


HOWTO announce a release » History » Version 6

Nathan Cutler, 07/13/2017 11:13 AM

1 2 Loïc Dachary
h3. HOWTO formally announce a release
2 1 Abhishek Lekshmanan
* Alfredo announces to QA Lead, Project Lead & Release manager once the final packages are cut
4 5 Abhishek Lekshmanan
5 6 Nathan Cutler
* Release manager to create the release notes by submitting a patch to <code>doc/release-notes.rst</code> as a PR targeting the master branch 
** Release notes are generated using the script <code>src/script/ceph-release-notes</code>
** Make manual corrections to components as much as possible in the release notes for easier tracking.
8 5 Abhishek Lekshmanan
9 4 Abhishek Lekshmanan
* Generate a changelog (this is only for backport releases) which could be done via 
10 1 Abhishek Lekshmanan
git log tags/<prev.release>..tags/<current.release>
13 6 Nathan Cutler
And submit the PR to master; on docs/changelog/<release-version>.txt
14 5 Abhishek Lekshmanan
15 6 Nathan Cutler
* Once updates with the above files, and the right urls are checked, do a blog post on with the correct links, this can be copy-pasted from the html rendered release notes, also the blog post can be saved as a draft in advance so that the publish button can be clicked once the packages are out.
16 5 Abhishek Lekshmanan
* Announce the email preferably with the plain text version of release notes, use discretion if the changelog is large.. in that case just a link to the blog might suffice with the major release announcements only in the email. The mail needs to be sent to ceph-announce, ceph-users, ceph-maintainers, ceph-devel lists
19 3 Abhishek Lekshmanan
* Inform Patrick (@scuttlemonkey) about the release so that @ceph tweets the release