17:22:44.782 Vdbench distribution: vdbench50402
17:22:44.785 input argument scanned: '-ffs_profiles/4k_r_s'
17:22:44.785 input argument scanned: '-oax'
17:22:44.785 java.vendor                   Oracle Corporation
17:22:44.785 java.home                     /usr/lib/jvm/java-7-openjdk-amd64/jre
17:22:44.785 java.vm.specification.version 1.7
17:22:44.785 java.vm.version               24.95-b01
17:22:44.786 java.vm.vendor                Oracle Corporation
17:22:44.786 java.specification.version    1.7
17:22:44.786 java.class.version            51.0
17:22:44.786 user.name                     root
17:22:44.786 user.dir                      /home/ems/vdbench_tests
17:22:44.786 java.class.path               ./vdbench/:./vdbench/classes:./vdbench/vdbench.jar
17:22:44.786 os.name                       Linux
17:22:44.786 os.arch                       amd64
17:22:44.786 os.version                    3.16.0-77-generic
17:22:44.786 sun.arch.data.model           64
17:22:44.801 Creating anchor for /home/ems/cephfs_mnt, fsd=fsd1
17:22:44.822 anchor=/home/ems/cephfs_mnt: there will be 1 directories and a maximum of 6 files under this anchor.
17:22:44.823 Estimated maximum size for this anchor: 6t
17:22:44.850 Starting slave: /home/ems/vdbench_tests/vdbench/vdbench SlaveJvm -m localhost -n localhost-10-160826- -l localhost-0 -p 5570   
17:22:45.110 Slave localhost-0 connected
17:22:45.161 All slaves are now connected

Link to Run Definitions:         rd1 For loops: None

17:22:45.265 slv=localhost-0,fwd=fwd1,fsd=fsd1,anchor=/home/ems/cephfs_mnt,operation=read
17:22:45.290 Waiting for synchronization of all slaves
17:22:45.590 Synchronization of all slaves complete
17:22:46.000 Starting RD=rd1; elapsed=120 warmup=10; fwdrate=max. For loops: None

17:22:46.001 Starting RD=rd1; elapsed=120 warmup=10; fwdrate=max. For loops: None

Aug 26, 2016 .Interval. .ReqstdOps.. ...cpu%...  read ....read.... ...write.... ..mb/sec... mb/sec .xfer.. ...mkdir... ...rmdir... ..create... ...open.... ...close... ..delete... ..getattr.. ..setattr..
                          rate  resp total  sys   pct   rate  resp   rate  resp  read write  total    size  rate  resp  rate  resp  rate  resp  rate  resp  rate  resp  rate  resp  rate  resp  rate  resp
17:22:47.043          1   76.0  2.81 � � 100.0   76.0  2.81    0.0  0.00  0.30  0.00   0.30    4096   0.0  0.00   0.0  0.00   0.0  0.00   6.0  0.65   0.0  0.00   0.0  0.00   0.0  0.00   0.0  0.00
17:22:48.054          2    0.0  0.00 � �   0.0    0.0  0.00    0.0  0.00  0.00  0.00   0.00       0   0.0  0.00   0.0  0.00   0.0  0.00   0.0  0.00   0.0  0.00   0.0  0.00   0.0  0.00   0.0  0.00
17:22:49.060          3    0.0  0.00 � �   0.0    0.0  0.00    0.0  0.00  0.00  0.00   0.00       0   0.0  0.00   0.0  0.00   0.0  0.00   0.0  0.00   0.0  0.00   0.0  0.00   0.0  0.00   0.0  0.00
17:22:50.054          4    0.0  0.00 � �   0.0    0.0  0.00    0.0  0.00  0.00  0.00   0.00       0   0.0  0.00   0.0  0.00   0.0  0.00   0.0  0.00   0.0  0.00   0.0  0.00   0.0  0.00   0.0  0.00
17:22:51.053          5    0.0  0.00 � �   0.0    0.0  0.00    0.0  0.00  0.00  0.00   0.00       0   0.0  0.00   0.0  0.00   0.0  0.00   0.0  0.00   0.0  0.00   0.0  0.00   0.0  0.00   0.0  0.00
17:22:52.052          6  585.0 56.12 � � 100.0  585.0 56.12    0.0  0.00  2.29  0.00   2.29    4096   0.0  0.00   0.0  0.00   0.0  0.00   0.0  0.00   0.0  0.00   0.0  0.00   0.0  0.00   0.0  0.00
17:22:53.054          7 1178.0  5.08 � � 100.0 1178.0  5.08    0.0  0.00  4.60  0.00   4.60    4096   0.0  0.00   0.0  0.00   0.0  0.00   0.0  0.00   0.0  0.00   0.0  0.00   0.0  0.00   0.0  0.00
17:22:54.050          8 1138.0  5.10 � � 100.0 1138.0  5.10    0.0  0.00  4.45  0.00   4.45    4096   0.0  0.00   0.0  0.00   0.0  0.00   0.0  0.00   0.0  0.00   0.0  0.00   0.0  0.00   0.0  0.00
17:22:55.048          9 1060.0  5.83 � � 100.0 1060.0  5.83    0.0  0.00  4.14  0.00   4.14    4096   0.0  0.00   0.0  0.00   0.0  0.00   0.0  0.00   0.0  0.00   0.0  0.00   0.0  0.00   0.0  0.00
17:22:56.047         10 1086.0  5.50 � � 100.0 1086.0  5.50    0.0  0.00  4.24  0.00   4.24    4096   0.0  0.00   0.0  0.00   0.0  0.00   0.0  0.00   0.0  0.00   0.0  0.00   0.0  0.00   0.0  0.00
17:22:57.046         11 1131.0  5.20 � � 100.0 1131.0  5.20    0.0  0.00  4.42  0.00   4.42    4096   0.0  0.00   0.0  0.00   0.0  0.00   0.0  0.00   0.0  0.00   0.0  0.00   0.0  0.00   0.0  0.00
17:22:57.411 Message from slave localhost-0: 
17:22:57.411 file=/home/ems/cephfs_mnt/vdb.1_1.dir/vdb_f0001.file,busy=true
17:22:57.411 file=/home/ems/cephfs_mnt/vdb.1_1.dir/vdb_f0002.file,busy=true
17:22:57.411 file=/home/ems/cephfs_mnt/vdb.1_1.dir/vdb_f0003.file,busy=true
17:22:57.411 file=/home/ems/cephfs_mnt/vdb.1_1.dir/vdb_f0004.file,busy=true
17:22:57.411 file=/home/ems/cephfs_mnt/vdb.1_1.dir/vdb_f0005.file,busy=true
17:22:57.411 file=/home/ems/cephfs_mnt/vdb.1_1.dir/vdb_f0006.file,busy=true
17:22:57.411 Thread: FwgThread read /home/ems/cephfs_mnt rd=rd1 For loops: None
17:22:57.411 last_ok_request: Fri Aug 26 17:22:45 IST 2016
17:22:57.411 Duration: 11.84 seconds
17:22:57.411 consecutive_blocks: 10001
17:22:57.411 last_block:         FILE_BUSY           File busy
17:22:57.411 operation:          read
17:22:57.411 Do you maybe have more threads running than that you have 
17:22:57.411 files and therefore some threads ultimately give up after 10000 tries?
17:22:57.412 **********************************************************
17:22:57.412 Slave localhost-0 aborting: Too many thread blocks
17:22:57.412 **********************************************************