


Run teuthology with OpenStack » History » Revision 10

Revision 9 (Loïc Dachary, 08/24/2015 03:04 PM) → Revision 10/21 (Loïc Dachary, 08/24/2015 03:33 PM)

h3. Creating an account 

 * Create a visa card at and credit it with X euros which is ~X x 10 jobs (i.e. 100 euros is ~1000 jobs). 
 * Create an OVH account at using the visa card 
 * Create an OpenStack user at 
 ** Click OpenStack  
 ** Click Create User 
 ** Copy the password (mind the extra space when C-c) 
 * Login at 
 * Download the credential file from 
 * Edit the credential file to hardcode the password 

 h3. Granting access to someone 

 * Send the following mail and attach the credential file 
 Subject: OpenStack credentials for teuthology 

 The attached OpenStack credentials give you access to an OpenStack cluster and a dedicated tenant, please save it as ~/ 
 You can give it a try by following the instructions at 

 It is pre-paid to allow you to run 500 teuthology jobs. It is very important that you do not exceed this limit and there is no mechanism to prevent you from doing so. If you're unsure how much you've used, feel free to ask and we'll check how much was spent. 

 The credentials found in the attached file can be used to login at and monitor the resources being used. The OS_TENANT_NAME variable is the login name and the OS_PASSWORD variable is the password. 


 h3. Monitoring the OpenStack usage 

 * Visit and click the *Billing* button for each account 
 ** *active* dl149449-ovh entroypay pre-paid visa ceph-1, 104.95 euros Abhishek Varshney <> 
 ** *unassigned* dl149461-ovh entroypay pre-paid visa ceph-2, 104.95 euros  

 h3. Funding 

 In the following *Income* is what is deposited on the paypal account (it is aliased to VOD Elephant, a company that no longer exists) and *Expense* is what is spent on prepaid visa cards associated with OpenStack accounts. 

 | *Date* | *Income* | *Expense* | 
 | 24/08/2015 | 500 euros | 209.90 euros |