


Bug #43900

Updated by Ricardo Marques over 4 years ago

In order to manage iSCSI gateways from the UI, we have to add those gateways to Dashboard: 

 ceph dashboard iscsi-gateway-add <service_url> 

 if in the meanwhile, service URL has changed (e.g., from "http" to "https") we have to remove the gateway from Dashboard and add it again: 

 ceph dashboard iscsi-gateway-rm <name> iscsi-gateway-add <service_url> 
 ceph dashboard iscsi-gateway-add <service_url> iscsi-gateway-rm <name> 

 But Dashboard is preventing us from removing a gateway that is already part of the iSCSI configuration (ceph-iscsi). 

 This check should be removed, and the Dashboard should handle this situation gracefully, just like is done when ceph-iscsi API is down.
