


Bug #750 » ceph.conf

changping Wu, 02/09/2011 07:49 PM

; Sample ceph ceph.conf file.
; This file defines cluster membership, the various locations
; that Ceph stores data, and any other runtime options.

; If a 'host' is defined for a daemon, the start/stop script will
; verify that it matches the hostname (or else ignore it). If it is
; not defined, it is assumed that the daemon is intended to start on
; the current host (e.g., in a setup with a startup.conf on each
; node).

; global
; enable secure authentication
;auth supported = cephx

; monitors
; You need at least one. You need at least three if you want to
; tolerate any node failures. Always create an odd number.
mon data = /opt/data/mon$id

; logging, for debugging monitor crashes, in order of
; their likelihood of being helpful :)
;debug ms = 1
;debug mon = 20
;debug paxos = 20
;debug auth = 20

host = ubuntu-client
mon addr =

;host = ubuntu-client
;mon addr =

;host = gamma
;mon addr =

; mds
; You need at least one. Define two to get a standby.
; where the mds keeps it's secret encryption keys
keyring = /opt/data/keyring.$name

; mds logging to debug issues.
;debug ms = 1
;debug mds = 20

host = ubuntu-client

host = ubuntu-client

; osd
; You need at least one. Two if you want data to be replicated.
; Define as many as you like.
; This is where the btrfs volume will be mounted.
osd data = /opt/data/osd$id

; Ideally, make this a separate disk or partition. A few
; hundred MB should be enough; more if you have fast or many
; disks. You can use a file under the osd data dir if need be
; (e.g. /data/osd$id/journal), but it will be slower than a
; separate disk or partition.
osd journal = /opt/data/osd$id/journal
osd journal size = 10000
; osd logging to debug osd issues, in order of likelihood of being
; helpful
;debug ms = 1
;debug osd = 20
;debug filestore = 20
;debug journal = 20

host = ubuntu-client

; if 'btrfs devs' is not specified, you're responsible for
; setting up the 'osd data' dir. if it is not btrfs, things
; will behave up until you try to recover from a crash (which
; usually fine for basic testing).
; btrfs devs = /dev/sdx

host = ubuntu-client
;btrfs devs = /dev/sdy

;host = ubuntu-client
;btrfs devs = /dev/sdx

;host = eta
;btrfs devs = /dev/sdy