:26:19.116099 7=6+1)/n(v0 1=0+1) (inest lock w=1) (ifile mix w=1) (iversion lock w=1 last_client=4210) caps={4210=pAsLsXs/-@7} | lock dirfrag caps dirty authpin 0x7f15bc0074b0]
2011-07-28 21:35:25.142944 7f15c7989710 mds0.server handle_client_request client_request(client4210:8 getattr pAsLsXsFs #1)
2011-07-28 21:35:25.142985 7f15c7989710 mds0.server get_session have 0x7f15a4000a40 client4210 state open
2011-07-28 21:35:25.142993 7f15c7989710 mds0.server oldest_client_tid=7
2011-07-28 21:35:25.143007 7f15c7989710 mds0.cache request_start request(client4210:8 cr=0x7f15a4001420)
2011-07-28 21:35:25.143019 7f15c7989710 mds0.server dispatch_client_request client_request(client4210:8 getattr pAsLsXsFs #1)
2011-07-28 21:35:25.143030 7f15c7989710 mds0.server rdlock_path_pin_ref request(client4210:8 cr=0x7f15a4001420) #1
2011-07-28 21:35:25.143039 7f15c7989710 mds0.cache traverse: opening base ino 1 snap head
2011-07-28 21:35:25.143047 7f15c7989710 mds0.cache path_traverse finish on snapid head
2011-07-28 21:35:25.143102 7f15c7989710 mds0.server ref is [inode 1 [...2,head] / auth v22 pv23 ap=1+0 snaprealm=0x7f15bc0179a0 f(v1 m2011-07-28 21:35:19.764556 8=7+1) n(v1 rc2011-07-28 21:26:19.116099 7=6+1)/n(v0 1=0+1) (inest lock w=1) (ifile mix w=1) (iversion lock w=1 last_client=4210) caps={4210=pAsLsXs/-@7} | lock dirfrag caps dirty authpin 0x7f15bc0074b0]
2011-07-28 21:35:25.143117 7f15c7989710 acquire_locks request(client4210:8 cr=0x7f15a4001420)
2011-07-28 21:35:25.143141 7f15c7989710 must rdlock (iauth sync) [inode 1 [...2,head] / auth v22 pv23 ap=1+0 snaprealm=0x7f15bc0179a0 f(v1 m2011-07-28 21:35:19.764556 8=7+1) n(v1 rc2011-07-28 21:26:19.116099 7=6+1)/n(v0 1=0+1) (inest lock w=1) (ifile mix w=1) (iversion lock w=1 last_client=4210) caps={4210=pAsLsXs/-@7} | request lock dirfrag caps dirty authpin 0x7f15bc0074b0]
2011-07-28 21:35:25.143164 7f15c7989710 must rdlock (ilink sync) [inode 1 [...2,head] / auth v22 pv23 ap=1+0 snaprealm=0x7f15bc0179a0 f(v1 m2011-07-28 21:35:19.764556 8=7+1) n(v1 rc2011-07-28 21:26:19.116099 7=6+1)/n(v0 1=0+1) (inest lock w=1) (ifile mix w=1) (iversion lock w=1 last_client=4210) caps={4210=pAsLsXs/-@7} | request lock dirfrag caps dirty authpin 0x7f15bc0074b0]
2011-07-28 21:35:25.143193 7f15c7989710 must rdlock (ifile mix w=1) [inode 1 [...2,head] / auth v22 pv23 ap=1+0 snaprealm=0x7f15bc0179a0 f(v1 m2011-07-28 21:35:19.764556 8=7+1) n(v1 rc2011-07-28 21:26:19.116099 7=6+1)/n(v0 1=0+1) (inest lock w=1) (ifile mix w=1) (iversion lock w=1 last_client=4210) caps={4210=pAsLsXs/-@7} | request lock dirfrag caps dirty authpin 0x7f15bc0074b0]
2011-07-28 21:35:25.143214 7f15c7989710 must rdlock (ixattr sync) [inode 1 [...2,head] / auth v22 pv23 ap=1+0 snaprealm=0x7f15bc0179a0 f(v1 m2011-07-28 21:35:19.764556 8=7+1) n(v1 rc2011-07-28 21:26:19.116099 7=6+1)/n(v0 1=0+1) (inest lock w=1) (ifile mix w=1) (iversion lock w=1 last_client=4210) caps={4210=pAsLsXs/-@7} | request lock dirfrag caps dirty authpin 0x7f15bc0074b0]
2011-07-28 21:35:25.143243 7f15c7989710 must rdlock (isnap sync) [inode 1 [...2,head] / auth v22 pv23 ap=1+0 snaprealm=0x7f15bc0179a0 f(v1 m2011-07-28 21:35:19.764556 8=7+1) n(v1 rc2011-07-28 21:26:19.116099 7=6+1)/n(v0 1=0+1) (inest lock w=1) (ifile mix w=1) (iversion lock w=1 last_client=4210) caps={4210=pAsLsXs/-@7} | request lock dirfrag caps dirty authpin 0x7f15bc0074b0]
2011-07-28 21:35:25.143277 7f15c7989710 must authpin [inode 1 [...2,head] / auth v22 pv23 ap=1+0 snaprealm=0x7f15bc0179a0 f(v1 m2011-07-28 21:35:19.764556 8=7+1) n(v1 rc2011-07-28 21:26:19.116099 7=6+1)/n(v0 1=0+1) (inest lock w=1) (ifile mix w=1) (iversion lock w=1 last_client=4210) caps={4210=pAsLsXs/-@7} | request lock dirfrag caps dirty authpin 0x7f15bc0074b0]
2011-07-28 21:35:25.143301 7f15c7989710 must authpin [inode 1 [...2,head] / auth v22 pv23 ap=1+0 snaprealm=0x7f15bc0179a0 f(v1 m2011-07-28 21:35:19.764556 8=7+1) n(v1 rc2011-07-28 21:26:19.116099 7=6+1)/n(v0 1=0+1) (inest lock w=1) (ifile mix w=1) (iversion lock w=1 last_client=4210) caps={4210=pAsLsXs/-@7} | request lock dirfrag caps dirty authpin 0x7f15bc0074b0]
2011-07-28 21:35:25.143342 7f15c7989710 must authpin [inode 1 [...2,head] / auth v22 pv23 ap=1+0 snaprealm=0x7f15bc0179a0 f(v1 m2011-07-28 21:35:19.764556 8=7+1) n(v1 rc2011-07-28 21:26:19.116099 7=6+1)/n(v0 1=0+1) (inest lock w=1) (ifile mix w=1) (iversion lock w=1 last_client=4210) caps={4210=pAsLsXs/-@7} | request lock dirfrag caps dirty authpin 0x7f15bc0074b0]
2011-07-28 21:35:25.143363 7f15c7989710 must authpin [inode 1 [...2,head] / auth v22 pv23 ap=1+0 snaprealm=0x7f15bc0179a0 f(v1 m2011-07-28 21:35:19.764556 8=7+1) n(v1 rc2011-07-28 21:26:19.116099 7=6+1)/n(v0 1=0+1) (inest lock w=1) (ifile mix w=1) (iversion lock w=1 last_client=4210) caps={4210=pAsLsXs/-@7} | request lock dirfrag caps dirty authpin 0x7f15bc0074b0]
2011-07-28 21:35:25.143384 7f15c7989710 must authpin [inode 1 [...2,head] / auth v22 pv23 ap=1+0 snaprealm=0x7f15bc0179a0 f(v1 m2011-07-28 21:35:19.764556 8=7+1) n(v1 rc2011-07-28 21:26:19.116099 7=6+1)/n(v0 1=0+1) (inest lock w=1) (ifile mix w=1) (iversion lock w=1 last_client=4210) caps={4210=pAsLsXs/-@7} | request lock dirfrag caps dirty authpin 0x7f15bc0074b0]
2011-07-28 21:35:25.143411 7f15c7989710 auth_pinning [inode 1 [...2,head] / auth v22 pv23 ap=1+0 snaprealm=0x7f15bc0179a0 f(v1 m2011-07-28 21:35:19.764556 8=7+1) n(v1 rc2011-07-28 21:26:19.116099 7=6+1)/n(v0 1=0+1) (inest lock w=1) (ifile mix w=1) (iversion lock w=1 last_client=4210) caps={4210=pAsLsXs/-@7} | request lock dirfrag caps dirty authpin 0x7f15bc0074b0]
2011-07-28 21:35:25.143435 7f15c7989710 mds0.cache.ino(1) auth_pin by 0x7f15bc020960 on [inode 1 [...2,head] / auth v22 pv23 ap=2+0 snaprealm=0x7f15bc0179a0 f(v1 m2011-07-28 21:35:19.764556 8=7+1) n(v1 rc2011-07-28 21:26:19.116099 7=6+1)/n(v0 1=0+1) (inest lock w=1) (ifile mix w=1) (iversion lock w=1 last_client=4210) caps={4210=pAsLsXs/-@7} | request lock dirfrag caps dirty authpin 0x7f15bc0074b0] now 2+0
2011-07-28 21:35:25.143463 7f15c7989710 already auth_pinned [inode 1 [...2,head] / auth v22 pv23 ap=2+0 snaprealm=0x7f15bc0179a0 f(v1 m2011-07-28 21:35:19.764556 8=7+1) n(v1 rc2011-07-28 21:26:19.116099 7=6+1)/n(v0 1=0+1) (inest lock w=1) (ifile mix w=1) (iversion lock w=1 last_client=4210) caps={4210=pAsLsXs/-@7} | request lock dirfrag caps dirty authpin 0x7f15bc0074b0]
2011-07-28 21:35:25.143484 7f15c7989710 already auth_pinned [inode 1 [...2,head] / auth v22 pv23 ap=2+0 snaprealm=0x7f15bc0179a0 f(v1 m2011-07-28 21:35:19.764556 8=7+1) n(v1 rc2011-07-28 21:26:19.116099 7=6+1)/n(v0 1=0+1) (inest lock w=1) (ifile mix w=1) (iversion lock w=1 last_client=4210) caps={4210=pAsLsXs/-@7} | request lock dirfrag caps dirty authpin 0x7f15bc0074b0]
2011-07-28 21:35:25.143504 7f15c7989710 already auth_pinned [inode 1 [...2,head] / auth v22 pv23 ap=2+0 snaprealm=0x7f15bc0179a0 f(v1 m2011-07-28 21:35:19.764556 8=7+1) n(v1 rc2011-07-28 21:26:19.116099 7=6+1)/n(v0 1=0+1) (inest lock w=1) (ifile mix w=1) (iversion lock w=1 last_client=4210) caps={4210=pAsLsXs/-@7} | request lock dirfrag caps dirty authpin 0x7f15bc0074b0]
2011-07-28 21:35:25.143532 7f15c7989710 already auth_pinned [inode 1 [...2,head] / auth v22 pv23 ap=2+0 snaprealm=0x7f15bc0179a0 f(v1 m2011-07-28 21:35:19.764556 8=7+1) n(v1 rc2011-07-28 21:26:19.116099 7=6+1)/n(v0 1=0+1) (inest lock w=1) (ifile mix w=1) (iversion lock w=1 last_client=4210) caps={4210=pAsLsXs/-@7} | request lock dirfrag caps dirty authpin 0x7f15bc0074b0]
2011-07-28 21:35:25.143555 7f15c7989710 rdlock_start on (isnap sync) on [inode 1 [...2,head] / auth v22 pv23 ap=2+0 snaprealm=0x7f15bc0179a0 f(v1 m2011-07-28 21:35:19.764556 8=7+1) n(v1 rc2011-07-28 21:26:19.116099 7=6+1)/n(v0 1=0+1) (inest lock w=1) (ifile mix w=1) (iversion lock w=1 last_client=4210) caps={4210=pAsLsXs/-@7} | request lock dirfrag caps dirty authpin 0x7f15bc0074b0]
2011-07-28 21:35:25.143578 7f15c7989710 got rdlock on (isnap sync r=1) [inode 1 [...2,head] / auth v22 pv23 ap=2+0 snaprealm=0x7f15bc0179a0 f(v1 m2011-07-28 21:35:19.764556 8=7+1) n(v1 rc2011-07-28 21:26:19.116099 7=6+1)/n(v0 1=0+1) (isnap sync r=1) (inest lock w=1) (ifile mix w=1) (iversion lock w=1 last_client=4210) caps={4210=pAsLsXs/-@7} | request lock dirfrag caps dirty authpin 0x7f15bc0074b0]
2011-07-28 21:35:25.143613 7f15c7989710 rdlock_start on (ifile mix w=1) on [inode 1 [...2,head] / auth v22 pv23 ap=2+0 snaprealm=0x7f15bc0179a0 f(v1 m2011-07-28 21:35:19.764556 8=7+1) n(v1 rc2011-07-28 21:26:19.116099 7=6+1)/n(v0 1=0+1) (isnap sync r=1) (inest lock w=1) (ifile mix w=1) (iversion lock w=1 last_client=4210) caps={4210=pAsLsXs/-@7} | request lock dirfrag caps dirty authpin 0x7f15bc0074b0]
2011-07-28 21:35:25.143636 7f15c7989710 simple_sync on (ifile mix w=1) on [inode 1 [...2,head] / auth v22 pv23 ap=2+0 snaprealm=0x7f15bc0179a0 f(v1 m2011-07-28 21:35:19.764556 8=7+1) n(v1 rc2011-07-28 21:26:19.116099 7=6+1)/n(v0 1=0+1) (isnap sync r=1) (inest lock w=1) (ifile mix w=1) (iversion lock w=1 last_client=4210) caps={4210=pAsLsXs/-@7} | request lock dirfrag caps dirty authpin 0x7f15bc0074b0]
2011-07-28 21:35:25.143666 7f15c7989710 mds0.cache.ino(1) auth_pin by 0x7f15bc007c00 on [inode 1 [...2,head] / auth v22 pv23 ap=3+0 snaprealm=0x7f15bc0179a0 f(v1 m2011-07-28 21:35:19.764556 8=7+1) n(v1 rc2011-07-28 21:26:19.116099 7=6+1)/n(v0 1=0+1) (isnap sync r=1) (inest lock w=1) (ifile mix->sync w=1) (iversion lock w=1 last_client=4210) caps={4210=pAsLsXs/-@7} | request lock dirfrag caps dirty authpin 0x7f15bc0074b0] now 3+0
2011-07-28 21:35:25.143690 7f15c7989710 rdlock_start waiting on (ifile mix->sync w=1) on [inode 1 [...2,head] / auth v22 pv23 ap=3+0 snaprealm=0x7f15bc0179a0 f(v1 m2011-07-28 21:35:19.764556 8=7+1) n(v1 rc2011-07-28 21:26:19.116099 7=6+1)/n(v0 1=0+1) (isnap sync r=1) (inest lock w=1) (ifile mix->sync w=1) (iversion lock w=1 last_client=4210) caps={4210=pAsLsXs/-@7} | request lock dirfrag caps dirty authpin 0x7f15bc0074b0]
2011-07-28 21:35:25.143705 7f15c7989710 mds0.cache.ino(1) add_waiter tag 40000000 0x7f15bc024460 !ambig 1 !frozen 1 !freezing 1
2011-07-28 21:35:25.143712 7f15c7989710 mds0.cache.ino(1) taking waiter here
2011-07-28 21:35:25.143736 7f15c7989710 nudge_log (ifile mix->sync w=1) on [inode 1 [...2,head] / auth v22 pv23 ap=3+0 snaprealm=0x7f15bc0179a0 f(v1 m2011-07-28 21:35:19.764556 8=7+1) n(v1 rc2011-07-28 21:26:19.116099 7=6+1)/n(v0 1=0+1) (isnap sync r=1) (inest lock w=1) (ifile mix->sync w=1) (iversion lock w=1 last_client=4210) caps={4210=pAsLsXs/-@7} | request lock dirfrag caps dirty waiter authpin 0x7f15bc0074b0]
2011-07-28 21:35:25.168983 7f15c7989710 mds0.cache.dir(1) link_primary_inode [dentry #1/foo43 [2,head] auth NULL (dn xlockdone l=1 x=1) (dversion lock w=1 last_client=4210) pv=42 v=41 ap=2+0 inode=0 | request lock authpin clientlease 0x7f158800c788] [inode 10000000007 [2,head] {#10000000007 /foo43} auth v42 s=0 n(v0 1=1+0) (iauth excl) (ifile excl) (ixattr excl) (iversion lock) cr={4210=0-4194304@1} caps={4210=pAsxLsXsxFsxcrwb/-@2},l=4210 | request caps 0x7f15bc011c30]
2011-07-28 21:35:25.169045 7f15c7989710 mds0.cache.ino(10000000007) mark_dirty [inode 10000000007 [2,head] /foo43 auth v41 s=0 n(v0 1=1+0) (iauth excl) (ifile excl) (ixattr excl) (iversion lock) cr={4210=0-4194304@1} caps={4210=pAsxLsXsxFsxcrwb/-@2},l=4210 | request caps 0x7f15bc011c30]
2011-07-28 21:35:25.169060 7f15c7989710 mds0.cache.den(1 foo43) mark_dirty [dentry #1/foo43 [2,head] auth (dn xlockdone l=1 x=1) (dversion lock w=1 last_client=4210) pv=42 v=41 ap=2+0 inode=0x7f15bc011c30 | request lock inodepin authpin clientlease 0x7f158800c788]
2011-07-28 21:35:25.169083 7f15c7989710 mds0.cache.dir(1) mark_dirty (already dirty) [dir 1 / [2,head] auth pv=43 v=42 cv=0/0 dir_auth=0 ap=1+2+2 state=1610612738|complete f(v1 m2011-07-28 21:35:19.764556 8=7+1) n(v1 rc2011-07-28 21:35:19.764556 8=7+1)/n(v1 rc2011-07-28 21:26:19.116099 7=6+1) hs=9+0,ss=0+0 dirty=8 | child subtree dirty authpin 0x7f1588001540] version 42
2011-07-28 21:35:25.169111 7f15c7989710 mds0.cache.ino(1) pop_and_dirty_projected_inode 0x7f15bc0207f0 v23
2011-07-28 21:35:25.169136 7f15c7989710 mds0.cache.ino(1) mark_dirty [inode 1 [...2,head] / auth v22 pv23 ap=3+0 snaprealm=0x7f15bc0179a0 f(v1 m2011-07-28 21:35:19.764556 8=7+1) n(v1 rc2011-07-28 21:26:19.116099 7=6+1)/n(v0 1=0+1) (isnap sync r=1) (inest lock w=1) (ifile mix->sync w=1) (iversion lock w=1 last_client=4210) caps={4210=pAsLsXs/-@7} | request lock dirfrag caps dirty waiter authpin 0x7f15bc0074b0]
2011-07-28 21:35:25.169146 7f15c7989710 mds0.cache.dir(1) pop_and_dirty_projected_fnode 0x7f15bc020720 v43
2011-07-28 21:35:25.169164 7f15c7989710 mds0.cache.dir(1) mark_dirty (already dirty) [dir 1 / [2,head] auth pv=43 v=43 cv=0/0 dir_auth=0 ap=1+2+2 state=1610612738|complete f(v1 m2011-07-28 21:35:25.001595 9=8+1) n(v1 rc2011-07-28 21:35:25.001595 9=8+1)/n(v1 rc2011-07-28 21:26:19.116099 7=6+1) hs=9+0,ss=0+0 dirty=8 | child subtree dirty authpin 0x7f1588001540] version 43
2011-07-28 21:35:25.169178 7f15c7989710 mds0.cache send_dentry_link [dentry #1/foo43 [2,head] auth (dn xlockdone l=1 x=1) (dversion lock w=1 last_client=4210) v=42 ap=2+0 inode=0x7f15bc011c30 | request lock inodepin dirty authpin clientlease 0x7f158800c788]
2011-07-28 21:35:25.169210 7f15c7989710 mds0.server reply_request 0 (Success) client_request(client4210:7 mknod #1/foo43)
2011-07-28 21:35:25.169221 7f15c7989710 mds0.server apply_allocated_inos 0 / [100000003ef~1] / 10000000007
2011-07-28 21:35:25.169232 7f15c7989710 mds0.inotable: apply_alloc_ids [100000003ef~1] to [100000003f0~1fffffffc0f]/[100000003ef~1fffffffc10]
2011-07-28 21:35:25.169249 7f15c7989710 xlock_finish on (dn xlockdone l=1 x=1) [dentry #1/foo43 [2,head] auth (dn xlockdone l=1 x=1) (dversion lock w=1 last_client=4210) v=42 ap=2+0 inode=0x7f15bc011c30 | request lock inodepin dirty authpin clientlease 0x7f158800c788]
2011-07-28 21:35:25.169283 7f15c7989710 eval_gather (dn xlockdone l=1) on [dentry #1/foo43 [2,head] auth (dn xlockdone l=1) (dversion lock w=1 last_client=4210) v=42 ap=2+0 inode=0x7f15bc011c30 | request lock inodepin dirty authpin clientlease 0x7f158800c788]
2011-07-28 21:35:25.169306 7f15c7989710 eval_gather finished gather on (dn xlockdone l=1) on [dentry #1/foo43 [2,head] auth (dn xlockdone l=1) (dversion lock w=1 last_client=4210) v=42 ap=2+0 inode=0x7f15bc011c30 | request lock inodepin dirty authpin clientlease 0x7f158800c788]
2011-07-28 21:35:25.169319 7f15c7989710 mds0.cache.den(1 foo43) auth_unpin by 0x7f158800c8d8 on [dentry #1/foo43 [2,head] auth (dn sync l=1) (dversion lock w=1 last_client=4210) v=42 ap=1+0 inode=0x7f15bc011c30 | request lock inodepin dirty authpin clientlease 0x7f158800c788] now 1+0
2011-07-28 21:35:25.169339 7f15c7989710 mds0.cache.dir(1) adjust_nested_auth_pins -1/-1 on [dir 1 / [2,head] auth v=43 cv=0/0 dir_auth=0 ap=1+1+1 state=1610612738|complete f(v1 m2011-07-28 21:35:25.001595 9=8+1) n(v1 rc2011-07-28 21:35:25.001595 9=8+1)/n(v1 rc2011-07-28 21:26:19.116099 7=6+1) hs=9+0,ss=0+0 dirty=8 | child subtree dirty authpin 0x7f1588001540] by 0x7f158800c8d8 count now 1 + 1
2011-07-28 21:35:25.169359 7f15c7989710 simple_eval (dn sync l=1) on [dentry #1/foo43 [2,head] auth (dn sync l=1) (dversion lock w=1 last_client=4210) v=42 ap=1+0 inode=0x7f15bc011c30 | request lock inodepin dirty authpin clientlease 0x7f158800c788]
2011-07-28 21:35:25.169374 7f15c7989710 local_wrlock_finish on (dversion lock w=1 last_client=4210) on [dentry #1/foo43 [2,head] auth (dn sync l=1) (dversion lock w=1 last_client=4210) v=42 ap=1+0 inode=0x7f15bc011c30 | request lock inodepin dirty authpin clientlease 0x7f158800c788]
2011-07-28 21:35:25.169401 7f15c7989710 local_wrlock_finish on (iversion lock w=1 last_client=4210) on [inode 1 [...2,head] / auth v23 ap=3+0 snaprealm=0x7f15bc0179a0 f(v1 m2011-07-28 21:35:25.001595 9=8+1) n(v1 rc2011-07-28 21:26:19.116099 7=6+1)/n(v0 1=0+1) (isnap sync r=1) (inest lock w=1) (ifile mix->sync w=1) (iversion lock w=1 last_client=4210) caps={4210=pAsLsXs/-@7} | request lock dirfrag caps dirty waiter authpin 0x7f15bc0074b0]
2011-07-28 21:35:25.169439 7f15c7989710 wrlock_finish on (ifile mix->sync w=1) on [inode 1 [...2,head] / auth v23 ap=3+0 snaprealm=0x7f15bc0179a0 f(v1 m2011-07-28 21:35:25.001595 9=8+1) n(v1 rc2011-07-28 21:26:19.116099 7=6+1)/n(v0 1=0+1) (isnap sync r=1) (inest lock w=1) (ifile mix->sync w=1) (iversion lock) caps={4210=pAsLsXs/-@7} | request lock dirfrag caps dirty waiter authpin 0x7f15bc0074b0]
2011-07-28 21:35:25.169463 7f15c7989710 eval_gather (ifile mix->sync) on [inode 1 [...2,head] / auth v23 ap=3+0 snaprealm=0x7f15bc0179a0 f(v1 m2011-07-28 21:35:25.001595 9=8+1) n(v1 rc2011-07-28 21:26:19.116099 7=6+1)/n(v0 1=0+1) (isnap sync r=1) (inest lock w=1) (ifile mix->sync) (iversion lock) caps={4210=pAsLsXs/-@7} | request lock dirfrag caps dirty waiter authpin 0x7f15bc0074b0]
2011-07-28 21:35:25.169475 7f15c7989710 next state is sync issued/allows loner /scr xlocker /scr other /scr
2011-07-28 21:35:25.169504 7f15c7989710 eval_gather finished gather on (ifile mix->sync) on [inode 1 [...2,head] / auth v23 ap=3+0 snaprealm=0x7f15bc0179a0 f(v1 m2011-07-28 21:35:25.001595 9=8+1) n(v1 rc2011-07-28 21:26:19.116099 7=6+1)/n(v0 1=0+1) (isnap sync r=1) (inest lock w=1) (ifile mix->sync) (iversion lock) caps={4210=pAsLsXs/-@7} | request lock dirfrag caps dirty waiter authpin 0x7f15bc0074b0]
2011-07-28 21:35:25.169526 7f15c7989710 mds0.cache.ino(1) auth_unpin by 0x7f15bc007c00 on [inode 1 [...2,head] / auth v23 ap=2+0 snaprealm=0x7f15bc0179a0 f(v1 m2011-07-28 21:35:25.001595 9=8+1) n(v1 rc2011-07-28 21:26:19.116099 7=6+1)/n(v0 1=0+1) (isnap sync r=1) (inest lock w=1) (iversion lock) caps={4210=pAsLsXs/-@7} | request lock dirfrag caps dirty waiter authpin 0x7f15bc0074b0] now 2+0
2011-07-28 21:35:25.169542 7f15c7989710 mds0.server dispatch_client_request client_request(client4210:8 getattr pAsLsXsFs #1)
2011-07-28 21:35:25.169552 7f15c7989710 mds0.server rdlock_path_pin_ref request(client4210:8 cr=0x7f15a4001420) #1
2011-07-28 21:35:25.169565 7f15c7989710 mds0.cache traverse: opening base ino 1 snap head
2011-07-28 21:35:25.169574 7f15c7989710 mds0.cache path_traverse finish on snapid head
2011-07-28 21:35:25.169594 7f15c7989710 mds0.server ref is [inode 1 [...2,head] / auth v23 ap=2+0 snaprealm=0x7f15bc0179a0 f(v1 m2011-07-28 21:35:25.001595 9=8+1) n(v1 rc2011-07-28 21:26:19.116099 7=6+1)/n(v0 1=0+1) (isnap sync r=1) (inest lock w=1) (iversion lock) caps={4210=pAsLsXs/-@7} | request lock dirfrag caps dirty authpin 0x7f15bc0074b0]
2011-07-28 21:35:25.169606 7f15c7989710 acquire_locks request(client4210:8 cr=0x7f15a4001420)
2011-07-28 21:35:25.169627 7f15c7989710 must rdlock (iauth sync) [inode 1 [...2,head] / auth v23 ap=2+0 snaprealm=0x7f15bc0179a0 f(v1 m2011-07-28 21:35:25.001595 9=8+1) n(v1 rc2011-07-28 21:26:19.116099 7=6+1)/n(v0 1=0+1) (isnap sync r=1) (inest lock w=1) (iversion lock) caps={4210=pAsLsXs/-@7} | request lock dirfrag caps dirty authpin 0x7f15bc0074b0]
2011-07-28 21:35:25.169654 7f15c7989710 must rdlock (ilink sync) [inode 1 [...2,head] / auth v23 ap=2+0 snaprealm=0x7f15bc0179a0 f(v1 m2011-07-28 21:35:25.001595 9=8+1) n(v1 rc2011-07-28 21:26:19.116099 7=6+1)/n(v0 1=0+1) (isnap sync r=1) (inest lock w=1) (iversion lock) caps={4210=pAsLsXs/-@7} | request lock dirfrag caps dirty authpin 0x7f15bc0074b0]
2011-07-28 21:35:25.169675 7f15c7989710 must rdlock (ifile sync) [inode 1 [...2,head] / auth v23 ap=2+0 snaprealm=0x7f15bc0179a0 f(v1 m2011-07-28 21:35:25.001595 9=8+1) n(v1 rc2011-07-28 21:26:19.116099 7=6+1)/n(v0 1=0+1) (isnap sync r=1) (inest lock w=1) (iversion lock) caps={4210=pAsLsXs/-@7} | request lock dirfrag caps dirty authpin 0x7f15bc0074b0]
2011-07-28 21:35:25.169695 7f15c7989710 must rdlock (ixattr sync) [inode 1 [...2,head] / auth v23 ap=2+0 snaprealm=0x7f15bc0179a0 f(v1 m2011-07-28 21:35:25.001595 9=8+1) n(v1 rc2011-07-28 21:26:19.116099 7=6+1)/n(v0 1=0+1) (isnap sync r=1) (inest lock w=1) (iversion lock) caps={4210=pAsLsXs/-@7} | request lock dirfrag caps dirty authpin 0x7f15bc0074b0]
2011-07-28 21:35:25.169728 7f15c7989710 must rdlock (isnap sync r=1) [inode 1 [...2,head] / auth v23 ap=2+0 snaprealm=0x7f15bc0179a0 f(v1 m2011-07-28 21:35:25.001595 9=8+1) n(v1 rc2011-07-28 21:26:19.116099 7=6+1)/n(v0 1=0+1) (isnap sync r=1) (inest lock w=1) (iversion lock) caps={4210=pAsLsXs/-@7} | request lock dirfrag caps dirty authpin 0x7f15bc0074b0]
2011-07-28 21:35:25.169749 7f15c7989710 must authpin [inode 1 [...2,head] / auth v23 ap=2+0 snaprealm=0x7f15bc0179a0 f(v1 m2011-07-28 21:35:25.001595 9=8+1) n(v1 rc2011-07-28 21:26:19.116099 7=6+1)/n(v0 1=0+1) (isnap sync r=1) (inest lock w=1) (iversion lock) caps={4210=pAsLsXs/-@7} | request lock dirfrag caps dirty authpin 0x7f15bc0074b0]
2011-07-28 21:35:25.169769 7f15c7989710 must authpin [inode 1 [...2,head] / auth v23 ap=2+0 snaprealm=0x7f15bc0179a0 f(v1 m2011-07-28 21:35:25.001595 9=8+1) n(v1 rc2011-07-28 21:26:19.116099 7=6+1)/n(v0 1=0+1) (isnap sync r=1) (inest lock w=1) (iversion lock) caps={4210=pAsLsXs/-@7} | request lock dirfrag caps dirty authpin 0x7f15bc0074b0]
2011-07-28 21:35:25.169795 7f15c7989710 must authpin [inode 1 [...2,head] / auth v23 ap=2+0 snaprealm=0x7f15bc0179a0 f(v1 m2011-07-28 21:35:25.001595 9=8+1) n(v1 rc2011-07-28 21:26:19.116099 7=6+1)/n(v0 1=0+1) (isnap sync r=1) (inest lock w=1) (iversion lock) caps={4210=pAsLsXs/-@7} | request lock dirfrag caps dirty authpin 0x7f15bc0074b0]
2011-07-28 21:35:25.169815 7f15c7989710 must authpin [inode 1 [...2,head] / auth v23 ap=2+0 snaprealm=0x7f15bc0179a0 f(v1 m2011-07-28 21:35:25.001595 9=8+1) n(v1 rc2011-07-28 21:26:19.116099 7=6+1)/n(v0 1=0+1) (isnap sync r=1) (inest lock w=1) (iversion lock) caps={4210=pAsLsXs/-@7} | request lock dirfrag caps dirty authpin 0x7f15bc0074b0]
2011-07-28 21:35:25.169835 7f15c7989710 must authpin [inode 1 [...2,head] / auth v23 ap=2+0 snaprealm=0x7f15bc0179a0 f(v1 m2011-07-28 21:35:25.001595 9=8+1) n(v1 rc2011-07-28 21:26:19.116099 7=6+1)/n(v0 1=0+1) (isnap sync r=1) (inest lock w=1) (iversion lock) caps={4210=pAsLsXs/-@7} | request lock dirfrag caps dirty authpin 0x7f15bc0074b0]
2011-07-28 21:35:25.169861 7f15c7989710 already auth_pinned [inode 1 [...2,head] / auth v23 ap=2+0 snaprealm=0x7f15bc0179a0 f(v1 m2011-07-28 21:35:25.001595 9=8+1) n(v1 rc2011-07-28 21:26:19.116099 7=6+1)/n(v0 1=0+1) (isnap sync r=1) (inest lock w=1) (iversion lock) caps={4210=pAsLsXs/-@7} | request lock dirfrag caps dirty authpin 0x7f15bc0074b0]
2011-07-28 21:35:25.169880 7f15c7989710 already auth_pinned [inode 1 [...2,head] / auth v23 ap=2+0 snaprealm=0x7f15bc0179a0 f(v1 m2011-07-28 21:35:25.001595 9=8+1) n(v1 rc2011-07-28 21:26:19.116099 7=6+1)/n(v0 1=0+1) (isnap sync r=1) (inest lock w=1) (iversion lock) caps={4210=pAsLsXs/-@7} | request lock dirfrag caps dirty authpin 0x7f15bc0074b0]
2011-07-28 21:35:25.169900 7f15c7989710 already auth_pinned [inode 1 [...2,head] / auth v23 ap=2+0 snaprealm=0x7f15bc0179a0 f(v1 m2011-07-28 21:35:25.001595 9=8+1) n(v1 rc2011-07-28 21:26:19.116099 7=6+1)/n(v0 1=0+1) (isnap sync r=1) (inest lock w=1) (iversion lock) caps={4210=pAsLsXs/-@7} | request lock dirfrag caps dirty authpin 0x7f15bc0074b0]
2011-07-28 21:35:25.169926 7f15c7989710 already auth_pinned [inode 1 [...2,head] / auth v23 ap=2+0 snaprealm=0x7f15bc0179a0 f(v1 m2011-07-28 21:35:25.001595 9=8+1) n(v1 rc2011-07-28 21:26:19.116099 7=6+1)/n(v0 1=0+1) (isnap sync r=1) (inest lock w=1) (iversion lock) caps={4210=pAsLsXs/-@7} | request lock dirfrag caps dirty authpin 0x7f15bc0074b0]
2011-07-28 21:35:25.169945 7f15c7989710 already auth_pinned [inode 1 [...2,head] / auth v23 ap=2+0 snaprealm=0x7f15bc0179a0 f(v1 m2011-07-28 21:35:25.001595 9=8+1) n(v1 rc2011-07-28 21:26:19.116099 7=6+1)/n(v0 1=0+1) (isnap sync r=1) (inest lock w=1) (iversion lock) caps={4210=pAsLsXs/-@7} | request lock dirfrag caps dirty authpin 0x7f15bc0074b0]
2011-07-28 21:35:25.169967 7f15c7989710 already rdlocked (isnap sync r=1) [inode 1 [...2,head] / auth v23 ap=2+0 snaprealm=0x7f15bc0179a0 f(v1 m2011-07-28 21:35:25.001595 9=8+1) n(v1 rc2011-07-28 21:26:19.116099 7=6+1)/n(v0 1=0+1) (isnap sync r=1) (inest lock w=1) (iversion lock) caps={4210=pAsLsXs/-@7} | request lock dirfrag caps dirty authpin 0x7f15bc0074b0]
2011-07-28 21:35:25.169998 7f15c7989710 rdlock_start on (ifile sync) on [inode 1 [...2,head] / auth v23 ap=2+0 snaprealm=0x7f15bc0179a0 f(v1 m2011-07-28 21:35:25.001595 9=8+1) n(v1 rc2011-07-28 21:26:19.116099 7=6+1)/n(v0 1=0+1) (isnap sync r=1) (inest lock w=1) (iversion lock) caps={4210=pAsLsXs/-@7} | request lock dirfrag caps dirty authpin 0x7f15bc0074b0]
2011-07-28 21:35:25.170022 7f15c7989710 got rdlock on (ifile sync r=1) [inode 1 [...2,head] / auth v23 ap=2+0 snaprealm=0x7f15bc0179a0 f(v1 m2011-07-28 21:35:25.001595 9=8+1) n(v1 rc2011-07-28 21:26:19.116099 7=6+1)/n(v0 1=0+1) (isnap sync r=1) (inest lock w=1) (ifile sync r=1) (iversion lock) caps={4210=pAsLsXs/-@7} | request lock dirfrag caps dirty authpin 0x7f15bc0074b0]
2011-07-28 21:35:25.170049 7f15c7989710 rdlock_start on (iauth sync) on [inode 1 [...2,head] / auth v23 ap=2+0 snaprealm=0x7f15bc0179a0 f(v1 m2011-07-28 21:35:25.001595 9=8+1) n(v1 rc2011-07-28 21:26:19.116099 7=6+1)/n(v0 1=0+1) (isnap sync r=1) (inest lock w=1) (ifile sync r=1) (iversion lock) caps={4210=pAsLsXs/-@7} | request lock dirfrag caps dirty authpin 0x7f15bc0074b0]
2011-07-28 21:35:25.170072 7f15c7989710 got rdlock on (iauth sync r=1) [inode 1 [...2,head] / auth v23 ap=2+0 snaprealm=0x7f15bc0179a0 f(v1 m2011-07-28 21:35:25.001595 9=8+1) n(v1 rc2011-07-28 21:26:19.116099 7=6+1)/n(v0 1=0+1) (iauth sync r=1) (isnap sync r=1) (inest lock w=1) (ifile sync r=1) (iversion lock) caps={4210=pAsLsXs/-@7} | request lock dirfrag caps dirty authpin 0x7f15bc0074b0]
2011-07-28 21:35:25.170093 7f15c7989710 rdlock_start on (ilink sync) on [inode 1 [...2,head] / auth v23 ap=2+0 snaprealm=0x7f15bc0179a0 f(v1 m2011-07-28 21:35:25.001595 9=8+1) n(v1 rc2011-07-28 21:26:19.116099 7=6+1)/n(v0 1=0+1) (iauth sync r=1) (isnap sync r=1) (inest lock w=1) (ifile sync r=1) (iversion lock) caps={4210=pAsLsXs/-@7} | request lock dirfrag caps dirty authpin 0x7f15bc0074b0]
2011-07-28 21:35:25.170121 7f15c7989710 got rdlock on (ilink sync r=1) [inode 1 [...2,head] / auth v23 ap=2+0 snaprealm=0x7f15bc0179a0 f(v1 m2011-07-28 21:35:25.001595 9=8+1) n(v1 rc2011-07-28 21:26:19.116099 7=6+1)/n(v0 1=0+1) (iauth sync r=1) (ilink sync r=1) (isnap sync r=1) (inest lock w=1) (ifile sync r=1) (iversion lock) caps={4210=pAsLsXs/-@7} | request lock dirfrag caps dirty authpin 0x7f15bc0074b0]
2011-07-28 21:35:25.170144 7f15c7989710 rdlock_start on (ixattr sync) on [inode 1 [...2,head] / auth v23 ap=2+0 snaprealm=0x7f15bc0179a0 f(v1 m2011-07-28 21:35:25.001595 9=8+1) n(v1 rc2011-07-28 21:26:19.116099 7=6+1)/n(v0 1=0+1) (iauth sync r=1) (ilink sync r=1) (isnap sync r=1) (inest lock w=1) (ifile sync r=1) (iversion lock) caps={4210=pAsLsXs/-@7} | request lock dirfrag caps dirty authpin 0x7f15bc0074b0]
2011-07-28 21:35:25.170173 7f15c7989710 got rdlock on (ixattr sync r=1) [inode 1 [...2,head] / auth v23 ap=2+0 snaprealm=0x7f15bc0179a0 f(v1 m2011-07-28 21:35:25.001595 9=8+1) n(v1 rc2011-07-28 21:26:19.116099 7=6+1)/n(v0 1=0+1) (iauth sync r=1) (ilink sync r=1) (isnap sync r=1) (inest lock w=1) (ifile sync r=1) (ixattr sync r=1) (iversion lock) caps={4210=pAsLsXs/-@7} | request lock dirfrag caps dirty authpin 0x7f15bc0074b0]
2011-07-28 21:35:25.170189 7f15c7989710 mds0.server reply to stat on client_request(client4210:8 getattr pAsLsXsFs #1)
2011-07-28 21:35:25.170203 7f15c7989710 mds0.server reply_request 0 (Success) client_request(client4210:8 getattr pAsLsXsFs #1)
2011-07-28 21:35:25.170211 7f15c7989710 mds0.server apply_allocated_inos 0 / [] / 0
2011-07-28 21:35:25.170230 7f15c7989710 mds0.server lat 0.027337
2011-07-28 21:35:25.170239 7f15c7989710 mds0.server set_trace_dist snapid head
2011-07-28 21:35:25.170250 7f15c7989710 mds0.server set_trace_dist snaprealm snaprealm(1 seq 1 lc 0 cr 0 cps 1 snaps={} 0x7f15bc0179a0) len=48
2011-07-28 21:35:25.170283 7f15c7989710 mds0.cache.ino(1) pfile 0 pauth 0 plink 0 pxattr 0 plocal 0 ctime 2011-07-28 21:35:25.001595 valid=1
2011-07-28 21:35:25.170298 7f15c7989710 mds0.cache.ino(1) encode_inodestat issueing pAsLsXsFs seq 8
2011-07-28 21:35:25.170310 7f15c7989710 mds0.cache.ino(1) encode_inodestat caps pAsLsXsFs seq 8 mseq 0 xattrv 0 len 0
2011-07-28 21:35:25.170344 7f15c7989710 mds0.server set_trace_dist added in [inode 1 [...2,head] / auth v23 ap=2+0 snaprealm=0x7f15bc0179a0 f(v1 m2011-07-28 21:35:25.001595 9=8+1) n(v1 rc2011-07-28 21:26:19.116099 7=6+1)/n(v0 1=0+1) (iauth sync r=1) (ilink sync r=1) (isnap sync r=1) (inest lock w=1) (ifile sync r=1) (ixattr sync r=1) (iversion lock) caps={4210=pAsLsXsFs/-@8} | request lock dirfrag caps dirty authpin 0x7f15bc0074b0]
2011-07-28 21:35:25.170363 7f15c7989710 mds0.cache request_finish request(client4210:8 cr=0x7f15a4001420)
2011-07-28 21:35:25.170372 7f15c7989710 mds0.cache request_cleanup request(client4210:8 cr=0x7f15a4001420)
2011-07-28 21:35:25.170410 7f15c7989710 rdlock_finish on (iauth sync) on [inode 1 [...2,head] / auth v23 ap=2+0 snaprealm=0x7f15bc0179a0 f(v1 m2011-07-28 21:35:25.001595 9=8+1) n(v1 rc2011-07-28 21:26:19.116099 7=6+1)/n(v0 1=0+1) (ilink sync r=1) (isnap sync r=1) (inest lock w=1) (ifile sync r=1) (ixattr sync r=1) (iversion lock) caps={4210=pAsLsXsFs/-@8} | request lock dirfrag caps dirty authpin 0x7f15bc0074b0]
2011-07-28 21:35:25.170436 7f15c7989710 simple_eval (iauth sync) on [inode 1 [...2,head] / auth v23 ap=2+0 snaprealm=0x7f15bc0179a0 f(v1 m2011-07-28 21:35:25.001595 9=8+1) n(v1 rc2011-07-28 21:26:19.116099 7=6+1)/n(v0 1=0+1) (ilink sync r=1) (isnap sync r=1) (inest lock w=1) (ifile sync r=1) (ixattr sync r=1) (iversion lock) caps={4210=pAsLsXsFs/-@8} | request lock dirfrag caps dirty authpin 0x7f15bc0074b0]
2011-07-28 21:35:25.170462 7f15c7989710 rdlock_finish on (ilink sync) on [inode 1 [...2,head] / auth v23 ap=2+0 snaprealm=0x7f15bc0179a0 f(v1 m2011-07-28 21:35:25.001595 9=8+1) n(v1 rc2011-07-28 21:26:19.116099 7=6+1)/n(v0 1=0+1) (isnap sync r=1) (inest lock w=1) (ifile sync r=1) (ixattr sync r=1) (iversion lock) caps={4210=pAsLsXsFs/-@8} | request lock dirfrag caps dirty authpin 0x7f15bc0074b0]
2011-07-28 21:35:25.170492 7f15c7989710 simple_eval (ilink sync) on [inode 1 [...2,head] / auth v23 ap=2+0 snaprealm=0x7f15bc0179a0 f(v1 m2011-07-28 21:35:25.001595 9=8+1) n(v1 rc2011-07-28 21:26:19.116099 7=6+1)/n(v0 1=0+1) (isnap sync r=1) (inest lock w=1) (ifile sync r=1) (ixattr sync r=1) (iversion lock) caps={4210=pAsLsXsFs/-@8} | request lock dirfrag caps dirty authpin 0x7f15bc0074b0]
2011-07-28 21:35:25.170516 7f15c7989710 rdlock_finish on (ifile sync) on [inode 1 [...2,head] / auth v23 ap=2+0 snaprealm=0x7f15bc0179a0 f(v1 m2011-07-28 21:35:25.001595 9=8+1) n(v1 rc2011-07-28 21:26:19.116099 7=6+1)/n(v0 1=0+1) (isnap sync r=1) (inest lock w=1) (ixattr sync r=1) (iversion lock) caps={4210=pAsLsXsFs/-@8} | request lock dirfrag caps dirty authpin 0x7f15bc0074b0]
2011-07-28 21:35:25.170546 7f15c7989710 file_eval wanted= loner_wanted= other_wanted= filelock=(ifile sync) on [inode 1 [...2,head] / auth v23 ap=2+0 snaprealm=0x7f15bc0179a0 f(v1 m2011-07-28 21:35:25.001595 9=8+1) n(v1 rc2011-07-28 21:26:19.116099 7=6+1)/n(v0 1=0+1) (isnap sync r=1) (inest lock w=1) (ixattr sync r=1) (iversion lock) caps={4210=pAsLsXsFs/-@8} | request lock dirfrag caps dirty authpin 0x7f15bc0074b0]
2011-07-28 21:35:25.170570 7f15c7989710 rdlock_finish on (ixattr sync) on [inode 1 [...2,head] / auth v23 ap=2+0 snaprealm=0x7f15bc0179a0 f(v1 m2011-07-28 21:35:25.001595 9=8+1) n(v1 rc2011-07-28 21:26:19.116099 7=6+1)/n(v0 1=0+1) (isnap sync r=1) (inest lock w=1) (iversion lock) caps={4210=pAsLsXsFs/-@8} | request lock dirfrag caps dirty authpin 0x7f15bc0074b0]
2011-07-28 21:35:25.170592 7f15c7989710 simple_eval (ixattr sync) on [inode 1 [...2,head] / auth v23 ap=2+0 snaprealm=0x7f15bc0179a0 f(v1 m2011-07-28 21:35:25.001595 9=8+1) n(v1 rc2011-07-28 21:26:19.116099 7=6+1)/n(v0 1=0+1) (isnap sync r=1) (inest lock w=1) (iversion lock) caps={4210=pAsLsXsFs/-@8} | request lock dirfrag caps dirty authpin 0x7f15bc0074b0]
2011-07-28 21:35:25.170630 7f15c7989710 rdlock_finish on (isnap sync) on [inode 1 [...2,head] / auth v23 ap=2+0 snaprealm=0x7f15bc0179a0 f(v1 m2011-07-28 21:35:25.001595 9=8+1) n(v1 rc2011-07-28 21:26:19.116099 7=6+1)/n(v0 1=0+1) (inest lock w=1) (iversion lock) caps={4210=pAsLsXsFs/-@8} | request lock dirfrag caps dirty authpin 0x7f15bc0074b0]
2011-07-28 21:35:25.170652 7f15c7989710 simple_eval (isnap sync) on [inode 1 [...2,head] / auth v23 ap=2+0 snaprealm=0x7f15bc0179a0 f(v1 m2011-07-28 21:35:25.001595 9=8+1) n(v1 rc2011-07-28 21:26:19.116099 7=6+1)/n(v0 1=0+1) (inest lock w=1) (iversion lock) caps={4210=pAsLsXsFs/-@8} | request lock dirfrag caps dirty authpin 0x7f15bc0074b0]
2011-07-28 21:35:25.170673 7f15c7989710 mds0.cache.ino(1) auth_unpin by 0x7f15bc020960 on [inode 1 [...2,head] / auth v23 ap=1+0 snaprealm=0x7f15bc0179a0 f(v1 m2011-07-28 21:35:25.001595 9=8+1) n(v1 rc2011-07-28 21:26:19.116099 7=6+1)/n(v0 1=0+1) (inest lock w=1) (iversion lock) caps={4210=pAsLsXsFs/-@8} | request lock dirfrag caps dirty authpin 0x7f15bc0074b0] now 1+0
2011-07-28 21:35:25.170715 7f15c7989710 file_eval wanted= loner_wanted= other_wanted= filelock=(ifile sync) on [inode 1 [...2,head] / auth v23 ap=1+0 snaprealm=0x7f15bc0179a0 f(v1 m2011-07-28 21:35:25.001595 9=8+1) n(v1 rc2011-07-28 21:26:19.116099 7=6+1)/n(v0 1=0+1) (inest lock w=1) (iversion lock) caps={4210=pAsLsXsFs/-@8} | lock dirfrag caps dirty authpin 0x7f15bc0074b0]
2011-07-28 21:35:25.170739 7f15c7989710 wrlock_finish on (inest lock w=1) on [inode 1 [...2,head] / auth v23 ap=1+0 snaprealm=0x7f15bc0179a0 f(v1 m2011-07-28 21:35:25.001595 9=8+1) n(v1 rc2011-07-28 21:26:19.116099 7=6+1)/n(v0 1=0+1) (inest lock w=1) (iversion lock) caps={4210=pAsLsXsFs/-@8} | lock dirfrag caps dirty authpin 0x7f15bc0074b0]
2011-07-28 21:35:25.170768 7f15c7989710 scatter_eval (inest lock) on [inode 1 [...2,head] / auth v23 ap=1+0 snaprealm=0x7f15bc0179a0 f(v1 m2011-07-28 21:35:25.001595 9=8+1) n(v1 rc2011-07-28 21:26:19.116099 7=6+1)/n(v0 1=0+1) (inest lock) (iversion lock) caps={4210=pAsLsXsFs/-@8} | dirfrag caps dirty authpin 0x7f15bc0074b0]
2011-07-28 21:35:25.170797 7f15c7989710 issue_caps allowed=pAsLsXsFscr, xlocker allowed=pAsLsXsFscr on [inode 1 [...2,head] / auth v23 ap=1+0 snaprealm=0x7f15bc0179a0 f(v1 m2011-07-28 21:35:25.001595 9=8+1) n(v1 rc2011-07-28 21:26:19.116099 7=6+1)/n(v0 1=0+1) (inest lock) (iversion lock) caps={4210=pAsLsXsFs/-@8} | dirfrag caps dirty authpin 0x7f15bc0074b0]
2011-07-28 21:35:25.170811 7f15c7989710 client4210 pending pAsLsXsFs allowed pAsLsXsFscr wanted -
2011-07-28 21:35:25.170824 7f15c7989710 mds0.cache request_finish request(client4210:7 cr=0x7f15a40011a0)
2011-07-28 21:35:25.170831 7f15c7989710 mds0.cache request_cleanup request(client4210:7 cr=0x7f15a40011a0)
2011-07-28 21:35:25.170861 7f15c7989710 mds0.cache.dir(1) auth_unpin by 0x7f15bc017ee0 on [dir 1 / [2,head] auth v=43 cv=0/0 dir_auth=0 ap=0+1+1 state=1610612738|complete f(v1 m2011-07-28 21:35:25.001595 9=8+1) n(v1 rc2011-07-28 21:35:25.001595 9=8+1)/n(v1 rc2011-07-28 21:26:19.116099 7=6+1) hs=9+0,ss=0+0 dirty=8 | child subtree dirty 0x7f1588001540] count now 0 + 1
2011-07-28 21:35:25.170876 7f15c7989710 mds0.cache.den(1 foo43) auth_unpin by 0x7f15bc017ee0 on [dentry #1/foo43 [2,head] auth (dn sync l=1) (dversion lock) v=42 inode=0x7f15bc011c30 | request inodepin dirty clientlease 0x7f158800c788] now 0+0
2011-07-28 21:35:25.170895 7f15c7989710 mds0.cache.dir(1) adjust_nested_auth_pins -1/-1 on [dir 1 / [2,head] auth v=43 cv=0/0 dir_auth=0 state=1610612738|complete f(v1 m2011-07-28 21:35:25.001595 9=8+1) n(v1 rc2011-07-28 21:35:25.001595 9=8+1)/n(v1 rc2011-07-28 21:26:19.116099 7=6+1) hs=9+0,ss=0+0 dirty=8 | child subtree dirty 0x7f1588001540] by 0x7f15bc017ee0 count now 0 + 0
2011-07-28 21:35:25.170931 7f15c7989710 mds0.cache.ino(1) auth_unpin by 0x7f15bc017ee0 on [inode 1 [...2,head] / auth v23 snaprealm=0x7f15bc0179a0 f(v1 m2011-07-28 21:35:25.001595 9=8+1) n(v1 rc2011-07-28 21:26:19.116099 7=6+1)/n(v0 1=0+1) (inest lock) (iversion lock) caps={4210=pAsLsXsFs/-@8} | dirfrag caps dirty 0x7f15bc0074b0] now 0+0
2011-07-28 21:35:26.686376 7f15c6886710 mds0.cache trim max=100000 cur=20
2011-07-28 21:35:26.686419 7f15c6886710 mds0.cache trim_client_leases
2011-07-28 21:35:26.701788 7f15c6886710 mds0.cache trim_client_leases pool 1 trimmed 0 leases, 2 left
2011-07-28 21:35:26.702340 7f15c6886710 mds0.cache check_memory_usage total 1094760, rss 3812, heap 88308, malloc 81 mmap 0, baseline 86212, buffers 0, max 1048576, 3 / 22 inodes have caps, 3 caps, 0.136364 caps per inode
2011-07-28 21:35:26.702357 7f15c6886710 mds0.log trim 2 / 30 segments, 32 / -1 events, 0 (0) expiring, 0 (0) expired
2011-07-28 21:35:26.702418 7f15c6886710 mds0.bal get_load mdsload<[0,1.17217 2.34434]/[0,0.851343 1.70269], req 0, hr 0, qlen 0, cpu 0>
2011-07-28 21:35:26.702466 7f15c6886710 scatter_tick
2011-07-28 21:35:26.702478 7f15c6886710 mds0.server find_idle_sessions. laggy until 0.000000
2011-07-28 21:35:26.702494 7f15c6886710 mds0.server laggiest active session is client4210
2011-07-28 21:35:26.702504 7f15c6886710 mds0.server laggiest active session is client4210 and sufficiently new (2011-07-28 21:35:21.616874)
2011-07-28 21:35:26.702513 7f15c6886710 mds0.bal tick last_sample now 2011-07-28 21:35:26.702510
2011-07-28 21:35:26.702521 7f15c6886710 mds0.snap check_osd_map - version unchanged
2011-07-28 21:35:27.708513 7f15c7989710 mds0.server handle_client_request client_request(client4210:9 lookup #1/foo44)
2011-07-28 21:35:27.708551 7f15c7989710 mds0.server get_session have 0x7f15a4000a40 client4210 state open
2011-07-28 21:35:27.708557 7f15c7989710 mds0.server oldest_client_tid=9
2011-07-28 21:35:27.708574 7f15c7989710 mds0.cache request_start request(client4210:9 cr=0x7f15a40011a0)
2011-07-28 21:35:27.708597 7f15c7989710 mds0.server dispatch_client_request client_request(client4210:9 lookup #1/foo44)
2011-07-28 21:35:27.708607 7f15c7989710 mds0.server rdlock_path_pin_ref request(client4210:9 cr=0x7f15a40011a0) #1/foo44
2011-07-28 21:35:27.708616 7f15c7989710 mds0.cache traverse: opening base ino 1 snap head
2011-07-28 21:35:27.708624 7f15c7989710 mds0.cache traverse: path seg depth 0 'foo44' snapid head
2011-07-28 21:35:27.708633 7f15c7989710 mds0.cache.dir(1) lookup (head, 'foo44')
2011-07-28 21:35:27.708643 7f15c7989710 mds0.cache.dir(1) miss -> (foo5,head)
2011-07-28 21:35:27.708670 7f15c7989710 mds0.cache traverse: miss on dentry foo44 in [dir 1 / [2,head] auth v=43 cv=0/0 dir_auth=0 state=1610612738|complete f(v1 m2011-07-28 21:35:25.001595 9=8+1) n(v1 rc2011-07-28 21:35:25.001595 9=8+1)/n(v1 rc2011-07-28 21:26:19.116099 7=6+1) hs=9+0,ss=0+0 dirty=8 | child subtree dirty 0x7f1588001540]
2011-07-28 21:35:27.708698 7f15c7989710 mds0.cache.dir(1) add_null_dentry [dentry #1/foo44 [2,head] auth NULL (dversion lock) pv=0 v=43 inode=0 0x7f158800c960]
2011-07-28 21:35:27.708709 7f15c7989710 mds0.cache added null [dentry #1/foo44 [2,head] auth NULL (dversion lock) pv=0 v=43 inode=0 0x7f158800c960]
2011-07-28 21:35:27.708727 7f15c7989710 mds0.server reply_request -2 (No such file or directory) client_request(client4210:9 lookup #1/foo44)
2011-07-28 21:35:27.708735 7f15c7989710 mds0.server apply_allocated_inos 0 / [] / 0
2011-07-28 21:35:27.708757 7f15c7989710 mds0.server lat 0.001711
2011-07-28 21:35:27.708768 7f15c7989710 mds0.server set_trace_dist snapid head
2011-07-28 21:35:27.708779 7f15c7989710 mds0.server set_trace_dist snaprealm snaprealm(1 seq 1 lc 0 cr 0 cps 1 snaps={} 0x7f15bc0179a0) len=48
2011-07-28 21:35:27.708792 7f15c7989710 mds0.cache.ino(1) pfile 0 pauth 0 plink 0 pxattr 0 plocal 0 ctime 2011-07-28 21:35:25.001595 valid=1
2011-07-28 21:35:27.708807 7f15c7989710 mds0.cache.ino(1) encode_inodestat issueing pAsLsXsFs seq 9
2011-07-28 21:35:27.708842 7f15c7989710 mds0.cache.ino(1) encode_inodestat caps pAsLsXsFs seq 9 mseq 0 xattrv 0 len 0
2011-07-28 21:35:27.708880 7f15c7989710 mds0.server set_trace_dist added diri [inode 1 [...2,head] / auth v23 snaprealm=0x7f15bc0179a0 f(v1 m2011-07-28 21:35:25.001595 9=8+1) n(v1 rc2011-07-28 21:26:19.116099 7=6+1)/n(v0 1=0+1) (inest lock) (iversion lock) caps={4210=pAsLsXsFs/-@9} | dirfrag caps dirty 0x7f15bc0074b0]
2011-07-28 21:35:27.708901 7f15c7989710 mds0.server set_trace_dist added dir [dir 1 / [2,head] auth v=43 cv=0/0 dir_auth=0 state=1610612738|complete f(v1 m2011-07-28 21:35:25.001595 9=8+1) n(v1 rc2011-07-28 21:35:25.001595 9=8+1)/n(v1 rc2011-07-28 21:26:19.116099 7=6+1) hs=9+1,ss=0+0 dirty=8 | child subtree dirty 0x7f1588001540]
2011-07-28 21:35:27.708914 7f15c7989710 issue_client_lease no/null lease on [dentry #1/foo44 [2,head] auth NULL (dversion lock) pv=0 v=43 inode=0 0x7f158800c960]
2011-07-28 21:35:27.708924 7f15c7989710 mds0.server set_trace_dist added dn head [dentry #1/foo44 [2,head] auth NULL (dversion lock) pv=0 v=43 inode=0 0x7f158800c960]
2011-07-28 21:35:27.708952 7f15c7989710 mds0.cache request_finish request(client4210:9 cr=0x7f15a40011a0)
2011-07-28 21:35:27.708961 7f15c7989710 mds0.cache request_cleanup request(client4210:9 cr=0x7f15a40011a0)
2011-07-28 21:35:27.846431 7f15c7989710 mds0.server handle_client_request client_request(client4210:10 mknod #1/foo44)
2011-07-28 21:35:27.846470 7f15c7989710 mds0.server get_session have 0x7f15a4000a40 client4210 state open
2011-07-28 21:35:27.846478 7f15c7989710 mds0.server oldest_client_tid=10
2011-07-28 21:35:27.846491 7f15c7989710 mds0.cache request_start request(client4210:10 cr=0x7f15a40011a0)
2011-07-28 21:35:27.846536 7f15c7989710 process_cap_update client4210 pAsLsXs on [inode 1 [...2,head] / auth v23 snaprealm=0x7f15bc0179a0 f(v1 m2011-07-28 21:35:25.001595 9=8+1) n(v1 rc2011-07-28 21:26:19.116099 7=6+1)/n(v0 1=0+1) (inest lock) (iversion lock) caps={4210=pAsLsXsFs/-@9} | dirfrag caps dirty 0x7f15bc0074b0]
2011-07-28 21:35:27.846563 7f15c7989710 wanted - -> -
2011-07-28 21:35:27.846583 7f15c7989710 eval 2496 [inode 1 [...2,head] / auth v23 snaprealm=0x7f15bc0179a0 f(v1 m2011-07-28 21:35:25.001595 9=8+1) n(v1 rc2011-07-28 21:26:19.116099 7=6+1)/n(v0 1=0+1) (inest lock) (iversion lock) caps={4210=pAsLsXs/-@9} | dirfrag caps dirty 0x7f15bc0074b0]
2011-07-28 21:35:27.846590 7f15c7989710 eval doesn't want loner
2011-07-28 21:35:27.846611 7f15c7989710 file_eval wanted= loner_wanted= other_wanted= filelock=(ifile sync) on [inode 1 [...2,head] / auth v23 snaprealm=0x7f15bc0179a0 f(v1 m2011-07-28 21:35:25.001595 9=8+1) n(v1 rc2011-07-28 21:26:19.116099 7=6+1)/n(v0 1=0+1) (inest lock) (iversion lock) caps={4210=pAsLsXs/-@9} | dirfrag caps dirty 0x7f15bc0074b0]
2011-07-28 21:35:27.846632 7f15c7989710 simple_eval (iauth sync) on [inode 1 [...2,head] / auth v23 snaprealm=0x7f15bc0179a0 f(v1 m2011-07-28 21:35:25.001595 9=8+1) n(v1 rc2011-07-28 21:26:19.116099 7=6+1)/n(v0 1=0+1) (inest lock) (iversion lock) caps={4210=pAsLsXs/-@9} | dirfrag caps dirty 0x7f15bc0074b0]
2011-07-28 21:35:27.846659 7f15c7989710 simple_eval (ilink sync) on [inode 1 [...2,head] / auth v23 snaprealm=0x7f15bc0179a0 f(v1 m2011-07-28 21:35:25.001595 9=8+1) n(v1 rc2011-07-28 21:26:19.116099 7=6+1)/n(v0 1=0+1) (inest lock) (iversion lock) caps={4210=pAsLsXs/-@9} | dirfrag caps dirty 0x7f15bc0074b0]
2011-07-28 21:35:27.846680 7f15c7989710 simple_eval (ixattr sync) on [inode 1 [...2,head] / auth v23 snaprealm=0x7f15bc0179a0 f(v1 m2011-07-28 21:35:25.001595 9=8+1) n(v1 rc2011-07-28 21:26:19.116099 7=6+1)/n(v0 1=0+1) (inest lock) (iversion lock) caps={4210=pAsLsXs/-@9} | dirfrag caps dirty 0x7f15bc0074b0]
2011-07-28 21:35:27.846687 7f15c7989710 eval done
2011-07-28 21:35:27.846698 7f15c7989710 mds0.server dispatch_client_request client_request(client4210:10 mknod #1/foo44)
2011-07-28 21:35:27.846710 7f15c7989710 mds0.server rdlock_path_xlock_dentry request(client4210:10 cr=0x7f15a40011a0) #1/foo44
2011-07-28 21:35:27.846735 7f15c7989710 mds0.server traverse_to_auth_dir dirpath #1 dname foo44
2011-07-28 21:35:27.846744 7f15c7989710 mds0.cache traverse: opening base ino 1 snap head
2011-07-28 21:35:27.846751 7f15c7989710 mds0.cache path_traverse finish on snapid head
2011-07-28 21:35:27.846775 7f15c7989710 mds0.server traverse_to_auth_dir [dir 1 / [2,head] auth v=43 cv=0/0 dir_auth=0 state=1610612738|complete f(v1 m2011-07-28 21:35:25.001595 9=8+1) n(v1 rc2011-07-28 21:35:25.001595 9=8+1)/n(v1 rc2011-07-28 21:26:19.116099 7=6+1) hs=9+1,ss=0+0 dirty=8 | child subtree dirty 0x7f1588001540]
2011-07-28 21:35:27.846792 7f15c7989710 mds0.server rdlock_path_xlock_dentry dir [dir 1 / [2,head] auth v=43 cv=0/0 dir_auth=0 state=1610612738|complete f(v1 m2011-07-28 21:35:25.001595 9=8+1) n(v1 rc2011-07-28 21:35:25.001595 9=8+1)/n(v1 rc2011-07-28 21:26:19.116099 7=6+1) hs=9+1,ss=0+0 dirty=8 | child subtree dirty 0x7f1588001540]
2011-07-28 21:35:27.846816 7f15c7989710 mds0.server prepare_null_dentry foo44 in [dir 1 / [2,head] auth v=43 cv=0/0 dir_auth=0 state=1610612738|complete f(v1 m2011-07-28 21:35:25.001595 9=8+1) n(v1 rc2011-07-28 21:35:25.001595 9=8+1)/n(v1 rc2011-07-28 21:26:19.116099 7=6+1) hs=9+1,ss=0+0 dirty=8 | child subtree dirty 0x7f1588001540]
2011-07-28 21:35:27.846824 7f15c7989710 mds0.cache.dir(1) lookup (head, 'foo44')
2011-07-28 21:35:27.846833 7f15c7989710 mds0.cache.dir(1) hit -> (foo44,head)
2011-07-28 21:35:27.846846 7f15c7989710 acquire_locks request(client4210:10 cr=0x7f15a40011a0)
2011-07-28 21:35:27.846859 7f15c7989710 must xlock (dn sync) [dentry #1/foo44 [2,head] auth NULL (dversion lock) pv=0 v=43 inode=0 0x7f158800c960]
2011-07-28 21:35:27.846871 7f15c7989710 must wrlock (dversion lock) [dentry #1/foo44 [2,head] auth NULL (dversion lock) pv=0 v=43 inode=0 0x7f158800c960]
2011-07-28 21:35:27.846897 7f15c7989710 must wrlock (ifile sync) [inode 1 [...2,head] / auth v23 snaprealm=0x7f15bc0179a0 f(v1 m2011-07-28 21:35:25.001595 9=8+1) n(v1 rc2011-07-28 21:26:19.116099 7=6+1)/n(v0 1=0+1) (inest lock) (iversion lock) caps={4210=pAsLsXs/-@9} | dirfrag caps dirty 0x7f15bc0074b0]
2011-07-28 21:35:27.846923 7f15c7989710 must wrlock (inest lock) [inode 1 [...2,head] / auth v23 snaprealm=0x7f15bc0179a0 f(v1 m2011-07-28 21:35:25.001595 9=8+1) n(v1 rc2011-07-28 21:26:19.116099 7=6+1)/n(v0 1=0+1) (inest lock) (iversion lock) caps={4210=pAsLsXs/-@9} | dirfrag caps dirty 0x7f15bc0074b0]
2011-07-28 21:35:27.846935 7f15c7989710 must rdlock (dn sync) [dentry #1/foo44 [2,head] auth NULL (dversion lock) pv=0 v=43 inode=0 0x7f158800c960]
2011-07-28 21:35:27.846956 7f15c7989710 must rdlock (iauth sync) [inode 1 [...2,head] / auth v23 snaprealm=0x7f15bc0179a0 f(v1 m2011-07-28 21:35:25.001595 9=8+1) n(v1 rc2011-07-28 21:26:19.116099 7=6+1)/n(v0 1=0+1) (inest lock) (iversion lock) caps={4210=pAsLsXs/-@9} | dirfrag caps dirty 0x7f15bc0074b0]
2011-07-28 21:35:27.846985 7f15c7989710 must rdlock (isnap sync) [inode 1 [...2,head] / auth v23 snaprealm=0x7f15bc0179a0 f(v1 m2011-07-28 21:35:25.001595 9=8+1) n(v1 rc2011-07-28 21:26:19.116099 7=6+1)/n(v0 1=0+1) (inest lock) (iversion lock) caps={4210=pAsLsXs/-@9} | dirfrag caps dirty 0x7f15bc0074b0]
2011-07-28 21:35:27.847005 7f15c7989710 must rdlock (ipolicy sync) [inode 1 [...2,head] / auth v23 snaprealm=0x7f15bc0179a0 f(v1 m2011-07-28 21:35:25.001595 9=8+1) n(v1 rc2011-07-28 21:26:19.116099 7=6+1)/n(v0 1=0+1) (inest lock) (iversion lock) caps={4210=pAsLsXs/-@9} | dirfrag caps dirty 0x7f15bc0074b0]
2011-07-28 21:35:27.847016 7f15c7989710 must authpin [dentry #1/foo44 [2,head] auth NULL (dversion lock) pv=0 v=43 inode=0 0x7f158800c960]
2011-07-28 21:35:27.847028 7f15c7989710 must authpin [dentry #1/foo44 [2,head] auth NULL (dversion lock) pv=0 v=43 inode=0 0x7f158800c960]
2011-07-28 21:35:27.847048 7f15c7989710 must authpin [inode 1 [...2,head] / auth v23 snaprealm=0x7f15bc0179a0 f(v1 m2011-07-28 21:35:25.001595 9=8+1) n(v1 rc2011-07-28 21:26:19.116099 7=6+1)/n(v0 1=0+1) (inest lock) (iversion lock) caps={4210=pAsLsXs/-@9} | dirfrag caps dirty 0x7f15bc0074b0]
2011-07-28 21:35:27.847080 7f15c7989710 must authpin [inode 1 [...2,head] / auth v23 snaprealm=0x7f15bc0179a0 f(v1 m2011-07-28 21:35:25.001595 9=8+1) n(v1 rc2011-07-28 21:26:19.116099 7=6+1)/n(v0 1=0+1) (inest lock) (iversion lock) caps={4210=pAsLsXs/-@9} | dirfrag caps dirty 0x7f15bc0074b0]
2011-07-28 21:35:27.847100 7f15c7989710 must authpin [inode 1 [...2,head] / auth v23 snaprealm=0x7f15bc0179a0 f(v1 m2011-07-28 21:35:25.001595 9=8+1) n(v1 rc2011-07-28 21:26:19.116099 7=6+1)/n(v0 1=0+1) (inest lock) (iversion lock) caps={4210=pAsLsXs/-@9} | dirfrag caps dirty 0x7f15bc0074b0]
2011-07-28 21:35:27.847118 7f15c7989710 must authpin [inode 1 [...2,head] / auth v23 snaprealm=0x7f15bc0179a0 f(v1 m2011-07-28 21:35:25.001595 9=8+1) n(v1 rc2011-07-28 21:26:19.116099 7=6+1)/n(v0 1=0+1) (inest lock) (iversion lock) caps={4210=pAsLsXs/-@9} | dirfrag caps dirty 0x7f15bc0074b0]
2011-07-28 21:35:27.847144 7f15c7989710 must authpin [inode 1 [...2,head] / auth v23 snaprealm=0x7f15bc0179a0 f(v1 m2011-07-28 21:35:25.001595 9=8+1) n(v1 rc2011-07-28 21:26:19.116099 7=6+1)/n(v0 1=0+1) (inest lock) (iversion lock) caps={4210=pAsLsXs/-@9} | dirfrag caps dirty 0x7f15bc0074b0]
2011-07-28 21:35:27.847154 7f15c7989710 auth_pinning [dentry #1/foo44 [2,head] auth NULL (dversion lock) pv=0 v=43 inode=0 0x7f158800c960]
2011-07-28 21:35:27.847168 7f15c7989710 mds0.cache.den(1 foo44) auth_pin by 0x7f15bc017ee0 on [dentry #1/foo44 [2,head] auth NULL (dversion lock) pv=0 v=43 ap=1+0 inode=0 | authpin 0x7f158800c960] now 1+0
2011-07-28 21:35:27.847188 7f15c7989710 mds0.cache.dir(1) adjust_nested_auth_pins 1/1 on [dir 1 / [2,head] auth v=43 cv=0/0 dir_auth=0 ap=0+1+1 state=1610612738|complete f(v1 m2011-07-28 21:35:25.001595 9=8+1) n(v1 rc2011-07-28 21:35:25.001595 9=8+1)/n(v1 rc2011-07-28 21:26:19.116099 7=6+1) hs=9+1,ss=0+0 dirty=8 | child subtree dirty 0x7f1588001540] by 0x7f15bc017ee0 count now 0 + 1
2011-07-28 21:35:27.847206 7f15c7989710 already auth_pinned [dentry #1/foo44 [2,head] auth NULL (dversion lock) pv=0 v=43 ap=1+0 inode=0 | authpin 0x7f158800c960]
2011-07-28 21:35:27.847227 7f15c7989710 auth_pinning [inode 1 [...2,head] / auth v23 snaprealm=0x7f15bc0179a0 f(v1 m2011-07-28 21:35:25.001595 9=8+1) n(v1 rc2011-07-28 21:26:19.116099 7=6+1)/n(v0 1=0+1) (inest lock) (iversion lock) caps={4210=pAsLsXs/-@9} | dirfrag caps dirty 0x7f15bc0074b0]
2011-07-28 21:35:27.847249 7f15c7989710 mds0.cache.ino(1) auth_pin by 0x7f15bc017ee0 on [inode 1 [...2,head] / auth v23 ap=1+0 snaprealm=0x7f15bc0179a0 f(v1 m2011-07-28 21:35:25.001595 9=8+1) n(v1 rc2011-07-28 21:26:19.116099 7=6+1)/n(v0 1=0+1) (inest lock) (iversion lock) caps={4210=pAsLsXs/-@9} | dirfrag caps dirty authpin 0x7f15bc0074b0] now 1+0
2011-07-28 21:35:27.847283 7f15c7989710 already auth_pinned [inode 1 [...2,head] / auth v23 ap=1+0 snaprealm=0x7f15bc0179a0 f(v1 m2011-07-28 21:35:25.001595 9=8+1) n(v1 rc2011-07-28 21:26:19.116099 7=6+1)/n(v0 1=0+1) (inest lock) (iversion lock) caps={4210=pAsLsXs/-@9} | dirfrag caps dirty authpin 0x7f15bc0074b0]
2011-07-28 21:35:27.847311 7f15c7989710 already auth_pinned [inode 1 [...2,head] / auth v23 ap=1+0 snaprealm=0x7f15bc0179a0 f(v1 m2011-07-28 21:35:25.001595 9=8+1) n(v1 rc2011-07-28 21:26:19.116099 7=6+1)/n(v0 1=0+1) (inest lock) (iversion lock) caps={4210=pAsLsXs/-@9} | dirfrag caps dirty authpin 0x7f15bc0074b0]
2011-07-28 21:35:27.847330 7f15c7989710 already auth_pinned [inode 1 [...2,head] / auth v23 ap=1+0 snaprealm=0x7f15bc0179a0 f(v1 m2011-07-28 21:35:25.001595 9=8+1) n(v1 rc2011-07-28 21:26:19.116099 7=6+1)/n(v0 1=0+1) (inest lock) (iversion lock) caps={4210=pAsLsXs/-@9} | dirfrag caps dirty authpin 0x7f15bc0074b0]
2011-07-28 21:35:27.847350 7f15c7989710 already auth_pinned [inode 1 [...2,head] / auth v23 ap=1+0 snaprealm=0x7f15bc0179a0 f(v1 m2011-07-28 21:35:25.001595 9=8+1) n(v1 rc2011-07-28 21:26:19.116099 7=6+1)/n(v0 1=0+1) (inest lock) (iversion lock) caps={4210=pAsLsXs/-@9} | dirfrag caps dirty authpin 0x7f15bc0074b0]
2011-07-28 21:35:27.847375 7f15c7989710 local_wrlock_start on (dversion lock) on [dentry #1/foo44 [2,head] auth NULL (dversion lock) pv=0 v=43 ap=1+0 inode=0 | authpin 0x7f158800c960]
2011-07-28 21:35:27.847389 7f15c7989710 got wrlock on (dversion lock w=1 last_client=4210) [dentry #1/foo44 [2,head] auth NULL (dversion lock w=1 last_client=4210) pv=0 v=43 ap=1+0 inode=0 | lock authpin 0x7f158800c960]
2011-07-28 21:35:27.847402 7f15c7989710 xlock_start on (dn sync) on [dentry #1/foo44 [2,head] auth NULL (dversion lock w=1 last_client=4210) pv=0 v=43 ap=1+0 inode=0 | lock authpin 0x7f158800c960]
2011-07-28 21:35:27.847414 7f15c7989710 simple_lock on (dn sync) on [dentry #1/foo44 [2,head] auth NULL (dversion lock w=1 last_client=4210) pv=0 v=43 ap=1+0 inode=0 | lock authpin 0x7f158800c960]
2011-07-28 21:35:27.847433 7f15c7989710 simple_xlock on (dn lock) on [dentry #1/foo44 [2,head] auth NULL (dn lock) (dversion lock w=1 last_client=4210) pv=0 v=43 ap=1+0 inode=0 | lock authpin 0x7f158800c960]
2011-07-28 21:35:27.847445 7f15c7989710 mds0.cache.den(1 foo44) auth_pin by 0x7f158800cab0 on [dentry #1/foo44 [2,head] auth NULL (dn lock) (dversion lock w=1 last_client=4210) pv=0 v=43 ap=2+0 inode=0 | lock authpin 0x7f158800c960] now 2+0
2011-07-28 21:35:27.847465 7f15c7989710 mds0.cache.dir(1) adjust_nested_auth_pins 1/1 on [dir 1 / [2,head] auth v=43 cv=0/0 dir_auth=0 ap=0+2+2 state=1610612738|complete f(v1 m2011-07-28 21:35:25.001595 9=8+1) n(v1 rc2011-07-28 21:35:25.001595 9=8+1)/n(v1 rc2011-07-28 21:26:19.116099 7=6+1) hs=9+1,ss=0+0 dirty=8 | child subtree dirty 0x7f1588001540] by 0x7f158800cab0 count now 0 + 2
2011-07-28 21:35:27.847481 7f15c7989710 got xlock on (dn xlock x=1 by 0x7f15bc017ee0) [dentry #1/foo44 [2,head] auth NULL (dn xlock x=1 by 0x7f15bc017ee0) (dversion lock w=1 last_client=4210) pv=0 v=43 ap=2+0 inode=0 | lock authpin 0x7f158800c960]
2011-07-28 21:35:27.847509 7f15c7989710 rdlock_start on (isnap sync) on [inode 1 [...2,head] / auth v23 ap=1+0 snaprealm=0x7f15bc0179a0 f(v1 m2011-07-28 21:35:25.001595 9=8+1) n(v1 rc2011-07-28 21:26:19.116099 7=6+1)/n(v0 1=0+1) (inest lock) (iversion lock) caps={4210=pAsLsXs/-@9} | dirfrag caps dirty authpin 0x7f15bc0074b0]
2011-07-28 21:35:27.847532 7f15c7989710 got rdlock on (isnap sync r=1) [inode 1 [...2,head] / auth v23 ap=1+0 snaprealm=0x7f15bc0179a0 f(v1 m2011-07-28 21:35:25.001595 9=8+1) n(v1 rc2011-07-28 21:26:19.116099 7=6+1)/n(v0 1=0+1) (isnap sync r=1) (inest lock) (iversion lock) caps={4210=pAsLsXs/-@9} | lock dirfrag caps dirty authpin 0x7f15bc0074b0]
2011-07-28 21:35:27.847553 7f15c7989710 wrlock_start (ifile sync) on [inode 1 [...2,head] / auth v23 ap=1+0 snaprealm=0x7f15bc0179a0 f(v1 m2011-07-28 21:35:25.001595 9=8+1) n(v1 rc2011-07-28 21:26:19.116099 7=6+1)/n(v0 1=0+1) (isnap sync r=1) (inest lock) (iversion lock) caps={4210=pAsLsXs/-@9} | lock dirfrag caps dirty authpin 0x7f15bc0074b0]
2011-07-28 21:35:27.847581 7f15c7989710 scatter_mix (ifile sync) on [inode 1 [...2,head] / auth v23 ap=1+0 snaprealm=0x7f15bc0179a0 f(v1 m2011-07-28 21:35:25.001595 9=8+1) n(v1 rc2011-07-28 21:26:19.116099 7=6+1)/n(v0 1=0+1) (isnap sync r=1) (inest lock) (iversion lock) caps={4210=pAsLsXs/-@9} | lock dirfrag caps dirty authpin 0x7f15bc0074b0]
2011-07-28 21:35:27.847606 7f15c7989710 mds0.cache.ino(1) start_scatter (ifile sync->mix) on [inode 1 [...2,head] / auth v23 ap=1+0 snaprealm=0x7f15bc0179a0 f(v1 m2011-07-28 21:35:25.001595 9=8+1) n(v1 rc2011-07-28 21:26:19.116099 7=6+1)/n(v0 1=0+1) (isnap sync r=1) (inest lock) (ifile sync->mix) (iversion lock) caps={4210=pAsLsXs/-@9} | lock dirfrag caps dirty authpin 0x7f15bc0074b0]
2011-07-28 21:35:27.847624 7f15c7989710 mds0.cache.ino(1) * [dir 1 / [2,head] auth v=43 cv=0/0 dir_auth=0 ap=0+2+2 state=1610612738|complete f(v1 m2011-07-28 21:35:25.001595 9=8+1) n(v1 rc2011-07-28 21:35:25.001595 9=8+1)/n(v1 rc2011-07-28 21:26:19.116099 7=6+1) hs=9+1,ss=0+0 dirty=8 | child subtree dirty 0x7f1588001540]
2011-07-28 21:35:27.847645 7f15c7989710 mds0.cache.ino(1) finish_scatter_update * accounted (ifile sync->mix) scatter stat unchanged at v1
2011-07-28 21:35:27.847680 7f15c7989710 issue_caps allowed=pAsLsXsFrwl, xlocker allowed=pAsLsXsFrwl on [inode 1 [...2,head] / auth v23 ap=1+0 snaprealm=0x7f15bc0179a0 f(v1 m2011-07-28 21:35:25.001595 9=8+1) n(v1 rc2011-07-28 21:26:19.116099 7=6+1)/n(v0 1=0+1) (isnap sync r=1) (inest lock) (ifile mix) (iversion lock) caps={4210=pAsLsXs/-@9} | lock dirfrag caps dirty authpin 0x7f15bc0074b0]
2011-07-28 21:35:27.847696 7f15c7989710 client4210 pending pAsLsXs allowed pAsLsXsFrwl wanted -
2011-07-28 21:35:27.847721 7f15c7989710 got wrlock on (ifile mix w=1) [inode 1 [...2,head] / auth v23 ap=1+0 snaprealm=0x7f15bc0179a0 f(v1 m2011-07-28 21:35:25.001595 9=8+1) n(v1 rc2011-07-28 21:26:19.116099 7=6+1)/n(v0 1=0+1) (isnap sync r=1) (inest lock) (ifile mix w=1) (iversion lock) caps={4210=pAsLsXs/-@9} | lock dirfrag caps dirty authpin 0x7f15bc0074b0]
2011-07-28 21:35:27.847750 7f15c7989710 rdlock_start on (iauth sync) on [inode 1 [...2,head] / auth v23 ap=1+0 snaprealm=0x7f15bc0179a0 f(v1 m2011-07-28 21:35:25.001595 9=8+1) n(v1 rc2011-07-28 21:26:19.116099 7=6+1)/n(v0 1=0+1) (isnap sync r=1) (inest lock) (ifile mix w=1) (iversion lock) caps={4210=pAsLsXs/-@9} | lock dirfrag caps dirty authpin 0x7f15bc0074b0]
2011-07-28 21:35:27.847774 7f15c7989710 got rdlock on (iauth sync r=1) [inode 1 [...2,head] / auth v23 ap=1+0 snaprealm=0x7f15bc0179a0 f(v1 m2011-07-28 21:35:25.001595 9=8+1) n(v1 rc2011-07-28 21:26:19.116099 7=6+1)/n(v0 1=0+1) (iauth sync r=1) (isnap sync r=1) (inest lock) (ifile mix w=1) (iversion lock) caps={4210=pAsLsXs/-@9} | lock dirfrag caps dirty authpin 0x7f15bc0074b0]
2011-07-28 21:35:27.847802 7f15c7989710 wrlock_start (inest lock) on [inode 1 [...2,head] / auth v23 ap=1+0 snaprealm=0x7f15bc0179a0 f(v1 m2011-07-28 21:35:25.001595 9=8+1) n(v1 rc2011-07-28 21:26:19.116099 7=6+1)/n(v0 1=0+1) (iauth sync r=1) (isnap sync r=1) (inest lock) (ifile mix w=1) (iversion lock) caps={4210=pAsLsXs/-@9} | lock dirfrag caps dirty authpin 0x7f15bc0074b0]
2011-07-28 21:35:27.847827 7f15c7989710 got wrlock on (inest lock w=1) [inode 1 [...2,head] / auth v23 ap=1+0 snaprealm=0x7f15bc0179a0 f(v1 m2011-07-28 21:35:25.001595 9=8+1) n(v1 rc2011-07-28 21:26:19.116099 7=6+1)/n(v0 1=0+1) (iauth sync r=1) (isnap sync r=1) (inest lock w=1) (ifile mix w=1) (iversion lock) caps={4210=pAsLsXs/-@9} | lock dirfrag caps dirty authpin 0x7f15bc0074b0]
2011-07-28 21:35:27.847849 7f15c7989710 rdlock_start on (ipolicy sync) on [inode 1 [...2,head] / auth v23 ap=1+0 snaprealm=0x7f15bc0179a0 f(v1 m2011-07-28 21:35:25.001595 9=8+1) n(v1 rc2011-07-28 21:26:19.116099 7=6+1)/n(v0 1=0+1) (iauth sync r=1) (isnap sync r=1) (inest lock w=1) (ifile mix w=1) (iversion lock) caps={4210=pAsLsXs/-@9} | lock dirfrag caps dirty authpin 0x7f15bc0074b0]
2011-07-28 21:35:27.847878 7f15c7989710 got rdlock on (ipolicy sync r=1) [inode 1 [...2,head] / auth v23 ap=1+0 snaprealm=0x7f15bc0179a0 f(v1 m2011-07-28 21:35:25.001595 9=8+1) n(v1 rc2011-07-28 21:26:19.116099 7=6+1)/n(v0 1=0+1) (iauth sync r=1) (isnap sync r=1) (inest lock w=1) (ipolicy sync r=1) (ifile mix w=1) (iversion lock) caps={4210=pAsLsXs/-@9} | lock dirfrag caps dirty authpin 0x7f15bc0074b0]
2011-07-28 21:35:27.847898 7f15c7989710 mds0.server prepare_new_inode used_prealloc 10000000008 ([10000000009~3e7], 999 left)
2011-07-28 21:35:27.847911 7f15c7989710 mds0.inotable: project_alloc_ids [100000003f0~1] to [100000003f1~1fffffffc0e]/[100000003f0~1fffffffc0f]
2011-07-28 21:35:27.847919 7f15c7989710 mds0.server prepare_new_inode prealloc [100000003f0~1]
2011-07-28 21:35:27.847926 7f15c7989710 mds0.server dir mode 040755 new mode 0100644
2011-07-28 21:35:27.847951 7f15c7989710 mds0.server prepare_new_inode [inode 10000000008 [2,head] #10000000008 auth v1 s=0 n() (iversion lock) 0x7f15bc012490]
2011-07-28 21:35:27.847960 7f15c7989710 mds0.cache.dir(1) pre_dirty 44
2011-07-28 21:35:27.847974 7f15c7989710 mds0.cache.den(1 foo44) pre_dirty [dentry #1/foo44 [2,head] auth NULL (dn xlock x=1 by 0x7f15bc017ee0) (dversion lock w=1 last_client=4210) pv=44 v=43 ap=2+0 inode=0 | lock authpin 0x7f158800c960]
2011-07-28 21:35:27.847981 7f15c7989710 mds0.server setting a client_range too, since this is a regular file
2011-07-28 21:35:27.847998 7f15c7989710 issue_new_caps for mode 3 on [inode 10000000008 [2,head] {#10000000008 /foo44} auth v44 s=0 n(v0 1=1+0)/n() (iversion lock) cr={4210=0-4194304@1} 0x7f15bc012490]
2011-07-28 21:35:27.848009 7f15c7989710 mds0.cache.ino(10000000008) add_client_cap first cap, joining realm snaprealm(1 seq 1 lc 0 cr 0 cps 1 snaps={} 0x7f15bc0179a0)
2011-07-28 21:35:27.848032 7f15c7989710 eval 2496 [inode 10000000008 [2,head] {#10000000008 /foo44} auth v44 s=0 n(v0 1=1+0)/n() (iversion lock) cr={4210=0-4194304@1} caps={4210=-/pAsxXsxFsxcrwb@0} | caps 0x7f15bc012490]
2011-07-28 21:35:27.848048 7f15c7989710 eval set loner to client4210
2011-07-28 21:35:27.848071 7f15c7989710 file_eval wanted=sxcrwb loner_wanted=sxcrwb other_wanted= filelock=(ifile sync) on [inode 10000000008 [2,head] {#10000000008 /foo44} auth v44 s=0 n(v0 1=1+0)/n() (iversion lock) cr={4210=0-4194304@1} caps={4210=-/pAsxXsxFsxcrwb@0},l=4210 | caps 0x7f15bc012490]
2011-07-28 21:35:27.848091 7f15c7989710 file_eval stable, bump to loner (ifile sync) on [inode 10000000008 [2,head] {#10000000008 /foo44} auth v44 s=0 n(v0 1=1+0)/n() (iversion lock) cr={4210=0-4194304@1} caps={4210=-/pAsxXsxFsxcrwb@0},l=4210 | caps 0x7f15bc012490]
2011-07-28 21:35:27.848110 7f15c7989710 file_excl (ifile sync) on [inode 10000000008 [2,head] {#10000000008 /foo44} auth v44 s=0 n(v0 1=1+0)/n() (iversion lock) cr={4210=0-4194304@1} caps={4210=-/pAsxXsxFsxcrwb@0},l=4210 | caps 0x7f15bc012490]
2011-07-28 21:35:27.848137 7f15c7989710 simple_eval (iauth sync) on [inode 10000000008 [2,head] {#10000000008 /foo44} auth v44 s=0 n(v0 1=1+0)/n() (ifile excl) (iversion lock) cr={4210=0-4194304@1} caps={4210=-/pAsxXsxFsxcrwb@0},l=4210 | caps 0x7f15bc012490]
2011-07-28 21:35:27.848157 7f15c7989710 simple_eval stable, going to excl (iauth sync) on [inode 10000000008 [2,head] {#10000000008 /foo44} auth v44 s=0 n(v0 1=1+0)/n() (ifile excl) (iversion lock) cr={4210=0-4194304@1} caps={4210=-/pAsxXsxFsxcrwb@0},l=4210 | caps 0x7f15bc012490]
2011-07-28 21:35:27.848176 7f15c7989710 simple_excl on (iauth sync) on [inode 10000000008 [2,head] {#10000000008 /foo44} auth v44 s=0 n(v0 1=1+0)/n() (ifile excl) (iversion lock) cr={4210=0-4194304@1} caps={4210=-/pAsxXsxFsxcrwb@0},l=4210 | caps 0x7f15bc012490]
2011-07-28 21:35:27.848196 7f15c7989710 simple_eval (ilink sync) on [inode 10000000008 [2,head] {#10000000008 /foo44} auth v44 s=0 n(v0 1=1+0)/n() (iauth excl) (ifile excl) (iversion lock) cr={4210=0-4194304@1} caps={4210=-/pAsxXsxFsxcrwb@0},l=4210 | caps 0x7f15bc012490]
2011-07-28 21:35:27.848223 7f15c7989710 simple_eval (ixattr sync) on [inode 10000000008 [2,head] {#10000000008 /foo44} auth v44 s=0 n(v0 1=1+0)/n() (iauth excl) (ifile excl) (iversion lock) cr={4210=0-4194304@1} caps={4210=-/pAsxXsxFsxcrwb@0},l=4210 | caps 0x7f15bc012490]
2011-07-28 21:35:27.848242 7f15c7989710 simple_eval stable, going to excl (ixattr sync) on [inode 10000000008 [2,head] {#10000000008 /foo44} auth v44 s=0 n(v0 1=1+0)/n() (iauth excl) (ifile excl) (iversion lock) cr={4210=0-4194304@1} caps={4210=-/pAsxXsxFsxcrwb@0},l=4210 | caps 0x7f15bc012490]
2011-07-28 21:35:27.848261 7f15c7989710 simple_excl on (ixattr sync) on [inode 10000000008 [2,head] {#10000000008 /foo44} auth v44 s=0 n(v0 1=1+0)/n() (iauth excl) (ifile excl) (iversion lock) cr={4210=0-4194304@1} caps={4210=-/pAsxXsxFsxcrwb@0},l=4210 | caps 0x7f15bc012490]
2011-07-28 21:35:27.848311 7f15c7989710 scatter_eval (inest sync) on [inode 10000000008 [2,head] {#10000000008 /foo44} auth v44 s=0 n(v0 1=1+0)/n() (iauth excl) (ifile excl) (ixattr excl) (iversion lock) cr={4210=0-4194304@1} caps={4210=-/pAsxXsxFsxcrwb@0},l=4210 | caps 0x7f15bc012490]
2011-07-28 21:35:27.848333 7f15c7989710 simple_lock on (inest sync) on [inode 10000000008 [2,head] {#10000000008 /foo44} auth v44 s=0 n(v0 1=1+0)/n() (iauth excl) (ifile excl) (ixattr excl) (iversion lock) cr={4210=0-4194304@1} caps={4210=-/pAsxXsxFsxcrwb@0},l=4210 | caps 0x7f15bc012490]
2011-07-28 21:35:27.848353 7f15c7989710 simple_eval (iflock sync) on [inode 10000000008 [2,head] {#10000000008 /foo44} auth v44 s=0 n(v0 1=1+0)/n() (iauth excl) (ifile excl) (ixattr excl) (iversion lock) cr={4210=0-4194304@1} caps={4210=-/pAsxXsxFsxcrwb@0},l=4210 | caps 0x7f15bc012490]
2011-07-28 21:35:27.848373 7f15c7989710 simple_eval (ipolicy sync) on [inode 10000000008 [2,head] {#10000000008 /foo44} auth v44 s=0 n(v0 1=1+0)/n() (iauth excl) (ifile excl) (ixattr excl) (iversion lock) cr={4210=0-4194304@1} caps={4210=-/pAsxXsxFsxcrwb@0},l=4210 | caps 0x7f15bc012490]
2011-07-28 21:35:27.848410 7f15c7989710 issue_caps loner client4210 allowed=pAsxLsXsxFsxcrwbl, xlocker allowed=pAsxLsXsxFsxcrwbl, others allowed=pLs on [inode 10000000008 [2,head] {#10000000008 /foo44} auth v44 s=0 n(v0 1=1+0)/n() (iauth excl) (ifile excl) (ixattr excl) (iversion lock) cr={4210=0-4194304@1} caps={4210=-/pAsxXsxFsxcrwb@0},l=4210 | caps 0x7f15bc012490]
2011-07-28 21:35:27.848427 7f15c7989710 client4210 pending - allowed pAsxLsXsxFsxcrwbl wanted pAsxXsxFsxcrwb
2011-07-28 21:35:27.848435 7f15c7989710 suppressed and !revoke, skipping client4210
2011-07-28 21:35:27.848441 7f15c7989710 eval done
2011-07-28 21:35:27.848447 7f15c7989710 mds0.server mknod mode 33188 rdev 0
2011-07-28 21:35:27.848460 7f15c7989710 mds0.server journal_allocated_inos sessionmapv 19 inotablev 12
2011-07-28 21:35:27.848489 7f15c7989710 mds0.cache predirty_journal_parents do_parent_mtime linkunlink=1 primary_dn follows head [inode 10000000008 [2,head] {#10000000008 /foo44} auth v44 s=0 n(v0 1=1+0)/n() (iauth excl) (ifile excl) (ixattr excl) (iversion lock) cr={4210=0-4194304@1} caps={4210=AsxXsxFxwb/-@1},l=4210 | caps 0x7f15bc012490]
2011-07-28 21:35:27.848511 7f15c7989710 mds0.cache.dir(1) auth_pin by 0x7f15bc017ee0 on [dir 1 / [2,head] auth v=43 cv=0/0 dir_auth=0 ap=1+2+2 state=1610612738|complete f(v1 m2011-07-28 21:35:25.001595 9=8+1) n(v1 rc2011-07-28 21:35:25.001595 9=8+1)/n(v1 rc2011-07-28 21:26:19.116099 7=6+1) hs=9+1,ss=0+0 dirty=8 | child subtree dirty authpin 0x7f1588001540] count now 1 + 2
2011-07-28 21:35:27.848519 7f15c7989710 mds0.cache.dir(1) project_fnode 0x7f15bc024290
2011-07-28 21:35:27.848526 7f15c7989710 mds0.cache.dir(1) pre_dirty 45
2011-07-28 21:35:27.848544 7f15c7989710 mds0.cache predirty_journal_parents updating mtime on [dir 1 / [2,head] auth pv=45 v=43 cv=0/0 dir_auth=0 ap=1+2+2 state=1610612738|complete f(v1 m2011-07-28 21:35:25.001595 9=8+1) n(v1 rc2011-07-28 21:35:25.001595 9=8+1)/n(v1 rc2011-07-28 21:26:19.116099 7=6+1) hs=9+1,ss=0+0 dirty=8 | child subtree dirty authpin 0x7f1588001540]
2011-07-28 21:35:27.848568 7f15c7989710 mds0.cache predirty_journal_parents updating size on [dir 1 / [2,head] auth pv=45 v=43 cv=0/0 dir_auth=0 ap=1+2+2 state=1610612738|complete f(v1 m2011-07-28 21:35:25.001595 9=8+1) n(v1 rc2011-07-28 21:35:25.001595 9=8+1)/n(v1 rc2011-07-28 21:26:19.116099 7=6+1) hs=9+1,ss=0+0 dirty=8 | child subtree dirty authpin 0x7f1588001540]
2011-07-28 21:35:27.848591 7f15c7989710 mds0.cache projected_rstat_inode_to_frag first 2 linkunlink 1 [inode 10000000008 [2,head] {#10000000008 /foo44} auth v44 s=0 n(v0 1=1+0)/n() (iauth excl) (ifile excl) (ixattr excl) (iversion lock) cr={4210=0-4194304@1} caps={4210=AsxXsxFxwb/-@1},l=4210 | caps 0x7f15bc012490]
2011-07-28 21:35:27.848598 7f15c7989710 mds0.cache frag head is [2,head]
2011-07-28 21:35:27.848616 7f15c7989710 mds0.cache inode update is [2,head]
2011-07-28 21:35:27.848629 7f15c7989710 mds0.cache floor of 2 from parent dn [dentry #1/foo44 [2,head] auth NULL (dn xlock x=1 by 0x7f15bc017ee0) (dversion lock w=1 last_client=4210) pv=44 v=43 ap=2+0 inode=0 | lock authpin 0x7f158800c960]
2011-07-28 21:35:27.848637 7f15c7989710 mds0.cache _project_rstat_inode_to_frag [2,head]
2011-07-28 21:35:27.848644 7f15c7989710 mds0.cache inode rstat n(v0 1=1+0)
2011-07-28 21:35:27.848650 7f15c7989710 mds0.cache inode accounted_rstat n()
2011-07-28 21:35:27.848657 7f15c7989710 mds0.cache delta n(v0 1=1+0)
2011-07-28 21:35:27.848666 7f15c7989710 mds0.cache projecting to head [2,head] n(v1 rc2011-07-28 21:35:27.847888 9=8+1)
2011-07-28 21:35:27.848675 7f15c7989710 mds0.cache project to [2,head] n(v1 rc2011-07-28 21:35:27.847888 9=8+1)
2011-07-28 21:35:27.848694 7f15c7989710 mds0.cache result [2,head] n(v1 rc2011-07-28 21:35:27.847888 10=9+1) [dir 1 / [2,head] auth pv=45 v=43 cv=0/0 dir_auth=0 ap=1+2+2 state=1610612738|complete f(v1 m2011-07-28 21:35:25.001595 9=8+1) n(v1 rc2011-07-28 21:35:25.001595 9=8+1)/n(v1 rc2011-07-28 21:26:19.116099 7=6+1) hs=9+1,ss=0+0 dirty=8 | child subtree dirty authpin 0x7f1588001540]
2011-07-28 21:35:27.848728 7f15c7989710 local_wrlock_grab on (iversion lock) on [inode 1 [...2,head] / auth v23 ap=1+0 snaprealm=0x7f15bc0179a0 f(v1 m2011-07-28 21:35:25.001595 9=8+1) n(v1 rc2011-07-28 21:26:19.116099 7=6+1)/n(v0 1=0+1) (iauth sync r=1) (isnap sync r=1) (inest lock w=1) (ipolicy sync r=1) (ifile mix w=1) (iversion lock) caps={4210=pAsLsXs/-@9} | lock dirfrag caps dirty authpin 0x7f15bc0074b0]
2011-07-28 21:35:27.848742 7f15c7989710 mds0.cache.ino(1) project_inode 0x7f15bc0243c0
2011-07-28 21:35:27.848752 7f15c7989710 mds0.cache predirty_journal_parents add_delta f(v1 m2011-07-28 21:35:27.847888 10=9+1)
2011-07-28 21:35:27.848761 7f15c7989710 mds0.cache predirty_journal_parents - f(v1 m2011-07-28 21:35:25.001595 9=8+1)
2011-07-28 21:35:27.848792 7f15c7989710 mds0.cache predirty_journal_parents gives f(v1 m2011-07-28 21:35:27.847888 10=9+1) on [inode 1 [...2,head] / auth v23 pv24 ap=1+0 snaprealm=0x7f15bc0179a0 f(v1 m2011-07-28 21:35:25.001595 9=8+1) n(v1 rc2011-07-28 21:26:19.116099 7=6+1)/n(v0 1=0+1) (iauth sync r=1) (isnap sync r=1) (inest lock w=1) (ipolicy sync r=1) (ifile mix w=1) (iversion lock w=1 last_client=4210) caps={4210=pAsLsXs/-@9} | lock dirfrag caps dirty authpin 0x7f15bc0074b0]
2011-07-28 21:35:27.848801 7f15c7989710 mds0.journal EMetaBlob::add_dir_context final:
2011-07-28 21:35:27.848823 7f15c7989710 mds0.cache.ino(1) encode_snap_blob snaprealm(1 seq 1 lc 0 cr 0 cps 1 snaps={} 0x7f15bc0179a0)
2011-07-28 21:35:27.848847 7f15c7989710 mds0.server journal_and_reply tracei 0x7f15bc012490 tracedn 0x7f158800c960
2011-07-28 21:35:27.848866 7f15c7989710 set_xlocks_done on (dn xlock x=1 by 0x7f15bc017ee0) [dentry #1/foo44 [2,head] auth NULL (dn xlock x=1 by 0x7f15bc017ee0) (dversion lock w=1 last_client=4210) pv=44 v=43 ap=2+0 inode=0 | request lock authpin 0x7f158800c960]
2011-07-28 21:35:27.848890 7f15c7989710 mds0.server early_reply 0 (Success) client_request(client4210:10 mknod #1/foo44)
2011-07-28 21:35:27.848899 7f15c7989710 mds0.server set_trace_dist snapid head
2011-07-28 21:35:27.848910 7f15c7989710 mds0.server set_trace_dist snaprealm snaprealm(1 seq 1 lc 0 cr 0 cps 1 snaps={} 0x7f15bc0179a0) len=48
2011-07-28 21:35:27.848921 7f15c7989710 mds0.cache.ino(1) pfile 0 pauth 0 plink 0 pxattr 0 plocal 1 ctime 2011-07-28 21:35:27.847888 valid=1
2011-07-28 21:35:27.848935 7f15c7989710 mds0.cache.ino(1) encode_inodestat issueing pAsLsXs seq 10
2011-07-28 21:35:27.848947 7f15c7989710 mds0.cache.ino(1) encode_inodestat caps pAsLsXs seq 10 mseq 0 xattrv 0 len 0
2011-07-28 21:35:27.848980 7f15c7989710 mds0.server set_trace_dist added diri [inode 1 [...2,head] / auth v23 pv24 ap=1+0 snaprealm=0x7f15bc0179a0 f(v1 m2011-07-28 21:35:25.001595 9=8+1) n(v1 rc2011-07-28 21:26:19.116099 7=6+1)/n(v0 1=0+1) (iauth sync r=1) (isnap sync r=1) (inest lock w=1) (ipolicy sync r=1) (ifile mix w=1) (iversion lock w=1 last_client=4210) caps={4210=pAsLsXs/-@10} | lock dirfrag caps dirty authpin 0x7f15bc0074b0]
2011-07-28 21:35:27.849020 7f15c7989710 mds0.server set_trace_dist added dir [dir 1 / [2,head] auth pv=45 v=43 cv=0/0 dir_auth=0 ap=1+2+2 state=1610612738|complete f(v1 m2011-07-28 21:35:25.001595 9=8+1) n(v1 rc2011-07-28 21:35:25.001595 9=8+1)/n(v1 rc2011-07-28 21:26:19.116099 7=6+1) hs=9+1,ss=0+0 dirty=8 | child subtree dirty authpin 0x7f1588001540]
2011-07-28 21:35:27.849031 7f15c7989710 mds0.cache.den(1 foo44) add_client_lease client4210 on (dn xlockdone x=1)
2011-07-28 21:35:27.849050 7f15c7989710 issue_client_lease seq 4 dur 30000ms on [dentry #1/foo44 [2,head] auth NULL (dn xlockdone l=1 x=1) (dversion lock w=1 last_client=4210) pv=44 v=43 ap=2+0 inode=0 | request lock authpin clientlease 0x7f158800c960]
2011-07-28 21:35:27.849063 7f15c7989710 mds0.server set_trace_dist added dn head [dentry #1/foo44 [2,head] auth NULL (dn xlockdone l=1 x=1) (dversion lock w=1 last_client=4210) pv=44 v=43 ap=2+0 inode=0 | request lock authpin clientlease 0x7f158800c960]
2011-07-28 21:35:27.849081 7f15c7989710 mds0.cache.ino(10000000008) pfile 1 pauth 1 plink 1 pxattr 1 plocal 0 ctime 2011-07-28 21:35:27.847888 valid=1
2011-07-28 21:35:27.849097 7f15c7989710 mds0.cache.ino(10000000008) encode_inodestat issueing pAsxLsXsxFsxcrwb seq 2
2011-07-28 21:35:27.849109 7f15c7989710 mds0.cache.ino(10000000008) encode_inodestat caps pAsxLsXsxFsxcrwb seq 2 mseq 0 xattrv 0 len 0
2011-07-28 21:35:27.849133 7f15c7989710 mds0.server set_trace_dist added in [inode 10000000008 [2,head] {#10000000008 /foo44} auth v44 s=0 n(v0 1=1+0) (iauth excl) (ifile excl) (ixattr excl) (iversion lock) cr={4210=0-4194304@1} caps={4210=pAsxLsXsxFsxcrwb/-@2},l=4210 | request caps 0x7f15bc012490]
2011-07-28 21:35:27.849387 7f15c7989710 mds0.server lat 0.002997
2011-07-28 21:35:27.849427 7f15c7989710 mds0.log submit_entry 4224752~1241 : EUpdate mknod [metablob 1, 1 dirs prealloc_ino=[100000003f0~1] used_prealloc_ino=10000000008 v12]
2011-07-28 21:35:27.849521 7f15c7989710 rdlock_finish on (iauth sync) on [inode 1 [...2,head] / auth v23 pv24 ap=1+0 snaprealm=0x7f15bc0179a0 f(v1 m2011-07-28 21:35:25.001595 9=8+1) n(v1 rc2011-07-28 21:26:19.116099 7=6+1)/n(v0 1=0+1) (isnap sync r=1) (inest lock w=1) (ipolicy sync r=1) (ifile mix w=1) (iversion lock w=1 last_client=4210) caps={4210=pAsLsXs/-@10} | lock dirfrag caps dirty authpin 0x7f15bc0074b0]
2011-07-28 21:35:27.849547 7f15c7989710 simple_eval (iauth sync) on [inode 1 [...2,head] / auth v23 pv24 ap=1+0 snaprealm=0x7f15bc0179a0 f(v1 m2011-07-28 21:35:25.001595 9=8+1) n(v1 rc2011-07-28 21:26:19.116099 7=6+1)/n(v0 1=0+1) (isnap sync r=1) (inest lock w=1) (ipolicy sync r=1) (ifile mix w=1) (iversion lock w=1 last_client=4210) caps={4210=pAsLsXs/-@10} | lock dirfrag caps dirty authpin 0x7f15bc0074b0]
2011-07-28 21:35:27.849572 7f15c7989710 rdlock_finish on (isnap sync) on [inode 1 [...2,head] / auth v23 pv24 ap=1+0 snaprealm=0x7f15bc0179a0 f(v1 m2011-07-28 21:35:25.001595 9=8+1) n(v1 rc2011-07-28 21:26:19.116099 7=6+1)/n(v0 1=0+1) (inest lock w=1) (ipolicy sync r=1) (ifile mix w=1) (iversion lock w=1 last_client=4210) caps={4210=pAsLsXs/-@10} | lock dirfrag caps dirty authpin 0x7f15bc0074b0]
2011-07-28 21:35:27.849602 7f15c7989710 simple_eval (isnap sync) on [inode 1 [...2,head] / auth v23 pv24 ap=1+0 snaprealm=0x7f15bc0179a0 f(v1 m2011-07-28 21:35:25.001595 9=8+1) n(v1 rc2011-07-28 21:26:19.116099 7=6+1)/n(v0 1=0+1) (inest lock w=1) (ipolicy sync r=1) (ifile mix w=1) (iversion lock w=1 last_client=4210) caps={4210=pAsLsXs/-@10} | lock dirfrag caps dirty authpin 0x7f15bc0074b0]
2011-07-28 21:35:27.849626 7f15c7989710 rdlock_finish on (ipolicy sync) on [inode 1 [...2,head] / auth v23 pv24 ap=1+0 snaprealm=0x7f15bc0179a0 f(v1 m2011-07-28 21:35:25.001595 9=8+1) n(v1 rc2011-07-28 21:26:19.116099 7=6+1)/n(v0 1=0+1) (inest lock w=1) (ifile mix w=1) (iversion lock w=1 last_client=4210) caps={4210=pAsLsXs/-@10} | lock dirfrag caps dirty authpin 0x7f15bc0074b0]
2011-07-28 21:35:27.849667 7f15c7989710 simple_eval (ipolicy sync) on [inode 1 [...2,head] / auth v23 pv24 ap=1+0 snaprealm=0x7f15bc0179a0 f(v1 m2011-07-28 21:35:25.001595 9=8+1) n(v1 rc2011-07-28 21:26:19.116099 7=6+1)/n(v0 1=0+1) (inest lock w=1) (ifile mix w=1) (iversion lock w=1 last_client=4210) caps={4210=pAsLsXs/-@10} | lock dirfrag caps dirty authpin 0x7f15bc0074b0]
2011-07-28 21:35:27.989439 7f15c7989710 mds0.server handle_client_request client_request(client4210:11 getattr pAsLsXsFs #1)
2011-07-28 21:35:27.989480 7f15c7989710 mds0.server get_session have 0x7f15a4000a40 client4210 state open
2011-07-28 21:35:27.989488 7f15c7989710 mds0.server oldest_client_tid=10
2011-07-28 21:35:27.989501 7f15c7989710 mds0.cache request_start request(client4210:11 cr=0x7f15a4001420)
2011-07-28 21:35:27.989514 7f15c7989710 mds0.server dispatch_client_request client_request(client4210:11 getattr pAsLsXsFs #1)
2011-07-28 21:35:27.989539 7f15c7989710 mds0.server rdlock_path_pin_ref request(client4210:11 cr=0x7f15a4001420) #1
2011-07-28 21:35:27.989548 7f15c7989710 mds0.cache traverse: opening base ino 1 snap head
2011-07-28 21:35:27.989556 7f15c7989710 mds0.cache path_traverse finish on snapid head
2011-07-28 21:35:27.989595 7f15c7989710 mds0.server ref is [inode 1 [...2,head] / auth v23 pv24 ap=1+0 snaprealm=0x7f15bc0179a0 f(v1 m2011-07-28 21:35:25.001595 9=8+1) n(v1 rc2011-07-28 21:26:19.116099 7=6+1)/n(v0 1=0+1) (inest lock w=1) (ifile mix w=1) (iversion lock w=1 last_client=4210) caps={4210=pAsLsXs/-@10} | lock dirfrag caps dirty authpin 0x7f15bc0074b0]
2011-07-28 21:35:27.989608 7f15c7989710 acquire_locks request(client4210:11 cr=0x7f15a4001420)
2011-07-28 21:35:27.989632 7f15c7989710 must rdlock (iauth sync) [inode 1 [...2,head] / auth v23 pv24 ap=1+0 snaprealm=0x7f15bc0179a0 f(v1 m2011-07-28 21:35:25.001595 9=8+1) n(v1 rc2011-07-28 21:26:19.116099 7=6+1)/n(v0 1=0+1) (inest lock w=1) (ifile mix w=1) (iversion lock w=1 last_client=4210) caps={4210=pAsLsXs/-@10} | request lock dirfrag caps dirty authpin 0x7f15bc0074b0]
2011-07-28 21:35:27.989663 7f15c7989710 must rdlock (ilink sync) [inode 1 [...2,head] / auth v23 pv24 ap=1+0 snaprealm=0x7f15bc0179a0 f(v1 m2011-07-28 21:35:25.001595 9=8+1) n(v1 rc2011-07-28 21:26:19.116099 7=6+1)/n(v0 1=0+1) (inest lock w=1) (ifile mix w=1) (iversion lock w=1 last_client=4210) caps={4210=pAsLsXs/-@10} | request lock dirfrag caps dirty authpin 0x7f15bc0074b0]
2011-07-28 21:35:27.989685 7f15c7989710 must rdlock (ifile mix w=1) [inode 1 [...2,head] / auth v23 pv24 ap=1+0 snaprealm=0x7f15bc0179a0 f(v1 m2011-07-28 21:35:25.001595 9=8+1) n(v1 rc2011-07-28 21:26:19.116099 7=6+1)/n(v0 1=0+1) (inest lock w=1) (ifile mix w=1) (iversion lock w=1 last_client=4210) caps={4210=pAsLsXs/-@10} | request lock dirfrag caps dirty authpin 0x7f15bc0074b0]
2011-07-28 21:35:27.989707 7f15c7989710 must rdlock (ixattr sync) [inode 1 [...2,head] / auth v23 pv24 ap=1+0 snaprealm=0x7f15bc0179a0 f(v1 m2011-07-28 21:35:25.001595 9=8+1) n(v1 rc2011-07-28 21:26:19.116099 7=6+1)/n(v0 1=0+1) (inest lock w=1) (ifile mix w=1) (iversion lock w=1 last_client=4210) caps={4210=pAsLsXs/-@10} | request lock dirfrag caps dirty authpin 0x7f15bc0074b0]
2011-07-28 21:35:27.989736 7f15c7989710 must rdlock (isnap sync) [inode 1 [...2,head] / auth v23 pv24 ap=1+0 snaprealm=0x7f15bc0179a0 f(v1 m2011-07-28 21:35:25.001595 9=8+1) n(v1 rc2011-07-28 21:26:19.116099 7=6+1)/n(v0 1=0+1) (inest lock w=1) (ifile mix w=1) (iversion lock w=1 last_client=4210) caps={4210=pAsLsXs/-@10} | request lock dirfrag caps dirty authpin 0x7f15bc0074b0]
2011-07-28 21:35:27.989758 7f15c7989710 must authpin [inode 1 [...2,head] / auth v23 pv24 ap=1+0 snaprealm=0x7f15bc0179a0 f(v1 m2011-07-28 21:35:25.001595 9=8+1) n(v1 rc2011-07-28 21:26:19.116099 7=6+1)/n(v0 1=0+1) (inest lock w=1) (ifile mix w=1) (iversion lock w=1 last_client=4210) caps={4210=pAsLsXs/-@10} | request lock dirfrag caps dirty authpin 0x7f15bc0074b0]
2011-07-28 21:35:27.989801 7f15c7989710 must authpin [inode 1 [...2,head] / auth v23 pv24 ap=1+0 snaprealm=0x7f15bc0179a0 f(v1 m2011-07-28 21:35:25.001595 9=8+1) n(v1 rc2011-07-28 21:26:19.116099 7=6+1)/n(v0 1=0+1) (inest lock w=1) (ifile mix w=1) (iversion lock w=1 last_client=4210) caps={4210=pAsLsXs/-@10} | request lock dirfrag caps dirty authpin 0x7f15bc0074b0]
2011-07-28 21:35:27.989823 7f15c7989710 must authpin [inode 1 [...2,head] / auth v23 pv24 ap=1+0 snaprealm=0x7f15bc0179a0 f(v1 m2011-07-28 21:35:25.001595 9=8+1) n(v1 rc2011-07-28 21:26:19.116099 7=6+1)/n(v0 1=0+1) (inest lock w=1) (ifile mix w=1) (iversion lock w=1 last_client=4210) caps={4210=pAsLsXs/-@10} | request lock dirfrag caps dirty authpin 0x7f15bc0074b0]
2011-07-28 21:35:27.989843 7f15c7989710 must authpin [inode 1 [...2,head] / auth v23 pv24 ap=1+0 snaprealm=0x7f15bc0179a0 f(v1 m2011-07-28 21:35:25.001595 9=8+1) n(v1 rc2011-07-28 21:26:19.116099 7=6+1)/n(v0 1=0+1) (inest lock w=1) (ifile mix w=1) (iversion lock w=1 last_client=4210) caps={4210=pAsLsXs/-@10} | request lock dirfrag caps dirty authpin 0x7f15bc0074b0]
2011-07-28 21:35:27.989870 7f15c7989710 must authpin [inode 1 [...2,head] / auth v23 pv24 ap=1+0 snaprealm=0x7f15bc0179a0 f(v1 m2011-07-28 21:35:25.001595 9=8+1) n(v1 rc2011-07-28 21:26:19.116099 7=6+1)/n(v0 1=0+1) (inest lock w=1) (ifile mix w=1) (iversion lock w=1 last_client=4210) caps={4210=pAsLsXs/-@10} | request lock dirfrag caps dirty authpin 0x7f15bc0074b0]
2011-07-28 21:35:27.989891 7f15c7989710 auth_pinning [inode 1 [...2,head] / auth v23 pv24 ap=1+0 snaprealm=0x7f15bc0179a0 f(v1 m2011-07-28 21:35:25.001595 9=8+1) n(v1 rc2011-07-28 21:26:19.116099 7=6+1)/n(v0 1=0+1) (inest lock w=1) (ifile mix w=1) (iversion lock w=1 last_client=4210) caps={4210=pAsLsXs/-@10} | request lock dirfrag caps dirty authpin 0x7f15bc0074b0]
2011-07-28 21:35:27.989914 7f15c7989710 mds0.cache.ino(1) auth_pin by 0x7f15bc028010 on [inode 1 [...2,head] / auth v23 pv24 ap=2+0 snaprealm=0x7f15bc0179a0 f(v1 m2011-07-28 21:35:25.001595 9=8+1) n(v1 rc2011-07-28 21:26:19.116099 7=6+1)/n(v0 1=0+1) (inest lock w=1) (ifile mix w=1) (iversion lock w=1 last_client=4210) caps={4210=pAsLsXs/-@10} | request lock dirfrag caps dirty authpin 0x7f15bc0074b0] now 2+0
2011-07-28 21:35:27.989943 7f15c7989710 already auth_pinned [inode 1 [...2,head] / auth v23 pv24 ap=2+0 snaprealm=0x7f15bc0179a0 f(v1 m2011-07-28 21:35:25.001595 9=8+1) n(v1 rc2011-07-28 21:26:19.116099 7=6+1)/n(v0 1=0+1) (inest lock w=1) (ifile mix w=1) (iversion lock w=1 last_client=4210) caps={4210=pAsLsXs/-@10} | request lock dirfrag caps dirty authpin 0x7f15bc0074b0]
2011-07-28 21:35:27.989964 7f15c7989710 already auth_pinned [inode 1 [...2,head] / auth v23 pv24 ap=2+0 snaprealm=0x7f15bc0179a0 f(v1 m2011-07-28 21:35:25.001595 9=8+1) n(v1 rc2011-07-28 21:26:19.116099 7=6+1)/n(v0 1=0+1) (inest lock w=1) (ifile mix w=1) (iversion lock w=1 last_client=4210) caps={4210=pAsLsXs/-@10} | request lock dirfrag caps dirty authpin 0x7f15bc0074b0]
2011-07-28 21:35:27.989990 7f15c7989710 already auth_pinned [inode 1 [...2,head] / auth v23 pv24 ap=2+0 snaprealm=0x7f15bc0179a0 f(v1 m2011-07-28 21:35:25.001595 9=8+1) n(v1 rc2011-07-28 21:26:19.116099 7=6+1)/n(v0 1=0+1) (inest lock w=1) (ifile mix w=1) (iversion lock w=1 last_client=4210) caps={4210=pAsLsXs/-@10} | request lock dirfrag caps dirty authpin 0x7f15bc0074b0]
2011-07-28 21:35:27.990011 7f15c7989710 already auth_pinned [inode 1 [...2,head] / auth v23 pv24 ap=2+0 snaprealm=0x7f15bc0179a0 f(v1 m2011-07-28 21:35:25.001595 9=8+1) n(v1 rc2011-07-28 21:26:19.116099 7=6+1)/n(v0 1=0+1) (inest lock w=1) (ifile mix w=1) (iversion lock w=1 last_client=4210) caps={4210=pAsLsXs/-@10} | request lock dirfrag caps dirty authpin 0x7f15bc0074b0]
2011-07-28 21:35:27.990034 7f15c7989710 rdlock_start on (isnap sync) on [inode 1 [...2,head] / auth v23 pv24 ap=2+0 snaprealm=0x7f15bc0179a0 f(v1 m2011-07-28 21:35:25.001595 9=8+1) n(v1 rc2011-07-28 21:26:19.116099 7=6+1)/n(v0 1=0+1) (inest lock w=1) (ifile mix w=1) (iversion lock w=1 last_client=4210) caps={4210=pAsLsXs/-@10} | request lock dirfrag caps dirty authpin 0x7f15bc0074b0]
2011-07-28 21:35:27.990070 7f15c7989710 got rdlock on (isnap sync r=1) [inode 1 [...2,head] / auth v23 pv24 ap=2+0 snaprealm=0x7f15bc0179a0 f(v1 m2011-07-28 21:35:25.001595 9=8+1) n(v1 rc2011-07-28 21:26:19.116099 7=6+1)/n(v0 1=0+1) (isnap sync r=1) (inest lock w=1) (ifile mix w=1) (iversion lock w=1 last_client=4210) caps={4210=pAsLsXs/-@10} | request lock dirfrag caps dirty authpin 0x7f15bc0074b0]
2011-07-28 21:35:27.990093 7f15c7989710 rdlock_start on (ifile mix w=1) on [inode 1 [...2,head] / auth v23 pv24 ap=2+0 snaprealm=0x7f15bc0179a0 f(v1 m2011-07-28 21:35:25.001595 9=8+1) n(v1 rc2011-07-28 21:26:19.116099 7=6+1)/n(v0 1=0+1) (isnap sync r=1) (inest lock w=1) (ifile mix w=1) (iversion lock w=1 last_client=4210) caps={4210=pAsLsXs/-@10} | request lock dirfrag caps dirty authpin 0x7f15bc0074b0]
2011-07-28 21:35:27.990124 7f15c7989710 simple_sync on (ifile mix w=1) on [inode 1 [...2,head] / auth v23 pv24 ap=2+0 snaprealm=0x7f15bc0179a0 f(v1 m2011-07-28 21:35:25.001595 9=8+1) n(v1 rc2011-07-28 21:26:19.116099 7=6+1)/n(v0 1=0+1) (isnap sync r=1) (inest lock w=1) (ifile mix w=1) (iversion lock w=1 last_client=4210) caps={4210=pAsLsXs/-@10} | request lock dirfrag caps dirty authpin 0x7f15bc0074b0]
2011-07-28 21:35:27.990148 7f15c7989710 mds0.cache.ino(1) auth_pin by 0x7f15bc007c00 on [inode 1 [...2,head] / auth v23 pv24 ap=3+0 snaprealm=0x7f15bc0179a0 f(v1 m2011-07-28 21:35:25.001595 9=8+1) n(v1 rc2011-07-28 21:26:19.116099 7=6+1)/n(v0 1=0+1) (isnap sync r=1) (inest lock w=1) (ifile mix->sync w=1) (iversion lock w=1 last_client=4210) caps={4210=pAsLsXs/-@10} | request lock dirfrag caps dirty authpin 0x7f15bc0074b0] now 3+0
2011-07-28 21:35:27.990171 7f15c7989710 rdlock_start waiting on (ifile mix->sync w=1) on [inode 1 [...2,head] / auth v23 pv24 ap=3+0 snaprealm=0x7f15bc0179a0 f(v1 m2011-07-28 21:35:25.001595 9=8+1) n(v1 rc2011-07-28 21:26:19.116099 7=6+1)/n(v0 1=0+1) (isnap sync r=1) (inest lock w=1) (ifile mix->sync w=1) (iversion lock w=1 last_client=4210) caps={4210=pAsLsXs/-@10} | request lock dirfrag caps dirty authpin 0x7f15bc0074b0]
2011-07-28 21:35:27.990188 7f15c7989710 mds0.cache.ino(1) add_waiter tag 40000000 0x7f15bc0246f0 !ambig 1 !frozen 1 !freezing 1
2011-07-28 21:35:27.990195 7f15c7989710 mds0.cache.ino(1) taking waiter here
2011-07-28 21:35:27.990219 7f15c7989710 nudge_log (ifile mix->sync w=1) on [inode 1 [...2,head] / auth v23 pv24 ap=3+0 snaprealm=0x7f15bc0179a0 f(v1 m2011-07-28 21:35:25.001595 9=8+1) n(v1 rc2011-07-28 21:26:19.116099 7=6+1)/n(v0 1=0+1) (isnap sync r=1) (inest lock w=1) (ifile mix->sync w=1) (iversion lock w=1 last_client=4210) caps={4210=pAsLsXs/-@10} | request lock dirfrag caps dirty waiter authpin 0x7f15bc0074b0]
2011-07-28 21:35:28.017405 7f15c7989710 mds0.cache.dir(1) link_primary_inode [dentry #1/foo44 [2,head] auth NULL (dn xlockdone l=1 x=1) (dversion lock w=1 last_client=4210) pv=44 v=43 ap=2+0 inode=0 | request lock authpin clientlease 0x7f158800c960] [inode 10000000008 [2,head] {#10000000008 /foo44} auth v44 s=0 n(v0 1=1+0) (iauth excl) (ifile excl) (ixattr excl) (iversion lock) cr={4210=0-4194304@1} caps={4210=pAsxLsXsxFsxcrwb/-@2},l=4210 | request caps 0x7f15bc012490]
2011-07-28 21:35:28.017469 7f15c7989710 mds0.cache.ino(10000000008) mark_dirty [inode 10000000008 [2,head] /foo44 auth v43 s=0 n(v0 1=1+0) (iauth excl) (ifile excl) (ixattr excl) (iversion lock) cr={4210=0-4194304@1} caps={4210=pAsxLsXsxFsxcrwb/-@2},l=4210 | request caps 0x7f15bc012490]
2011-07-28 21:35:28.017485 7f15c7989710 mds0.cache.den(1 foo44) mark_dirty [dentry #1/foo44 [2,head] auth (dn xlockdone l=1 x=1) (dversion lock w=1 last_client=4210) pv=44 v=43 ap=2+0 inode=0x7f15bc012490 | request lock inodepin authpin clientlease 0x7f158800c960]
2011-07-28 21:35:28.017508 7f15c7989710 mds0.cache.dir(1) mark_dirty (already dirty) [dir 1 / [2,head] auth pv=45 v=44 cv=0/0 dir_auth=0 ap=1+2+2 state=1610612738|complete f(v1 m2011-07-28 21:35:25.001595 9=8+1) n(v1 rc2011-07-28 21:35:25.001595 9=8+1)/n(v1 rc2011-07-28 21:26:19.116099 7=6+1) hs=10+0,ss=0+0 dirty=9 | child subtree dirty authpin 0x7f1588001540] version 44
2011-07-28 21:35:28.017535 7f15c7989710 mds0.cache.ino(1) pop_and_dirty_projected_inode 0x7f15bc0243c0 v24
2011-07-28 21:35:28.017561 7f15c7989710 mds0.cache.ino(1) mark_dirty [inode 1 [...2,head] / auth v23 pv24 ap=3+0 snaprealm=0x7f15bc0179a0 f(v1 m2011-07-28 21:35:25.001595 9=8+1) n(v1 rc2011-07-28 21:26:19.116099 7=6+1)/n(v0 1=0+1) (isnap sync r=1) (inest lock w=1) (ifile mix->sync w=1) (iversion lock w=1 last_client=4210) caps={4210=pAsLsXs/-@10} | request lock dirfrag caps dirty waiter authpin 0x7f15bc0074b0]
2011-07-28 21:35:28.017570 7f15c7989710 mds0.cache.dir(1) pop_and_dirty_projected_fnode 0x7f15bc024290 v45
2011-07-28 21:35:28.017589 7f15c7989710 mds0.cache.dir(1) mark_dirty (already dirty) [dir 1 / [2,head] auth pv=45 v=45 cv=0/0 dir_auth=0 ap=1+2+2 state=1610612738|complete f(v1 m2011-07-28 21:35:27.847888 10=9+1) n(v1 rc2011-07-28 21:35:27.847888 10=9+1)/n(v1 rc2011-07-28 21:26:19.116099 7=6+1) hs=10+0,ss=0+0 dirty=9 | child subtree dirty authpin 0x7f1588001540] version 45
2011-07-28 21:35:28.017609 7f15c7989710 mds0.cache send_dentry_link [dentry #1/foo44 [2,head] auth (dn xlockdone l=1 x=1) (dversion lock w=1 last_client=4210) v=44 ap=2+0 inode=0x7f15bc012490 | request lock inodepin dirty authpin clientlease 0x7f158800c960]
2011-07-28 21:35:28.017635 7f15c7989710 mds0.server reply_request 0 (Success) client_request(client4210:10 mknod #1/foo44)
2011-07-28 21:35:28.017646 7f15c7989710 mds0.server apply_allocated_inos 0 / [100000003f0~1] / 10000000008
2011-07-28 21:35:28.017656 7f15c7989710 mds0.inotable: apply_alloc_ids [100000003f0~1] to [100000003f1~1fffffffc0e]/[100000003f0~1fffffffc0f]
2011-07-28 21:35:28.017673 7f15c7989710 xlock_finish on (dn xlockdone l=1 x=1) [dentry #1/foo44 [2,head] auth (dn xlockdone l=1 x=1) (dversion lock w=1 last_client=4210) v=44 ap=2+0 inode=0x7f15bc012490 | request lock inodepin dirty authpin clientlease 0x7f158800c960]
2011-07-28 21:35:28.017697 7f15c7989710 eval_gather (dn xlockdone l=1) on [dentry #1/foo44 [2,head] auth (dn xlockdone l=1) (dversion lock w=1 last_client=4210) v=44 ap=2+0 inode=0x7f15bc012490 | request lock inodepin dirty authpin clientlease 0x7f158800c960]
2011-07-28 21:35:28.017712 7f15c7989710 eval_gather finished gather on (dn xlockdone l=1) on [dentry #1/foo44 [2,head] auth (dn xlockdone l=1) (dversion lock w=1 last_client=4210) v=44 ap=2+0 inode=0x7f15bc012490 | request lock inodepin dirty authpin clientlease 0x7f158800c960]
2011-07-28 21:35:28.017725 7f15c7989710 mds0.cache.den(1 foo44) auth_unpin by 0x7f158800cab0 on [dentry #1/foo44 [2,head] auth (dn sync l=1) (dversion lock w=1 last_client=4210) v=44 ap=1+0 inode=0x7f15bc012490 | request lock inodepin dirty authpin clientlease 0x7f158800c960] now 1+0
2011-07-28 21:35:28.017751 7f15c7989710 mds0.cache.dir(1) adjust_nested_auth_pins -1/-1 on [dir 1 / [2,head] auth v=45 cv=0/0 dir_auth=0 ap=1+1+1 state=1610612738|complete f(v1 m2011-07-28 21:35:27.847888 10=9+1) n(v1 rc2011-07-28 21:35:27.847888 10=9+1)/n(v1 rc2011-07-28 21:26:19.116099 7=6+1) hs=10+0,ss=0+0 dirty=9 | child subtree dirty authpin 0x7f1588001540] by 0x7f158800cab0 count now 1 + 1
2011-07-28 21:35:28.017765 7f15c7989710 simple_eval (dn sync l=1) on [dentry #1/foo44 [2,head] auth (dn sync l=1) (dversion lock w=1 last_client=4210) v=44 ap=1+0 inode=0x7f15bc012490 | request lock inodepin dirty authpin clientlease 0x7f158800c960]
2011-07-28 21:35:28.017779 7f15c7989710 local_wrlock_finish on (dversion lock w=1 last_client=4210) on [dentry #1/foo44 [2,head] auth (dn sync l=1) (dversion lock w=1 last_client=4210) v=44 ap=1+0 inode=0x7f15bc012490 | request lock inodepin dirty authpin clientlease 0x7f158800c960]
2011-07-28 21:35:28.017804 7f15c7989710 local_wrlock_finish on (iversion lock w=1 last_client=4210) on [inode 1 [...2,head] / auth v24 ap=3+0 snaprealm=0x7f15bc0179a0 f(v1 m2011-07-28 21:35:27.847888 10=9+1) n(v1 rc2011-07-28 21:26:19.116099 7=6+1)/n(v0 1=0+1) (isnap sync r=1) (inest lock w=1) (ifile mix->sync w=1) (iversion lock w=1 last_client=4210) caps={4210=pAsLsXs/-@10} | request lock dirfrag caps dirty waiter authpin 0x7f15bc0074b0]
2011-07-28 21:35:28.017843 7f15c7989710 wrlock_finish on (ifile mix->sync w=1) on [inode 1 [...2,head] / auth v24 ap=3+0 snaprealm=0x7f15bc0179a0 f(v1 m2011-07-28 21:35:27.847888 10=9+1) n(v1 rc2011-07-28 21:26:19.116099 7=6+1)/n(v0 1=0+1) (isnap sync r=1) (inest lock w=1) (ifile mix->sync w=1) (iversion lock) caps={4210=pAsLsXs/-@10} | request lock dirfrag caps dirty waiter authpin 0x7f15bc0074b0]
2011-07-28 21:35:28.017867 7f15c7989710 eval_gather (ifile mix->sync) on [inode 1 [...2,head] / auth v24 ap=3+0 snaprealm=0x7f15bc0179a0 f(v1 m2011-07-28 21:35:27.847888 10=9+1) n(v1 rc2011-07-28 21:26:19.116099 7=6+1)/n(v0 1=0+1) (isnap sync r=1) (inest lock w=1) (ifile mix->sync) (iversion lock) caps={4210=pAsLsXs/-@10} | request lock dirfrag caps dirty waiter authpin 0x7f15bc0074b0]
2011-07-28 21:35:28.017885 7f15c7989710 next state is sync issued/allows loner /scr xlocker /scr other /scr
2011-07-28 21:35:28.017907 7f15c7989710 eval_gather finished gather on (ifile mix->sync) on [inode 1 [...2,head] / auth v24 ap=3+0 snaprealm=0x7f15bc0179a0 f(v1 m2011-07-28 21:35:27.847888 10=9+1) n(v1 rc2011-07-28 21:26:19.116099 7=6+1)/n(v0 1=0+1) (isnap sync r=1) (inest lock w=1) (ifile mix->sync) (iversion lock) caps={4210=pAsLsXs/-@10} | request lock dirfrag caps dirty waiter authpin 0x7f15bc0074b0]
2011-07-28 21:35:28.017930 7f15c7989710 mds0.cache.ino(1) auth_unpin by 0x7f15bc007c00 on [inode 1 [...2,head] / auth v24 ap=2+0 snaprealm=0x7f15bc0179a0 f(v1 m2011-07-28 21:35:27.847888 10=9+1) n(v1 rc2011-07-28 21:26:19.116099 7=6+1)/n(v0 1=0+1) (isnap sync r=1) (inest lock w=1) (iversion lock) caps={4210=pAsLsXs/-@10} | request lock dirfrag caps dirty waiter authpin 0x7f15bc0074b0] now 2+0
2011-07-28 21:35:28.017951 7f15c7989710 mds0.server dispatch_client_request client_request(client4210:11 getattr pAsLsXsFs #1)
2011-07-28 21:35:28.017961 7f15c7989710 mds0.server rdlock_path_pin_ref request(client4210:11 cr=0x7f15a4001420) #1
2011-07-28 21:35:28.017969 7f15c7989710 mds0.cache traverse: opening base ino 1 snap head
2011-07-28 21:35:28.017977 7f15c7989710 mds0.cache path_traverse finish on snapid head
2011-07-28 21:35:28.017998 7f15c7989710 mds0.server ref is [inode 1 [...2,head] / auth v24 ap=2+0 snaprealm=0x7f15bc0179a0 f(v1 m2011-07-28 21:35:27.847888 10=9+1) n(v1 rc2011-07-28 21:26:19.116099 7=6+1)/n(v0 1=0+1) (isnap sync r=1) (inest lock w=1) (iversion lock) caps={4210=pAsLsXs/-@10} | request lock dirfrag caps dirty authpin 0x7f15bc0074b0]
2011-07-28 21:35:28.018009 7f15c7989710 acquire_locks request(client4210:11 cr=0x7f15a4001420)
2011-07-28 21:35:28.018030 7f15c7989710 must rdlock (iauth sync) [inode 1 [...2,head] / auth v24 ap=2+0 snaprealm=0x7f15bc0179a0 f(v1 m2011-07-28 21:35:27.847888 10=9+1) n(v1 rc2011-07-28 21:26:19.116099 7=6+1)/n(v0 1=0+1) (isnap sync r=1) (inest lock w=1) (iversion lock) caps={4210=pAsLsXs/-@10} | request lock dirfrag caps dirty authpin 0x7f15bc0074b0]
2011-07-28 21:35:28.018058 7f15c7989710 must rdlock (ilink sync) [inode 1 [...2,head] / auth v24 ap=2+0 snaprealm=0x7f15bc0179a0 f(v1 m2011-07-28 21:35:27.847888 10=9+1) n(v1 rc2011-07-28 21:26:19.116099 7=6+1)/n(v0 1=0+1) (isnap sync r=1) (inest lock w=1) (iversion lock) caps={4210=pAsLsXs/-@10} | request lock dirfrag caps dirty authpin 0x7f15bc0074b0]
2011-07-28 21:35:28.018078 7f15c7989710 must rdlock (ifile sync) [inode 1 [...2,head] / auth v24 ap=2+0 snaprealm=0x7f15bc0179a0 f(v1 m2011-07-28 21:35:27.847888 10=9+1) n(v1 rc2011-07-28 21:26:19.116099 7=6+1)/n(v0 1=0+1) (isnap sync r=1) (inest lock w=1) (iversion lock) caps={4210=pAsLsXs/-@10} | request lock dirfrag caps dirty authpin 0x7f15bc0074b0]
2011-07-28 21:35:28.018111 7f15c7989710 must rdlock (ixattr sync) [inode 1 [...2,head] / auth v24 ap=2+0 snaprealm=0x7f15bc0179a0 f(v1 m2011-07-28 21:35:27.847888 10=9+1) n(v1 rc2011-07-28 21:26:19.116099 7=6+1)/n(v0 1=0+1) (isnap sync r=1) (inest lock w=1) (iversion lock) caps={4210=pAsLsXs/-@10} | request lock dirfrag caps dirty authpin 0x7f15bc0074b0]
2011-07-28 21:35:28.018132 7f15c7989710 must rdlock (isnap sync r=1) [inode 1 [...2,head] / auth v24 ap=2+0 snaprealm=0x7f15bc0179a0 f(v1 m2011-07-28 21:35:27.847888 10=9+1) n(v1 rc2011-07-28 21:26:19.116099 7=6+1)/n(v0 1=0+1) (isnap sync r=1) (inest lock w=1) (iversion lock) caps={4210=pAsLsXs/-@10} | request lock dirfrag caps dirty authpin 0x7f15bc0074b0]
2011-07-28 21:35:28.018152 7f15c7989710 must authpin [inode 1 [...2,head] / auth v24 ap=2+0 snaprealm=0x7f15bc0179a0 f(v1 m2011-07-28 21:35:27.847888 10=9+1) n(v1 rc2011-07-28 21:26:19.116099 7=6+1)/n(v0 1=0+1) (isnap sync r=1) (inest lock w=1) (iversion lock) caps={4210=pAsLsXs/-@10} | request lock dirfrag caps dirty authpin 0x7f15bc0074b0]
2011-07-28 21:35:28.018178 7f15c7989710 must authpin [inode 1 [...2,head] / auth v24 ap=2+0 snaprealm=0x7f15bc0179a0 f(v1 m2011-07-28 21:35:27.847888 10=9+1) n(v1 rc2011-07-28 21:26:19.116099 7=6+1)/n(v0 1=0+1) (isnap sync r=1) (inest lock w=1) (iversion lock) caps={4210=pAsLsXs/-@10} | request lock dirfrag caps dirty authpin 0x7f15bc0074b0]
2011-07-28 21:35:28.018198 7f15c7989710 must authpin [inode 1 [...2,head] / auth v24 ap=2+0 snaprealm=0x7f15bc0179a0 f(v1 m2011-07-28 21:35:27.847888 10=9+1) n(v1 rc2011-07-28 21:26:19.116099 7=6+1)/n(v0 1=0+1) (isnap sync r=1) (inest lock w=1) (iversion lock) caps={4210=pAsLsXs/-@10} | request lock dirfrag caps dirty authpin 0x7f15bc0074b0]
2011-07-28 21:35:28.018218 7f15c7989710 must authpin [inode 1 [...2,head] / auth v24 ap=2+0 snaprealm=0x7f15bc0179a0 f(v1 m2011-07-28 21:35:27.847888 10=9+1) n(v1 rc2011-07-28 21:26:19.116099 7=6+1)/n(v0 1=0+1) (isnap sync r=1) (inest lock w=1) (iversion lock) caps={4210=pAsLsXs/-@10} | request lock dirfrag caps dirty authpin 0x7f15bc0074b0]
2011-07-28 21:35:28.018243 7f15c7989710 must authpin [inode 1 [...2,head] / auth v24 ap=2+0 snaprealm=0x7f15bc0179a0 f(v1 m2011-07-28 21:35:27.847888 10=9+1) n(v1 rc2011-07-28 21:26:19.116099 7=6+1)/n(v0 1=0+1) (isnap sync r=1) (inest lock w=1) (iversion lock) caps={4210=pAsLsXs/-@10} | request lock dirfrag caps dirty authpin 0x7f15bc0074b0]
2011-07-28 21:35:28.018263 7f15c7989710 already auth_pinned [inode 1 [...2,head] / auth v24 ap=2+0 snaprealm=0x7f15bc0179a0 f(v1 m2011-07-28 21:35:27.847888 10=9+1) n(v1 rc2011-07-28 21:26:19.116099 7=6+1)/n(v0 1=0+1) (isnap sync r=1) (inest lock w=1) (iversion lock) caps={4210=pAsLsXs/-@10} | request lock dirfrag caps dirty authpin 0x7f15bc0074b0]
2011-07-28 21:35:28.018300 7f15c7989710 already auth_pinned [inode 1 [...2,head] / auth v24 ap=2+0 snaprealm=0x7f15bc0179a0 f(v1 m2011-07-28 21:35:27.847888 10=9+1) n(v1 rc2011-07-28 21:26:19.116099 7=6+1)/n(v0 1=0+1) (isnap sync r=1) (inest lock w=1) (iversion lock) caps={4210=pAsLsXs/-@10} | request lock dirfrag caps dirty authpin 0x7f15bc0074b0]
2011-07-28 21:35:28.018327 7f15c7989710 already auth_pinned [inode 1 [...2,head] / auth v24 ap=2+0 snaprealm=0x7f15bc0179a0 f(v1 m2011-07-28 21:35:27.847888 10=9+1) n(v1 rc2011-07-28 21:26:19.116099 7=6+1)/n(v0 1=0+1) (isnap sync r=1) (inest lock w=1) (iversion lock) caps={4210=pAsLsXs/-@10} | request lock dirfrag caps dirty authpin 0x7f15bc0074b0]
2011-07-28 21:35:28.018347 7f15c7989710 already auth_pinned [inode 1 [...2,head] / auth v24 ap=2+0 snaprealm=0x7f15bc0179a0 f(v1 m2011-07-28 21:35:27.847888 10=9+1) n(v1 rc2011-07-28 21:26:19.116099 7=6+1)/n(v0 1=0+1) (isnap sync r=1) (inest lock w=1) (iversion lock) caps={4210=pAsLsXs/-@10} | request lock dirfrag caps dirty authpin 0x7f15bc0074b0]
2011-07-28 21:35:28.018367 7f15c7989710 already auth_pinned [inode 1 [...2,head] / auth v24 ap=2+0 snaprealm=0x7f15bc0179a0 f(v1 m2011-07-28 21:35:27.847888 10=9+1) n(v1 rc2011-07-28 21:26:19.116099 7=6+1)/n(v0 1=0+1) (isnap sync r=1) (inest lock w=1) (iversion lock) caps={4210=pAsLsXs/-@10} | request lock dirfrag caps dirty authpin 0x7f15bc0074b0]
2011-07-28 21:35:28.018400 7f15c7989710 already rdlocked (isnap sync r=1) [inode 1 [...2,head] / auth v24 ap=2+0 snaprealm=0x7f15bc0179a0 f(v1 m2011-07-28 21:35:27.847888 10=9+1) n(v1 rc2011-07-28 21:26:19.116099 7=6+1)/n(v0 1=0+1) (isnap sync r=1) (inest lock w=1) (iversion lock) caps={4210=pAsLsXs/-@10} | request lock dirfrag caps dirty authpin 0x7f15bc0074b0]
2011-07-28 21:35:28.018422 7f15c7989710 rdlock_start on (ifile sync) on [inode 1 [...2,head] / auth v24 ap=2+0 snaprealm=0x7f15bc0179a0 f(v1 m2011-07-28 21:35:27.847888 10=9+1) n(v1 rc2011-07-28 21:26:19.116099 7=6+1)/n(v0 1=0+1) (isnap sync r=1) (inest lock w=1) (iversion lock) caps={4210=pAsLsXs/-@10} | request lock dirfrag caps dirty authpin 0x7f15bc0074b0]
2011-07-28 21:35:28.018451 7f15c7989710 got rdlock on (ifile sync r=1) [inode 1 [...2,head] / auth v24 ap=2+0 snaprealm=0x7f15bc0179a0 f(v1 m2011-07-28 21:35:27.847888 10=9+1) n(v1 rc2011-07-28 21:26:19.116099 7=6+1)/n(v0 1=0+1) (isnap sync r=1) (inest lock w=1) (ifile sync r=1) (iversion lock) caps={4210=pAsLsXs/-@10} | request lock dirfrag caps dirty authpin 0x7f15bc0074b0]
2011-07-28 21:35:28.018472 7f15c7989710 rdlock_start on (iauth sync) on [inode 1 [...2,head] / auth v24 ap=2+0 snaprealm=0x7f15bc0179a0 f(v1 m2011-07-28 21:35:27.847888 10=9+1) n(v1 rc2011-07-28 21:26:19.116099 7=6+1)/n(v0 1=0+1) (isnap sync r=1) (inest lock w=1) (ifile sync r=1) (iversion lock) caps={4210=pAsLsXs/-@10} | request lock dirfrag caps dirty authpin 0x7f15bc0074b0]
2011-07-28 21:35:28.018495 7f15c7989710 got rdlock on (iauth sync r=1) [inode 1 [...2,head] / auth v24 ap=2+0 snaprealm=0x7f15bc0179a0 f(v1 m2011-07-28 21:35:27.847888 10=9+1) n(v1 rc2011-07-28 21:26:19.116099 7=6+1)/n(v0 1=0+1) (iauth sync r=1) (isnap sync r=1) (inest lock w=1) (ifile sync r=1) (iversion lock) caps={4210=pAsLsXs/-@10} | request lock dirfrag caps dirty authpin 0x7f15bc0074b0]
2011-07-28 21:35:28.018522 7f15c7989710 rdlock_start on (ilink sync) on [inode 1 [...2,head] / auth v24 ap=2+0 snaprealm=0x7f15bc0179a0 f(v1 m2011-07-28 21:35:27.847888 10=9+1) n(v1 rc2011-07-28 21:26:19.116099 7=6+1)/n(v0 1=0+1) (iauth sync r=1) (isnap sync r=1) (inest lock w=1) (ifile sync r=1) (iversion lock) caps={4210=pAsLsXs/-@10} | request lock dirfrag caps dirty authpin 0x7f15bc0074b0]
2011-07-28 21:35:28.018545 7f15c7989710 got rdlock on (ilink sync r=1) [inode 1 [...2,head] / auth v24 ap=2+0 snaprealm=0x7f15bc0179a0 f(v1 m2011-07-28 21:35:27.847888 10=9+1) n(v1 rc2011-07-28 21:26:19.116099 7=6+1)/n(v0 1=0+1) (iauth sync r=1) (ilink sync r=1) (isnap sync r=1) (inest lock w=1) (ifile sync r=1) (iversion lock) caps={4210=pAsLsXs/-@10} | request lock dirfrag caps dirty authpin 0x7f15bc0074b0]
2011-07-28 21:35:28.018573 7f15c7989710 rdlock_start on (ixattr sync) on [inode 1 [...2,head] / auth v24 ap=2+0 snaprealm=0x7f15bc0179a0 f(v1 m2011-07-28 21:35:27.847888 10=9+1) n(v1 rc2011-07-28 21:26:19.116099 7=6+1)/n(v0 1=0+1) (iauth sync r=1) (ilink sync r=1) (isnap sync r=1) (inest lock w=1) (ifile sync r=1) (iversion lock) caps={4210=pAsLsXs/-@10} | request lock dirfrag caps dirty authpin 0x7f15bc0074b0]
2011-07-28 21:35:28.018596 7f15c7989710 got rdlock on (ixattr sync r=1) [inode 1 [...2,head] / auth v24 ap=2+0 snaprealm=0x7f15bc0179a0 f(v1 m2011-07-28 21:35:27.847888 10=9+1) n(v1 rc2011-07-28 21:26:19.116099 7=6+1)/n(v0 1=0+1) (iauth sync r=1) (ilink sync r=1) (isnap sync r=1) (inest lock w=1) (ifile sync r=1) (ixattr sync r=1) (iversion lock) caps={4210=pAsLsXs/-@10} | request lock dirfrag caps dirty authpin 0x7f15bc0074b0]
2011-07-28 21:35:28.018613 7f15c7989710 mds0.server reply to stat on client_request(client4210:11 getattr pAsLsXsFs #1)
2011-07-28 21:35:28.018627 7f15c7989710 mds0.server reply_request 0 (Success) client_request(client4210:11 getattr pAsLsXsFs #1)
2011-07-28 21:35:28.018645 7f15c7989710 mds0.server apply_allocated_inos 0 / [] / 0
2011-07-28 21:35:28.018665 7f15c7989710 mds0.server lat 0.029274
2011-07-28 21:35:28.018674 7f15c7989710 mds0.server set_trace_dist snapid head
2011-07-28 21:35:28.018685 7f15c7989710 mds0.server set_trace_dist snaprealm snaprealm(1 seq 1 lc 0 cr 0 cps 1 snaps={} 0x7f15bc0179a0) len=48
2011-07-28 21:35:28.018696 7f15c7989710 mds0.cache.ino(1) pfile 0 pauth 0 plink 0 pxattr 0 plocal 0 ctime 2011-07-28 21:35:27.847888 valid=1
2011-07-28 21:35:28.018710 7f15c7989710 mds0.cache.ino(1) encode_inodestat issueing pAsLsXsFs seq 11
2011-07-28 21:35:28.018721 7f15c7989710 mds0.cache.ino(1) encode_inodestat caps pAsLsXsFs seq 11 mseq 0 xattrv 0 len 0
2011-07-28 21:35:28.018755 7f15c7989710 mds0.server set_trace_dist added in [inode 1 [...2,head] / auth v24 ap=2+0 snaprealm=0x7f15bc0179a0 f(v1 m2011-07-28 21:35:27.847888 10=9+1) n(v1 rc2011-07-28 21:26:19.116099 7=6+1)/n(v0 1=0+1) (iauth sync r=1) (ilink sync r=1) (isnap sync r=1) (inest lock w=1) (ifile sync r=1) (ixattr sync r=1) (iversion lock) caps={4210=pAsLsXsFs/-@11} | request lock dirfrag caps dirty authpin 0x7f15bc0074b0]
2011-07-28 21:35:28.018781 7f15c7989710 mds0.cache request_finish request(client4210:11 cr=0x7f15a4001420)
2011-07-28 21:35:28.018790 7f15c7989710 mds0.cache request_cleanup request(client4210:11 cr=0x7f15a4001420)
2011-07-28 21:35:28.018819 7f15c7989710 rdlock_finish on (iauth sync) on [inode 1 [...2,head] / auth v24 ap=2+0 snaprealm=0x7f15bc0179a0 f(v1 m2011-07-28 21:35:27.847888 10=9+1) n(v1 rc2011-07-28 21:26:19.116099 7=6+1)/n(v0 1=0+1) (ilink sync r=1) (isnap sync r=1) (inest lock w=1) (ifile sync r=1) (ixattr sync r=1) (iversion lock) caps={4210=pAsLsXsFs/-@11} | request lock dirfrag caps dirty authpin 0x7f15bc0074b0]
2011-07-28 21:35:28.018844 7f15c7989710 simple_eval (iauth sync) on [inode 1 [...2,head] / auth v24 ap=2+0 snaprealm=0x7f15bc0179a0 f(v1 m2011-07-28 21:35:27.847888 10=9+1) n(v1 rc2011-07-28 21:26:19.116099 7=6+1)/n(v0 1=0+1) (ilink sync r=1) (isnap sync r=1) (inest lock w=1) (ifile sync r=1) (ixattr sync r=1) (iversion lock) caps={4210=pAsLsXsFs/-@11} | request lock dirfrag caps dirty authpin 0x7f15bc0074b0]
2011-07-28 21:35:28.018879 7f15c7989710 rdlock_finish on (ilink sync) on [inode 1 [...2,head] / auth v24 ap=2+0 snaprealm=0x7f15bc0179a0 f(v1 m2011-07-28 21:35:27.847888 10=9+1) n(v1 rc2011-07-28 21:26:19.116099 7=6+1)/n(v0 1=0+1) (isnap sync r=1) (inest lock w=1) (ifile sync r=1) (ixattr sync r=1) (iversion lock) caps={4210=pAsLsXsFs/-@11} | request lock dirfrag caps dirty authpin 0x7f15bc0074b0]
2011-07-28 21:35:28.018902 7f15c7989710 simple_eval (ilink sync) on [inode 1 [...2,head] / auth v24 ap=2+0 snaprealm=0x7f15bc0179a0 f(v1 m2011-07-28 21:35:27.847888 10=9+1) n(v1 rc2011-07-28 21:26:19.116099 7=6+1)/n(v0 1=0+1) (isnap sync r=1) (inest lock w=1) (ifile sync r=1) (ixattr sync r=1) (iversion lock) caps={4210=pAsLsXsFs/-@11} | request lock dirfrag caps dirty authpin 0x7f15bc0074b0]
2011-07-28 21:35:28.018932 7f15c7989710 rdlock_finish on (ifile sync) on [inode 1 [...2,head] / auth v24 ap=2+0 snaprealm=0x7f15bc0179a0 f(v1 m2011-07-28 21:35:27.847888 10=9+1) n(v1 rc2011-07-28 21:26:19.116099 7=6+1)/n(v0 1=0+1) (isnap sync r=1) (inest lock w=1) (ixattr sync r=1) (iversion lock) caps={4210=pAsLsXsFs/-@11} | request lock dirfrag caps dirty authpin 0x7f15bc0074b0]
2011-07-28 21:35:28.018954 7f15c7989710 file_eval wanted= loner_wanted= other_wanted= filelock=(ifile sync) on [inode 1 [...2,head] / auth v24 ap=2+0 snaprealm=0x7f15bc0179a0 f(v1 m2011-07-28 21:35:27.847888 10=9+1) n(v1 rc2011-07-28 21:26:19.116099 7=6+1)/n(v0 1=0+1) (isnap sync r=1) (inest lock w=1) (ixattr sync r=1) (iversion lock) caps={4210=pAsLsXsFs/-@11} | request lock dirfrag caps dirty authpin 0x7f15bc0074b0]
2011-07-28 21:35:28.018978 7f15c7989710 rdlock_finish on (ixattr sync) on [inode 1 [...2,head] / auth v24 ap=2+0 snaprealm=0x7f15bc0179a0 f(v1 m2011-07-28 21:35:27.847888 10=9+1) n(v1 rc2011-07-28 21:26:19.116099 7=6+1)/n(v0 1=0+1) (isnap sync r=1) (inest lock w=1) (iversion lock) caps={4210=pAsLsXsFs/-@11} | request lock dirfrag caps dirty authpin 0x7f15bc0074b0]
2011-07-28 21:35:28.019015 7f15c7989710 simple_eval (ixattr sync) on [inode 1 [...2,head] / auth v24 ap=2+0 snaprealm=0x7f15bc0179a0 f(v1 m2011-07-28 21:35:27.847888 10=9+1) n(v1 rc2011-07-28 21:26:19.116099 7=6+1)/n(v0 1=0+1) (isnap sync r=1) (inest lock w=1) (iversion lock) caps={4210=pAsLsXsFs/-@11} | request lock dirfrag caps dirty authpin 0x7f15bc0074b0]
2011-07-28 21:35:28.019038 7f15c7989710 rdlock_finish on (isnap sync) on [inode 1 [...2,head] / auth v24 ap=2+0 snaprealm=0x7f15bc0179a0 f(v1 m2011-07-28 21:35:27.847888 10=9+1) n(v1 rc2011-07-28 21:26:19.116099 7=6+1)/n(v0 1=0+1) (inest lock w=1) (iversion lock) caps={4210=pAsLsXsFs/-@11} | request lock dirfrag caps dirty authpin 0x7f15bc0074b0]
2011-07-28 21:35:28.019058 7f15c7989710 simple_eval (isnap sync) on [inode 1 [...2,head] / auth v24 ap=2+0 snaprealm=0x7f15bc0179a0 f(v1 m2011-07-28 21:35:27.847888 10=9+1) n(v1 rc2011-07-28 21:26:19.116099 7=6+1)/n(v0 1=0+1) (inest lock w=1) (iversion lock) caps={4210=pAsLsXsFs/-@11} | request lock dirfrag caps dirty authpin 0x7f15bc0074b0]
2011-07-28 21:35:28.019086 7f15c7989710 mds0.cache.ino(1) auth_unpin by 0x7f15bc028010 on [inode 1 [...2,head] / auth v24 ap=1+0 snaprealm=0x7f15bc0179a0 f(v1 m2011-07-28 21:35:27.847888 10=9+1) n(v1 rc2011-07-28 21:26:19.116099 7=6+1)/n(v0 1=0+1) (inest lock w=1) (iversion lock) caps={4210=pAsLsXsFs/-@11} | request lock dirfrag caps dirty authpin 0x7f15bc0074b0] now 1+0
2011-07-28 21:35:28.019121 7f15c7989710 file_eval wanted= loner_wanted= other_wanted= filelock=(ifile sync) on [inode 1 [...2,head] / auth v24 ap=1+0 snaprealm=0x7f15bc0179a0 f(v1 m2011-07-28 21:35:27.847888 10=9+1) n(v1 rc2011-07-28 21:26:19.116099 7=6+1)/n(v0 1=0+1) (inest lock w=1) (iversion lock) caps={4210=pAsLsXsFs/-@11} | lock dirfrag caps dirty authpin 0x7f15bc0074b0]
2011-07-28 21:35:28.019152 7f15c7989710 wrlock_finish on (inest lock w=1) on [inode 1 [...2,head] / auth v24 ap=1+0 snaprealm=0x7f15bc0179a0 f(v1 m2011-07-28 21:35:27.847888 10=9+1) n(v1 rc2011-07-28 21:26:19.116099 7=6+1)/n(v0 1=0+1) (inest lock w=1) (iversion lock) caps={4210=pAsLsXsFs/-@11} | lock dirfrag caps dirty authpin 0x7f15bc0074b0]
2011-07-28 21:35:28.019174 7f15c7989710 scatter_eval (inest lock) on [inode 1 [...2,head] / auth v24 ap=1+0 snaprealm=0x7f15bc0179a0 f(v1 m2011-07-28 21:35:27.847888 10=9+1) n(v1 rc2011-07-28 21:26:19.116099 7=6+1)/n(v0 1=0+1) (inest lock) (iversion lock) caps={4210=pAsLsXsFs/-@11} | dirfrag caps dirty authpin 0x7f15bc0074b0]
2011-07-28 21:35:28.019202 7f15c7989710 issue_caps allowed=pAsLsXsFscr, xlocker allowed=pAsLsXsFscr on [inode 1 [...2,head] / auth v24 ap=1+0 snaprealm=0x7f15bc0179a0 f(v1 m2011-07-28 21:35:27.847888 10=9+1) n(v1 rc2011-07-28 21:26:19.116099 7=6+1)/n(v0 1=0+1) (inest lock) (iversion lock) caps={4210=pAsLsXsFs/-@11} | dirfrag caps dirty authpin 0x7f15bc0074b0]
2011-07-28 21:35:28.019223 7f15c7989710 client4210 pending pAsLsXsFs allowed pAsLsXsFscr wanted -
2011-07-28 21:35:28.019235 7f15c7989710 mds0.cache request_finish request(client4210:10 cr=0x7f15a40011a0)
2011-07-28 21:35:28.019243 7f15c7989710 mds0.cache request_cleanup request(client4210:10 cr=0x7f15a40011a0)
2011-07-28 21:35:28.019281 7f15c7989710 mds0.cache.dir(1) auth_unpin by 0x7f15bc017ee0 on [dir 1 / [2,head] auth v=45 cv=0/0 dir_auth=0 ap=0+1+1 state=1610612738|complete f(v1 m2011-07-28 21:35:27.847888 10=9+1) n(v1 rc2011-07-28 21:35:27.847888 10=9+1)/n(v1 rc2011-07-28 21:26:19.116099 7=6+1) hs=10+0,ss=0+0 dirty=9 | child subtree dirty 0x7f1588001540] count now 0 + 1
2011-07-28 21:35:28.019301 7f15c7989710 mds0.cache.den(1 foo44) auth_unpin by 0x7f15bc017ee0 on [dentry #1/foo44 [2,head] auth (dn sync l=1) (dversion lock) v=44 inode=0x7f15bc012490 | request inodepin dirty clientlease 0x7f158800c960] now 0+0
2011-07-28 21:35:28.019334 7f15c7989710 mds0.cache.dir(1) adjust_nested_auth_pins -1/-1 on [dir 1 / [2,head] auth v=45 cv=0/0 dir_auth=0 state=1610612738|complete f(v1 m2011-07-28 21:35:27.847888 10=9+1) n(v1 rc2011-07-28 21:35:27.847888 10=9+1)/n(v1 rc2011-07-28 21:26:19.116099 7=6+1) hs=10+0,ss=0+0 dirty=9 | child subtree dirty 0x7f1588001540] by 0x7f15bc017ee0 count now 0 + 0
2011-07-28 21:35:28.019357 7f15c7989710 mds0.cache.ino(1) auth_unpin by 0x7f15bc017ee0 on [inode 1 [...2,head] / auth v24 snaprealm=0x7f15bc0179a0 f(v1 m2011-07-28 21:35:27.847888 10=9+1) n(v1 rc2011-07-28 21:26:19.116099 7=6+1)/n(v0 1=0+1) (inest lock) (iversion lock) caps={4210=pAsLsXsFs/-@11} | dirfrag caps dirty 0x7f15bc0074b0] now 0+0
2011-07-28 21:35:28.807648 7f15c6886710 mds0.2 beacon_send up:active seq 92 (currently up:active)
2011-07-28 21:35:28.808008 7f15c7989710 mds0.2 handle_mds_beacon up:active seq 92 rtt 0.000315
2011-07-28 21:35:31.686447 7f15c6886710 mds0.cache trim max=100000 cur=21
2011-07-28 21:35:31.686498 7f15c6886710 mds0.cache trim_client_leases
2011-07-28 21:35:31.701638 7f15c6886710 mds0.cache trim_client_leases pool 1 trimmed 0 leases, 3 left
2011-07-28 21:35:31.702161 7f15c6886710 mds0.cache check_memory_usage total 1094760, rss 3812, heap 88316, malloc 81 mmap 0, baseline 86212, buffers 0, max 1048576, 4 / 23 inodes have caps, 4 caps, 0.173913 caps per inode
2011-07-28 21:35:31.702177 7f15c6886710 mds0.log trim 2 / 30 segments, 33 / -1 events, 0 (0) expiring, 0 (0) expired
2011-07-28 21:35:31.702233 7f15c6886710 mds0.bal get_load mdsload<[0,1.17217 2.34433]/[0,0.811604 1.62321], req 0, hr 0, qlen 0, cpu 0>
2011-07-28 21:35:31.702254 7f15c6886710 scatter_tick
2011-07-28 21:35:31.702264 7f15c6886710 mds0.server find_idle_sessions. laggy until 0.000000
2011-07-28 21:35:31.702330 7f15c6886710 mds0.server laggiest active session is client4210
2011-07-28 21:35:31.702340 7f15c6886710 mds0.server laggiest active session is client4210 and sufficiently new (2011-07-28 21:35:21.616874)
2011-07-28 21:35:31.702365 7f15c6886710 mds0.bal tick last_sample now 2011-07-28 21:35:31.702361
2011-07-28 21:35:31.702407 7f15c6886710 mds0.bal get_load mdsload<[0,1.17217 2.34433]/[0,0.811604 1.62321], req 0, hr 0, qlen 0, cpu 0>
2011-07-28 21:35:31.702437 7f15c6886710 mds0.bal mds0 epoch 33 load mdsload<[0,1.17217 2.34433]/[0,0.811604 1.62321], req 0, hr 0, qlen 0, cpu 0>
2011-07-28 21:35:31.702448 7f15c6886710 mds0.snap check_osd_map - version unchanged
2011-07-28 21:35:32.807781 7f15c6886710 mds0.2 beacon_send up:active seq 93 (currently up:active)
2011-07-28 21:35:32.808177 7f15c7989710 mds0.2 handle_mds_beacon up:active seq 93 rtt 0.000345
2011-07-28 21:35:36.686517 7f15c6886710 mds0.cache trim max=100000 cur=21
2011-07-28 21:35:36.686560 7f15c6886710 mds0.cache trim_client_leases
2011-07-28 21:35:36.701474 7f15c6886710 mds0.cache trim_client_leases pool 1 trimmed 0 leases, 3 left
2011-07-28 21:35:36.701957 7f15c6886710 mds0.cache check_memory_usage total 1094760, rss 3812, heap 88316, malloc 81 mmap 0, baseline 86212, buffers 0, max 1048576, 4 / 23 inodes have caps, 4 caps, 0.173913 caps per inode
2011-07-28 21:35:36.701986 7f15c6886710 mds0.log trim 2 / 30 segments, 33 / -1 events, 0 (0) expiring, 0 (0) expired
2011-07-28 21:35:36.702044 7f15c6886710 mds0.bal get_load mdsload<[0,0.586099 1.1722]/[0,0.405813 0.811626], req 0, hr 0, qlen 0, cpu 0>
2011-07-28 21:35:36.702065 7f15c6886710 scatter_tick
2011-07-28 21:35:36.702075 7f15c6886710 mds0.server find_idle_sessions. laggy until 0.000000
2011-07-28 21:35:36.702089 7f15c6886710 mds0.server laggiest active session is client4210
2011-07-28 21:35:36.702100 7f15c6886710 mds0.server laggiest active session is client4210 and sufficiently new (2011-07-28 21:35:21.616874)
2011-07-28 21:35:36.702108 7f15c6886710 mds0.bal tick last_sample now 2011-07-28 21:35:36.702105
2011-07-28 21:35:36.702115 7f15c6886710 mds0.snap check_osd_map - version unchanged
2011-07-28 21:35:36.807915 7f15c6886710 mds0.2 beacon_send up:active seq 94 (currently up:active)
2011-07-28 21:35:36.808245 7f15c7989710 mds0.2 handle_mds_beacon up:active seq 94 rtt 0.000291
2011-07-28 21:35:38.741715 7f15c7989710 mds0.2 handle_command args: [injectargs,--debug-mds 0]