


Feature #9255

Updated by Sage Weil over 9 years ago

add lock contraints: 


  - os-type 
  - os-version 
  - arch 

 we should make the strings match what teuthology-lock and downburst accept: 

 $ downburst list 
 centos:            ['6.3', '6.4', '6.5', '7.0'] 
 centos_minimal:            ['6.4', '6.5'] 
 debian:            ['6.0', '7.0'] 
 fedora:            ['17', '18', '19', '20'] 
 opensuse:          ['12.2'] 
 rhel:              ['6.3', '6.4', '6.5', '7.0', '7beta'] 
 rhel_minimal:              ['6.4', '6.5'] 
 sles:              ['11-sp2'] 
 ubuntu:            ['8.04(hardy)', '9.10(karmic)', '10.04(lucid)', '10.10(maverick)', '11.04(natty)', '11.10(oneiric)', '12.04(precise)', '12.10(quantal)', '13.04(raring)', '13.10(saucy)', '14.04(trusty)', 'utopic(utopic)'] 

 note for those ubuntu ones either the numeric or string names are valid. 

 teuthology-updatekeys should refresh these fields from the target machine as it is already run after we reimage a machine.    we coudl rename the command too, tho i have no strong opinion there. 

 ideally, each option could either be a string literal or a list of acceptable values. 

 Also, it would be nice to be able to blacklist, e.g.: 

  os-version-not: [precise, 6.5] 
